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7-Step Guide: Become Hard to Kill

Before you get started I just wanted to introduce myself and say
thanks for downloading your 7-step guide.
With all the unrest in this world you never quite know what you might
have to be ready for. To keep one step ahead and be able to protect
those around us we love, we need to be prepared with the right skills
and knowledge.
Over the following pages I have laid out 7– key steps/ areas that are
an important foundation for any warrior and will help keep you that
one step ahead. I will detail what to train, how to train, mindset, and
There is also a full week of training included at the end for you, from
our 12-week Elite Operator plan.
Read over these steps, take action and Become Hard to Kill.
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Without the right mindset, you will never
reach your goals. When it comes to mindset,
it really only comes down to a couple of
things. Mental toughness, the ability to
reframe situations and stay positive, and
being able to be honest with yourself,
choosing the hard right over the easy left.
Something you build by repeatedly doing
what you need to do although you may not
want to do it. Forget motivation, motivation
is waning and only shows up at the perfect
moments when you are feeling great. The
answer is discipline. It means sticking to the
task and process no matter how you are
feeling that day.
The ability to see the positive in any
situation. It’s obviously not always easy, its
actually easier to see the negative in most
situations but that is what will break you.
Choosing to see the negative in every
situation is simple, but remember, it will
never make your life better.
Here is an example of what I mean;
You are being told you are going to have to
ruck overnight, you could easily get upset
and sulk the whole way through. Instead,
think about how this is going to improve
your fitness, improve your toughness and
make you a harder individual. Think of the
greater bond it will form with you and your
team. You can always find some positives in
even the worst situations.
Don’t get me wrong, there will be times
when it is near impossible to find a positive
but at the very least try to stay neutral.
Remind yourself that moving into a negative
mindset will never fix the situation.
“Complaining even if only to yourself will
feed weakness and pull you into a
downward spiral.”
Lastly, its important to be honest with
yourself. Many of us are running around
telling ourselves lies and finding ways to
mask the realities of our lives. Getting
messed up constantly on alcohol and
recreational drugs instead isn’t owning up to
your bullshit. Life is hard and always will be.
But like Jocko says, “Discipline is Freedom”.
“Choose to do what’s hard and your life
will be easy. Choose what is easy and
comfortable and your life will be hard.”
To revise the three main points of keeping a solid mind set are:
01 Choose Hardship
Voluntarily make decisions that will make your life harder for periods of time. Train hard,
take cold showers, make sacrifices instead of partying etc.
02 Reframe
Whenever something happens to you, choose to see the positive in it. Practice positive
self talk. This is extremely important especially on selection courses when it will be you
inside your own head the whole time. Your brain is built for survival, it will be looking for a
way out when you push yourself to the limits.
03 Honesty and responsibility
Don’t bullshit yourself and play the victim. Look at yourself In the mirror, if you are not
happy with what you’re looking at, get to work! Same with everything else, look at your
bank, look at your relationships. It’s about taking responsibility for all areas of your life.
End of the day, we are all victims in one way or another. Shitty parents, teachers, boss,
genetics, etc but dwelling on these will never improve your life. You can always improve
your life.
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“Strong people are Harder to kill and just more useful in general”.
Mark Rippetoe really said it all with this one sentence. He wasn’t wrong, and I
advise everyone to use some form of resistance training even if it’s only using
your bodyweight. Incorporating strength training has so many benefits including
building muscle, losing fat, speeding up your metabolism, increasing bone
density, improving your posture, releasing endorphins to improve your mood,
also boosting your testosterone and growth hormone levels.
If you are a cardio bunny and aren’t currently incorporating any form of
resistance training, Its time to start now. It really is never too late to start and
seriously, you can’t flex cardio!
I recommend building your max strength first in the sessions when you are
The main movements here you will be targeting are squat, deadlift, bench press
(and their variations), overhead press, pull-up and bent Row. Performing these
exercises alone will hit almost every muscle and build a solid base for anyone.
Strength programs should be based around these exercises.
We then need to perform accessory work. Accessory work is the little exercises
that compliment the big exercises I detailed above. It’s focusing on what you
need / want most. During this time you will be increasing strength again, but
with variations such as single body part exercises, and hitting certain muscles
with extra volume to put on more mass. This is a great time to fix imbalances in
areas you may have.
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Do you just want great looking abs? Or, do you want abs that aid you in your lifting and
job performance? YES, you can have BOTH!
When it comes to your core, too many of us focus on performing only crunches and situps. It is no surprise really, since these are the main exercises which are tested in the
military and police. However, its going to take more than that if you truly want to have a
bulletproof functional midsection that not only looks great, but performs well. We need
to work on all muscles of the core,
• The Rectus abdominus (The six pack that you see)
• External and Internal Obliques (The armor on the side of your midsection)
• Transverse abdominus (The muscles that stabilize your core and hold your
stomach in)
• The
Erector Spinae (The thick tree trunk muscles on your lower back)
A lot of your core strength will be built through lifting heavy weights and using
bodyweight movements but never forget to target the specific muscles also to balance
out your strengths and weaknesses. You won’t successfully lift heavy poundage in your
squat or deadlift without a strong core. The same goes for the push-up, you will never
reach your peak without a solid core.
I’m sure you would of heard someone say to you, “all you need is squats and deadlifts” .
The problem with this school of thought though, is that many of us are strong in areas
of our core and weak in others. So by sticking to this statement, you will be continuing
to strengthen the strong areas as they will take over while the other areas of your core
will continue to stay under strengthened and under developed.
I have included this sample circuit
for you that can be performed 2-3
times a week and covers all these
areas of your core. Believe me it is a
lot harder than it looks. Make sure
you focus on form and keep the
pace up moving from one exercise
to the next with no rest.
Perform continuous rounds until you
can’t perform the round straight
through. If you can not perform a
round straight through, rest
between exercises but make sure to
repeat the circuit 2-3 times through.
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It’s great to be strong and as explained in step two, increased strength can improve
your endurance but only to a point.
“To be hard to kill, you need to be able to move your body
fast and efficiently over long periods of time whether on
land or in the sea. “
This doesn’t come naturally, you must train hard and train consistently. Endurance
training will build your lungs, increase your energy levels, improve immunity,
strengthen the heart and improve circulation, aid recovery and a myriad of other
I recommend everyone as a base perform at least 2 Aerobic long slow distance
sessions per week. Activities you can use are running, swimming, rucking / hiking,
cycling, rowing. These sessions should be performed at 60-75% effort where you are
still able to talk comfortably or breath throughout your nose the whole duration.
On top of these low intensity sessions I recommend performing 2-4 High intensity
Interval sessions. This will really turn up the volume on your metabolism and are
generally more exciting than the slow sessions. These sessions are usually around 1020 minutes long and include times of very high intense exercise mixed with short rest
periods, with varying tempos. Examples are Interval Sprints, EMOM’s (every minute on
the minute), 45sec on 15sec rest, TABATAS etc.
You can do damn near anything for these, but I have added some good examples for
you in your sample week of training included on pages 10-11.
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When it comes to being in the military or police, it is extremely important to be able to
handle yourself. This is especially important for the law enforcement officer, who often
needs to use his hands before his firearm.
You don’t need to be an expert so don’t let it put you off starting if you don’t already train.
Many martial arts really do require you to drop the ego though. Knowing you can handle
yourself in the streets will greatly increase your confidence. That alone, will make it less
likely that you will have to use your hand to hand skills. Below I have listed the top four
that I would recommend and why.
The main reason I have chosen Muay Thai
over regular boxing or a traditional martial
art such as Tae Kwon Do is that it includes
using all 8 striking points. Both Feet,
knees, fists and elbows. Also, it requires
clinch work which is helpful in closing with
an attacker and also controlling an
attackers head which then controls the
rest of his body.
Obviously, you can’t be running into a
situation, throwing flying kicks and
elbows. You will have to calm most
situations with a form of grappling. But in
saying that, its great to know you have the
skills to use striking when need be and to
control the distance of an attacker.
Hapkido is perfect for Military and Law
Enforcement as it employs joint locks,
grappling, and throwing techniques as
well as kicks, punches, and other striking
attacks. It also teaches the use of
You will be taught to overpower attackers
through footwork and body positioning,
avoiding the use of brute strength against
brute strength.
The only negative here depending on the
school is you may spend time on weapons
such as nunchaku, bo-staff and swords
which you will not be using in daily life.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is something that has
been around a long time but really hit the
scene when Royce Gracie hit the UfC and
made men far bigger and stronger than
him submit to his superior techniques.
This shows you how effective it will be for
you on the streets while wearing a
It is designed specifically to enable smaller
men to overcome stronger and bigger
opponents. The majority of fights end up
on the ground, so it is important that you
have a base knowledge of fighting on the
ground and you can handle yourself here.
The techniques focus on joint locks and
restricting blood flow to certain areas. To
be successful using these techniques, you
don’t need to be extremely strong, just
stronger than the weakest point you are
This is a Self-defense and fighting system
developed for the Israeli Defense forces. It
is extremely effective with no bullshit. You
will be taught how to neutralize a threat as
fast as possible.
One great positive is unlike most martial
arts where defensive and offensive moves
are taught separately, counterattacks are
taught for each defensive move.
You will also learn how to use almost any
object as weapon.
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There is so much to say when it comes to nutrition, and so many different thoughts and
ways to eat. Most of them work if you stick to them. I’m not going to bore you in this
guide with a huge amount of info. If you want it, then go and buy the book Deep
Here are seven tips though that you should follow if you want to build a better looking,
higher performing body.
Focus on eating 90% whole foods, you
are allowed some junk. For example
Pre, during and post workout you can
use sports drinks etc.
Eat vegetables with most meals and
fruit 1-2 times per day.
Don’t neglect your fat intake. You want
healthy fats making up 25-30% of your
daily energy intake. This will come from
meats, fish, nuts, avocados, olive oil
etc. Healthy fats increase your
testosterone but don’t go overboard!
Eat every 2-3 hours. Focus on
consuming 4-6 meals per day. I
personally love Intermittent fasting,
but if you lead a very active lifestyle
from start of the day to finish. I do
not recommend it.
Make sure most of your carbohydrate
intake comes from fruits and
Eat protein with each meal, the
majority of it being lean meat.
Choose liquid that contains no
calories, the first choice being water!
Next up is green tea. Black tea and
coffee is fine, but will dehydrate you
so make sure you up your water
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For your seventh and final step, I have included 7 days worth of workouts. These sessions
will encompass all of the aspects of your training, from strength, endurance, and core
work. Teaching you how you can make your workouts effective and cover all aspects that
help to make you Hard To Kill.
It is very important to warm up properly for these sessions especially since most of them begin
with your strength section. To do so, make sure you complete 4 warm-up sets of the
strength exercise you will be performing that day. These sets shouldn't be difficult and are
used to warm-up and fire up your central nervous system for what’s to come.
NOTE: Keep rest periods for theses to 90-120secs.
(this doesn't have to be exact, just use the bar and get some
more blood flowing)
For all strength exercises you must rest for a minimum of 2 minutes between sets. You
can take longer but keep your rest periods below 4 minutes so you don’t lose your
motivation and flow.
90% x 2-4 Reps
80% x 4-6 Reps
70% x 6-8 Reps
Strength set of 60% x 8-12 Reps
Alt Arm DB bench press
Superset w/
One arm DB row 4x8
(Each side)
DB side lateral raise
Superset w/
Sternum Chin-ups 4x8
(or pull-down)
DB bicep curl
Superset w/
Elbows in Dips 4 x 12
Hanging Knee raise 3x15
Oblique V-ups 4 x20
(2 Sets each side)
Roman twists 3 x30
Weighted Sit-ups 3 x15
90% x 2-4 Reps
80% x 4-6 Reps
70% x 6-8 Reps
60% x 8-12 Reps
Walking lunges 4 x8
(Each side)
Single Leg glute bridge 3x12
Assisted Pistols 3 x8
Leg Extensions 3 x15
Run at a constant pace,
on technique and
RUNNING focusing
breathing. Perform this at 70
RUN 7MILES -75% effort.
NOTE: This week has been
pulled directly from week 10 of our
Elite Operator 12-Week training
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350m Warm-up
4 x 200m
SWIMMING 4 x 150m
SPRINTS 4 x 50m
(Rest 0.5x as long as you
90% x 2-4 Reps
DEADLIFT 80% x 4-6 Reps
STRENGTH SET. 70% x 6-8 Reps
60% x 8-12 Reps
2-Count Arm Haulers x20
4-ROUNDS 4-Count Flutterkicks x35
90% x 2-4 Reps
80% x 4-6 Reps
70% x 6-8 Reps
OR PULL-DOWN 60% x 8-12 Reps
Grip holds 3 x Max
DB Bulgarian split squat 4x8
(Each side)
DB Romanian deadlift 4x8
Standing calf raise 2x15
Carrying 40lbs total
weight. Aim to complete
10 Miles this in under 140 Minutes.
Barbell overhead press
Superset w/
Rope Chin-ups 4 x8
Ring Push-ups
Superset w/
Ring rows 4 x15
Barbell tricep extension
Superset w/
Close grip bench press 3x8
(Use the same bar and
weight for both exercises)
Seated DB power cleans
Superset w/
Plate shrugs 3x8
Rest and mobility
Front Plank 7mins
Side Plank 3mins
(each side)
Bicycle crunches 4x20
Dip Bar leg raises 3x15
2 x800m
4 x400m
(Rest 1x as long as you
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If you are ready to upgrade your training
and take on a new challenge, we offer 6, 8
and 12 week training plans covering all goals
at www.hardtokillfitness.co
For help choosing the right plan email us at.
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