English 10 Lesson Plan: The Little Prince

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10
Quarter 4
April 26, 2023
Objectives/ Learning Competency:
a. Expressing appreciation for sensory images used. EN10LT-IVa-2.2.1
II. Subject matter:
a. Topic: Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery (an excerpt)
b. Competencies: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Viewing
c. References: English 10 Teacher’s Guide pp 364-367
Celebrating Multiculturism through World Literature pp.410-415
d. Materials: Laptop, TV, Chalkboard, PPT
e. Values Integration: Cooperation
Learning Procedure:
Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity
A. Preliminary activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance.
B. Recall
1. What was our lesson last time?
Our lesson yesterday was all about the
principles of cohesion and coherence research
2. What is the difference between primary and secondary Primary sources means that it is original article or
book created by an individual or sometimes a
group of people while secondary sources are
sources that are written about primary sources.
3. What are examples of primary and secondary sources?
Primary sources are usually firsthand information
about something such as diaries, court records,
interviews, research studies about experiments,
and information that has been stated but not
interpreted by others. Secondary Sources include
dictionaries, reviews, newspaper articles, specific
essays, etc.
C. Motivation
Before we start on our lesson, let us find first what does the
meaning of this quotation.
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is
essential is invisible to the eye”.
Students will find the meaning of the quotation.
The relationship is the bond of the heart, which
cannot be seen by the eyes.
D. Presentation
Today we will discuss a new lesson which is all about the
story “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint Exupery.
1. Do you have any idea of this story?
Varied answer
E. Lesson Proper
 Brief introduction of the author.
Students will participate in the discussion.
Antoine de Saint Exupery is an adventurous, courageous,
hopelessly in love with flying. Having turned his lifelong passion into
a full-time job, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry quickly became known as a
remarkable French military pilot who delivered mail across
continents. His thrilling and sometimes dangerous trips over the
Sahara Desert and the Andes found their display in The Aviator (1926),
Southern Mail (1929), Wind, Sand and Stars (1939). That the story
revolves on the little prince’s adventure and meeting new characters
but experience the same feeling (loneliness) all the same.
Let them read the story.
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. How did the fox treat the little prince upon their first meeting?
H. Activity
Instructions: Answer the following questions.
1. Who can characterize the little Prince?
2. How about the fox?
3. Why does the fox want to be tamed?
4. How important is the right of taming in the friendship of the Little
Prince and the fox?
5. What is the fox secret? Do you agree with it?
G. Generalization
Ask the students:
Students will read the story.
The characters in the story are the little Prince,
Fox, and Rose.
When the fox and the little prince meet for the
first time, the fox asks the prince to tame him.
He symbolizes love, innocence, and hope. He is
unhappy and looking for men until he found a fox
and they became friends.
Fox help the Little Prince toward what is
important of life.
Because his life is very boring and monotonous,
being tamed will be like the sun shining on his life.
It establishes a tie between them. They will need
each other, and each other will be uniques and
special to the other.
The fox secret is very simple, he said, “It is only
with the heart that one can see rightly; what is
essential is invisible to the eye.” Varied answer.
1. Who can tell me the importance of friendship?
Varied answer
2. Do you think you have tamed another person and have tamed
as well?
3. Does the story relate to our present situation?
Yes, because this built relationship by giving time
and value with each other.
This situation exist in our present situation. We
met a lot of people, but few of them can
considered as friend. We can buy a lot of things
but we can’t buy a real friend.
We should be responsible forever for what we
have tamed./ Meaning of life can be found only
in one relationship, loving someone causes you to
commit yourself to another.
4. What lesson did you get from the story?
F. Application
Instructions: Divide the class into three groups, each of the group will Students will answer.
Describe the Little Prince and the Fox by writing that will create
pictures in the minds of your readers. Use the graphic organizer below
to help you in this activity.
Varied answer
IV. Evaluation
Instructions: With your group, work and complete the assigned tasks:
Group 1- Compose and open letter to the different planets that the little Prince visited. Your letter must
focus on how each of these planets may achieve lasting peace.
Group 2- Create a big greeting card with a message promoting respect for differences.
Group 3- Role play a scenario when the Little Prince met the Fox.
Group 4 – Write a song about the Little Prince’s travel and sing it in front of the class.
Group 5 – Your group is part of the Student Government and the Little Prince is the president. Design a
school program that would foster friendship and camaraderie.
V. Assignment
Research about the life of Amelia Earhart.
Instructional Decision:
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Teacher 1
English Coordinator
Approved by:
OIC- Teacher III
Read each sentence carefully and choose the correct cohesive device in the parenthesis. Write
the correct answer in your answer sheet.
1. Luisa had been studying for hours. ____________, she got all the correct answers in the quiz. (As a
result, On the other hand, Above all)
2. The idea of Alvin was innovative and exceptional __________ the other suggestion provided.
(therefore, unlike, however)
3. Diet and exercise will help you lose weight. ____________, it is good for your health. (Therefore, For
instance, Nonetheless)
4. Mark was sad ___________ his team lost the dance competition. (meanwhile, because, however)
5. My sister has a lot of hobbies _____________ painting, dancing, singing, and writing. (in addition, such
as, to sum up)
6. I visited the library to borrow some books needed in my research. ____________, I went to the canteen
to buy some snacks. (Afterwards, Although, As well as)
7. Our teacher is presenting the lesson. __________, our classmates are listening attentively.
(Meanwhile, Otherwise, However)
8. Most of the guest in the party were ____________ dressed. (otherwise, similarly, finally)
9. My brother was feeling very tired. _________________, he still went to work early.
(However, In short, Before)
10. Karen enjoys playing the piano. _________________, she composes her own songs.
(To sum up, In addition, In contrast)
As a result 1.
Therefore 3.
Because 4.
Such As 5.
Afterwards 6.
Meanwhile 7.
Similarly 8.
However 9.
In Addition