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Quran & Science: Big Bang, Embryology, Genetics, Thermodynamics

Big bang theory
‫سورة األنبياء‬
Big Bang? The Qur'an says that "the heavens and the earth
were joined together as one unit, before We clove them
asunder" (21:30). Following this big explosion, Allah "turned to
the sky, and it had been (as) smoke. He said to it and to the
earth: 'Come together, willingly or unwillingly.
‫سورة الزمر‬
It is mentioned in Quran that endometrial lining of the uterus is
similar to the soil in which a seed is embedded. During this
stage the real settlement begins, and is described In Prophet's
Hadith as: “The Angel enters upon the conceptus (nutfah) after
it rests in the uterus for forty or forty-five nights He makes
you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, one after another,
in three veils of darkness
‫سورة المؤمنون‬
Here is what the Holy Quran says: Verily we have created man
from a mixed seed (male and female; male gamete; female
gamete; sperm and egg) and again, God states in the
Qur'an: "Verily we created you from man and woman". blessed
be God, the fairest of creators.
‫سورة الحجر‬
which is described as 2nd divine law of charity of the Divine
Science, Allah (SWT) also fixes the amount of the matter or
energy to be flowing from a rich region to a poor region. This
divine commandment is commonly known by physicists as the
2nd law of thermodynamics.
Oceanic Division
‫سورة لقمان‬
Even though this discovery is recent, the holy Quran informed
the readers about this phenomenon in its passage. The
scientific fact in Quran is stated as “he released the two seas,
meeting [side by side], between them, is a barrier [so] neither
of them transgresses.
by: Mohammed Rushdi of grade 5-D