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AWWA C512 Air Valves Standard for Waterworks Service

(Revision of ANSI/AWWA C512-04)
The Authoritative Resource on Safe Water®
AWWA Standard
Air-Release, Air/Vacuum,
and Combination Air
Valves for Waterworks
Effective date: May 1, 2008.
First edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors June 20, 1992.
This edition approved June 24, 2007.
Approved by American National Standards Institute Jan. 14, 2008.
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Copyright American Water Works Association
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AWWA Standard
This document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. It is not a specification. AWWA standards describe
minimum requirements and do not contain all of the engineering and administrative information normally contained in specifications.
The AWWA standards usually contain options that must be evaluated by the user of the standard. Until each optional feature is
specified by the user, the product or service is not fully defined. AWWA publication of a standard does not constitute endorsement
of any product or product type, nor does AWWA test, certify, or approve any product. The use of AWWA standards is entirely
voluntary. This standard does not supersede or take precedence over or displace any applicable law, regulation, or codes of any
governmental authority. AWWA standards are intended to represent a consensus of the water supply industry that the product
described will provide satisfactory service. When AWWA revises or withdraws this standard, an official notice of action will be
placed on the first page of the classified advertising section of Journal AWWA. The action becomes effective on the first day of the
month following the month of Journal AWWA publication of the official notice.
American National Standard
An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American
National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an
American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether that person has approved the standard or not, from
manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. American
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in conformity with an American National Standard are encouraged to state on their own responsibility in advertising and promotional
materials or on tags or labels that the goods are produced in conformity with particular American National Standards.
Caution Notice: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval date on the front cover of this standard indicates
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procedures require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of
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American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036; (212) 642-4900.
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Copyright American Water Works Association
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Committee Personnel
The AWWA Standards Committee on Waterworks Air-Release Valves, which developed and
approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval:
Miles E. Wollam, Chair
J.B. Allen,* Standards Engineer Liaison, AWWA, Denver, Colo.
J.J. Cusack Jr., Bryant Associates, Boston, Mass.
R.G. Fuller, HDR Engineering Inc., Denver, Colo.
W.A. Hunt, Consulting Engineer, Bozeman, Mont.
K.W. Kells,* Consulting Engineer, Ivoryton, Conn.
W.L. Meinholz, AB&H, A Donahue Group, Chicago, Ill.
T.J. Stolinski Jr., Black & Veatch Corporation, Kansas City, Mo.
R.J. Wahanik, Hystras, Wyommissing, Pa.
R.A. Ward, Dufresne & Associates PC, Windsor, Vt.
M.E. Wollam, MWH Inc., Pasadena, Calif.
Producer Members
D. Alexander,† Cla-Val Company, Costa Mesa, Calif.
J.V. Ballun, Val-Matic Valve & Manufacturing Corporation, Elmhurst, Ill.
R. DiLorenzo, Cla-Val Automatic Control Valves, Wauconda, Ill.
APCO Willamette/Valve & Primer, San Clemente, Calif.
P.O. Landon,† Val-Matic Corporation, Elmhurst, Ill.
J.E. Lescovich, GA Industries Inc., Cranberry Township, Pa.
B.J. Lewis, Crispin Multiplex Manufacturing Company, Berwick, Pa.
GA Industries Inc., Cranberry Township, Pa.
J.M. Radtke, Aqua-Dynamic Systems Inc., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
D.L. Smith, APCO Willamette/Valve & Primer, Schaumburg, Ill.
N. Zloczower,* A.R.I. Flow Control Accessories, Israel
User Members
A. Ali, Greater Vancouver Water District, Burnaby, B.C.
J.H. Bambei Jr., Denver Water Department, Denver, Colo.
N.E. Gronlund, East Bay Municipal Utility District, Oakland, Calif.
* Liaison, nonvoting
† Alternate
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General Interest Members
M.I. Schwartz, Loudon County Sanitation Authority, Leesburg, Va.
J.A. Wilke, Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle, Wash.
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All AWWA standards follow the general format indicated subsequently. Some variations from this
format may be found in a particular standard.
Purpose........................................... 1
Introduction................................... vii
Application..................................... 2
Background.................................... vii
References....................................... 2
History........................................... vii
Definitions....................................... 3
Acceptance..................................... vii
Special Issues................................. viii
Advisory Information on Product
Data to Be Provided by
Manufacturer or Supplier.............. 4
Application................................ viii
Venting......................................... viii
Throttling and Slow-Closing
Materials......................................... 4
General Design and Detailed
Design Requirements................... 6
Devices......................................... ix
Pipeline Water Column Separation
Protection.................................... ix
Workmanship and Painting............. 8
Testing............................................ 8
Inspection....................................... 9
Rejection....................................... 10
Use of This Standard....................... ix
Purchaser Options and Alternatives. ix
Modification to Standard................. x
Major Revisions............................... x
Comments....................................... x
Marking........................................ 10
Preparation for Shipment.............. 10
Affidavit of Compliance................ 10
Scope.............................................. 1
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This foreword is for information only and is not a part of AWWA C512.
I.A. Background. This standard describes three types of air valves: air-release
valves, air/vacuum valves, and combination air valves.
1. Air-release valves, also called small-orifice valves, are designed to automatically
release small pockets of accumulated air from a pipeline while the system operates under pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure.
2. Air/vacuum valves, also called large-orifice valves, are designed to exhaust
large quantities of air automatically during pipeline filling and to admit large quantities of air automatically when the internal pressure in the pipeline drops below atmospheric pressure.
3. Combination air valves are designed to perform the same function as air/vacuum valves but, in addition, they will automatically release small pockets of air from
the pipeline while under pressure, like an air-release valve.
History. The AWWA Standards Committee on Waterworks Air‑Release
Valves was authorized on Nov. 17, 1984, to respond to a request for a standard on air
valves. The first edition of this standard, AWWA/ANSI C512, was approved by the
AWWA Board of Directors on Jan. 26, 1992, the second edition on June 20, 1999, and
the third edition on June 13, 2004. This edition was approved on June 24, 2007.
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF
International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a
certification program for direct and indirect drinking water additives. Other members
of the original consortium included the American Water Works Association Research
Foundation (AwwaRF) and the Conference of State Health and Environmental
Managers (COSHEM). The American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the
Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) joined later.
In the United States, authority to regulate products for use in, or in contact with,
drinking water rests with individual states.* Local agencies may choose to impose
requirements more stringent than those required by the state. To evaluate the health
effects of products and drinking water additives from such products, state and local
* Persons outside the United States should contact the appropriate authority having jurisdiction.
Copyright American Water Works Association
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Copyright © 2008 American Water Works
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agencies may use various references, including
1. An advisory program formerly administered by USEPA, Office of Drinking
Water, discontinued on Apr. 7, 1990.
2. Specific policies of the state or local agency.
3. Two standards developed under the direction of NSF, NSF*/ANSI† 60,
Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals—Health Effects, and NSF/ANSI 61, Drinking
Water System Components—Health Effects.
4. Other references, including AWWA standards, Food Chemicals Codex, Water
Chemicals Codex,‡ and other standards considered appropriate by the state or local
Various certification organizations may be involved in certifying products in
accordance with NSF/ANSI 61. Individual states or local agencies have authority to
accept or accredit certification organizations within their jurisdiction. Accreditation of
certification organizations may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Annex A, “Toxicology Review and Evaluation Procedures,” to NSF/ANSI 61 does
not stipulate a maximum allowable level (MAL) of a contaminant for substances not
regulated by a USEPA final maximum contaminant level (MCL). The MALs of an
unspecified list of “unregulated contaminants” are based on toxicity testing guidelines
(noncarcinogens) and risk characterization methodology (carcinogens). Use of Annex A
procedures may not always be identical, depending on the certifier.
AWWA/ANSI C512 does not address additives requirements. Users of this standard
should consult the appropriate state or local agency having jurisdiction in order to
1. Determine additives requirements, including applicable standards.
2. Determine the status of certifications by parties offering to certify products for
contact with, or treatment of, drinking water.
3. Determine current information on product certification.
Special Issues.
II.A. Advisory Information on Product Application. For additional guidance
regarding selecting, sizing, locating, and installing air-release, air/vacuum, and
combination air valves, see AWWA Manual M51, Air-Release, Air/Vacuum, &
Combination Air Valves.
II.B. Venting. When selecting types of valves, it must be noted that air/vacuum
* NSF International, 789 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
† American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
‡ Both publications available from National Academy of Sciences, 500 Fifth Street NW, Washington,
DC 20001.
Copyright American Water Works Association
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valves, once closed, will not reopen to vent air while a pipeline is full and under pressure.
To vent air from a pipeline under pressure, an air-release valve or combination air valve
is required.
II.C. Throttling and Slow-Closing Devices. When air/vacuum or combination
valves are used where pressure surges can occur, such as on the discharge of vertical
turbine deep-well pumps, a throttling device or slow-closing device option should be
II.D. Pipeline Water Column Separation Protection. On pipeline applications
where water column separations may occur, a vacuum breaker with air-release valve or
an air valve with restricted outflow should be considered.
III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA
standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use
in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. This standard includes certain options
and alternatives, summarized in the following list, that the purchaser should designate
when purchasing valves described in this standard. The purchaser should review
each item and make appropriate provisions in specifications to stipulate additional
requirements. The following items should be provided by the purchaser:
1. Standard used—that is, AWWA/ANSI C512, Air‑Release, Air/Vacuum, and
Combination Air Valves for Waterworks Service, of latest revision.
2. Valve size.
3. Maximum working pressure of each valve.
4. Quantity required.
5. Type of installation (underground, in‑plant, in‑vault, or outdoor).
6. Warranty statement, if other than manufacturer’s standard warranty.
7. Whether compliance with NSF/ANSI 61, Drinking Water System Components—
Health Effects, is required.
8. Valve type, air‑release valve, air/vacuum, or combination air valve (Section 3).
9. Catalog data, if specified (Sec. 4.1.1).
10. Certified drawings, if specified (Sec. 4.1.2).
11. Operating manual, if specified (Sec. 4.1.3).
12. Details of other federal, state or provincial, and local requirements
(Sec. 4.2.1).
13. Body inlet configuration, threaded or flanged (Sec.
14. Valve material of construction (Sec. and
15. Flanges, if other than flat-faced (Sec.
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16. Cover outlet configuration, threaded, flanged, or hooded (Sec.
17. Whether an adjustable throttling device is required on the valve outlet and whether the device must provide full-size flow area in the reverse direction
(Sec. 4.3.3).
18. Whether a slow-closing device is required on the valve inlet (Sec. 4.3.4).
19. Internal protective coating, if specified (Sec.
20. Special external protective coatings, if other than the manufacturer’s standard primer (Sec.
21. Records of tests, if specified (Section 5).
22. Lower test pressure, if specified (Sec.,, and
23. Affidavit of compliance, if specified (Sec. 6.3).
III.B. Modification to Standard. Any modification of the provisions, definitions,
or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. Major changes made to the standard in this revision
include the following:
1. Added requirements for throttling devices in Sec. 4.3.3
2. Added requirements for slow-closing devices in Sec. 4.3.4.
Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard,
please call the AWWA Volunteer and Technical Support Group at 303.794.7711,
FAX at 303.795.7603, write to the group at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO
80235-3098, or e-mail at standards@awwa.org.
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Copyright © 2008 American Water Works
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(Revision of AWWA/ANSI C512-04)
Air-Release, Air/Vacuum, and
Combination Air Valves for
Waterworks Service
Section 1:
Sec. 1.1
This standard describes ½‑in. (13‑mm) through 6-in. (150-mm) air‑release
valves and ½-in. (13‑mm) through 20-in. (500-mm) air/vacuum and combination
air valves having gray cast‑iron or ductile‑iron bodies and covers. The valves are
designed for use in water systems with maximum working pressures of 300 psig
(2,070 kPa [gauge]) and water temperatures ranging from above freezing to a maximum of 125°F (52°C).
Sec. 1.2
The purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum requirements for
air-release valves, air/vacuum valves, and combination air valves for water supply
service, including material, design, inspection, testing, marking, handling, and
packaging for shipment.
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Copyright © 2008 American Water Works
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AWWA Standard
AWWA C512-07
Sec. 1.3
This standard can be referenced in specifications for air-release valves, air/vacuum valves, or combination air valves. The stipulations of this standard apply when
this document has been referenced and then only to air-release valves, air/
vacuum valves, or combination air valves for waterworks service.
Section 2:
This standard references the following documents. In their latest editions,
these documents form a part of this standard to the extent specified in this standard. In any case of conflict, the requirements of this standard shall prevail.
ASME* B1.20.1—General Purpose Pipe Threads (Inch).
* ASME International, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016.
† American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
‡ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
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ASME B16.1—Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 25, 125,
and 250.
ASME B16.42—Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 150
and 300.
ANSI†/AWWA C550—Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and
ASTM‡ A48—Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings.
ASTM A126—Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves,
Flanges, and Pipe Fittings.
ASTM A307—Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs,
60,000 PSI Tensile Strength.
ASTM A536—Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings.
ASTM B154—Standard Test Method for Mercurous Nitrate Test for Copper
and Copper Alloys.
ASTM D395—Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property—Compression
ASTM D471—Standard Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of
ASTM D1149—Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration–Surface
Ozone Cracking in a Chamber.
Air-Release, Air/Vacuum, and combination air valves 3
ASTM D2000—Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in
Automotive Applications.
NSF*/ANSI 61—Drinking Water System Components—Health Effects.
Section 3:
The following definitions shall apply in this standard:
1. Air flow rate: The quantity of air, expressed in standard cubic feet per
minute (cubic meters per minute) or standard cubic feet per second (cubic meters
per second), passing through an orifice.
2. Air‑release valve: A hydromechanical device designed to automatically
release to the atmosphere small pockets of air as they accumulate at local high
points along a pipeline when the pipeline or piping system is full and operating
under pressure.
3. Air/vacuum valve: A direct‑acting, float‑operated, hydromechanical
device designed to automatically release or admit large volumes of air during the
filling or draining of a pipeline or piping system. This valve will open to relieve
negative pressures and will remain closed and will not reopen to vent air when the
system is full and under pressure.
4. Combination air valve: A device having the features of both an airrelease valve and an air/vacuum valve.
5. Constructor: The party that provides the work and materials for placement or installation.
6. Manufacturer: The party that manufactures, fabricates, or produces
materials or products.
7. Maximum working pressure: The maximum pressure at which the valve
can continue to function.
8. Orifice: The opening in the valve mechanism through which air is expelled from or admitted into the pipeline or piping system.
9. Purchaser: The person, company, or organization that purchases any
materials or work to be performed.
10. Slow-closing device: An adjustable mechanical device mounted on the
inlet of an air/vacuum or combination air valve to restrict the water flow into the
* NSF International, 789 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
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AWWA C512-07
air valve.
11. Supplier: The party that supplies material or services. A supplier may
or may not be the manufacturer.
12. Throttling device: An adjustable mechanical device mounted on the
outlet of an air/vacuum valve or combination air valve to control the air flow out
of the valve.
13. Valve design pressure: The maximum pressure to which a valve may be
subjected without exceeding the allowable stress of any of its components.
Section 4:
Sec. 4.1
Data to Be Provided by Manufacturer or Supplier
If requested by the purchaser, the manufacturer or supplier shall provide the
following information:
4.1.1 Catalog data. The catalog data shall include illustrations, valve performance data, a parts schedule that identifies the materials used for various parts,
and the total net assembled weight for each valve size.
4.1.2 Certified drawings. A set of certified drawings shall include principal dimensions, construction details, and materials used for all parts of the valve.
4.1.3 Operating manual . An operating manual shall include the manufacturer’s installation and operating instructions, a recommended list of spare
parts, and the maintenance procedures. The contents shall be sufficiently detailed
to direct the assembly and disassembly of the valve and for the ordering of parts.
Sec. 4.2
4.2.1 Materials. Materials shall comply with the requirements of the Safe
Drinking Water Act and other federal regulations for potable water and wastewater
systems as applicable.
4.2.2 Physical and chemical requirements. The physical and chemical requirements of the components of air‑release, air/vacuum, and combination air
valves shall be as required by ANSI, AWWA, ASME, and ASTM standards referenced in this standard. Whenever valve components are made to conform to
ANSI, AWWA, ASME, or ASTM standards that include test requirements or testing procedures, the valve manufacturer shall comply with the requirements and
procedures. The records of all tests shall be made available to the purchaser on
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MDT Reserved. Gray cast iron. Gray cast iron shall equal or exceed the requirements of ASTM A126, Class B, or ASTM A48, Class 35. Brass or bronze. Valve components of brass or bronze shall be
made to ASTM or to Unified Numbering System requirements and shall have a
minimum yield strength of 14,000 psi (96,500 kPa). Any bronze alloy used in the
cold‑worked condition shall pass the mercurous nitrate test in accordance with
ASTM B154 to minimize susceptibility to stress corrosion. Bronze parts subject to wetting by line contents shall be made
of low‑zinc alloys containing less than 16 percent zinc. If aluminum–bronze is
used, the alloy shall be inhibited against dealuminization using a temper anneal
at 1,200°F ±50°F (650°C ±28°C) for 1 hr per in. (25.4 mm) of section thickness,
followed by cooling in moving air or by water quenching. Cover bolting. Bolting materials shall equal or exceed the minimum physical strength requirements of ASTM A307, unless otherwise specified
by the purchaser. Ductile iron. Ductile iron shall equal or exceed the requirements
of ASTM A536, Grade 65‑45‑12. Elastomers. Elastomers shall comply with the following: Rubber shall be resistant to microbial attack, copper poisoning,
and ozone attack. Rubber compounds shall contain no more than 8 parts per
million (ppm) of copper ion and shall include copper inhibitors to prevent copper
degradation of the rubber material. Rubber compounds shall be capable of withstanding an ozone‑
resistance test when tested in accordance with ASTM D1149. The tests shall be
conducted on the unstressed samples for 70 hr at 104°F (40°C) with an ozone
concentration of 0.5 ppm; and there shall be no visible cracking in the surfaces of
the test samples after tests. Rubber compounds shall have a maximum compression set value
of 18 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM D395, Method B, for 22 hr
at 158°F (71°C). Rubber compounds shall be free of vegetable oils, vegetable oil
derivatives, animal fats, and animal oils. Rubber compounds shall contain no more than 1.5 parts wax per
100 parts of rubber hydrocarbon and shall have less than a 2 percent volume increase
when tested in accordance with ASTM D471 after being immersed in distilled water at 73.4°F ±2°F (23°C ±1°C) for 70 hr. Reclaimed rubber shall not be used.
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Air-Release, Air/Vacuum, and combination air valves 5
AWWA C512-07 Gaskets. Gasket material shall be made of rubber composition
or paper that is free of asbestos or corrosive ingredients. O‑rings or other suitable
elastomeric seals may be used for gaskets. O-rings. O-rings shall be compounded in accordance with
ASTM D2000 and have physical properties suitable for the application.
General Design and Detailed Design Requirements
4.3.1 General design. Allowable stress. The allowable stress at valve design pressure shall
not exceed one third of the yield strength or one fifth of the ultimate strength of
materials used. Venting. Air‑release valves and the air‑release mechanism of
combination air valves shall be designed to open positively and vent air to the
atmosphere at system pressures up to the maximum working pressure, as required by the venting orifice size.
4.3.2 Detailed design. Body and cover. The material of construction for bodies and covers shall be of
gray cast iron (ASTM A126, Class B, or ASTM A48, Class 35) or ductile iron
(ASTM A536, Grade 65‑45‑12) and shall have threaded or flanged connections,
as required by the purchaser. Inlet and outlet ports of the body for air/vacuum valves and combination air valves shall be sized to ensure that the minimum flow area of each port
shall be equal to or greater than the flow area of a circle of diameter equal to the
nominal valve size. Valve connections. Valve connections shall conform to the following requirements: Flanged-end dimensions and drilling for cast-iron bodies and covers shall conform to ASME B16.1, Class 125 or Class 250. Flanged-end dimensions
and drilling for ductile-iron bodies and covers shall conform to ASME B16.42,
Class 150 or Class 300. Flanges shall be flat-faced unless otherwise specified by the
purchaser. Threaded-end connections shall conform to the requirements
for tapered pipe threads for general use, National Pipe Threads (NPT), per
ASME B1.20.1. Floats. For valves with inlet sizes less than 4 in. (100 mm), the
float shall be capable of withstanding a collapse pressure of 1,000 psig (6,900 kPa
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Sec. 4.3
[gauge]). For valves with inlet sizes 4 in. (100 mm) and larger, the float shall be
capable of withstanding collapse pressures of 750 psig (5,180 kPa [gauge]). Gaskets. Gaskets shall be used on flanged joints and shall comply
with Sec. Orifices. The air‑release valve orifice shall be suitable for the volume of air
that accumulates in the system at the maximum working pressure. The orifice size
is specific to the system application. The air‑vacuum valve orifice shall be suitably sized, using the
manufacturer’s sizing data, to permit the required air flow rate to be discharged or
admitted. Cover bolting. Unless otherwise required by the purchaser, bolts,
studs, and nuts shall comply with Sec. Seats. Valve seats made of elastomeric materials shall be designed
with a hard material selected for watertight shutoff (zero leakage) and long‑term
service at a minimum pressure of 20 psig (138 kPa [gauge]). Valve seat design shall
permit easy removal and replacement. Special fittings. Drain/test ports on valves with a 1‑in. (25‑mm) diameter or
larger inlet shall have a ½‑in. (13‑mm) NPT minimum plugged drain/test port
located near the bottom of the valve body and a plugged test port near the top of
the valve. An air‑release valve and an air/vacuum valve assembled with interconnecting piping shall have pipe and fittings of sufficient size to prevent clogging and entrapment of foreign materials. The piping between the air/vacuum
valve and the air‑release valve shall be installed to allow air to rise to the air‑release
inlet. When required, a shutoff valve isolating the two valves shall be provided. Valve trim materials. Unless otherwise required by the purchaser,
valve trim material shall be inherently corrosion resistant and shall be the manufacturer’s standard material. Valve outlet. Valve outlets shall be threaded, flanged, or hooded
(or protected with another shielding device that is positively anchored to the valve
4.3.3 Throttling device: When designated by the purchaser, a throttling
device shall be provided for mounting directly on the outlet of the air/vacuum or
combination air valve. Throttling devices shall consist of a gray or ductile iron body
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Air-Release, Air/Vacuum, and combination air valves 7
AWWA C512-07
and an adjustable closure disc that throttles the air flow between 5 and 100 percent
of full flow. When designated, the device shall provide full-size flow area in the
reverse direction.
4.3.4 Slow-closing device: When designated by the purchaser, the manufacturer shall install a slow-closing device on the air valve inlet and test the assembly in accordance with Sec. 5.1.1. Slow-closing devices shall consist of a flanged
or threaded cast-iron body with a closure disc that is held open with a stainless
steel compression spring. The device must provide full-size flow area in the reverse
direction. Upon entry of water, the disc shall close and allow the passage of water
through adjustable orifices. The disc shall be brass, bronze, or stainless steel.
Sec. 4.4
Workmanship and Painting
4.4.1 Workmanship. Workmanship employed in the fabrication and assembly of valves manufactured in accordance with this standard shall ensure that
the valves function as designed. Interchangeable parts. Valve parts shall be designed with manufacturing tolerances set to provide interchangeability in the products of any one
manufacturer between units of the same size and type. Castings. Castings shall be clean and sound, without defects
that will impair their service. Plugging, welding, or repairing of these defects will
not be allowed. Internal surfaces of the casting shall be smooth and free of sharp
4.4.2 Painting. Internal surfaces. Interior surfaces of the valve body shall be
clean, smooth, and shall not be coated unless required by the purchaser. Internal protective coating. If an internal protective coating is applied, all wetted parts—except machined or bearing surfaces, and corrosion‑resistant
components—shall be coated in accordance with AWWA/ANSI C550. External surfaces. Unless otherwise required by the purchaser,
exterior cast‑iron surfaces of each valve shall be coated with the manufacturer’s
standard primer.
Section 5:
Sec. 5.1
Before the application of any external coating, the completely assembled
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Air-Release, Air/Vacuum, and combination air valves 9
valve shall be hydrostatically tested to ensure proper operation. If an internal coating is required by the purchaser, the hydrostatic shell test of the body and cover is
permitted before assembly to establish the integrity of the body and cover castings
prior to applying the internal coating. After the internal coating is applied, the assembled valve shall be hydrostatically tested as outlined below.
5.1.1 Shell test. With the valve completely closed, an internal hydrostatic
pressure equal to 150 percent of the maximum working pressure shall be applied.
During the test, there shall be no evidence of leakage through the valve, nor shall
any part show evidence of permanent damage or distortion. The duration of the
hydrostatic test shall be sufficient to allow visual examination for leakage and shall
be at least 1 min for valves 8 in. (200 mm) and smaller and 3 min for valves 10 in.
(250 mm) through 20 in. (500 mm).
5.1.2 Air‑release valve seat leakage test. Hydrostatic test. Each valve shall be tested at two internal hydrostatic pressures: (1) a minimum pressure of 20 psig (138 kPa [gauge]), unless otherwise specified by the purchaser; and (2) a maximum pressure equal to 150 percent of
the maximum working pressure of the valve, with the opposite end, or outlet of the
valve, open to atmosphere. The duration of each test shall be at least 30 sec. At the
test pressures, the valve shall be drop-tight (zero leakage). Operational test. After completing the hydrostatic test, each valve
shall be opened and closed three times, using water at 20 psig (138 kPa [gauge])
or at a lower pressure, if specified by the purchaser, to activate the float and float
mechanism. During the test, the valve shall be drop-tight (zero leakage).
5.1.3 Air/vacuum valve and combination air valve seat leakage test. Hydrostatic test. Each valve shall be tested at two internal hydrostatic pressures: (1) a minimum pressure of 20 psig (138 kPa [gauge]), unless otherwise specified by the purchaser; and (2) a maximum pressure equal to 150 percent of
the maximum working pressure of the valve, with the opposite end, or outlet of the
valve, open to atmosphere. The duration of each test shall be at least 30 sec. At the
test pressures, the valve shall be drop-tight (zero leakage). Low-pressure test. During the low‑pressure test, the float or plug
shall be rotated four times in 90° increments. There shall be no evidence of leakage
in any of the test positions.
Sec. 5.2
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Work performed according to this standard shall be subject to inspection by
the purchaser.
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AWWA C512-07
5.2.1 Plant inspection. The purchaser shall have access to all places of
manufacture where materials are produced or fabricated and where tests are conducted and shall be able to inspect the facilities and observe the tests.
Sec. 5.3
Any valve, or valve part, that does not comply with the requirements of this
standard shall be rejected.
Section 6:
Sec. 6.1
Each valve shall be marked by body markings or a corrosion‑resistant nameplate, or both, that clearly indicate the manufacturer’s name or trademark, size
of the valve, and the designation of the maximum working pressure rating of the
valve for water service.
Preparation for Shipment
Valves shall be complete in all details when shipped. Cavities shall be drained
of water to protect from freezing. The openings shall be covered to prevent entry of
foreign material, and the threads shall be protected. The manufacturer shall carefully prepare the valves for shipment. Valves shall be fully packaged or attached to
pallets at the manufacturer’s option.
Sec. 6.3
Affidavit of Compliance
The purchaser may require an affidavit from the manufacturer or supplier that
the material provided complies with applicable requirements of this standard.
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Sec. 6.2
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Copyright American Water Works Association
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