1 Chapter 0. Review of Thermodynamics 1. Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 1.1 Thermal phenomena and thermodynamic systems Both thermodynamics and statistical mechanics are concerned with thermal phenomena or thermal properties of thermodynamic systems. Any phenomenon that depends on temperature is a thermal phenomenon, and any temperature-dependent property of a macroscopic system is a thermal property. Therefore, thermal phenomena and thermal properties of thermodynamic systems include almost any phenomena and any properties of any systems one can see on earth (Fig. 0.1.1). In the last century, these were extended to include objects in the sky and even our universe (Fig. 0.1.2). Figure 0.1.1 Examples of thermal phenomena and thermodynamic systems on earth. (a) A typical car in 1920’s. (b) A magnet floating above a superconductor (c) Bent rail-tracks in a hot summer. (c) A broken egg on a cup. Figure 0.1.2 Examples of thermal phenomena and thermodynamic systems in the sky. (a) Sun. (b) A white dwarf star. (c) A sketch of evolution of our universe. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 1 2 1.2 Scope of thermodynamics Thermodynamics is a phenomenological theory of matter. As such, it draws its concept directly from experiments. Thermodynamics was developed mainly in the first half of the 19th century by Carnot, Joule, Clausius, Kelvin and others. It consists of the establishment of three laws of thermodynamics and their applications. The laws of thermodynamics are the empirical laws which were drawn from a large part of our experience and a large number of experimental observations. Thus, theoretical conclusions from thermodynamics were found to be reliable and universal. 1.3 Roles of statistical mechanics However, thermodynamics cannot make predictions of the properties for any specific systems. Therefore, the quantities of a thermodynamic system such as heat capacity and equation of state can only be obtained by experimental measurements. Furthermore, a thermodynamic (macroscopic) system consists of a large number (typically 1023) of microscopic particles (e. g., molecules, atoms, electrons, photons), but thermodynamics does not concern itself with the dynamical behavior of these microscopic particles and hence provide not much insight into the law of thermodynamics. Therefore, in the second half of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century, after the establishment of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gas and statistical mechanics were developed by Joule, Clausius, Maxwell, Boltzmann (kinetic theory of gas), Gibbs, Bose, Fermi, Einstein, Planck and others. Kinetic theory of gases was rather successful in dealing with dilute gases but failed for condensed substances. On the other hand, statistical mechanics starts with the fact that a macroscopic system is made up by an extremely large number of microscopic particles. It is a formalism that aims at explaining the physical properties of a macroscopic system on the basis of the dynamical behavior of its microscopic particles. Thus, it is a first-principles theory. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 2 3 2. State Variables (or Parameters) and Equation of State K. Huang said “Thermodynamics has successfully described a large part of macroscopic experience, which is the concern of statistical mechanics. If we familiarize ourselves with thermodynamics, the task of statistical mechanics reduces to the explanation of thermodynamics.” 2.1 Thermodynamic (state) variables (parameters) A macroscopic system has an extremely large number of freedoms, only a few of which are measurable. Thermodynamics thus concerns itself with the relation between a small number of variables (parameters) which are sufficient to describe the bulk behavior of the system in question. Examples: (1) Pressure P, volume V, and temperature T for a gas or liquid. (2) Magnetic field B, magnetization M, and temperature T for a magnetic solid. 2.2 Steady state, equilibrium and state functions If the thermodynamic variables are independent of time, the system is in a steady state. If, furthermore, there are no macroscopic currents in the system (e.g., a flow of heat or particles), the system is in equilibrium. Any quantity which, in equilibrium, depends only on the thermodynamic variables, rather than on the history of the same quantity, is called a state function. The state variables can normally be taken to be either extensive (i.e., proportional to the size of the system) (e.g., the internal energy U, and the entropy S) or intensive (i.e., independent of the system size) (e.g., T, P, and the chemical potential ). 2.3 Equation of state In equilibrium, the state variables (thermodynamic parameters) are not all independent and thus are connected by equation of state. If P, V, T are the state variables of the system, the equation of state takes the form f ( P,V , T ) 0 which reduces the number of independent variables of the system from three to two. The function f is assumed to be given as part of the specification of the system in thermodynamics (e.g., determined experimentally). A role of statistical mechanics is the derivation from the dynamics of the constituent microscopic particles, of such equations of state. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 3 4 Examples of equation of state: a) The Gay-Lussac’s law for the idea gas Pv RT or PV nRT NkT which in fact defines a temperature scale. Here N (n) is the number of the molecules (moles) in the gas, R is the gas constant (8.314×103 J/kilomole-K ) and k = 1.38×10-23 J/K is Boltzmann’s constant. Figure 0.2.1 The ideal-gas temperature scale based on Gay-Lussac’s law. b) The van der Waals equation for a van der Waals gas (P a )(v b) RT 0 where a and b are constants. v is the mole volume of the gas. v2 Figure 0.2.2 (a) Typical intermolecular potential and (b) idealized intermolecular potential. c) The Curie law for a paramagnet M CB 0 where C is the Curie constant. T Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 4 5 It is customary to represent the state of a system a point in the multi-dimensional state variable space (e.g., P-V-T space). Figure 0.2.3 Illustration of the equation of state. 3. Laws of Thermodynamics 3.1 The first law of thermodynamics (the law of conservation of energy) It states that in an arbitrary thermodynamic transformation (a change of state) the quantity U Q W is the same for all transformations leading from a given initial state to a given final state. Here Q is the heat absorbed by the system and W is the configuration work done by the system. This defines a state function U (the internal energy) since it is independent of the path. This is not shared by Q and W . The experimental foundation is Joule’s demonstration of the equivalence between heat and mechanical energy – the feasibility of converting mechanical work completely into heat. Figure 0.3.1 Joule’s experiment: Mechanical energy can transfer to heat which was identified as another form of energy. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 5 6 In an infinitesimal transformation dU dQ dW where dW y j dX j (yj is a generalized force and Xj is the generalized displacement). j Consider a system whose parameters are P, V, T. Then dW PdV . U U U U a) U U ( P,V ). Then dQ dU dW dP dV PdV dP [ P]dV . P V V P P V V P b) U U ( P, T ). U V U V dQ [ P ]dT [ P ]dP. T P T P P T P T c) U U (V , T ). U U dQ dT [ P]dV . T V V T These are called dQ equations. Applications of the dQ equations – heat capacity (specific heat) Q U CV . T V T V Q H CP where H U PV is the enthalpy. T P T P Applications of the first law a) Analysis of Joule’s free-expansion experiment Experimental finding T1 = T2. Deductions: W 0 and Q 0 (since T1 T2 ) . Thus U 0 and U1 U 2 . Figure 0.3.2 Joule’s free-expansion experiment. Conclusions: For an ideal gas, U is a function of temperature alone. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 6 7 b) Internal energy of an ideal gas dU dQ U CV . Thus U CV T const CV T . dT V T V dT 3.2 The second law of thermodynamics Experience tells that there are many processes that satisfy the law of conservation of energy yet never occur. For example, a piece of stone resting on the floor is never seen cool itself spontaneously and jump up to the ceiling, thereby converting the heat energy given off into potential energy. The second law of thermodynamics is to incorporate such experimental facts (common sense) into thermodynamics. Equivalent statements of the second law: Clausius statement: No process is possible whose sole effect is the transfer of heat from a colder to a hotter body. The term “sole” effect is important, since it is possible to transfer heat from a colder system to a hotter system using a refrigerator, but in this case external work must be done on the working substance. Kevin statement: No process is possible whose sole effect is the absorption of heat from a reservoir and the conversion of all of this heat into work. It is shown in textbooks that the truth of either the Clausius or the Kevin statements of the second law is a necessary and sufficient condition for the truth of the other. Applications of the second law of thermodynamics The Carnot heat engine: An idealized engine in which all the steps are reversible. Using the second law, one can derive the Carnot’s theorems: a) No engine can be more efficient than a reversible engine working between the same limits of W Q2 Q1 Q temperatures. 1 1 1 since U 0 . Q2 Q1 Q2 b) All reversible engines working between the same two limits of T have the same efficiency. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 7 8 Figure 0.3.3 The Carnot (reversible) cycle. ab: the gas absorbs heat Q2 and expands isothermally and does work. bc: the gas expands adiabatically and further does work. cd: heat (-Q1) is given off to the low-T reservoir and work is done on the gas. da: returns the working substance to its original state adiabatically. This allowed Kevin to define the absolute thermodynamic temperate scale as Note: 3.3 Q2 Q1 T2 Q2 . T1 Q1 is independent of substance. Entropy (a state function) Clausius’ theorem: In any cyclic transformation throughout which the T is defined, dQ 0 holds T where the equality holds if the cyclic transformation is reversible. Corollary: For a reversible transformation, the integral dQ is independent of the path and depends T only on the initial and final states of the transformation. Therefore, we can define a state function, entropy, for any state A as S ( A) A O dQ where the path of integration is any reversible path joining O to A. T S ( B) S ( A) B A B dQ dQ dS (dS ). A T T Deductions: a) For an arbitrary transformation, B A dQ S ( B) S ( A) . T The equality holds if the transformation is reversible. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 8 9 b) The entropy of a thermally isolated system never decreases. Furthermore, the equilibrium state of an isolated system is the state of maximum entropy. Proof of (a): For the path R, the assertion holds by definition. For the cyclic transformation, I dQ dQ 0 or R T T I dQ dQ S ( B) S ( A) . R T T Figure 0.3.4 Reversible path R and irreversible path I connecting A and B. 3.4 The third law of thermodynamics From the second law, S dQ SO where SO is the T = 0 entropy of the system which cannot be T determined using the second law. The discussion on the value of SO led to the proposals of the third law. In 1906, based on the low temperature experiments, Nernst first proposed that, for pure condensed substances (liquid and solid) at temperatures close to zero, the change in entropy associated with any change in the external parameters tends to zero. In 1911, based on statistical mechanics, Planck proposed that the entropy of every pure condensed substance, in internal thermodynamic equilibrium, is zero (SO = 0) at the zero temperature. In 1912, Nernst proposed another statement of the third law, i.e., a system cannot be cooled to absolute zero by a finite change of the thermodynamic parameters. This statement of the unattainability of absolute zero is often known as the third law of thermodynamics. Among the three statements of the third law, the Planck statement is the strongest one. The two Nernst statements are equivalent, and follow naturally if the Planck statement is true. However, the contrary is not true. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 9 10 Implications: a) Any heat capacity of a system must vanish at absolute zero. This is experimentally verified for all A substances so far. By the second law S ( A) CR (T ) O dT . T By the third law, S ( A) 0 TA 0 . Thus, CR (T ) 0 TA 0 , i.e., CR (T ) T ( 1). Quantum statistical mechanics shows that the third law is a macroscopic manifestation of quantum effects. For example, for a solid, the heat capacity CV is 3R in classical statistical mechanics but is CV T T 3 ( T 0 ) in quantum statistical mechanics. b) The coefficient of thermal expansion of any substance vanishes at absolute zero. 1 V 1 S Using Maxwell relation, . V T V V P T Since S SO (const) as T 0, S is independent of P. Thus, 0 T 0 . 4. Thermodynamic Potentials For a mechanical system, the work done is related to the change in the mechanical potential energy. Furthermore, the stable state is the state of the minimum potential energy. The term thermodynamic potential derives from an analogy with mechanical potential. 4.1 The Helmholtz free energy Consider a PVT system, A U TS , which is a state function with dA dU TdS SdT . dQ dS . Thus, for an isothermal transformation (dT = 0), T dA ( dQ dW ) TdS or dA dW dQ TdS 0 , i.e., dW dA . The maximum amount of work According to the second law, that can be extracted at constant T, from a system is (–dA). Theorems: For a mechanical isolated system kept at constant T (dT = 0, dW = 0), a) the Helmhotz free energy never increase ( dA 0 ); b) the state of equilibrium is the state of minimum Helmhotz free energy. Now consider A A(T ,V ) . For an infinitesimal reversible transformation dA (dQ dW ) TdS SdT PdV SdT since dQ TdS and dW PdV . Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 10 11 A A Thus, P and S . V T T V Since the theory of partial differentiation tells us that for a state function, higher-order derivatives are independent of the order in which the differentiation is carried out, i.e., xi , x j x j xi P S (Maxwell equation). T V V T A A Application: A 0 V1 V2 . V1 V2 Since V V1 V2 , V1 V2 , A A A A V1 0, i.e., or P1 P2 . V V V1 T V2 T 1 T 2 T 4.2 The Gibbs thermodynamic potential (or Gibbs free energy) For a PVT system, G A PV with dG dA PdV VdP . Since dW dA , dW dA PdV dA dG 0 (dP 0) . Theorems: For a system kept at constant T and P, a) the Gibbs potential never increases; b) the state of equilibrium is the state of minimum Gibbs potential. The change in the Gibbs potential is the maximum amount of work that can be extracted from a system through a process at fixed T and P. Consider G G(T , P) . For an infinitesimal reversible transformation dG dA VdP PdV SdT VdP , since dA SdT PdV . G G Thus, S and V . T P P T S V And (Maxwell relation). P T T P Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 11 12 4.3 The Maxwell relations We have seen two other thermodynamic potentials already, namely, the internal energy U and the enthalpy H. a) The first law gives us, in an infinitesimal reversible transformation dU PdV TdS . U U Thus, T and P . S V V S b) Consider the enthalpy H U PV for a PVT system. For an infinitesimal reversible transformation dH dU PdV VdP TdS VdP since dU TdS PdV . H H Thus, V and T . P S S P To summarize, for a PVT system, from U U ( S ,V ), H H ( S , P), A A(T ,V ) and G G(T , P) , we have Therefore, U U dU TdS PdV dS dV , S V V S H H dH TdS VdP dS dP, S P P S A A dA SdT PdV dT dV , T V V T G G dG SdT VdP dT dP. T P P T U U T and P , S V V S H H T and V , S P P S A A S and P , T V V T G G S and V . T P P T Since all the four thermodynamic potentials are exact differentials, we obtain the Maxwell relations T P T V S P S V , , , . V S S V P S S P V T T V P T T P Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 12 13 Figure 0.4.1 conveniently summarize the Maxwell relations. Figure 0.4.1 Summary of the Maxwell relations. The functions A, G, H, U are flanked by their respective natural arguments. The derivative with respect to one argument, with the other held fixed, may be found by going along a diagonal line, either with or against the direction of the arrow. Going against the arrow yields a minus sign. 5. Response Functions A great deal can be learned about a macroscopic system through its response to various changes in externally controlled parameters. Important response functions for a PVT system include dQ S dQ S a) CV T and CP T . dT V T V dT P T P b) The isothermal and adiabatic compressibilities 1 V 1 V T and S . V P T V P S 1 V . V T P Intuitively, we expect that the response functions to be positive and that CP CV and T S . c) Thermal expansion coefficient However, there are important exceptions, e.g., water (see Fig. 0.5.1). Figure 0.5.1 Volume of water versus temperature. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 13 14 S S Consider a PVT system: S S (T ,V ). Then dS dT dV . T V V T S S S V S V And T T T . , CP CV T T P T V V T T P V T T P z y x S P Using the Maxwell relation and chain rule x z y 1 [f(x,y,z)=0] , y x z V T T V S P P V We obtain . V T T V V T T P T V TV 2 Therefore CP CV T . T T P T This shows that (CP CV ) 0 if T 0 . Experience shows that for most substances (This is implied by neither the first nor the second laws). This can be proven in Statistical Mechanics where use is made of the nature of intermolecular forces and where it is known as van Hove’s theorem. Consider an ideal gas. The equation of state PV Nk V Since PdV VdP NkdT , and P T P NkT ( PV nRT Boyle’s law). Nk P . T V V S V Thus, CP CV T Nk , i.e., it is more efficient to heat an ideal gas by keeping the V T T P volume constant than to heat it by keeping the pressure constant. V V Assume V V ( S , P) . Then dV dP dS and P S S P 1 V 1 V 1 V S V P T V P S V S P P T Using the Maxwell relations, one can show 1 V S 2 TV . T S V S P P T CP And CP T S T CP CV 2TV and CP T . CV S Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 14 15 6. Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions 6.1 Phase diagrams of a typical substance Figure 0.6.1 Surface of equation of state of a typical substance. The shaded areas are cylindrical surfaces, representing regions of phase transition. Figure 0.6.2 P-V and P-T diagrams of a typical substance. The curves represent the coexistence of two phases (coexistence curves). At the critical point the properties of the fluid and vapor phase become identical. At the triple point, all three phases (solid, liquid and gas) coexist. 6.2 The liguid to gas phase transition (a first-order phase transition) a) During the phase transition, both P and T remain constant. b) In the gas-liquid mixture, the liquid exists in the same state as at 1 and the gas exists in the same as at 2 (see Fig. 0.6.3). Total volume expands since the gas has a smaller density , i.e., a “first-order phase transition”. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 15 16 Figure 0.6.3 (Left) An isotherm exhibiting a phase transition and (right) schematic illustration of the total volume of the system changes as the relative amount of the substance in the two phases changes, because the two phases have different densities. 6.3 The condition for the gas-liquid mixture equilibrium Consider a gas-liguid mixture in equilibrium at T and P(T). The Gibbs potential of this state must be at a minimum, i.e., if any parameters other than T and P are varied slightly, we must have G = 0. Let us vary the composition by converting an amount of liquid to gas so that m1 m2 m where m1 is the mass of the liquid and m2 is the mass of the gas. G m1 g1 m2 g 2 where g1 and g2 are the Gibbs potential per unit mass in phases 1 and 2 or chemical potentials (state functions). Thus G 0 ( g1 g 2 ) m. Therefore, the condition for equilibrium is g1 = g2. 6.4 Derivation of vapor pressure P(T) We now apply the second law of thermodynamics and use the condition for equilibrium to determine the vapor pressure. Since, for each phase, G G g g S s, v , V , we have T P P T T P P T where s and v are entropy and volume per unit mass, respectively. We see from Fig. 1.6.4 that the first derivatives of g1 and g2 may differ at the TC and PC: ( g 2 g1 ) ( s2 s1 ) 0, T P ( g 2 g1 ) v2 v1 0. P T Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 16 17 This is why the transition is called “first-order” phase transition. Figure 0.6.4 Chemical potentials, volumes and entropies for the two phases in a first-order transition. In (a) and (b), the solid and dashed lines represent stable and unstable g-lines. g g 2 g1 Let s s2 s1 v v2 v1 being evaluated at the transition temperature T and vapor pressure P. g T P s . v g P T Since g is a function of T and P, i.e., f (T , P, g ) 0 , we can use chain relation g T P 1. Thus T P P g g T g P T P , g T g P T dP(T ) P s l . dT T g 0 v T v where l T s is the latent heat of transition. This is known as the Clapeyron equation. It governs the vapor pressure in any first-order transition. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 17 18 6.5 The second-order and higher-order phase transitions If at a phase transition, s1 s2 0 and v1 v2 0 , the first derivatives of the thermodynamic chemical potentials are continuous. Such a transition is not of the first-order and its isotherm would not have a horizontal part in the P-V diagram. If, at the transition point, n g1 n g 2 n g1 n g 2 and whereas all lower derivatives are equal, T n T n P n P n it is an nth-order transition (e.g., superconductivity: the second-order transition) (Ehrenfest definition). Other examples of the second-order transition include the Curie point transition in ferromagnets, orderdisorder transition in binary alloys (CuZn) and the transition in liquid helium. In these cases, the specific heat diverges logarithmically at the transition point, since the specific heat is related to the second derivative of g. Modern usage distinguishes only between first-order and higher-order transitions, and usually the latter are all called “second-order” transitions. Figure 0.6.5 Diagram of a second-order phase transition. In (a), the first derivative of g is continuous at TC. In (b) s is continuous at TC while its first derivative is discontinuous. (c) is an example of discontinuous CP, e.g., superconductivity. (d) is an example of divergent CP at , e.g., a ferromagnetic phase transition. Lecture notes on statistical mechanics by Guang-Yu Guo 18