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Target Market Analysis: Focus Product & Student Avatar

Who do you think the ideal target market for this product is?
This product increases focus levels, the audiences which are required to
focus are the following: students – learning is a stressful and difficult
process focus is essential to be able to process and store the stated
information, this group would generally benefit from this product, the
employed are another great audience as they are constantly under
working pressure and have to perform every day. For them this product
could again go miles as it could be a tool to help them finish work faster
with better quality.
Create an Avatar that embodies the target market you determined. List out some of
their qualities:
Robert is your average student with football as his
main hobby and with his performance quite mediocre. He
usually completes his homework on time, however
struggles sometimes as he is busy playing Fortnite with his
friends. He usually day dreams of in class and misses key
points. He is not the center of attention and usually
produces medium quality work.
Day in the life:
o Wakes up quite early to attend school, misses
breakfast as he has bad time management.
o Meets with his friends and has a low quality
conversation with him about things that will
have no impact and relevance to his future.
o Attends class
o Happy that class is over and runs to the buffet
to buy some of his favorite snack not caring
what kind of horrible ingredients they are
packed with.
o School end and Robert decides to miss his
football training as he is too tired and would
rather play Fortnite.
o Robert leaves to bed early and wakes up tired
the next day, all because of late night gaming.
 Robert now considers the most important thing in his
life to be fun. He always has fun and lives in the
present only. Robert despises studying and has low
motivation to do any work and to improve himself. He
however feels that he is lacking self-discipline and
should do something with his life.
Robert is influenced by his gamer icons and football
players, he does not listen to his parents and takes
his current state for granted.
What are the pains and frustrations your avatar is experiencing?
Robert feels inferior to his age-group, he would like to stand out with his
work ethic and appearance but lacks the discipline to take action. He feels
his current state is justified but does not do enough to change. He is
frustrated that he has quite average grades and may not end up at his
dream university if he continues like this.
What does your Avatar desire? What does their dream life look like?
Robert would like to play football at a competitive level and be recognized
all around, he however also wants to keep his studies together. Roberts
other dream is become a gamer. He finds that job something that he
would enjoy and love to do.
What is the key Roadblock keeping your Avatar from achieving their Dream State now?
Robert is quite lazy and often procrastinates like many others in his age
group. He does not back up his dream with actions and is a man of words.
What is the Solution that will allow the Avatar to achieve their Dream State?
For Robert this product could turn his life around, it would give him the
sufficient amount of motivation to get the work done: finish his homework’s
on time, train esports regularly, focus on studies and also be head on in
How does the Product make it easier for the Avatar to implement the Solution and
achieve their Dream State?
The product would boost their motivation levels and help them overcome
the obstacle of procrastination and laziness. He could stand out and be
recognized and attend his dream university as he will be able to hold up
his great grades due to his disciplined study routine which was formed
subsequently to the qualia mind.