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Company Analysis Template: Structure & Environment

Company Name
International or national.
Private sector or public sector, how many branches.
Created when and where and why it was created.
What products the company produce and what services it gives.
Beneficiaries/Customers: whom and how to reach them.
National Partners
 example.
 example.
 example.
International Partners
 example.
 example.
Vision and Mission
Focusing on strategic priorities:
 Example.
 Example.
 Example.
 Example.
Main approaches the company use to reach its goals:
 To support …...
 To help …….
 To lead and coordinate …….
Number of Employees
It ranges between … – … employees in Egypt and between … - … globally.
Environmental Uncertainty
Is the company flexible to environment changes or not, does the goal of the company will change or not,
Internal Variables of the Organization
The nature of the rules inside the company. The nature of achievement and how the employees deal with each other.
How the internal affects the goal of the company.
Type of Organization Culture
Inside the company which culture is it, define the type of the culture and if it is the best for the company to achieve highest
profit and its goal or should the company adopt another culture.
Environmental Scanning
Task Environment
General Environment
Competitors: who are they (they should produce same Economic: situation in Egypt and economic market how it
products as your company or should give the same service) affects the company performance and reaching its goal.
The market is it competitive or not.
 conclusion
How these competitors affect the goal of your company
 conclusion
Suppliers: who and supply the company with what.
Legal-Political: what sanctions and laws affects the
Are they near or not, and if they change will that change company behavior and what the changes in Egypt’s law do
the goal of the company.
the goal of the company.
 conclusion
 conclusion
Customers: who are they, do they benefit from the products Socio-Cultural: are there any norms in Egypt changes the
of the company or the services that the company gives.
If the company gives public sector, then the customers are the
 conclusion
Labor Market: it refers to the company staff members, how
their presence affects the company., if you hire more or turn
over level.
 conclusion
company goal? What happens to other branches of the
 conclusion
Technological: how can we use technology to enhance the
company’s performance and how it affects the goal.
 conclusion.
Natural: Egypt’s nature of streets and roads how it affects the
company to reach its goals?
 conclusion
International: what happened to the dollar, and if there
are any events that happened in the country where the
company’s HQ resides.
 conclusion