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STI Myths: Understanding Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually Transmitted
Only sleazy or slutty people
get STIs
• These infections are equal opportunity. If
you're engaging in sexual activity and
you're not using condoms consistently
and correctly, everyone's at risk for
these infections.
• You cannot have any way to tell who's
infected or who's not infected. The only
way you really can know is by having
everybody go in and get checked by a
health care provider and tested to see if
they're infected.
Only adults get STIs
• Younger people, especially young
girls…are at higher risk for STIs and
they've got the most to lose, because
they’re the ones who have their
reproductive years ahead of them. There
are some biological factors that actually
put young people, especially young women,
at a much higher risk of acquiring some of
these STIs….which can lead to infertility
and other serious upper reproductive tract
problems for girls
I can't catch an STI from having
oral or anal sex
• A lot of teenage girls…think that if you're not
having vaginal sex that you're not really at risk
for these infections. But if you're exposed to
any kind of body fluid, you can transmit
these infections.
• The skin inside the mouth and rectum are not as
tough as the skin on the outside of our body. So
it's much easier for infections to be
transmitted. We know that the transmission
rate of these infections is just as high for oral
and anal sex as it is for vaginal sex.
You can get an STI
from a toilet seat
• In general, these organisms
don't survive outside of the
human body for very long.
• Toilet seats are generally not
harboring viruses or bacteria—it
is rare that you would sit down
and acquire a Sexually
Transmitted Infection.
You can't get an STI if you only
have sex once
• If you have sex once with a partner
who's got chlamydia, gonorrhea, or
syphilis, you've got about a 30% chance
you're going to pick up the infection
that one time. That’s a very high
infection rate. The consequences,
particularly for young girls, are so
significant that it’s important that
everyone understands that once is
definitely enough to transmit STIs.
If you have sex in a hot tub or
pool, the chlorine or heat will
kill any STI you might catch
• The temperature of the water or
the dilution of the chlorine is not
likely to kill ALL sperm or STIs.
• Precautions should be used at
ALL times.
Two condoms are
better than one
• Using two condoms at the same time could actually
do more harm than good. It could cause some
friction between the condoms that…could actually
cause more breakage and leakage.
• Viruses can get through some of the natural skin
condoms, so they don't protect against all sexually
transmitted infections. Latex--or polyurethane are
the safest choices.
• It's important that teens recognize that the condom
needs to be put on as soon as there’s an erection
because there's pre-ejaculate that can be released
that can cause both STIs and unplanned pregnancies.
You can only get
the same STI once
• For the viral STIs like HIV and herpes, once you're
infected you're infected for life. But we do know that
you can get other strains of the same virus if you're
continuing to have unprotected sex.
• It’s very important for people to know, once
they've had chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis and
they have been treated and cured, they are now
susceptible again.
Especially in young girls, the second time you have
chlamydia there's more damage to your reproductive
tract. Once they've been treated they need to practice
safe sex so that they don't get infected again.
You can only catch Herpes
when the other person is
having an outbreak
• It used to be thought that only when you have a
sore did you need to worry about transferring the
herpes virus.
• There have now been a number of studies that
have shown that people still are shedding the
herpes virus after the sore clears, so they can
still transmit it to a partner.
• There are also people who have never had
symptoms of herpes that carry herpes. They can
be shedding virus and transmitting it to a partner.
If you have an STI, just take
antibiotics and it will go away
• For the bacterial STIs, it is true
that antibiotics are highly
effective. About 95% or 98% of
the time when you take the
antibiotic your infection will go
away. But sometimes damage has
already been done if you've
already had the infection for a
while before you got treated.
• Viral STIs are harder to treat.
You can use antiviral
medication…but it doesn’t cure the
• It just make the symptoms less
painful and makes the virus less
• Once you are off your medication
for herpes and sometimes for
HIV, your virus can increase and
you can be more likely to transmit
it to a partner.
• There have been declines in both
mortality [death] and the complications
of AIDS because there are much better
treatments now.
• But the AIDS drugs do have a lot of side
effects. For many people, they need to
be taken for long periods of time.
• AIDS is complicated. It is still believed
that the best treatment for HIV is to
prevent becoming infected to begin with.