Uploaded by Alexandra Lee

Learning Narrative: Organizational Development & Change

Lee, Alexandra P.
T/F 10:30AM-12:00PM
Learning Narrative
During midterms, we have discussed several chapters about interventions and action change.
We have repeatedly discussed the definition of organizational development, it is said to be a
process that is scientific based which helps a company for greater effectiveness, also it has tools
that can adapt and respond to vast changes within the industry. The three topics that interest me
the most during the midterm period is chapter 9, designing interventions, chapter 10, leading and
managing change, and chapter 11, evaluating, institutionalizing organization development. In
chapter 9, we discussed how an intervention can help an organization to improve performance
as well as effectiveness that can be derived from a careful diagnosis in order to determine the
areas that needs improvement. In chapter 10, it addresses the things associated with how one
can successfully lead and manage the organizational changes. In chapter 11 we have discussed
the final stage of organizational development cycle. These are evaluation and institutionalization
in which it involves judgment whether the implemented intervention and changes has
successfully implemented and if it is aligned with the objective the way it should be and does it
have a desirable outcome. Additionally, in our reporting we have relate how the WRP system of
FEU is like an issue with Organizational Development. Like how it fails to have a sensing
mechanism that would help them improve the system. Or how it fails to recognize and accept
that there is a problem with how they implement the intervention. The three salient points for
our reporting are the evaluation of intervention, characteristics of the intervention, and
institutionalization processes. This gives us an intellectual discussion with our classmates. We
have also discussed the best features of FEU, mine would be something about its diverse culture,
gender inclusivity, and its environment. We have also checked the importance of the studentcentered learning policy of the university. The student-centered learning culture of FEU trained
me a lot on how to become independent studying. However, I do still believe that there are room
for improvements in implementing this culture as there are learning differences between the
students. My three advocacies are mental health of children in conflict with the law, divorce, and
gender equality. And my advocacy song is You Need to Calm Down by Taylor Swift which mainly
tackles about how people mock and ridicule others and how we should stop this habit.