Dutch Lady Management Project Report

MGT 162
Main Body Of The Report
9 - 12
Locus of Decision Making
13 - 14
15 - 17
18 - 20
21 - 22
23 - 24
i) Company Background
Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad (DLMI) is one of Malaysia's most prominent dairy
product manufacturers. The company based in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, started its business in
1963. The Halal Hub Division of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), the
Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS), and other relevant recognized Foreign Halal
Certification Bodies and Authorities have certified the goods of Dutch Lady Milk Industries
Berhad (DLMI). The dream begins in the year of the ’50s when a trading company,
Friesland(Malaya) Pte Ltd which is based in Singapore with Dutch Baby as their brand name
imported sweetened condensed milk from their main company in Holland. The journey
continues with Pacific Milk Industries Sdn Bhd started incorporated in Malaysia. The company
then changed into a public company and was listed on the stock exchanges for Kuala Lumpur
and Singapore. The company then change its name to Dutch Lady for product positioning
reasons in the 80s and at the same time, they also begin manufacturing sterilized milk in plastic
bottles. In the 2000s the company grow bigger and established a new commitment for their
company which is “Goodness For Life” and a new corporate tagline “Get Ready For Life!!”,
which show how Dutch Lady want to make products that can lead to healthy lifestyles. In 2013,
Dutch Lady has been reported to have achieved the 1 billion Malaysia Ringgit sales target
despite the slowdown of the Malaysian dairy industry.
ii) Levels of Management
The three lines of management used by Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad are first-line
manager, middle-level manager, and top-level manager.
Top-level executives guide the organization's strategic orientation. Executive Director, for
example. They have a vision for the company and the leadership abilities required to help it
achieve that objective. Conceptual skills were employed to process a large amount of data
regarding the organization's internal and external environments. Top-level business managers
must be required to be able to verify the corporate as a holistic entity, envision the
interrelationship between the divisions, and understand how the firm fits into and influences its
overall environment using a well-developed conceptual skill set.
Following that, a middle-line manager was assigned to oversee first-line managers or
even the staff department. Production manager, human resource manager, finance manager,
and marketing manager are some examples. Middle line managers have a thorough awareness
of the organization's area's strategy and are committed to ensuring that it is properly
implemented. The major goal is to properly distribute resources and manage the workgroup.
The capacity to collaborate effectively with members of one's workgroup was presented as an
example of human talents. Create a work environment in which members of the group may
openly express themselves, offer ideas, and engage in planning activities.
Likewise, the Dutch Lady management chart has various first-line management jobs,
such as Brand Manager, Office Admin Assistant, Nutritional Executive, and so on. They are in
charge of producing the company's products or offering services. It is promoted from the ranks
based on its ability to offer the organization's goods or services. We ensure that our
organization's products or services are provided to clients on a daily basis. Managers' technical
skills were employed to enable them to apply their knowledge to the tools, techniques, and
procedures unique to their sector.
iii) Types of Managers and Their Skills
A manager must possess the following abilities when managing a company: conceptual, human,
and technical abilities. These abilities are measured differently for each level of management.
First and foremost, top-level managers will have the highest percentage of conceptual
capabilities, as opposed to human and technical skills. Conceptual talents are mental abilities
that enable a manager to see the big picture. This is because the company's top executive must
have solid ideas and strategies for the future. They will, for example, be the ones to determine
whether to open a new branch or create a new product to market. Why is it necessary for
managers to have conceptual talents in order to lead their companies? Because they will be the
ones to make decisions regarding their firm's future, they will need to consider what goals the
company intends to reach in a short amount of time or even a long one. These conceptual
abilities will eventually enable managers to think beyond their department's objectives.
Furthermore, middle-level managers require more human skills than conceptual ones.
Human skills will aid the major character of the middle-line manager in the organisation, who
serves as a link between top-level and first-level managers. These interpersonal management
abilities demonstrate a manager's understanding and capacity to collaborate with others. One of
the most important aspects of the talents is that managers may assist employees to become
more motivated and effective leaders by better understanding their colleagues. Moreover, their
presence will aid in the promotion of its employees to higher positions.
Moving to first-level management, they are more likely to have the highest technical
skills than the two from the top. Technical skills are more related to the technical dimension of
management. These skills are widely used in a company for a manager to have knowledge and
abilities to achieve their goals by using different techniques. They are various technical skills
needed in building a great company. For example, there are skills that are required to increase
product sales and market products and services. As an example, a sales manager is built up
from someone who works in the sales department and their skills improved day by day through
education, training, and experience. This is one of the best examples to show how excellent
technical skills can improve your position from first-level management to upper positions.
Planning can be defined as coordinating the activity project to reach what the
organization wanted and establishing many ways to attain their goals.
In planning, there are benefits out of it for the organization which is better coordination,
focus on forward thinking, participatory work environment, more effective control system, lower
the overlapping and risk.
Dutch lady logo
Nourishing Malaysians with quality dairy nutrition to help them move forward in life.
Strive to continue providing better nutrition for the nation and to continuously help build a
stronger Malaysia for generations to come.
There are 3 types of planning which are strategic, tactical and operational planning. The
process through which an organization makes decisions and takes that affect its long- term
success is known as strategic planning, meanwhile the tactical plan is intended to carry out all
of the strategic plan’s objectives. It lays out the steps to follow in order to attain a strategic goal.
In addition, the objective of an operational plan is to put detailed action steps in order to support
strategic and tactical plans. It is in charge of an organization’s day-to-day operations. As for
Dutch Lady company use is operational planning.
In strategic planning, in order to move the organization from where it is today to where it
intends to be, the board of directors and Top management through sponsorship and donations
of their dairy products, they consistently take an active part in promoting smart partnerships with
the government and important stakeholders. This enables them to continue nourishing the
community and ensuring the well-being, health, and nutritional status of families and children in
Malaysia on world milk day. Additionally, The South East Asian Nutrition Survey (SEANUTS)
findings that Malaysian children only consume half a serving of milk per day (just 5% youngsters
really consume the recommended two servings milk per day) provide Dutch Lady Milk Industries
even another incentive to keep supplying the community with nourishment.
In tactical planning, middle managers will create the tactical plan. The strategy is clearer
and more detailed.This can be seen when the broads and top management decided to
nourishing the urban poor children at public housing projects to achieve their goals which were
already stated at the vision statement, the middle managers will set up the date, prepare for
what needed to be done for the event such as schedule of the event and make a meeting with
the public housing and schools that include in the plan. This can be seen when Dutch Lady
company decided to launch Program Cakna Susu in Lembah Pantai, the middle or the first-line
manager will have to set up date which is in 2019 and communicate with the parliament
members to choose 20 families that is unfortunate at Lembah Pantai.
In operational planning, where the the first-line manager takes an action in the plan to
support strategic and tactical plans. As example, in the company where the first-line manager
will take supervision of their employees and coordinate where the employees should work and
implement the company procedure, policies and rules in the process of working. In addition, the
first-line manager will use the procedure for the operation tol carry out the procedure to make
sure the products will safely go in or out of the industries. This can be seen when Dutch Lady
Milk Industries Berhad decided to launch Program Cakna Susu in Lembah Pantai in 2019, in
order to guarantee that the children of those families have the access to dairy nutrition, Dutch
Lady company let Y.B. Fahmi, who is the member of parliament, picked twenty families from the
Kampung Limau PPR flats to get one carton of Dutch Lady Milk Industries’s Rakyat pack per
month for six month. This shows that the first-line manager will have to give out 1 carton of
chocolate milk to the chosen families every month for 6 month based on the picture below.
Whereas, Programs like these give Dutch Lady Milk Industries the perfect platform to carry on
with their purpose of feeding Malaysians and assisting the government in addressing the dual
burden problem of undernutrition and overnutrition in Malaysia.
Program Cakna Susu in Lembah Pantai constituency
After that, in operational planning there are 2 types of it which are standing plan and
single - use plan. Standing plans are established to solve recurring organizational problems. It
helps managers in resolving issues on a continuous basis. It’s intended to be used again and
over again. It is formed of policies, procedures and rules. Moreover, a single - use plan is one
that is created to accomplish specific objectives that are unlikely to be replayed in the future and
is created for a specific reason or duration. Programs, projects, and budgets are all part of it.
In standing plan that been use at Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad to this day, is when
Dutch Lady make a campaign by giving milk through donations and sponsorship under
stakeholders and government to secondary and primary school once in every year on 1st June
which is the World Milk Day to celebrate it. The campaign emphasized the importance of
teaching young children proper eating habits. The campaign assisted in increasing awareness
of the significance of teaching teachers and students on food nutrition in order to encourage
Malaysia to lead healthy lives.
As for single-use plan, In order to exchange knowledge and boost the volume of locally
produced fresh milk, Farmer2Farmer training in Malaysia was held in 2013 at farms in Melaka
and Perak. Dutch farmers from the Netherlands are brought to Malaysia to meet with a chosen
group of local dairy farmers in order to exchange information and expertise that will assist them
advance and modify their farming practices. This training in Perak and Melaka only happened
once to help local employees develop and adapt their dairy farming methods.
Farmer2Farmer training in Malaysia.
In addition, Dutch Lady also launched the Farmer2Farmer programme as one of the
projects which was part of the (DPP) and had full support from (DVS) where Dutch Lady and
FriesLandCampina N.V collaborated. This project is part of the (DPP). The programme is
intended to assist local dairy farmers in producing milk of improved quality and volume,as well
as to secure the long-term sustainability of their milk. All the funds for the Farmer2Farmer
project are provided by The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Dutch Lady Milk Industries Organization Structure.
Type of departmentalization available in the organizational chart in Dutch Lady is
functional structure.According to the function carried out, personnel or associated work activities
are grouped into functional structures. Even though, there’s no website show the position of the
each directors above other than having different function, we can see that the top leader of this
management team is the managing director herself Ramjeet Kaur Virik. Ramjeet Kaur Virik is
managing director and has subordinates which are finance director,sales director,marketing
director ,operation director and human resources director.
Within the scope of the Board’s authorized power, the managing director is in charge of
overseeing and managing the operations of the Dutch Lady company. She is also in charge of
carrying out Board strategy and policy. This can be seen when she responsible for monitoring
and running the Company's operations within the scope of the Board's designated powers.
Other than that, while sales director Wilson Chua under managing director is responsible
for handling product sales throughout the country.Wilson Chua is the National Development
Manager and equipped with 14 years of sales experience and joined this company since April
Besides that, marketing director is in charge of designing and implementing
comprehensive marketing strategies to create awareness of the company business
activities.Imun Lee was joining Dutch Lady Milk Industries as marketing director reporting to
managing director Ramjeet Kaur Virik on 1 July.She has more than 20 years of experience,
mostly in the food and beverage sector, and has worked with firms like P&G, Coca-Cola,
Fonterra, Samsung, and Munchworld Marketing. She has a focus on both brand and product
marketing. She is not really new to the DLMI family, currently serving as the international
marketing manager for the business development unit of FrieslandCampina.
After that, customer supply chain associate director is responsible for taking care of
Dutch Lady raw materials. For example, customer supply chain director will take care of the
supply that will be used in the industries such as their most important ingredient cocoa where
that meets the Rainforest Alliance certification criteria to make Dutch Lady chocolate milk.
Next, corporate affair director who is in charge for the image of the company to attract
with various stakeholder.Muhammad Abdul Hadi Abdullah joined Dutch Lady Milk Industries
Berhad in September 2018.He was leading the Corporate Affairs Department with the aim to sell
more milk everyday.
Finance affair director which responsible for the company finance who involve in
planning which is to manage the finance performance and keep the financial company healthy
and stable. This can be see when finance director does the process of creating quarterly and
annual financial as the current predicament before sending it to the stakeholders.
Program director which is responsible for managing the programme that will be held and
to ensure the program would have the beneficial outcome that could achieve company
objectives and goals. This can be seen in the planning of communication and training
programmes by director program that are required for all employees of the company. This
programmes will gain employees performance. Hence, it will create quality manpowers to
support the Dutch Lady Industries and lead it to their goals.
Human Resource Director which is responsible for monitor any planning, lead and direct
so the implementation of the planning wouldn’t violate the mission organization by coordinating
policies. As example, before any programmes that wil held such as the Farmer2Farmer
Training, human resource will check if the programme is legal to execute by implement the
policies and laws.
The line of authority and responsibility that flows throughout the organization and defines
the superiors and subordinate relationships that govern decision making within the industries.
This is because we want to take care of our relation with working.Each of the worker should be
accountable and report their work or task.This company used command method.So, this
concept is so advance among management theorist.In the simple words, its concept is always
used with bureaucracy system of organizational.But,the organization needs to respond and
change quickly.It may be limited even when decision making is tied with the hierarchy.
Narrow spans of management create tall organizational structures with many levels
between the highest and lowest managers.In such situations, a long chain of command and
bureaucratic control exist whereby it slows decision making.This is because this company have
a lot of employee’s.So that’s can increase more productivity.This will make the manager to
supervise each subordinated.Also, it will make the manager to get less burden since gets more
time to analyze all the situation before making final decision.Every department manager can
have time to observe,making right decision and also to accomplish the action needed.
In Dutch Lady company,each of our department is divided into line position.The line
position involves itself in all issues involving to goods and services. A staff role is like being the
line position's major support. This will assist their discussion on selecting a single line position.
Our personnel will make decisions and assign various tasks during this process. As we are
aware, granting authority to others also one of the crucial actions. In essence, they will choose
which objectives or tasks to assign, grant power to, or be controlling, accountable, and
responsible. They are all significant in delegation. For instance, when Dutch Lady have a
problem with the production product, the manager in the production product will handle this
issue. The example of a problem production product is recombination process,ultra high
temperature process,homogenization process and aseptic packaging.They will try to solve this
issue by following the decision-making process.In summary, this decision-making process step
of delegation will enable the manager to successfully manage their department.
A decision-making process is a series of steps that individuals take to determine the best
option or course of action for dealing with problems or obtaining what their company requires. In
today's fast-paced world, making effective decisions as a manager is a huge challenge. To
make effective decisions, a person must be able to predict the outcome of each option as well
as determine which option is best for that specific situation based on all of these factors. Good
decisions can make or break an organization's success. Company intelligence and analytical
tools can help ensure that business choices are founded, as it should be, on factual data. Good
decision-making can also help you understand what information you'll need and how to best use
it to inform your decisions, allowing you to solve problems faster. There are two types of
decision making which is programmed and non-programmed.
Programmed decision is a structured decision and it is repetitive decision that can be
handled by a routine approach. For this company, Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad respects
their legal obligations and takes all necessary steps to meet them. They have their own
regulatory compliance. They comply with all legal requirements in all jurisdictions where the
organisation operates, even if those laws and regulations are not sufficiently enforced. Ensure
that their interactions and activities are in accordance with the intended and applicable legal
framework. Inform employees about new and relevant laws and regulations, as well as ways for
them to comply. Review compliance with applicable laws and regulations on a regular basis,
including those outlined in the Malaysia Food Act 1983 and Regulation 1985, as well as
management systems covering quality, safety, and Halal practises. Maintain and improve the
quality of their products by ensuring that food is prepared and manufactured to appropriate
standards using quality ingredients. We stay up to date on legal obligations within the regulatory
network, and we participate in industry associations and other memberships.
Non-programmed is an unstructured and non-routine decision making that occurs in
response to unusual, unpredictable opportunities and threats. The demand for Dutch Lady milk
has been rising significantly as a result of Malaysians' increased focus on their health and
awareness of the value of ingesting milk to get calcium and strengthen their bones. Due to their
inability to handle the demand problem, which is actually more of a demand issue than a supply
issue, Dutch Lady has been battling with underproduction concerns. The business needs to
figure out how to satisfy market demand if it wants to remain competitive. Dutch Lady has
reduced their supply while raising the price, but also confirming that the demand would continue
to rise. However, if there are fewer product suppliers and prices rise as a result, there will be a
bigger problem which is black market which is illegal. To ease the supply to consumers with their
terms of price, they will attempt to enter the market. In the alternative scenario, market failure
resulting from underproduction theory will ultimately have an impact on the price equilibrium if
Dutch Lady reduces the supply only to increase the demand. The government's intrusion into
business is a prime example of this issue. It is the responsibility of the government to safeguard
producers and suppliers from underproduction while also safeguarding the underprivileged
consumers who cannot afford to purchase the goods at the fixed price. For consumer,
government will set the price that anyone to buy the products.
People are motivated by various influences that drive them to act in various ways.
Therefore motivation is one of the reasons for someone to stay in one company. Managers at
Dutch Lady Milk Industries will use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory to inspire their
employees. According to Maslow's theory, our activities are driven by physiological and
psychological demands that range from fundamental to sophisticated. There are 5 levels of
needs based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory which are physiological needs, safety or
security needs, social or affiliation needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. By using
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, employees' performance increases from one time to another
which shows the way the company choose to boost employees' motivation are working.
The first level of needs in humans is physiological needs. We need physiological needs
in our daily life such as food, water, rest time, and more. In Dutch Lady Milk Industries, the
employee's physiological needs are fulfilled by the company because they provide a cafeteria at
a workplace which sells food for the employees’ to consume during their break times. However,
for the working times, Dutch Lady Milk Industries might not be on our job list because even
though the work times are from 8 a.m until 5 p.m but the employee are working for 6 days a
week and having overtime which we can see as the rest time are not fulfilled for the employee.
Therefore, we can conclude that the physiological needs are fulfilled by the company even
though the rest time might be unfair there.
Secondly, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs said that humans need safety needs such as
security of body, security of employment, security of resources and so on. The Dutch Lady Milk
Industries Company employees can rest assured because they do not have to worry about their
position in the job and worst, getting fired. Based on one of the employee reviews of the
company on Glassdoor.com, it is written that the company have an open concept and helpful
employees which really help them to have the ability to learn and grow. The security of
resources is ensured because the company give the employee good increment and bonus.
Thus, Dutch Lady Milk Industries Company really care about the employee’s safety needs.
The third need for humans based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is the need for
belonging which includes friendship, family and romantic relationships. In this company,
colleagues are like family because they are open to assist each other whether it’s about work or
personal problems. One of the former employees said that one of the benefits of working with
Dutch Lady Milk Industries is the working environment which is friendly and a place where we
can learn a lot of new things.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs said that the fourth need that humans needs are esteem
needs which includes self-esteem, confidence, respect from others and so on. The
management in this organisation will endeavour to meet the needs of the employees in terms of
self-esteem. The company will reward those with great performance. As a result, employees will
be extremely driven to be the best employee for the firm, which will aid in increasing productivity,
efficiency, and effectiveness.
Last but not least is self-actualization which includes morality, creativity, problem solving
and others. This needs refer to the desire to reach our full potential.The staff in Dutch Lady Milk
Industries will try every creative and innovative way to reach what they want. As a result they
will be satisfied with what they achieved as a result.
Influence, individual or group, and aim are 3 factors that can be used to identify
leadership. A leader is someone who can influence others' attitudes without relying on force or
those who are accepted by others meanwhile leading entails encouraging and guiding members
of an organisation to contribute to the fulfilment of the organisation’s objectives.
After that, the CEO which is the chief executive organization and managing director of Dutch
Lady is Ramjeet Kaur Virik.
Ramjeet Kaur Virik (Executive and managing director).
LEADERSHIP APPROACH : The leadership theory that Ramjeet Kaur Virik had been used is the behavioral theories
which is managerial grid. This theory suited the ceo of Dutch Lady company due to multiple
programs that had been launched lately.In this theory, there is 5 syles of leadership in the
managerial grid which are the indifferent, accommodating, dictatorial, status quo and sound.
Fortunately, the style of leader that can be seen through the programs is the sound which also
called team management. Both people and production are given significant priority in this style.
Contribute and commit according to the the sound theory also have been applied in the plan of
the program.
As illustration for the programme that had been started, where Ramjeet Kaur Virik keep
ties between Dutch Lady Milk Industries and FriesLandCampina N.V and worked together on
the Farmer2Farmer initiative as one of the programmes that was part of the Dairy Development
Programmes and had full backing from The Department of Veterinary Services. This program’s
goal is to help local dairy farmers produce milk that is higher-quality and more plentiful while still
ensuring the milk’s long-term viability. In this program where the locals’ employee is trained by
FrieslandCampina’s Dutch member dairy farmers to improve their skills in industries process
show that this plan success in reinforcing the employees’ commitment and teamwork just as
according to the sound theory. In this way, employees believe they are valuable contributors to
the business. Moreover, this also shows that the leader also high concern on the productions of
Dutch Lady’s milk qualities.
The Dairy Development Programme (DPP).
Other than that, the newly update code of conduct which are guided by
FrieslandCampina’s COMPASS. It is corresponding policies offer the fundamental principles that
direct our workers’s actions and business behaviour in al business-related operations, including
those that involve external stakeholders like clients and suppliers.In this guidelines, there are 4
important documents which are code and conduct, doing honest business, speak-up procedure
and business practices for business partners. When the executive director decided to do
develop the company policy by doing collaboration, the policy evolving emphasized both
coworkers and their own productions as well. They are encouraged to conduct themselves
ethically and responsibly at Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad in all circumstances, at all levels,
and in all facets of their endavours and activities. Their organistional culture strongly values
sincerity, integrity and respect. And it is crucial that they all follow by the rules and guidelines
created to serve as the organization’s code of ethics to increase their quality productions. In
addition, the CEO also keeps the speak up procedure where the coworkers can denounce any
violations without fear or favour to preserving a secure environment for them. Then, this shows
that the CEO of the Dutch Lady company also take a high concern on her employees well being.
In conclusion, this policy that have been develop by the executive director herself by
partnership with others really related towards Managerial Grid in Behavioral Theory in
Leadership Approach which is the team management.
Controlling is the last step in POLC Management. Every company has a controlling
method in their business, especially companies that have huge success because of it.
Companies with a strong control can ensure that those who deliver an excellent output to the
shareholders. Organizations must develop and maintain a management system sensitive
enough to detect and respond to deviations in organizational performance. To maintain the
organizational structure, Dutch Lady managers should consider the type of control, feedforward
control, and feedback control in the control system.
One of the types is feedforward, which guarantees that material , financial , or human
resources are available as inputs to the transformation process. It helps to avoid anticipated
problems because it is intended to ensure that the input quality is strong enough to warrant
problems during the transformation process. As we can see , the Dutch Lady managers make
sure all items to be a milk is fresh and good quality to proceed before creating the product. For
instance,the cows were cared for by the relevant authority, who provided the cows with enough
of grass and clean water to ensure that the milk was good when milking the cows to obtain the
best milk .Other than that , the managers should give attention to the performance of the
employees because the hard work makes the product higher quality with higher performance.
Hire people with interviewing sessions , ask about their job skill because it is important when it
comes to work.
Dutch Lady focuses on the transformation phase before moving on to the next stage of
product creation. It is known as concurrent control. The company is dedicated to providing
Malaysians with trusted and sustainable dairy nutrition for now and future generations. They will
continue to support the national health agenda while working to improve Malaysians’ nutritional
status.The managers should be aware of ongoing employee activity so the consistency working
makes production outcomes with quality standards. In some areas, managers also can make a
correction with their employees when the desired result did not come out. For example, the
managers are keeping an eye on what is going on in the market industry also with our
consumer. But, unfortunately there is news about Dutch Lady company that has warned that
more price hikes for consumers may be on the way as cost inflation soars. Aside from that,
Dutch Lady company still wants the products to be affordable for customers even though they
need to lower their prices than needed because they can correct problems as they happen
In the output phase, also identified as feedback control. This is used to assess the
outcome of specific actions, and if problems arise, corrective action is taken and applied to
future activities and actions. It can involve reviewing data to see if performance meets
predetermined standards. This is demonstrated by the Dutch Lady’s organization’s goal of
increasing profits by 21.9% a year, and in order to achieve this goal, they will evaluate their
monthly financial statements. In addition to this, inspections are required at the end of the
process to ensure that the products meet all of the manufacturing standards and specifications
before they are sold to customers. For example, the milk products from Dutch Lady such as milk
powder, juicy milk, and milk cartons that sell out there in the mall , market, and store are already
through final inspections.
To ensure organizational success, quality has been incorporated into the managerial
process. It is acknowledged that obtaining higher quality requires effort. To achieve zero defects,
and maximize success, quality management is absolutely necessary in every organization.
There are eight dimensions of quality which is performance, features, reliability, conformance,
durability, service ability, aesthetic and perceived quality. There are two perspectives of quality
are consumer perspective and producer perspective.
From consumer perspective, Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad makes the product or
service meets the expectations of the customer. Milk is one of the most popular nutritional
supplements in the world, especially among children. Consumers trust this unique drink
because the purity and quality of raw fresh milk can be verified. There are several factors to
meet customer’s expectation the health of the cows and the medical procedures in place are the
first factors to guarantee the quality of the milk. The cows in farming households are raised in
cool, airy barns, fed premium grass, and given at least 16 hours of rest each day. The farmers
give the cows a lot of love on a regular basis and keep a close eye on their health. The
technique of obtaining milk, which is rigorously regulated by Dutch Lady, is the second and most
important component. Before and after milking, all milking equipment needs to be cleaned,
sterilised, and dried. The milk is kept in aluminium cans after milking and transported as quickly
as possible to fresh milk cooling facilities, where it is chilled and kept in specially constructed
cooling tanks at below 4 degrees Celsius to prevent bacterial contamination. The milk must
undergo a series of rigorous testing at the cooling facilities to determine factors including the
quantity of bacteria, protein, fat, and plates. To encourage farmers to work to raise the calibre of
their milk, Dutch Lady has given rewards for milk with low contamination levels. Additionally, the
installation of 24-hour remote monitoring systems to guarantee the cooling and storage of fresh
milk aids in maintaining the milk's highest possible quality.
From producer perspective, Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad makes the product or
service conforms to design specifications. Every company has their own standard that they
have set in their company, the employee needs to stick with the standard. This is the
perspective of the company in charge of the project, the procedures, and the goods and
services obtained, created, and maintained through those processes. These four traits make up
the producer's perception of quality which is doing the right thing, doing it the right way, doing it
right the first time and doing it on time without exceeding cost. They follow the specifications of
a product that needs to be produced such as full cream milk, low fat high calcium milk, dutch
lady mini and others. If they don’t follow the standard then the demand of the product will
decreased. The company will experience a collapse and bankrupt. So, it is important to follow
the standard that the company have made in order to avoid such things.
As an ending to our assignment, higher management skills that are required in order to
develop or start a company (organization). A bunch of planning is bound to maintain the
company stable. We also know that lower level employees are just as important as upper level
employees in an organization. To manage the company, employees and marketing managers
should have extensive knowledge. Employees must give their full support and commitment to
the manager and the company of the company’s goals are to be met. We are pleased with the
results of our group’s business research. When we do this assignment, we get a lot of feedback
and experience. We are very pleased when we can solve and complete a problem.
Vision and mission statement :
Dairy Development Programmes:
Dutch Lady Milk Industries @ work (programmes nourishing local):
https://www.dutchlady.com.my › our-company › management-team
Annual of Dutch Lady 2022
https://www.marketing-interactive.com › dutch-lady
https://media-studies.com/maslow/ (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs figure)
Locus of decision making
Muhammad Hanif Abdul Gafar, Intan Nazrenee Ahmad, Norhidayah Ali, Rosliza Md
Zaini. (2021). Fundamentals Of Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan