ONLINE ADVERTISING RESERVATION FORM 2011 Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting Website ACCOUNT INFORMATION Advertiser Company: __________________________ Address: ____________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________ Fax: ________________________________ Contact: ____________________________ E-mail: ______________________________ PLEASE APPROVE AND FAX TO DEBBIE BOTT AT: 516-576-2481 THANK YOU! Purchase Order#: ________________________ 2011 Online Ad – Meeting Site: INSTRUCTIONS: 1 Year Ba nner 468 x 60 pixels Rate: $3,685 Be s ure to include file s in the appropria te formats liste d, Along with the s pecific URL tha t you would like to be linke d to. Advertising Contact: Debbie Bott, Adve rtis ing Sales Ma nager American Institute of Physics Two Hunting ton Qua dra ngle, S uite 1N01 Melville, NY 11747 Phone: 516-576-2430 Fax: 516-576-2481 E-mail: dbott@a Link Banne r to: (Banne r on F ile) www.__ ______ _____ ______ _____ ____ E-mail ba nne r to dbott@a 468 x 60 pixe ls .jpeg, .gif, .html a nd flas h files up to 30 kilobytes When s ubmitting .s wf files, the orig ina l flas h files must be prepared for click-tracking a ccording to the ins tructions which will be emailed to you s epara tely as an attachment or plea se see ins tructions on how to “Prepare Click-Track ing for Developers” if sending .s wf files. Tha nk y ou. Thank you for your order! Debbie Bott, Advertising Sales Manager ________ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ ____ Client S ignature ________ _____ _____ _ Date Publis hers Copy Protective Cla use: All a dvertising is s ubject to a pproval. T he publishe r rese rves the right to re ject a ny adve rtising that is not in kee ping with the publications sta nda rds. A dvertis ers and adve rtising agencie s assume lia bility for all conte nt of a dvertise ments printed and online, and ass ume responsibility for a ny claims that may a rise agains t publis he r from the ir advertis ing.