TEST CODE FORM TP 2017013 OI229OLO JANUARY 20I7 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE@ EXAMINATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Paper 0l - General ProficiencY 1 17 ltour 30 minutes JANUARY 2017 (p.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. l. This test consists of 60 items. You will have I hour and 30 minutes to answer them. 2 In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3 Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. (D). Read each item you On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Which of the following pairs represents general purpose software tools? (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer Spreadsheet and database software Word processor and accounting software Student record system and database software Insurance processing and spreadsheet software o The best answer to this item is "spreadsheet and database sofiware", so (A) has been slraded. fill in your new clroice. If you want to change youranswer, erase itcornpletely 6 When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as qLrickly and as caref,ully as yoll can. catlnot altswer an itern, go on to the next one. You tttay I'etLlnt to that iterir"later'. l)O NO-t'1'UlfN-f t-ttS t'.\Glr. lii'.-f 1t. \ 't..'.: beFore you 5 t ..,'.,,,1,,-ri, 'l _. (r{ iiil. I'()i-l)'l'() I)O So lf you 2 I Resolution determines the clarity of the image displayed on a monitor. The term 'resolution' refers to the number of pixels (A) (B) (C) (D) 6 an example of a manual input device? that rnakes up the colour aranged vertically on the screen aranged lrorizontally on the screen arranged in a unit area of the screen 7 2 Which of the following devices is (A) (B) Touchscreen monitor Barcode reader (c) Speaker (D) Plotter Which part of the central processing unit (CPU) coordinates its activities? Which of the following operations displays results? (A) (B) Input Output (c) Storage Processing (D) (A) (B) (c) (D) 8 3 Of the storage devices listed below, which group does NOT use laser technology? (A) (B) (C) CD, DVD, flash drive CD, floppy disk, flash drive Hard disk, floppy disk, magnetic (D) Magnetic tape, flash memory card, DVD (A) (B) (c) (D) tape A set of data that is waiting to be either processed or output, is stored in a temporary (c) (D) track sector Which of the following processing modes is used for processing utility bills? (c) (D) POS OCR oMR MrCR A socket which is provided in a conrputer to allow foradditionalcornponents is known AS (A) (A) (B) multiprocessing batch processing real time processing buffer cylinder r0 5 tirne-sharing Which of the following types of technology is commonly used by banks to read data on cheques? (A) (B) block of memory called a (A) (B) (C) (D) The processing rnode that allows one CPU to run many applications at the same time is called 9 4 Register Control unit Main memory Arithmetic logic unit Real tirne (B) a 6re wire a systern bus Multitasking Tirne sltaring Batclt processing (c) arr expanS.!orr cald (D) irrr exllarrsion slot 3 11. CabledtransmissionmediadoNOTinclude 15. The copying and i I legal sel ling ofprograms is referred to as (A) (B) coaxial fibre optics (c) satellite twisted pair (D) (A) (B) (c) (D) t2 Which of the following is NOT a physical access restriction? (A) (B) (c) (D) t6 Encryption Security guard Biometric system Fire and water-proof cabinet propaganda software piracy computer fraud industrial espionage Which of the following is TRUE about an intranet? (A) (B) (c) (D) Offers unlimited access Allows access to suppliers Allows access to employees Offers limited access to employees and suppliers Item 13 refers to the following diagram 17. [.ILE Open An electronic point of sale (EPOS) system may most likely NOT be found in (A) (B) (C) (D) Print Edit TiK,GfiKm an office a pharmacy a supermarket an appliance store Cut 18 copy application programs is Rename 13. (c) (D) t4 (A) (B) (C) (D) The diagram above represents a (A) (B) A type of utility program used to remove button window pop-up menu pull-down menu Which of the followirrg provides SLOWEST Internet access? (A) Tl (B) Networl< (c) Dial-Lrp (D) Digital subscriber line (DSI.1 lirre 19. What a file compression program a troubleshooting program an antivirus program an uninstall program is the decimal equ ivalent forthe bi nary number l0l ? the (A) (B) 2 4 (c) 5 (D) 8 -4 20. Working from home and linking to the office computer system to submit work is described as (A) (B) (c) (D) 25. Records on magnetic tape are stored (A) (B) indexed sequentially sequentially teleconferencing (c) telecommuting telemarketing teleworking (D) randomly directly 26. What is the function of a network of computers? 2t Which device is essential for computercontrolled systems to function with precision in an assembly line? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) Microphone (D) Speaker Organizes data among computers Receives data from one computer Allows users to obtain data from a central computer Enables two or more computers to communicate Camera Sensor Item 27 refers to the following types of 22 Which of the following checks is a data verification method? memory. Visual II RAM Range III EPROM (c) Length (D) Parity l0l l00l is an example Which of the above types of memory are non-volatile? of raw data (A) (B) sorted data (c) (c) information (D) (D) secondary data (A) (B) 28 24 ROM (A) (B) 27 23. I. Which of the following functions performs calculations in a cornputer? (A) (B) (c) (D) Input Output Storage Processing l. Il only III only II and III only I, Il and lll I and I and Which access method is used to retrieve data from a flash drive? (A) (B) Serial (c) SeqLrential (D) lndexed sequential Direct 5 29 Which type of interface allows the user to communicate with the computer system by keying in instructions? (A) (B) (C) (D) 30 (A) (B) (c) (D) The MOST appropriate data type for storing the amount of interest earned on a sum of money is Menu driven Graphical user Command driven Touch sensitive Which ofthe following is/are advantage(s) of information processing? I. II. III. 32 33 (A) (B) char (c) string (D) integer real Which Pascal format is used to declare an array? (A) (B) Retraining of staff Reducing human intervention Increasing the amount of equipment needed (c) (D) Let Marks: [8] Array: Marks(8); Var Marks: Array [ ..8] of integer; Dim Marks (8) as integer I only II only I and II only II and III only 34 In Pascal language, which ofthe following is an acceptable variable name? (A) (B) (C) (D) Item 31 refers to the following algorithm. real #sum 9_num dateofbirth <_ 5 v x (- v v <_ l0 Z <_ 3 35. x*y v <- x-z z <- x+y+z x <_ display 31 (A) (B) (c) (D) (A) (B) x,y,z What will be displayed when the algorithm is executed? 5,10,3 15,12,3 15,12,20 I 5, 12, 30 What does the symbol information technology? 36. StarUStop Decision (c) Input (D) Process Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a pseudocode? (A) (B) (c) It is precise. It is unambiguous. It has a finite number of steps. (D) It is a graphical the soltrtiolrr. I ! t;,.1'. t-r-- r-.. represent in representatiorr ofl 6 37. The purpose of inserting comments with program code is to (A) (B) (C) (D) allow the user to input data provide an explanation of the program ensure that the program compiles completely provide information on special features of the program Items 38-39 refer to the following fragment of Pascal code. Forx:= 2 TO 15 DO Begin Write("Enter the name of a country: "); Read (Country) End; 38. How many times will the program above be executed? (A) (B) (c) (D) 39 2 t4 rs 16 Which fragment of code would be the CORRECT option to output tlre prompt and enter the narne the country on two lines? (A) Read ("Enter the name of a country: "); Write Country (B) Write ("Enter the name of a country: "); Read Country (c) Readln ("Enter the name of a country: ") Readln(Country); (D) ' "-i jlI Writeln ("Enter the name of a country: "); Readln(Country); i,.,i..\i:.: I )ttll of 7 Item 40 refers to the following atgorithrn Write ("Enter price: ") (price) Vat = price * ls%o Write vat Read 40. 4l- Which Iine contains a processing (A) I (B) 2 (c) 3 (D) 4 (c) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (I ) (2) (3) (4) statement? 45. testing arr algorithrn declaring an array coding arr algorithm representi ng an algorithm (D) to 46 (c) oblern develop the algorithm for the (c) pr (D) 47. code What is the correct sequence for the above steps irr the developtrrent oFa progranl? (A) (B) record table (c) field file addressing mecltan ism? ll and lll lll and lt . I ancl lll (tr1 I is called a $A$3 is an exanrple of what type of (A) (B) i. ll:rir.i files objects queries reports A single row of data irr a database (D) Creating the source code Executirrg to test for accuracY 48 .', Extracti ng i nformation from a database can be achieved through the use of test the solution Compiling to create the object iiii; I and II only I and Ill only Il and III only I, II and lll (c) Item 43 refers to the following inforrnation about programming. L;,. (A) (B) problem f checking that all documentation is included in the program executing the program manually with input values to see the results (D) (c) iD) second generation language third generation language fourtlr generation language running the program using sample data to identify errors in the program (A) (B) (A) (B) first generation language III define the problem evaluate the solution to the II III as a Program testing can be described as II The FIRST step in solving a problem is (A) (B) 43 Machine language is categorized A trace table is used for (A) (B) 42. 44. . (c) Red addl:essing Relative aclclressing [jorrrr r-r la aclcl ress i n g \bst, Itite lLilclrcs;irt t: 8 Item 49 refers to the following &;tiir;=!i *!f.iHq ffidgi f.E:l spreadsheet. Which of the following actions is required for creating a chart in a spreadsheet? 50 ,:.1$-t i+t;_1 ,rlGll ffi ffiffi rfl-{rjt: (A) (B) (C) (D) t7 35 Print the data Select the paper size Select the data Select the orientation 45 5l 39 49. The default alignment for numbers in spreadsheet is (A) (B) (C) (D) To add the values 17,35,45 and 39 in the spreadsheet table above, which function should be placed in cell 86? (A) (B) (C) (D) left right centre justified :SUM(B2:B5) :SUM(82:86) :ADD(B2:B5) :COUNT(B2:86) Item 52 refers to the following spreadsheet .,:,1.:.:,, f,: . First Name 52 D : Surname ''i .,' :,'.: i"' E.i.., t Mark I Bonus Points Kingsley CIarke 69 No John Henry 69 Yes Zara Smith 7l Yes Sean Smith 9l No The spreadsheet has beerr sorted by a prirnary field and tlten a secondary field. What are the primary and secorrdary fields respectively? (A) (B) (c) (D) Surname, Mark I First Name, Surnarne Mark l, Bonus Points Bonus Points, First Narne I 9 Item 53 refers to the following spreadsheet. A B VAT lSYo Items Cost Price Washer 4300 '$, Dryer r :.'n- Stove 2750 c D VAT Total !'' ,,,? 3 4 ) 1.. 53. What formula should be inserted into C5 to calculate the VAT for the washer? (A) (B) (c) (D) 54 : (58*2B) : (85*$B$2) : (5B*$B$2) : (85*82l100) Which of tlre following features allows the user to insem individual names in a primary document? 50. In order to perform a block operation in a word processing application; the required text must first be (A) (B) Footer Header (A) (B) (c) Mail merge Search and replace (c) cut copied aligned (D) selected (D) 55 500 A website consists of a set of web pages that are linked together with (A) (B) (c) hyperlinks Bluetooth HTTP (D) HTML 57 I need to search a SO-page document for the acronym IT and insert the words 'lnforrnation Technology' in its place. Which of the following is the MOST efficierrt rnethod for accomplishing this task? (A) (B) (c) (D) t. l,i.f ' i'r., Find and replace option lnsert key lourrd on the keyboard Scan tlre document ancl quickly rnake the necessary clranges Cut eaclr <.rikirr",r"" of, [T ancl therr t1,'pc irr I rrfblrnation 1 echrrology -10Which of the following must be considered when creating a website? 58. 60 Which of the following PowerPoint Presentation icons represents the slide sorter? II. III. (A) (B) (c) (D) The intended audience The artistic design of the whole website The layout of the pages in the website I and II only I and III only Il and III only I, II and III (A) (B) (c) (D) tr (B) EE] trlE (c) Which of the following is normally used for website-to-website connections? 59 (A) (D) # Modem Monitor Hypertext Hyperlink END OF TEST TF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.