BRIT. J. SURG., 1965, Vol. 764 52, No. 10, OCTOBER P. F., CROSS,C. E., RIEBEN, P. A., and JAMISON, W. L., GWEINHARDT, W., ALAI,J., and BAILEY, SALISBURY, LEWIN,R. J. (1960), ‘Comparison of Two Types sf C . P. (1954), ‘Artificial Maintenance of the Systemi; Mechanical Assistance in Experimental Heart Failure , Circulationwithout Participation of the Right Ventricle , Circulation Res., 8, 431. Circulation Res., 2, 315. J. H.,NEWMAN, M. M., DENNIS, C., BERG,E. H., LEIGHNINGER. D. S.. DAVIDSON, A. I. G.. and BECK,C. S. STUCKEY, S. E.. FRIES,C. C., KARLSON, K. E.. GOODMAN. (1965), ‘Left Heart Bypass in Cardiac Resuscitation’, BLUMENFIELD, M.,~WEI;ZNEU, S. W., BINDER, L. s.,and Amer. J . Cardiol., 15, 33. A. (I957), The Use of the Heart-Lung PATT,H. H., CLIFT,J. V., LOH,P. B., ROA,J. C., WEXLER, WINSTON, Machine in Selected Cases of Acute Myocardial J., and SELIGMAN, A. M. (1960), ‘Veno-arterialPumpinf: Infarction’, Surg. Forum, 8, 342. in Normal Does and Does with Coronarv Occlusion WATKINS, D. H., and DUCHESNE, E. R. (1961), ‘PostJ . thorac. Surg: 39, 464. SALISBURY, P. F., BOR,N., LEWIN,R. J., and RIEBEN, systolic Myocardial Augmentatton. I. Developmental Considerations and Technique , Arch. Surg., Chicafo, P. A. (195g), ‘Effectsof Partial and of Total Heart-Lung Bypass on the Heart’,J. appl. Physiol., 14, 458. 82, 839. . - THE MOBILE MICRO-ARCHITECTURE OF DERMAL COLLAGEN A BIO-ENGINEERING STUDY BY T. GIBSON DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY, WESTERN INFIRMARY, GLASGOW R. M. KENEDI DEPARTMENT OF RIO-ENGINEERING, AND UNIVERSITY OF STRATiICLYDE. GLASGOW J. E. CRAIK DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY, VICTORIA INI‘IRMARY, GLASGOW HUMANskin is an extremely diversified structure; there are obvious and extreme variations between individuals and between different areas in the same individual. The mechanical characteristics of skin and, in particular, the range of naturally occurring tensions, their regional and individual variations, and their directional qualities have been studied (Kenedi and Gibson, 1962; Gibson, 1965). Apparatus has been designed and constructed to measure accurately skin tension in vivo (Kenedi, Gibson, and Daly, 1965a, b), and it was hoped initially that it might be possible to prepare ‘tension maps’ of the human skin surface indicating the magnitude and orientation of local tensions; such data, it is believed, might greatly assist the design of incisions and skin-grafts. However, the range of variations encountered to date has been too wide to permit simple generalizations. Skin tensions differ not only regionally but at different ages and in different states of health and disease; increasing adiposity of a part, for example, may alter radically the directional properties of the tension in the skin overlying it. It seemed certain that these differences must be related in some way to variations in the collagen and elastic fibres of the dermis, but what these variations were was not immediately obvious. Measuring the thickness of the skin showed that there was often a rough correlation between the bulk of the dermis and the tensions to which it might naturally be subjected, but there were many anomalies. It was only when studies of the effect of increased tension on skin in vivo and in detached specimens were undertaken that a clue was obtained to the structural basis of the underlying variations. BEHAVIOUR OF SKIN UNDER LOAD When a stretching force is apRlied to skin in situ two effects can be observed: (I) the skin extends in the direction of the applied force, while at the same time (2) it contracts in a plane at right-angles to the applied force. When skin is stretched in vitro a third effect may be measured: (3) there occurs a progressive decrease in the total volume of the stretched specimen. It should be noted that all these data are timedependent; with any change in loading, a certain period must elapse before the change in measurements becomes stable. Considerable variations in the time required have been noted in different individuals for no obvious reason. The curves obtained on load release are slightly different from those during loading, but the differences do not affect the present argument. I. Skin Extension under Load.-Typical examples of skin extension with increasing load are shown in Fig. I . The curves may be conveniently considered in three parts. Initially, there is a fairly rapid increase in length for very small increments of force. Terminally, only minor degrees of extension result from relatively large increases in force. Between these two portions there is an ‘elbow’ representing the change from the first to the last parts of the curve. Age variations are largely confined to the initial fiat portion of the curve, which shortens progressively with increasing age. The terminal, almost linear portion of the curve is common to all skin samples and is very similar to the extension curve obtained with pure collagen (Fig. 2 ; Morgan, 1960). It seemed, therefore, as if some factor other than the structural characteristics of collagen was responsible for the behaviour of the Stretched skin at the relatively low loads of normal activity. 2. Contraction at Right-angles to the Stretching Force.-This effect may be readily observed on one’s own skin; when measured and plotted against extension a direct relationship is obtained (Fig. 3). As would be expected, the amount of contraction is greater at the smaller loads which produce the greater extension. GIBSON E T AL.: DERMAL COLLAGEN 3. Decrease in Volume.-When, under laboratory conditions, a piece of skin is stretched and, in addition to the length and width, the thickness is 3502 7- 1 P X T - MORTEM SKIN, A L L 4AMPLES A N T E R I O R A g O O M l N A L REGION 300C 765 measured, there comes a point at which a decrease in total volume occurs (Fig. 4). If the skin is being stretched in air, this can be seen to be due to a physical extrusion of fluid from the specimen. HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES Three collagenous layers can be distinguished in sections of the dermis: a thin superficial layer of rather fine bundles of collagen; a middle layer which 1 -- 250C 0, .c _ 2200c I b 2 1500 Ill rk! 5 2 IOOC 7 2 0 500 0 EXTENSION EXTENSION €- Y_- Ed- FIG. curves showing extension under load of post-mortem samples of abdominal skin. Initially there is a rapid increase in length for increments of force too small to be recorded on this scale; the final part of the curve shows only minor degrees of extension for very large force increases; a transitional ‘elbow’ joins the two portions of the curve. W POST- MORTEM SKIN FIG.2.-1.oad extension curve for a single raw collagen fibre taken from cow hide (Morgan, 1960). It is similar to the final portion of the curves shown in Fi.y. I. 1 ABDOMINAL V E RT ICAL MID-LINE, MALE AGE 67 24 -20 APPROXIMATE . CONTRACTION E L E V E L OF - EXTENSION EX FIG.3.-Extension-~ontraction curve of detached abdominal skin under load. Extension of skin in one direction is accompanied by a fimilar degree of contraction at right-angles to the stretching force. T h e ‘physiological load limit’ has been taken as the level at which blanching’ of the skin occurs from constriction of the capillaries. BRIT. J. SURG., 1965,Vol. 766 52, No. 10,OCTOBER dermis; an arrangement which allows continual movements of the individual fibres to absorb the minor stresses of normal activity and relies on the ultimate strength of collagen to resist severe stretch. There is in the dermis an intertwined meshwork of collagen fibres so patterned that, in whatever direction it is stretched, all the fibres eventually become parallel. makes up most of the dermal bulk; a deep layer consisting of fibres which are continuous with and link the skin to the superficial fascia. Most of the changes resulting from stretching of the skin occur in the middle layer. In the relaxed state, the collagen fibres are unorientated convoluted structures separated from each other by tissue fluid and amorphous Y POST-MORTEMSKIN EXTENSION IX W.2- -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 VOLUME FIG.4.-When CONTRACTION 0 t - .. 0.1 STRAIN 0.2 & skin is progressively extended, there comes a oint at which decrease in volume occurs. In detached specimens this caii bc seen to be due to a pfysical extrusion of fluid. ground substance (Fig. 5 ) . When teased out of unfixed skin they are seen to be long, unbranched, smooth, intertwined filaments (Fig. 6). When subjected to considerable loads (i.e., to those corresponding to the final part of the extension curve) and fixed while in the stretched position, it is found that the majority if not all of the collagen fibres have become orientated along the line of stretch (Fig. 7). This has been observed in all detached specimens of skin, mainly from the trunk and limbs, which we have examined in this way, and it has occurred no matter in which direction the skin has been stretched. Sections of skin subjected to the lower loads of the initial part of the elbow of the extension curve show an increasing number of fibres becoming orientated parallel to the line of force (Fig. 8). The fact that the collagen fibres change their staining reaction when stressed has been described elsewhere (Craik and McNeil, 1969,and is outside the scope of the present paper. THE MICRO-ARCHITECTURAL PATTERN OF DERMAL COLLAGEN We have, therefore, been led to a dynamic concept of the arrangement of the collagen fibres in the At rest, no fibres are under stretch and all appear randomly orientated. When an increasing load is applied, there is first of all a rearrangement of the individual fibres as they move into alinement in the ground substance which surrounds them. This phase of straightening and redirection of the fibres corresponds to the first part of the extension curve. As more and more fibres are orientated parallel to the line of force, and ‘take up the strain’, the shape of the graph approaches and is finally governed by that of collagen. During this phase it is obvious histologically that fluid has been displaced from the meshwork. It has been observed during in vitro experiments that a complete recovery of the original pattern, on removal of the load, is unlikely even during the alinement phase. Certainly, when all the collagen bundles have been drawn parallel, they tend to remain so even after relaxation, presumably because of loss of tissue fluid and ground substances from between the fibres. It must be remembered that the collagen fibre itself is not constructed of inert isotropic material. Electron microscopy of a typical fibre (Fig. 9) shows a highly organized structure, which consists of parallel macromolecular collagen fibrils each surrounded by a mucopolysaccharide sheath. The frequent presence GIBSON E T AL.: DERMAL COLLAGEN of a protoplasmic extension of a fibroblast at the periphery suggests continued metabolic activity. The precise structural characteristics of this organization have still to be determined, but it obviously permits readily the recurring bending and straightening of the fibre which occur during movements of the collagen fibre network. FIG.S.-Normal unstretched skin. Beneath the epidermis the relatively narrow superficial dermis is composed of compactly arranged fine bundles of colla en In the middle layer, which is the main mass of the dermis, t i e collagen bundles are thicker and are arranged in an apparently haphazard three-dimensional loose network. 11. and 1:. ( x 100.) FIG.7.-Fully stretched skin fixed while under load. I n the middle dermis the collagen bundles lie parallel to one another along the line of stretch, which is in the plane of the photogra h and parallel t o the surface. T h e narrow superficial layer of t t e dermis is less affected. H. and H. ( x 100.) 767 THE OF THE Some mechanism must exist in vivo to restore the status quo to the meshwork of collagen after it has been deformed by a stretching force. Elsewhere in the body, for example, in blood-vessels, this function is served by elastic fibres which act as storers of the energy required to return the structure to its resting FIG.6.-Teased fresh specimen of dermal collagen. T h e fibres tend to remain in bundles and the bundles retain their natural convolutions. Unfixed preparations stained new red and photographed with reduced substage diaphragm to show finer fibres. ( y 36.) FIG.8.--Partially stretched skin fixed while under small load. A number of collagen bundles have become orientated parallel to the line of force. Trichrome. ( 1 loo.) 768 BRIT. J. SURG., 1965, Vol. 52, No. 10, OCTOBER collagen mesh in such a way that it can return the collagen fibres to their resting pattern after they have been stretched. A secondary factor necessary to restore the meshwork to its relaxed state after severe deformation is the reintroduction of fluid between the fibres. In vivo this is probably only displaced into the neighbouring tissues and is readily available on relaxation; in detached skin it is lost and a return to normal does not occur. I ~ I G9.--Electron micrograph of a collagen fibre in the subserosal coat of the rat jejunum. T h e ground substance (G)lying between the collagen fibrils (c) is stained heavily with lead. Particles of colloidal iron ( I ) are dispersed uniformly throughou! the ground substance and also coat the surface of the ‘fibrocyte which is closely apposed to the collagen fibrils. ( x 30,000.) (F\Tissue fixed in osmium tetroxide and section stained with alkaline lead solution. Prior to embedding, the tissue was reacre: in bulk with the colloidal iron solution which specifically ‘stains acid mucopolysaccharides.) (Reproduced b.v kind permissioii of Professor R . C . Curraii from ‘ Theyourno1 of Anatoiiiy”, 1965, 99, 427.) MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF THE COLLAGEN FRAMEWORK While in theory many of the variations in structural characteristics of skin can be explained by variations of pattern in the collagen network, the precise threedimensional architecture of the fibres in different specimens is still to be determined. This is being studied by microdissection of skin and by the construction of mathematical models which represent, in a simplified form, one or more of the possible patterns which may exist. The simplest two-dimensional interwoven network, which Will satisfy the criterion of all the fibres becoming parallel when stretched in any direction, is shown in Fig. 12. While it must be emphasized that FIG. Io.-Normal skin showing arrangement of elastic fibres, stained black. These fibres run between the collagen bundles; in the superficial dermis they tend to be straight, but in the middle dermis they are convoluted or spirillary, apparently looping around the collagen. Elastica. ( x 100.) FIG.I I .-Fully stretched skin to show elastic fibres which, for the most part, have been straightened out and lie between the collagen bundles. Elastica. ( x loo.) state. It seems likely that the elastic fibres of the dermis act in the same way. In relaxed skin they form a secondary network looped around the collagen fibres (Fig. 10). When the skin is fully stretched their convolutions straighten out, and they lie between the collagen bundles and are roughly orientated in the same direction (Fig. 11). Unlike collagen fibres, elastic fibres are branched or, more accurately, show many end-to-side junctions. It seems likely, therefore, that they form an interconnected network which is intertwined with the the actual structure is much more compact and complex, such a pattern is susceptible to mathematical analysis and a mathematical model based on this and incorporating an energy storing factor for restoration to normal is shown in Fig. 13. Typical curves (Fig. 14) obtained from this model, which is being dcscribed in detail elsewhere (Kenedi, Gibson, and Daly, 1 9 6 5 ~ are ) ~ in many ways similar to those of skin. As further evidence is obtained from microdissection, additional analogue components can be incorporated in the model so that a more accurate mathematical GIBSON ET AL.: DERMAL COLLAGEN 769 each other and must be replaced before the relaxed pattern is reestablished. 6. Variations in the architecture of the collagen and elastic fibre networks probably underlie the variations in mechanical characteristics of skin which have been observed at different ages, at different sites, and in different directions at thc same site. analysis can be derived. It is hoped thereby to be able to assess the presumptive collagen pattern and its FIG.12.-The simplest two-dimensional interwoven network which satisfies the criterion of all fibres becoming parallel when stretched in any direction. T h e collagen pattern of the dermis is much more complex and three-dimensional. mechanical behaviour in any piece of skin, once certain simple structural characteristics are known. 1 SUMlMARY The collagen fibres of the dermis form an intertwined meshwork which moves and changes pattern during stretching and relaxation of the skin. 2. Considerable extension of relaxed skin can take place with relatively small loads ; during this phase, the collagen fibres of the network become successively alined in the direction of the stretching force. 3. When the majority of the fibres are rearranged parallel to the line of stretch, further extension in that direction is resisted by the fibres themselves and very little extension is obtained, even with great increase in load. 4. The elastic fibres in the dermis form a secondary network interconnected with that of collagen and probably act as stores of the energy required to return the collagen network to its relaxed state. 5. Interstitial fluid is displaced from the network as the fibres are orientated and compacted parallel to . + . i . . . I. . , I . - i-._I.i . F I ~13.--r)iagram . of part of a mathematical model based on the network pattern shown in Pi,.12. T h e full model consists of a 15 Y 15 arrangement of 225 microscale units, each of which has 4 extensible side-limbs of finite thickness and a compressible cross-link. T h e solution of the appropriate equation system is obtained with the help of a digital computer. Y - -1 POST-MORTEM SKIN. ABDOMINAL I - 2 NETWORK CONCEPT 0 - ~ DIRECTION, ~ ~ - ~MALE ~ ~ AGE 53. TESTED IN RINGER SOCUllOrJ EXPERIMENTAL RESULT I5.-AT P a -- 2 10: - 0 J 5--- - A A 21" C. ~ 770 BRIT. J. SURG., 1965, Vol. 52, No. 10,OCTOBER KENEDI, R. M., and GIBSON,T. (1962), ‘etude Experimentale des Tensions de la Peau dans le Corps I-fumain de Mesure des Forces et Resultats , Rev. franc. Mecan., 4, IZI. - - - - and DALY,C. H. (1965a), ‘Bioengineering Studies of the Human Skin-1’, N.A.T.O. Advanced Acknowledgement.-We are very grateful to Study Courses on Connective Tissue, St. Andrews, June, Professor R. C. Curran, Department of Pathology, 1964. London: Buttenvorths (in the press). St. Thomas’s Hospital, London, for his continuing (1965b), ‘Bioengineering Studies of interest in our work and his permission to use the the Human Skin-I1 ’, Symposium on Biomechanics and electron micrograph in Fig. 9. Related Bio-engineering Topics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, September, 1964. Oxford : Pergamon Press REFERENCES (in the press). CRAIK, J. E., and MCNEIL,,I. R. R. (1965), ‘Histological (1965c), ‘The Determination, SigniStudies of Stressed Skin , Symposium on Biomechanics ficance and Application of the Biomechanical Characand Related Bio-engineering Topics, University of teristics of Human Skin’, 6th International Conference Strathclyde, Glasgow, September, 1964. Oxford: of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering, Pergamon Press (in the press). Tokyo, August, 1965 (in the press). GIBSON,T. (1965), ‘Biomechanics in Plastic Surgery’, MORGAN, F. R. (1960), ‘The Mechanical,Properties of Ibid., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, September, Collagen Fibres-Stress/Strain Curves , SOC. learh. 1964. Oxford: Pergamon Press (in the press). Tr. Chem., 44, 170. 7. The experimental data, on which this dynamic concept of the fibre construction of the dermis is based, are detailed and methods suggested for the further study of its micro-architecture. _____-____- CIRCULATING CANCER CELLS THE EFFECT OF SURGICAL OPERATIONS BY R. A. SELLWOOD DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY, HAMMERSMITH HOSPITAL AND POSTGRADUATE MEDICAI. SCHOOL OF LONDON S. W. A. KUPER DEPARTMENTS OF PATHOLOGY, BROMPTON AND HAMMERSMITH HOSPITALS, LONDON NOEL WALLACE DEI’ARTMENT OF RADIOTHERAPY, ROYAL MARSDEN IIOSPITAL, LONDON AND J. I. BURN DEPARTMENT OP SURGERY, HAMMERSMITH HOSPITAL AND POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF I.ONI)ON PATIENTSwith previously slow-growing malignant of squamous-cell carcinoma they found that the incitumours may deteriorate rapidly and die of widespread dence of metastases was not increased by biopsy. metastases shortly after surgical intervention, possibly Maun and Dunning (1946)found that biopsy did as a result of the dissemination of tumour cells by the not alter significantly the incidence of metastases nor trauma of operation. I n certain circumstances opera- the average survival period in experimental rats. tive manipulation can release emboli of tumour cells Robbins, Brothers, Eberhart, and Quan (1954)could into the circulation. Mimpriss and Birt (1949)and find no significant difference in the prognosis between Masson and Rranwood (1955)described fatal pul- patients who were submitted to aspiration biopsy for monary emboli of tumour fragments released from cancer of the breast and those who were not. Pierce, the renal veins during mobilization of hyper- Clagett, McDonald, and Gage (1956)found no difnephromas, and various animal experiments seem to ference in the 5-year survivals between patients with confirm that local trauma and manipulation of tumours breast cancer referred to the Mayo Clinic after biopsy play a part in dissemination. Knox (1922)found a and a varying delay, and those referred without significant increase in metastases when certain trans- biopsy. If is of interest, however, that those who had plantable animal tumours were subjected to repeated excisional biopsies fared significantly better than those massage, and Peyton (1940)found a similar increase who had incisional ones. when tumours were removed after local infiltration The recent development of techniques for the with 0.5 per cent procaine. Young, Lumsden, and isolation of circulating cancer cells (Engell, 1955; Stalker (1950)found that firm palpation of normal and Malmgren, Pruitt, Del Vecchio, and Potter, 1958; neoplastic rabbit testes raised tissue pressure to levels Roberts, Watne, McGrath, McGrew, and Cole, above that in veins. Thus trauma might increase dis- 1958;Kuper, Bignall, and Luckcock, 1961)has made semination by forcing cells into vascular channels. it possible to examine this problem by more direct Biopsy of tumours might be dangerous if trauma methods. Observations by Cole and his colleagues causes dissemination, and Czerny (1g13),quoted by at the University of Illinois have suggested that, in Paterson and Nuttall (I939), has described it as ‘a some patients, cancer cells may appear in the bloodcriminal act ’. Paterson and Nuttall (1939)pointed stream during surgical operations, and in some cases out that this view was based largely on observation of showers of cells appear to have been liberated at the individual cases, and in a controlled study of 166cases time of operation (Cole, McDonald, Roberts, and