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History of the Microprocessor

History of the
Stephanie Usseglio
Justin Gawrych
TJ Phelan
November 28, 2006
History of the
In the year 1969 the microprocessor
was called the “Micro computer chip” and
this was named by Busicom. The term
microprocessor was developed until 1972.
defined in Webster
Integrated circuit that contains the entire
central processing unit of a computer on a
single chip.
Another Source
Microprocessor is a device that integrates the
functions of the CPU in a computer onto the
LC or semiconductor chip.
Microprocessors contain core essentials
of a computer system.
Memory unit
Control unit
Interrupt / Exception controller
• Internal cache
• The memory unit and interforce enables the microprocessor to
sustain a two-way communication with semiconductor, and chips
that stores the program and data.
– This supports memory, writes and reads blocks of wards.
• The internal cache is a memory chip- stores and holds recently used
information and data.
– Which will be used in the future.
• The interrupt and exception controller enables the microprocessor.
– Takes action to the external environment.
• The control unit operates the outer units and fetches instructions
from a chip cache and execute them.
History of the
The integrated circuit also known as the (IC) was
invented in 1958 by a man known as Jack S. Kilby. Kilby
worked for Texas instruments . While Kilby was working
for TI he was designing micro modules for the military,
these micro modules connected germanium wafers to
discreet components collectively by stacking the wafers
one on top of another. While Kilby was working on the
modules he thought this procedure was ridiculous and
unnecessarily complicated and thought the germanium
was engineered properly and it could act as components
to stimuli . This is when the first IC was born.
History of the
In the year 1969, 4004 instruction set had been
defined as a computer terminal corporation, also known
as the (CTC). This processor asked Intel to develop an LSI
chip for the new and intelligent terminals that were being
Hoff and a man by the name of Stan Mazor put the
whole processor on one chip. The MCS-4 was made in
April of 1972. This CPU chip launched and became the
furthermost success yet.
History of the
Intel 8080 was developed in April of 1972. It was
not available to customers at this time because of the
design chip into the products and wasn’t ready. The 8080
processor had over 4,500 transtors and this number was
doubled in the 4004 which was addressed to 64 Kbytes
(memory). The speed was down because of the use of
electron doped technology in assessment to hole doped
MOS transistors.
In 1978 Intel produced the first ever 16 bit processor the
“8086” it was well-matched with the 8080, the 8086 was
the most effective processor thus far.
History of the
Competitors and the early years
Even though Intel invented the microprocessor and had the
company grow from a 3 employee workshop to a 20,000 Employee
Company didn’t mean they were the only ones developing the
microprocessor. In July of 1974- 19 Microprocessors were available,
over the next few years the number increased rapidly. In 1976 it
became 54.
The second processor was available late in the year of 1972
developed by Rockwell. In 1974 Texas Instrument came out with the
TMS1000 which was the first microprocessor to contain its very own
RAM and ROM on chip.
History of the
Competitors and the early years
The success of the Intel 808 Zilog and Motorola, made the two
produce competing chips. Motorola produced the 6800 which was
very group orientated hardware and as popular as the chip had
seemed to be it, it fell through underdeveloped which was designed
by a group of engineers that had left Intel previously.
These two men were Fredrico Faggin and Masatoshi Shima who
had previously designed the 8080 and 4004 for Intel. After
Motorola introduced the first 16 bit processor they came out with a
68000 chip that addressed 16 megabytes and was competent to act
like a 32 bit processor. They were and are found in Amga and,
Macintosh computers.
History of the
Competitors and the early years
Intel’s very first microprocessor contained so much processing
power that it was considered the “most powerful” computer in the
world at the time. This computer microprocessor was the “ENIAC”
and it filled an entire room. Intel released the i386 processor in the
1990s. This microprocessor was the first commercially available 32-bit
processor. The i386 was made to multitask by running more then
one program at a time mainly on a desktop computer. The Intel
Pentium processor was released in 1993 making it the first available
microprocessor capable of executing two instructions for every clock
cycle. Intel’s serious competitor today is the AMD (Advanced Micro
History of the
The microprocessor came about when the size of the
central processing unit reduced from 32 bits to 4, making
it sufficient for it to fit into the IC. When more then one
microprocessor serves as a processing unit, it is then called
a CPU, which is frequent in a handheld device or
computer. The evolution of the microprocessor has been
said to have followed Moore’s Law, increasing
performances every year. This has been proven since the
1970s. Power is continuously increased, which has led to
the ascendancy of microprocessors, over every computer.
Mainly everything in day’s world uses a Microprocessor.
History of the
16 bit design
The very first multi-chip was a 16 bit microprocessor was TI’s TMS
9900 and was similar in temperament with TIs TI990 minicomputers. This
chip was packaged in ceramic 64 pin DIP packages, and was designed to
battle with the Intel 8080. The WDC (Western Design Center, Inc introduced
the CMOS 65816 16 bit which was an upgrade of the WDC CMOS 65C02.
This was developed in 1984 and was the core of the Apple IIgs, and later on
Super Nintendo System. This made it a very admired design.
The very first single chip was a 32 bit processor that was the AT&T Bell
Labs BELLMAC 32A, this came about in 1980 and was produced in 1982. The
most famous 32 bit design is the MC6800 made in 1979. The 68K had 32
bit registers and only used 16 bit internal paths and 16 external for pin count.
It was very high speed and large.
History of the
In the 1980s and 1990s RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computer) made its appearance. It
was made for Unix workstations and purpose
machines, but today are widespread in all roles
set aside desktop computers. RISC today designs
are based on MIPS, PowerPC and ARM for
majority of computing devices
History of the
• 44 Billion dollars worth of Microprocessors were made in
2003 as well as sold. Most was spent on laptop and or
desktop computers it takes about 0.2 % of the CPU’s
• Almost 56% of CPUs sold are 8 bit microcontrollers.
• Less the 10 % of CPUs sold are 32 bit or more. Most are
sold in house hold appliances such as vacuums, TVs,
Microwaves, toasters and so forth.
History of the
The End!