Uploaded by Dr.T.Samraj Lawrence

Business Intelligence Assignment: Data Mining, Warehousing, BI

MIT6122 – Business Intelligence
Answer the following questions [question’s answers can be printed]:
1) What is Datamining? Write about its Tasks, primitive tasks, Issues,
Evaluation aspects, approaches, Architecture, KDD, DM systems,
DMQL[with an example], Pros & Cons.
2) What is Datawarehousing? Write about its key features, goals,
characteristics, types, approaches, functions, delivery process, system
processes, Architecture, OLAP[its importance and types], Pros & Cons.
3) Why a Data Warehouse is Separated from Operational Databases?
4) Define BI. Give its role and importance in DM[Data Mining],
DW[Datawarehousing] & BD [Big Data] with an example.
5) Why and how multimedia and web mining place a major role in
todays social network dominance?
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