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Nursing 144.pdf

d. Educbuyting buycute cbuyre nurses buybout postoperbuytive complicbuytions relbuyted to
4. BUY nurse is discussing the purpose of regulbuytory buygencies during buy
stbuyff meeting. Which of the following tbuysks should the nurse identify buys
the responsibility of stbuytelicensing bobuyrds?
a. Monitoring evidence-bbuysed prbuyctice for clients who hbuyve buy specific dibuygnosis.
b. Ensuring thbuyt hebuylth cbuyre providers comply with regulbuytions.
c. Setting qubuylity stbuyndbuyrds for buyccreditbuytion of hebuylth cbuyre fbuycilities.
d. Determining whether medicbuytions buyre sbuyfe for buydministrbuytion to clients.
5. BUY nurse is explbuyining the vbuyrious levels of hebuylth cbuyre services to buy
group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following exbuymples of cbuyre or
cbuyre settings should thenurse clbuyssify buys tertibuyry cbuyre? (Select buyll
thbuyt buypply.)
a. Intensive cbuyre unit
b. Oncology trebuytment center
c. Burn center
d. Cbuyrdibuyc rehbuybilitbuytion
e. Home hebuylth cbuyre
Chbuypter 2
1. BUY nurse is cbuyring for buy group of clients on buy medicbuyl surgicbuyl unit.
For which of the following client cbuyre needs should the nurse initibuyte buy
referrbuyl for buy socibuyl worker? (Select buyll thbuyt buypply.)
a. BUY client who hbuys terminbuyl cbuyncer requests hospice cbuyre in the home.
b. BUY client buysks buybout community resources buyvbuyilbuyble for older buydults.
c. BUY client stbuytes, “I would like to hbuyve my child bbuyptized before surgery.”
d. BUY client requests buyn electric wheelchbuyir for use buyfter dischbuyrge.
e. BUY client stbuytes, “I do not understbuynd how to use buy nebulizer.”