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Unilever International Business Operations

Unilever international business operations
In order for Unilever’s strategy to run according to the plan,they need to have a good chain
of operations.Unilever has a wide range of international operations based on their focus area
such as product types, geographic locations and business functions.
One of the main features of Unilever’s international operations is having business groups
according to the type of product.These operations support the company’s strategy in
manufacturing, pricing, distributing and promoting products to the targeted
customers.According to Unilever (2020),there are five types of product line operations:
● Beauty and wellbeing, includes haircare, skincare, vitamins, minerals and
supplements and Unilever prestige
● Personal care, includes skin cleansing, deodorants and oral care
● Home care, includes fabric care, home & hygiene and water & air
● Nutrition, includes scratch cooking, healthy snacking, functional nutrition, planedbase meat and foot solution
● Ice cream
Another unique feature of Unilever’s international operation is the geographical-base
operation.These operations help the company to reach closer to its targeted customers in
specific geographic areas.Along with that, with its close understanding of the region they are
in charge with, geographical-base operation can provide the parent company close analytics
or creating strategy that would fit best with the specific geographical market.Unilever has
three operations based on geographical locations.
● Americas
● Europeans
● Asia/AMET/RUB (Africa,Middle East,Turkey;Russia,Ukraine and Belarus)
Corporate executive is another factor in Unilever’s international operations.The corporate
executive team is divided based the on task functions.According to Tihanyi et
al.(2000),decisions make by firms require a careful analysis of various environmental
factors..In Unilever,there are 5 corporate executive operations
● financial
● research and develop
● supply chain and business operations
● people and transformation
● digital and commercial