PRIJ1ff yourname on the line below and return this booklet with your answer sheet. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. TEST CODE FORM TP 2020220 CARIBBEAN 02116010 MAY/JUNE 2020 EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® ECONOMICS UNIT 1 - Paper 01 1 hour 30 minutes ( 08 JUNE 2020 (a.m.) ) 0 ~ I READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. I. This test consists of 45 items. You will have I hour and 30 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. 4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Prime cost is calculated by adding direct factory expenses to the cost of ~ (A) (B) (C) (D) 0 0 <( goods used goods bought materials used materials produced Sample Answer @® e @ The best answer to this item is " materials used" , so (C) has been shaded. 6. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 7. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. 8. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Exami nations Council All rights reserved. 0~ 1160 I 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 -2- 1. Whic h of the follow ing produ ction possibility frontiers illustrates consta nt return? (A) sed from $5 ·ice of Good X increa . . Ast he Pr sed from increa ed suppli ty I l the quanti . to $ to' 820. What is the va Iue o f th e price 700 elasticity of supply ? (A) (B) (C) (D) Capital goods Consumer goods (B) 3. 4. Capital goods (8) (C) (C) (D) Capital goods 5. 1.88 7.00 Which of the follow ing activi ties results in an external cost? (A) Consumer goods 0.14 0.27 Priva te citize ns clean up the sidewalk. A food proce ssing comp any provid es schola rships for needy children. Individuals place litter at the side of the road. Disad vanta ged youth from inner city comm unitie s enrol in a skills progra mme. The term ' effective dema nd' refers to what consu mers Consumer goods (A) (D) Capital goods (B) (C) (D) Consumer goods 2. wish to buy at a partic ular period of time are able and willin g to buy at a partic ular period of time pay for a suppl ier 's produ ct at a partic ular period of time use to maxim ize their total utility at a partic ular period of time Consumer surplus may be defined as the (A) (8) (C) (D) excess of total spending over total utility add ition of total utility and total spending difference between total utility and tota l spending area where total utility and total spend ing are maximized 0~ 1160 I 0/MJ/ CAPE 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAG E -3- Items 6-7 refer to the following scenario. Due to technical problems being experienced at the CMC bauxite plant, Mr Brown, an engineer, suffered a ' pay cut'. It was noticed, shortly afterwards, that he purchased fewer fish fillets and more chicken parts. 6. What type of good do fish fillets represent? (A) (B) (C) (D) 7. Giffen Public Normal Inferior What type of good do chicken parts represent? (A) (B) (C) (D) Giffen Public Normal Inferior Item 8 refers to the following diagram which shows the total, average and marginal product curves for a particular firm. Total product 1 Total product I I I I I Marginal and average product a Marginal product 8. Number of workers At which stage of production should the firm operate? (A) ( B) ab (C) be (D) cd 0a GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 021 160 I 0/MJ/CA PE 2020 -4- Ite m 9 refers to the fo llowin g diagram which shows cost curves for a firm operating in a pcrrectl y competitive market. Item 11 refers to the following diagram depicting consumer surplus. Price U Price s1 p 01 Quantity S Which a rea in the diagram depicts consumer surplus? 11. Quantity 9. Whic h segm e nt of the cu rves re presents the sho11-ru n supply curve? (A) (B) (C) (D) J 2 3 JO. RPT ORTS OUTD Item 12 refers to the following diagram wh ich re p res ents the dem and for and supply of bananas. Item 10 refe rs to the fo llowing table which sho \\ s the co st of producing up to three uni ts of outp ut. 0 PUT (B) (C) (D) G to I F toH E to H l~ to J Outpu t (Unit) (A) Price Total Cost ($) 20 26 36 50 W hat is the ma rgi na l co st o f produc in g the seco nd uni t of o utput? (A ) (B) (Cl (D) $ 10 $ 13 $ 14 $ 18 D 0 12. Quantity What is the MOST likely reaso n for the fa ll in price from OP I to OP ? 2. (A) (13) (C) (D) 021 160 I 0/M J/CAP E 2020 A decrease in supply A n increase in suppl y A r ise in q uanti ty from OQ, to OQ 1 A mov e m e nt alon 0o th e d e m an d curve fro m Q to R GO ON TO THE NEXT PAG E -5- 13. Loaves of Bread Cakes 96 12 75 15 What is the opportunity cost of producing one cake? 14. (A) ?... loaf of bread (B) 5 loaves of bread (C) 7 loaves of bread (D) 8 loaves of bread Moo-Moo Ltd is part of the milk industry where there are few large firms, each of which can control its own price and where there are high barriers to entry and exit. Buzz-Buzz Ltd operates in the honey industry where there are hundreds ofpricetaking firms which all produce an identical product. 16. (B) (C) (D) The government should provide free medication for senior citizens. An increase in interest rates would attract foreign investors. An increase in the minimum wage would increase inflation. A reduction in the price of goods would benefit consumers. Which of the following statements is true if Good x is an ' inferior good' ? (A) (B) (C) (D) Price elasticity of demand is zero. Price elasticity of demand is positive. . Income elasticity of demand 1s positive. Income elasticity of demand is negative. Which of the following correctly classifies the market structure of each industry? Milk Industry Honey Industry (A) Oligopoly (B) Perfect competition Oligopoly Monopolistic competition Monopolistic competition Monopolistic competition Perfect competition Perfect competition (C) Which of the following is an example ofa normative economic statement? (A) 15. Item 16 refers to the following information which pertains to two industries. A baker can bake any of two combinations of cakes and loaves of bread using the following options. (D) 17. John purchased an auto insurance policy. One week later, he carelessly drove his car into a wall. This scenario is an example of (A) (B) (C) (D) 18. moral hazard adverse selection a negative externality asymmetric information Positive economic profit exists when (A) (B) (C) (D) marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost marginal revenue is less than marginal cost average revenue is greater than average cost average revenue is less than average cost GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02 11 60 I 0/ MJ/CA PE 2020 -6- Item 19 refers to the fol lowing table which show s the marke t share s of six firms . Firm Mark et Share (%) l 50 25 10 10 2 3 4 5 6 19. SMC Price 3 PMC 2 Based on the size of the Herfi ndahl 1-lirs chman Index for the data in the table above , how would this marke t be descri bed? (A) (B) (C) (D) 20. Item 21 refers to the follow ing . diagra m which show s the socia l marg ma 1 cost (SMC ), the privat e. margi nal cost (PMC ) and the social margm al benef it (SMB ). Conce ntrate d Unconcentrated Highly conce ntrate d Slightly conce ntrate d The term ' deadw eight loss' can be BEST defined as a (A) (B) (C) (D) SMB 0 21. Quantity Which of the follow ing statem ents is true? (A) disadv antag e of marke t failure decre ase in the net welfa re of society decr ease in the marg inal productivity of labour decre ase in the produ ctivit y of firms in an industry (B) (C) (D) 22. Which of the following situat ions represents a negat ive extern ality? (A) (B) (C) (D) 02 11 60 I 0/M J/CA PE 2020 r,.::;::,: ~ Outpu t Q 2 is effici ent becau se SMC >PM C. Outpu t Q 2 is effici ent becau se PMC = SMB. Outpu t Q I is effici ent becau se SMB > PMC . Outpu t Q 1 is efficie nt becau se SMB = SMC. Private cost is less than social cost. Privat e cost is equal to social cost. Privat e benef it is less than social benefit. Privat e cost is greate r than privat e benefit. GO ON TO THE NEX T PAGE -7- Items 23-24 referto the following diagram which shows the equilibrium position of a monopolistically competitive firm in the long-run. Items 25-26 refer to the following diagram which represents the social and private costs of cigarette production. SMC Marginal costs and benefits Price/cost nvenue AC SMB/D MR 0 0 AR What level ofprofit is being made by the firm? (A) (8) (C) (D) 24. Normal Windfall Monopoly Abnormal To maximize profit, the firm should produce at the output level where (A) (8) (C) (D) average cost is minimized marginal cost is minimized marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue 02 11 60 I 0/M J/CAP E 2020 :t: ... .. j'::t G Quantity Output 25. 23. R Which of the following areas represents the dead weight loss to society, if production is at output level G? (A) (8) (C) (D) 26. ZXY WZY WZXY RWYG From the diagram, what does tbe distance XY represent? (A) (8) (C) (D) Social cost External cost Social benefit Private benefit GO ON TO THE N EXT PAGE -8- Item 22 refers to the following scenario. Item 27 refers to the following diagram which shows the demand for and supply of health care in a particular market. Flin tston e Qua rries Ltd is awa re of the nega tive envi ronm enta l imp acts of its quarrying activities in the Bedr ock Hills. The company therefore organizes an annual reforestation driv e and also main tains a small park and a recreation grou nd for the community of Bedr ock Hills. S=M SC Price 29. This scen ario repr esen ts an exam ple of correcting mark et failure via the adoption of Quandty 27. If there were no health care insurance available , what would be the equilibrium price and quantity of health care? (A) (B) (C) (D) 28. (A) (B) P2 and Q2 P1 and Q 1 P2 and Q3 P3 and Q3 On which of the following assumptions is perfect competition based? (A) (B) (C) (D) Perfect control of price Large number of buyers Large number of big firms Small number of individual firms 02 ! l 60 I 0/M JICA PE 2020 (C) (D) 30. a corporate ethic a voluntary agre eme nt corporate code of cond uct corporate soci al responsibility Which of the follo wing facto rs is NOT likely to cause a shift in the supp ly curve for labour? (A) (B) (C) (D) Increased birth rate Increased popu latio n grow th Migration of skill ed work ers Changes in the cost of Jabour GO ON TO THE NEX T PAGE -9- Item 31 refers to the following diagram which shows the demand for and supply of a factor of production. 34. (A) (B) s Price The total social cost of cuttin g trees for lumbe r and firewood results in the D (C) (D) 35. 31. A shift of the deman d curve from DD to op, will result in (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the follow ing factors is LLKE LY to cause an increase in the wage rate of construction worke rs? (A) a decrease in economic rent an increase in economic rent a decrease in transfer earnings an increase in transfer earnings (B) (C) (D) 32. The deman d for a factor of production is a derive d deman d. This means that the deman d for the factor is determined by (A) (B) (C) (D) 33. supply of the factor rewards paid to the factor deman d for other products deman d for the product the factor makes Which of the following terms describes the relationship betwe en factor rewards and costs of production? (A) (B) (C) (D) An increase in the marke t price of housin g An incre ase in immi grant constr uction worke rs An impro veme nt in work ing conditions ofconstruction workers An increa se in non-m oneta ry benefits of constr uction worke rs Mr and Mrs Smith can afford to send their children to school, buy grocer ies and pay their rent. Howe ver, they canno t afford to save or even own a car. This is an examp le of (A) (B) (C) (D) basic needs basic poverty relative poverty the poverty line Inverse Indirect Positive Negative 02 11 60 I 0/MJ/ CA PE 2020 ~'1-:'f~ ta 36. marginal cost of cutting the last tree increa sing chanc e of flooding as more trees are cut opportunity cost, to the individual, of cuttin g the trees increasing chanc e of flooding plus the privat e cost of cuttin g the trees GO ON TO THE NEXT PAG E r - 10 - dia gra m in Item 38 refers to the follow ing duc t cur ve which the marginal rev enu e pro P• has shifted from MRP 1 to MR 2 diagram Item 37 refers to the following cur ve ce ren wh ich sho ws how ind iffe . ply analysis is applied to labour sup Income d c- - - - " " -' MRP2 lnd ifference 0 -:lb-~ o ----◄------ 8 37. Leisure 38. represents Which of the following segments labour supply ? (A ) (B) (C) (0 ) Qu ant ity of Jabour likely hav e Which factors wo uld MO ST caused the shift abo ve? I. I l. 0- a IV. d A fall in the pri ce of the final goo d goo l fina the of ce A rise in the pri e A rise in the siz e of the lab our forc (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II onl y I and Ill onl y II and IV onl y Ill and IV onl y m. a- b 0- c c- d 39. bar gai ns A tra de uni on suc ces sfu ll y erf ect ly imp for a ':~ ge inc rea se in an is the at Wh t. competitive lab our ma rke ion act this MO ST likely con seq uen ce of in that labour market? (A) (B) (C) (D) 021 160 10/ MJ,'CA P E 202 0 A rise in wo rke r pro duc tiv ity of An inc rea se in the le v el em plo ym ent of An inc rea se in the qua nti ty labour dem and ed our A decrease in the quantity of lab supplied our A decrease in the quantity of lab demanded GO ON TO TH E NE XT PA G E - 11 40. When examining the Lorenz curve, a Gini coefficient of I 00% is regarded as total (A) (B) (C) (D) 42. employment in the country equality of income distribution inequality of income distribution separation of the rich and the poor John and Mary are both engineers who have similar qualifications and work experience. John earns $20 000 per month working for an offshore oil company while Mary earns $15 000 per month in a power generation plant. Which of the following factors BEST explains the disparity in wages between John and Mary? Item 41 refers to the following diagram which depicts a labour market. (A) Wage (B) (C) Quantity of labour 41. (D) Which of the following economic concepts does the shaded triangular area represent? (A) (B) (C) (D) Poverty Economic rent Transfer earnings Consumer surplus 43. Mary's company is not as profitable as John 's company. John and Mary belong to different non-competing groups oflabour so their wages cannot be equal. John earns more as he is being compensated for greater risks and more unpleasant conditions of his job. Mary earns less as she is being discriminated against on the basis of age. Factors which account for variations in the price of labour within an industry or across industries are known as (A) (B) (C) (D) price controls wage differentials labour inequalities economies of scale GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 021160 I 0/ M.1/CA PE 2020 - 12 44. Which of the following countries has the GREATE ST inequalit y of income distribution? Country (A) p (8) Q R (C) (D) s 45. Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to contribute to poverty alleviation in an economy? (A) Value of Gini Coefficient 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.9 (8) (C) (D) Increased access to small business financing Increased job creation projects and programm es by firms and governme nt (ncreased governme nt spending on scholarsh ips and bursaries Increased regressio n in the tax system END OFTEST fF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED , CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02 11 60 I 0/MJ/CAP E 2020