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CompTIA Security+ Testy Praktyczne SY0-601

Ta b l e o f Co n t e n t s
Tit le Page
Copyr ight
Dedicat ion
Ack now ledgm ent s
About t he Aut hor
About t he Technical Edit or
I nt r oduct ion
The Secur it y+ Exam
U sing This Book t o Pr act ice
Exam SY0-601 Exam Object ives
SY0-601 Cer t ifi cat ion Exam Object ive M ap
Chapt er 1: Thr eat s, At t ack s, and Vulner abilit ies
Chapt er
Chapt er
Chapt er
Chapt er
Ar chit ect ur e and Design
I m plem ent at ion
Oper at ions and I ncident Response
Gover nance, Risk , and Com pliance
Appendix: Answ er s and Explanat ions
Chapt er 1: Thr eat s, At t ack s, and Vulner abilit ies
Chapt er 2: Ar chit ect ur e and Design
Chapt er 3: I m plem ent at ion
Chapt er 4: Oper at ions and I ncident Response
Chapt er 5: Gover nance, Risk , and Com pliance
I ndex
End U ser L icense Agr eem ent
CompTIA® Security+®
Practice Test
Exam SY0-601
Second Edition
David Seidl
Copyright © 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-1-119-73546-5
ISBN: 978-1-119-73545-8 (ebk.)
ISBN: 978-1-119-73544-1 (ebk.)
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This book is dedicat ed t o M ik e Chapple, w ho helped m e
get m y st ar t in t he w r it ing fi eld. Aft er m ost of a decade
w r it ing t oget her, t his is m y fi r st ent ir ely solo pr oject .
M ik e, t hank you for helping m e get m y st ar t alm ost a
decade ago, for encour aging m e along t he w ay, and for
cont inuing t o challenge m e t o do m or e each t im e w e
t ak e on anot her book .
A ck n o w l e d g m e n t s
Book s lik e t his involve w or k fr om m any people w ho put
count less hour s of t im e and eff or t int o pr oducing t hem
fr om concept t o fi nal pr int ed and elect r onic copies. The
har d w or k and dedicat ion of t he t eam at Wiley alw ays
show s. I especially w ant t o ack now ledge and t hank senior
acquisit ions edit or Kenyon Br ow n, w ho cont inues t o be a
w onder ful per son t o w or k w it h on book aft er book .
I also gr eat ly appr eciat ed t he edit ing and pr oduct ion t eam
for t he book , including Tom Dinse, t he pr oject edit or, w ho
br ought year s of exper ience and gr eat t alent t o t he pr oject ;
Chr is Cr ayt on, t he t echnical edit or, w ho pr ovided insight ful
advice and gave w onder ful feedback t hr oughout t he book ;
and Sar avanan Dak shinam ur t hy, t he pr oduct ion edit or, w ho
guided m e t hr ough layout s, for m at t ing, and fi nal cleanup t o
pr oduce a gr eat book . I w ould also lik e t o t hank t he m any
behind-t he-scenes cont r ibut or s, including t he gr aphics,
pr oduct ion, and t echnical t eam s w ho m ak e t he book and
com panion m at er ials int o a fi nished pr oduct .
M y agent , Car ole Jelen of Wat er side Pr oduct ions, cont inues
t o pr ovide us w it h w onder ful oppor t unit ies, advice, and
assist ance t hr oughout our w r it ing car eer s.
Finally, I w ant t o t hank m y fr iends and fam ily, w ho have
suppor t ed m e t hr ough t he lat e evenings, busy w eek ends,
and long hour s t hat a book lik e t his r equir es t o w r it e, edit ,
and get t o pr ess.
Ab ou t t h e Au t h or
D avi d Sei d l is vice pr esident for infor m at ion t echnology
and CI O at M iam i U niver sit y, w her e he is r esponsible for I T
for M iam i U niver sit y. Dur ing his I T car eer, he has ser ved in
a var iet y of t echnical and infor m at ion secur it y r oles,
including ser ving as t he senior dir ect or for Cam pus
Technology Ser vices at t he U niver sit y of N ot r e Dam e,
w her e he co-led N ot r e Dam e's m ove t o t he cloud and
over saw cloud oper at ions, ERP, dat abases, ident it y
m anagem ent , and a br oad r ange of ot her t echnologies and
ser vice. Pr ior t o his senior leader ship r oles at N ot r e Dam e,
he ser ved as N ot r e Dam e's dir ect or of infor m at ion secur it y
and led N ot r e Dam e's infor m at ion secur it y pr ogr am . H e
t aught infor m at ion secur it y and net w or k ing under gr aduat e
cour ses as an inst r uct or for N ot r e Dam e's M endoza College
of Business and has w r it t en book s on secur it y cer t ifi cat ion
and cyber w ar far e, including coaut hor ing CI SSP (I SC) 2
Off icial Pr act ice Test s (Sybex, 2018) as w ell as t he cur r ent
and pr evious edit ions of t he Com pTI A CySA+ St udy Guide:
Exam CS0-002 (Wiley, 2020, Chapple/Seidl) and Com pTI A
CySA+ Pr act ice Test s: Exam CS0-002 (Wiley, 2020,
David holds a bachelor 's degr ee in com m unicat ion
t echnology and a m ast er 's degr ee in infor m at ion secur it y
fr om East er n M ichigan U niver sit y, as w ell as CI SSP,
CySA+ , Pent est + , GPEN, and GCI H cer t ifi cat ions.
A b o u t t h e Te ch n i ca l Ed i t o r
Ch r i s Cr ayt o n , M SCE, CI SSP, CySA+ , A+ , N + , S+ , is a
t echnical consult ant , t r ainer, aut hor, and indust r y-leading
t echnical edit or. H e has w or k ed as a com put er t echnology
and net w or k ing inst r uct or, infor m at ion secur it y dir ect or,
net w or k adm inist r at or, net w or k engineer, and PC specialist .
Chr is has ser ved as t echnical edit or and cont ent
cont r ibut or on num er ous t echnical t it les for sever al of t he
leading publishing com panies. H e has also been r ecognized
w it h m any pr ofessional and t eaching aw ar ds.
In t r o d u ct i o n
Com pTI A Secur it y+ Pr act ice Test s: Exam SY0-601, Second
Edit ion is t he per fect com panion volum e t o t he Com pTI A
Secur it y+ St udy Guide: Exam SY0-601, Eight h Edit ion
(Wiley, 2020, Chapple/Seidl). I f you'r e look ing t o t est your
k now ledge befor e you t ak e t he Secur it y+ exam , t his book
w ill help you by pr oviding a com binat ion of 1,100 quest ions
t hat cover t he Secur it y+ dom ains and easy-t o-under st and
explanat ions of bot h r ight and w r ong answ er s.
I f you'r e just st ar t ing t o pr epar e for t he Secur it y+ exam ,
w e highly r ecom m end t hat you use t he Com pTI A Secur it y+
St udy Guide, Eight h Edit ion t o help you lear n about each of
t he dom ains cover ed by t he Secur it y+ exam . Once you'r e
r eady t o t est your k now ledge, use t his book t o help fi nd
places w her e you m ay need t o st udy m or e or t o pr act ice for
t he exam it self.
Since t his is a com panion t o t he Secur it y+ St udy Guide ,
t his book is designed t o be sim ilar t o t ak ing t he Secur it y+
exam . The book it self is br ok en up int o seven chapt er s: fi ve
dom ain-cent r ic chapt er s w it h quest ions about each dom ain,
and t w o chapt er s t hat cont ain 100-quest ion pr act ice t est s
t o sim ulat e t ak ing t he Secur it y+ exam it self.
I f you can answ er 90 per cent or m or e of t he quest ions for a
dom ain cor r ect ly, you can feel safe m oving on t o t he next
chapt er. I f you'r e unable t o answ er t hat m any cor r ect ly,
r er ead t he chapt er and t r y t he quest ions again. Your scor e
should im pr ove.
Don't just st udy t he quest ions and answ er s! The
quest ions on t he act ual exam w ill be diff er ent fr om t he
pr act ice quest ions included in t his book . The exam is
designed t o t est your k now ledge of a concept or
object ive, so use t his book t o lear n t he object ives behind
t he quest ions.
Th e Se cu r i t y + Ex a m
The Secur it y+ exam is designed t o be a vendor -neut r al
cer t ifi cat ion for cyber secur it y pr ofessionals and t hose
seek ing t o ent er t he fi eld. Com pTI A r ecom m ends t his
cer t ifi cat ion for t hose cur r ent ly w or k ing, or aspir ing t o
w or k , in r oles, including:
Syst em s adm inist r at or
Secur it y adm inist r at or
Secur it y specialist
Secur it y engineer
N et w or k adm inist r at or
Junior I T audit or /penet r at ion t est er
Secur it y consult ant
The exam cover s fi ve m ajor dom ains:
1. Thr eat s, At t ack s, and Vulner abilit ies
2. Ar chit ect ur e and Design
3. I m plem ent at ion