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Photosynthesis: Light & Dark Reactions Explained

Comprehensive viewpoint on photosynthesis
2 pathways
-light dependent reactions
-light independent reactions
Duality nature of light
-wave and particle
-very fast moving packet of energy
How does a molecule capture the energy of light?
When a photon strikes a molecule, the energy coming from the photon is either loss as heat or absorbed
the electrons of the molecule
When it is absorbed, that energy will boost those electrons to higher energy levels
Electrons occupies a discrete energy level in the orbit around the nuclei
These electrons can go up or down
What causes an electron in an atom to move a higher energy leverl?
-when it undergoes excitation by an external energy gain na nakukuha from various mechanisms---heat,
electron collision
As these energy levels act as “stairs”
There is just a right amount of energy exerted that is required to go to different energy levels
Neither of the first 2 outcomes causes any change in the molecules sa 3rd, when absorbed, the photon
will disappear but the energy will remain
1st law of thermodynamics: energy is not created nor destroyed
When a molecule absorbs a photon, that molecule will acquire the energy from the photon ,, therefore
it will be raised from ground state/lower energy to an excited state/higher energy
Once na nagtranstion , this increase in energy boosts one electron into another shell that is farther from
the nucleus within the molecule
As the electrons goes farther from the nucleus mas nagiging less firmly held yung mga electrons, making
it more chemically reactive
Photosynthetic pigments
-chemical compounds that reflect only certain light in the visible spectrum
Nakikita naten sa plant ay reflected light
Chlorophyll- green pigment, very common
-absorbs all pigment of light except green
We are capturing light through the excitation of the pigments
Different pigments
Pigments are not exclusive to plants alone but to other photosynthetic organisms
Principal pigment
-main photosynthetic pigment of a plant
-acts as reaction centers
Accessory Pigment
-essential kasi they help in absorbing light,, and they deposit it to primary pigment
-plants will be able to maximize the amount of photosynthesis they can do
More pigment=more glucose/food for the plant
High frequency=short wavelength
Red=lower energy, bigger wavelength, lower frequency
Violet= higher energy, shorter wavelength, higher frequency
In the chloroplast, energy gets captured from sunlight and we store it by the use of atp and nadph while
releasing oxygen and water and carbohydrates as products
Thylakoids= pancake –like structures that are stacked
-each house the photosynthetic pigments
-contains the machinery in term of making atp
-where photophosphorylation happen
Yung mga pigments clustered together to form a photosytem
Granum= whole column of thylakoids ,, grana in plural
Stroma-semi liquid substance
-can be compared to the cytosol of the cell
-houses the enzymes needed to assemble organic molecules from c02 to produce atp and nadh and
Lamella/lamellae- increase the efficiency of photosynthesis by keeping each granum at a distance so
they do not clatter together
-ensures that the maximum energy from sunlight is captured
Photons get captured by chloropyll pigment are in a close proximity with each other
Photosystem- functional structural unit of protein complexes wherein nakaembed yung chloropyl, carry
out primary photochemistry of our photosynthesis
-they absorb light and transfer energy and electrons to create atp and other organic molecules
-acts as a large antenna that gathers all the light energy that are harvested by fifferent photosynthetic
When light strikes a pigment molecule in a photosystem, the resulting process is the excitation of the
chlorophyll pigment
Inde electrons yung napapasa but instead the energy is passed from one electron to another
Until the energy arrives at a key chlorophyll molecule--- naggather ng energy from different chlrorophyl
molecules--- siya magtatransfer ng energy as an excited electron to a specific primary electron acceptor
1st pathway: Ligh-depedendent reactions
How do ligjt-dependent reactions occur during photosynthesis?
Parts of photosystem
1. antenna complex- web of chlorophyll molecules that are linked together and held by the thylakoid
membrane by a matrix of protein
Potein matrix- light green, serves as the scaffold which holds the pigment together
2. Reaction center- transmembrane protein pigment complex,
Chlorophyll a-acts as a trap for photon energy, they collect the energy that is passed through a primary
electron acceptor
This process is the key to converting light energy to chemical energy
-this explains how we are transforming to chemical energy
Electron donor = water
Water will be oxidized, then the electron will go into the chlorophyll reaction center
Kaya narerelease yung oxygen
How do photosystems convert light to chemical energy?
In bacteria, they only use single photosystem
Cyclic photophosphorylation- only atp is produced, walang nadh
Electron acceptor= Ferredoxin
--- will transfer the electrons sa b6-f complex, when they receive the electrons, the electrons will enable
the b6-f complex to pump protons in to the thylakoid that creates the proton motive force that will
allow the creation of atp
Plastocyanin- responsible to return back the electrons to the photosystems
---common sa photosynthetic bacteria
Sa plants, gumagamit ng 2 photosystems
Working together, they form a non-cyclic electron transfer/photophosphorylation
How do the two photosystems of plants work together?
Photsystem 2 yung nauuna in this process,,,
-produces atp
4 electrons removed from 2 water molecules, The oxygen atoms will be released as heat
Quinone molecule- primary electron acceptor
Pag nareceive nya yung electron from ps2, marereduce siya kaya magiging plastoquinone siya
---final electron acceptor
It will become a strong electron donor then it will pass the excited electron through the proton pump
(b6-f complex)---- >closely the same with the bc-1 complex sa mithochondria
The arrival of the energetic electron will cause the b6-f complex to pump a proton in the thylakoid space
Then magkakaroon ng concentration gradient/ accumulation ng hydrogen ions that will enable the atp
synthase to be powered,, para makapag produce ng atp
Kaya kailangan yung mga complexes na daanana muna, kasi di kaya ng mga hydrogen ions na magdiffuse
sa thylakoid membrane
Yung mga electrons na mga pinasa ay mapupunta sa plastocyanin--→ magccary ng electrons sa ps1
Photosystem I
-will accept the electron from plastocyanin, only if there is already a hole created by the exit of lightenergized electron--- in its higher energy level
-does not rely on the quinons as an electron acceptor, but relies on ferrodoxin as its electron acceptor
When electrons, gets pass on to ferrodoxin, the reduced ferodoxin now carries a high potential electron
The electrons will be donated to nadp+ to produce nadph
Nadph reductase,, nagkakaroon ulit ng proton gradient kaya magagmit ren sa creation ng atp at nadph
Non-cyclic phosphorylation- The protons do not return but rather eneds up in nadp+
Most plants are incapable of short-circuiting the ps1
Yung excited electron minsasn bumabalik sa b6-f complex para gawing atp hindi nadph,, to create more
Levels of atp and nadph indicated if cyclic or non cyclic
How does the calvin cycle occur during photosynthesis in plants?
Dark-reaction= calvin cycle= light-independent reaction
-uses high energy coenzyme (atp and nadph) that are made from light-dependent reactions
So that we can produce carbohydrates
1. carbon fixation
Calvin cycle begins whenever a carbon atom from the co2 molecule is added to the 5-carbon molecule
called RuBP------→nagpproduce ng isang unstable 6-carbon molecule na immediately nagssplit sa
dalawang 3-carbon molecule (3PGA)
Catalysed by Rubisco-most abundant protein in the world
-pedeng oxigenase and carboxylase , can react with oxygen and carbon
-can add carbon or can oxygen , these 2 reactions competes with each other
Rubp reacting with CO2- normal process of photosynthesis in the calvin cycle
Pero pag nagreact siya with oxygen,, nagiging competitor siya ng carbon dioxide
Para icountereact yon to partially recover the carbon t, nagkaroon ng photorespiration--→ consumes
the oxygen and releases carbon dioxide,, oxygen is being added to rubp to produce Phosphoglycorate
Whenever photorespiration happens, it reduces the net crabon fix by the calvin cyle by 25 percent
3 molecules of CO2 and 3 molecules of R8BP--→ 6 molecules of 3PGA
2. reduction of 3gp to form glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (g3p)
Yung energy na galing kay atp at hydrogen galing sa nadph , gagamitin para idagdag sa 3PGA---→ G3P
The reduced molecule G3pP will either combine to form glucose or ginagamit to make other molecules
such as starch or fructose
After the reduction, one phosphate group will be transferred to produce 6 ADP and 6 NADP+ that will be
used again in the light-dependent reactions
Last product= 6 molecule of G3P
1/6 of g3p lang used to make sugar, yung remaining 5 molecules will be used to produce RuMP (riboloze
monophosphate) siya yung starting material para makabuo ulit ng RuBP
Pero most of it ginagamit para sa regeneration of rubp
3. regeneration of the carbon dioxide acceptor, RuBP
Si G3p will be used to produce Rubp
For every 3 carbon dioxide molecules, 1 molecule of G3P leaves the cycle kasi kailangan siya sa
formation ng glucose
Tapos 5 yung kailangan sa production ng RuBP
Products of the calvin cycle are crucial to the entire biosphere because they represent the total energy
yield from harvesting light by photosynthetic organisms
Pag masyadong mainit, sinara ng stoma yung pores nila para maprevent yung water loss, and nalilimit
rin yung gas exchange
Naddecrease yung carbon dioxide concentration kaya nagpproduce sa calvin cycle
Common siya sa plants such as roses, wheat and rice ------they are called c3 plants,, dahil During carbon
fixation, ang first product nila ay 3pga ---- common siya and may photorespiration
C4 plants= But for plants like corn or sugar cane,grass, monocot,-- rate of photosynthesis nila di
bumababa nor the photorespiration occurs,,, they do this by making a 4-carbon compound
(oxaloacetate)- unang product nila
Very much may advantage sila kasi kahit isara yung stomata,hindi yun nakakaaffect sa rate of
Photorespiration reduces the growth of our c3 plants,, kaya mas favoured yung c4 plants dahil mas
favoured yung oxygen sa atmosphere naten ngayon
CAM plants = ginagamit yung PEPC to produce oxaloacetate
-they exhibit crassulacean acid metabolism
-pineapple, bromilliasie, orchids, cactus, succulents
-at night binubuksan nila yung stomata nila
CO2 is fixed at night to forms to oxaloacetate
Pag umaga, magoopen yung stomata, yung malic acid will undergo decarboxylation