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Principal Qualifying Exam: Child-Friendly Schools & DepEd Programs

Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer in each of the following
1. Child-Friendly School inclusive, gender-sensitive and non-discriminating when it:
a. Has a curriculum that address the child’s learning needs as well as those of the
community and society
b. Employ teaching methods that are suited to the child’s age, abilities and ways of
c. Gives boys and girls equal learning opportunities, threats children equally, regardless of
gender, social status, cultural origin on religious belief
d. Encourages children to think and decide for themselves, ask questions and express
their opinions.
2. The following are the characteristics of an effective child-friendly school EXCEPT one:
a. Has the best interest of the child in mind in all learning activities
b. Has a curriculum that addresses the child’s learning needs as well as those of the
community and society
c. Does not turn away any child from enrolling and attending classes for whatever reason
d. Encourages children to think and decide for themselves ask questions and express their
3. A Child-friendly school should aspire for the following goals, EXCEPT one:
a. Encourages children’s participation in school and community
b. Ensure children’s high academic achievement and success
c. Enhance children’s health and well-being
d. Encouraged sustained high enrolment and completion rate
4. Which of the following are the characteristics of an effective child-friendly school?
Maintains a learning environment of courtesy and respect for different learners
II. Provides gender-fair opportunities for learning
III. Provides learners with a variety of learning experiences
IV. Takes measures to maximize anxiety and fear of the teacher
a. I, II, III
b. II, III, and IV
c. I, II, and IV
d. I, II, III, and IV
5. The following are some of children’s right EXCEPT one:
a. Children have the right to appropriate early reading instruction based on their
individual needs
b. Children have the right to well-prepared teachers who keeps their skills up to date
through effective professional development
c. Children have a right to classroom that optimize learning opportunities
d. Children have the right to school that have strong school-community linkages
6. The following are the components of the National Drug Education Program (NDEP) EXCEPT
a. Curriculum and instruction
b. Parent education and community outreach
c. Pre-service and in-service training of teachers
d. Ancillary services; and research and evaluation
7. In promoting School Health Program, the principal may strengthen the following school’s
dental service/program EXCEPT one:
a. Sodium Fluoride Mouthrinsing Project
b. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART)
c. Teacher-Child Parent ( TCP) Approach Program
d. “Bright Smiles Bright Future” Program
b. School-Based Preventive Nephrology project
c. School- Based Breakfast Feeding Program
d. School – Based Milk Feeding Project
9. One of tools used in CFSS ( Child Friendly School System) to track down the pupils’
participation in school is the:
a. Effective Teaching-Learning Guide
b. Student Tracking System
c. Gender Sensitivity Guide
d. Self - Assessment Guide
10. The tax exemption allowed by law for Adopt-A-School donor/benefactor is equal to the:
a. Amount being donated
b. Donated amount plus 50%
c. Fifty percent of the amount donated
d. Seventy-five percent of the amount donated
11. This is one of the Innovations introduced by DepEd to strengthen school-based
management through decentralized construction management and principal empowerment
with active participation of the community and technical assistance from professional
a. DPWH-Led school-Building Project
b. LGU-Led School Building Project
c. Principal-Led School Building Project
d. Principal-LGU Joint School Building Project
12. R.A 9184 (An Act Providing for the modernization, Standardization and Regulation of the
procurement Activities of the Government and for the other purposes) upholds the
following principle in government procurement EXCEPT one:
a. Competitiveness by extending equal opportunity to all public and private parties who
are eligible and qualified, to participate a public bidding
b. Transparency in the procurement process and in the implementation of procurement
contracts through wide non-government organization
c. System accountability is exclusively intended for the party(ies) involved
d. Revised procurement process that will apply government procurement standards
13. Per RA 9184 “Competitive Bidding” and public Bidding” shall have the same meaning. This
method of procurement is open to any interested party and consists of the following series
of activities, EXCEPT one:
a. Pre-bid conference
b. Eligibility screening of prospective bidder
c. Receipt and opening of bids, and closure and evaluation of bids
d. Post-qualification and award of contract
14. Aside from BAC (Bids and Awards Committee) the head of the procuring entity shall create a
Technical Working Group (TWG) from a pool/technical, financial and/or legal expert to
assists in the procurement process, particularly in the eligibility screening and in the
a. Evaluation of bids and pre-qualification
b. Evaluation of bids and post-qualification
c. Resolving motions for reconsideration
d. Resolving motions and awarding of contract
15. In the implementing BRIGADA ESKWELA, the School Principal and the PTA should organized
the work groups through the following approaches EXCEPT one:
a. Document the effort of networking
b. Appoint work teams and team leaders
c. Agree on specific tasks per team per day
d. Organize the logistics as to who will be responsible for the directions
16. Who is an authorized person to accept/received donations, gifts, bequest and grants in
accordance with existing laws and policy of the DepED for the purpose of upgrading
teachers/learning facilitators’ competencies?
a. School principal
b. School PTA president
c. School PTA Treasurer
d. School BAC chairman
17. The DepEd Program that aims to develop its members to become active partners in nation
building and to achieve competitiveness and productivity through the different skills in agrifishery, home economics, Industrial arts and entrepreneurship, is:
a. SSG
d. YES-O
18. Boy Scouting is a continuing program for every boy from pre-school into young manhood. It
consists of the following activities KID Scouting, KAB Scouting, Boy Scouting and :
a. Senior Scouting and Patrol System
b. Rover Scouting
c. Senior and Rover Scouting
d. Rover Scouting and Commissioner Training
19. The following are DepEd nationally-initiated projects of the Bureau of Alternative Learning
System (BALS) except one:
a. Accreditation and Equivalency Program (ALS’A & E)
b. Comprehensive Barangay Development Program (COBDEP)
c. Balik sa Paaralan Out-of-School Adults (BP-OSA)
d. Basic Literacy Program thru Literacy Service Contracting Scheme (BLP-LCCS)
20. As provided in RA 7160 (Local Government Code) The local School Board has the following
functions, EXCEPT one:
a. Serves as an advisory committee to the Sanggunian on educational matters
b. Recommend changes in the name of public school within the territorial jurisdiction of
the local government unit for enactment by the Sanggunian.
c. Authorized the Treasurer to disburse funds from the special Education Fund taken
from National Budget
d. Determine the Annual Supplementary Budget for the operations and maintenance of
public schools
21. The annual School Board Budget shall give priority to:
Construction, repair and maintenance of school buildings and other facilities of public
elementary and secondary schools
School Building, establishment of extension classes and sports activities
Sport Activities at the Division, District Municipality and Barangay Levels
Organization of non-formal education classes in far-flung barangays
22. In 1990. A Congressional Commission to Review and ASSESS Philippine Education System
known as EDCOM was created by a joint resolution of congress. EDCOM study showed a
declining quality education because:
a. The education establishment is poorly managed and government is not investing
enough in the education system
b. There is graft and corruption in all the four levels of its structure and Philippines is
rated No. 3
c. There are many layers of education-Basic Education, Higher Education and Tech-voc
d. Lack of financial resources
23. In pursuit of having an accreditation for public secondary schools, the following major areas
have been look into 1.)
Culture, administration and resources, 2.) Faculty and
Instruction, 3.) School and community; and
a. Performance appraise of teachers
c. student outcomes
b. Outstanding achievement of the high school d. instructional materials and resources
24. The acronym APPES means
a. Accreditation Program for Principals of Elementary Schools
b. Accreditation Program for Public Elementary Schools
c. Accreditation Program for Private Elementary Schools
d. Accreditation Process for Public Elementary Schools
25. Accreditation is a concept on:
a. Regulation and assistance of all education stakeholders
b. Activities could be done by the school alone
c. What the school can do to improve the quality of education
d. Self-regulation which focus on evaluation and the continuing improvement of
education quality
26. DepEd Order No. 51, s. 2004 has formally launched MADRASAH Program in public schools
system. What is its best feature?
a. It provides a Matching Fund for the Muslim ASATIDZ/teachers
b. It provides the standard curriculum on Islamic studies and Arabic Values
c. It designs the regular BEC curriculum with Arabic languages and Islamic culture
d. It provides assistance to Private Madaris to answer peace and order conflict in
27. The provision of inclusive education as anchored on the philosophy that all children and
youth with special needs must receive an appropriate education and everything within the
system. Inclusion is a basic right of every Filipino child with special needs to education,
relationship, support, service, work, training and employment opportunities and:
a. Community participation and independent living
b. Community participation and socialization
c. Socialization and psychological development
d. Community participation and spiritual development
28. A Philippine innovation in the delivery of educational services to children with special needs
is the SPECIAL EDUCATION (SPED) CENTER. The following are its characteristics EXCEPT one:
It is a school-within –a – school concept administered by a principal and operated
according to the rules and regulations that governs a regular school
It is staffed by trained SPED teachers for the gifted and for children with disabilities
It is a school-within-a-school concept that provides a range of educational services that
promote mainstreaming or integration towards full inclusion
SPED Center as a resources center for inclusive education and multi-grade teaching
29. Basic principles of multi-grade teaching includes the following, EXCEPT one:
a. The implementation of the school curriculum must taken into consideration the varied
abilities, levels and interests within a particular group
b. The value of any educational program will be judged according to how well it is able to
achieve the goals of the program-whether the children actually learn what they are
expected to learn and how well they have learned
c. Inter-aging or the combination of children of different ages is more respectful of
individual needs of learners and reflects real-life
d. The role of the teachers in a classroom involves setting up and managing a learning
environment that will be conducive for homogenous groupings
30. Which of the following best describes a multigrade class?
a. A class with two grade levels within one classroom with one teacher
b. Multi-level classes
c. A class with two to three grade levels with one teacher for an entire school year
d. A class involving different children of different ages with different skills and abilities
31. Which of the following professional skills does the mentor should have?
I. A desire to help people gain insight into how they think
II. a proven track record of working with others and ability to recognize their needs and
III. ability to work with others of different social and ethnic background
IV. ability to listen and identify potentials barriers and jointly engage in strategies to
overcome these barriers
I, II, and III
II, III, and IV
I, II, and IV
I, II, III, and IV
32. Which of the following best describes the Mentoring Program?
a. Mentoring is about life-long relationship among teachers in a school
b. Mentoring in a process where inexperienced teachers depend on experience teachers
for their instructional guidance
c. Mentoring is a process where experienced teachers help to guide other teachers
through different stages of their career
d. Mentoring is building a mentor-mentee relationship anchored on trust based on TNA
33. Which of the following personal qualities does the mentor should have?
a. wise and kind
b. role model
c. willing to help
d. objective and credible
I and III
I, II, and III
c. III and IV
d. I, II, III, and IV
34. Which of the following professional skills does the mentor should have?
A desire to help people gain insight into how they think
a proven track record of working with others and ability to recognize their needs and
III. ability to work with others of different social and ethnic background
IV. ability to listen and identify potentials barriers and jointly engage in strategies to
overcome these barriers
a. I , II, IV
b. I and II
c. II, III, IV
d. I, II, III, and IV
35. Which of the following are the benefits of mentoring?
I. Promotes self-learning
II. Improves the capacity of the mentees to deal with change
III. Sustainable framework which can be reviewed regularly by the mentor and mentees.
IV. Increases effective communication
I and II
I, II and III
I, II, III and IV
II, III and IV
36. RA 8980 is about the Early Childhood Care and Development Act (ECCD) Which of the
following describes best the ECCD Act?
a. It Institutionalized a national system for ECCD test which is comprehensive and
b. It provides a comprehensive and a coherent national policy for the implementation of
an integrated ECCD
c. It is supports the 8 weeks curriculum of the DepEd’s Pre-School Program
d. It aims to improve in and child survival rate
37. The main objectives of every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) is to:
a. Produce quality readers in all grade levels
b. Develop all children become engaged readers
c. Let all Grade I pupils read with comprehension
d. Enable all pupils to read before reaching grade III
38. An assessment tool to determine the reading level of the children where teachers apply
intervention strategies after the conduct of the pretest
39. A nationwide reading marathon to generate public awareness and develop love for reading
among elementary pupils
a. Reading Awareness
b. Reading Comprehension
c. Read-A-Thon
d. Read-A-Book
40. Education for All (EFA) program stipulates that by 2015, all children have access to:
a. Comprehensive early childhood education program
b. Complete, free and compulsory elementary education
c. All modes of alternative learning system
d. Complete, free and compulsory secondary education
41. Which of the following are the Millinnium Development Goals of the Philippine
I. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
II. Achieve universal primary education
III. Reduce child mortality
IV. Combat HIV AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
a. I and II
b. I, II, and IV
c. II and III
d. I, II, III, and IV
42. “Teach a student what to think and you make him a slave of knowledge, but teach a
students how to think and you make knowledge his save” Logic for Filipinos (2001)What is
the message?
I. to do collaborative teaching with peers from different discipline
II. to share knowledge and resources with the learners
III. to build a community of effective educational practice
IV. to build an authoritarian leadership
II and III
IV and I
III, II and I
I, II, and III
43. DepEd order No. 25, s. 2006 organized the Division/school Calamity, Disaster and fire
Control (CDFC) Groups and guidelines on the calamity and Disaster Preparedness on the
following EXCEPT one:
a. Tsunami, La nina and Flood
b. Storm, Earthquake and Fire Drills
c. Zenorium and First Aide Management
d. Scouting Encampment and PNRC Blood donation
44. CDFC shall have the responsibility for this activity:
a. Assessment of all structure and physical facilities within DepEd premise
b. Construct evacuation centers
c. Establish Disaster Training Program
d. Issue Guideline on the Suspension of classes when typhoon and all calamities occur
45. School-Based Management is carried out under the principles of:
a. Subsiclarity and collegiality
b. Participative leadership
c. Solidarity and Camaraderie
d. Decision –Making Opportunity
46. School-Based Management (SBM) is the institutional expression of the decentralization of
education at the grassroots level based on the national policy of decentralization originally
set by the Philippine Local Government Code of 1991, otherwise known as:
a. RA 4570
c. R.A 7160
b. RA 9155
d. R.A 907
47. Integration of ICT in the curriculum aims to:
a. Enhance teaching and learning
b. Address shortage of instructional material
c. Address teacher shortage
d. All of the above
48. One has to re-teach a lesson if:
a. Many are absent
b. The criterion set is not met
c. Objectives are not realized
d. All of the above
49. The supervisor considers the following as reason for securing his/her teachers for a lesson
a. The lesson plan helps the teacher to be systematic and orderly
b. Lesson plans prevent waste of time and effort
c. Every lesson plan limits the coverage of the topics for discussion
d. The teacher has enough reason for not going beyond the topics assigned for the day
50. A teaching technique which calls for acting out situation where the participants aim to
uncover a problem of great importance to the lesson and to the class is
a. Cooperative learning
b. Panel discussion
c. Lecture forum
d. Role playing
51. The principal understand that a teacher’s teaching procedure is effective if
a. It follows a standard fool proof routine
b. It can cover a wide ground of subject matter
c. It can be changed or modified as each learner demands
d. The learners can summarize the lesson at the end of the period
52. All of the following speak the role of a supervisor in personnel development EXCEPT
a. A supervisor gives teachers a chance to show their talent
b. A supervisor must be fair to his subordinate to avoid trouble
c. A supervisor should set his own priorities first other than the priorities of his
d. A supervisor should provide the necessary leader of a teaching staff and a good
atmosphere to work democratically and scientifically
53. Which type of supervision is appropriate to excellent teachers who are willing to gain more
skills for themselves and the rest of the staff for self-directed improvement?
a. Peer supervision
c. collaborative supervision
b. Clinical supervision
d. Intensive guided supervision
54. One of these does not describe “supervision” as a democratic professional leadership
a. Enlists the teacher’s cooperation in the formulation of policies, plans and procedures
b. The supervisor observes with the aims to improve teaching learning situations through
cooperative process or group action
c. The teachers, supervisors and administrators are regarded as co-workers in a common
d. Emphasis is upon the improvement of the teacher as well as her technique through
direction, training and guidance
55. The BEC 2002 is designed to empower the Filipino learner so that he or she can become the
following EXCEPT one. Which is the exception?
a. A self-developed person
b. A self-developed Filipino learners
c. An individual who has the skill of learning how to learn
d. A person who is Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makabayan, and Makakalikasan
56. Makabayan as the “laboratory of life” means that it provides the environment for
a. The development of a holistic personal and social well-being
b. The development of skills for computer technology
c. The practice of cultural and political values
d. The improvement of skills in tool subject
57. Content-Based instruction in the language subjects such as Filipino and English means that:
a. The content for English and Filipino is based on learning competencies in the BEC
b. The content for English is taken from Science and Filipino from Social Studies
c. Instruction for English and Filipino is focused on content rather than communication
d. The teachers of English and Filipino should be competent of their subject content
58. The teacher promotes interactive learning in the following situations EXCEPT one:
a. The children are allowed to talk among themselves about a lesson
b. The learners are encouraged to learn from materials through information technology
c. The instructional materials like textbooks and workbooks stimulate interest of learners
d. The learners are instructed to copy and memorized lessons from the books
59. The teacher practices integrative teaching in the following EXCEPT one. Which is the
a. Teachers values incidentally in any of the subject areas or lessons
b. Goes beyond her/his lesson content includes related subject matter whenever
c. Conducts thematic teaching along with one or more teachers on a specific theme for a
set of related competencies
d. Conduct team teaching with other teachers in a specific subject area or lesson
60. Collaborative learning among children is demonstrated in the following situation EXCEPT
one. Which is the exception?
a. Children learn to work in different situation in different context with different teams
b. Learners know how to deal with their classmates with their teachers and with other
c. Learners demonstrate leadership and teamwork and group habits
d. Learners do a lot of reflection and intelligent decision making
61. Experiential learning is demonstrated when
a. A teacher shares her personal experience with the children
b. The students are allowed to read stories about experiences of characters in a story
c. The children reflect on and learn to from their own experiences
d. Teachers give the learners opportunity to experience failure and success
62. Which one of the following is more effective way in teaching beginning reading?
a. Teach children how to read English to facilitate reading in Filipino
b. Teach reading in Filipino or dialect before teaching English
c. Teach reading in English and Filipino at the same time
d. Teach reading alternatively with English and Filipino alternately
63. Remedial instruction should be done only before or after classes. This is:
a. True, because remedial reading is not part of the regular class period
b. True, because pupils read better outside the regular period
c. False, because the teacher should do this in all subject areas from Grade I-VI
d. False, because every learner may need remedial reading anytime
64. The concept of multiple intelligence means that:
A child has only one intelligence with other related abilities
A child is unique blend of 9 intelligences so far studied
A child has only one or two of many intelligences
All children possess equally all the multiple intelligence
65. Effective communication is emphasized in the curriculum. Which of the following is not a
good strategy for this purpose
a. Storytelling
b. Brainstorming
c. Journal writing
d. Drawing
66. Which of the following is not true about higher order thinking?
a. Manipulating ideas and information to create other ideas and meanings
b. Memorizing facts and ideas to form a more coherent whole
c. Solve problems and discover new meaning
d. Making conclusion and interpretations
67. The following are true in decision making process, EXCEPT one:
a. The principal/supervisor consults with those people who are affected by his / her
decision, particularly those in position of power
b. The supervisor / principal must be sensitive and must try to avoid having differences
with his / her subordinates for he / she can learn a lot from them
c. The supervisor / principal needs the support of his / her subordinates only when there
is a problem which the supervisor needs to cope
d. Once the supervisor / principal makes decision, he / she assumes full responsibility for
its consequences.
68. The type of authority that can defy the unity of command principle is:
a. Line authority
b. Staff authority
c. Functional authority
d. Decentralized authority
69. The valid statement regarding the stages of team development is:
a. By the end of the forming phase, teams have built a cohesive community
b. The norming stage is the most productive stage
c. Teams enter the storming phase with clarity about what is the mission on the team
d. The adjourning phase characterized by a sharp focus on achieving team goals
70. Mr. Bert Lomocso’s supervisor has passed him over for a promotion many times because
the supervisor believes that he lacks leadership skills. AS A RESULT, Mr. Lomocso now
assumes a passive role when working in a team environment. This situation is an example
a. Projection
c. selective perception
b. Classifying
d. pygmalion effect
71. According to managerial grid model, the authoritarian leadership style is characterized by:
a. Low-level concern with people and low-level concern with production
b. Low-level concern with people and high-level concern with production
c. Equal concern with people and production
d. High level concern with people and low-level concern with production
72. According to paradigm of teacher categories, these teachers have both a low level of
commitment and low level of abstraction.
Teacher dropouts
Unfocused teachers
Analytical observers
73. These teachers have both a high level of commitment and a high level of abstraction.
a. Teachers dropouts
b. Unfocused teachers
c. Analytical observers
d. Professionals
74. These teachers have low level of commitment but high level in abstraction
a. Teachers dropouts
b. Unfocused teachers
c. Analytical teachers
d. Professionals
75. Which of the following are the characters of unfocused teachers according to the paradigm
of teacher categories?
I. They are enthusiastic, energetic and full of good intentions.
II. They want to become better teachers
III. They work very hard and usually leave school staggering under materials to be worked on
at home.
IV. They have little motivation for improving their competencies
I, and IV
I, II and III
II and IV
I, II, III and IV
76. A school manager can use strategies to motivate teachers to increase performance. Which
of the following statements is a sound assumption on motivation process?
a. Most people have little capacity in creativity and in solving school problems
b. Most people are not ambitious have a little desire for responsibility and prefer to be
c. Most people must be closely controlled and often coerced to achieve organizational
d. Most people can be self-directed, creative at work, possess self-control and are
properly motivated.
77. Leadership including following act for certain goals that represent the values and the
motivations, aspirations and expectations of both leaders and followers. What is the type of
leadership wherein reward or punishment is contingent upon performance?
a. Shared leadership
b. Democratic leadership
c. Transactional leadership
d. Transformational leadership
78. The following are key results areas in principalship, EXCEPT one:
a. Curriculum development
b. Staff development
c. Local School Board Management
d. Pupil Development
79. In decision making processes, the principal had to define and analyse the problems. What is
the next step?
a. Follow up strategies
b. Develop alternatives
c. Evaluate alternatives
d. Follow up and appraise results
80. In prioritizing problems, a set of criterion is set, EXCEPT one:
a. Relevance
b. Seriousness
c. Urgency
d. Gravity
81. Crisis is applied to situations which involve immediate threat with adverse consequences.
Which of the following is not an element of crises?
a. Threat
c. surprise
b. Decision
d. importance
82. SIP (School Improvement Plan) / AIP (Annual Implementation Plan) should focus on the
following EXCEPT one:
a. Student assessment and curriculum
b. Instruction materials and textbook utilization
c. Financial resources and community linkage
d. INSET, School improvement and innovation
83. To start the implementation of SBM under the leadership of the school head, which of the
following should be performed by each school together with its community stakeholders
based on actual baseline data taken from the school annual report of the preceding school
a. Budget and Its Annual Improvement Plan (AIP)
b. Statement of Vision and Mission (VM)
c. Situational Analysis
d. School Improvement Plan (SIP)
84. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the function and duties of School Governing
a. Preparation of School Improvement Plan
b. Preparation of Procurement plan
c. Preparation of school program and policies
d. Preparation of situational analysis report
85. The following are the strategies to raise teacher’s morale and motivation EXCEPT one:
a. Teachers undergo continuing and advanced professional training at least once a year
b. (?)The principal provides strong direction and leadership guided by a written
supervisory plan
c. The principal regularly monitors teacher’s performance and provides needed support
d. Teachers regularly monitor and assess their pupil’s academic performance, with the
view of improving their performance
86. Which of the following principles recognizes that every unit in the education bureaucracy
has a particular role, task and responsibility inherent in the office and for which it is
principally accountable for outcomes?
a. School-Based Management
b. Shared Governance
c. Accountability and Transparency
AURA ( authority, responsibility, and accountability)
87. The proper disciplining authority may preventively suspend any subordinate officer or
employee under his jurisdiction if the charge against such officer or employee involves:
a. Dishonesty
b. Grave misconduct
c. Oppression
d. All of the above
88. A disciplining authority may dismiss a complaint if:
a. Complaint is notarized
b. A prima face case exist
c. Complaint is anonymous
d. None of the above
89. How many days of absence can an official declared it AWOL if it does not have an approved
a. 30 months
c. 1 year
b. 30 days
d. 90 days
90. The Division Grievance Committee shall be composed of all these EXCEPT:
a. Superintendent or his / her representative
b. P.T.C.A President
c. President of Employee Union
d. Human Resource Management
91. Any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction will not be required to render more
than _____________ hours of actual classroom teaching a day.
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
92. This refers to a work related issue that causes employee dissatisfaction or discontent
a. Grievance machinery
b. Grievance
c. Probity
d. Aggrieved party
93. The disciplining authority may preventively suspend a respondent pending formal
investigation if the officer or employee is charge with the following cases EXCEPT:
A. Grave misconduct
B. Dishonesty
C. Oppression
D. Insubordination
94. Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2006 Re: Revised Rules of procedure Department of
Education in Administrative Cases, the disciplining authority for teachers is the:
a. Regional Director
b. Schools Division Superintendent
c. District Supervisor
d. Regional Legal Officer
95. Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 5, s. 1989, an existing elementary / high school may be
integrated with another existing elementary / high school within a contiguous geographical
area if the enrolment in such school falls to meet the minimum number of students of:
a. 50 per curriculum year
b. 80 per curriculum year
c. 100 per curriculum year
d. 60 per curriculum year
96. It is declared policy of the state, in conformity with the mandate of the constitution, to
encourage and promote the teaching of religion to children in public elementary and high
schools. Toward this end, who among these official is mandated to fix the time for religious
instruction after formal request from an authorized person or religious affiliation?
a. School Head
b. Representative of the religious organization
c. Schools Division Superintendent
d. District Supervisor
97. Which of the following is the proper order in the process of filling up of new teacher 1
position pursuant to the existing guidelines of DepEd:
a. Selection, Evaluation, Recruitment, Appointment
b. Recruitment, Evaluation, Selection, Appointment
c. Evaluation, Recruitment, Appointment, Selection
d. Recruitment, Selection, Evaluation, Appointment
98. Secondary schools may organize extension classes in the nearby elementary schools to
accommodate all students desiring to avail of free secondary education provided the
following requirements below are complied EXCEPT
a. No private school in the area is participating in the education Contracting Scheme
b. The distance between the two school beyond 7-km radius
c. Adequate teachers, classrooms and other instructional facilities are available
d. The extension classes shall be under the supervision or control of the nearest existing
public school
99. It is an obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an official or other person
for keeping accurate record of property
a. Property responsibility
b. Property accountability
c. Property liability
d. Property custodianship
100. An inventory is important in determining the need for equipment, furniture, instructional
aids and other resources. The following are factors to be considered in determining needs
a. The inventory of existing equipment, furniture and instructional aids and resources
b. Prioritized needs of a classroom
c. Projection of future quantity of each of the different properties and resources based on
projected enrolment
d. Inventory of existing properties based in eight EMIS modules
101. Per DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003, the granting of service credits is given orally if:
a. The teachers has been working as permanent employee for two years and can claim an
honoraria already
b. It is given for teachers who worked in hazardous places
c. It is given for work beyond regular hours/days where payment of honorarium is not
It is given for any overtime during Saturdays and Sundays
102. Aside from integrity and credibility, the following personnel traits of the school
Grievance Committee should be considered:
a. Sincerity and honesty
b. Probity and sincerity
c. Responsibility
d. Transparency and accountability
103. The most accurate definition of school planning is:
a. Selecting priorities and results and how those results will be achieved
b. Getting the school started for the coming school opening
c. Settling the budget for the coming school year
d. Assessing the needs of the school and formulating objectives and strategies
104. The following are major types of planning EXCEPT:
a. Basic and Project planning
b. Lesson planning and typical planning
c. Program planning and typical planning
d. Business planning and strategic planning
105. One of the benefits of planning is:
a. Improved organizational focus and flexibility
b. Improved organizational coordination
c. Better organizational control
d. Better organizational structure
106. Benchmarking is a managed change process practiced in all types of organization. Which is
the reality about it?
a. It is merely copying or imitating
b. It is only for streaming manufacturing processes
c. It is a matter of revising your sights to the levels of world-class organizations
d. It is learning and discovering journey of successful approaches to be adopted and
applied to one’s organization
107. In appraising the performance of teachers, which of the following is given the highest
percentage (70%)?
a. Professional and personal characteristics
b. Instructional competence
c. Punctuality and school community participation
d. Learner’s achievement
108. Learners should be allowed to evaluate their own work. This statement is:
a. True, because it allows them to change their answers
b. True, because this prompts them to think about their learning
c. False, it allows them to change their answer
d. False, because it retards development of their thinking skills
109. Which is a traditional technique of learning assessment?
a. Paper-pencil achievement test
b. Performance test
c. Use the portfolio
d. Rubrics
110. Authentic learning assessment asks student to apply their skills and knowledge in
meaningful ways such as the following EXCEPT one:
Reporting the results of an experiments
b. Writing a letter that is meant to be sent
Evaluating their learning on a writing a poem
d. Collecting any picture cut-outs for a scrapbook
111. Which is a not characteristic of authentic learning assessment?
Students are required to develop responses, not select the appropriate response from
a list
b. Students are required to synthesize the information they have encountered and to
evaluate their learning as well
Students work on projects and are allowed to create a context for their learning and for
appropriate evaluation
d. Students are evaluated through a written multiple-choice type of test
112. RA 6655 RE: Free secondary Education Act of 1989 during the administration of
Corazon C. Aquino provides among others:
Nationalization of all barangays high schools
b. Provision of salaries of teachers through the national government
Provision of maintenance, operating and other expenses (MOOE)
d. All of the above
113. The 50% of MOOE budget shall give priority to:
a. Transportation allowance
b. Instructional materials
c. Feeding program
d. Other expenses
114. The top priority in the allocation of classroom/school furniture following the color coding
system is:
a. Red/black
b. Red/gold
c. Black/gold
d. Black/blue
115. When can a donation or property for school use be called mortis causa?
a. When it takes effect after the donor’s death which require a last will
b. when it takes effect during the lifetime of the donor
c. when it imposes a condition that such donation will be for school use only
d. when the piece of land was disposed gratuitously by a dying person in his last will and
A school building which has become unsuitable, dilapidated and whose repair or
rehabilitation will cost 50% or more than the cost of the new building to replace, it should be:
a. replaced by a new school building
b. recommend for condemnation and demolition
c. reconstructed to a bid and further dilapidation
d. left untouched until it is damaged completely
117. Which is not true of the following standard requirements of the school site for elementary
a. One hectare for a central school which has six classes
b. Two hectares for school having seven or nine classes
c. Three hectares for a school which has more than twelve classes
d. One-half hectare for a barrio school which has only one or two classes and no grade above
Grade IV
It is a method of acquiring a school site which capitalizes on the deed of exchange to be
executed by both parties
a. Barter
b. Gratuitous conveyance
c. Presidential proclamation
d. Expropriation proceedings
The recommended orientation of a school building in the Philippines is a :
a. Northwest-west to southeast-east axial direction, taking into consideration the direction
of sunlight and the direction of prevailing breezes.
b. Southwest-east to northwest-west axial direction, considering the direction of sunlight
and the prevailing breezes.
c. West to east axial direction. Observing the direction where the sun shines.
d. All of these
120. The school building should properly oriented with regard to air currents, natural lights to
minimize sunlight and:
a. To maximize the flow of breeze or air currents through the rooms
b. To minimize the flow of breeze or air currents
c. To maximize sunlight and air breeze
d. All of these
121. Teacher’s devices other than textbook and teacher’s manual which aid in the teaching and/or
learning of certain concept and skills for reinforcement, enrichment, and mastery are called:
a. Supplementary materials
b. Reference materials
c. General references
d. Lesson plans
122. The teacher school librarian enrolment ratio shall be 500 or less for:
a. One teacher-librarian
b. One teacher-part time librarian
c. One permanent teacher and one part time librarian
d. All of these
123. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to seat dimensions for school seats.
a. Seat high is equal, more or less, to the lower leg height.
b. Seat depth should be 50mm. short of the upper leg measurement
c. Seat inclination maybe from three (3) to five (5) degrees.
d. None of these
124. The use of public school buildings and grounds for other public or semi-public purposes other
than the conduct of school activities must be sanctioned by:
a. (?) Schools Division Superintendent or his/her representative
b. School head
c. President of the PTA
d. School Property Custodian
125. Section 99 of RA 7160 known as Local Government Code, provides that the local Sanggunian
has the power to change the name of the school through the ordinance and:
a. Upon the recommendation of the School Board
b. Upon recommendation of the PTA
Upon the approval of the chief executive
Upon the request of the school site donor
126. All government school buildings which are permanent in structure shall be insured with the
General Insurance Fund against fires, floods, typhoons and other natural calamities at a
package of 1 percent of their appraised values under the administration of what agency.
a. SSS
c. Insurance Commission
d. DepEd
127. Before actual work on construction of a school building is authorized and commenced, this
should be done first:
a. School site title or status of acquisition
b. Vacant space
c. Approval for the school head
d. Building permit
128. The minimum classroom size shall be 7m wide by 8m long. Which is considered adequate for:
a. A class of 56
b. A class of 45
c. A class of 60
d. A class of 65
129. The minimum for administrative space is______________and an air space requirement of
a. 5 square meter per person, 12.c cubic meters per person
b. 4 square meter per person, 10.0 cubic meters per person
c. 10 square meter per person, 15.0 cubic meters per person
d. Cannot be determined
130. As a general rule, the different school buildings should be laid out according to functional
groupings. The distances between buildings should be such that EXCEPT:
a. Ventilation is not obstructed
b. Natural illumination is not impeded
c. Sounds in one building do not carry into the next building
d. Minimize flow of air currents or breeze
131. The main building facing the front gate should be at least how many meters from the gate?
a. 10 meters
b. 15 meters
c. 20 meters
d. None
132. The recommended minimum setback of a school from the street line is _____________
meters to minimize intrusive sounds
b. 8
d. 15
133. The flagpole should occupy a prominent place in front of the main building in the assembly
area. As a general rule, the top of the pole of flagpole should:
Be higher than the main building
b. Be lower than the main building
Be higher than the highest tree
Be lower than the tree
134. The signboard of a school building should be of appropriate length and width to
accommodate the name and location of the school. The lettering in simple , black or roman
style and big enough to be easily read in a distance of:
a. 10m to 20 m
b. 20 m to 25 m
d. 5 m to 10 m
135. Which DOES NOT belong for a minimum school site size for secondary in an urban area?
a. 500 students or less than 0.5ha
b. 501 to 1,000 students-1.0ha
1,001 to 2,000-2.0ha
d. 2,001 to 3,000 students-5ha
136. The following are characteristics of an effective crisis manager EXCEPT one:
He must be forward looking and must have broad view of the situation
b. He must be flexible and willing to deport from established rule if needed
He has the ability to keep cool under pressure
d. He must wait and give more time to conflicting parties to report a dialogue
137. Something is a conflict resolution which is done through:
Retreating from an actual or conflict situation
b. Emphasizing areas of agreement and deemphasizing areas of difference over conflicting
Searching for solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to the conflicting parties
d. Exerting one’s viewpoint at the potential expenses of another
138. Neither of the conflicting parties be made to feel inferior for the alternative is greater
jealously and heightened completion is:
a. Equality
b. Empathy
c. Neutrality
d. Passivity
139. Teacher A has special needs in teaching Mathematics. His principal provided him special
assistance and the teacher himself supervises own efforts for improvement. The supervisory
technique employed by the school head was:
a. Clinical supervision
b. Self-directed supervision
c. Peer supervision
d. Intensive guided supervision
140. To ensure a successful diagnosis, important factors should be considered. Both the principal
and teacher must see that a diagnosis is __________of both. Both of them aware of the
__________ behind a diagnosis. Finally, the principal and teacher must have faith in the
a. Function
b. Threat
c. Purpose
d. Process
141. Based from the Assessment-Based Teacher Development Model, Instruction Supervisory
Program should be:
I. Personalized
II. Appropriate
III. Systematic
IV. Continuous
I, II, and IV
I, II, and III
II, III, and IV
I, II,III, and IV
142. One of the types of diagnosis is the Informal visit. The reasons why you conduct such visits are:
a. Determine what is actually happening
b. Confirm teacher plans
c. Monitor progress
d. Look for potential trouble spot
I, III, and IV
I, II and III
II, and III
I, II, III, and IV
The types of diagnosis are:
a. Holding exploration conference
b. Informal visit
c. Observing classroom
d. Viewing student product
I, III and IV
III and IV
I, II, and III
I, II, III, and IV
144. As a principal, if you have teacher with instructional needs/problems, the appropriate
supervisory model is ___________
a. Peer supervision
b. Collaborative supervision
c. Self-directed supervision
d. Clinical supervision
As a principal, how much time do you devote for supervision?
Seventy percent (70%) for instruction supervision and thirty percent(30%) for other
activities of administrative supervision.
Seventy percent (70%) for administrative supervision and thirty percent(30%) for
administrative supervision.
Fifty percent (50%) for instructional supervision and another fifty percent (50%) for
administrative supervision
Eighty percent (80%) for instruction and twenty percent (20%) for administrative
146. Mr. XYZ is a school head of ACS Central School. Mr. XYZ regularly monitors classes. He displays
strong commitment of being an instructional leader. He demonstrates effective use of time
and resources. He demonstrates skill as a change master and the ability to motivate staff
members and knows staff members weakness and strengths. The school head practices the
characteristics of being:
Visible leader
b. Instructional leadership
Resource provider
d. Communicator
147. Which of the indicators not included under school leadership?
a. Developing and Communicating Vision
b. Strategic Planning and problem Solving
Building high Performance Teams
d. Communication
148. The following are considered vision killers EXCEPT one:
Fatigue leader
Fear or ridicule
Open-minded people
149. The following are characteristics of strategic planning EXCEPT one:
Leads to action
Builds a shared vision that is value-based
Based on quality data
None of these
A problem solving technique which is done through group creativity technique designed to
generate a large number of ideas for the solution of a problem is:
Divide and conquer
Means-ends analysis
151. The three (3) key characteristics of high performance team are:
a. Trust, Respect, and Support
b. Trust, Respect, and Time
c. Trust, Money, and Support
d. Men, Machine and Money
152. Which of the following is/are basic coordinating mechanism?
a. Mutual adjustment
b. Direct supervision
c. Standardization
d. All of these
153. Employee resist change because they feel vulnerable, fear the unknown, express differences
in how to achieve goals-hostility erupts is best described as:
a. Forming
b. Norming
c. Storming
d. Performing
154. When the followers can do the job, at least to some extent, and perhaps is over confident
about their ability in this, which telling may demotivate them or lead to resistance. The leader
thus need to sell another way of working, explaining and clarifying decision is:
a. Directing
b. Coaching
c. Supporting
d. Delegating
155. When the follower can do the job and is motivated to do it, then the leader can basically
leave them to it, largely trusting them to get on with the job although they also may need to
keep a relatively distant eye on things to ensure everything is going to plan is:
a. Directing
b. Coaching
c. Supporting
d. Delegating
156. When the leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises task accomplishment is:
a. Directing
b. Coaching
c. Supporting
d. Delegating
157. When the leaders continues to direct and closely supervise task accomplishment, but also
explains decisions, solicit suggestions, and support progress is:
a. Directing
b. Coaching
c. Supporting
d. Delegating
158. When the leaders facilitates and supports subordinate efforts toward task accomplishment
and shares responsibility for decision making with them is:
a. Directing
b. Coaching
c. Supporting
d. Delegating
159. Principal A was administratively charged of dishonesty and grave misconduct. The Schools
Division Superintendent put him under preventive suspension based on the prayer of the
complainant. Was the action of the superintendent proper?
a. Yes, the charges warrant dismissal from the service
b. No, the charges are not included in the grounds for granting preventive suspension
c. Yes, the superintendent is the head of the office in the Division
d. No, the superintendent is not the disciplining authority over teachers
160. The following cases shall be acted upon through the grievance machinery EXCEPT one:
a. Non-implementation of policies, practices and procedures on economic and financial issues
and other terms and conditions of employment fixed by law including salaries, incentives,
working hours, leave benefits and other related terms and conditions.
b. Physical working condition
c. Interpersonal relationship and linkages
d. Sexual harassment cases
161. Mr. A is a principal of SAD High School. His sister was appointed as supply officer of the
school. Through an anonymous complaint, Mr. A was charged of nepotism at the Civil Service
Commission. Will Mr. A be covered of nepotism?
a. No. Mr. A is not the appointing authority
b. No. education is not covered by nepotism
c. Yes, Mr. A is liable for nepotism since he has direct supervision of his sister
d. None of these
162. Which of the following are not covered by nepotism?
a. public accountant/engineer
b. lawyer/accountant
c. teacher/ physician
d. mayor/governor
163. Which of the following are exempted from the operation of the rules of nepotism?
I. Person employed in a confidential capacity
III. physicians
IV.members of the Armed forces of the Philippines
I and II
III and IV
I, II, and III
I, II, III, and IV
164. DepEd Order No. 4, s. 2007Re: Revisions to the hiring Guidelines for teacher I positions,
provides that school selection committee has the following functions EXCEPT one:
a. Receives all application
b. Verifies all documents as to completeness and authenticity
c. Recommends to the superintendent qualified applicants in the division RQA to be
recommended for appointment in their school
d. Evaluates applicants’ on education, LET/PBET ratings and experience
165. The Division Sub-Committee shall perform the following function EXCEPT one:
a. Reviews the documents submitted by the school selection committee
b. Administer the written English Proficiency
c. Prepare the written English Proficiency Test
d. None of these
166. Is the ability to craft and pursue a shared school vision and mission, as well as develop and
implement curriculum policies programs and project is:
a. Educational Leadership
b. Strategic Leadership
c. People Leadership
d. School Management
167. DepEd Order No. 25, S. 2008 Re: Financial Assistance in Case of Accidental Death of a DepEd
Official/employee while in the performance of his/her official functions, shall be given a
financial assistance amounting to 50.00. Mr. Local was assigned as locally funded teacher of
Kilala ES. He met an accident and died instantly while traveling to his station. Can the family
of Mr. Local be entitled to receive said financial assistance?
a. No, he is not a permanent teacher
b. Yes, because the department order stated regardless of employment status and public
school teachers, whether nationally or locally funded
c. No, the school has no employee-employer relationship over locally funded teachers
d. None of these
168. The professional Development Program Framework for School Head covers the following
components EXCEPT one:
a. Personal Integrity and Interpersonal relationship and Professional Human Resource
b. School Leadership and School management
c. Instructional Leadership and Creating Learning Climate
d. Multiple intelligence
169. What will you do as school head if one of your single lady teachers had an affair with a
married barangay captain in your locality and later became pregnant?
a. Require the barangay captain to marry the teacher
b. Charge the barangay captain with rape
c. Dismiss the teacher from the service
d. Advice the teacher to file on leave of absence until she delivers her baby.
170. The following are the activities that are eligible for the SBM grant EXCEPT:
a. Supplies and materials
b. Meals (not exceeding 10% of total grant)
c. Transportation expenses of speaker
d. Purchase of equipment
171. Effective supervision is:
a. About engaging teachers in reflective thinking and discussion
b. Based on insightful and useful observation, not on evaluation
c. Improves teachers with information about their classroom
d. All of these
172. The components of instructional leadership are:
a. Instruction and Instructional Climate
b. Leadership and Governance and Students Outcomes
c. Both a and b
d. All of these
173. The following are barriers to effective communication EXCEPT one:
a. Judging
b. Avoiding the other’s concerns
c. Offering solutions
d. reflecting
174. The following are characteristics of giving feedback EXCEPT one:
a. Given with care
b. Given with attention
c. Directly express
d. None of these
175. Under Teacher Deployment Analysis, hot color “gold” means?
a. Excessive surplus teacher provision
b. Severe teacher shortage
c. Manageable ratio
d. Generous teacher provision
176. For instructional rooms’ deployment analysis, red means:
a. Ratio is 56 plus
b. No classroom
c. Ratio is 51-55.99
d. Ratio is below 45
177. School furniture analysis shows that colored “red” means:
a. More than 2 pupils per seat
b. No existing seats
c. Adequate in two-shift schools
d. More than 3pupils per seat
178. The following are punishable by expulsion depending on the seriousness of the offense
a. Gross misconduct
b. Hazing inside the school premises
c. Using and selling of prohibited drugs
d. Participating in rally
179. Mr. Lazy was given two (2) consecutive unsatisfactory ratings. After due notice in writing
which he was asked to explain in writing and given warning, his school head recommend him
from dropping in the rolls. Was the action of the school head in order?
a. Yes, since notice issued to him served as warning
b. No, the school head should prove his incompetence
c. Yes, the school head has the discretionary power to punish teachers
d. None of these
180. A level of conflict that is contradictory, incompatible emotion and impulses within the person
a. Intrapersonal
b. Interpersonal
c. Intergroup
d. None of these
181. This is an act establishing code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials and
employee, upholding the time-honoured principle of public office being a public thrust.
a. R. A # 6713
b. R. A # 6731
c. R. A # 6371
d. R. A # 6317
182. Republic Act # 6713 establishes a code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials
and employees, upholding the time honoured principle of public office as a public thrust.
a. Code of Professionalism and Ethical Behaviour
b. Code of conduct and Ethical Standard s for Public officials and Employees
c. Professional Behaviour and Ethics
d. Code of Public Trust and Ethical Standards
183. Public officials and employees shall perform and discharge their duties with the highest
degree of excellence, intelligence and skills, render public service with the outmost devotion
and dedication to duty.
184. Public officials and employees shall remain true to the people at all times, shall not
discriminate, shall respect at all times the right of others and refrain from doing acts contrary
to law, good morals, public policy, public safety and public interest.
a. Political neutrality
b. Justness and sincerity
c. Commitment
d. Professionalism
185. Public officials and employees shall be at all times loyal to the Republic and to the Filipino
people and endeavour to maintain and defend the sovereignty against foreign intrusion.
a. Professionalism
b. Political neutrality
c. Nationalism/patriotism
d. Commitment to public thrust
186. All public officials and employees shall respond within ___________ days from receipt
thereof, responds to letters, telegrams and other means of communication sent by the public.
a. 15 working days
b. Within 15 days
c. With 7 working days
d. Within 1 week
187. It shall be unlawful for public official and employees to, directly or indirectly, have monetary
or materials interest in any transaction requiring the approval of their office.
a. Financial and material interest
b. Material interest
c. Financial interest
d. Outside employment
188. As a school principal, what are the characters of a teacher you recommend to serve during
Political neutrality
Nationalism and patriotism
Commitment to public interest
I and III
II and IV
I ,II, and IV
I, II, III, and IV
189. This act declares that sexual harassment is unlawful in the employment, education or training
environment, and for other purpose.
a. R. A # 7877
c. R. A # 8187
b. R. A # 6725
d. R. A # 8190
190. This act further provides that this also applies if his spouse suffered a miscarriage and for the
purpose of enabling him effectively lend support to his wife in her period of recovery and/or
in the nursing of the newly born child.
a. R. A # 7877
b. R. A # 6725
c. R. A # 8187
d. R. A # 8190
191. Republic Act 8187, this act grants paternity leave of ___________ days with full pay to all
married male employee in the private and public sectors.
a. 7
b. 6
c. 1 month
d. 2 weeks
192. Republic Act of 8187, this act grants paternity leave of 7 days with full pay to all married male
employees in the private and public sectors for the first ____________ deliveries of the
legitimate spouse with whom he is cohabiting.
a. 7
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
193. This act grant priority to resident of the barangay, municipality or city where the school is
located in the appointment or assignment of classroom public school teachers, provided that
the teacher possesses all the minimum qualification for the position as required by law.
a. R. A # 8190
b. R. A # 8187
c. R. A # 6725
d. R. A # 6683
During pre-observation conference, the principal sits with the teacher and determines the
following EXCEPT one:
a. The reason for and the purpose of the observation
b. The focus of observation
c. The method of teaching to be used by the teacher
d. The time of observation
Based from the recent studies it shows that the success of managing school anchored on the
concept of ______________ leadership.
a. Classical
b. Shared
c. Living
d. Distribute
Which of the following best described shared leadership?
I. Identify the quality of peoples’ interactions rather than their position.
II. Leadership is evaluated by how people are working together
III.Communication is often formal
IV. Communication is crucial with a stress on conversation
I and II
II and III
I, II, and IV
I, II, III and IV
According to Craig E. Johnson (2001) on the power of the leader to illuminate the lives of
their followers or to cover them in darkness hence, they cast shadows when they:
I. abuse power/hoard privileges
II. encourage deceit
III. act inconsistently
IV. misplace or betray loyalties
a. I, III, and IV
b. II, III, and IV
c. I, II, and III
d. I, II, III, and IV
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
District of Ragay
Baya Elementary School
( 198_)______
28 November 2013
(199)_______ to the District supervisor, District of Ragay, Ragay,
Camarines Sur, recommending approval to the request of Mrs. Adelaida Q. Ramirez, grade 6
Mathematics teacher to
(200)______ the regional Work Conference on Mathematics to be
held at Regent Hotel, Naga City on 5-9 December 2013.
to be attended
No complementary close
Very Truly Yours
Sincerely yours
Respectfully yours
202. Your subordinate is becoming unresponsive to your friendliness. His performance is below
a. Stress the need to go by standard procedure and to show output.
b. Be available for discussion but do not pressure for output
c. Talk with subordinate and then set objectives
d. Be careful not to intervene
203. You have been reminding your subordinate about his duties and responsibilities. His
performance is getting better.
a. Engage in friendly interaction but continue to keep him aware of his expected
b. Leave him alone for now.
c. Show concern for his welfare.
d. Emphasize the importance of task accomplishment.
204. Your subordinate’s performance has been excellent and normally you leave him alone. But
now he has some difficulty on a problem.
a. Discuss the situation with him and help him solve the problem.
b. Let him work it out by himself.
c. Tell him what to do
d. Encourage him to work on the problem and be supportive of his efforts
205. You and your subordinates recognize the need to change, your subordinate have a fine
performance record and are very reliable.
a. Allow the group to participate in developing the change. Do not structure what is to
be done.
b. Simply introduce the changes
c. Let the group set its own direction
d. Ask the group for ideas but you direct the change effort
206. The productivity of your subordinate has decreased. He has been missing deadlines and has
not met his objectives.
a. Wait for the situation to correct itself
b. Make friendly overtures and remind him of his expected output
c. Spell out his tasks and supervise him carefully
d. Show understanding of his problems. Do not structure his work
207. You are the new head of an efficiently run office. The previous head was very directive
and maintained tight control of the office. You want to keep up productivity but would like
to humanize the environment.
Make efforts to facilitate interpersonal relationship
Show the value of standard operating procedures
Make no intervention
Make efforts to facilitate interpersonal relationship but see that the goals are
208. You want to shift to a new structure, which will be new to the group. The group has
already given recommendations about the change. The group is generally competent
and productive.
a. Tell the group what steps should be taken
b. Work with the group in formulating the change but let them control its
c. Work with the group in formulating the change but control implementation
d. Avoid confrontation, leave things alone
209. Your subordinate is accomplishing his objectives within set deadlines. He gets along well
with others. You feel uneasy because you do not set the direction for him.
a. Continue to let him work on his own
b. Discuss the situation with him and henceforth be directive with him
c. Specify how you want him to carry out his assignments
d. Encourage group involvement in goal setting and in structuring activities but do not
apply pressure. Be non-directive
210. You were asked to head a task force that has adequate potentials within its ranks. But
group goals are not clear. Absenteeism during meetings is a problem. Assigned work is
a. Leave the group alone. In due time, they will come to their senses
b. Show consideration for their problems. At the same time, redefine goals.
c. Clarify goals, check attendance. Follow-up assigned work. Supervise.
d. (?)Encourage group involvement in goal setting and in structuring activities. But do
not apply pressure. Be non-directive.
211. Most of the time the group is able to take responsibility. However, it is not responding
positively now to newly introduced performance standards.
a. Let the group review the standards, do not provide directions.
b. Implements standards strictly
c. Make no intervention
d. Accept group recommendations to modify standards, then see that they stick to
these new standards
212. You are the new head of the office. The last boss left the group pretty much to itself and its
output has been adequate. Group relationships are satisfactory.
a. Organize the work situation for the group
b. Setup channels of two-way communication and let the group continue to structure
its own work
c. Discuss previous performance with the group and lay down new, specific directions.
d. Let them alone
213. Your group has an outstanding performance record. The members are all qualified for their
positions. They work harmoniously and achieve long and short term goals. At present, they
are faced with some internal problems.
a. Explore solution with them and specify the best course of action
b. Let the group work it out alone
c. Quickly tell them what to do
d. Discuss the problem with them and give plenty of support.
214. Which of the following features represents the new paradigm shift in education?
a. Traditional pedagogies
b. Lifelong education for all
c. Rigid subject matter boundaries
d. Rigid selection of students based on single and fixed criteria
215. What is the concern of multi-Cultural Education?
Anticipating the future and imagining possible and probable futures
Gender equality and hardnessing of the role of women in development
Striving for quality of economic, social, and political development in all countries
The exploration of concepts of cultural diversity, similarities, and prejudices to
promote cultural understanding
216. Which of the following statements is NOT true of Philippine education?
a. Most of Asia pacific countries have 12 years of basic education while the Philippines
have 10
b. Philippines has high dropout rates and they are more student enrolled in private
school that in state-run colleges and universities.
c. The language policy of the Philippines is multilingual: English, Filipino and local
d. The percentage of private school student transferring to public schools is higher than
the annual growth rate in school enrolment
217. Which best describes the philosophy of the present Basic Education Curriculum?
a. The promotion of transformative education for national development
b. The development of highly competitive and competent Filipinos for a globalized
c. The promotion of a just and human society through its citizens who are makabayan
and makatao
d. The development of an empowered learner who possesses life skills for lifelong
218. The magna carta for public school teachers (R.A 4670) defines the rights to be enjoyed by
teachers in the puclic sector. In a recent CSC ruling January 28, 2008 then chair Karina David
declared the work load of actual classroom teaching should not be more than:
a. 5 hours
b. 6 hours
c. 8 hours
d. 9 hours
219. The battle cry for former Pres. G. M. Arroyo’s moral renewal program is:
a. Bayan muna bago sarili
b. Honesty in public service
c. Zero tolerance for corruption
d. Responsible citizenship for good governance
219. The following are national values actively promoted by government in flag ceremonies
every Monday EXCEPT:
a. Makakalikasan
b. Makadiyos
c. Makatao
d. Makapamilya
220. The basic value that is central to human rights education is :
a. Sustainability of the planet
b. Human dignity
c. Justice for all
d. Human solidarity
221. In what social indicator the Philippine is the top 10 in the world’s ranking?
a. Respect for human rights
b. Good governance
c. Gender equality
d. Environmental protection
222. R.A 7877 signed into Law February 14, 1995 declares unlawful:
a. Hazing in fraternities
b. Sexual harassment in the workplace
c. Cutting of trees
d. Tuition fee in basic education
223. The UNESCO identified four pillars of learning. Which pillar is given top priority especially
due to the situation in Mindanao and threats of terrorists’ attack?
a. Learning to live together
b. Learning to be
c. Learning to do
d. Learning to know
224. Which is the major obstacle/hindrance in the empowerment of Filipino Teachers?
a. Local officials interference on education values
b. Authoritarian and hierarchical system of DepEd
c. Low government priority on education and fearless
d. Culture of silence of teachers
225. The main provision of R. A 9155 signed August 2, 2001 is :
a. Instituting a new framework of governance for basic education
b. Providing the abolition of ROTC
c. Making early childhood education a part of basic education
d. Establishing the PRC board for teachers
226. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of globalization?
a. Stretching of social, political and economic activities across political frontiers,
regions and continents
b. The growing magnitude of interconnectedness and flows of trade, investment and
c. A speeding up of global interactions and processes through world-wide systems of
transportation and communication
d. The expansion of economic protection and isolation of poor countries
227. In what ways can social class variations in child rearing practices affect higher achievement
in school?
a. Middle class parents tend to encourage curiosity, initiative and independence while
lower class families tend to promote obedience and subordination.
b. Both middle and lower class families emphasize competition within the family,
hence children become competitive and higher achiever in school
c. Middle class families tend emphasize discipline and obedience hence children tend
to be more focused in school
d. Poor families emphasize the importance of earning livelihood hence children tend to
perform poorly in school.
228. How does the notion of cultural relativity and variability affect the teaching-learning
Processes in school?
a. The student varied cultural background will in no way affect the way they will learn
the lesson in school.
b. The students can readily adjust to the way the teacher initiates learning in school
because children are adaptable being what matter what culture they come from.
c. The child’s cultural background influences the children’s world view when teaching
d. The teacher should be wary of differing cultural points of view and must make sure
that students will see things the same way.
229. A class composed of students coming from several ethnic communities including Muslims
and Lumads. They seem to have difficulty understanding each other’s behaviour and points
of view. What should the teacher do?
a. Introduce multiculturalism in the class and provide activities for practice.
b. Threaten the students that if there are students who do not behave and tolerant of
their classmate, she/he will be dropped from class.
c. Inform students that they will all be learning new ways of thinking and behaving in
this class, so they might as well leave their cultural idiosyncrasies at home.
d. Assign bright students to monitor and control behaviour of poor students
230. Which of the following statement about Gender is correct?
a. Gender is biologically determined
b. Gender is socially and culturally constructed
c. Gender roles are the same in all societies
d. Gender is an ascribed status in society
231. Which grouping best describes the tri-focalized system of Philippine Education?
a. Bureau of Alternative Learning System(ALS), Department of Education (DepEd),
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
b. Basic Education (DepEd), Technical-Vocational (TESDA), and Higher Education
c. C. Early childhood, Technical-Vocational, Basic Education
d. Elementary level, Secondary or High School, Tertiary or College level
232. the provision of academic freedom is applicable for teacher in:
a. all level
b. public school only
c. college and universities
d. TESDA supervised schools
233. Which of the following is the first target of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s)
formulated by member states of the UN in September 2000?
a. Reduce child mortality
b. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
c. Ensure environmental sustainability.
d. reduce death due to HIV/AIDS and malaria
234. the Philippine Constitution guarantees the right of all citizens to quality education at
a. the basic education level
b. tertiary level
c. the graduate level
d. all levels
235. Article IV, Section 2 of the Philippine Constitution provide for free and compulsory
education in the ___________
a. Elementary level
b. Secondary level
c. Elementary and secondary level
d. Tertiary level
236. Among the following is NOT within the category of teacher as provided for under Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers?
a. Guidance counselors
b. School principal
c. School nurse
d. School librarian
237. Mr. Preza was diagnosed to have tuberculosis that required rest for more than one year.
Which leave should he apply for?
a. Sick leave
b. Personal leave
c. Vacation leave
d. Indefinite leave
238. Ms. Mariano tutors her students, who have difficulty coping with math, after class hours. Is
her act ethical?
a. Yes, provided she received just compensation
b. Yes, provided she does not require a fee from the parent
c. No, that is unfair to other students
d. No, she should be free after her official time
239. A school personnel can avail of free legal service under certain circumstances. Mr. Mirabona
was accused of libel by his neighbour. Is he entitled to the said service?
a. Yes, he should defend herself
b. No, if funds are not available
c. No, it might bring some disagreements in school.
d. No, the case is not related to his professional duties.
240. The gradual progression of teacher’s salary from minimum to a maximum is done
a. A regular increment every year
b. A increment after ten years of service
c. A regular increment every 3 years
d. An increment after five years
241. A teacher who possesses the minimum qualification but lacks of the appropriate civil service
eligibility can be appointed as _____________
a. Contractual basis
b. Permanent
c. Provisional
d. Substitute
242. The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers recognizes the following with the exception of
one. Which is the exception?
a. Quality education depends primarily on the quality of socio-economic status of the
b. Advancement in education depends on teacher’s qualifications and ability.
c. Education is an essential factor in the economic growth of the nation.
d. Education is development and vice-versa
243. The rights of parents are guaranteed under Education Act of 1982, more particularly, in
terms of ________________
a. (?)The right to academic freedom
b. The right to privacy of communication
c. The right to full access to the evidence of the case
d. The right to seek redress of grievance
244. The right of the students to receive relevant quality education is primarily achieved
a. Competent instruction
b. Strong curriculum
c. School-Community relations
d. Competent administrator
245. To promote teacher’s welfare and defend their interests, teachers have the right to
a. Undergo and participate in professional development
b. Be promoted in rank and salary
c. Establish, join, and maintain professional and self-regulating organizations
d. Regulate their social involvement
246. Career lines for teachers include the following EXCEPT ONE. Which is this?
a. Classroom teaching
b. School administration
c. Curriculum developer
d. Counsellor
247. What does “teachers are persons in authority” mean?
a. Teachers cannot be charged
b. Teachers have immunity from arrest
c. No person can assault a teacher
d. Decisions made by teachers are deemed right
248. Who is considered a professional teacher?
a. An education graduate who received honors
b. A teacher who has taught for at least six years
c. A teacher who has attended national seminars on teaching
d. A teacher who qualifies for a permanent position under R. A 4670
249. When can teachers be required to work on assignment not related to their duties?
a. When on probation
b. When found inefficient
c. When lacking in education qualifications
d. When compensated under existing laws
250. A teacher who served for 7 straight years is entitled to take study leave with pay for one
year. How much pay is the teacher entitled to receive?
a. 100% monthly salary
b. 80% of monthly salary
c. 50% of monthly salary
d. 70% of monthly salary
251. A teacher suffers from hypertension might experience difficulty in speech. Which would be
affected if he continues teaching?
a. Personality
b. Effectiveness
c. Punctuality
d. Devotion to duty
252. Mrs. Ramos wants to continue with her study leave for another six months after completing
a school year. Could she be allowed?
a. Yes, if her grades are excellent
b. Yes, but without compensation
c. No, other teachers should have the chance
d. No, study leave should not exceed one year
253. Miss Torreliza is assigned in a rural area, Miss Lacson in a depressed community, Miss
Castro in a hazardous area, and Miss Fuertes in a place where standard of living is high. Who
entitled to a hardship allowance?
a. Teacher A
b. Teacher B
c. Teacher C
d. Teacher D
254. When a principal starts to exercise his/her powers over making and promoting students is
his/her action acceptable?
a. Yes, when the teacher cannot make decision on time.
b. Yes, when there is abuse of judgement on the part of the teacher.
c. No, teachers are more knowledgeable of their student’s performance.
d. No, grading and promoting students are exclusively functions of teachers.
255. Miss Santos was asked by her principal to teach pre-school class in addition to her regular
grade one class. What will be the basis for her additional compensation?
a. Her basic salary
b. Number of years of service
c. Her regular salary plus 25% of her basic pay
d. Performance rating
256. As a norm of conduct, responsiveness of public officials and employees can be
demonstrated by ____________
a. Formulating rules and policies regarding work
b. Avoiding wastage in public funds
c. Providing public information of their policies and procedures
d. Encouraging appreciation of government services
257. Mr. Santos, a school principal, filed his statement of assets and liabilities upon assuming to
office. Under what ethical standards does this practice fall?
a. Divestment
b. Prohibited acts and transaction
c. Statement of Assets and Liabilities
d. System of Incentives
258. Mr. Wrong, a Science teacher has been accused a sexual harassment by one of his students.
What should the principal do?
a. (?) Create a committee to investigate the accusation
b. Ask the teacher to surrender to the police.
c. Tell the teacher to stop reporting to school.
d. Advice the teacher to transfer to other school.
259. Mr. Handsome receives a love letter from one of his third year high school students in
Mathematics. What should Mr. Handsome do?
a. Let the student express her feelings through letters.
b. Read her letter to the class.
c. Return the letter to the student and tell her not to do it again.
d. Surrender the letter to the parent of the student.
260. Mr. Nicomedes, a social studies teacher is advocating reforms which the principal failed to
recognize. What should the principal do?
a. Just keep quiet about the behaviour of Mr. Nicomedes.
b. Send Mr. Nicomedes a memo requiring him to explain his behaviour.
c. Subject Mr. Nicomedes to a disciplinary measure.
d. Call Mr. Nicomedes attention to his office and clarify things out with him.
261. “commitment to Democracy” as explained in R. A. 6713 implies which one of the following?
a. Maintaining the principle of accountability
b. Manifesting the supremacy of civilian authority over the military
c. Committing to democratic values and ways of life.
d. All of the above
262. Which of the following is regarded as a cause of the revocation of the certificate of
registration, suspension from the practice of the teaching profession and cancellation of
temporary or special permit?
a. Violation of the Code of Ethical and Professional Standards for Professional teachers
b. Gross incompetence, gross negligence or serious ignorance of the practice of
teaching profession
c. Immoral, unprofessional or dishonourable conduct
d. All of the above
263. Which of the following is the main reason for the mandate for incoming freshmen high
school students to undergo an early registration in the public or private high schools of their
a. To assess the incoming first year students’ academic capabilities
b. To avoid overcrowding in public schools
c. To increase the participation rate in basic education
d. All of the above
264. Mrs. Cruz was ordered by her principal to come to school on four consecutive Saturdays for
the training of the students’ editorial staff of their school paper. Is this allowed under R. A
a. Yes, provided the teacher is compensated
b. No, because it’s not within the regular functions of the classroom teacher.
c. Yes, because it’s part of the teacher’s other duties.
d. No, because it’s not clearly indicated in the law.
265. Dr. Lacson, a Division Superintendent acted on the complaint filed by a group of parents
against the alleged misconduct of a particular principal. He issued a memorandum requiring
her to take a leave of absence for a week while the complaint is being heard yet. Was the
action of the superintendent legal?
a. Yes, because she is the superintendent
b. No, because the complaint has not been heard yet.
c. No, the superintendent has no disciplinary authority over teachers.
d. Yes, the superintendent has disciplinary authority over teachers.
266. A school’s principal has been found to have engaged in gambling which has caused him to
be absent most of the time. Can his certificate of registration as a principal be revoked?
a. No, unless he’s proven
b. No, because he’s protected by his rights as a teacher
c. Yes, because habitual gambling is a dishonourable conduct and is against the
practice of teaching.
d. Yes, because he’s incompetent
267. Who among the teachers described below is doing assessment?
a. Mrs. Cortez who is administering a test to her students.
b. Mr. Maceda who is counting the scores obtained by the students in his test.
c. (?) Mr. Ocbian who is computing the final grade of the students after completing all
their requirements.
d. Prof. Ferrer who is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that students
performs poorly in her test.
268. Mr. Cruz is judging the accuracy of these statements. Which statements will he consider?
I. Test is a tool to measure a trait.
II. Measurement is the process of qualifying a given trait.
III. Assessment is the gathering of quantitative and qualitative data.
IV.Evaluation is the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data for decision making.
I and II only
III and IV only
I, II, and III
I, III, and IV
269. If you have to use the most authentic method of assessment, which of these procedures
should you consider?
a. Traditional Test
b. Performance-based Assessment
c. Written Test
d. Objective Assessment Test
270. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Capalaran gave a short quiz to find how well the
students have understood the lesson. What type of assessment was done?
a. Summative Assessment
b. Formative Assessment
c. Diagnostic Assessment
d. Placement Assessment
271. Who among the teachers below performed diagnostic test?
a. Ms. Santos who asked questions when the discussion was going on to know who
among her students understood what she trying to stress.
b. Mr. Castro who gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to
determine the outcome of instruction.
c. Ms. Banta who gave a ten-item test to find out specific lessons which the students
failed to understand.
d. Mrs. Belarde who administered a readiness test to the incoming grade one pupils.
272. You are assessing for learning. Which of these will you likely do?
a. Giving grades to students
b. Reporting to parents the performance of their child
c. Recommending for new policies in grading students.
d. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of students.
273. Ms. Abad is planning to do an assessment of learning. Which of the following should she
include in her plan considering her purpose for assessment?
a. How to give immediate feedback to student’s strengths and weaknesses.
b. How to determine the area of interest of learners.
c. How to certify student’s achievement
d. How to design one’s instruction
274. You targeted that after instruction, your students should be able to show their ability to
solve problems with speed and accuracy. You then designed a tool to measure this ability.
What principle of assessment did you consider in this situation?
a. Assessment should be based on clear and appropriate learning targets objectives.
b. Assessment should have a positive consequence on student’s learning
c. Assessment should be reliable
d. Assessment should be fair
275. Mr. Boromeo tasked her students to show how to play basketball. What learning target is
he assessing?
a. Knowledge
b. Reasoning
c. Skills
d. Products
276. Mr. Abad made an essay test for the objective “Identify the planets in the solar system. Was
the assessment the most appropriate to the given objective? Why?
a. Yes, because essay test is easier to construct than objective test.
b. Yes, because essay test can measure any type of objective
c. No, he should have conducted oral questioning
d. No, he should have prepared an objective test
277. A teacher wants to test student’s knowledge of the different places in the Philippines, their
capital and their products and so she gave her students an essay test. If you are the teacher
will you do the same?
a. No, the giving of an objective test is more appropriate than the use of essay.
b. No, such method of assessment is inappropriate because essay is difficult.
c. Yes, essay test could measure more than what other tests could measure.
d. Yes, essay test is the best in measuring any type of knowledge.
278. Ms. Zaide wants to determine if the students’ scores in their final test is reliable. How has
only one set of test and her students are already on vacation. What test of reliable she
a. Test- Retest
b. Kuder Richardson Method
c. Equivalent Forms
d. Test-Retest with equivalent forms
279. In the context of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, which is a weakness of the paperpencil test?
a. It puts non-linguistically intelligence at a disadvantage
b. It is not easy to administer
c. It utilize so much time
d. It lacks reliability
280. Mr. Abad is doing a performance-based assessment for the day’s lesson. Which do you
expect to happen in his classroom?
a. Students are evaluated in one sitting
b. Students do an actual demonstration of their skill
c. Students are evaluated in the most objective manner.
d. Students are evaluated based on varied evidences of learning.
281. Miss Del Valle rated her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of some
laboratory equipment and measurement tools and if they are able to follow the specified
procedures. What mode of assessment should Miss Del Valle use?
a. Portfolio Assessment
b. Journal Assessment
c. Traditional Assessment
d. Performance-Based Assessment
282. Teacher Anne presented the lesson on baking through a group activity so that the students
will not just learn how to bake but could also develop their interpersonal skills. How should
this lesson be assessed?
I. The teacher should give the students an essay test explaining how they baked the test.
II. The students should be graded on the quality of their baked cake using a rubric
III. the students in a group should rate the members based on their ability to cooperate in
their group activity
IV.The teacher should observe how the pupils perform their task.
I, II, and III only
II, III, and IV only
I, II, IV only
I, II, III and IV
283. If a teacher has set objective in all domains or learning targets, which could be assessed
using a single performance task, what criterion in selecting a task did she consider?
a. Generalizability
b. Fairness
c. Multiple Foci
d. Teachability
284. Which term refers to the collection of students’ products and accomplishment for a period
for evaluation purposes?
a. Diary
b. Portfolio
c. Anecdotal Record
d. Observation Report
285. Mrs. Lopera allowed the students to develop their own portfolio in their own styles as long
as they show all the non-negotiable of learning. What principle in portfolio assessment
explains this practice?
a. Content Principle
b. Learning Principle
c. Equity Principle
d. Product Principle
286. Which of the following steps of portfolio assessment?
ISet target
II.Select evidences
III.Collect evidences
IV.Reflect on evidences
a. I, II, III, IV,
b. I, III, II, IV
c. I, II, III, IV
d. I, III, II, IV
287. Which could be seen in a rubric?
I.Objective in a high level of cognitive behaviour
II.Multiple criteria in assessing learning
III.Quantitative descriptions of the quality of work
IV.Qualitative description of the quality of work
I, and II only
II, III, and IV only
I, II, and III
I, II,III, and IV
288. Pupils are to be judged individually on their mastery of the singing of our National anthem
and so their teacher let them sing individually. What should the teacher use in the
performance of the pupils considering the fact that the teacher has only one period spend
in evaluating her 20 pupils?
a. Analytic
b. Holistic
c. Either holistic or analytic
d. Both holistic and analytic
289. Mrs. Cadiz develop an Achievement Test in Math for her grade two pupils. Before she
finalized the test, she examined carefully if the test items were constructed based on the
competencies that have to be tested. What test of validity was she trying to establish?
a. Content –validity
b. Concurrent validity
c. Predictive validity
d. Construct validity
290. Mrs. Paz is doing an assessment of learning. At what stage of instruction is she doing this?
a. Before instruction
b. During the instructional process
c. Prior to instruction
d. After instruction
291. Mrs. Parafina wants to establish the reliability of her achievement test in English. Which of
the following activities will help achieve her purpose?
a. Administer two parallel tests to different groups of students
b. Administer two equivalent tests to the same group of students.
c. Administer a single test but to two different groups of students.
d. Administer two different tests but the same group of students.
292. If a teacher will have to make a scoring rubric for the student’s output, what format is
better to construct considering that the teacher has limited time to evaluate their work?
a. Analytic rubric
b. Holistic rubric
c. Either A or B
d. Neither A or B
293. The school principal has 3 teacher applicants all of them are graduates from the same
institution and all are licensed teachers. She only needs to hire one. What should she do to
choose the best teacher from the three?
I.Give them a placement test
II.Interview them on Why they want to apply in the school.
III.Let them demonstrate how to teach a particular lesson
IV. Study their portfolios to examine the qualities of the students’ outputs when they were
in college.
Do I and II
Do II and III
Do I and III, IV
Do II, III, and IV
294. What should be done first when planning for a performance-based assessment?
a. Determine the table of specifications of the tasks
b. Set the competency to be assessed
c. Set the criteria in scoring the task
d. Prepare a scoring rubric
295. To maximize the amount of time spent for performance-based assessment, which one
should be done?
a. Plan a task that can be used for instruction and assessment at the same time
b. Assess one objective for one performance task
c. Set objectives only for cognitive domains
d. Limit the task to one meeting only
296. Who among the teachers below gave the most authentic assessment task for the objective “
solve word problems involving the four basic operations?
a. Teacher A who presented a word problem involving the four fundamental
operations then she asked the pupils to solve it.
b. Teacher B who asked her pupils to construct a word problem for a given number
sentence that involves four fundamental operations and then she asked them to
solve the word problem they constructed.
c. Teacher C who asked her pupils to construct any word problem that involves the
four fundamental operations and then asked them to show how to solve it.
d. Teacher D who asked her pupils to construct any word problem that involves the
four fundamental operations then formed them by twos so that each pair exchanged
problems and solved each other’s problem.
297. Which is WRONG to assume about traditional assessment?
a. It can assess individuals objectively.
b. It can assess individuals at the same time
c. It can be administered more easily than performance test
d. It can assess fairly all the domains of intelligence of an individual
298. Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based?
a. Portfolio assessment is a dynamic assessment
b. Assessment should stress the reproduction of knowledge
c. An individual learner is adequately characterized by a test score
d. An individual learner is inadequately characterized by a test score
299. Which is a good portfolio evidence of a student’s acquired knowledge and writing skills?
a. Project
b. Test Results
c. Reflective Journal
d. Critiqued outputs
300. When planning for portfolio assessment, which should you do?
a. Set the target for portfolio assessment
b. Exhibit one’s work and be proud of one’s collection
c. Select evidences that could be captured in one’s portfolio
d. Reflect on one’s collection and identify strengths and weakness
301. Which kind of rubric is BEST to use in rating students’ projects done for several days?
a. Analytic
b. Holistic
c. Either holistic or analytic
d. Both holistic and analytic
302. Which is NOT TRUE of an analytic rubric?
a. It is time consuming
b. It is easier to construct than the holistic rubric
c. It gives one’s level of performance per criterion
d. It allows one to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of one’s work
303. Which of the following statement does not true about educational technology?
a. It is a profession composed of various job categories
b. It refers to the efficiency of teachers in using computers
c. It includes audio-visual materials, interactive multimedia and self-instructional
d. It is the development, application, and evaluation of system, techniques and aids to
improve human learning
304. Which group of technologies has the highest degree of abstraction?
a. Book, imaginative literature, programmed instruction
b. Digital video, film, versatile compact disc
c. Video, pictures and television
d. Realia and computers
305. Which of the following is not an advantage of real objects and models in teaching and
a. They pose problems on storages
b. They are less abstract and more concrete
c. They are readily available in the environment, around school, and in the home
d. They provide hands-on learning experiences and emphasize real-world applications
306. Mr. Ramos is planning to integrate the use of Technology in his Science class. Which of the
following would be his second step?
a. Set the objectives
b. Analyse the learners
c. Utilize the materials with showmanship
d. Evaluate the performance of the students
307. Which of the following Ms. Maceda primarily consider in determining her teaching-learning
objectives and use of instructional media?
a. The learner
b. The teacher
c. Instructional activity
d. Instructional strategy
308. Which is the best reason why teacher state the objectives before using instructional media?
a. To be able to practice how to operate the equipment
b. To determine which media to use best
c. To prepare the materials beforehand
d. To secure available materials
309. Ms. Postre is thinking of an educational technology that can relay information clearly to her
class. Which principle will guide her in selection of the material?
Cost effective
310. Mrs Zapanta presented real samples of rocks when she discussed the different forms of
rocks. What principle in the selection of instructional material did she apply?
a. Interest
b. Authenticity
c. Cost effective
d. Responsiveness
311. The following statements are contributions of technology to the learning process. Which is
an exception?
a. The quality of learning can be improved
b. The delivery of instructions can be more interesting
c. The role of the teacher can be changed into a demonstrator
d. The method of teaching and learning become more interactive
312. With the pervasiveness of technologies nowadays a learner-centered instruction can be
promoted. Which of the following statements support this approach to teaching?
I.It focuses on transformation of facts
II.it supports the use of lecture and drill methods
III.it gives emphasis on collaboration and authentic assessment
IV.Students work on tasks determined and controlled by the teacher
I and II only
I and III only
II and IV only
III and IV only
313. Ms. Marquiz is a grade I teacher who plans reading instruction as a part of the language
block. She provides varied reading experiences that involve children sitting quietly, silently
reading library books or making a book based on their own experiences. What theoretical
model of reading does Ms. Marquiz show?
a. Bottom-up model
b. Top-down model
c. Interactive Model
d. Scheme Model
314. Ms. Fuertes is a grade I teacher who is concerned with building letters into words and words
into sentences. She uses flashcards so the pupils can sound out syllables and words
correctly. What reading model is reflected in Ms. Fuertes?
a. Bottom-Up Model
b. Top-Down Model
c. Interactive Model
d. Scheme Model
315. Ms. Cruz believes that her pupils need direct sensory contact and physical manipulation in
the classroom so that they learn easily and recall input effortlessly. What is the grade level
of Ms. Cruz’ class?
a. Pre-school
b. Primary
c. Intermediate
d. High school
316. One Grade III teacher of English to multilingual learners has just finished reading a story
aloud to the class. Which of the following is the best post-reading activity for the learner?
a. (?)Provide students with a guide for reader-text interactions
b. Have pupils write about what they have read
c. Give them comprehension questions
d. Let them rest for a while
317. Mr. Castro is a teacher handling English for a culturally-diverse class. He would regularly
read aloud to his pupils, would provide time for free silent reading, recreational reading,
and would lend them magazines and newspapers. What factor in reading does Mr. Castro
want to cultivate among his pupils?
a. Emotional / Social Development
b. Physical Development
c. Interest in Reading
d. Intelligence
318. Mr. Burgos is a new grade I teacher who is unsure whether the pupils are ready for
beginning reading instruction. Before he begins his lessons, he must observe that
a. The pupils are emotionally prepared for social interaction and competition
b. The pupils have achieved unity of their capabilities with their interests
c. The pupils can respond to simple questions and instructions
d. The pupils show desire to learn in class
319. Teacher Maricel knows well that the text or the print material is one factor that affects
reading. So she tries to match the text with the ease or difficulty of students’
comprehension based on the style of writing. What text factor does Teacher Maricel
consider in the choice of reading materials for her class?
a. Organization
b. Format
c. Readability
d. Content
320. Theft of school equipment like TV, computer etc. by teenagers in the community itself is
becoming a common phenomenon. What does this incident signify?
a. Community’s lack of sense of co-ownership
b. Deprivation of Filipino schools
c. Inability of school to hire security guards
d. Openness of schools to community
321. The basic education curriculum has been restructured due to the following reasons except
one. Which one is NOT?
a. To be relevant and responsive to a rapidly changing world
b. To become globally competitive during this industrial age
c. To empower the Filipino learners for self-development throughout their life
d. To help raise the achievement level of students
322. Which should be the National Motto of all Filipinos?
a. Maka-Diyos, Makatao at Makabansa
b. Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa
c. Maka-Diyos, Maka-Masa, Makakalikasan at Makabansa
d. Maka-masa, Maka-Diyos, Makabansa
323. A political boss builds a school in a distant barrio in order to get the votes for an unworthy
and corrupt candidate. Is the action of the political boss moral?
a. No, his motivation was not meant for a good effect
b. No, the candidate is undeserving
Yes, it was his duty to strategize for his candidate to win
Yes, the votes were in exchange for the school built
324. My right ends where the right of other begins. What does this mean?
a. Rights are absolute
b. Right are inalienable
c. Rights are alienable
d. Rights are not absolute
325. Which one does not illustrate the principle that rights and duties are correlative?
a. The right of an state to compel citizens to military service is reciprocated by the duty of
the state to protect the citizens
b. The right of an unmarried pregnant woman to abort her baby in relation to her duty to
protect her name
c. The right to a living wage involves the duty of the employer to give the salary agreed
upon and the duty of the employee to give a fair amount of work
d. The right to life of persons and to be given respect of such right
326. What is the TRUE foundation of the social order?
a. Equitable distribution of wealth
b. Obedient citizenry
c. Strong political leadership
d. The reciprocation of rights and duties
327. Which of the following is NOT a function of the School Governing Council?
a. (?)Shall manage the day to day operations of the school
b. Shall serve as the policy making authority of the school
c. Has overall authority over the operation and direction of the school
d. Shall define school-level policies and resolve school level issues
328. Which of the following is NOT a major activity in data collection, organization and analysis in
School Improvement Plan preparation?
a. Data prioritization
b. Data analysis and interpretation
c. Data gathering and organization
d. Identification and verification of problems
329. Which two of the following are NOT important considerations in selecting a school site?
I. Location
II. Environment
III. Aesthetic value
IV. Market value
III and IV
I and III
IV and V
II and III
330. Which of the following practices BEST manifest Total Quality Management in School?
a. Partnering with students
b. Faculty as teachers
c. Teaching students
d. Evaluation oriented
331. Which of the following steps should NOT be taken by the school head as part of the
decision-making process?
a. Prioritize the value of the solution
b. Define and analyse the problem
c. Develop and evaluate alternatives
d. Follow – up and appraise results
332. Which of the following are NOT practices of a child –friendly school in inclusive education?
I. Screening and assessment of all children for early detection of disabilities
II. Developing individualized educational programs
III. Use of all available textbooks and instructional materials
IV. Selective opportunities for children to engage in group dynamics activities
V. Observe and recording children’s behaviour
III and IV
III and II
I and II
II and IV
333. Which of the following is an important consideration in communicating higher learning
expectations to the learners?
a. Creates stress-free environment
b. Obtains information on the learning styles and needs of learners
c. Provides learners with a variety of learning experiences
d. Maintains a safe and orderly classroom
334. Which of the following should NOT be considered by a school head in promoting personal
growth and professional development among teachers?
a. Understand and accept the learners’ diverse knowledge and experience
b. Preparation and implementation of the Individual Personal and professional
Development plan
c. Manifest enthusiasm in undertaking educational research
d. Building links with colleagues to enrich testing practices
335. Which is NOT a part of the Clinical Supervision Cycle?
a. Observation Assessment
b. Pre-observation Conference
c. Post-conference Analysis
d. Observation of Teaching
336. Which of the following should NOT be determined at the pre-observation conference
between the principal and the teacher?
a. The level of mastery of learning
b. The reason for and purpose of the observation
c. The focus of the observation
d. The method and form of observation
337. Which of the following approaches in Clinical Supervision emphasizes the behaviour of
presenting, clarifying, listening and negotiating to develop a contract of professional
development between the teacher and the principal?
a. Collaborative Approach
b. Nondirective Approach
c. Directive Approach
d. Directive Informational Approach
338. Which of the following are critical areas of concern of the school head as an Instructional
I. Teaching-learning environment
II. Pupils/student assessment
III. Resource generation
IV. Total community involvement
V. Problem identification and prioritization
I and II
II and III
III and IV
IV and V
339. Which of the following areas of concern should NOT be included if the agreed focus of
observation between the school and the teacher is classroom management?
a. Assess how much students already know
b. Efficient classroom routine
c. Smooth transitions between activities
d. Physical environment conducive to learning
340. Which of the following is NOT an indicator in observing the teacher’s active teaching and
instructional techniques?
a. Enforcing rules and discipline equally
b. Providing examples and asking questions
c. Providing guided practice
d. Explaining the lesson’s relevance and purpose
341. Which of the following functions should NOT be undertaken by the School Quality
Management Team?
a. Organize program team by learning area
b. Conduct monitoring during plan implementation
c. Evaluate result of SIP implementation
d. Design monitoring and feedback system
342. Which of the following questions must be answered by the school head when he formulates
his vision-mission?
a. What resources do we need to bring about school improvement?
b. Who are the stakeholders who can assist the school head in resource generation?
c. What is the status of the school in terms of enrolment and other school performance
indicators and resources
d. What processes must be modified to bring about school improvement?
343. What is the best action that the school Planning Team can take when the school Report
Card indicates that the drop out is 6%?
a. Formulate programs and projects
b. Solicit the LGU Chief Executive’s Financial Support
c. Plan for resource generation and mobilization
d. Ask why the simple dropout rate is above the planning standard
344. Which of the following statements are NOT in accordance with the provision of the Revised
Rules and procedures of DepEd in Administrative case?
I. The Grievance Committee is allowed to hear and decide on administrative case
II. A complaint shall under oath
III. The School Division Office shall organize the investigation Committee
IV. Habitual drunkenness for disciplinary action
I and II
IV and I
III and IV
II and III
345. Which of the statement justify the choice for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) over
court litigation?
I. Parties in ADR are free to select the mediator or arbitrator, the procedure to be
followed and place of mediation/arbitration
II. It was a datu way of setting disputes in the barangay
III. As a rule, an award rendered by an arbitral tribunal is final and binding on the parties
IV. Clogged court dockets, expensive litigation fees and rigid and adversarial system of
I and IV
II and III
III and I
IV and III
346. When is the best time to define the terms of reference of each school committee?
a. After preparing the annual implementation plan
b. After identifying the programs/project/activities to be implemented within the first and
succeeding years
c. Before the preparation of the School Improvement Plan
d. Before converting the stakeholders for the presentation of the school report card
347. Which is the most appropriate way of communicating what the school hopes to achieve?
a. Join community assembly
b. Hold PTA meeting
c. Advertise in radio, newspaper or television
d. Convene multi-stakeholders for a meeting/dialogue
348. Which of the following statements indicates conduct of participatory meeting for the
decision making on the utilization of PHIL-IRI Results?
a. Who can solicit the help of parents and local government officials?
b. Where can we get additional reading material?
c. What measures can we undertake to address the identified issue?
d. How can we pay for the honorarium of the remedial reading teacher?
349. Which of the following should be given preferred attention when managing change?
I. Talk about the disadvantages of non-adoption of the proposed change
II. Determine who will be affected or who will need to know
III. Do approximately 20 percent two-way, face to face conversations
IV. Identify who should have the responsibility for the change and the authority to make
II and IV
I and II
III and I
IV and III
350. Which of the following questions manifest resistance to change among teachers along
classroom observation?
I. What are the advantages of allowing the teachers to identify their own growth needs
and think of specific ways to address these needs?
Why should you ask me how can I improve my art of questioning technique when you
are the school head who is expected to know better?
III. Which is a better question that can elicit the student’s insights, the first or the last
IV. Why do you ask me to pinpoint my weakness along instruction when you were the
I and III
III and II
IV and I
II and IV
351. Which action can be taken to prevent made-up stories that are typically negative in relation
to change?
a. Communicate early and regularly and conduct open forum
b. Write a memorandum to each of the staff who are perceived to be negative and
indifferent to change
c. Call each of the staff who is perceived to be negative or indifferent of the change
d. Request the Education Supervisor or the PSDS to publicly endorse the change you
desire to institute the school
352. Evaluation of learning outcomes may be formative, summative or diagnostic. Which of
these describes formative type of evaluation?
I. It occurs most often at the end of the unit
II. It provides teachers with valuable information upon which instructional modifications
can be made at the end of each unit
III. It provides students direction for future learning and encourages them to take
responsibility for their own progress
IV. It determines what has been learned by the students over a period of time
II and III
I and II
I and IV
III and IV
353. Monitoring and evaluation are necessary for program sustainability. Which of these
categories provides information about the efficiency of a program or project?
a. Process Analysis
b. Needs Assessment
c. Impact Analysis
d. Cost Benefit Analysis
Study Table I below
Performance Indicators for School X: S/Y 2008-2009 to 2010-2011
Participation Rate
Cohort Survival Rate
Completion Rate
Dropout Rate
Failure Rate
354. Which of the following programs do you think would be effective in facilitating the
attainment of 100% participation rate in SY 2011-2012?
I. Dropout Intervention program
II. Feeding program
III. School community partnership
IV. Awarding teachers with 100% participation rate
I, II, III and IV
I and III only
I and II only
I, II and III
355. The result of NAT for Grade VI in your school are shown below:
What observation and conclusion can you derive from the results?
Subject Areas
Science and Math are related subjects, hence are both performed poorly
The Grade VI pupils have the lowest achievement rate in Science
Math, Science and English which are taught in English, similarly achieved poorly
Filipino and HEKASI are correlated subjects
356. Which of the following could be data collection technique for an action research?
I. Radio newscast
II. Anecdotal records
III. Portfolio
IV. Document analysis
II, III and IV
I, II and III
I, III and IV
II and III only
357. Which of the following items is NOT TRUE about Clinical supervision?
a. It focuses on the improvement of instruction
b. It involves planning, organizing and interpreting results
c. It follows the cycle of planning, observing and analysing actual teaching
d. It is concerned with the professional development of teachers
358. Mrs. Aguja, a head teacher is assigned in a multigrade school with only four teachers. She
found out that Mr. Cruz who has been handling grade III and IV for five years still find
difficulty in making his pupils read. Which supervisory approach will work for him?
a. Non-directive
b. Directive
c. Collaborative
d. Diplomatic
359. Which of the following manifestation of collaborative supervision?
I. Soliciting ideas from the teachers first and solving the problem based on shared
II. Offering solutions and then asking for other alternatives from the teacher
III. Restating a teacher’s plan and setting follow-up meeting
IV. Identifying the problem or goal and seeking clarifying information
I only
III and IV
I and II
(?) III and IV
360. Coaching and mentoring are often misconstrued to be the same thing. Some
interchangeably use these terms to refer to the assistance given to staff. Which of these
concepts does not hold true about coaching?
a. It is job focused and performance oriented
b. It is a power free relationship based on mutual respect
c. It is developing specific skills for the task
d. It is making others accountable and responsible for their act
361. Which of the following is the ultimate goal of instructional supervision?
a. Improvement of instruction for enhanced learning outcomes
b. Development of teachers for professional growth
c. Utilization of the supervisory tools for staff development
d. Recognition of potential teachers for promotion
362. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of building high performance teams?
a. Involves all stakeholders in developing the plans based on accurate data
b. Conduct participatory meetings for decision making
c. Assesses results through triangulation process
d. Gives feedback on the group’s performance
363. As school head. Which of the following should NOT be your priority along professional
development and human resource management?
a. Mentoring and coaching of existing employees and facilitating induction of new hires
b. Aligning professional development plans with strategic goals
c. Creating partnership to support student peak performance
d. Conducts classroom observation
364. Teacher proficiency and performance is a major determinant of student achievement. What
specific measure can be taken by the school head to transform the teachers’ stand on
Instructional leadership to that of leadership for learning?
a. Build culture of collaboration in ensuing that students learn
b. Set and require high standard of achievement for every learner
c. Enrich the curriculum in the context of the pillars of new functional literacy
d. Requires strict compliance with competency-based standards for teachers
365. What data should a principal use in setting academic expectations?
a. Textbook ratio across grade level and subjects
b. Net –intake rate in grade I classes
c. Teacher-pupil ratio in Grade V and VI classes
d. Achievement across grade levels and subjects
366. Which of the following principles selectively seeks to locate, highlight and illuminate the
life-giving forces of an individual, group or organization?
a. Organizational inquiry
b. Appreciative inquiry
c. Transformational leadership
d. Bridging leadership
367. Conducting monitoring and evaluation of the SIP is essential to the success of the plan.
Which of the following is NOT provided to the school as a result of the monitoring and
evaluation processes?
a. To enable the school to formulate evaluation plans
b. To learn from the experience of plan implementation
c. To make necessary adjustment to improve performance
d. To increase stakeholders accountability
368. Which of the following reflects the true meaning of NCBTS?
I. It is unified framework for teacher development
II. It is integrated theoretical framework that defines the dimensions of effective teaching
III. It is based on the core values of Filipino teachers and on effective teaching and learning
I, II and III
I and II only
II and III only
I and III only
369. Which assessment instrument is most appropriate in rating the performance of a group of
students in an oral presentation of their output?
a. Portfolio
b. Paper and pencil test
c. Conferencing
d. Rubrics
370. On what months of the year do the school Selection committee and the Division Subcommittee conduct recruitment, evaluation and selection of applicants for Teacher I
a. April to June
b. January to April
c. May to July
d. October to December
371. Which of the following is NOT a function of the Division Sub-Committee on Recruitment and
Hiring of Teachers?
a. Prepare the division wide rank list for submission to the Schools Division
b. Review the applicant’s documents as to completeness, accuracy and authenticity
c. Observe and rate demonstration teaching of applicants
d. Conduct interviews of applicants
372. Your school needs a major in physics but the applicant from the barangay is a major in
physical education. The barangay captain accompanies the applicant and cites R. A 8190
as a basis for hiring the applicant. What will you do?
a. Accommodate the request of the Barangay Captain
b. Explain the need of the school as basis for recommending a physics major from the
municipality or city
c. Report the matter to the SDS
d. Report the matter to the Municipal Mayor
373. Which of the following CANNOT be considered as a criterion in evaluating teacher
a. Travels abroad and winning in international sports tournament
b. Communication skills and experienced learning course
c. Education, teaching experience and Demo teaching
LET/PBET rating and interview
374. Which of the following is NOT a domain of the Competency-based Teacher Standards?
a. Diversity of Learners
b. School, Home and Community Linkages
c. School outcomes
d. Personal Growth and Development
375. Which is the most critical task of the school head in implementing a collaboratively
prepared school improvement plan for local attainment of EFA goals?
a. Be in charge of all committees or teams for the implementations of all programs and
b. Creation of committees or teams as an integral part of the annual implementation plan
c. Issue a Memorandum designation team/committee leader and members
d. Ask stakeholders to approve the designation of teachers as team/committee leaders
376. Which of the following is a school-based practice for raising the learners’ mastery level of
expected competencies?
a. Utilization of learner-centered activities and multi-level questions in all learning areas
b. Utilization of questions to develop higher order thinking skills after a thorough
teachers’ lecture
c. Conduct of year-round enrichment and remedial activities with the school Governing
d. Conduct of classroom observation and LAC session
377. Which of the following would be the best initial action that a newly-installed school head
can take?
a. Call a multi-stakeholders meetings to assess the implementation of the annual
improvement plan/school improvement plan
b. Call for a faculty meeting and decide on how the annual improvement plan can be
c. Review the results and analysis of SBM assessment
d. Ask the SDS what division priority programs and projects are to be implemented
378. Which of the following data in a school report card are indicators of school participation?
I. Increased Grade/year level enrolment by 15%
II. Decreased drop-out rate by 1.5%
III. 25% improvement in MPS in NAT
IV. Increased participation in ALS programs
I, II and IV
II, III and IV
II, III and I
I, IV and III
379. After being inspected by building officials one of your school buildings was found to be
hazardous for pupils. You decide to apply for the demolition of the building. To whom do
you submit your request for demolition of the school building for final approval?
a. The schools Division Superintendent
b. The Regional Director
c. The District Supervisor
d. The Secretary of Education
380. Which of the following are requirements for the establishment of new
elementary/secondary school?
I. Suitable school site with proof of ownership
II. Data on possible enrolment
III. Temporary school buildings and furnitures
I and II only
(?) I and III only
I, II and III
II and III only
381. For which of the following activities is the use of educational facilities in schools NOT
allowed or permitted?
a. Polling places for election
b. Politically rally or meeting
c. Meetings of election inspectors
d. Barangay council meetings for educational purposes
382. Based on the Assessment, Standards, Strategies and Accountability (ASSA) model in
improving education quality, which is the logical outcome to be expected from improving
school facilities?
a. Reduced drop-out rate
b. Enhanced learning environment
c. Increased completion rate
d. Improved health status of learners
383. Which of the following reports should a principal prepare for all the stakeholders to know
whether he/she have accomplishment the targets in the SIP?
a. School Report Card
b. (?)School Annual Report
c. Year-End Report
d. School Assessment Report
384. Which of the following is NOT among the authority, accountability and responsibility of the
school head?
a. Offering educational programs for all learners in the community
b. Introducing new and innovative modes of instruction
c. Approving the establishment of private elementary school in the community
d. Establishing school-community networks
385. Which of the following is not principle governing government procurement?
a. Transparency
b. Accountability
c. Selectivity
d. Competitiveness
386. When can negotiated procurement be resorted to?
a. In case of imminent danger to life or property during state of calamity
b. In case of 1 failed bidding
c. When goods can be obtained only from the proprietary source
d. When goods are available off-the-shelf
387. Which of the following governs the modernization, standardization and regulation of the
procurement activities of the Philippine government?
a. R. A 9186
b. R. A 9184
c. R. A 9155
R. A 7079
388. Which method of procurement of goods is used when items can be obtained only from the
proprietary source?
a. Negotiated Procurement
b. (?)Repeat Order
c. Direct Contracting
d. Limited Source Bidding
389. As a school head and Special Disbursing Officer, how often should you liquidate expense
against cash advance?
a. Every 15 days
b. Every 30 days
c. Every quarter
d. Everyday
390. Government funds are appropriated for specific purposes. If the SH used the budget
allotted for training of teachers for the purpose of books, what offense does she/he
a. Misappropriation
b. Technical malversation
c. Re-alignment
d. Juggling of funds
391. Which of the following is NOT an advantage in using computer?
a. Communication
b. Consistency
c. Storage
d. Impact on the environment
392. The following are disadvantages of using computer EXCEPT one:
a. Speed
b. Violation of privacy
c. Health risks
d. Impact on the labor force
393. Which is considered as the brain of the computer?
a. Main memory
b. CPU
c. Motherboard
d. Control unit
394. What do you call the board that forms the foundation of your computer?
a. Motherboard
b. ROM
c. Main memory
d. (?)RAM
395. Which is NOT an application of ICT in Education?
a. learning and instruction
b. management
c. auto CAD
d. research