LATANOPROST: Xalatan, Various Class: Prostag andin, Antig aucoma Agent Dosage Forms. Ophthalmic Solution: 0.005% Common FDA Label Indication, Dosing, and Titration. 1. Ocu ar hypertension, open-ang e g aucoma: 1 drop in a ected eye(s) dai y in the evening O -Label Uses. None MOA. Latanoprost is a prostag andin F2-a pha ana og. It is be ieved to reduce IOP by increasing the out ow o aqueous humor. Studies suggest that the main mechanism o action is increased uveosc era out ow, but the exact mechanism is unknown. Drug Characteristics: Latanoprost Dose Adjustment Hepatic Not required Absorption Dose Adjustment Renal Dialyzable Not required Distribution Not dia yzab e Metabolism Pregnancy Category C Elimination Lactation Weigh risks and Pharmacogenetics bene ts Hypersensitivity Black Box Warnings Contraindications Absorbed through the cornea where the isopropy ester prodrug is hydro yzed to the acid orm to become bio ogica y active. Systemic absorption o owing ocu ar insti ation is very ow Vd = 0.16 L/kg Metabo ized within the cornea; any entering systemic circu ation is metabo ized in the iver, extent unknown Rena e imination is 88-98% with a ha - i e o 17 min None known None 152 P fize r 0.005% s olution picture d L Medication Sa ety Issues: Latanoprost Suf xes No Tall Man Letters No Do Not Crush No High Alert No Con used Names Lantus, Travatan, Xa acom Beers Criteria No Drug Interactions: Latanoprost Typical Agents Pi ocarpine Mechanism Coadministration decreases access o atanoprost to the receptor and increases resistance to f ow through the uveosc era pathway Clinical Management Bedtime dose o pi ocarpine shou d be given at east 10 min (pre erab y 1 h) a ter atanoprost Less Common (1-10%) Dry eye, eye id edema Rare but Serious (<1%) Macu ar retina edema, dip opia, keratitis Adverse Reactions: Latanoprost Common (>10%) B urred vision, itching, sensation o oreign body in eye, hyperpigmentation o eye id, iris pigmentation E icacy Monitoring Parameters. Reduction in IOP. Toxicity Monitoring Parameters. Seek medica attention i symptoms o ocu ar irritation are severe. Key Patient Counseling Points. Wash hands and remove contact enses be ore using the medicine. For administration, ie down or ti t your head back. With your index inger, pu down the ower id o your eye to orm a pocket. Ho d the dropper c ose to your eye with the other hand. Drop the correct number o drops into the pocket made between your ower id and eyeba . Gent y c ose your eyes. P ace your index inger over the inner corner o your eye or 1 min. Do not rinse or wipe the dropper or a ow it to touch anything, inc uding your eye. Put the cap on the bott e right away. Clinical Pearls. I used concurrent y with pi ocarpine, separate dose by 1 h i possib e. Separate administration rom other ophtha mic products by at east 5 min. Advise patients that there is a risk o permanent increased iris pigmentation associated with insti ation o this product. Do not administer more than once dai y to avoid oss o therapeutic e ect. Store intact bott es under re rigeration. Opened bott es may be stored at room temperature or 6 wk. 152