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What is a Microprocessor? Definition & Components

What is a microprocessor?
The microprocessor is the brain of the computer, carries out or executes programs, and is essential
for the operation of the computer. It is a silicon chip or pickup, which contains integrated circuits,
transistors, and is protected by a ceramic and plastic coating. Its shape is square or rectangular,
and its color is black.
The function of the microprocessor is to interpret, follow instructions and operate as a calculator
of the system, being able to do arithmetic operations and also logical operations; its speed is
measured in megahertz or gigahertz.
It consists of registers, a control unit and an arithmetic-logical unit. Microprocessors come in a
variety of sizes. Size does not refer to the physical size of the chip but to the power of the
component and memory. The size of the microprocessor is measured in bits, binary digits. The
larger the bits, the more powerful the chip.
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