Graph Shifts .' o, ney is a_ m e d ium of exchange AD/AS Curves Positive AD shock (from Y') AE Curve m place of bar ler mg s1utf ( vhich needs a -inflationary gap co inc id ence of wants) . This makes II a : - supply increases AE , , Net tax rate goes up useful stor e of val ue t? kee_p the power to : new Ye with price level up : : _ up - flatter z down buy stu f f unless there s hyperinflation , . . : ::.:=.-- · -- tgraph (inflation over so permon t h. ) Value : , ' · ., Cause stmtlar to_EC120 demand . -.. _ Ye down measurement allo ws for it to be a unit of • y • anythin9 that shifts AE up A .-·: : Other causes account to bal ance. Y" • population up -- -, ----- • MPC goes down Coinage suffers_ from debasing (making . j Negative AS shock (from Y*) Ye' v. Y • Imports up lower quali ty coins) causing people to -recessionary gap Foreign Income up hoard the better ones (Gresham's law). _: -gov spending can close gap AE -Xo up-NX up Paper money are promi ses to pay holder . • -new Yew il h price level up • -A up-shift up of pap er the money. Can lead to runs on . y causes similar to EC120 supply ····-=-•..:' -Ye up by Xo x 1/(1-z) 1 -t A···-- :---- : : the bank when everyone asks for money Y" • technology level down Other causes at once and there isn't enough money. Both can cause • people/capital down • ' ' • Wealth goes up Fiat money is not conve rtable into gold stagflation (price level • factor prices up " ------ v • Future expectations up or an ything at all. Inst ead p•ay to bearer and unemployment up) (e.g. oil, wages, commodities) v. v.: • Interest rate down on demand". fiat bills say "this is legal lnrettc:;iuses/effectslogeltheolherdlrKrions AE; : . Relative foreign tende· r . Almost all money now is fiat. Bank of Canada is Canada's central bank and ' . .-;... ,,-;.:. - -· pri!eddown/atprciate Deposit money is made-up money in has 4 main functions: (1) Banker to the chartered A ..._ !· - · ·- · : I\() own-s i I down banks that people "have· . Banks promise (commercial) banks. They keep deposits with the Boe, ; __•• • - a ls o IM up more money than exi sts (fractional called rese rves. (2) Banker to the federal gov, who keeps .-. -graph flatter reserves ). Deposits are demand or some deposits. (3) Regulator of the money supply by -· .. y -Ye goes down notice depending if you can withdraw buying and selling gvmt bonds. (4) Regulator of financial AE v. whenever. Term deposits collect interest institutions alongside OSFI (Office of the Superintendent : .- : Relative domestic and no withdrawal until term is finished. of Financ ial Institutions). Bank of canada Balance Sheet , ? --- ·:· prices down/depreciate Near money is stuff with value easily Reserves Assets Liabilities A.. .. ·_·····- _- ;-:-·: :,· - Xo up-shift up converted (q!l uidated) into n:ioney, like are a commercial bank's • g i osits _,: -also IM down term epos1ts. Money substitutes are cash and deposits at BoC. • Commercial Bank : -graph steeper used_m exchan9e but are not stores of Commercial banks in Canada Deposits v. v;Y -Ye goes up value, like creditca r•d debt. have a fractional banking system, so they reserve only some deposits . Reserves.;.deposits is the reserve Money Creation in banking ratio, and banks have a target reserve ratio (v). When above, lend excess reserves to collect interes t. happens from: (l) immi9rants bringing Example lf a commerc ial bank with target ratio 10% gets a new deposit of $250. Target reserves are cash to Canada (2) fmdmg i:noneyu nedr 10%x$1250 = $125 so excess reserves are $300 + $50 - $125 = $225 (BoC deposits are pan of reserves) beds and (3) when the Boe increases • . .. . . .. . . ... money supply . When money is "created" Assets L1ab1ht1es As sets L1ab1l1t1es Assets L1ab1ht1es ( i.e. deposited in a commercial bank), it Cash' 250 so Deposi1s'250 1000 cash-m 300 Deposi ts 12so Cash 75 Dep osi ts 1250 moves through the balance sheets Boe Deposits so Kapital 100 Boe Deposit s so Kapi tal 1oo Bo e Deposi ts so Kapital 100 The total deposit money created is Loan s 900 Loans' 225 900 Loans 1125 ( epositHt_arget reserve ratio) So the bank loans out $225 so cash decreases and loans increase. Lending to a second-hand bank Fiat money 1s created by the central ?nk increases their cash, so they lend, repeating the cycle to make $250/10%= $2500 of new deposit money: (the BoC} through purchase of securities. Money is "destroyed· in the opposite Commercial Bank Balance Sheet A central bank digital currency would still have banks ets. Liablli iesdeposits . acting as lenders and borrowe s butofcommercial process to creation. ReservesAs(,nctud,ng • Demand/Notice no longer be providers of medrum exchange. banks will ::. : ":P-z' f::l:U !: p : r:: M Oney ar e 5 M . k t !: •deposltsat_t eBoCJ •Terrndepo lts secunlies deposits T rend S Actual GDP stays around potential. Labor force •• Gov Loans (incl. mortgages) ••Gov Foreign liabilities Apply S/0 logi c to the interest rate (price) and quantity of money. • Canadian securities • Shareholder equity grows, so (un)employment rises. Unemployment rate has no Increase in y or P shifts MD up. MS • Foreign currency long term trend (except for the massive COVID drop, of course) 1 is erlical because it's not affected Actual COVID Effects DJ's COVID Obsession AE < y but production by interest rate - i • Inventory down (decrease in 10) didn't rise, so GDP fell . The MD curve I l Quantitative easing: Boe buys federal bonds at all Oil price drop O - ·comes from ·· ;··· - · ··· · ·· ·- ·- · maturities to fund CERB (MS shift up) -' (see below) so AD down three reasons: i, ; • Boe lower interest rate (decrease in i) To fix, gov did CERB transactions ; • Boe buys provincial bonds for first time {MS shift up) (tr an sfer/negative tax) demand (spending), MSo MS, • Governm nt increa ed budget defe it (increase in D) so To fell and AD up precautionary demand (rainy-day fund • Commer 1al banks increased depo 1ts al BoC -Wage subsidy (CEWS) / keeping money in your pockets), and • Exports/imports drop ed (NX relatively unaffected) , lowers factor price; speculative demand (investing/ • MPC felt (lot more savings) Y" Y shi fts AS right diversification strategy). The Potential COVID Effects ] Canadian oil prices opportunity cost of money is the real . • • . -' fall: Fall in 10 so AD Interest rate on bonds. Possible high mflat1on post-pandemicas reserves of ba kmg system get loaned out ii. down (because o­il Assume money neutrality in the long • Possible long term decline in potential GDP (Y*) as industry worth less) run: % change in MS - same % people_were une ployed (get rusty) and missed out AS curve shifts right change in P. Money neutrality is highly on choohng leading to less productivity/human (lower facto r price) debated: hysterisis effects (reasons capital y why it shouldn't be) change Y* and • P pulation decrease as immigration dipped make AS and AD move different Stimulus packages could cause inflation amoun ts when AS returns to a new Y* : (l) investr:n_ent can lead to growth in Y* (2) red uc tio n in human capital during recessions decreases Y* (people get rusty when unemployed) . 1 Scanned with Cam Scanne r Ch at EC , 40 Final e W•lp verSI·OO VO. 2 Sheet Factors H)AEVariablesDESIREDlhe Macro Mod eI cu rrcnl X 100 n Gf:>_!l=ft(K. ew o l d X 100'¼ = C +I+ G +X -1 Index old %change KapitaI Price level is the average . ACTUAL ·ce of everything. Power of money G p es down as price level goes up. r. D P=Y (national income) Var,ableds D t ·bute to GDP by value adde - oes g . irms conn for ille al/black markets, leisure, Today dollars _are nominal. lnd xed i!Jt·c ; sting rir real GDP is better, to against part cular b se yearis_ real. account to'r inflation. Stuff with no clear market Real natIona_l mcome 1s qu_ant1ty now @ base yea r prices. Measure price of the I ·1s counted at cost. va ue ( I) I ff lative to some year as the 1ncom St den:+Yln=d r t x s;i: i d e: it: ti h fse calculated as an index. . fi . d fl t _ · I/ 1 0eprec1a 10 NOi =Wages+ Interest+ Business pro its For any index, e a ?r - omma r ea_ . 1 Expenditure Side: Y = Caonsume + lanvestment e ! i o ieW; :l d :- d fal ti on + Gavmt+ EX.,port-s IMaports. _ . deflater= last year deflator x inflation Investment= N t lnvesment + Oeprec1at1 n: not . rn . afllion- isde ·investing· but inventory, plants, and equipment. Negativ i fladitio.n inflation 1 Count only gvmt spend on firms, not alslpend . s = :insal: inflation: :i f Model desired (same as GDP expenditure side) aggreM gate expenditure AE with a auto'!omous part A and induced part zY( . thn marginal propensity to spend) E d z IS e . variables on back side tog e ·t . xpan AE =A+ zY with 4E. - ( + 1 Ii • -o 7;J + Go + X u )+_ (li(J- t-) m)l ' . - , c1 _ <a" '' ' '°"'"">• AE ends to eq 1libnum when desired= actual, that is, E - X- Otherwise, AE ,_.. . • mflat1onary or A. iuc1 < Desired .,_ - · defhlationary gaps :nr : 1 i : .•)··· pus actua1 production and A : ;..c,ual , o,,,rco i ti/i L ;: c;1u ir : inv ntory towards desired amounts. , v Solve AE = Y for Y o get e = A/1( z- . ) v. flYe/ M = 1/(1-z) Is the simple multiplier relating auto omous spending (vertical shift) to equilibium. Busir:,ess Cycle Regular short•yun GDP People plan for normal, anticipated Shifts See ariables + graphs on back page fluctu t1ons. Measure actual vs potent I G P _ inflation. If price level goes u efore Basic Wealth nses - co sume more(a ) - s h i ft up (Y*) with full employment. Output ga-p %dif-f people plan, inflation is unant1c1pated, Interest rates up-less inventory (1) - s h i ft down 0 Recession is decreasing Y- r x 100% like being paid back in weaker dollars . E pectations up:-- consu ":le more (a) - sh_ift up ?utput 9ap, recover when Y· . Exchange rate is the price in Canadian Higher sales-h1gh_er desired stock (I0)- shift up increasing. Depressions re long re essrons. dollars to buy one of another currency. Government Spending up (G)- shift up Peak/trough when GDP hits local mm/max. More val uable currency is appreciating, TO up - shift down, t up-flatter Output gaps put pressure on wages and working less valuable depre ciating. Trade Foreign GDP up- X up- shift up h urs. For exa ple, COVI_D screwed GDP. Labour force is people who Labour Domestic price up-X down/m up-down and flatter Biggest recession ever with fastest recovery are l 5+ and employed or unemployed CAD weaker- X up/m down-shift up and steeper Modelling Change Express as Gob searchin -) Unemployment rat.e is Fiscal Policy Government can take your money, growth rates, normally pe centages er year, unemployed.,. labo r force. Potential or spend your money, or give bonus money. Affect.s e.g. $2 after 50 yrs @ 5% rs 2x(1.05_)a The full employme t till has some disposable income YD=Y- T. The budget balance Is T-G, rule of 72 says it takes 72/x years for x% unemployed : frictio_nal frof!) turnover aka the primary budget surplus (orde fci it . ) growth to Growth is causea limited bydouble. resources: xhaustion of supply or degragatron of the environment can halt growth. Sustained economic growth must be tech change (by· definition · ' this is janky). In mo els, change ,s either endogenous nd srtuc tu r a l from skilm 1 a feas .h . al:ro yearly l si:;mJa ;tcJ;•:cty e u. Te:s cyw·th eople per um a our, 1 P (worse) or hours worked (better). Agg re_gate SuppI Y shows J: Unlike monetary policy, fiscal policyl a g s. toItimplement takes timeor to get information and decide, b_ut.also execute the plans. This makes timmg really hard. • _ • . . Savings !he sum pnvate ubhc where private Is S = Y-C (=lam Baby) and public rs budget balance T-G. l-b is marginal propensity to save opposite of MPC (explained by the model) or exo9enous (not the quantity of aggregate output V . ' .. . . explained ). E. g., in the neoclassical model created if it's sold at price level P. Aggregate Demand 1s all equ,hbrra pomts tech is exogenous but endogenous technology AS slopes up .;; for different price levels. w ••• Pr ci emodels argue tech is affected by the macro from increasing § · Ast he dom e s ti c price < model (so it's explained). unit (marginal) level goes up, exports Growth outside of the neoclassical model (i.e. costs. There's a er. ...1..-go down and imports go up, exogenous tech) is also called the Solow flat "Keynesian· ..._ --'--- making the AE curv e shift L -.,• ,:_;.._. ----- Price+ residual (or total factor productivity). range somewhere Y* Y Th down be ·flatt. r11 the ••••: *hatnodf Y*. °':ii D.curve 1.s ae a.:.•_ • .,;.. , ;...--, --------- v Growth Models The neoclassical AS sle tefteopfY rig e_A.and I growth mo el has di inishing marg!nal The Philips u firu ! b Ir : returns to either Kap1tal, Human capital, or curve shows * y P. . .: : Labour, and c nstant returns to scale if both sticky wages: Y The curve s sens1t1vIty to er. : go up p oporlronaUY- In the long ru . the only wages rise quickly in inflationary gaps s ocrs de) n s_on the AD : 1'!1P e mbu t,phierf stnce _ change 1s tech which means LRAS 1s a and fall slowly in recessions, since AS , , : AD constant vertical line. can't shift as fast to fix them. , s Iust a unc o Y" points. ------------------------------- Y Modern models say tech is endogenous like, !he true multipli r (chang in Y,., given /J.A) learning by doing or innovation/competition, Living 1s smaller than simple (horizonta l shift) which lead to increasing marginal returns. This inc a;::ter : whenever AS slopes up. is the only way we can get sustained growth, than scale : The paradox of thrift is that if everyone like the industrial revolution (see graph- ) g; --saves, b goes down and everyone gets ....,a,..,-,:,,-- ... Neoclassical model adjustment process in C!). _; poorer (Yc down) response t ?n output gap always forces 1soo nme Automatic StabiI izers are parts 1 supply toY in the long run Supply/Demand of tax-and-transfer systemst ha t reduces the 1 :ii 1 s ta u; i ! s Fac: 1 ": sr th f! p to }i1,J D+- P+ Y + read .s AD up causes multiplier mak ing AD more stable (small er nd and tech Iechnology still const changing pr ic e upa GDP up changes in re al GDP due to shock) . St - P· Y+ S· - Pt Y· 1· D+ - P+ Y+ o- - p. vUnli ke discretionary (purpose ful ) 1f sca Ipo icy s+ D+ - P? Y+ s- D·- P? Yadjusting Ga or T0 , automatic stab ilizers are s > D - P· Y? D >s - P+ Y? induced (autom atic ally shift). Example.s Use r o ta b le 1 0 loo up causefr om i nclude emplo m y ent i nsurance, progressi ve result or vice 1-ersa taxes , and the wel fare system. © James/Mahbod/lmaad/Ainsley 2021. Don't upload me to Cour ehero :( Jg i' r: : ] • :i t t d :: rr;l)i! c! Y* V Y* y y Support us and see list of prmous versions' errors at Scanned wiith Cam Scanner