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Trade Safeguard Measures: Anti-Dumping, Countervailing, Safeguards

Safeguard Measure
Anti - Dumping Measures
Countervailing Measures
Republic Act 8752
Republic Act 8751
Republic Act 8800
Address unfairly traded imports
Address unfairly traded imports
Address fairly traded imports
(Export price at the level of normal value)
Nature of Measure
(Export price is lower than the normal value)
(Subsidized production or exportation of the
foreign merchandise)
Dumping duties seek to level the playing field
by providing remedies and protecting
domestic industries against the unfair trade
practices of dumping
Countervailing duties seek to level the
playing field by providing remedies and
protecting domestic industries against the
unfair trade practices of subsidization
General safeguards will remove injury Special safeguards will assist farmers
and facilitate structural adjustments that
whose products were previously
will enable an industry to gain
protected by quantitative restrictions
that have been tariffied.
Limited to like products
Limited to like products
Products exported and countries exporting like or directly competitive product
Country specific and Exporter specific
Special safeguards apply to tariffied
General safeguards apply to industrial
agricultural products denominated
and non-tariffied goods
with the acronym "SSG" in the GATT
Schedule of Concessions
Coverage of
Country specific and Exporter specific
Elements to be
Like Product (Product comparability)
Like Product (Product comparability)
Price Difference
Material injury or threat of material injury
Material injury or threat of material injury
(Increased level of imports absolute or
relative to production)
(general safeguards)
( Volume of imports exceed a base
trigger level or price falls below a
trigger price level )
(special safeguards)
Product Comparability - like or directly
Product Comparability - like product)
competitive product)
Volume of imports exceed a base
Increased imports
trigger level, or
Serious injury or threat of serious injury
Price falls below a trigger price level
Causal Link
Threshold of
Support of Industry
for Application
Causal Link
A domestic industry which is supported by
A domestic industry which is supported by
domestic producers whose collective output domestic producers whose collective output
constitutes more than 50% of the total
constitutes more than 50% of the total
production of the like product produced by
production of the like product produced by
other domestic producers that are expressing other domestic producers that are expressing
either support for or opposition to the
either support for or opposition to the
Causal Link
Industry filing the case should be a
producer of the like or directly
competitive product whose collective
output constitutes a major proportion of
the total domestic production
(General safeguards)
DA (motu propio)
(Special safeguards)
Threshold of
Support of Industry
for Application
However, no investigation shall be initiated
when domestic producers expressly
supporting the application account for less
than 25% of the production of the like
product produced by the domestic industry.
Provisional Measure - anti-dumping bond
Industry filing the case should be a
producer of the like or directly
competitive product whose collective
output constitutes a major proportion of
the total domestic production
However, no investigation shall be initiated
(General safeguards)
when domestic producers expressly
supporting the application account for less
than 25% of the production of the like
product produced by the domestic industry.
Provisional Measure - countervailing bond
Forms of Measure
Imposition of
Duration of
Definitive Measure
Definitive anti-dumping duty
Definitive countervailing duty
Requires the conduct of a preliminary
investigation (affirmative preliminary
determination) prior to imposition of a
dumping bond of four (4) months, extendable
to six (6) months
Requires the conduct of a preliminary
investigation (affirmative preliminary
determination) prior to imposition of a
dumping bond of four (4) months
Five (5) years, subject to sunset review to
determine whether or not to extend the
effectivity of the dumping duty
Five (5) years, subject to sunset review to
determine whether or not to extend the
effectivity of the countervailing duty
DA (motu propio)
(Special safeguards)
Provisional Measure - tariff increase
Additional duty not exceeding onethird of the level of the ordinary
Definitive safeguard measure - tariff
customs duty in effect during the year
increase; quantitative restrictions (e.g.,
in which the action is taken.
import quota; import licensing)
In critical circumstances where delay
may cause damage that is difficult to
repair, safeguard measure in the form of
tariff adjustment may be imposed for
200 days pursuant to a preliminary
Not provisionally applied.
Four (4) years, extendable for another 4
years provided the industry can show
Shall only be maintained until the end
that structural adjustment is being
of the year in which it has been
implemented with an extension for
another 2 years for developing