TOK EXHIBITION: KNOWLEDGE AND RELIGION In this exhibition I will mainly focus on my Prompt which is: “Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?”, I will also make it clearly relevant to my core theme “knowledge: and religion”, I can justify that indeed some type of knowledge is more useful than others, but other nations might interpret the knowledge in another way, this is where most crowds differ about something, when someone comes from a traditional family, or comes with a religious parents, some knowledge will not become more useful for some folks, so it mainly depends. Object 1: My business advice book My book has taught me a lot of information about business/Philosophy, and to be honest, it’s the only reason why I seem mentally ready for IB, It has made me to who I ‘am today, and provides really high quality knowledge, I know it talks about business and philosophy, but it taught me enough scientific facts for me to become a physician. I know this book is good and important, but it isn’t important as My Quran is, I feel that the knowledge in the Quran means more to me, even when the business book is important and made me mentally ready for IB, it isn’t more important than the Islamic knowledge, and my 1.8 billion Muslim nation can agree with me, As our beloved prophet Mohamed (PBUH) said : “ Every Muslim is obligated to seek knowledge regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity, social status” If you think about it, this sentence is the reason why I’m actually mentally ready for IB, I searched for knowledge to improve my skills and intelligence, just because our prophet told us so, yes I can agree that the business book is the one that gave me the knowledge, but our prophet is the one who told us to seek it, so how can I obtain knowledge without actually seeking it. Object 2: My Juice boxes ingredients People don’t usually check on the ingredients chart, not even how many calories are in it. This type of information doesn’t seem important to most people, but for me I check them always. it’s important to me since I always watch my calorie intake, but to other people it’s not, everybody should care more for the ingredients, the ingredients chart in products allows the customer to have knowledge about the type of product that is in their food and drinks , this can also help the customer to differentiate between the products. ingredient declaration is a must in every company that sells consumable goods, But I think a large section of the modern community does the same thing I do, actually some of them think that this is the most important thing in a product, to know what the ingredients are inside the product, this means a lot to a fair amount of people world-wide, some of them are lactose intolerance, some drink gluten-free only, and some are looking for only freshly made products, the chart is there for our own benefit. When travelling to a foreign country, checking the ingredients chart is a must for every Muslim, because some products include “haram foods” which are forbidden types of foods for every Muslim like, Pork, Wine ,Alcohol, Gelatin, these ingredients are found in almost every product in the western region, so again, the ingredients chart seems to be important for the majority of people, (Muslims, Body Builder, Fitness people, Sensitive people). Object 3: My Quran The holy Quran, the book that holds all the knowledge in the world, a revelation from God almighty, it has significantly changed the Arabic language, it is in fact the words of god, and the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) shared the words from god almighty, several of The prophet Mohammed’s companions complied the Quran, who had written it or had memorized some parts of it. To me and all Muslims the Quran is the most important knowledge to any other because it contains the sacred words of God, that has been written down for many generations, and it is the only source of communication with God (Allah), it is believed upon Muslims that the Quran cleanses our hearts and protects us from all sorts of harms. Even some people who aren’t Muslim still considers the Quran more useful knowledge than any other, it contains ancient wisdom and knowledge, I see the Christian bible as important knowledge, as it is guidance for my Christian brothers and sisters, I respect them and their beliefs, so I have come to an agreement, that some types of knowledge is more important than other types of knowledge. “Lactose Intolerance.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 5 Mar. 2022,,its%20symptoms %20can%20be%20uncomfortable. maye%2F948626%2F&tbnid=lTROmeA2nMmmUM&vet=12ahUKEwje_drV3ID6AhVYg M4BHcUmCVcQMygAegUIARCFAQ..i&docid=5rLJEbdrl4cOTM&w=599&h=188& q=if+i+die+under+mysterious+circumstances&ved=2ahUKEwje_drV3ID6AhVYgM4 BHcUmCVcQMygAegUIARCFAQ.