CFMOTO CF500-5B Service CF500-5C Manual WWW.CFMOTO.COM WWW.CFMOTO.COM All rights reserved Zhejiang CFMOTO Power Co., Ltd. Aug. 2009 FORWARD CONTENTS Maintenance information 1 Vehicle body!Muffler 2 shooting and technical specifications. There are Checking&Adjustment 3 illustrations, drawing to guide your operations. Cooling&Lubricating system 4 Engine disassembly&assembly 5 Engine disassembly,check&assembly 6 Fuel supply&Air intake system 7 Front wheel! Brake! Suspension! Steering system 8 Rear wheel!Brake!Suspension system 9 Front & rear axle 10 Electric system 11 Lighting!Odometer!Switch 12 Troubleshooting 13 This manual introduces X5 EFI version (CF5005B/5C) maintenance information, disassembly procedure, check & adjustment methods, trouble- Chapter 1 mainly introduces general operation information, tools, vehicle structure and basic specifications. Chapter 2 mainly introduces check & adjustment methods and how to do vehicle maintenance. Chapter 3 mainly introduces disassembly, installation, adjustment, maintenance and troubleshooting information. CFMOTO reserves right to make improve- ments and modifications to the products without prior notice. Overhaul and mainte- nance should be done according to actual condition of vehicle. Zhejiang CFMOTO Power Co., Ltd. Aug. 2009 Conversion table Item Example Pressure 200 kPa"2.00kgf / cm2 ) Conversion 1kgf / cm2=98.0665kPa 1kpa=1000Pa 33kPa (250mmHg) 1mmHg=133.322Pa=0.133322kPs Torque 18N#m"1.8kgf -m) 1kgf#m=9.80665N#m Volume 419ml 1ml=1cm3=1cc 1l=1000cm3 Force 12N"1.2kgf$ 1kgf=9.80665N 1. Maintenance Informat ion C a uti o n! !! !! ! !! !! 1- 1 Tightening Torque!!!!!!!!1-13 Main Parameters Table!!!!!1-4 Wiring, Pipe & Cables Layout!!!1-19 Numbers Marking Locations!!!!!1-3 Maintenance Parameters Table!!!1-6 Grease & Seasant!!!!!!!!1-18 1 Failure I ndicator!!!!!!!!1-23 Cautions Safety Cautions 1. Hazardous components in exhaust. Do not run the engine in a enclosed or poorly ventilated place for long time. 2. Do not touch the engine or muffler with bare hands after the engine has just stopped to avoid scalding. Wear longsleeve work clothes and gloves for operation. 3.Battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) is highly caustic and may cause burns to skin and eyes. Flush with water if splashed to skin and get immediate medical attention. Flush with water if splashed to clothes to avoid burns. Keep battery and liquid away from reach of children 4.Coolant is poisonous. Do not drink or splash to skin, eyes or clothes. Flush with plenty of soap water if splashed to skin. If splashed into eyes, flush with water and consult the doctor. If drinking the coolant, induce vomit and consult the doctor. Keep coolant away from reach of children. 5. Wear proper work clothes, cap and boots. If necessary, were dust-glass, gloves and mask. 6. Gasoline is highly flammable. No smoking or fire. Also keep against sparks. Vaporized gasoline is also explosive. Operate in a well-ventilated place. 7.When charged, Battery may generate hydrogen which is explosive. Charge the battery in a well-ventilated place. 8. Be careful not to get clamped by the turning parts like wheels and clutch. 9. When more than two people are operating, keep reminding each other for safety purpose. Cautions for Disassembling and Assembling 1. Use genuine CFMOTO parts, lubricants and grease 3. Clean the mud, dust before overhauling 2. Store the disassembled parts separately in order for correct assemble. 4. Replace the disassembled washers, o-rings, piston pin retainer, cotter pin with new ones. 5. Elastic retainers might get distorted after disassembled. Do not use the loosened retainers. 6. Clean and blow off the detergent after disassembling the parts. Apply lubricants on the surface of moving parts. Measure the data during disassembly for correct assembling. 7.If you do not know the length of screws, install the screws one by one and make sure they are screwed in with same depth. 8.Check if the disassembled rubber parts are aged and replace if necessary. Keep the rubber parts away from grease. 9.Pre-tighten the bolts, nuts and screws, then tighten according to the specified torque, from big to small and from inner side to outer side. 10Replace aged latex parts before assembling. Do not mix volatile oil and grease on the surface,due to aggressivness of fuel and oil. 11Apply or inject recommended lubricant to the specified parts 12Use special tools wherever necessary. 13 When ball bearing disassembled by pressing ball ring, it can not be reused. 1-1 CFMOTO 14 . Turn the i nner and outer r i ngs of ba l l bear i ng to make sure the bear i ng w i l l turn smooth l y . "Rep l ace i f the ax i a l or rad i a l p l ay i s too b i g . "I f the surface is uneven, clean wi th oi l and replace i f the clean ing does not help.When press i ng the bear i ng i nto the mach i ne or to the shaf t . 15. Instal l the one- s ide dust - proof bear i ng in the r i ght di rect ion . When assemb l i ng the open type or doub l e- s i de dustproof bear i ng , i nsta l l w i th manufacturer#s mark outward . 16. Keep the bear ing b l ock st i l l when bl owi ng dry the bear i ng af ter washi ng clean. App ly oi l or l ubr i cant before assemb l i ng . 17 . Instal l the el ast i c ci rc l i p proper l y . Turn the ci rcl i p af ter assemb l i ng to make sure i s has been i nstal l ed i nto the s l ot . 18 . Af ter assemb l i ng , check i f a l l the t i ghtened parts are proper l y t i ghtened and can move smooth l y . 19 . Brake f l u i d and coo l ant may damage coat i ng , p l ast i c and rubber parts . Fl ush these parts w i th water i f sp l ashed . 20 . Instal l o i l seal w i th the s i de of manufacturer#s mark outward . "Do not fo l d or scratch the o i l seal l i p . "App l y grease to the o i l seal l i p before assemb l i ng 21. When i nstal l ing p i pes, insert the pi pe t i l l the end of j o int . Fi t the p ipe cl ip , i f any , i nto the groove. Rep l ace the p i pes or hoses that cannot be t i ghtened . 22 . Do not m i x mud or dust i nto eng i ne and / or the hydrau l i c brake system . 23 . C l ean the gaskets and washers o f the eng i ne cas i ng be f ore assemb l i ng . Remove the scratches on the j o i nt faces by po l i sh i ng even l y w i th an o i l stone. 24 . Do not tw i st or bend the cab l es too much . D i storted or damaged cab l es may cause poor 25 . When assemb l i ng the parts of protect i on caps , i nsert the caps to the grooves , i f any . 1-2 1. Maintenance Informat ion Numbe r s Ma r k i ng L ocat i on CF500 - 5B / CF500 - 5C 1 V I N Number! ! LCELDTS5" " / LCELDTS6 " Eng i ne Numbe r !CF188 - B" 1-3 CFMOTO Ma i n Dat a Tab l e Model Length Width Height Wheel base Engine type Displacement Fuel type Dry weight Item Parameter CF500-5B/CF500-5C CF500-5B: 2100mm CF500-5C: 2300mm 1180mm 1230mm CF500-5B: 1290mm CF500-5C: 1490mm CF188 493C m 3 Unleaded gasoline RQ-90or above CF500-5B: 344 kg Number of Passengers Max. Load Front Tire Tire Rear Tire Min. Ground Clearance Turning Diameter Starting Engine Type Engine 1-4 Combustion Chamber Type Valve Driving Type Bore !Stroke Compression Rati o Lubrication Type Oil Pump Type Lubricant Filter Type Oil Type Cooling Type Coolant Type CF500-5C: 358 kg CF500-5B:2 $ Include driver% 210 kg 25!8-12 40J 185/80-12 40J 25!10-12 47J 270/60-12 47J 275mm Turning Diameter Electrical starting, Manual Starting Single cylinder, 4-stroke, Liquid-cooled, 4 valves, OHC Triangle SOH C /Chain Drive 87.5mm!82.0mm 10.2:1 Pressure & Splash Rotor Full flow filter screen SA E15W-40/SF Closed coolant circulati on -35& anti-rust coolant 1. Maintenance Informat ion Fuel Devic e Item Air Filter type Valve Type Diameter of mixing valve W et, A uto-Centrifugal Parameter Sponge element filter Type: CF188-B-173000 36mm 1 Clutch Operation Automatic$ CVT% +P arking & Gear S hi fting Mode Gears Shift Low Gear, High Gear & Reverse Gear Shift Manual /L-H-N -R Mode/order $ CV T % Transmis sio 2.88' 0.70 n Ratio Final Ratio 1.333$ 24/18( Bevel Gear% Secondary 1.952$ 41/21% Ratio Gearing Low Gear ) 2.25(36/16) * H igh Gear ) Gear Gears 1.350(27/20) * R ev erse Gear ) Ratio 1.471(25/17) Low Gear5.857 * High Gear ) 3.514 * Total Reverse Gear) 3.828 Front 33 / 9 = 3.667 Axle Axle Ratio Rear 33 / 9 = 3.667 Axle Engine Output Mode Front/Rear Shaft Direction of Output Clockwise on forward shift Rotation Steering Steering Inner 31º Devic e Angle Outer 31º Front Hydraulic D isc Brak e Type R ear Hydraulic D isc Bumper Suspension Swing Arm Devic e Frame Type W elded Steel Tube and Plate 1-5 CFMOTO Maintenance Parameters Table L ub r i ca t i on Sys t em Engine Oil Capacity Item Volume when replacing Volume when replacing filter Recommended Oil$See Original% 1900mL Standard Service Limit + 2200mL + ·Specially for 4-stroke motorcycle SAE-15W-40 Substitutes must be used in the following range. API type: SE or SF grade SAE type: Choose from the left chart according to the environmental temperature Oil Pump Rotor Gap between Inner and Outer Rotors Gap between Outer rotor and body Oil pressure 0.03'0.1mm 0.15mm 0.03'0.1mm 0.12mm 3000r / min , 130-170KPa A i r I n l e t Sys tem Item Fuel Tank Capacity Full capacity Valve Inlet Pressure Sensor Inlet Temperature Sensor Air Bypass Valve Injector Idle Speed 1-6 Standard 18L CF188-B-173000 CF188-B-175000 CF188-B-177000 CF188-B-172000 CF188-B-171000 1400±100r / min 1. Maintenance Informat ion Coo l i ng Sys t em 1 It em Standard/ Par amet er Ful l Capacit y 2000ml Reservoir t ank capacit y 300ml Standard Densi ty 50% Opening pr essur e of radiator cap Init ial Temper ature Thermostat Full opening Temper ature Ful l opening lift range Temperat ur e and Resist ance of Wat er 88& 3.5' 4.5mm/95? End B End A C Resistance(k") -20 ---- 13.71-16.94 25 ----- 1.825-2.155 50 176-280 ---- Sensor 80 110 63.4-81.4 24.6-30.6 0.303-0.326 0.138-0.145 Close -Open 88& Round 88& Round Open-Close 82& Round 82& Round of Thermostat Coolant Type Remar k 71±3& Temperat ur e Temperat ur e Li mit 108kpa(1.1kgf/ cm2 ) Resi stance(") Temper at ur e(& ) Ser vice -35& ant i-frozen, ant isepsi s, hi gh -boil coolant 1-7 CFMOTO F r on t Whee l Ite m F ront W he e l Pl ay o f whe e l rim Tire Stand ar d Ve rtica l H orizo nta l Groove P ressu r e 1. 0mm 1. 0mm + 35kP a$0 .35kgf- cm 2 % Opera tio n L im it 2.0mm 2.0mm 3.0mm + Rea r Whee l Item Re ar W h eel Pl ay o f whe e l rim Tire Stan d ard Ve rtica l H orizo nta l Groove P ressu r e 1. 0mm 1. 0mm + 30kP a$ 0. 30kgf- c m2 % Oper ati on Lim it 2.0mm 2.0mm 3.0mm + B r ake Sys t em Ite m Front B ra ke Rea r Br ake 1-8 Brake Brake Brake Brake Brake Stan da r d End P la y Disc T hickn ess End P la y Ped al P lay Disc T hickn ess 0mm 3. 5mm 5-10 mm 0mm 7. 5mm Op eration L im it + 2 .5mm + + 6 .5mm 1. Maintenance Informat ion Bat te r y , Cha r g i ng Dev i ce , P i ckup Co i l 1 AC Magneto Motor Item Model Output Chargi ng Coil Resistance$ 20? % Pickup Coil Resis tance Magneto without Load Voltage/(Idle Speed) Max. Output Power Rated Voltage Peak Voltage of Pickup Coil Terminal Vol tage Battery Poi nt Chargi ng Current/time I gn i t i on Dev i ce Fully Charged Insufficient Charged Standard Quick Item Ignition Timing Ignition Coil Resistance /100V$AC%(5000r/min 300W(5000r/min 13.5V-15.0V, 5000r/min Three-phase annular rectification, Silicon controlled parallel-connected regulated voltage Capacity 12.8V <11.8V 0.9A-5'10H 4A-1H Standard Ignition Spark Plug 3-phas e AC 0.2"-0.3" 110"-140" /120V Rectifier Capacity Standard Permanentmagnet AC Type ECU Ignition Type Standard Optional Spark plug gap Spark Characteristic Resistance Spark plug DPR7EA-9(NGK) DR8EA .D7RTC 0.8-0.9mm /8mm(1mpa BTDC10ºCA 1500r/min Initial Secondary Ignition Coil Peak Voltage Pulse Generator Starter Relay Coi l Res istance Secondary Starter Relay Coil Resistance 0.740-0.780 10.1k0-11.1 k0 /150V 2V 3"-5" 90"-100" L i ghts , I nst rument , Sw i tches Fuse Light, Bulb Fuse Item Main Auxiliary Head Light$Hi-Lo% Brak e Light/ Tail Light Turning Light Dashboard Indicator Light Indicators Main Standard 20A 10A!2 15A!2 12V—35W/35W !2 12V—5W !2 12V—21W/5W 12V—10W!4 #5 LED LCD 1-9 CFMOTO (mm) Air Inl et Device+ Cyl i nder Head Item Valve Diameter Valve Clearance( Idle Speed) Fit Clearance between Valve Guide and Valve Stem Internal dia. of Valve Guide Exterior dia. of Valve Stem Standard Operation Limit Intake 30.6 Exhaust 27.0 Intake 0.05-0.10 Exhaust 0.17-0.22 Intake 0.010-0.037 Exhaust 0.030-0.057 Intake & Exhaust 5.000-5.012 Intake 4.975-4.990 Exhaust 4.955-4.970 Valve Stem Run-out Intake & Exhaust Length of Valve Stem End Intake & Exhaust Thick ness of Valve Head Intake & Exhaust 0.5 Valve Head Seal Run-out Intake & Exhaust 0.03 Width of Valve Seats Seal Intake & Exhaust 0.9-1.1 Length of Valve Spring Intake & Exhaust 40 Valve Spring Tension Intake & Exhaust Cam Height Fit Clearance between Camshaft Exterior dia. &Bore. Camshaft Exterior dia. Camshaft Bore Internal dia. 0.05 2.9-3.1 /Length31.5mm Intake 33.430-33.490 33.130 Exhaust 33.500-33.560 33.200 #22 0.032-0.066 0.150 #17.5 0.028-0.059 0.150 #22 21.959-21.980 #17.5 17.466-17.484 #22 22.012-22.025 #17.5 17.512-17.525 0.10 Rocker Arm Internal dia. Intake & Exhaust 12.000-12.018 Rocker Arm Shaft Exterior dia. Intake & Exhaust 11.973-11.984 Adjoining Plant Plainness of Cylinder Head Cover Adjoining Plant 1-10 38.8 Tension182-210N Camshaft Run-out Plainness of Cylinder Head 2.3 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.05 1. Maintenance Informat ion Cy l i n der + P i sto n + P ist on R ing (m m ) + Cran ksh af t Item Standard C ylinder Pressure 1000kPa F it C learance betw een Operation Limi t 0.030-0.051 P iston and C ylinder R emark 1 0.15 87.460-87.480 Piston Sk irt dia. Tes ting the point aw ay skirt end 87.380 10m m Internal dia. of C ylinder 87.500-87.522 Plainness of Cylinder 0.015 Adjoining Plant Piston Ring Free Gap Pis ton R ing C losed Gap Piston Annular F it C learance Thickness Pis ton R ing Piston Annular Width Internal dia. of Pis ton Pin Top R ing 2 nd R ing 0.05 R 11.7 round 8.9 R 12 round 9.5 Top R ing 0.15-0.30 0.60 R ing 0.15-0.30 0.60 Top R ing 0.04-0.08 0.180 R ing 0.0 3- 0.07 0.150 Top R ing 0.9 7- 0.99 2 nd R ing 1.1 7- 1.19 Top R ing 1.03-1.05 2 2 2 nd nd nd R ing 1.2 2- 1.24 Oil R ing 2.51-2.53 23.002-23.008 2 3.0 30 Exterior dia. Piston Pin 22.995-23.000 2 2.9 80 Rod Sm all End Inner dia. 23.006-23.014 2 3.0 40 R od Big End Gap 0.10-0.55 1.0 Rod Big End Thi ckness 24.95-25.00 Crank shaft R un-out 0.03 Bore 0 .0 8 1-11 CFMOTO Clutch + Transmission Item (mm) Standard Limit Clutch Friction plate inner dia. 140.00-140.15 140.50 Clutch Joint Rotation 1800-2400r/min Clutch lock-up Rotation 3300-3900r/min Drive Belt Width 35.2 33.5 Driven Disc Spring Free Length 168 160 0.10-0.40 0.50 Shifter and fit flute gap Left Shifter Sliding Thickness 5.8-5.9 Right Shifter Sliding Thickness 5.8-5.9 Plunging Flute Width 6.0-6.2 Driven Output Gear Sliding Width 6.0-6.2 1-12 Remark 1. Maintenance Informat ion Tightening Torque Item Torque N·m(kgf·m) 5mm Bolt, nut 6mm Bolt, nut 8mm Bolt, nut 10mm Bolt, nut 12mm Bolt, nut 5(0.5) 10(1.0) 22(2.2) 34(3.5) 54(5.5) Item Torque N·m(kgf·m) 5mm Screw 4(0.4) 6mm Screw 9(0.9) 6mmSH Bolt with flange, 10(1.0) 6mm Bolt with flange, nut 12(1.2) 8mm Bolt with flange, nut 26(2.7) 10mm Bolt with flange, nut 39(4.0) For o thers not listed in the chart, refe r to the standard tightening torque. Notes: Apply some engine oil on the part of screw thre ad and adjo ining surface Torque Thread Dia. Quantity Item Remark N·m(kgf·m) (mm) Upper Front Mounting Bolt, Engine M8!60 1 16'20 Upper Rear Mounting Bolt, Engine Upper Rear Mounting Bracket Bolt, Engine Upper Front Mounting Bracket Bolt, Engine M10!1.25!110 1 40'50 M8!14 1 16'20 M8!14 1 16'20 Low Mounting Bolt, Engine M12!1.25!140 2 50'60 Bolt, Swing Arm M10!1.25!70 16 40'50 Bolt, Rear Absorber M10!1.25!50 4 40'50 Bolt, Front Absorber M10!1.25!50 4 40'50 Bolt, Rear Wheel Shaft Holder M10!1.25!100 4 40'50 Mounting Nut, Rim 901-07.00.02 M20 16 50'60 Nut, Rim Shaft Mounting Screw, Rear Brake Caliper 901-07.00.03 M10 4 110'130 M6!25 2 18'22 M10!1.25!20 2 40'50 901-08.00.03 M8! 8 25'30 Bolt, Front Brake Caliper M8!14 4 16'20 Locknut, Steering Stem M8!55 4 16'20 Nut, Steering Stem M10!1.25 4 40'50 Locknut, Steering Shaft M14!1.5 1 100'120 Rear Mounting Bolt, Muffler M8!30 1 16'20 Bolt, Exhaust Pipe M8!14 1 16'20 Mounting Bolt, Exhaust Pipe M8!40 1 16'20 Mounting Bolt, Rear Axle M10!1.25!110 2 40'50 Mounting Bolt, Front Axle M10!1.25!90 1 40'50 Mounting Bolt, Front Axle Back End Bolt, Rear Trans Shaft M10!1.25!25 901-30.00.01 2 6 40'50 40'50 Front End Bolt, Rear Trans Shaft 901-29.00.01 4 35'45 901-29.00.01 CF250T-420500 M8!14 M6!12 M8!14 8 1 2 2 4 35'45 9'12 35'45 25'30 16'20 Bolt, Rear Brake Caliper Bolt, Front Brake Disc Bolt, Front Trans Shaft Thermo Switch Mounting Bolt 1, Front Rack Mounting Bolt 2, Front Rack Mounting Bolt , Rear Rack 1 1-13 CFMOTO Engine Tightening Torque Table Item Q’ty Screw dia.$mm% Torque Remark $N.m% Sensor, Reverse Gear 1 M10!1.25 20 Spark Plug 1 M12!1.25 18 Water Temperature Sensor 1 Rc1/8 8 Valve Clearance Adjusting Nut 4 M5 10 Drive Disc Nut 1 M20!1.5 115 Driven Disc Nut 1 M20!1.5 115 Circle Nut, Driving Disc 1 M30!1 100 Nut, Front Output Shaft 1 M14!1.5 97 Nut, Drive Bevel Gear 1 M22!1 145 Nut, Driven Bevel Gear 1 M16!1.5 150 Fixing Nut, Clutch 1 M18!1.5 70 Left handed Limiting Nut, Driven Bevel Gear Shaft 1 M60 110 Apply screw thread sealant Limiting Nut, Front Output Shaft 1 M55 80 Bolt, Swing Arm Shaft 2 M14!1.25 28 Drain Bolt 1 M12!1.5 30 Mounting Bolt, Overriding Clutch 6 M8 26 Apply screw thread sealant Mounting Bolt, Magneto Stator 3 M6 10 Apply screw thread sealant Bolt, CVT Windshield 3 M6 10 Apply screw thread sealant Link Bolt, Oil Pipe 2 M14!1.5 18 Mounting, Oil Pump 3 M6 10 Mounting Bolt, Pressure Limiting Valve 2 M6 10 Bolt, Drive Bevel Gear Cover 4 M8 32 Bolt, Driven Bevel Gear Cover 4 M8 25 Locating Bolt, Shift 1 M14!1.5 18 Flange Bolt, Fan 1 M10!1.25 55 1-14 Apply screw thread sealant Apply screw thread sealant, left handed 1. Maintenance Informat ion To be continued Item Torque Quantity Diameter$mm% 14 M6 10 3 M8 25 Bolt, Driven Sector Gear 1 M6 12 Mounting Bolt, Oil Filter 1 M20!1.5 63 Oil Filter 1 3 / 4 ?$ 1 6 / i n 18'20 Bolt, Starting Motor 2 M6 10 Bolt, Cylinder Head 4 M10 38 Bolt, Cylinder Head(2 sides) 2 M6 10 1 M8 25 Upper and Lower Bolt, Cylinder 4 M6 10 Bolt, Cylinder Head Cover 12 M6 10 Bolt, Chain Tensioner 2 M6 10 Nut, Chain Tensioner 1 M8 8 Bolt, Radiator Fan 3 M6 10 Thermostat Bolt 2 M6 10 Bolt, Water Pump Cover 3 M6 6 Mounting Bolt, Water Pump 2 M6 10 Fixed Bolt, Timing Sprocket 2 M6 15 M5 4.5-6 M6 8-12 M8 18-25 Bolt, Crankcase Bolt without remarks $N.m% 1 Remark Apply screw thread sealant 1-15 CFMOTO Engine Tools Measuring Tools No Name Type Function 1 Vernier Calipers 0-150mm Measure length and thickness 2 Micrometers 0-25mm 3 Dial gauge 25-50mm Measure max. lift range of camshaft 4 Dial gauge 75-100mm Measure piston skirt 5 Inner dia. Gauge, Cylinder 6 Inner dia. Gauge, 10-34mm 7 Dial Test Indicator 1/100 8 Knife Straight Edge plainness 9 Feeler Gauge Plainness, adjusting valve clearance 10 Fuel Level Gauge Fuel level length of carburetor 11 Plastic gauge Fit clearance 12 pull tension gauge Spring bounce 13 Tachometer Engine rotation rate 14 Cylinder Pressure Meter 15 Oil Pressure Gage Oil pressure 16 Barometer Opening pressure of radiator cover 17 Ohmmeter Resistance and voltage 18 Amperemeter Opening of currency / switch 19 Thermometer Liquid temperature 20 Timing Lights Test spark timing 21 Torque Tester Measure the outer diameters of swing arm, valve rod and camshaft Measure inner dia. of cylinder head Inner dia. of swing arm, piston pin hole, and rod head hole Run-out pressure in cyclinder One Set Tightening torque Auxiliary Measuring Instrument 22 Alcohol Burner Warming up 23 Magnet Stand Install dialgauge 24 Slab Auxiliary measure supplementary 25 V-Block Run-out supplementary 26 Forcep Install valve clip 27 Plier Disassemble and install circlip 28 Joint Plier Disassemble and install flange 29 Impact Driver Disassemble cross recessed bolt 30 Slot Type Driver 31 Cross Type Driver 1-16 Remark 1. Maintenance Informat ion Special Purpose Tools No Name Type Function 1 Spark Plug Wrench 2 CVT Wrench 3 Oil Filter Wrench CF188-011300-922-001 Disassemble/ install oil filter 4 Piston Pin Remover CF188-040004-922-002 Disassemble piston pin CF188-031000-922-001 Disassemble magneto stator 5 Magneto stator Remover 6 Crankcase Dissociator 7 Crank Remover 8 Crank Tool 9 Valve Spring Compressor 172MM-022400-922-004 Disassemble/ install spark plug CF188-051000-922-001 Disassemble/install CVT CF188-052000-922-001 Remark 1 drive/driven disc nut Divide L/R crank case Disassemble crank shaft from left crankcase Install crank shaft on left crankcase CF188-022006-922-001 Disassemble/ install valve spring 10 Valve Former CF188-022004-922-001 Grind valve 11 Circle Nut Wrench CF188-052000-922-003 Disassemble CVT driven disc 12 Driven Disc Clamp CF188-052000-922-004 Disassemble CVT driven disc 13 Driven Disc Former CF188-052000-922-002 Disassemble CVT driven disc 14 Limiting nut Wrench CF188-062204-922-001 15 Bearing Tool One full set Install bearing and oil ring 16 Bearing Remover One full set Disassemble bearing 17 Oil Ring Remover 18 Limiting Nut Wrench 19 PDA 20 Oetiker Clamp Catcher Disassemble driven bevel gear bearing limiting nut Disassemble bearing CF188-060008-922-001 Disassemble front output shaft bearing limiting nut Diagnose failures of EFI system Disassemble/ install fuel Pipe 21 22 23 24 25 1-17 CFMOTO Lubr icant Grease, Sealant Coated Section Turning Bearings Throttle Cable Connecting Portion Throttle Pedal Movable Parts Brak e Pedal Movable Parts Swing Arm Movable Parts Steering Inner Circle Surfac e Seat Lock Movable Parts Transmission Movabl e Parts Attention Grease Multi-purpos e grease Opera tion Material and Installment Supplementary of Engine Engine operation materials include lubricant (oil), grease (lubricant grease) and coolant, installment supplementary includes plane sealant and screw thread sealant. Na me Type Sp ecially for P arts 4 -stroke mot orcycle lubrican t SAE -10W -40.2 0W-50 Substitute s mu st be u se d /o il in t he fo llowin g rang e. API type: S E or SG grade Rem ark Rota tin g sect ion and ca rriage in cylinder, Rota tin g sect ion and ca rriage in crankcase Rota tin g sect ion and carriag e in cylinde r capacit y 2200 m L $replace oil% hea d 2 300 m L$ replace oil filt er% S ee L ubrication S yst ems Diagram$ 5-14% 2 600 m L$ eng ine ove rh aul% $ Replaceme nt see 1-3 % Lubrica nt with P iston pin, valve rod pa rt, valve ring, cam m olybde num shaft Gre ase/lubrican t grea se Coolant # 3 MoS 2 l ith ium ba se d Oil seal lip, O rin g an d oth er late x sea ling, g re ase bea ring with seals, and C VT bea ring/h ousin g -35 & an ti-frozen, an ti-rust, Ca pacit y based on ra diator Coo ling syste m, wa ter seals h igh –bo iled coolant Plane sea la nt p ipe system Cou pling surfaces of ca ses, ca se s and cylin der, cylind er hea d an d cylin der h ead cover Screw se ala nt 1-18 th re ad Some screw threa d 1. Maintenance Informat ion W i r i ng , P i pes , Cab l e Layout 1 Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 1-19 CFMOTO 1-20 1. Maintenance Informat ion 1 1-21 CFMOTO 1-22 1. Maintenance Informat ion Fa i l u r e I nd i ca t o r Fa i l ure Ind i actor i s l ocated on the 1 left top !"#of instrument . Whi le the indicator f lashing is faulty, fai lure uses 4-digi t f lashing. For example$0650% !0#f lashes 10 t imes, !6#f lashes 6 t imes, !5#f lashes 5 t imes, !0#f lashes 10 t imes, See (Page 11 - 27) for the mean i ng of Diagnost ic Trouble Code. Whi le fai lure appears, use PDA to diagnose i t . Connect PDA wi th PDA connector , the locat ion of PDA connector (see Page 1-19) Picture 3. the use of PDA (see Page 1126) . 1-23 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler Overhaul Info !!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 - 1 Footrest Board (LH, RH)!!!!!!!!!!2-10 Troubleshooting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 - 1 Rear Fender, Engine Skid Plate (Front, Center, Rear), Front Rack, Bolt Cap!!!!!!!!!!!!2-2 Double Seat, Protection Plate!!!!!!!!2-11 Seat, Seat Support & Rear Rack!!!!!!!!2-3 Front Inner Fender (R&H), Front Protector (RH, LH) !2 -13 Front Top cover, Dashboard Cover!!!!!!!2-4 Rear Protector (RH,LH), Bumper, Bumper Protector!2 - 14 Side Support(LH&RH)!!!!!!!!2 - 5 Bumper Cap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 - 15 Rear Top Cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2-6 Front Vent Grille, Fuel Tank!!!!!!!!!2-16 Left Side Panel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 - 7 Bottom Plate, Fuel Tank !!!!!!!!!!2-17 Right Side Panel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2-8 Muffler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 - 18 Fuel Tank Top Cover, Front Fender!!!!!!!2-9 Description of Visible Parts!!!!!!!!!2-19 Overhaul Information Operation Cautions Warning Gasoline is highly flammable, therefore smoke and fire are strictly forbidden in the work place. Special attention should also be paid to sparks. Gasoline may also be explosive when it is vaporized, so operation should be done in a well-ventilated place. Remove and Install muffler after it is fully cold. l This chapter is on the disassembly and installation of rack, visible parts, exhaust pipe, muffler and fuel tank. l l l Hoses, cables and wiring should be routed properly. Replace the gasket with a new one after muffler is removed. After muffler is installed, check if there is any exhaust leakage. Tightening torque Muffler Rear Fixing Bolt: 35-45N.m Muffler Exhaust Pipe Bolt: 35-45N.m Muffler Body Fixing Bolt: 35-45N.m Troubleshooting Loud exhaust noise Broken muffler Exhaust leakage Insufficient power Distorted muffler Exhaust leakage Muffler clogged 2-1 2 CFMOTO Front Rack, Bolt Cap Remove: Upward l y remove Bo l t cap hard ; two assemb l y bo l ts of f ront rack shal l be seen . Remove fixing Bolt 1 (one for each on theleft and right) Romove f i x i ng Bo l t 2 Remove f ront rack Installation: Reverse the removal procedure for installation Tightening Torque: Fixing Bolt 1, Bolt 2 35 N.m -45N.m Fixing Bolt 3, Bolt 4 25 N.m -30N.m 2-2 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler Seat Remove: Pull upward seat buckle 2 Lift and push seat backward Installation: Press upward seat buckle Press seat forward and down Note: Shake seat left,right, front and back to make sure that the seat is firmly installed. Remove: —Seat ( " 2-3) —Bolt 1, bolt 2 Remove seat support Remove Bolt 3 for rear rack and rear fender from rear fender bottom Remove Bolt 1 Remove Rear Rack Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation Tightening Torque# B o l t 1 #3 5 N $m - 4 5 N $m B o l t 2 #3 5 N $m - 4 5 N $m B o l t 3 #8 N $m - 1 2 N $m 2-3 CFMOTO Fr on t Top Cove r Remove F r on t Rack %" 2 - 2& 6 nu t s' Front Top Cover Assemb l e Reverse the remova l process and d i rect i on . Dashboa r d Cove r Remove - -2 pieces Bol t 1 - -2 pieces bol t 2 - -Dashboard Cover I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remova l process and d i rect i on . 2-4 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler F r on t S i de Suppo r t ( L e f t ) Remove Bol t 1 Front Side Support 2 Assemb l e Reverse the remova l process and d i rect i on . F r on t S i de Suppo r t ( R i gh t ) Same as Left Side Support 2-5 CFMOTO Rear Top Cover Remove Rea r Rack %" 2 - 3& Seperate c l asps of rear top cover f rom rear fender ; Remove Rear Top Cover I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remove procedure and d i rect i on for i nsta l l at i on . Gear Sh i f t Un i t Fender Remove - -Bol t 1 - -Bol t 1 - -Bol t 2 Remove Gear Shi ft Uni t Fender I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remove procedure and d i rect i on for i nsta l l at i on . 2-6 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler L e f t S i de Cove r Remove - - S e a t %" 2 - 3 & - - Lef t S i de Cover f i x i ng bo l t 2 - - Lef t S i de Cover I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remove procedure and d i rect i on for i nsta l l at i on . Rea r P r o t ec t o r R em ov e - - Rea r Rack%" 2 - 3& - - Rear Top Cover%" 2 - 6& - - Rear L i nk P l ate%" 2 - 7& - - Rear Le f t S i de Suppor t%" 2 - 8& - - Rear R i ght S i de Support%" 2 - 8& - -Rear Turn i ng L i ght Connector - - Bo l t 1 , 2 , 1 - - Rear Protector I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remove procedure and d i rect i on for i nsta l l at i on . Rear L i nk P l ate Remove - - Bo l t 3 Rear L i nk P l ate I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remove procedure and d i rect i on for i nsta l l at i on . 2-7 CFMOTO Rear S i de Pane l Remove - - S e a t %" 2 - 3 & - - R i ght S i de Cover F i x i ng Bo l t Remove connect ing Bol t 1 between Right Side Panel and Front Fender at bottom of Front Fender Remove R i ght S i de Panel I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remove procedure and d i rect i on for i nsta l l at i on . Rear R i gh t S i de Suppo r t R em ov e - - Bo l t 2 - - Remove Rear R i ght S i de Support I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for i nstal lat i on Remova l and I ns t a l l at i on and Rear R i gh t S i de Suppo r t i s same w i th L e f t s i de . 2-8 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler Top Cover , Fue l Tank Remove - - S e a t %" 2 - 3 & - - F r on t Rack%" 2 - 2& 2 - - Front Top Cover%" 2 - 4& - - Le f t S i de Pane l %" 2 - 7& - - R i ght S i de Pane l %" 2 - 8& - - Bo l t 1 , 2 - - Bo l t 3 , 4 - - Fuel Tank Cap Remove Fuel Tank Top Cover I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remove procedure and d i rect i on for i nsta l l at i on . Front Fender Remove - - F r on t Rack%" 2 - 2& - - Front Top Cover%" 2 - 4& - - L e f t , R i gh t S i de Pane l %" 2 - 7&%" 2 - 8& - - Fue l Tank Top Cover%" 2 - 8& - - Le f t , R i ght S i de Suppor t%" 2 - 5& Loosen Cab l e Connector of Front Fender Remove E l ectron i cs Parts of Front Fender Remove 3 Front Fender bo l ts f i xed i n Frame Remove 4 bo l ts f i xed w i th l ef t and r i ght footrest Remove Front Fender I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for i nstal lat i on 2-9 CFMOTO Foo t r es t , L e f t S i de Remove Le f t S i de Pane l %" 2 - 7& Remove three Bo l t 1 and 3 nuts connect i ng w i th Front Fender Remove three Bo l t 2 and 3 nuts connect i ng w i th Rear Fender Remove Bo l t 1 Remove Lef t Footrest I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remove procedure for Instal lat ion. Foo t r es t , R i gh t S i de Removal and Instal lat ion same wi th Left side. 2-10 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler Rear Fender Remove - - S e a t %" 2 - 3 & - - Rea r Rack%" 2 - 3& 2 - - Rear Top Cover%" 2 - 6& - - L e f t , R i gh t S i de Pane l %" 2 - 7&%" 2 - 8& - - Le f , R i ghtS i de Suppor t%" 2 - 8& - - Rea r Pro tec to r%" 2 - 7& Remove Battery Bracket and F i x i ng P l ate%" 8 - 4& Remove Bat t e ry%" 8 - 4& Remove Bo l t 1 Remove Nut 1 Remove E l ecton i c Parts f rom Rear Fender Loosen Cab l e Connector f rom Rear Fender Upward i ng l y Remove Rear Fender Eng i ne F r on t , M i dd l e and Rea r Sk i d P l a t e ; P r o t ec t o r P l a t e o f Doub l e Seat 2-11 CFMOTO D i sasemb l y NOTE : S i de sk i d P l ate ( Front , M i dd l e , Rear ) and Doub l e Sea t P r o t ec t i on a r e l oca t ed a t bo t t om o f veh i c l e . The ma i n t eanace pe r son shou l d wo r k unde r bo t t om o f ve h i c l e when d i sassemb l e the above par ts . Fo r sa f t y , make su r e t he veh i c l e i s f i r m l y p a r ked . Eng i ne Sk i d P l ate ( Front ) Remove Bo l t 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 ; Remove Eng i ne Front Sk i d P l ate I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for Insta l l a t i on Eng i ne Sk i d P l ate ( M i dd l e ) Remove Bo l t 5 and 6 ; Remove M i dd l e Eng i ne Ski d P l ate. I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for Insta l l a t i on Doub l e - Seat Protect i on P l ate Remove Bo l t 7 and 8 ; Remove Doub l e- Seat Protect i on P l ate . N OT E : N o P r o t ec t i o n P l a t e f o r s i n g l e sea t . I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for Insta l l a t i on Eng i ne Sk i d P l ate ( Rear ) Remova l Remove Bo l t 9 and 10 ; Remove Rear Eng i ne Ski d P l ate. I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for Insta l l a t i on 2-12 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler R i ght Front I nner Fender Remova l Remove Bo l t 1 , and remove R i ght Front Inner Fender 2 Insta l l at i on Reverse the remove procedure for Insta l l a t i on NOTE : Hook Water Pump w i th C l i p o f R i ght I nne r S i de Fende r du r i ng I ns t a l l a t i on . Le f t Front I nner Fender Remova l Remove Bo l t 1 , and remove Lef t Front Inner Fender I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for Insta l l a t i on F r on t L e f t P r o t ec t o r Remove - - Bo l t 1 Pu l l backward and remove f ront Front Lef t Protector I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for Insta l l a t i on F r on t R i gh t Pr o t ect o r Remova l and I nsta l l at i on same w i th Le f t S i de . 2-13 CFMOTO Fr on t L e f t I nner Fender Remova l Remove Bo l t 1 and 2 ; Remove Front Lef t Inner Fender I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for Insta l l a t i on Fr on t R i gh t I nner Fender Remova l and Instal l at i on same as Lef t S i de. Bumpe r , Bumpe r P r o t ec t o r Remove Remove two Bo l ts of Eng i ne Front Ski d P l ate f i xi ng i nto the Bumper . Remove Bo l t 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 . Remove Bumer and Bumper Protector Remove Bo l t 5 connect i ng Bumper and Rack. 2-14 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler Bumper Protector Remove - - Loosen Front Turn i ng L i ght Connector . - - Remove Bumper and Bumper Protector . 2 Remove tapp i ng screw 1 f rom Bumper ; Remove Bumper Protector . I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remove procedure for Insta l l a t i on Bumpe r P r o t ec t o r Cap Remove Pu l l the two Caps f rom Bumper (There are on l y 2 caps i n th i s veh i cl e) I ns t a l l a t i on Press Caps i nto Bumper P i pe 2-15 CFMOTO F r on t Ven t Gr i l l Remove - - Loosen Connector of Front Head L i ght - - Remove Front Fender%" 2 - 9& - - Remove Bumpe r%" 2 - 14& - - Remove Bo l t 1 , 2 and 3 ; - - Remove Vent Gr i l l No t e : Fo r r emova l o f f r on t ven t g r i l l e on l y , Jus t r emove 2 f i x i ng bo l t s o f bumpe r and 2 cen t e r f i x i ng bo l t s , t hen pu l l bumpe r down I nsta l l at i on : Reverse the remova l procedure f or i nsta l l at i on Warn i ng : Gaso l i ne i s h i gh l y f l ammab l e , therefore smoke and f i re are str i ct l y f orb i dden i n the work p l ace . Spec i a l a t t en t i on shou l d a l so be pa i d to sparks . Gaso l i ne may a l so be exp l os i ve when i t i s vapor i zed , so ope rat i on shou l d be done i n a we l l - vent i l ated p l ace . Remove Lef t and R i ght S i de Pane l %" 2 - 7& Remove Front Fender%" 2 - 9& Remove Fue l Tank Top Cover%" 2 - 9& Remove Bo l t 4 Loosen Fue l Sensor 3P Connector . 2-16 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler 2 Remove Fuel P i pe 1 and C i rcl i p Remove Fuel Tank I nsta l l at i on : Reverse the remova l procedure f or i nsta l l at i on Note: Be careful not to damage main cable, pipes and hoses. Main cable, cables, pipes and hoses should be routed proper ly according to the rout ing drawing. Take precaut ion against fuel leakage when removing fuel Fuel Hose I Remove : - -Fuel tank (" 2-16) - -Bol t 1 - -Bol t 2 - -Fuel tank top cover I nsta l l at i on : Reverse the remova l procedure f or i nsta l l at i on . No te : Be carefu l not to damage ma i n cab l e , p i pes and hoses . Ma i n cab l e , cab l es , p i pes sh ou l d b e r ou t ed p r ope r l y accord i ng to the rout i ng draw i ng 2-17 CFMOTO Mu f f l e r Caut i on : Per form d i sassemb l y on l y af ter the muf f l er i s coo l ed down . Remo ve : - - Seat (2 - 3) - - R i ght s i de pane l (2 - 8) - - Nut1 , Nut 2 for exhaust p i pe e l bow Remove Bo l t Remove Bo l t 2 , Bo l t 3 Remove muf f l er I ns ta l l a t i on : Reverse the removal procedure for i nsta l l at i on . Note : Rep l ace seal i ng gasket when i nstal l i ng the muf f l er . 2-18 2 Vehicle Body and Muf f ler V i s i b l e Pa r t s 2 2-19 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment Overhaul Info……………………… 3-1 Maintenance Interval………………..3-2 Inspection & Maintenance………… ………3-3 Steering Stem, Brake System……………...3-6 Wheels……………………………………….3-8 Suspension System………………. ………3-10 Gear Shifting, Fuel Device………………...3-11 Check the throttle………………................3-12 Cooling System..…………………………3-13 Lighting System...………………………...3-16 Valve Clearance…………………………..3-17 Engine Idle Speed & Spark plug…………3-18 Air Filter……………………………….3-19 Fuel Hose!&Drive Belt.. 3-20 Inspection of Lubrication System…………3-22 Inspection of Cylinder Pressure…………..3-24 Inspection of Clutch Engagement and Lock-up……………………………………..3-26 Overhaul info Operat ion Caut ions Note - DO NOT keep the eng i ne runn i ng for l ong t i me i n a poor l y vent i l ated or enclosed place because of the harmful components l ike CO, etc, in the exhaust gas. - The muf f ler and engine are st i l l very hot when the engine is just stopped. Careless contact may cause ser ious burn. Be sure to wear fat igue dress wi th long sleeves and gloves i f the work has to be done after the engine is just stopped. - Gaso l i ne i s h i gh l y f l ammab l e , smok i ng i s str i ct l y forb i dden i n the work p l ace . Keep a l ert on the e l ectr i ca l sparks . Bes i des , vapor i zed gaso l i ne i s highly explosive, so work should be done in a wel l -vent i lated place. - Be carefu l that your hands or c l othes not get n i pped by the turn i ng or movable parts of the dr iving system. Note The vehicle should be parked on hard and level ground. 3-1 3 CFMOTO Maintenance Interval T he table below lists the recommended interv als for all the required periodic maintenance work nec es sary to k eep the engine at its best performanc e and economy. Maintenanc e intervals are ex pressed in terms of k ilometer, miles and hours, whichever occurs firs t. Note: Maintenance interval sh ould be sh ortened on eng ines that are used in severe conditions. Interval Km Ho urs Item Valve Clearanc e Initial Every Ev ery 500 k m 10 00 km Initial E very Ev ery 2 0 hours 5 0 hours 100 hou rs 2 50km I ! I IN: 0.05~0.10 EX:0.17~0.22 Idle Speed I I ! 1400±100r/Min Spark Plug I ! I No carbon deposit Gap: 0.8~0.9mm Replace every 20000 Km Replace every 4 years Replace ev ery 6000Km Air Filter ! I C ! ! I ! ! I ! I ! Engine Oil R ! R Oil Filter R ! R Coolant Level I I ! Water Hos e & Pipes I ! I High-Pressure Fuel Hose Clutch Drive Belt Coolant I= Inpectio n and adjust, or replace if necessary R=Replace C=Clean 3-2 Remark Replace 2000Km Replace every 2 years every 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment Inspection & Maintenance !: Interval Item Part Item Handlebar Steering System Steering system Brake lever Brake System Connecting rod, oil pipe & Hose Hydraulic brake and brake disc Driving System Wheel Operation agility Damage " Installation condition of steering system " Sway of ball stud " Free play " " Brake Efficiency " " Looseness, Slack and damage " Front and rear brake fluid level " 3 Shock absorber Front axle Front: lever end 0mm Rear : lever end 0mm " Brake fluid should above LOWER limit " Brake disc damage and wear " " Tire pressure " " Chap and damage " " " Loosened wheel nut and axle " Sway of front wheel bearing " " Sway of rear wheel bearing " " " " " " Oil leakage and damage be Replace when the thickness of front brake disc is less than 2.5mm, rear brake less than 6.5mm. Front tire: 35kPa (0.350kgf/# 2) Rear tire: 30kPa (0.30kgf/# 2) Groove depth and abnormal wear Sway of Joint parts, rocker arm damage Standard " Function Drive Train Intervals 1/2 Annual Year " Suspension arm Buffer System Daily No wear indication on the surface of tire (the remained depth of groove should not be less than 1.6mm) " " Transmission, lubrication " " Rear axle Transmission, lubrication " " Gear box Transmission, lubrication " " Final shaft Looseness of joint parts (Drive shaft) Sway of Spline Remove filling bolt, add oil till oil level reaches edge of filling hole. 3-3 CFMOTO Item Part Drive train Electrical System Item Final shaft (Drive shaft) Ignition Device Battery Wiring Fuel device Cooling system 3-4 Looseness of joint parts Daily O Intervals 1/2 Annual Year O Sway of Spline O Spark plug O Ignition timing Terminal Joint Looseness and damage of joints Fuel leakage O Spark plug gap: 0.8-0.9mm O O O Throttle Coolant level Coolant leakage Standard O O O O Throttle clearance: 3~5mm grip 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment It e m Pa rt Lighting devi ce and turning indic tors Alarm and lock devic e Instrum ents Exhaus t pi pe and m uffler Frame O thers Abnormal parts whic h can be determ ined when driv ing I tem Function Function Function Loosenes s or dam age caused by im proper ins tallation Function of m uffler Looseness and/or dam age Lubric ati on & grease of fram e parts M ake sure if there is any abnorm al with relative parts. Daily I n terv als 1/2 Annual Year " " Standard " " 3 " " " " " 3-5 CFMOTO Steer i ng Stem Park the veh i cl e on l evel p lace, ho l d steer i ng hand l ebar , and shake i n the di rect i on as i l l ustrated on the r i ght and see i f there i s any sway . I n case o f any sway , check i f i t i s the prob l em of the steer i ng stem or other parts and then do the mai ntenance accord i ng l y . In case of sway of the steer ing stem, t ighten the l ocknut or d isassemb l e the steer i ng stem for further check . Park the veh i cl e on l evel p lace, s l owl y turn the handlebar left and r ight to see i f i t can turn f ree l y . In case there i s any h i ndrance , check i f i t i s f rom the ma i n cab l e assemb l y or other cab l es . I f no , check the steer i ng t i e - rod end , and check i f the steer ing stem bear ing is damaged. Note: Make sure the steer ing can be operated freely. An acc i dent may occur i f the hand l ebar i s out of contro l . Brake system Front brake lever free play Operate f ront brake l ever and check brake ef f i ci ency and brake l ever funct i on . Check f ree p l ay of f ront l ever end . Free p l ay : 0mm 3-6 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment Master Cy l i nder <Fluid level> Check the brake f luid level When the brake f l u i d l eve l i s near to the lower l imi t l ine, check master cyl inder , brake 3 hoses and jo i nts for l eakage. Remove the two mount i ng screws on f l u i d reservo i r cap . Remove the cap, add DOT3 or DOT4 brake l iquid t i l l the upper l i m i t l i ne. - Do not m i x w i th dust or water when add i ng brake f l u i d . - Use on l y the recommended of brake f l u i d to avo i d chem i ca l react i on . -Brake f luid may cause damages to the surface of the p l ast i c and rubber parts . Keep the f l u i d away f rom these parts . - S l i ght l y turn the hand l ebar l ef t and r i ght t i l l the master cy l i nder i s i n hor i zonta l , then remove the f l u i d reservo i r cap . Brake D i sc , Brake Pad < Wear of brake pad> Check the brake pad wears f rom the mark as i nd i cated . Replace the brake pad i f the wear has reached pos i t i on of wear l i m i t trough . Note The brake pad must be rep l aced w i th a who l e set . Checking and replacing the brake disc Front brake d i sc th i ckness : " 2 . 5 mm # Re p l ace Rear brake d i sc : " 6 . 5 mm # Rep l ace M i n . l i m i ted th i ckness o f the f ront brake d i sc: 2 . 5mm M i n . l i m i ted th i ckness o f the rear brake d i sc: 6 . 5mm Change the Brake Fluid < Changing Brake Fluid> Change the brake f l u i d once every year . 3-7 CFMOTO W he e l s L i f t f ront whee l on l eve l p l ace , and make sure there i s no l oad i ng on the wheel s . Shake the front wheel left and r ight to check whether the joint of front wheel is t ightened and check whether i t sways . Not t i ghten enough : # T i ghten i t Sway : # Rep l ace the rocker arm Front Toe - i n s i ze Park the veh i cl e on l evel p lace, measure the f ront toe - i n Toe - i n : B - A=0 - 10mm Toe- i n out of the range: # Adj ust the l ocknut of t i e- rod No te : Af ter the toe - i n has been ad j usted , s l ow l y run the veh i cl e to check whether the d i rec t ion of vehicle can be control led by handlebar . 3-8 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment T i r e P r essu r e Check the pressure of the t i res w i th a pressure gauge. No t e 3 Check the t i re pressure af ter t i res are coo l ed . Dr i v i ng under i mproper t i re pressure w i l l reduce the comfort of operat i on and r i d i ng , and may cause def l ected wear of the t i res . Spec i f i ed pressure / t i re Front wheel Pressure 35kPa( . 035kgf / cm2) T i re S i ze AT25 $ 8 - 12 Rear wheel 30kPa(0 . 30kgf / cm2) AT25 $ 10 - 12 T i r e T r ead Check the t i re t read . Tread Hei ght : < 3mm # Rep l ace w i th new t i res Note : When the tread he i ght i s l ess than 3mm , the t i re shou l d be rep l aced i mmed i atel y . 3-9 CFMOTO Whee l Nu t and Whee l Ax l e Check front and rear wheel axle nuts for looseness Loosened ax l e nuts : # T i ghten T i ghten i ng Torque : Front wheel axl e nut : 110 - 130N . m(11 . 2kgf . m - 13 . 3kgf . m) Rear wheel axl e nut : 110 - 130N . m(11 . 2kgf . m - 13 . 3kgf . m) Sway o f Whee l Bear i ng L i f t the f ront wheel Make sure there i s no l oad i ng on the veh i c l e Shake the wheel in axial di rect ion for any sway In case of any sway , disassemble the front wheel and check the bear i ng Suspens i on Sys t em Park the veh i c l e on l ever p l ace , press the veh i c l e Severa l t i mes up and down as i l l us trated on the r i ght . In case of any rocking or abnormal noise, check whether there is any oi l leakage from absorbers, or any damage or looseness of t ightening parts. 3-10 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment Ad j us t i ng t he Abso r be r Use speci a l too l s to ad j ust the l ength of absorber accord i ng to l oad i ng requ i rement Turn cl ockw i se to ad j ust f rom h i gh to l ow 3 Gea r Sh i f t i ng Sh i f t the gear to check for f l exi b i l i ty and gear engagement Ad j ust the gearsh i f t rod i f necessary Re l ease the l ocknut to ad j ust the l ength of gearsh i f t rod Fue l Dev i ce Status of the fuel system Remove the seat (# 2 - 3) Check the fue l hose for any ag i ng or damage. Aged or damaged fuel hose: # Rep l ace Check i f there i s cracks or bend i ng w i th the vacuum tube . Cracked or bended vacuum tube: # Rep l ace 3-11 CFMOTO Check i ng t he Th r o t t l e L eve r Check t he f r ee p l ay o f t h r o t t l e l eve r Free p l ay : 3 - 5mm Out of range : # Ad j ust Loosen l ocknut of thrott le cab l e turn the regu l ator and ad j ust f ree p l ay of thrott l e l ever Af ter ad j ust i ng , t i ghten l ocknuts and i n stal l thrott le cab l e s l eeve Rep l ace w i th a new thrott l e cab l e i f the speci f ied free play could not be acqui red by ad just ing the regul ator or i f there is st i l l st i ck i ness w i th the thrott le . Ad j us t i ng t he Speed L i m i te r The speed l i mi ter i s to l imi t the openi ng of thrott l e Check the max i mum l ength of l i m i ter screw thread Max i mum screw thread : a=12mm Ad j ust w i th a cross dr i ver . No te : For beg i nners , the speed l i m i t shou l d be fu l l y t i ghtened . Dr i vers w i th certai n sk i l l s may ad j ust the thrott le w i th speed l i m i ter Maxi mum l ength of screw thread i s 12mm . It is recommended to adjust the thread length to 3 - 5mm . 3-12 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment Coo l i ng Sys t em No t e Check coo l ant l evel f rom reservo i r tank. Do not check f rom rad i ator . I f the rad i ator cap i s opened wh i l e the 3 eng i ne i s hot (over 100$) , the pressure of the coo l i ng system w i l l drop down and the coo l ant w i l l get bo i l ed rap i d l y . DO NOT open the rad iator cap unt i l the coo l ant temperature drops down . -Coolant is poisonous, DO NOT dr ink or splash i t to ski n , eyes , and c l othes . - In case the coo l ant gets to the sk i n and cl othes , wash w i th soap i mmed i atel y . - In case the coo l ant gets i nto eyes , r i nse w i th p l enty of water and go to consu l t the doctor - In case of swa l l ow i ng the coo l ant , i nduce vom i t and consu l t the doctor . - Keep the coo l ant i n a safe p l ace and away f rom reach of ch i l dren . Coo l an t l eve l Coo l ant m i ght r educe due to natu ra l evaporat i on . Check the coo l ant l eve l regu l ar l y . No t e - f reeze . Ord i nary water may cause eng i ne rust or cracks i n w i nter due to f reez i ng . -Park the vehicle on l evel ground for checki ng of the coo l ant . Inc l i ned veh i c l e body w i l l cause i ncorrect j udg i ng of the coo l ant l eve l . -Check the coolant after the engine is warmed up . Start and warm up eng i ne. Stop the eng i ne . Remove l ef t s i de pane l (# 2 - 6) Check i f the coo l ant l eve l i s between the upper and l ower l i m i t . 3-13 CFMOTO When the coo l ant l eve l i s be l ow the LOWER l imit, remove reservo i r tank cap and add coo l ant t i l l upper l i m i t . (Add coo l ant or d i l uted or i g i na l l i qu i d) . Recommended coo l ant : CFMOTO coo l ant S t anda r d dens i t y : 50% ( Freez i ng temperature o f coo l ant var i es accord i ng to the d i f ferent m i xture rat i o . Ad j ust the m i xture rat i o accord i ng to the l owest temperature i n the p l ace where the veh i c l e i s used . ) I f the coo l ant reduces very fast , check i f there i s any l eakage. The coo l i ng system may be m i xed w i th a i r when there i s no coo l ant i n the reservo i r tank and the a i r shou l d be d i scharged before add i ng coo l ant . Coo l an t L eakage Check radiator hose, water pump, water pipes and j o i nts for l eakage. In case of any l eakage , d i sassemb l e and do further check . (Refer to Chapter 4) Check the rad i ator hose for ag i ng , damages or cracks . The rubber hose w i l l natura l l y get aged af ter a per i od of serv i ce t i me. The aged hose may get cracked when the coo l i ng system i s heated . N i p the hose w i th f i ngers and check i f there are any t i ny cracks . In case of any abnorma l , rep l ace w i th a new hose . Check the c l amps of the coo l ant p i pes and hose . T i ghten proper l y i n case of any l ooseness . Check rad iator f ins for mud and dust cl og or damage . Correct the bent f i ns ; c l ean the mud w i th water and compressed a i r . When the damaged area of the rad i ator f i n i s over 20% , re p l ace w i th a new rad i ator . 3-14 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment I nspect i on o f Coo l i ng System Check ini t ial ly at 50 hours or 500km, replace coo l ant every 2 years . Check radiator, reservoi r tank and water hoses. Leakage or Damage : # Rep l ace Check coo l ant l eve l by observ i ng the upper 3 and the l ower l i m i t on the reservo i r tank. I f the level is below lower l imi t , f i l l cool ant unt i l the l evel reaches the upper l i mi t . Rep l ac i ng Coo l ant - Remove rad i ator cap % and reservo i r tank cap &. - P l ace a pan be l ow water pump , and dra i n coo l ant by remov i ng dra i n p l ug ' and water hose (. - Dra i n coo l ant f rom reservo i r tank. Warn i ng ! -Do not open radiator cap when engine is hot , you may be i n jured by escap i ng hot l i qu i d or vapor . - Eng i ne coo l an t i s ha r m f u l . I f coo l an t sp lashes i n your eyes or clothes, thorough l y wash i t away wi th water and consul t a doctor . I f coo l ant is swal l owed , i nduce vom i t i ng and get i mmed i ate med i ca l attent i on . - Keep coo l ant away f rom reach of ch i l dren -Clean radiator with fresh water , i f necessary. -Connect water hose ( and t i ghten drain bol t ' secure l y . -Fi l l the speci f ied coolant into the radiator . - Loosen b l eed bo l t ) on water pump , when coo l ant f l ow f rom b l eed bo l t , t i ghten the bo l t . Instal l rad i ator cap % secure l y af ter f i l l i ng coo l ant . - Start the eng i ne and keep i t runn i ng for severa l m i nutes . Af ter warm up and coo l i ng down the eng i ne, open rad i ator cap and check coo l ant . F i l l the spec i f i ed coo l ant unt i l the l eve l i s between the upper and l ower l i nes on the reservo i r tank. Caut i on : Repeat the above procedures severa l t i mes and make sure the rad i ator i s f i l l ed w i th coo l ant and ai r i s d i scharged . Inspect i on of Coo l i ng System 3-15 CFMOTO Check Water Temperature Gauge When eng i ne i s not work i ng , the water tem perature shou l d be i n the *0+ pos i t i on . Start the eng i ne to check i f the i nd i cator works . I f the i nd i cator i s not work i ng , do the ma i ntenance i n t i me. L i gh t i ng Sys t em Ad j ust i ng head l i ght l i ght beam Turn the head l i ght beam ad just i ng screw wi th a cross screwdr i ver and ad j ust the h i gh / l ow beam to meet the requ i rement . 3-16 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment VA L VE C L EARANCE Inspect i n i t i a l l y at 20 - hour break - i n and every 100 hours or every 1000km thereaf ter . Inspect the cl earance af ter remov i ng cy l i n der head . 3 Excess i ve va l ve c l earance resu l ts i n va l ve no i se and i nsuf f i c i ent va l ve c l earance re su l ts i n va l ve damage and reduced power . Check the valve clearance at the per iod indi cated above and ad j ust the va l ve c l earance to speci f i cat i on , i f necessary . - Remove cover p l ate %, reco i l starter & - Remove i nspect i on cap ' on l ef t crankcase. - Remove 2 va l ve ad j ust i ng cover ( - Turn the crankshaf t unt i l the l i ne ) of T . D . C . on rotor i s a l i gned w i th mark , o f i nspect i on ho l e on l ef t crankcase. - Insert fee l er gauge to check the c l earance between the va l ve stem end and the ad j ust bo l t on the rocker arm . Va l ve C l earance (When co l d) IN : 0 . 05 - 0 . 10mm EX : 0 . 17 - 0 . 22mm No te : - The va l ve c l earance must be ad j usted when the eng i ne i s co l d . - Ad j ust the val ve cl earance when the p i ston i s at the Top Dead Center (T . D . C . ) on the compress i on stroke . I f the cl earance i s i ncorrect , br i ng i t into the speci f i ed range us i ng the spec i al too l . Loosen va l ve ad j ust bo l t and nut , i nsert a fee l er gauge -IN : 0 . 1mm , EX : 0 . 2mm.between the valve stem end and val ve ad j ust i ng bol t , t i ghten va l ve ad j ust bo l t , make sure i t s l i ght l y contacts the fee l er gauge , t i ghten bo l t and nut . 3-17 CFMOTO Take ou t t he f ee l e r gauge , measu r e t he c l earance . I f the c l earance i s i ncorrect , repeat the above steps unt i l the proper c l earance i s obta i ned . Locknut : 10 N . m Caut i on : Secure l y t i ghten the l ocknut af ter comp l et i ng ad j ustment Insta l l : 2 va l ve ad j ust i ng cover ; Inspect i on cap ; Reco i l starter ; Cover p l ate ; App l y a sma l l quant i ty of THREAD LOCKER to reco i l starter f i xi ng bo l ts . Too l s : Val ve ad j uster Fee l er gauge Mater i a l : Thread Locker ENG I NE I D L E SPEED I nspect i n i t i a l l y at 20 hours run - i n and every 50 hours or 500km thereaf ter . Start the eng i ne and warm i t up for severa l m i n u t e s , m e a s u r e en g i n e s p e e d w i t h a tachometer . Set the eng i ne i d l e speed be tween 1300~1500 r / min by turning the thrott le stop screw of carburetor . Eng i ne i d l e speed : 1400r / m i n / 100r / m i n Note : Make th i s ad j ustment when the eng i ne i s hot Too l : Tachometer SPARK PLUG I nspect i n i t i a l l y at 20 hours run - i n and every 100 hours or 1000km thereaf ter . Re p l ace every 6000km . Remove the spark p l ug w i th a speci al too l Spec i f i cat i on : DER7EA - 9(NGK) I f the el ectrode i s extremely worn or burnt , or spark plug has a broken insulator , damaged thread , etc , rep l ace the spark p l ug w i th a new one . 3-18 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment I n case o f carbon depos i t , c l ean w i th a proper too l . SPARK PLUG GAP Measure the spark p l ug gap w i th a fee l er gauge . Out of spec i f i cat i on : # Ad j ust 3 Spark p l ug gap : 0 . 8 - 0 . 9mm Caut i on : Check the thread size and reach when replaci ng the spark p l ug . I f the reach i s too short , carbon wi l l be depos i ted on the screw port i on of the spark p l ug ho l e and eng i ne damage may resu l t . Insta l l at i on : Caut i on : To avoid damag ing the cy l inder head threads; f i rst , t i ghten the spark p l ug w i th f i ngers , and then t i ghten i t to the speci f i ed torque us i ng the spark p l ug wrench . T i ghten i ng Torque: 18 N . m Too l : Spark P l ug Wrench , A i r F i l ter Fee l er Gauge Inspect every 50 hours or 500 km , c l ean i t every 1000km i f necessary . I f the a i r c l eaner i s c l ogged w i th dust , i ntake res i stance w i l l be i ncreased , w i th a resu l tant decrease i n power output and an increase in fuel consumpt ion. Check and clean the ai r f i l ter as fo l l ow i ng : Remove f i xi ng cl amp % and top cover & No te : Be carefu l not to drop the o - r i ng i nto the a i r f i l ter box that i s attached to the a i r f i l ter top cover . Loosen screw ', remove f i l ter e l ement (, separate support ), f i l ter e l ement , and f i l ter el ement seat 0. -Fi l l a wash pan of a proper size wi th a nonf l ammab l e c l ean i ng so l vent A . Immerse the f i l ter el ement i n cl ean i ng so l vent and wash it. - Press the f i l ter el ement between the pal ms of both hands to remove the excess so l vent . Do not tw ist or wr i ng the element or i t wi l l tear . - Immerse the e l ement i n eng i ne o i l B , and then squeeze out the excess o i l l eav i ng the e l ement s l i ght l y wet . 3-19 CFMOTO A - - Non - f l ammab l e cl ean i ng so l vent B 1 Eng i ne o i l SAE#30 or SAE15W / 40 . Never use w i th gaso l i ne or l ow f l ash po i nt so l vents to c l ean the f i l ter e l ement Inspect the f i l ter e l ement for tears . torn e l ement must be rep l aced . No te : The surest way to accel erate eng i ne wear i s to operate the eng i ne w i thout the e l ement or w i th torn el ement . Make sure that the ai r f i l ter el ement i s i n good cond i t i on at a l l t i mes . I f dr i v i ng under dusty cond i t i ons , c l ean the ai r f i l ter e l ement more f requent l y . Remove the drai n p l ug 2 of ai r box to dra i n out any water . Fue l Hose Inspect every 100 hours or 1000 km , rep l ace every 4 years . Inspect the fue l hose for damage and fuel l eakage . I f any damages are found , rep l ace the fuel hose w i th a new one. Dr i ve Be l t Remova l : Remove CVT cover Ho l d the pr i mary sheave w i th speci al too l and l oosen pr i mary sheave nut . Speci al Too l : Rotor Ho l der Remove pr i mary s l i d i ng sheave 1 ; Ho l d the secondary sheave w i th speci a l too l and l oosen secondary sheave nut . Remove secondary sheave together w i th dr i ve bel t . Speci al Too l : Rotor Ho l der Remove dr i ve be l t f rom secondary sheave 3-20 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment I nspect i on : Inspect dr i ve bel t for wear and damage. I f any cracks or damages are found , rep l ace dr i ve bel t w i th a new one. 3 Inspect dr i ve bel t for w i dth , i f w i dth i s out of serv i ce l i m i t , rep l ace dr i ve be l t w i th a new one. Serv i ce L i m i t : 33 . 5mm Too l : Vern i er Ca l i per I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remova l procedure for i nstal l at i on . Pay attent i on to the fo l l ow i ng : Insert dr i ve bel t , as l ow as poss i b l e, between secondary s l i d i ng sheave and pr i mary f i xed sheave . Ho l d secondary sheave w i th a speci al too l and t i ghten the nut to the speci f i ed torque. Nut , Secondary Sheave: 115 N . m Instal l pr i mary sheave and nut . Ho l d the pr i mary sheave w i th a spec i a l too l and t i ghten the nut to the speci f i ed torque. Nut , Pr i mary Sheave: 115N . m Turn pr imary sheave , unt i l the dr i ve bel t i s proper l y seated and both the pr i mary and secondary sheaves rotate together smooth l y and w i thout s l i pp i ng . Caut i on : - F i t the dr i ve bel t w i th the arrow on the dr i ve be l t po i nts toward norma l turn i ng d i rect i on . - The dr i ve bel t contact sur face of the dr i ven face shou l d be thorough l y cl eaned . Insta l l CVT cover 3-21 CFMOTO I nspect i on o f Lubr i cat i on System Rep l ace eng i ne o i l and o i l f i l ter i n i t i a l l y at 20 hours or 250km and every 100 hours or 1000km thereaf ter . Inspect the eng i ne o i l at every 10 hours . Check Eng i ne O i l Leve l - Keep the eng i ne i n a p l an pos i t i on . -Remove the f ixture A, f ixture B, then remove the l ef t s i de cover 1 . - Remove o i l d i p rod 2 -Clean oi l dip rod, insert oi l dip rod but do not t i ghten i t . - Take out o i l d i p rod and check i f o i l i s between upper and l ower l i m i t . - I f the engine oi l is insuf f icient , f i l l more o i l unt i l the suf f i ci ent o i l i s obtai ned . Eng i ne O i l : SAE15W / 40 c l ass i f i cat i on SF or SG No te : - Keep the eng i ne i n a p l an pos i t i on - Do not t i ghten o i l d i p rod when measur i ng o i l l eve l Rep l ac i ng Eng i ne O i l - Remove l ef t s i de cover 1 , o i l d i p rod 2 , drai n bo l t 3 and washer 4 . -Drain out the engine oi l whi le the engine is st i l l warm . - C l ean o i l d i p rod , dra i n bo l t and washer w i th so l vent . - Insta l l washer and dra i n bo l t . Drai n Bo l t : 30 N . m - F i l l eng i ne o i l . ( about 1900m l ) 3-22 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment - Insta l l o i l d i p rod , start the eng i ne and al low i t to run for several minutes at idl ing speed . - Turn of f the eng i ne and wa i t f or about 3 m inutes , and then check the o i l l evel on the 3 d i pst i ck . Caut i on : The eng i ne o i l shou l d be changed when the eng i ne i s warm . I f the o i l f i l ter shou l d be rep l aced , rep l ace eng i ne o i l at the same t i me . Rep l ac i ng O i l F i l ter - Remove re l at i ve parts ( see Rep l ac i ng En g i ne O i l ) - Remove o i l f i l ter % w i th the spec i al too l - Insta l l washer and drai n bo l t - Instal l new oi l f i l ter wi th the special tool - F i l l eng i ne o i l (about 2000m l ) and check (see Rep l ac i ng Eng i ne O i l ) Too l : O i l F i l ter Wrench Eng i ne O i l Capac i ty When rep l aci ng o i l : 1 . 9L When rep l aci ng o i l f i l er : 2 . 0 L Eng i ne overhau l : 2 . 2 L I nspect i on o f Externa l O i l P i pe Check external oi l pipe for leakage or damage. Leakage or Damage : # Rep l ace 3-23 CFMOTO I nspect i on o f cy l i nder pressure Check cy l i nder pressure i s necessary . Cy l i nder Pressure: 1000kpa A l ower cy l i nder pressure may be caused by : - Excess i ve wear of cy l i nder ; - Wear of p i ston or p i ston r i ng ; - P i ston r i ng j am i n groove; - Poor cl osure of val ve seat ; - Damaged cy l i nder gasket or other defects Note : When cy l i nder pressure too l ow, check the above i tems . Test i ng Cy l i nder Pressure Note : Before test i ng of cy l i nder pressure , make sure that cyl inder head bol ts are t ight ened to the speci f ied torque and valve clear ance has been proper l y ad j usted . - Warm up the eng i ne before test i ng ; - Make sure battery i s fu l l y charged ; - Remove spark p l ug 1 ; - Insta l l cy l i nder pressure gauge 2 i n spark p l ug ho l e and t i ghten nut ; - Keep thrott le fu l l open ; - Press start button crank the eng i ne a few seconds . Record the max i mum read i ng of cy l i nder pressure . Too l s : Cy l i nder Pressure Gauge Adaptor 3-24 3 . Checks & Ad j ustment I nspect i on o f O i l P ressu r e O i l Pressure : 1303170kpa at 3000r / m i n Lower or h i gher o i l pressure may be caused by : ! O i l p r essu r e i s t oo l ow - C l ogged o i l f i l ter ; 3 - Leakage f rom o i l passage ; - Damaged O - r i ng ; - O i l pump fai l ure ; - Comb i nat i on of above i tems ; " O i l p r essu r e i s t oo h i gh - O i l v i scos i ty i s too h i gh ; - C l ogged o i l passage ; - Comb i nat i on of above i tems ; Test i ng O i l Pressure - Remove bo l t %; - Connect tachometer & w i th i gn i t i on co i l - Instal l o i l pressure gauge ' and jo i nt seat to mai n o i l ga l l ery . - Warm up eng i ne as per fo l l ow i ng : Summer : 10 m i nutes at 2000r / m i n W i nter : 20 m i nutes at 2000r / m i n Af ter warm i ng up , i ncrease eng i ne speed to 3000r / m i n , and record read i ngs of o i l pres sure gauge . - Af ter test i ng , app l y thread l ocker to the thread i n the ho l e of ma i n o i l channel . In stal l bol t and t ighten to the speci f ied torque. T i ghten torque423N . m Too l s4O i l pressure gauge Tachometer 3-25 CFMOTO I nspect i on of C l utch Engagement and Lock - up CF188 - B eng i ne i s equ i pped w i th a centr i fu gal type automat i c cl utch . Before check i ng the i n i t i a l engagement and cl utch lock-up two i nspect ion checks must be per formed to thorough l y check the operat i on of the dr i ve trai n . I I n i t i a l Engagemen t I nspec t i on - Connect tachometer to i gn i t i on co i l - Start eng i ne - Sh i f t gear lever to *H igh+ posi t ion - S l ow l y i ncrease thrott le and note down the engi ne speed ( r / mi n) when the veh i cle starts to move forward . Engagement speed : 1800r / m i n32400r / m i n I f the engagement speed i s out of the above range, check the fo l l ow i ng : - C l utch shoes - C l utch shoe whee l - Pr i mary and secondary sheave Refer to Chapter 12 for inspect ion of clutch I I C l u t ch L ock - up I nspec t i on - Connect the tachometer to i gn i t i on co i l ; - Start the eng i ne ; - Sh i f t gear lever to *H igh+ pos i t i on ; - App l y f ront and rear brakes as f i rm l y as poss i b l e ; - Fu l l y open the thrott l e for a br i ef per i od and note the max i mum eng i ne speed obta i ned dur i ng the test cycl e. Lock - up Speed : 3300r / m i n33900r / m i n Warn i ng : Do not app l y f u l l power f or more than 5 seconds or damage to c l utch or eng i ne may occur . I f the l ock - up speed i s out o f the above range, check the fo l l ow i ng : - C l utch shoes - C l utch whee l - Pr i mary and secondary sheave Refer to Chapter 12 for inspect ion of clutch Too l : Tachometer 3-26 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System Overhaul Info !!!!!!!!!!4 - 1 Rad i ator and water hose check and c l ean!!4 - 9 Troub l e Shoot ing !!!!!!!!4 - 2 Coo l i ng fan check!!!!!!!!!!!!!4 -10 Per formance Overhau l !!!!!!4 - 3 Water temperature transducer check!!!!4 - 11 Reservo i r Tank !!!!!!!!!4 - 5 Water pump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4- 12 Addi ng Coo lant !!!!!!!!!4 - 6 Water pump check !!!!!!!!!!!!!4 -14 Coo l i ng system chart !!!!!!4 - 7 Water pump assemb l y and i nsta l l at i on!!!4 - 15 Engi ne Coo lant !!!!!!!!!4 - 8 Lubr icat i on system chart !!!!!!!!!4 - 19 O ve r h au l I n f o Caut i on : " I f the radiator cap is opened when the coolant temperature is above 100 #, the pressure of coolant temperature wi l l go down and get bo i led rap idl y. The steam jet may cause danger and injury. Cover the cap wi th a piece of cloth after the coolant temperature goes down and open the cap . "Inspect i on of coo l ant shou l d be done af ter the coo l ant i s fu l l y coo l ed . " Coo l ant i s po i sonous . Do not dr i nk or sp l ash i t to ski n , eye or cl oth . - I f coo l ant sp l ashes i n eyes , through l y wash your eyes w i th water and consu l t a docter . - I f coolant splashes on your clothes, quickly wash i t away wi th water and then wi th soap and water . - I f coo l ant i s swa l l owed , vo i mt i mmed i ate l y and see a phys i c i an . - Store the coo l ant proper l y and keep i t away f rom reach of the ch i l dren . " Check radiator f ins for mud block and / or damage. Correct the bent f ins. Clean of f the mud w i th water and compressed ai r . Rep l ace wi th a new one, i f the damaged f i n area reached 20% "The overhau l i ng of the water pump can done w i thout remov i ng the eng i ne . "Coo l ant f i l l i ng i s carr i ed through reservo i r tank. Do not open the rad i ator cap except when d i sassemb l i ng the coo l i ng system for f i l l i ng or drai nage of coo l ant . "Don$t stai n the pai nt i ng parts w i th coo l ant . In case of any coo l ant stai ns , f l ush w i th water i mmed i ate l y . " After di sassembly of the cool ing system, check the joints for leakage wi th a rad iator cap tester (avai l ab l e i n the market ) . " Refer to Chapter 10 for overhau l i ng of temperature transducer . I ns p ec t i o n s t an d a r d Standard I tem Coo l ant capaci ty Fu l l capaci ty 1140m l Reserv i or tank 300m l Standard dens i ty 50' Open i ng pressure of rad i ator cap Thermostat 108kpa%1 . 1kg f / cm 2 & Val ve open temperature Fu l l open l i f t 71 ( 3# under 95#)3 . 5 * 4 . 5mm T i g h t en i n g t o r q ue : Dra i nage bo l t , water pump : 8N"m%0 . 8kgf"m& Water pump i mpe l l er : 10N"m%1 . 0kgf"m& 4-1 4 T r o ub l e sh o o t i n g Wa t e r t empe r a t u r e r i ses t oo f as t "Improper rad i ator cap "A i r i n the coo l i ng system p i pe "Mal funct i on of water pump "Ma l funct i on of thermostat%thermostat i s not open& "C l ogged of rad i ator p i pe of coo l i ng p i pe "Damaged or c l ogged rad i ator f i ns "Coo l ant i s not enough "Fau l ty or ma l funct i on of fan motor No r i se or s l ow r i se o f water temperature "Mal funct i on of thermostat%thermostat i sn$ t cl osed& "Fau l ty c i rcu i t of water temperature d i s p l ay W a t e r l eakag e "Poor water sea l "O - r i ngs are aged , damaged or i mproper l y sea l ed "Washers are aged , damaged or i mproper l y sea l ed "Improper i nsta l l at i on of p i pes " Pipes are aged, damaged or improper ly sealed 4-2 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System P e r f o r m an ce O v e r h au l I nspec t i on o f coo l an t dens i t y Caut i on : Be sure to open the radiator cap after coolant i s coo l ed . Remove : Fron t top cover%+ 2 - 4& Rad i ator cap(counter cl ockw i se) 4 Check w i th a dens i meter i f the dens i ty of cool ant f i ts the temperature of us i ng p l ace; Check coo l ant for stai ns I nspec t i on o f t he r ad i a t o r cap Caut i on Be sure to open the rad i ator cap af ter cool ant i s coo l ed Remove : - Front top cover (+ 2 - 4) - Rad i ator cap( + 4 - 3) , Caut i on Appl y water on the seal ing sur face of radi ator cap , when at tach i ng the tester to the rad i ator cap App l y the spec i f i ed pressure( rad i ator cap opening pressure) for 6 seconds and make sure there i s no pressure drop . Open i ng p r essu r e o f r ad i a t o r cap : ! 1 . 1 kg f / cm 2 " 1 0 8 kP a! 4-3 P r essu r e t es t i ng o f coo l i ng sys t em App l y the spec i f i ed pressure( rad i ator cap opening pressure) for 6 seconds and make sure that there i s drop i n pressure Caut i on Do not app l y pressure over the spec i f i ed pressure[108kPa(1 . 1 kgf / cm2 ) ] , or the coo l i ng system may be damaged . In case there i s any pressure l eakage , check the p i pe , j o i nt par ts , j o i nts of water pump and drai nage(+ 4 - 5) Rep l ac i ng C oo l an t , A i r D i s ch a r ge P r epa r a t i on o f coo l an t Caut i on : Coo l ant i s po i sonous , DO NOT dr i nk ot sp l ash i t to ski n , eyes and c l othes - I f coo l ant sp l ashed i n your eyes , through l y wash your eyes w i th water and consu l t a doctor - I f coo l ant spl ashed on your cl othes , qu i ckl y wash i t away w i th water then w i th soap and water - I f coo l ant i s swa l l owed , i nduce vom i t i mme d i atel y and see a phys i ci an - Store the coo l ant proper l y and keep i t away f rom reach of ch i l dren Caut i on : M i x the coo l ant (und i l uted) w i th sof t water accord i ng to the temperature 5# l ower than the actua l l owest temperature i n the operat i on area . Coo l ant shou l d be made f rom und i l uted coo l ant w i th sof t water . S t anda r d dens i t y o f coo l an t : 50% Recommended coo l ant : CFMOTO coo l ant (D i rect app l i cat i on w i thout hav i ng to be d i l uted) D r a i nage o f coo l an t Remove t he r ad i a t o r cap Caut i on Open the rad i ator cap af ter the coo l ant i s coo l ed down . Remove : - Front top cover (+ 2 - 8) - Rad i ator Cap(+ 4 - 3) 4-4 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System Remove d r a i n bo l t Remove drai n bo l t , seal gasket f rom water pump , dra i n coo l ant . Af ter drai nage, assemb l e new sea l gasket and drai n bo l t and t i ghten . 4 R es e r v o i r T an k Remove : - Seat (+ 2 - 3) - Lef t S i de Cover (+ 2 - 6) - Two bo l ts of reservo i r tank - Water hoses of reservo i r tank Remove reservo i r tank Drai n co l l ant of reservo i r tank Wash c l ean the reservo i r tank Insta l l : - reservo i r tank - water hoses of reservo i r tank 4-5 A dd i n g C o o l an t Add coo l ant through f i l l i ng port Start the engine and discharge ai r from cool i ng system . Check f rom f i l l ing port that ai r i s fu l l y d i scharge f rom coo l i ng system and i nstal l the rad i ator cap Remove reservo i r tank cap and add coo l ant t i l l the upper l i m i t Caut i on : Check coo l an t l eve l when the veh i c l e i s on an even g r ound D i s ch a r g e D i scharge the a i r f rom coo l i ng system ac cord i ng to the fo l l ow i ng steps : 1 . Remove dra i n bo l t%+ 4 - 5&, d i scharge a i r and i nsta l l i t 2.Start the engine and run i t several minutes at i d l e speed 3.Quickly increase thrott le 3~4 t imes to discharge a i r f rom coo l i ng system 4 . Add coo l ant t i l l f i l l i ng port 5.Repeat step 2&3 t i l l no more coolant can be ref i l l ed 6 . Check coo l ant l eve l i n reservo i r tank and ref i l l t i l l upper l i m i t , i nsta l l reservo i r tank cap 4-6 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System Coo l i ng Sys t em 4 4-7 - E ng i n e Co o l an t The cool ing used in cool ing system is mixture of 50% d i st i l l ed water and 50% ethy l ene gl y co l ant i f reeze . Th i s 50 : 50 m i xture prov i des the opt i m i zed corros i on res i stance and f i ne heat protect i on . The coo l ant w i l l protect the coo l i ng system f rom f reez i ng at temperature above -30#, the mixing rat io of coolant should be i ncreased to 55% or 60% accord i ng to the f i gure on the r i ght . Note# . Use h i gh qual i ty ethy l ene g l yco l base an t i freeze and mixed wi th dist i l led water .Never m i x a l coho l base ant i f reeze and d i f ferent brands of ant i f reeze . The rat i o of ant i f reeze shou ld not be more than 60% or l ess than 50% . Do not use ant i - l eak add i t i ve Warn i ng ! .DO NOT open radiator cap when the engine is st i l l hot . Or you may be i n j ured by sca l d i ng f l u i d or steam ; . Coo lant i s harmfu l . DO NOT swal l ow or stai n your sk i n or eyes w i th coo l ant . In case of accidental swal low or stain, f lush wi th plenty of water and consu l t the doctor immed i atel y ; . Keep coo l ant away f rom reach of ch i l dren - I nspec t i on o f C oo l i ng C i r cu i t . Remove rad i ator cap / and connect tester 0 f i l l er Warn i ng ! DOT NOT open the rad i ator when the engi ne i s st i l l hot . Gi ve a pressure of 105kPa and check i f the cool i ng system can ho l d th i s pressure for 10 seconds . . I f the pressure drops dur ing 10 seconds , i t i nd i cates that there i s l eaakage w i th the coo l i ng system . In th i s case , check the com plete system and replace the leaking parts or components . Warn i ng ! . When remov i ng the rad i ator cap tester , put a rag on the f i l l er to prevent sp l ash o f coo l ant . DO NOT a l l ow a pressure to exceed the rad i ator cap re l ease pressure 4-8 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System - I n s p ec t i o n an d C l ean i n g o f R ad i a t o r and Wa t e r Hoses R ad i a t o r Cap . Remove rad i ator cap / . Instal l rad i ator cap to cap tester 0 .Slowly increase pressure to 108kPa and check i f the cap hol d the pressure for at l east 10 seconds 4 . I f t he cap can no t mee t t he p r essu r e requ i rement , repal ce i t Rad i a t o r Cap Va l ve Open i ng P r essu r e : S t an d a r d : 1 0 8 kP a To o l : Rad i a t o r C ap T es t e r Rad i a t o r I ns pec t i on and C l ean i ng . Remove d i rt or trash f rom rad i ator w i th compressed ai r . Cor rect the rad i ator f i ns w i th a sma l l screwdr i ver Rad i a t o r Hos e I nspec t i on . Check rad i ator hoses l eakage or damage. I f the hoses are l eakaged and damaged , rep l ace them . Check t i ghten i ng o f c l amps . Rep l ace the c l amps i f necessary . Af ter i nspect i on and c l ean i ng of rad i ator and hoses , check coo l ant l eve l . F i l l coo l ant i f necessary 4-9 I nspec t i on o f Fan Mo t o r . Remove fan motor f rom rad i ator . Turn the vanes and check i f they can turn smooth l y . Check fan motor .Make sure that the battery app l i es 12 vo l ts to the motor and the motor wi l l run at ful l speed whi le the ammeter wi l l i nd i cate the ampere not more than 5A . I f the motor does not work or the ampere exceeds the l i m i t , rep l ace the motor . Instal l at i on : App l y a l i tt l e thread l ocker to the bo l ts and t i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque . Fan Mo t o r Bo l t T i gh t en i ng To r que : 10N . m I n spec t i on o f T he r mos w i t ch . Remove thermosw i tch .Check the thermoswi tch for closing or opening by test ing i t at the bench as i l lustrated. Connect the thermosw i tch / to the c i rcu i t tester ,p l ace i t i n a vessel w i th eng ine oi l . P l ace the vessel above a stove. .Heat the oi l to raise the temperature slowly and take the readi ng f rom thermostat 0 when the thermosw i tch c l oses and opens . Too l : amme te r Th e r mo sw i t ch O pe r a t i ng T em pe r a t u r e : S t an d a r d : ( O FF - O N ) : A p p r o x . 8 8 $ ( ON - OFF ) : Appr ox . 82$ $ Note : . Avo i d sharp i mpact on thermosw i tch . Avo i d contact of thermosw i tch w i th ther mometer or vesse l .Instal lat ion:Use a new O- r ing 1 and t ighten the thermosw i tch to the speci f i ed torque: Thermosw i tch T i ghten i ng T i rque: 17N . m . Check coo l ant l evel af ter i nstal l at i on of thermosw i tch . F i l l coo l ant i f necessary . 4-10 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System - Inspect i on of Water Temperature Sensor . P lcae a rag under water temperature sensor / and remove i t f rom cyc l i nder head . Check the res i stance of water temperature sensor as i l l ustrated on ther i ght . Connect the temperat ure sensor 0 to the c i rcu i t tester ,p l ace i t i n a vessel w i th eng ine oi l . P l ace the vessel above a stove. To o l : oh mme t e r , t he r mo me t e r .Heat the oi l to raise the temperature slowly and take the read i ng f rom ohmmeter 2 and 4 thermometer 1. B R es i s t an ce an d Wa t er T emp er at u re T em pe ra tu re 50 80 100 154% 16 52% 4 27% 3 !" # Re s i st an ce !$ # ! C R es i st an ce an d W at er Temp er a tu re A! T em pe ra tu re -20 25 13.7116.94 1.8252.155 !" # Re s i st an ce ! k$# 80 110 0.3030.325 0.13830.1451 . Instal l at i on : App l y a l i tt l e thread l ocker and instal l i t to the cyl inder head by t ight en i ng to the speci f i ed torque. Water Temper atu r e Senso r T i ghten i ng To r que : 10N . m No t e :# # . Avo i d sharp i mpact on terperature sensor . Avo i d contact of temperature sensor w i th thermometer or vesse l .After instal lat ion,check the coolant level . F i l l coo l ant i f necessary . % I n sp ec t i o n o f T he r mo s t a t . Remove thermostat case . Remove thermostat 4-11 . Check ther mos tat pe l l et f or cracks . I f necessary , rep l ace i t . . Test the thermostat accord i ng to the fo l l ow i ng steps : 3 Pass a str ing between thermostat f l ange as i l l ustrated on the r i ght 3 Immerse the thermostat i n a beaker w i th water .Make sure that the thermostat is in the suspended pos i t i on w i thout contact to the vessel . Heat the water by p l ac i ng the beaker above a stove and observe the temperature r i se on a thermometer 3 Take the temperature read ing f rom thermometer when the thermostat va l ve opens The r mos t a t V a l ve Open i ng Tempe r a t u r e : 71 & 3 $ Too l : The rmomet er 3 Keep heat i ng the water to rai se the water temperature.When the water temperature reaches the spec i f i ed va l ve , the thermostat va l ve shou l d have been l i f ted by 3 . 5 - 4 . 5mm L i f t s t anda r d o f t he r mos t a t va l ve : w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e 9 5 $' l i f t s t a n d a r d i s 3 . 5 - 4 . 5m m 3 I f thermotat va l ve open i ng temperature or thermostat ve l ve l i f t does not reach the standards , rep l ace i t . . I nata l l thermostat : Reverse the remova l procedure for i nstal l at i on 3 App l y coo l ant to the rubber seal of ther mostat 3 I nsta l l thermostat case . T i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque : T i g h t e n i n g T o r q u e s : 1 0 N (m - Wa t e r Pu mp Remova l an d D i sas semb l y . Remove eng i ne l ef t s i de cover . Dra i n coo l ant Note# #Before dra i n i ng coo l ant , check water pump for o i l or coo l ant l eakage . In case of o i l l eakage , check the water pump o i l sea l , O- r ing. In case of coolant leakage, check the water sea l 4-12 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System . Remove c l amps and water hoses . Re l ease bo l ts and remove water pump . Remove O - r i ng No t e : Do no t r euse t he O - r i ng 4 . Remove the over f l ow tube . Rel ease water pump cover screws ,water pump cover and gasket . Remove r i ng and i mpe l l er . Remove seal r i ng / and rubber sea l 0 4-13 . Remove mechan i cal sea l w i th spec i a l too l Note# #The mechan i ca l sea l does not need to be moved , i f there i s no abnormal cond i t i on . Note : Do not reuse a removed mechan i ca l sea l . Put a rag on the water pump body . Reomve o i l sea l Note:The oi l seal does not need to be removed, i f there i s no abnorma l cond i t i on Note : Do not reuse a removed o i l sea l . Remove bear i ng w i th spec i a l too l Note :The bear ing does not need to be removed, i f there i s no abnorma l no i se Note : Do not reuse a removed bear i ng I nspec t i on o f Wa t e r Pump ) Bea r i ng . Check the bear i ng c l earance by hand , wh i l e i t i s st i l l i n the water pump body . Turn i nner race of bear i ng to check for abnormal no i se and smooth rotat i on . Rep l ace the bear i ng , i f there i s abnorma l cond i t i on ) M ech an i ca l Sea l . Check mechan i ca l sea l for damage , pay at tent i on to the seal face . In case of l eakage or damage , rep l ace the mechan i ca l sea l . I f nesessary , a l so rep l ace the sea l r i ng . 4-14 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System ) O i l S ea l . Check o i l sea l for damaged . Pay attent i on to the o i l seal l i p . . In case of damage or l eakage, rep l ace the o i l sea l 4 ) Wa t e r Pump Body . Chec l the mat i ng mace of water pump body w i th bear i ng and mechan i ca l sea l . I f damage , rep l ace i t ) Wa t e r Pump I m pe l l e r . Check the i mpe l l er and shaf t for damage. . I f the i mpe l l er or shaf t are damaged , re p l ace a new part Assemb l y and I ns ta l l a t i on o f Wat er Pump . Instal l o i l sea l w i th speci al too l ; T o o l #O i l Sea l I nsta l l er Note : The stamped mark on the o i l seal faces outs i de . . App l y a l i tt l e grease to the o i l seal l i p 4-15 . Insta l l mechan i ca l sea l w i th a su i tab l e socket wrench . No t e : App l y sea l an t to s i de 4A5 o f me chan i ca l sea l . Instal l bear i ng w i th spec i a l too l T oo l : Bea r i n g I n s t a l l e r Note : The stamped mark on the bear i ng faces outs i de . . Instal l seal r i ng to i mpe l l er . Cl ean of f the oi l and grease f rom mechan i ca l sea l and i nstal l i nto the i mpe l l er N o t e :4A5s i de o f mechan i ca l sea l f aces i mpe l l er . App l y grease to i mpe l l er shaf t . Insta l l i mpel l er shaf t to water pump body 4-16 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System . Instal l r i ng to water pump shaf t . Instal l new gasket to water pump body 4 . Insta l l water pump cover and t i ghten the bo l ts and b l eed bo l t Water Pump Cover Bo l ts T i ghten i ng T o r q u e : 6 N (m . Check i mpe l l er for smooth turn i ng . Instal l the new O - r i ng Note : . Use the new O - r i ng to prevent l eakage . App l y grease to O - r i ng . Insta l l the over f l ow tubes 4-17 . Insta l l water pump and t i ghten the bo l ts to the speci f i ed torque Wa t e r pump bo l t s t i gh t en i ng t o r que : 10N( (m Note : Set the water pump shaf t s l ot end 4B5 to o i l pump sha f t f l at s i de 4A5. . Connect water hoses . Add coo l ant . Instal l l ef t s i de cover 4-18 4 Coo l i ng and L i br i cat i on System 4 4-19 Add grease to the eng i ne parts(p i ston , cy l i n der body , camshaf t and so on) wh i ch run at h i gh speed Eng i ne l ubr i cat i on shou l d be spec i a l o i l . Eng i ne o i l i s not on l y used as l ubr i cat i on , but also used to wash, rustproof ,seal and cool . I nspect i on o f L u b r i c a t i o n s y s t e m !* 3 - 22" I nspect i on o f eng i ne o i l pump and l i m i t pressure 4-20 v a l v e !* 6 - 4 1 " 5 Removal and Installation of Engine,Drive Traina and Gearshift Unit Overhaul Info###############5-1 Remova l and Insta l l at i on of Front and Rear Alex ##################5-5 R emo v a l an d I n s t a l l a t i o n o f G ea r s h i f t Engi ne Removal and Instal l at ion##### 5-2 Uni t####################5-7 Overhau l Info Operat i on Caut i ons !Secure l y support the ATV w i th bracket when remov i ng or i nsta l l i ng eng i ne . Take care not to damage f rame , eng i ne body , bo l ts and cab l es" !Warp the f rame to avo i d anyy poss i b l e damage when remov i ng or i nsta l l i ng the eng i ne" !Fo l l ow i ng operat i on doesn#t requ i re remova l of eng i ne f rom the veh i c l e : Oi l pump Carburetor, air filter Cylinder head cover, cylinder head, cylinder body, camshaft CVT system, CVT cover Gearbox Right side cover, AC magneto, water pump Piston, piston ring, piston pin Following operation require removal of engine from vehicle: Crankshaft Tightening torque: Engine front upper mounting bolt: Engine front rear mounting bolt: Bolt, engine front rear mounting bracket Bolt, engine front upper mounting bracket 35N!45N"m 40!50N"m 35!45N"m 35!45N"m 5-1 5 CFMOTO Engine Removal Remove: —Plastic( --Chapter 2) —Air Filter( -Engine service chapter) —Carburetor (-Engine service chapter) —Clamp —Water Inlet Hose Remove screw Remove gearshift rod Remove clamp Remove water outlet hose Remove Sleeve. Remove connectors of magneto, enriching device lead, pickup, water temperature transducer, gear sensor as illustrated on the right. 5-2 5 Removal and Installation of Engine,Drive Traina and Gearshift Unit Remove spark plug cap from cylinder 5 Remove protection sleeve of starter relay. Remove Nut. Disconnect positive wire of starter relay. Remove nut. Remove negative wire of starter relay. 5-3 CFMOTO Remova l Bo l t (4 un i ts) of Eng i ne. 5-4 5 Removal and Installation of Engine,Drive Traina and Gearshift Unit Eng i ne I nsta l l at i on Put eng i ne onto the f rame , i nsta l l the two l ower mount i ng bo l ts and nuts Tightening torque: ! Engine lower hanger bolt:50!60N"m Install: —Water outlet and inlet hoses to engine with proper clamps. —Positive and negative starting wires to engine. —Connect all the connectors. —Spark plug cap. —Gearshift rod to engine. 5 —Air filter, carburetor and removed parts. Removal and Installation of Front and Rear Axle Support the vehicle with jack, make sure the vehicle will not fall. Remove: P l ast i c par ts f or f ram $ ( % Chapter 2& Front and rear whee l s and arms$% Chapter 8 & A i r f i l ter$% Chapter 7& Ca rbure to r$% Chapt er 7& Eng i ne Rear brake Ca l i per$% Chapter 7& 5-5 CFMOTO Remove nut and bolt of front axle from frame. Remove nut and bolt of rear axle from frame. 5-6 5 Removal and Installation of Engine,Drive Traina and Gearshift Unit Remove the 18 bo l ts f or dr i ve sha f ts and f ront and rear ax l es$Refer to 5'bo l t 3) Remove Front and rear axl es , dr i ve shaf ts , rear brake d i sc I nsta l l at i on Reverse the remova l procedure for Insta l l a t i on T i ghten i ng torque : Bo l t , f ront Bo l t , rear a x l e !4 0 - 5 0 N "m a x l e !4 0 - 5 0 N "m B o l t , f r o n t an d r e a r d r i v e s h a f t s !4 0 - 5 5 0 N "m Gea r sh i f t Un i t Remove l e f t and r i ght s i de pane l $% 2 - 6& Fue l tank top cover$% 2 - 8& F r on t f ende r $% 2 - 8& Bo l t 1 Gearsh i f t rod Remove the 3 bo l ts Remove gearsh i f t un i t I nsta l l at i on : Reverse the remova l procedure for i nsta l l a t i on Make sure that gearsh i f t i s f l exi b l e. In case of any inf lexibi l i ty,adjust the gearsh i f t rod to ensure the gear en gagement 5-7 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion 6 Engine Removal, Inspection and Installation !Engine Removal/Installation Orders and the Relative Page Numbers tem DES Water Hose/Pipe gine iphery Left Side Cover Recoil Starter gine nt Side Spark Plug Cylinder Head Cover Tensioner Camshaft Cylinder Head/Tensioner Plate Cylinder/Timing Chain Guide Piston Starting Motor Oil Filter ngine Sector Gear ft side Water Pump Sheave Drum Left Crankcase Cover/ Magneto Stator Magneto Rotor Starting Driven Gear Starting Dual Gear/Idle Gear Oil Pump Sprocket and Chain CVT Cover Drive Belt Primary Sheave/Secondary Sheave ngine CVT Housing/Clutch Outer Face ht side Clutch Timing Chain ngine enter Gear Position Bolt Right Crankcase Front Output Shaft Components Driven Bevel Gear Components Shift Cam Guide Bar, Fork Drive Bevel Gear Components Main Transmission Shaft Transmission Counter Shaft Balancer Shaft Crankshaft Oil Pump, Pressure-limiting Valve Left Crankcase Disassembly 3-2 3-2 3-2 3-2 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-10 3-10 3-10 3-11 3-11 3-11 3-11 3-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 3-13 3-13 Inspection / Maintenance 2-11 3-49 2-4 3-14 3-24 3-21 3-15/3-23 3-24/3-23 3-25 6-3 2-9 5-7 3-48 3-48 3-47 3-47 3-48 3-51 3-36 3-30 3-51 3-28 3-23 3-52 3-43 3-43 3-40 3-39 3-42 3-38 3-38 3-46 3-27 3-41 3-52 Assembly Remarks 3-69 3-69 3-68 3-68 3-66 3-67 3-65 3-64 3-64 3-62 3-62 3-62 3-61 3-61 3-60 3-60 3-60 3-59 3-59 3-59 3-58 3-57 3-57 3-57 3-56 3-56 3-56 3-56 3-55 3-55 3-55 3-55 3-55 3-54 3-54 3-54 3-54 3-53 6 es: Arrowhead direction is for engine removal orders. Reverse the direction for assembly and installation 6-1 " Eng i ne Remova l ! Preparat ion before engine removal " Prepare a proper tray used for l oad of components " Prepare necessary remova l and assemb l y too l s " Dra i n up eng i ne o i l $3 - 22& " Dra i n up coo l ant$3 - 15& ! Engine Periphery Water Hose/Pipe " Remove water hose clamp '()*Remove water hose + " Remove screw , and water hose Left Side Cover "Remove 6 bolts(M6X20) of left side cover# $M6 % 20&,Remove left side cover # Recoil Starter " Remove 4 bolts$M6 % 12&of recoil starter Remove recoil starter. Inspection Plug "Remove inspection plug/wi th screwdr iver !Engine Front Side Spark Plug " Remove spark plug 0 with special wrench Tool: Spark Plug Wrench " Turn crankshaft, align T.D.C. line A on magneto rotor with mark B of left crankcase (p i ston on T . D . C& 6-2 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion Cylinder Head Cover "Remove valve adjusting cover "Remove12 bolts of cylinder head cover "Remove cylinder head cover Timing Chain Tensioner "Remove screw plug', insert a flat screwdriver into slot of timing chain tensioner adjuster , turn it 6 clockwise to lock tensioner spring; " Remove tensioner fix bolt " Remove tensioner and gasket Camshaft " Loosen timing sprocket bolt; "Remove timing sprocket bolt and lock; 6-3 "Remove C-ring' "Remove timing sprocket from camshaft, remove camshaft Note: Take care not to drop spacer, bolt, bolt lock and C-ring into crankcase. "Remove tensioner plate Cylinder Head "Remove cylinder head bolt "Remove cylinder head bolts diagonally; "Remove cylinder head Note : Take care not to drop dowe l p i n i nto crankcase Cylinder "Remove dowel pin and cylinder head gasket " Remove timing chain guide' 6-4 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion "Remove cylinder bolt "Remove cylinder Note#Take care not to drop dowel pin into crankcase "Remove dowel pin and cylinder gasket Note#When performing above removal process, be sure to hook up timing chain to prevent it from falling into crankcase Piston " Remove piston pin circlip ' with long nosed pliers Note#Put a clean rag under piston so as not to drop piston pin circlip into crankcase 6 " Remove piston pin ) and piston + Note# " When installing piston, make sure its identification conforms to that of cylinder "When removing piston pin, clean off burrs of piston pin hole and groove. If it is difficult to remove the piston, DO NOT hammer, use a special remover , Tool: Piston Pin Remover !Engine Left Side Starting Motor "Remove 2 bolts of starting motor "Remove starting motor 6-5 Oil Filter "Remove oil filter with special tools Tool: Oil filter Remover Sector Gear "Remove bolt 1 of gearshift rocker arm "Remove gasket 2 and gearshift rocker arm 3 "Remove bolt of sector gear housin cover "Remove wire clip and sector gear housing cover "Remove dowel pin and gasket "Remove drive sector gear 4 "Remove bolt 5 of driven sector gear "Remove washer 6 and driven sector 7 6-6 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion Water Pump "Screw out bolt of water pump "Remove water pump Sheave Drum "Remove the sheave drum by using a suitable bar; "Remove washer and sheave drum Left Crankcase Cover " Remove bolts; " Remove left crankcase cover " Remove dowel pin and gasket 6 Magneto Rotor "Install attachment 1 to crankshaft end " Install special tool to rotor thread; Remove rotor and woodruff key Tool: Rotor Remover 6-7 Starting Motor Gear "Remove driven gear 1 and needle bearing "Remove spacer 2 "Remove dual gear and shaft 3 "Remove idle gear and shaft 4 Oil Pump Sprocket and Chain "Remove drive sprocket nut 5 "Remove C-ring 6 "Remove oil pump drive and driven sprockets and chain 6-8 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion ! Engine Right Side CVT Cover "Remove bolt of CVT cover "Remove CVT cover "Remove gasket and dowel pin CVT(Continuously Variable Transmission) "Remove primary sheave nut with special tool "Remove primary sliding sheave "Remove secondary sheave nut with special tools 6 "Remove secondary sheave "Remove drive belt Tool: Sheave Holder "Remove primary fixed sheave' "Remove bolt for air guide plate,Remove air guide plate 6-9 CVT Case "Remove bolt 1 of CVT case "Remove nut 2 of CVT case "Remove outer clutch face and CVT case "Remove dowel pin, front and rear gasket Clutch "Remove clutch shoe fixing nut with special tool "Remove clutch shoe Note#The clutch shoe nut has left-hand threads Timing Chain "Remove timing chain 6-10 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion ! Engine Center Gear position bolt " Remove gear position bolt ' "Remove spring and steel ball Right Crankcase "Remove left crankcase bolts "Remove right crankcase bolts 6 "Separate right crankcase with special tool Caution "The Crankcase separator plate should be parallel with the end face of crankcase "Crankshaft should remain in the left crankcase half. Tool: Crankcase separator Driven Bevel Gear, Front Output Shaft " Remove bevel gear cover bolt " Remove driven bevel gear + " Remove front output shaft nut , 6-11 " Remove Oil seal '(Bearing limit nut ) $l e f t ro l l & "Remove Front Output Shaft, Shift Cam, Fork/Shaft " Remove Shift Cam -(Fork /Shaft #1 Drive Bevel Gear "Remove left crankcase from driven bevel gear Drive Shaft, Drive Shaft "Remove drive shaft.and driven shaft/ Balancer Shaft " Remove balancer shaft1 6-12 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion Crankshaft "Separate crankshaft from left crankcase with special tool Tool: Crankshaft Separator Oil bump, Relief Valve " Remove oil bump and relief valve1 6 6-13 $ Engine Components Inspection Cylinder Head Cover ! Disassembly Caution#Each removed part should be identified to its location, and the pars should be laid out in groups designated as ¡°Exhaust¡±, ¡°Intake¡±, so that each will be restored to the original location during assembly. "Remove rocker arm shaft bolts A "Remove rocker arm shaft by using M6 bolts B Cylinder Head Cover Distortion Clean off sealant from the fitting surface of cylinder head cover, place cylinder head cover on a surface plate and measure distortion with a thickness gauge. Cylinder head Cover Distortion Limit: 0.05mm Tool: Thickness Gauge Distortion out of range: --Replace Note#Cylinder head cover and cylinder head should be replaced together. Rocker Arm Shaft "Measure out diameter of rocker arm shaft with a micrometer. Rocker Arm Shaft O.D.: (IN, EX) Limit: 11.973~11.984mm Tool: Micrometer (0~25mm) 6-14 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion Rocker Arm "When checking the rocker arm, check the inner diameter of the valve rocker arm and wear of the camshaft contact surface. " Rocker Arm I.D. : .000~12.018mm Tool: Dial Calipers ! Assembly Note#Intake rocker arm shaft A has oil holes. "Apply engine oil to rocker arms and shafts; "Install rocker arms and tighten rocker arm shaft to 6 the specified torque: Rocker Arm Shaft Bolt: 28N.m Cylinder Had ! Disassembly "Remove intake pipe "Remove water temperature sensor'and thermostat cover) 6-15 "Remove thermostat "Compress the valve spring and remove valve cotter with tweezers. Tools: Valve Spring Compressor Tweezers "Remove valve spring upper seat and valve spring "Remove valve from the other side. "Remove valve stem seal ring and valve lower seat. 6-16 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion Cylinder Head Distortion "Clean off carbon deposit from combustion chamber; "Check the gasket surface of the cylinder head for distortion with a straightedge and thickness gauge. Take clearance readings from several places. If any clearance reading is out of the service limit, replace with a new cylinder head. Cylinder Head Distortion Service Limit: 0.05mm Tool: Thickness Gauge Valve Seat Width "Coat the valve seat with color uniformly. Fit the valve and tap the coated seat with the valve face in a rotating manner. To get a clear impression of the seating contact, use a valve lapper to hold the valve head. "The ring-like dye impression on the valve face should be continuous, without any break. The width 6 of the dye ring, which is the visualized seat width, should be within the following range: Valve Seat Width: 0.9-1.1mm Tool: Valve Lapper Valve Stem and Valve Guid "Lift the valve about 10mm from valve seat. Check the valve stem deflection in the directions of X and Y perpendicular to each other, with a dial gauge. If the deflection measured is out of the limit, replace either the valve or the valve guide. (If the valve stem is worn to the limit and the clearance is found to be in excess of the limit, replace the valve. If the valve stem is within the limit, replace the valve guide. Double check the clearance after replacing the valve stem or the guide). Valve Stem Deflection (IN & EX): 0.35mm Tool: Micrometer Magnetic Stand 6-17 Valve Stem O.D "Measure valve stem O.D with a micrometer Service Limit: IN: 4.975-4.990mm EX: 4.955-4.970mm Tool: Micrometer (0-25mm) Valve Stem Run-out " Support valve stem with V block as illustrated on the right. Check the run-out with a dial gauge. Service Limit: 0.05mm Tool: Magnetism Stand Dial Gauge (1/100) V block Valve Head Radial Run-out " Measure the val ve head radi a l run out as i l lustrated on the r ight . Valve head Radial Run-out out of range:--Replace Service Limit: 0.03mm Tool: Dial Gauge (1/100) Magnetism Stand V Block Valve Face Wear " Check each valve face for wear or damage. Replace valve with a new one if it is found to have abnormal wear. Measure valve head thickness T. Valve head thickness T out of range: ---Replace Service Limit: 0.5mm Tool : Vernier Cal iper Valve Stem End "Check valve stem end for pitting or wear. In case of any pitting or wear, resurface the valve stem end. If the length T is less than service limit, replace valve with a new one. Valve Stem End Length Service Limit: 2.1mm Tool: Vernier Caliper 6-18 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion Valve Spring Valve Spring keeps valve and valve seat tight. Weakened spring results in reduced engine power output and chattering noise from valve mechanism. "Measure the spring free length. Spring free length out of range: --Replace Service Limit: 38.8mm Tool: Vernier Caliper. " Measure the force to compress the spring to the specified length. Valve spring tension out of range: ---Replace Service Limit: (IN/EX) 182N-210N/31.5mm Tool: Spring Scale. "Measure valve spring incline. Spring incline out of range:--Replace Valve Spring Incline Limit: 2.5o/1.7mm 6 ! Assembly of Cylinder Head "Install each valve spring seat; "Apply moly oil to valve stem seal and fit into position. Mater ial : Moly oi l Note: Do not reuse the valve stem seal. " Insert the valves, with stems coated with moly oil all around. Note: When inserting the valve, be careful not to damage the lip of the stem seal. 6-19 "Install valve spring with small-pitch end (b) facing cylinder head. Big-pitch end (a) is marked. "Put on the valve spring retainer. Use the valve spring compressor to press down the spring. Fit the two cotter halves to the stem end and release compressor to allow the cotter ' to wedge in between seat and stem. Make sure that the rounded lip ) of the cotter fits into the groove + in the stem end. Tool: Valve Spring Compressor Tweezers NOTE: Knock the valve end with rubber hammer. Make sure valve cotter is fit into groove. "Check the sealing effectiveness of cylinder head. Dip clean solution into valve IN/EX' and check for any leakage of valve seat)after a few minutes. 6-20 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion " Install thermostat "Install thermostat cover "Install water temperature sensor, apply thread locker to the thread part, tighten it to the specified torque. Water temperature sensor Tightening torque: 10 N.m 6 "Install intake pipe, apply lubricant to 0-ring. Camshaft Check camshaft for wear and run-out of cams and journals if the engines produces abnormal noise or vibration or lacks power output. Any of these symptoms could be caused by wear of camshaft. Note: Do not try to disassemble the camshaft/auto- matic decompression assembly. It is not serviceable 6-21 "Automatic Decompression Move the automatic decompression weight with hand and check if it is operating smoothly. If it is not working smoothly, replace with a new camshaft/ automatic decompression assembly. " Cam Wear Worn cams can often cause mistimed valve operation resulting in reduced power output. The limit ofcam wear is specified for both IN and EX cams in terms of cam height2a3Measure with a micrometer the cam height. Cam height service limit: IN: 33.130mm EX: 33.200mm Tool : micrometer (25-50mm) " Camshaft Journal Wear Check whether each journal is worn to the limit by measuring camshaft journal oil clearance with the camshaft installed. Camshaft journal oil clearance#0 . 15mm Check according to the following steps: 4Clean off materials from cylinder head and cover; 4 Install camshaft with plastic gauge; 4Install cylinder head cover and tighten bolts evenly and diagonally to the specified torque: Tightening torque #10 N5m 4Remove cylinder head cover, read the width of the compressed plastic gauge with envelop scale. The reading should be taken from the widest part. Tool: Plastid Gauge Note: Do not turn the camshaft with plastic gauge in place. If the camshaft journal oil clearance exceeds the limit,measure the outer diameter of camshaft; Replace either cylinder head set or the camshaft if theclearance is not correct. 6-22 6 Engine Removal , Inspect ion & Instal lat ion " Camshaft Journal O.D. Measure camshaft journal O.D. with a micrometer. If the O.D. is out of range, replace camshaft with a new one. Camshaft journal O.D. service l imi t : Sprocket end: 22.959 mm 6 21.980mm Other end: 17.466mm 6 17.484mm Tool : micrometer (0-25mm) "Camshaft Run-out Measure the run-out with a micrometer. Replace camshaft is the run-out is out of range. Service limit: 0.10mm Timing Sprocket and Chain "Check timing sprocket and chain for wear or damage. Replace with new parts if abnormal wear or damageis 6 found. " Tensioner and Chain Guide Check contact surface of tensioner and chain guide for wear and damage. Replace with news parts if abnormal wear or damage is found. 6-23 CFMOTO Chain Tensioner Inspect ion #Check tensioner for any damage or poor function. Damage, poor function:—Replace inspect way of working stability ! Insert screw driver " into the slotted end of adjusting screw, turn it clockwise to loosen the tension and release the screwdriver. !Check the push rod movement. If the push rod is stuck or there is a failure with spring mechanism, replace the chain tensioner with a new one. Clyinder Cylinder Distortion #Check the gasket face of cylinder for distortion with a straightedge and thickness gauge and take clearance readings at 7 points as illustrated. If the largest reading at any of the 7 points of the straightedge is out of the range, replace the cylinder. Cylinder Distortion Service Limit: 0.05mm Tool: Straight edge Thickness Gauge Cylinder Bore #Check cylinder wall for scratches, nicks or other damage. Replace with a new one if any #Measure cylinder bore diameter at three points of upper, middle and lower. Standard Cylinder Bore: 87 . 500 - 87 . 522mm Tool: Cylinder Gauge Set 6-24 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion Piston Piston Diameter Use a micrometer to measure the diameter at the point 10mm above the piston end, as illustrated on the right. If the measurement is less that the limit, replace the piston Standard : 87 . 460 - 87 . 480mm Limit : 87 . 380mm Tool:Micrometer (75-100mm) Calculate the piston to cylinder clearance according to the abovemeasurement.If the clearance is more than 0.15mm, replace the cylinder or piston, or both. Piston Ring to Groove Clearance Use a thickness gauge to measure the side clearance of topt ring and 2nd ring. If the clearance exceeds the limit, replace both 6 piston and piston rings. Service Limit: Top ring!0 . 18mm 2nd ring : 0 . 15mm Standard width of piston ring groove Top ring!1 . 03 - 1 . 05mm 2nd ring:1 . 22 - 1 . 24mm Oil ring : 2 . 51 - 2 . 53mm Standard thickness of piston ring Top ring!0 . 970 - 0 . 990mm 2nd ring : 1 . 170 - 1 . 190mm Tools: Thickness gauge Micrometer (0-25mm) 6-25 CFMOTO Piston Ring Free End Gap and End Gap Before installing piston rings, use vernier caliper to measure the free end gap of each ring, and then fit ring into the cylinder. Use thickness gauge to measure each ring end gap, if any ring has an excess end gap, replace the piston ring Piston ring free end gap limit: Top ring!8 . 9mm 2nd ring!9 . 5mm Piston ring end gap limit: Top Ring!0 . 60mm 2nd ring !0 . 60mm Tool: Vernier caliper Thickness gauge Piston Pin and Pin Bore #Use a bore gauge to measure the inner diameter of piston pin bore.Use micrometer to measure outer diameter of piston pin.If out of limit, replace both piston and piston pin. Piston pin bore limit: 23.030mm #Use micrometer to measure piston pin outer diameter at three points Piston pin outer diameter limit: 22.980mm Tools: Bore gauge (18-35mm) Micrometer (0-25mm) 6-26 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion ConnectingRod/Crankshaft Connecting rod small end I.D. # Use a dial gauge to measure the I.D. of connecting rod small end. If the measurement exceeds the limit,replace the connecting rod. Connecting rod small end I.D. : 23.040mm Tool: Dial Gauge (18-35mm) Connecting Rod Deflection #Check the movement of the small end of the rod and inspect the wear of the small end. Thismethod is also applicable to check and inspection of big end Connecting Rod Deflection: 3.0mm Tools: Dial Gauge Magnetic stand V-block 6 Connecting Rod Big End Side Clearance # Push the big end to one side, and use thickness gauge to measure the other side clearance. If out of limit, replace with a new crankshaft. Connecting Rod big end side clearance: 1.0mm Tool: Thickness Gauge Crankshaft Run-out #Support crankshaft with blocks as illustrated. Put the dial gauge, slowly turn the crankshaft and measure run-out with a dial gauge. If the run-out exceeds the limit, correct or replace the crankshaft. Run out limit: 0.08mm Tools: dial gauge Magnetic stand V-block 6-27 CFMOTO Clutch inspection #Check clutch for chipping, scrape, uneven wear or heat discoloration. At the same time check depth of the grooves of clutch shoes. If any of the clutch shoes has no groove, replace the clutch. Note: clutch should be replaced as aset. Clutch Wheel #Check the inner clutch wheel " for scratches, scuffs or bluediscoloration or unevenwear. If anydamageis found, replace the clutch wheel with a newone. # for scratches, scuffs or blue discoloration or uneven wear. If any damage is found, replace the clutch wheel with a new one. !Use special tool to remove oil seal Tool: Oil seal remover ! Use special tool to assemble oil seal Tool: Oil seal installer set !Check the turning of bearing. Abnormal damage: —Replace Assembly Apply lubricant grease to oil seal when assembling. 6-28 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion Primary and Secondary Sheave 6 6-29 CFMOTO Primary Sliding Sheave Disassembl # Remove spacer # Remove Cam " rol ler $ Roller inspection #Check each roller and sliding face for wear and damage. Wear and damage:—Replace Note: rollers should be replaced as a set. Oil Seal inspection #Check oil seal lip for wear and damage. Wearanddamage: —Replace # Remove the oil seal 6-30 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion Primary Sliding Sheave and Fixed Sheave #Check the drive face for any abnormal conditions such as damage or stepped wearing.Replace if necessary. # Install oil seal with special tool. Tool: Bearing install set Assembly Reverse the removal procedure of primary sliding and fixed sheave for installation. Pay attention to the following: #Apply grease to inner bore and oil seal lip. 6 Note: Wipe off any excessive grease thoroughly; Take care not to attach any lubricant grease to contact surface of drive belt. Material: Lubricant grease #Position 8 rollers"on the primary sliding sheave % # Install 4 dampers $ to cam &% #Install cam to primary sliding sheave. % Note: When inserting the spacer, press down the cam so that the rollers will not come out of position. 6-31 CFMOTO # Install spacer Secondary Sheave Disassembly #Use special tool and holder to hold the secondary sheave. Remove secondary sheave nut with special tool% Caution:Do not remove the ring nut before attaching theclutch spring compressor. Tool: Nut Wrench Sheave Holder #Attach special tool to the secondary sliding sheave and compress it by turning in the tool handle. Note: Make sure that spring end A is inserted into slot B of the tool handle #Remove ring nut. % Tool: Secondary sliding sheave spring compressor Note: Since a high spring force applies to the secondary sliding sheave, take special care that the secondary sliding sheave will not come off abruptly #Slowly loosen tool handle and remove the special tool. 6-32 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion # Remove spring "% # Remove spring seat $% # Remove guide pin and spacer% # Remove secondary sliding sheave &% 6 O-ring and Oil Seal Check the O-ring and oil seal for wear and damage. WearandDamage: —Replace # Remove Oil Seal% 6-33 CFMOTO # Install oil seal with special tool. Tool: Bearing install set #Use vernier caliper to check the spring free length. If the length is shorter than the service limit, replace with a new one. Service Limit: 145.4mm Secondary Sliding and Fixed Sheave: #Check drive face for any abnormal condition such as stepped wear or damage. Replace if necessary. Assembly #Install a new O-ring #Apply lubricant grease to O-ring, oil seal lip and guide pin groove. Material: lubricant grease 6-34 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion # Install guide pin and spacer " Note: To avoid damage to the oil seal lip during assembly, slide the lip with a 0.1mm steel sheet as guide. # Install spring seat. Align hole A with hole B. #Install spring and spring plate. Insert spring end into the hole. 6 # Compress spring with special tool. #Align the secondary sheave end with spring plate hole Tool: Secondary sheave spring compressor # Tighten ring nut temporarily% #Remove the special tool from secondary sheave% 6-35 CFMOTO # Tighten the ring nut with special tool to the specified torque.% Ring Nut Tightening Torque: 1 00 N" "m Tool: Ring nut wrench Sheave holder Drive belt #Check bel t for any greasy substance. # Check contact surface of bel t for any cracks and damage; # check bel t width wi th veni re cal iper In casse of damage, width out of range, replace with new one. Bel t width service l imi t :33 .5mm Tool : verni re cal iper Warning: I f bel t surface is stained wi th grease or oi l ,degrease the bel t thoroughly. 6-36 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion Transm i ss i on D i sassemb l y 6 I tem Qty I tem 1 MAINSHAFT. GEARSHIFT 1 10 2 SHIFT CAM 1 11 3 RIGHTCRANKCASE 1 12 1 14 GUIDE BAR 1 1 15 DRIVEN SHAFT 1 1 16 SPRING, SHIFT FORK 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 Descr i pt i on LEFT CRANKCASE DRIVENSECTORGEAR SPROCKET, REVERSEGEAR CHAIN, REVERSEGEAR DRIVENOUTPUTGEAR DRIVE SECTORGEAR 1 1 1 13 17 18 Descr i pt i on DRIVENGEAR, HIGH RANG DRIVENGEAR, LOWRANGE SPRING, SHIFT FORK RIGHT SHIFT FORK LEFT SHIFT FORK SHIFT FORK ASSEMBLY Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 6-37 CFMOTO Inspect ion #Inspect dr ive bevel gear and sprocket for stains, scratch or damage, replace i f necessary. #Inspect reverse gear chain for damage, wear , replace i f necessary. # Disassemble counter i l lustrat ion. shaft as #Inspect bear ing surfaces for stains, damage or wear and also for bear ing gaskets. Replace i f necessary. 6-38 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion # Check the shi ft fork clearance wi th a thickness gauge in the groove of i ts gear .Replace i f clearance exceeds the l i m i t .% Shi ftfork to Groove clearance Standard'0 . 10 - 0 . 30mm Servi ce L imi t : 0 . 50mm # Measure shi ft fork groove width wi th vern i er ca l i per % Standard shift fork groove width: '6 . 05 - 6 . 15mm # Measure shi ft fork thickness wi th vern i er ca l i pers% 6 Standard fork thickness'5 . 80 -5 . 90mm #Check shi ft fork " and $ for damage or bend, replace i f necessary. # Instal l shi ft fork to guide bar and move l e f t and r i ght . In case of any unsmooth moving, replace with a new one. 6-39 CFMOTO #Put the guide bar on a f lat place and rol l i t . In case of any bend, repl ace wi th a new one% Note! !DO NOT attempt to correct a bent guide bar . # Check shi ft fork spr ing for damage, repal ce i f necessary% #Check shi ft cam groove for scratches, damage.Replace i f necessary; Assembly Reverse the removal procedure for assembly. Pay attent ion to the fol lowing' No te! # Use new retainers. Pay attent ion to the di rect ion of the retainers. Fi t to the side where the thrust i s as i l l ustrated% # Coat the gears and shafts wi th engine oi l before assembly . Wa r n i ng! ! # Do not reuse the reta iners% # Do not expand of the gap end of new retainers too wide when assembl ing. %Make sure that al l the retainers are # proper ly f i tted. 6-40 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion # When assembl ing the guide bar , take care not to assemble the two shi ft forks and spr ings in the opposi te di rect ion. 1 Guide bar ; 2 Retainer 12; 3 Left shi ft fork; 4 Shi ft fork spr ing(smal l ) ; 5 Right shi ft fork; 6 Shi ft fork spr ing(big) ; 7 Spr ing seat Oi l pump # Disasseble oi l pump as i l lustrated% 1 Oi l pump housing; 2 Dowel pin; 3 Oi l pump shaft ; 4 Straight pin; 6 5 Inner rotor , oi l pump; 6 Outer rotor , oi l pump; 7 Oi l pumper cover #Check oi l pump housing and cover for cracks and damage. Replace i f necessary. # Measure the top clearance a between inner and outer rotors and side clearance b between outer rotor and oi l pump housing. I f the clearance exceeds the l imi t , replace wi th new one. Top clearance! !0 . 03 - 0 . 10mm Serv i ce l i m i t! !0 . 15mm Side clearance'0 . 03 - 0 . 10mm Serv i ce l i m i t'0 . 12mm 6-41 CFMOTO Oi l strainer inspect ion # Check o i l stra i ner " and O - r i ng $ for damage, replace i f necessary; #Clean the surface of oil strainer with engine oil. Rel ief valve # Check the va l ve body "(va l ve $( sp r i ng &(0 - r i ng ) f o r damage o r wear ing. Replace i f necessary; Dr ive bevel gear #Use a clean rag to protect the dr ive bevel gear shaft , clamp i t to the pl iers% # Loosen dr ive bevel gear nut 3, remove the dr ive bevel gear 4 and ad j ust washer 5% # Check the dr ive bevel gear 4 and output dr iven gear 2 for rust , scratch, wear or damage. Replace i f necessary.% # Check i f the bear ing 8 turns smoothly, replace wi th a new bear ing i f necessary. 1-Dr ive bevel gear cover 2-Output dr iven gear 6- -Dr ive bevel gear shaft 3-Dr ive bevel gear nut 7- Bear ing nut 4-Dr ive bevel gear # Adjust Washer 5 i f any of r ight crankcase, dr ive bevel gear 4, or dr ive bevel gear cover 1 is replaced. Refer to bevel gear adjustment for detai ls% #Apply engine oil to bearing 8 when assembling and tighten nut 3 to the specified torque.% Drive bevel gear nut tightening torque 145N.m 6-42 5-Washer 8 8-Bear ing 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion Front Output Shaft # Check bear i ng 7 for smooth turn i ng and abnorma l wear . Check o i l sea l 5 for damage . Rep l ace i f necessary ; # App l y l ubr i cat i on o i l to bear i ng 7 and o i l sea l 5 l i p before assemb l y ; # App l y thread l ocker to bear i ng l i m i t nut 6 ( l ef t thread) and t i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque . (80N . m) T i ghten torque , Nut 1 to the spec i f i ed f ront output shaf t nut t i ghten i ng torque : 97N . m Dr i ven Beve l Gear # Remove nut 19 , washer 18 , coup l er 17 and o i l sea l 16 . # Protect end thread of dr i ven beve l gear w i th proper dev i ce $ F i x beve l gear cover 14 and press out dr i ven beve l gear . # P l ace a c l ean rag " under beve l 6 gear cover . Remove bear i ng l i m i t nut 10 w i th spec i a l too l $ and remove bear i ng% # Check dr i ven beve l gear 8 sur face for scratches , wear . Scratch or wear , rep l ace% # Check f ree turn i ng of bear i ng 9 and 11 . Rep l ace i f necessary % # Use new o i l sea l 16 and O - r i ng 12 when assemb l i ng ; # Ad j us t washe r 13 i f any o f r i gh t crankcase , dr i ven beve l gear 8 or dr i ven beve l gear cover 14 i s rep l aced . Refer to beve l gear ad - j ustment for deta i l s% # App l y l ubr i cat i on o i l to bear i ng 9 and 11 and o i l sea l 16 , O - r i ng . App l y thread l ocker to nut 10 and t i ghten "m ) to the spec i f i ed torque . ( 110N" Too l : dr i ven beve l gear nut wrench Dr i ven beve l gear nut t i ghten i ng torque : 150N . m . Beve l Gear Washer Ad j ustment # Adjust washer " and $ when replacing crankcase and / or bevel gear and / or bevel gear cover . 6-43 CFMOTO Bevel gear Note! !Proper bevel gear engagement depends on that the gear backlash & tooth contact are within the proper range. $ Bevel gear backlash # I nstal l dr ive and dr iven gears to the crankcase. Wrap a ( - ) screwdr iver&with a rag $ and i nsert i t i nto the speed sensor hole" of left crankcase to f ix the dr ive bevel gear% # Instal l special tool & and micr imeter ) Tool: level gear side clearance dial gauge micrometer a=46mm # Turn the dr iven bevel gear in each di rect ion and measure the backlash. Note'Measure four poi nts i n the mutual vert ical di rect ion; # I f the backlash is not wi thin the speci f icat ion,adjust the thickness of the dr iven bevel gear adjust washer . Re-check the backlash unt i l the backlash is correct . Bevel gear backlash:0 . 1 - 0 . 2mm Ad j ustment! ! Backlash * 0.1mm Washer thickness adjustment Washer thickness 0.1,0.2mm adjustment OK + 0.2mm 6-44 Increase thickness 6Engine Removal , Inspect ion and Instal lat ion $ Tooth contact inspect ion After adjust ing the backlash, check the tooth contact according to the fo l l ow i ng procedures' # Remove dr i ve and dr i ven beve l gear shafts from crankcase; # Clean and degrease every tooth of dr ive and dr iven bevel gear% # Co a t t h e d rive n b e ve l ge a r wit h machenist’s layout dye or paster% # Install drive and driven bevel gear% #Rotate the dr iven bevel gear several turns in both di rect ions; #Remove drive and driven bevel gear shafts and check the coated teeth of the drive bevel gear; Contact " tooth top Incorrect Contact $ Middle Correct Contact & Bottom Incorrect 6 # I f tooth contact is correct-Contact $./cont i nue next procedure% # I f t oo t h con t ac t i s i n co r r ec t -Contact " &Contact &./ad j ust the thickness of washerof dr ive gear . Repeat above steps to check tooth contact unt i l correct . Adjustment Tooth contact Thickness adjustment Contact " Decrease thickness Contact & Increase thickness No te! #After adjust ing the tooth contact , the backlash must be checked again; # I f the backlash is adjusted but tooth contact is st i l l out of speci f icat ion, replace the dr ive and dr iven bevel gears; #Both tooth contact and backlashshould be wi thin the requi red speci f icat ion. 6-45 CFMOTO Ba l ance sha f t # Remove the parts as i l lustrated on the r ight . Check each part for abnormal wear or damage. Replace i f necessary. " Balance shaft gear $ woodruf key & Balance shaft ; ) Balance shaft sprocket 1 Bol t 0 Washer Magneto Rotor # Remove starter clutch nut . 6-46 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on !Check starter clutch rol ler and holder for abnormal wear or damage, replace i f necessary. ! Rep l ace the starter c l utch i n the r ight di rect ion. No te! When instal l the starter clutch to the magneto rotor , make sure side A is in the r ight di rect ion. "Face arrow mark B to the engine side " Apply engine oi l to starter clutch " Apply thread locker to bol t and t ighten to the speci f ied torque. Tightening torque of starter clutch bol t : 26N.m. Mater ial : Thread locker ! Instal l the starter dr iven gear ! Make that the starter dr i ven gear turns in the opposi te di rect ion of the arrow mark B . The gear cannot turn i n the di rect ion of the arrow. 6 ! Check starter dr i ven gear bear ing . In case of anyth i ng unusua l , rep l ace the bear ing. ! Remove starter dr i ven gear bear i ng wi th special tool . ! Instal l starter dr iven gear bear ing wi th special tool . Tool#Bear ing instal ler / Remover 6-47 CFMOTO E l ect r i c Star ter Gear ! Check the gear surface for scrap or damage, replace i f necessary$ Le f t crank case cover : ! Check magneto stator coi l 2, pickup coi l 3 for damage, replace ci rcui t i f necessary.$ ! Check bear ing 4 for smooth turning. I f i t is stuck, replace wi th a new one; !Check oi l seal 5 for damage. Replace i f i t is damaged. !Apply thread locker to the bol t when assembl ing$ Tightening torque for magneto co i l bo l t#10N%m ! App l y l ubr icat i ng o i l to bear i ng 4 and lubr icant grease to l ip of oi l seal 5 when assembl ing. Reco i l star ter d i sassemb l y : 1-Recoi l starter 2-Bol t 3-Washer 4-Starter pul ly I nspect i on Check sheave drum for burrs, cracks or rust . In case of any abnormal , replace. 6-48 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on Reco i l Star ter !Disassembly is unnecessary i f recoi l starter wokrs wel l / & Cap, handle ' Handle ( Fr ict ion plate ) Spr ing clamp * Pawl + Spr ing 6 , Sheave drum - Rope . Coi l spr ing / Nut D i sassemb l y !Remove nut 10 and the parts from the starter housing. Warning" "!The coi l spr ing may quickly unwind and cause injury when the sheave drum i s opened . Wear proper hand and eye protect ion beforehand. I nspect i on ! Check al l parts for damage. Repalce i f necessary. 6-49 CFMOTO Assemb l y Reverse the removal procedure for insta l l at i on and pay attent i on to the fol lowing: Insta l l sheave drum &0rope '0co i l spr ing (0Damper )1 Wind the rope clockwise around the sheave drum three t i mes and hook the rope at 2a3of sheave drum . Warning" "!The coi l spr ing may quickly unwind and cause injury when the sheave drum i s opened . Wear proper hand and eye protect ion beforehand. Instal l coi l spr ing & and sheave drum '; Apply lubr icant grease to spr ing; Hook coi l spr ing end 3 to the starter housing, wind the coi l spr ing clockwise Hook the other end * of coi l spr ing to hook part ) of sheave drum. Instal l spr ing clamp &0fr ict ion plate ' and bol t Put the end of spring clamp in the groove near the damper . Turn sheave drum clockwise three t imes to t ighten the coi l spr ing. Instal l handle & and handle cap ' Lead the rope through the hole of the starter hous i ng and t i e a knot ( so that the rope would not be drawn back. After making a t ie )0draw back previ ous one (1 6-50 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on CV T C OV ER ! Remove screw 5 , o i l sea l l i m i tator 4 . Remove o i l sea l 3 w i th sepec i al too l ; ! Check bear i ng 2 for f ree turn i ng . In case of any abnormal , remove wi th special tool and rep l ace w i th a new bear i ng ; ! App l y l ubr i cat i on o i l to outer r i ng o f bear ing and instal l bear ing wi th special tool . Check bear i ng for smooth turn i ng . ! App l y grease to bear i ng i nner s i de !Apply grease oi l seal l ip and instal l bearing w i th speci a l too l . Check bear i ng for smooth t u r n i ng# Note! !Use a new o i l sea l !Instal l oi l seal l imi tator and t ighten screw af ter app l y i ng thread l ocker . Too l "Bear i ng remover O i l seal remover Bear i ng i nstal ler 6 CVT case ! Check bear i ng 5 f or smooth turn i ng . I n case o f any abnorma l , remove screw 3 and bear i ng reta i ner 4 and rep l ace w i th a new bear i ng . ! Check o i l seal 7 . In case of any damage, rep l ace i t . ! App l y grease to o i l sea l l i p and i nsta l l w i th spec i a l too l # ! App l y l ubr i cat i on o i l to bear i ng 5 and i nstal l w i th speci al too l ; Check bear i ng for smooth turn i ng . The sea l s i de of bear i ng 5 shou l d face bear i ng retai ner 4 . ! Instal l bear i ng reta i ner 4 and screw 3# ! Insta l l o i l sea l 1 i nto c l utch hous i ng 2 w i th spec i a l too l # Too l : O i l seal i nstal l er Bear i ng i nstal l er 6-51 CFMOTO Crankcase 1 - R i ght crankcase 4 - Bear i ng 2 - Bear i ng 5 - Bear i ng 3 - Bear i ng 6 - Bear i ng 7 - O i l sea l l 8 - Washer , reverse gear sensor 9 - reverse gear sensor 10 -O - r i ng 11 -Gear sen sor 12- Left crankcase 13 -Screw 15 - L i nk bo l t 16 - Washer 17 - Bear i ng 18 - Bear i ng 19 - Bear i ng 20 - Bear i ng 21 - Bear i ng 22 - O i l d i p rod 23 - O - r i ng 24 - Speed sensor 25 - Bo l t 26 - Washer 27 - O i l drai nage bo l t ! C l ean and grease the bear i ngs , turn the i nner race o f bear i ng and check the p l ay , no i se and smooth turn i ng . I n case o f any abnorma l , remove bear i ng w i th spec i a l too l and rep l ace ; ! Check al l the o i l sea l s for over wear or damage. In case of any over wear or damage , remove w i th spec i a l too l and rep l ace w i th a new o i l seal ; ! Remove gear sensor 11 and check for cont i nui ty w i th reverse gear sensor 9 wi th a mul t i meter ! Remove l i nk bol t and oi l pi pe 14 and check o i l p i pe for crack or c l og . Rep l ace w i th a new one i f any ; ! Remove dra i nange bo l t 27&c l ean i t# ! Use spec i a l too l s to assemb l e bearn i g or o i l sel as . Lubr i cant o i l i s app l ied for bear i ng and o i l seal l i ps . Check bear i ng smooth turn i ng af ter i nstal l at i on Note: Check bear ing for smooth turn ing after i nstal l i ng . 6-52 14 -Oi l p ipe 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on ! Insta l l new o - r i ng and app l y grease# ! Insta l l gear seasor# ! Instal l reverse gear sensor 9 and t i ghten to the speci f i ed torque T i gh t en i ng t o r que"2 0N "m ! Insta l l speed sensor 24 ! Instal l o i l pipe and t ighten the l ink bol t to the speci f i ed torque: T i ghten i ng torque"18N$m ! Instal l washer 26 and oi l drainage bol t 27 and t i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque; T i ghten i ng torque"30N" "m Too l "Bear i ng remover Bear i ng i nstal l er Mu l t i meter # Eng i ne Assemb l y 6 Reverse the eng i ne removal procedure for i nsta l l at i on : No te! % C l ean a l l the parts before assemb l y# % Make sure that the parts are i n good con d i t i on w i thout any damage ; % App l y eng i ne o i l to the mov i ng parts be fore assemb l y ; % App l y grease to o i l sea l - l i p&O - r i ng Caut i on : Make sure that dr i ve bel t , pr imary and secondary sheaves are not sta i ned w i th grease . Eng i ne Center O i l pump and re l i e f va l ve ! Instal l o i l pump and rel i ef val ve to l ef t crankcase, as i l lustrated on the r ight . Tighten to the speci f i ed torque: 1 - Lef t crankcase 2 - O i l p i pe O i l pump bo l t"10N" "m 3 - O i l p i pe washer Re l i e f va l ve bo l t"10N" "m 4 - Pressure str i p , rel i ef 5 - Rel i ef va l ve 6-53 CFMOTO Connec t ed Rod ! Insta l l connect i ng rod to l ef t crankcase w i th spec i al too l No te! % Do not hammer the conrod i nto crankcase w i th p l ast i c ma l l et# %Use special tool to avoid af fect of conrod prec i s i on Too l : contro l i nstal l er Ba l ance Sha f t ! Insta l l bal ance shaf t Caut ion: Balancer shaft dr iven gear should be a l i gned to the mark as i l l ustrated . Ma i n Sha f t , Counter Sha f t ! Insta l l ma i n shaf t and counter shaf t# &45 '65 (78 6-54 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on 1 Sh i f t Cam , Sh i f t Fo rk ! Instal l sh i f t cam & and sh i f t fork ' 2 ! Check each part for smooth turn i ng# ! Insta l l l ow range dr i ven gear to counter shaf t ( ! Spray adequate engi ne o i l to each par t# Dr i ve Beve l Gear ! Insta l l dr i ve beve l gear and t i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque# D r i ve beve l gea r t i gh t en i ng 6 t o r q u e "3 2 N "m R i gh t C r ankcase Dr i ven Beve l Gear ! Insta l l dr i ven beve l gear and t i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque# D r i ven beve l gea r t i gh t en i ng t o r q u e "2 5 N "m ! Check beve l gear backl ash (Refer to 6 - 44) Front Output Sha f t ! Instal l f ront output shaf t to r i ght crankcase; 6-55 ! Apply sealant & to the mat ing face of r ight c r ankcase# Note! !App l y sea l ant even l y i n a un i nterrupted th i n l i ne ! Insta l l 2 dowe l p i ns '# ! Assembl e crankcase and tap sl ight ly w i th a rubber hammer for proper f i tt i ng# ! Insta l l bo l t and t i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque : M6"10N" "m M8"25N" "m No te : Crankcase bo l ts shou l d be t i ghtened d i agona l l y i n several steps . Gear Pos i t i on i ng Bo l t ! P l ace the steel bal l and i nstal l gear po s i t i oni ng bo l t 1 and t i ghten the bo l t to the spec i f i ed torque T i ghten i ng torque"18N" "m Eng i ne R i gh t T i m i ng Cha i n ! Put on t i m i ng cha i n 2 C l ut ch !Instal l clutch 1 and nut 2. Tighten the nut to the spec i f i ed torque( l ef t thread)# C l utch nut t i ghten i ng t or que!7 0 N "m ! Inta l l new O - r i ng ) i n spacer * ! Insta l l spacer * onto the c l utch hous i ng shaf t , then i nsta l l i nto CVT case + Note : a l i gn o i l n i ck on spacer w i th o i l ho l e on the shaf t CVT Case ! I nsta l l dowe l p i n ,-gasket ' gasket ./ i ntal l CVT case assemb l y to the r i ght crankcase ! Insta l l bo l t 0 and nut ( Note! # T i ghten bo l t / nut d i agona l l y # Use a new gasket ! Instal l gu i de p l ate 1 and screw 2 P r i ma r y sheave , seconda r y sheave , dr i ve Be l t ! Instal l pr i mary f i xed sheave & as i l l ustrated on the r i ght ; ! Instal l dr i ve bel t on secondary sheave and tap wi th a plast ic hammer to keep the bel t as l ow as poss i b l e# Not e! % Instal l the dr i ve be l t w i th the arrow on the bel t turn i n the c l ockw i se d i rect i on# % Dr i ve bel t contact sur face shou l d be f ree f rom any sta i ns CFMOTO ! Insta l l secondary sheave# ! Insta l l pr i mary s l i d i ng sheave ! T i ghten pr i mary sheave nut w i th spec i a l too l to the spec i f i ed torque# P r i ma r y sheave nu t t i gh t en i ng t o r q u e "1 1 5 N "m Too l "CVT Ho l der ! T i ghten secondary sheave nut w i th speci al too l to the spec i f i ed torque# Seconda ry sheave t i ght en i ng t o r q u e "1 1 5 N "m Too l "Rotor ho l der No t e! !Tur n the p r i ma ry sheave un t i l the bel t i s seated i n and both pr i mary and sec ondary sheaves move together smooth l y . CVT case cover ! Insta l l the new gasket and dowe l p i ns# 6-58 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on ! Insta l l CVT case cover bo l ts and t i ghten d i agona l l y i n several steps . Eng i ne l e f t O i l pump sp r ocke t and cha i n ! Instal l o i l pump dr i ve sprocket ; ! Instal l o i l pump dr i ven sprocket ; ! Insta l l o i l pump dr i ve cha i n# ! T i ghten o i l pump sprocket bo l t# !Instal l sprocket retainer wi th a long nose p l i e rs# Too l "Long nose p l i ers 6 Dua l gear / i d l er gear ! I nsta l l dua l gear sha f t & and dua l gear ' # ! Insta l l i d l er gear shaf t (-i d l er gear , and bush .# Star ter dr i ven gear ! Insta l l start i ng dr i ven gear bush )$ 6-59 CFMOTO ! Insta l l start i ng dr i ven gear# Magneto rotor ! I ns t a l l wood r u f f key i n t o c r anksha f t g r o o v e# ! Inta l l magneto rotor 1# No te! !Degrease the tapered par t o f rotor and crankshaf t . Use nonf l ammab le sol vent to clean of f the oi ly or greasy matter and ful ly dry the sur faces . Le f t crankcase cover ! Insta l l dowe l p i n 2 and gasket 3# Note! !Use a new gasket ! App l y l ubr i cant grease to o i l l i p# ! Insta l l l ef t crankcase cover# ! Instal l bo l ts Reco i l star ter ! Insta l l reco i l starter 1# ! Insta l l O - r i ng 2# Note! !Use a new O - r i ng and app l y l ubr i cant grease to the O - r i ng ! Insta l l washer 3 and bo l t 4 , t i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque. Reco i l s t a r t e r bo l t t i g h t e n i n g t o r q u e "5 5 N "m 6-60 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on Water pump ! Insta l l water pump# ! Insta l l water pump f i x i ng bo l ts# Note : Before t i ghten i ng the bo l ts , be sure to insert oi l pump shaft into groove of water pump shaf t Sector gear Insta l l the parts as i l l ustrated on the r i ght 1 - Sector gear cover and gasket 2 - Dowe l p i n 3 - Dr i ve sector gear 4 - Dr i ven sector gear 5 - Dr i ven sector gear bo l t 6 Note! W h en t h e s h i f t cam i s i n t h e n e u t r a l pos i t i on , the mar k o f dr i ve sect or gear shou l d be be t ween t he t wo ma r ks o f t he d r i ven sec t o r gea r D r i v en s ec t o r gea r t i gh t en i ng t o r qu e" 1 4 N $m ! Insta l l gearsh i f t rocker arm 6# ! Insta l l rocker arm bo l t 7 and washer 8# 6-61 CFMOTO O i l f i l ter Insta l l o i l f i l ter bo l t and t i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque . T i ghten i ng torque"63N" "m ! App l y eng i ne o i l to O - r i ng# ! Instal l o i l f i l ter , turn i t by hand unt i l the f i l ter gasket contacts the mat ing surface. T i ghten the bo l ts . Too l "O i l f i l ter wrench Star t i ng motor ! App l y eng i ne o i l to new O - r i ng# ! Insta l l start i ng motor# ! Instal l bo l t and t i ghten to the spec i f i ed torque Tightening torque: 10N.m Eng i ne top s i de P i st on ! Insta l l the p i ston r i ngs i n the order of o i l r i ng , ' r i ng and & r i ng# ! The f i rst member to go to the o i l r i ng groove is spacer &, after placing the spacer , f i t the two s i de ra i l s '# Warn i ng! !when i nsta l l i ng the spacer &, do not over l ap i ts two ends i n the groove. ! Instal l the secong r i ng A and f i rst r i ng B . Note! !1st r i ng and 2nd r i ng d i f fer i n shape 6-62 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on ! 1st and 2nd r i ngs have l etter R marked on the side. Be sure to br ing the marked side to the top when f i tt i ng them to the p i ston# ! Pos i t i on the gaps of the three r i ngs as i l l ustrated on the r i ght . Before i nstal l i ng the p i ston i nto the cy l inder , check that the gaps are so l ocated# ! App l y a l i ght coat o f mo l y o i l to the p i ston p i n ; 6 ! Insta l l p i ston p i n i nto ho l es of p i ston and conrod sma l l end# Not e : When i nsta l l i ng the p i ston , the I N mark on p i ston top i s l ocated to the i ntake s i de ! P l ace a c l ean rag beneath p i ston and i n stal l p i ston p i n c i rc l i p & Note : wh i l e rotat i ng crankshaf t , pu l l the cam cha i n upward , or the chai n w i l l be caught between sprocket and crankcase . ! Instal l the dowe l p i ns and the new cy l i n der gasket# Note : Use a new cy l i nder gasket to prevent o i l l eakage 6-63 CFMOTO Cy l i nder ! App l y eng i ne o i l to p i ston sk i rt and cy l i nder wal l !Hold each piston r ing wi th proper posi t ion, i nsert p i ston i nto the cy l i nder# ! T i ghten the cy l i nder base bo l ts temporar i l y# Note : When i nsta l l i ng the cy l i nder and cy l inder head, pul l the cam chain upward, or the cha i n w i l l be caught between sprocket and crankcase . ! Insta l l cha i n gu i de &# ! F i t the dowe l p i n and new cy l i nder cover g as k e t # Note : Use a new cy l i nder cover gasket to prevent o i l l eakage Cy l i nder ! Insta l l the cy l i nder cover , t i ghten the cy l i nder head bo l ts d iagonal l y to the speci f i ed torque# Cy l i nde r head bo l t t i gh t en i ng t o r que I n i t i a l "25N" "m F i na l "38N" "m !Tighten the cyl inder head nuts to the speci f i ed torque# Cy l i nde r head nu t s t i gh t en i ng t o r que : M6 : 10N" "m M8 : I n i t i a l 10N" "m F i na l 25N" "m ! T ighten the cyl inder top nuts and cyl inder base to the spec i f i ed torque# T i g h t en i n g t o r q u e : 1 0 N "m 6-64 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on ! Insta l l cha i n tens i oner# Camsha f t ! A l i gn mark A on magneto rotor w i th mark B on crankcase# Note! !wh i l e rotat i ng cranksha f t , pu l l the cam chain upward, or the chain wi l l be caught 6 between sprocket and crankcase . ! A l i gn the mark A on the camshaf t so that they are paral l el w i th the mat i ng surface of the cy l i nder head# Note : Do not rotate the magneto rotor wh i l e do i ng th i s . when the sprocket i s not pos i t i oned correct l y , turn the sprocket ; ! Engage the chai n on the sprocket w i th the l ocat i ng p i n B as i l l ustrated on the r i ght# ! Recheck i f the posi t i on of mark A and C is correct. If not, reassemble unti l it is correct. 6-65 CFMOTO ! Insta l l crankshaf t C - r i ng &# ! Instal l l ock washer so that i t covers the l ocat i ng p i n# ! App l y thread l ocker to the bo l ts be fore i nstal l i ng, and t i ghten them to the speci - f i ed torque# Sp r ocke t bo l t t i gh t en i ng t o r que "1 5 N " m ! Bend up the l ock washer to l ock the bo l ts ; Cy l i nder head cover ! C l ean the mat i ng sur face of cy l i nder head and cy l i nder head cover ! Instal l dowe l p i n to the cy l i nder head ! Appl y seal ant to the mat ing surface of the cy l i nder head cover ; ! Instal l cyl inder head cover bol ts , t i ghten d i agonal l y to the speci f i ed torque. Cy l i nde r head cove r bo l t t i gh t en i ng t o r q u e "1 0 N "m Note: When t ightening the cyl inder head cover bol ts , the p i ston must be at top dead center on the compress i on stroke . 6-66 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on Gasket seal ant app l y i ng p l ace Cha i n tens i oner 6 ! Insert ( - - ) screwdr i ver i nto s l otted end of chain tension adjuster , turn i t clockwise to l ock the tens i oner spr i ng ; ! Insta l l the cha i n tens i oner and the new washer 1 # ! I nsta l l the bo l t 2 , t i ghten i t to the spec i f i ed torque . Cha i n tens i oner bo l t t i ghten i ng t o r q u e "1 0 N "m ! Af ter cha i n tens i oner i s i nsta l l ed , turn the ( - - ) screwdr i ver counter cl ockw i se. The tens i oner rod w i l l be advanced under spr i ng force and push tens i oner aga i nst chai n . 6-67 CFMOTO ! Insta l l the new gasket 3# ! Instal l chai n tens i oner screw , t i ghten i t to the speci f i ed torque Cha i n tens i oner screw t i ghten i ng t o r q u e "8 N "m Va l ve ad j uster cover ! Refer to 2 - 3 for val ve cl earance ! Use new rubber gasket and app l y grease ! Insta l l Val ve Inspect i on Cap ! Insta l l va l ve i nspect i on cap bo l t# Spark p l ug ! Insta l l spark p l ug w i th spec i a l too l and t i ghten to the speci f i ed torque; Note : To avo i d damage to the cy l i nder head thread , screw i n the spark p l ug w i th hand f i rst , then t ighten i t to the speci f ied torque w i th spark p l ug wrench . Spa r k p l ug t i gh t en i ng t or que : 18N . m Too l : Spa r k P l ug W r ench Eng i ne per i phery R eco i l s t a r t e r ! Insta l l reco i l starter# ! App l y thread l ocker to the bo l ts and then t i ghten ; Va l ve i n spec t i on cap ! Insta l l va l ve i nspect i on cap# 6-68 6 Eng i ne Remova l , I nspect i on & Insta l l at i on Le f t p l ast i c cover ! Instal l l ef t p l ast i c cover 6 Water p i pe and hose ! Insta l l water hose 5# ! Insta l l bo l t 4# ! Insta l l water hose 3# ! I nsta l l c l amp 1-2# 6 6-69 7 Fue l System , A i r Intake System Overhaul info. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-2 Troubleshoot ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-3 High pressure oi l pipe Disassembly / Instal lat ion. . .7-4 Thrott le Valve Disassembly / Instal lat ion. . . . . . . . . . . . .7-5 Fuel Injector Assy Disassembly / Instal lat ion. . . . . . . . . .7-6 Fuel injector Assy Removal / Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-6 Idle Ai r control valve Disassembly / Instal lat ion. . . . .7-6 7-1 O ve r h au l info Caut i on No te Gaso l i ne i s h i gh l y f l ammab l e , t he r e f o r e smoke and f i r e a r e s t r i c t l y f o r b i dden i n t he wo r k p l ace . Spec i a l a t ten t i on shou l d a l so be pa i d t o spa rks . Gaso l i ne may a l so be exp l os i ve when i t i s vapo r i zed , so ope r a t i on shou l d be done i n a w e l l - ven t i l a t ed p l ace . ! Do not over tw i st or bend the cab l es . The tw i sted cab l es may cause poor operat i on . ! Loose the h i gh pressure o i l p i pe before d i sassemb l y , d i scharge the fue l i n the h i gh pressure o i l p i pe and put i t i n a conta i ner . ! When the body of thrott le val ve i s d i sassemb l ed , the a i r i ntake shal l be covered by d i shcl oth or tape, for avo i d i ng the entry of other ob j ects i nto the eng i ne f rom the ai r i ntake s i de of the eng i ne. ! When the veh i c l e w i l l be stored for more than one month , the gaso l i ne i n the h i gh pressure o i l p i pe and cap of the fue l i n j ector must be d i scharged . Otherw i se , the gaso l i ne w i l l age and form co l l o i da l e l ements wh i ch may b l ock the nozz l e of fue l i n j ector , therefore the eng i ne cannot start or the rotate speed i s unstab l e. Ove r ha i l I n f o Eng i ne s ta r t i ng f a i l ur e !Too much fue l i n the eng i ne " A i l f i l ter cl ogged " Id l e a i r p i pe c l ogged !No fuel i n the i n j ector " fue l f i l ter cl ogged " h i gh pressure o i l p i pe c l ogged " fue l i n j ector cl ogged Hard start i ng / shut down af ter start i ng , Unst eady i d l e speed !Id l e a i r p i pe c l ogged !fue l system c l ogged !Ign i t i on system not funct i on i ng proper l y !Fue l tank cap c l ogged No f i re when acce l e rat i ng !i gn i t i on system not funct i on i ng proper l y Incorrect Spark P l ug cl earance 7-2 7 Fue l System , A i r Intake System H i gh pressure o i l p i pe D i sassemb l y Loosen the spec i a l fue l p i pe c l amp on fue l i n j ector cap , l oosen the spec i a l fue l p i pe cl amp on fuel tank. D i sassemb l e H i gh pressure o i l p i pe No t e Use conta i ner to keep the rema i n i ng fue l from h igh pressure o i l pi pe, when looseni ng the speci al fuel p i pe c l amp H i gh p ressu re o i l p i pe I ns t a l l a t i on Reve r se t h e d i s as s em b l y p r o cedu r e f o r i nsta l l at i on . Use OETI KER c l amp ca l l i per to i nsta l l the spec i a l fuel p i pe cl amp . Throt t l e va l ve body D i sassemb l y Loosen the strap and remove thrott l e va l ve connector . Loosen locknut , remove ad j ust nut and remove the t hr ot t l e cab l e f r om th rot t l e r oto ry s l eeve . D i sassemb l e i del ai r out let p i pe on thrott le va l ve . Loosen ai r intake connect cl amp , ai r cl eaner connect clamp, and remove thrott le valve body. No tes Donot ad j ust the bo l t on throt t l e va l ve . Donot remove the cap on thrott le valve body. Throt t l e va l ve body I nsta l l at i on R eve r s e t h e d i s as s em b l y p r o cedu r e f o r i nsta l l at i on . Fue l I n j ector Assy D i sassemb l y D i sassemb l e the speci al h i gh pressure o i l Remove the strap and fuel injector connector . D i sassemb l e bo l ts and remove fue l i n j ector cap and i n j ector . Fue l I n j ector Assy I nsta l l at i on Reverse the d i sassemb l y procedure f or i n sta l l at i on 7-3 Fue l I n j ector Assy . Remova l Use thumbs of both hands to push two si de of fue l i n j ector cap snap spr i ng , and then re move i t . Seperate fuel injector cap and fuel injector . Fue l I n j ector Assy . Assemb l y Instal l fuel injector cap on the fuel injector , A l i gn the groove of fue l i n j ector cap snap spr ing to edge of fuel injector cap;and press the snap spr i ng i nto i t . I d l e a i r contro l va l ve D i sassemb l y D i sassemb l e i d l e i ntake p i pe and i d le out l et p i pe . Loosen the strap , d i sassemb l e i d l e ai r con trol valve and check idle ai r control valve. Replace i t when there is abnormal noise or i t doesnot work . I d l e a i r cont r o l va l ve I ns t a l l a t i on Reve r se t h e d i s as s em b l y p r o cedu r e f o r i nsta l l at i on . Pay at tent i on not to bend the i ntake and out l et p i pe of i d l e a i r contro l va l ve. 7-4 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Overhaul &&&&&&&&&&&&8-1 Brake system&&&&&&&&8-4 Front wheel&&&&&&&&&&&8-3 Steering system&&&&&&&&8-12 Front suspention system&&&&&8-7 Fault diagnosis &&&&&&&&&8-2 Overhau l Operat i on not i ce At tent i on !The f rame must be ho l d up f i rm l y when overhau l i ng f ront whee l , suspent i on system . !L i ght , meter , sw i tch"s overhau l or i nspect i on refers to sect i on10 . !Donot overpower on the tyre , be carefu l not to destroy the tyre . !When d i sassemb l e the tyre on the r i ms , to avo i d destroy the r i m , you requ i red to use speci al tyre - l ever and r i m - protector . Overhau l standard Item Standard Portrait Cross Remain groove Tyre Air pressure Brake lever windage 0.8mm 0.8mm Rim jump Front disc Tightening torque ! 35kPa"0.35kgf#cm2$ 0mm steer ing t ie- rod nut 40-50 N%m steer i ng shaf t l ock nut 100 - 120N%m f ront wheel shaf t nut 110 N%m suspens i on f i xed bo l t / nut 40 - 50 N%m r i m i nstal l nut r i m shaf t nut Service limits 2.0mm 2.0mm 8 3.0mm ! ! 50 - 60 N%m 110 - 130 N%m 8-1 C FM OT O Spec i a l too l s Bearing d i sassemb l e too l i ng bar Bear i ng d i sassemb l e too l i ng nod 10mm Press i n too l i ng l everA Press i n too l i ng coat28 ' 30 Gu i de too l (10mm Lock nut spanner Bear i ng d i sassemb l e too l s Rotor pu l l er D i sassemb l e too l i ng bar D i sassemb l e heavy punch Assemb l e too l i ng bar Fau l t d i agnos i s Hand l ebar heavy %upper screw over tong i ng . whee l rotat i on dumb %whee l shaf t bad %steer i ng shaf t destroy , worn . %f ront whee l shaf t bend %Bear i ng i nner , externa l race dest roy , worn , %brake drag step . Front suspens i on too so f t %steer i ng co l umn deform. %tyre l ower pressure %tyre worn out Hand l ebar shake %steer i ng shaf t destroy , bad t i ghten i ng %l ef t and r i ght absorber unmatch %f ront suspens i on bounce weaken %tyre a i r too l ower Front suspens i on too hard %f ront suspens i on bend %tyre a i r too h i gh %tyre def l ect i on Front suspens i on abnorma l no i se %tyre destroy %f ront suspens i on bad %whee l shaf t shaf t %suspension %f rame deform Front whee l j ump tightening parts loosen Brake ef fet poor %r i m de f orm %brake ad j ustment bad %whee l shaf t bad %brake d i sc sur face deface %tyre bad %brake b l ock destroy %whee l ba l ance bad %whee l shaf t round bad t i ghten i ng 8-2 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM F r on t whee l D i sassemb l e Set up f ront wheel wi th too l , ensure w i thout any force on the f ront whee l . remove steer cap remove the four nuts i nstal l ed i n the f ront whee l hub , remove f ront whee l . I nspec t i on Rim Inspect i f the r i m destroy , deform , speck , rep l ace the r i m i f needed . Turn the whee l s l ow l y , use cent i meter mea sure r i m j ump . Se r v i ce l i m i t : ax i a l d i r ec t i o n : 2 . 0mm Rad i a l d i r ec t i on! !2 . 0mm 8 I ns t a l l i ng Press the r im in the tyre on special matchin. Fi x the r i m i n hub Rim i ns ta l l n u t t o r q u e !5 0 - 6 0 N "m F r on t whee l hub d i sassemb l e D i sassemb l e remove f ront whee l () 8 - 3) remove f ront brake ca l i per () 8 - 4) remove r i m shaf t nut take away brake d i sc and hub together remove f ront brake d i sc 4pcs brake bo l ts remove f ront wheel hub I nsta l l i ng Insta l l i ng carry on accord i ng to the oppo s i te sequence . 8-3 C FM OT O B r ake sys t em Front brake ca l i per D i sassemb l e remove f ront whee l ") 8 - 3$ remove the 2pcs nuts i nsta l l ed on the arm remove brake ca l i per I nspect i on Check i f the brake cal i per crack, i f the t i ghten i ng area o i l l eakage, rep l ace i f needed . I nsta l l i ng B r ake ca l i pe r ho l d i ng bo l t t o r que !40 5 0 N "m 8-4 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Brake d i sc D i sassemb l e remove f ront whee l ") 8 - 3$ remove brake ca l i per") 8 - 4$ take away brake d i sc together w i th f ront whee l hub . remove brake d i sc*s 4pcs nut i nsta l l ed i n f ront wheel hub . remove the brake d i sc. I nspect i on : brake d isc th i ckness : rep l ace when less than 2 . 5mm . Insta l l i ng Instal l the brake d i sc we l l 8 B r ake d i sc ho l d i ng bo l t t o r que : 25 - 30N" " m Hand brake master cy l i nder , f ront br ake D i sassemb l e remove bo l t remove park i ng l ever Seperate f ront hand brake master cy l i nder handlebar , i t is not need to remove the front hand brake master cyl inder i f not replace the brake pump assemb l y . At tent i on Dono t use b rake t ube hang t he b r ake pump , to p r even t f r on t hand br ake mas te r cy l i nder backdat e , so keep i nst a l l i ng pos i t i o n , a t t h e same t i me , f i x i t i n t he h and l eb a r . O i l t u b e t r e n d ac co r d i n g t o S c t i o n 1 cab l e , w i r e t r aces . Mus t keep t he o i l l i ne smoo t h . Comp l et e t he b r ake sys tem i ns ta l l a t i on , b r ake e f f o r t mus t be checked . 8-5 C FM OT O D i sassemb l e remove f oot rest") 2 - 9$ remove f ront i nner f ender RH"2 - 12$ remove bo l t1 , bo l t2 seperate peda l brake master cy l i nder f rom the body Assemb l i ng Assemb l i ng carry on accord i ng to the oppo s i te sequence of d i sassemb l e . At tent i on To avo i d a i r i n l et the br ake pump , thus you mus t to keep the assemb l e pos i t i on , at t he same t i me , f i x i t i n t he veh i c l e body . O i l tube t rend re f ers to Sect i on1 cab l e , w i r e t r aces . I t mus t en su r e t he b r ake oi l l i ne smooth . A f ter comp l ete the b rake syst em i nst a l l a t i on , check i ng the b r ake e f f o r t i s r equ i r ed . Brake Y - j o i nt D i sassemb l i ng remove f ront i nner f ender RH"2 - 12$ remove bo l t 1 then the brake Y - j o i nt canbe remove form the body . Assemb l i ng Assemb l ing carry on to the opposi te sequence of d i sassemb l i ng . A t t en t i on : O i l tube t r end re f e r s to sec t i on 1 , cab l e and w i re t races , the brake o i l l i ne mus t be smoo t h . B r ake f o r ce check i n g i s r eq u i r ed w hen comp l et e t he b r ake sys tem i ns ta l l a t i on . If i t canno t gang con t ro l t he b r ake s ys t em , ch eck i f t h e s t em T - j u n c t i on , b r ake f o r ce check i ng i s r equ i r ed a f t e r f i n i sh t he b r ake sys t em i ns t a l l a t i on . Brake cross j o i nt p l ug D i sassemb l i ng remove f ront i nner fender RH"2 ) 12$ remove bo l t 1 , bo l t 2 , then the cross j o i nt p l ug canbe remove f rom the body . 8-6 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Assemb l i ng Assemb l ing carry on accord ing to the oppsi te sequence of d i sassemb l i ng . A t t en t i on : O i l tube t r end re f e r s to sec t i on 1 cab l e , w i r e l i ne t r aces , b r ake o i l l i ne mus t be smoo t h . B r ak e f o r c e ch e c k i n g i s n e e d e d a f t e r f i n i s h t h e b r ake sy s t em i n s t a l l a t i o n , if i t c a n n o t j o i n c o n t r o l , c h ec k t h e c r os s p l ug . F r on t suspens i on sys t em F r o n t l e f t s u s p en s i o n assemb l e Attent i on : when repa i r i ng suspens i on , you must not remove both LH and RH suspensi on at one t i me , or e l se the body w i l l fa l l down because l ack of ho l d i ng power . D i sassemb l e Put veh i c l e body i nto hor i zonta l pos i t i on , use j ack ho l d the wheel f ront f i rm l y . remove f ront whee l () 8 - 3) remove f ront r im hub() 8 - 3) 8 remove ca l i per () 8 - 4) remove f ront left absorber bo l t 1 and t i ght en i ng nut 1 i nsta l l ed on the body . remove front left upper arm bol t 1 and t ight eni ng bo l t 1 ,nut 1 ; bo l t 2 and bo l t 2 , nut 2 i nstal l ed i n the f rame. remove front left lower arm bol t 3 and t ight eni ng bo l t 3*s nut 3 , bo l t 4 and t ighteni ng bo l t 4*s nut4 i nsta l l ed i n the f rame . remove steer i ng t i e - rod ba l l p i n s l ot nut , remove the steer i ng p i e- rod pu l l up j o i nt knuck l e f rom the dr i veshaf t , remove f ront l ef t suspens i on assy . 8-7 C FM OT O D i smant l i ng F r o n t sh ock abso r be r D i s m an t l i n g A t t en t i on : You dono t need t o r emove any other par ts i f you on l y r ep l ace the f r o n t su s pens i on . Remove f ront l ef t absorber*s bo l t 1 , nut 1 i nsta l l ed i n arm . Remove f ront r i ght shock absorber . Inspect i on Inspect i f the absorber oi l leakage, oi l seal age, destroy , rep l ace i f needed . 8-8 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Assemb l i ng Assemb l i ng carry on accord i ng to the oppo s i te sequence of d i sassemb l i ng . Fr on t l e f t ab s o r b e r *s d i s a s s em b l i n g , assembl ing, inspect ion as same as front r ight absorber . A r m assemb l e At tent i on !There are 8 suspens i on ar ms in the veh i c l e , they d i smant l e , d i s co m p o s e , i n s p ec t i o n an d as s em b l e i n the same way . So here on l y i nt r oduce t he way t o d i s man t l e , d i scompo se , i nsp ec t i on an d as semb l e t he f r on t l e f t u pp e r a r m and t he f r on t r i gh t l owe r ar m . Ot he r a r m assemb l e r e f e r s t o t he above . Front r i ght arm assy D i sassemb l e Remove f ront r i ght absorber () 6 - 8) Remove f ront r i ght upper arm*s bo l t 3 and 8 t i ghten i ng nut 7 , bo l t 1 , t i ghten i ng bo l t 1 and nut 7 . Remove f ront r i ght l ower arm*s bo l t 3 and t i ghten i ng bo l t 7*s nut 7 i nstal l ed i n the f rame . Before d i sassemb l i ng the absorber , you have to remove the whee l s , brake cal i per and r i m hub . Before d i sassemb l i ng the bo l ts , you need to remove the steer i ng t i e - rod . Before d i sassemb l i ng f ront r i ght l ower arm assy , you need to pu l l up the knuck l e f rom the dr i veshaf t . Remove f ront r i ght arm assy . 8-9 C FM OT O I nspec t i on Ba l l p i n Inspect i f i t can rotate f lexible between top bal l pin 9 and front r ight upper arm 6,bottom bal l pin 17 and front r ight lower 12. Besides, the gap between top bal l pin and bottom, i f i t cannot move f reel y or the gap too b i g , bal l p i n rep l acement i s needed . R i gh t knuck l e I nspect i f the r i ght knuck l e i s dest roy , rep l ace i t i f need . Inspect i f the r im shaft inside r ight knuckle move +,-./012345678.9:;<= >?@.9ABC56=>DE?FGHI56 8-10 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Constant ve l oc i ty dr i ve sha f t At tent i on : For thi s veh i c l e , i nspect i on , d i sassemb l i ng and assem b l i ng t h e f r on t & r ea r ax l e L H&RH constant ve l oc i ty dr i ve sha f t are i n the same way . ( 55 ) Constant ve l oc i ty dr i ve sha f t , LH . Front ax l e D i sassemb l i ng A t t en t i on : You dono t need t o r emove t he f r on t suspens i on assy f r om t he veh i c l e i f you on l y repa i r the f ront ax l e costant ve l oc i t y d r i ve sha f t , L H . remove f ront l ef t whee l () 8 - 3) remove f ront l ef t brake cal i per () 8 - 4) remove fornt lef t r im hub() 8 - 3) Exam i ne duct boot , rep l ace w i th new ones i f destroy . cost ant ve l oc i ty dr i ve sha f t shake? i nspect i f the un i versa l j o i nt move f ree l y , the bear i ng move f ree l y , i f there i s gap between j o i nt and sp l i ne . 8 Replace wi th new ones i f dumb,abnormal sound, gap . A t t ent i on : Doub l e o f f se t un i ve r sa l j o i n t mus t can be move f ree l y , or e l se , i t canno t con t r o l t he t y r es and r esu l t i n acc i dent . A t t en t i o n : R ep l acem en t i s r eq u i r ed i f the r i ght& l ef t arm shake after i ns ta l l a t i on . Assemb l i ng Mount i ng torque : 40# #50N" "m Use speci al too l to press the ba l l p i n i nto the arm assy . Assemb l i ng carry on accord i ng to the oppo s i te sequence of d i sassemb l i ng . 8-11 C FM OT O S t ee r i ng sys t em Hand l ebar Dashboard cover d i sassemb i ng remove dashboard cover bo l t1 remove dashboard cover Assemb l i ng Assemb l ing carry on the oppos i te sequence of d i sassemb l i ng . RH hand l ebar sw i tch D i sassemb l i ng remove f ront top cover") 2 - 4$ remove RH hand l ebar sw i tch connector remove the two bo l ts i nstal l ed i n hand l ebar tube . remove hand l ebar sw i tch , RH . I nsta l l at i on Insta l l the hand l ebar sw i tch , RH") 8 - 15$ 8-12 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Hand l eba r sw i tch , L H d i sassemb l i ng remove 2 screws remove LH hand l ebar sw i tch connector remove hand l ebar sw i tch , LH I nst a l l Insta l l the LH hand l ebar sw i tch") 8 - 15$ Rea r v i ew m i r r o r 8 D i sassemb l i ng loosen the nut in counter -clockwise di rect ion, then turn the rear m i rror i n counter - c l ock w i se and you can take o f f the rear v i ew m i rror . A t t en t i on : L e f t hand r ea r v i ew m i r ror i s r i gh t hand sc rew thread , turn i t i n counter - c l ockw i se d i r e c t i on whe n d i sm an t l i n g . Loosen the nut i n cl ockw i se d i rect i on , turn the RH rear v i ew m i rror then you can take down the RH rear v i ew m i rror . A t t en t i o n : RH r ea r v i e w m i r r o r i s l e f t han d t h r e ad , y ou r eq u i r ed t o t ur n i t i n c l ockw i se d i r ec t i on when t ake i t down . I nsta l l at i on Insta l l i ng carry on accord i ng to the oppo s i te sequence , d i rect i on of un i nsta l l at i on . 8-13 C FM OT O Hand l eba r p i pe D i sassemb l i ng remove the dashboard cover") 8 - 12$ remove RH&LH hand l ebar sw i tch") 8 - 12$ Seperate the r ight and l ef t brake pump f rom the han l ebar p i pe . remove the four instal lat ion bol t , take down the hand l ebar . Assemb l i ng Assemb l i ng carry on accord i ng to the oppos i te sequence of d i sassemb l i ng . T o r q u e : 20-30N" "m$ $ 2.0-3.0kgf" "m% % At tent i on Ma i n cab l e assy , #thrott l e cab l e , brake o i l p i pe , cab l e hut accord i ng to t he draw i ng correct l y . I nsta l l throt t l e cab l e remove the three screws , remove RH hand l ebar sw i tch cover . Insta l l thrott l e cab l e i nstal l RH hand l ebar sw i tch cover 8-14 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM I nsta l l LH hand l ebar sw i tch Pa i r the LH hand l ebar sw i tch stopped onto the hand l ebar l ocat i on ho l e . use bo l t 1 t i ghten i ng f rom the bottom . I nser t the LH hand l ebar sw i tch*s connector i nto the mai n cab l e. 8 I nsta l l RH hand l ebar sw i tch Pa i r the RH hand l ebar sw i tch stopped onto the hand l ebar l ocat i on ho le. T i ghten ing through the bo l t 2 f rom the bottom . I nser t the RH hand l ebar sw i tch*s connector i nto ma i n cab l e . 8-15 C FM OT O I ns t a l l RH& L H g r i p remove d i rty i nner LH gr i p and dry i t . coat the connect i on w i th j o i nt cement between handlebar and LH gr ip, put in the RH&LH gr ips. Attent ion The instal led RH&LH gr ips must be placed for hours for dry the j o i nt cement . I ns t a l l b r ake pump upward the brake pump base JUPK mark, then i nstal l the brake pump . eyeba l l i ng the d i stance between brake pump and hand l ebar sw i tch , hand l ebar under hood to equal i ty . Attent ion: Ma i n cab l e assy , throt t l e cab l e , brake o i l p i pe , cab l e hut sha l l accord i ng to the draw i ng correct l y . Insta l l the park i ng l ever i nsta l l the rear v i ew m i r ror") 8 - 13$ i nstal l the dashboard") 8 - 10$ i nstal l the dashboard cover") 8 - 12$ 8-16 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM S t ee r i ng sys t em 8 8-17 C FM OT O Steer i ng stem D i sassemb l i ng remove dashboard f ront cover ") 8 - 1 2 $ remove f ront whee l ") 8 - 2$ take down handlebar swi tch connector Use st ra i ght screwdr i ver and hammer hammer out the lock pad. remove bo l t1(bo l t2 remove steer ing stem seat , plate and bush . Remove cotter p i n Remove steer ing t ie- rod instal l at i on nut , washer Press and separate the steer i ng t i e - rod f rom the steer i ng stem . Remove steer i ng stem i nsta l l at i on bo l t Rai se up the steer i ng stem and the handlebar together , then you can remove the steer i ng stem . I nsta l l i ng Insta l l i ng carry on accord i ng to the oppo s i te sequence of un i nstal l i ng . At t ent i on : Check af ter f i n i sh the Cab l e , i nhau l 8-18 maneuve rab i l i ty i n s t a l l a t i o n .$ 3 - 3 % cab l e t race re f ers to sect i on 1 cab l e , draw i ng . the i nhau l cab l e t race 8 FRONT WHEEL ,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Steer i ng bear i ng , o i l sea l D i smant l i ng remove f ront whee l ") 8 - 2$ remove steer i ng stem") 8 - 18$ remove f ront ADWS arm assy") 8 - 9$ Use spec i a l too l separate the steer i ng stem and the o i l seal f rom the body . S pec i a l t o o l : bea r i ng r em ove r comp onen t rotor pu l l er r em ov e r ax l e r emove r h eavy bob I nsta l l at i on Instal l at i on carry on accord i ng to the oppo s i te sequence of un i nstal l at i on . S pec i a l t o o l : Bea r i ng r ace i ns t a l l a t i on t oo l A Ass emb l i ng t oo l i ng ba r A t t e n t i o n !S p e c i a l too l must be used 8 when i ns t a l l t he bea r i ng . Steer i ng system instal l accord i ng to the op pos i te sequence of un i nstal l at i on . At t ent i on : Check the maneuve rab i l i ty a f t e r f i n i sh t h e i ns t a l l a t i on . 8-19 9 Rear Whee l , Rear Brake , Suspens i on Overhaul Info!!!!!!!!!9 - 1 Rear Brake System!!!!!!9 - 4 Troub l eshoot ing!!!!!!!!9 - 2 Rear Suspens i on System!!!!9 - 5 Rear Wheel !!!!!!!!!!!9- 3 Overhau l I n f ormat i on O pe r a t i n g N o t i ce No te "Secure l y support the veh i cl e when overhau l i ng the r i m and suspens i on system . "Use genu i ne parts of bo l ts and nuts for rear r im and suspens i on . "Do not overexert on the whee l s to avo i d poss i b l e damage to the wheel s . "When remov i ng t i res from r i m , use speci al t i re l ever and r i m protector to avoi d damage to the r i m . O ve r h au l S t an d a r d I tem Rim V i brat ion Rear Whee l Rear Brake Ti re Brake Long i tud i na l Hor i zonta l Rema i ned T i re Tread Ti re Pressure Lever Free P lay Standard Limit # # 2 . 0mm 2 . 0mm # 3 . 0mm 30kPa # 10# 20mm # 9 T i g h t en i n g To r qu e Rear Wheel Ax l e Nut 110 - 130N"m R i m Mount i ng Bo l t 50 - 60N"m Upper Mount i ng Bo l t , Shock Absorber 40 - 50N"m Lower Mount i ng Bo l t , Shock Absorber 40 - 50N"m 9-1 C FM OT O Troub l eshoot i ng Rea r Whee l Wo bb l es "R i m Warpage "Fau l ty T i re "T i re Pressure Too Low "Improper Whee l Ba l ance "Improper T i ghten i ng of Whee l Ax l e Nut "Loosened Whee l Nut Rea r Shock Abso r be r i s Too So f t "Weak Spr i ng "O i l Leakage f rom Rear Shock Absorber Rea r Shock Abso r be r i s Too Ha r d "Bent Rear Shock Absorber "T i re Pressure i s Too H i gh Poo r B r ake E f f i c i ency "Improper Brake Ad j ustment "Sta i ned Brake Pad or Brake D i sk "Worn or Damaged Brake Pad 9-2 9 Rear Whee l , Rear Brake , Suspens i on Rear Whee l Remova l Ref er to Front Whee l Remova l $% 8 - 3& I nspec t i on Rim Damage, warpage, ser i ous scrapes : % Rep l ace S l ow l y turn the whee l , measure the r i m v i trat i on w i th a d i al gauge. Se r v i ce L i m i t : Ax i a l : 2 . 0 mm Rad i a l : 2 . 0mm I ns t a l l a t i on Re fer to Front Whee l I nsta l l at i on$% 8 - 3& Wh ee l H ub Remove : 9 - Rea r Whee l $% 9 - 3& - R i m Axl e Nut - Wheel Hub I ns ta l l a t i on : Reverse the remova l procedure for i nstal l at i on . T i gh t en i ng To r que , R i m Ax l e Nu t : 1 1 0 - 1 3 0 N !m 9-3 C FM OT O Rear Brake Rea r B r ake Ca l i pe r Remove : - Rear Le f t Whee l $% 9 - 3& - 2 Bo l ts f rom Arm - Brake Cal i per I nspec t i on Brake Cal iper : Cracks , Oi l Leakage: % Rep l ace I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remova l procedure for i nsta l l at i on . Note: Refer to Chapter 1 for brake hose routing. Rea r B r ake D i sc Remove : - Rear Le f t Whee l $% 9 - 3& - Rear Dr i ve Shaf t - Rear Brake Ca l i per$% 9 - 4& - 6 Shear Bo l ts - Pa r k i ng B r ake$% 9 - 4& - Rear Brake D i sc$% 8 - 3& I nspec t i on Brake D i sc : Th i ckness<6 . 5mm % Rep l ace I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remova l procedure for i nsta l l at i on . Note: Refer to Chapter 1 for brake hose routing. P a r k i ng B r ake Remove : - Rear Le f t Whee l $% 9 - 3& - Rear Dr i ve Shaf t - Rear Brake Ca l i per$% 8 - 4& - 6 Shaf t Bo l ts - Parki ng Brake 9-4 9 Rear Whee l , Rear Brake , Suspens i on Rear Suspens i on System Rea r R i g h t Su spens i on No te : DO NOT r emove bo th l e f t and r i gh t suspens i on at t he same t i me to avo i d f a l l down o f t he veh i c l e . 9 D i sassemb l y S t ab i l i z e r Ba r Remove : Bo l t1( 6 ) , Bo l t2 ( 7) , Bo l t3 ( 10 ) , Bo l t4( 11) , Bracket (8)and(5) , Rubber Support (4)and(9) , Nut2(2) , Nut10(12) , Lef t Ba l l P i n(1) , R i ght Bal l P i n(14) Remove : Stab i l i zer Bar (3) I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remova l procedure for i nsta l l at i on . 9-5 C FM OT O Rear R i ght Absorber Remova l No t e : Secu r e l y suppo r t t he veh i c l e when r emov i ng r ea r l e f t and r i gh t absor be rs . Suspend whee l s f r om g r ound . Ma i nt enance o f r ea r absor be rs on l y does not r equ i r e remova l o f rear suspens i on . Remove the fo l l ow i ng parts f rom rear r i ght shock absorber : - Bo l t10(25) - Nut7(27) - Bo l t7(19) - Nut8(28) Remove rear r i ght shock absorber I ns t a l l a t i on Reverse the remova l procedure for i nsta l l at i on . Rea r R i gh t A r m Refer to Front Lef t Upper Arm i n Chapter13 for the removal , i nspect ion and i nstal l at i on of Rear R i ght Arm . Rea r L e f t Su spens i on Refer to Rear Right Suspension for the removal , i nspect i on and i nsta l l at i on o f Rear Le f t Suspens i on . 9-6 10 Front/Rear Axle Overhau l i n f ormat i on ! Standards Lubricating Period Item In i t i a l : 0 . 33L / Rep l ace : SAE15W / 40 SF Front axle Rear axle Interval Ini t ial Next Capaci ty Type 0 . 28L " 350km 5000km SAE80W / 90 GL -4 Ini t i al : 0 . 30L / Rep l ace : 0 . 25L Tightening torque table Item Pcs Speci f icat ion Torque(N.m) Front axle case bol t 6 M8 # 28 25 Front axl e motor screw 4 M8 # 20 13 1 M8 # 10 13 Front axle nut 1 M14 # 1.5 62 Di f f . gear bol t 6 M10 # 1.25 # 22 45 25 Pi ni on shaft screw Oi l bol t , f ront axl e 1 M14 # 1.25 # 12 Drai n bol t , f ront axl e 1 M10 # 1.25 25 Retainer 1 M64 # 1.5 # 7 80 Rear axle case bol t 2 M10 # 1.25 # 25 40 Rear axle case bol t 6 M8 # 25 25 Nut , input shaft ,R / A 1 M12 # 1.25 70 Bol t , input shaft ,R / A 4 M8 # 30 25 Retainer , R / A 1 M65 # 1.5 # 10 70 Nut 1 M8 16 Oi l bol t , rear axl e Drai n bol t , f ront axl e 1 M20 # 1.5 # 12 25 1 M14 # 1.25 # 12 25 Remark Wi th fasten ing gl ue 10 10-1 CFMOTO ! I nspec t i on & Ove r hau l Inspect i on and overhau l i s needed i f any of prob l ems be l ow happens to f ront and rear ax l e Problem descr ipt ions Causes $ Unstable moving dur ing accelerat ing, A.Bear ing broken; B.Gear clearance over / under size; decerat ing or constant speed. C.Gear severely worn; % Abnormal sound in front rear axle; D.Gear blocked E.Dr ive shaft broken & Engine power tranmission fai lure to F. lack of lubr icant G.Foreiggn matter in front or rear gear front or rear wheels. Note! !A!B!C probl ems are hard to di st ingui sh . Anal ysi s is needed based on actual break-down catagor ies.Make sure engine works al l r ight before disassembly of front or rear axle Obsernvat i on and Judgement 1.Never ignore abnormal sound: a. Abnormal sounds dur ing accelerat ing,decelerat ing have l i tt le to do wi th engine working, but possibly wi th gear worn b. Constant abnormal sounds dur ing accelerat ing or decelerat ing might be cause by gear clearance wrongly adjusted dur ing assembl ing. Note:Wrong assembly or adjustment of the front or rear axle wi l l aggravate gear worn and block; c. Sl ight sounds wi l l be not iced dur ing low-speed dr iving, and shound not be heard dur ing high-speed dr iving.This is caused by gear bolck. Note! !In case of above ment i oned i tmes , stop the veh i c l e i mmed i ate l y for inspect ion unt i l they are solved, or wi l l cause accident 2.Check lubr icat ion i f i t"s under normal condi t ion; 3.Chcek lubr icant leakage; a. Rear axle surface oi l stain inspect ion before through inspect ion; b. Oi l stain on ground on the parking lot# c. Lubricant splash inspect ion.Check i f there is gear case or oi l seal leakage. Replace broken parts i f necessary. 10-2 10 Front/Rear Axle Front axle exploded view 22 23 24 21 9 8 7 25 12 Item Part Name Qty Item Part Name Bear ing F1512 Qty 1 Bol t M8 # 28 6 17 2 Front axle case 1 18 3 O- r ing 141 # 2.4 1 19 Bear ing 6007 4 Bear ing 16007 1 20 Oi l seal 48 # 65 # 9 1 5 Ci rcl ip 62 1 21 Coupler 1 6 Dr ive clutch cover 1 22 O- r ing 14 # 6.8 1 7 Dr ive clutch 1 23 Nut washer 1 8 Adjust washer ' 83 # 71 1(2 24 Nut M14 # 1.5 1 9 Di f ferent ial . gear assy 1 25 Screw M8 # 20 4 10 11 Adjust washer ' 61 # 48 Bol t M10 # 1.25 2(4 1 26 27 Gear motor O- r ing 81.2 # 1.9 1 1 12 Washer 10 1 28 Rack 1 13 Washer 14 1 29 Pinion shaft 1 14 Bol t M14 # 1.25 1 30 Screw M8 # 10 1 15 Oi l seal 24 # 38 # 8 2 31 Retainer M64#1.5#7 1 16 Front axle case cover 1 Dr ive pinion gear 1 1 1 10-3 10 CFMOTO I nspect i on a f ter f ront ax l e d i sassemb l y !Check i f there is damage or crack on the front di f frent ial gear casecover and bear ing assembl ing hole is ok.Replace casecover i f necessary; !Check i f front axle bear ing clearance ok or turning stable,and rol l way,steel bal l ,needle and plate are ok. Replace bear ing i f necessary. (Using special tools) ! Check i f oi l seal l ips and O- r ing shape are ok. Replace i f necessary; ! Check cyl indr ial surface of front axle and oi l seal l ips, Replace broken parts i f necessary. !Check dr ive pinion gear and di f ferent ial gear , inspect worn surface. Replace broken i f necessary; !Check driven gears surface,gear(center)di fferential ,bracket di fferential wearing si tuat ion on the di f ferent ial gear assembly. Replace parts i f necessary; !Check inside and out side spl ine washer wear ing status in front axle. Replace parts i f necessary; ! Check gear motor working status. Replace wi th new parts i f necessary; Gear motor inspect ion must be carr ied out wi th special equipment or acted on the vehicle; ! Check other parts. Replace broken parts of necessary. 10-4 10 Front/Rear Axle Front ax l e assemb l y and ad j ustment ! Front ax l e casecover asse l b l y 16 Item)31* Tightening torque 80Nm I tem )24*T i ghten i ng torque 62Nm Note$Use eng i ne o i l for o i l sea l , bear ing and dr ive clutch assembly; )24*Use screw thread fasten i ng g l ue 10 23 24 ! Frong ax l e case assemb l y Note :Use engine oi l for oi l seal or bear ing assembly. 10 ! Di f ferent ial gear assembly Bo l t M10 % 1 . 25 % 22 T i ghten i ng torque 45Nm Note !Use engine for bear ing and di f ferential gear;Use proper washer to make gear working freely; Washer th i ckness 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 0.4 10-5 CFMOTO ! Front axle assembly and adjustment 1 8 As i l l ustrat ion shown+ Tightening torque I tem)1* 25Nm I tem)25* 13Nm Item)30* Bolt 13Nm 25Nm Bol t 25Nm 7 28 29 30 27 25 26 Use fasten i ng g l ue for i tem&30' assembly a Use proper washer 8 and 10 thick ness to adjust gear side clearance between drive pinion gear and d i f ferent i al gear Dr i ve beve l gear c l earance measurement ; Insta l l support tool s, t igheni ng bol ts( M10X1 . 25X60 ) put up d i a l i nd i cator , make sure 21 mm i s between measur i ng po i nt and suppor t too l s . Turn suppor t too l s counter - c l ock and read the data . Standard+0. 10(0. 25 Washer th i ckness b 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 0.4 Shi ft fork and dr ive clutch assem- b l y shou l d be aga i nst t i ght l y to the arrow shape i l lustrat ion when assembly of front axle motor . 10-6 3 10 10 Front/Rear Axle c Use spec i a l equ i pment or veh i c l e control ci rcui t into 2WD posi t ion before gear motor assembly d Make sure b and c is assembled prop- er ly and using i l lustrated posi t ionging screw to assemble gear motor and front ax l e, 10 10-7 CFMOTO Rear axle exploded view Item 1 Part Name Qty Item Part Name Qty Bolt M10 #1.25 #25 2 18 O- r ing 64.5 # 3 1 2 Bol t M8 # 25 6 19 Bear ing 6305 1 3 Rear axle bearing housig 1 20 Bear ing reteiner 1 4 O- r ing 151 # 3 1 21 Dr ive gear , rear axle 1 5 Bear ing 16017 / C2 1 22 Bear ing inner race 1 6 Ad j ust washer-2. 1(2 23 Bear ing outer race 1 7 Dr iven gear , rear axle 1 24 Adjust gasket Ad j ust washer-1. 1 25 Washer14.5 # 21 # 1.5 1 9 Needle bear ing 1 26 Bol t M14 # 1.25 # 12 1 10 Rear gear case 1 27 O- r ing 19 # 2.5 1 11 Oi l seal SD4 65 # 90 # 9 NS 2 28 Bol t M20 # 1.5 # 12 1 12 Nut M12#1.25 1 29 Screw M8 # 45 13 Washer 12.5 # 30 # 4 1 30 Washer 8.2 # 15 # 1.5 1 14 Coupler , rear axle 1 31 Nut M8 1 15 Bol t M8 # 35 4 16 Oil seal 8 17 10-8 Bevel gear bearing housing 1 1 1(3 1 10 Front/Rear Axle Disassembly of bearing a Disassemble needle bear ing as left draw ing shown when necessary, b When make needle bearing replacement, rear bear ing housing should be heated to 1500, then disassemble i t . Rear ax l e i nspect i on a f ter d i sas semb l y !Check i f there is crack or damage in rear gear case, see mount ing hole is ok . Replace gear case or r ight cover i f necessary;/ !Check i f bearing clearance is normal ,and turing stabi l i ty, rol lway, stel lbal l , neddle bearing as wel l . Replace bearing i f necessary. (Special tools are requi red) ! Check worn status of dr i ve bevel gear and r ing gear rear axl e. Rep lace i f necessary; ! Check oi l seal l ips, o- r ing shape. Replace parts i f necessary; !Check cylndr ical surface of rear axle and oi l seal l ips. Replace i f necessary; ! Check inner and outsider spl ine. Replace i f necessary; ! Check other parts. Replace i f necessary. 10-9 10 CFMOTO Rear ax l e assemb l y and ad j ustment ! I l lustrat ion T i ghten i ng torque I tem)1* Item)2* 40Nm 25Nm I tem)12* 70Nm I tem)15* 25Nm I tem)20* 70Nm I tem)31* 16Nm Bol t 25Nm Bol t 25Nm Use g l ue for I tem&29' assemb l y !Assembly and clearance adjustment of , dr ive gear of rear axle a By choos ing )24* washer to adj ust instal l ing clearance b By choos i ng )6* washer to ad j ust clearance c By coat i ng co l or to check contact surface i f i t1s ok for mat ing/ d Inspect instal l ing clearance by checki ng beve l gear c l earance/By us i ng assistant measurement tool to check i ts clearance Standard+0 . 1(0 . 2 e Keep instal l ing point bear ing clear ance 0 . 1 (0 . 2 by c h o o s i n g &8 ' washer . , Washer )6* Th ickness: 0 . 2 0.4 Washer )8* Th i ckness 1 . 0 Wahser )24* Thickness 0.4 10-10 0.3 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.5 0.6 10 Front/Rear Axle f Adjust i tem 29 as i l lustrated, and make sure i ts end and back clearance of dr i ve gear i s 0 . 3(0 . 6 . T i ghten i tem 31. 10 10-11 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ! CHARG I NG SYSTEM!!!!!!! 11 - 1 " ELECTR I C START I NG SYSTEM!!!!!! 11 - 3 # ELECTR I C I TY - SPRAY I NG SYSTEM!!!!!!! 11 - 8 1 . ELECTR I C I TY - SPRAY I NG SYSTEM STRUCTURE!!!!! 11 - 8 2 . ELECTR I C I TY - SPRAY I NG SYSTEM D I AGRAM!!!! 11 - 9 3 . ELECTR I C I TY - SPRAY I NG SYSTEM MA I NTENANCE NOT I CE!! 11 - 9 4 . MAINTENANCE TOOL!!!!!!!!11 - 10 5 . E L ECTR I C I TY - SPRAY I NG SYSTEM COMPONENTSCOMPOS I T I ON&FUNCT I ON!11 - 12 ECU!!!!!!!!!! 11 -12 THROTTLE ASSEMBLY!!!!!! 11 - 13 INLET PRESSURE SENSOR!!!!! 11 - 14 INTAKE AIR TEMPERATUR SENSOR!!!! 11 - 15 WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR!!!!!!! 11 - 16 OXYGEN SENSOR!!!!!!!! 11- 17 TRIGGER!!!!!!!!! 11 -18 ODOMETER SENSOR!!!!!!! 11- 19 SHIFT LEVER POSITION SENSOR!!!!!!! 11 - 20 FULE OI L PUMP ASSEMBLY!!!!!!! 11 - 21 OI L ATOMI ZER!!!!!!!!! 11- 22 IDLE AIR CONTROL !!!!! 11 - 23 IGNITION COI L!!!!!!!! 11- 24 6 . E L ECTR I C I TY - SPRAY I NG SYSTEM SE L F - D I AGNOS I S!! 11 - 25 TROUBLE LIGHT!!!!!!!!! 11- 25 DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT!!!!!!!!! 11 - 26 TROUBLE CODE!!!!!!!!! 11- 27 7 . VEHICLE SCHEMATIC CIRCUIT CIRCUIT DIAGRAM!!!!! 11 - 28 11-1 CFMOTO $ CHARGING SYSTEM CHARG I NG C I RCU I T D I AGRAM MAGNETO CO I L RES I STANCE ! MEASURE TRIPHASE MAGNETOR STATOR COIL RESISTANCE ! IF THE RESISTANCE VALUE OUT OF PRESCRIBED VALUE, REPLACE THE STATOR COIL . ! I NSPECT I F THE STATOR CO I L AND STATOR CORE INSULATION. TURN MULTIMETER TO 1X10 ! MAGNETO CO I L RES ISTANCE : YEL LOW# INSULATING RESISTANCE: GROUND# 0 . 5 - 1 . 5 !"YEL LOW "! "YELLOW - MAGNETOR NON - L OADED PERFORMANCE ! START THE ENGINE LET IT GOES TO 5000r / min USE MULTIMETER MEASURE MAGNETOR STATOR COIL THREE OUTPUT LINE VOLTAGE. ! IT THE RESULT VALUE BELLOW THE SETTING VALUE , CHANGE A NEW MAGNETOR. ADJUST MULTIMETER TO ALTERNATING VOLTAGE GRADE MAGNETOR NON- LOADED STATE COIL VOLTAGE VALUE: 5 00 0 r / m i n # 20 0V$ $ A L T ERNAT I NG CURRENT % 11-2 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM &' ( ) * !USE MULTIMETER MEASURE THE RESISTANCE BETWEEN THE TERMINALS,AS BELOW FORM SHOWS, IF THERE IS ONE DATA OUT OF THE SETTING VALUE,REPLACE WITH A NEW ONE. !AFTER ENGINE RUNNING, BATTERY FULL POWER, IF VOLTAGE BETWEEN RED LINE, GREEN LINE EXCEED 15V OR UNDER 12V,REPLACE WITH A NEW ONE. ADJUST MULTIMETER TO DIODE ATTENT I ON+ WHEN MU L T I METER PROBE UNCONNECTED , I F THE MU L T I METER SHOWS BE L L OW 1 . 4V , THEN REP L ACE I T ,S B A T T E R Y . 11-3 CFMOTO $ STARTING SYSTEM TR I GGER C I RCU I T D I AGRAM START I NG DYNAMO 11-4 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM E L ECTR I C BRUSH !CHECK IF THE ELECTRIC BRUSH PERMANENT SEAT ABNORMAL, CRACK,UNSMOOTH !IF THERE IS ANY BROKEN, CHANGE THE WHOLE ELECTRIC BRUSH ASSEMBLY COMMUTAT OR ! CHECK IF THE COMMUTATOR CHANGE COLOR , ABNORMAL DAMAGE OR OVER WEAR. !IF THERE IS ABNORMAL DESTROY, REPLACE WITH A NEW AMATURE. ! IF THE COMMUTATOR SURFACE DISCOLOURATION, POLISH WITH SEND PAPER AND WIPE UP WITH DRY CLOTH. !IF OVER WEAR, CUT PART OF B INSULATOR WITH BLADE, KAME THE DISTANCE BETWEEN A AND B TO d d - 1 . 5mm ARMATURE CO I L USE MULTIMETER CHECKING IF IT IS INTERCOMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE TERMINALS, BETWEEN TERMINALS AND ARMATURES . IF THEY NOT COMMUNICATION, REPLACE WITH A NEW ARMATURE. O I L SEAL CHECKING IF OIL SEAL LIP DESTROY OR OIL LEAK. IF THERE IS ANY DESTROY OR LEAKAGE, REPLACE WITH A NEW STARTING DYNAMO. 11-5 CFMOTO I N I T I AT I NG RE L AY ! LOAD 12V VOLTAGE TO I N I T I AT I NG%S ANODE AND CATHODE ;MEASURING WITH MULTIMETER IF THE EXTREMES MEET. !IF THE START RELAY CONTACT SOUND TICKTOCK AND ALSO CONNECT, !WHEN COIL TWO TERMINALS NON - LOADED 12V VOLTAGE, THE TWO CONTACTS UNCOMMUNICATE ! ABOVE TWO ITEMS BOTH OK , IT SHOWS THE RELAY IS OKAY. ADJUST MULTIMETER TO DIODE GRADE. AT TENT I ON : RELAY VOLTAGE LOADED CANNOT EXCEED 2MINS,OR ELSE, IT WILL CAUSE THE RELAY OVERHEAT AND BURNT THE RELAY COIL . ! USE MULT IMETER MEASURI NG STARTI NG RELAY CO I L RESISTANCE , IF THE VALUE OUT OF THE SETTING RANGE, REPLACE WITH A NEW ONE. ! ADJUST MULTIMETER TO 1X10 ! GRADE START AUX I L I ARY RE L AY CO I L RES I STANCE : 3 - 5 ! START AUX I L I ARY RE L AY. .FUL E PUMP RE L AY !LOAD 12V VOLTAGE TO THE THE ANODE AND CATHODE OF THE STARTING RELAY COI L .USE MULTIMETER MEASURE IF CON TACTS A,B IS MEET. ADJUST MULTIMETER TO DIODE GRADE. !IF THE STARTING RELAY SOUND TICK AND CONNECTION, ! WHEN NON - LOADED 12V VOLTAGE , THE TWO CONTACTS UNCONNECTED !EITHER OF THE ABOVE TWO ITEMS IS SHOWS THE RELAY IS FINE. ! ADJUST MULTIMETER TO 1X100 ! , MEASURING THE COI L RESISTANCE AUX I L I ARY RE L AY CO I L RES I STANCE+ +90 - 100 ! AT TENT I ON : AT THE BACK OF AUX I L I ARY RELAY , PARAL LEL TO THE D I ODE D I RECT I ON , I T I S THE RE L AY CO I L ,S ANODE . 11-6 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM START I NG ENG I NE NOT I CE !JOINT LINES ACCORDING TO TRIGGER CIRCUIT. !BEFORE STARTING, CHECK IF ALL THE PARTS ARE CORRECT JOINTED.ELECTRICITY SPRAYING JOINT SEE BELOW: !CHECK IF GAS CIRCUIT NORMAL . !CHECK IF OIL CHANNEL AT FAULT. IF BLOCK,CLEAR BLOCK PART, SECURE OIL CHANNEL SMOOTH. IF LEAKAGE,RELINK LEAK SECTION, SECURE THE OIL CHANNEL NO LEAKAGE. !USE OIL PRESSURE GAGE MEASURE OIL PRESSURE. FU L E PU MP O UTP UT PO RT PR E S SU RE : 0 . 3 / 0 . 0 1 Ba r 0 !CHANGE ENGINE SHIFT HAND LEVER TO NEUTRAL ! USE DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT CHECK IF AT FAULT , IF YES, CLEARING OF FAULT ACCORDING TO DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE. !CLOSE THROTTLE,TURN OFF THE IGNITION SWITCH,PRESS START SWITCH 3-5 SECONDS: ! START THE ENGINE, WARM UP TO IDLE SPEED STABLE, EXAMINE IDLING SPEED: I D L I NG SPEED : 1400 / 10 0 r pm0 0 11-7 CFMOTO $ ELECTRONIC SPRAYING SYSTEM ELECTRON I C SPRAY I NG SYSTEM STRUC TURE ENG I NE E L ECTRON I C SPRAT I NG SYSTEM I NCL UD I NG THREE PARTS : ( 1 ) SE NSOR : TRANSFORM THE ENGINE NON -ELECTRICITY PHYSICAL QUANTITY TO ELECTRICITY QUANTITY,AND PROVIDE ALL THE INFORMATIONS TO THE ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT. IT IS THE ELECTRONIC CONTROL %S SPY. INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING SENSORS: ! I NLET PRESSURE SENSOR ( LOADING I NFORMATION# ! THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR ( LOADING INFORMATION& ! I N LET A I R TEMPERATURE SENSOR ( A I R DENS I TY LOADING RANGE INFORMATION, ACCELERATION AND DECEL INFORMATION) ERATION INFORMATION# !TRIGGER (BENT AXLE PHASE POSITION INFORMATION) ! WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR (ENGINE TEMPERATURE INFORMATION) !ODOMETER SENSOR (OUTPUT SHAFT SPEED INFORMATION) ! GEAR SENSOR"GEAR INFORMATION) $ I NCL UD I NG GEAR SENSOR AND REVERSE GEAR SENSOR ) ! OXYGEN SENSOR(EXCESS AIR COEFFICIENT ABOVE 1 OR LOWER THAN 1# !FOUR WHEEL DEAD LOCK (4WD DEAD LOCK INFORMATION) !ASSISTOR SWITCH (RELIEF SPEED LIMIT INFORMATION) ( 2 ) E CU : ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT, IT IS THE BRAIN OF THE ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. IT ANALYZE AND PROCESS KINDS OF INFORMATIONS PROVIDE BY THE SENSORS , REACH A CONCLUTION, AND THEN TRANSMIT THE CONCLUTION TO THE ACTUATOR, SO AS TO ENSURE THE ENGINE OPERATION UNDER OPTIMAL STATE. 11-8 ( 3 ) ACTUAT OR : EXECUTE THE ECU INSTRUCTION. THE ACTUATOR IS THE HAND OF ECU, THE MAIN ACTUATORS ARE: !OIL FUEL PUMP ASSY(SUPPLY HIGH PRESSURE FUEL) ! OI L ATOMI ZER(SPRAY QUOTAL FUEL , MAKE FUEL SPRAY EXCELLENT) !IGNITION COIL(PROVIDE HIGH PRESSURE IGNITION ENERGY TO SPARK PLUG) ! IDLE SPEED CONTROL VALVE(PROVIDE IDLE SPEED AIR INPUT) 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ELECTRON I C SPRAY I NG SYSTEM D I AGRAM E L E CTRON I C SPRAY I NG SYSTEM MA I NTENANCE NO T!I USE CE QUAL ITY COMPONENTS FOR SERVICE , OR ELSE IT CANNOT GUARANTEE THE ELECTRONIC SPRAYING SYSTEM NORMAL OPERATION. !IN THE COURSE OF MAINTENANCE, NEVER TRY TO BREAK DOWN THE ELECTRONIC PARTS! !IN THE COURSE OF MAINTENANCE, THE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS MUSTDOWN BE HANDLED CAREFULLY. ! WHEN CUT OR CONNECT UP PLUG CONNECTOR, YOU MUST TURN OFF THE IGNITION SWITCH, OR ELSE THE ELECTRONIC SPRAYING COMPONENTS WILL BE DESTROYED. !WHEN TAKE DOWN THE ELECTRIC OIL FUEL PUMP, DONOT ENERGI ZE THE OI L PUMP , IT CAN GENERATE SPARK AND ! OI L FUEL PUMP NOT PERMITTED DO OPERATION TEST UNDER DRY STATE OR IN WATER.OR ELSE WILL SHORTEN IT% S LIFE.BESIDES,THE OIL FUEL PUMP TWO EXTREMES CANNOT REVERSE CONNECTION. !ELECTRONIC SPRAYING SYSTEM OIL SUPPLY PRESSURE IS HIGH("AROUND 300kPa) , THE FUEL PIPE ALL APPLY HIGH PRESSURE RESISTANCE PIPE,SO DONOT DISMANTLE THE PIPE EASILY. WHEN THE FUEL SYSTEM NEED TO BE REPAIRE,YOU HAVE TO DO OIL PIPE PRESSURE RELIEF BEFORE DISMANTLE THE OIL PIPE.PRESSURE RELIEF METHOD IS AS FOLLOWING: REMOVE OIL PUMP RELAY,STARTING THE ENGINE AND LET IT IDLE RUNNING, UNTILL THE ENGINE GO OUT ITSELF. OI L PIPE%S DISMANTLE AND FUEL FI LTER%S RE - ! WHEN INSPECTING THE IGNITION SYSTEM , ONLY IF IN NECESSARY,DO SPARKING TEST,AND SHOULD BE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, DONOT OPEN AIR SAMPER WHEN TESTING,OR ELSE PLENTY OF UNBURNED OIL WILL ENTER THE VENT-PIPE AND DAMAGE THE TRIPLET CATALYST. !IDLE SPEED REGULATION COMPLETELY CARRY OUT BY ELECTRONIC SPRAYING SYSTEM,THROTTLE VALVE GUN LIMIT SCREW ALREADY SETTED WHEN IT LEAVE THE FACTORY, IT INITIAL POSITION CANNOT BE CHANGED EASILY. !WHEN JOIN THE BATTERY, THE ANODE AND THE CATHODE CANNOT BE WRONG JOINTED . THIS SYSTEM APPLY MINUS EARTH. !WHEN ENGINE RUNNING,PROHIBIT TO DISMANTLE THE BATTERY CABLE. !BEFORE CARRY OUT ELECTRONIC WELDING ON THE VEHICLE, YOU REQUIRED TO DISMANTLE THE BATTERY POSI - TIVE TERMINAL , NEGTIVE TERMINAL AND ECU ! DONOT USE METHOD IMPALE LEAD CUTICULAR TO TEST COMPONENTS%S INPUT AND OUTPUT ELECTRICAL SIGNAL . !SET UP ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CONSCIOUSNESS.TREATING THE WASTE AFTER MAINTENANCE. PLACEMENT SHOULD BE CARRY ON BY PROFESSIONAL PERSON IN WELL -VENTILATED PLACE. 11-9 CFMOTO SERV I CE TOOLS TOO L NAME : D I AGNOST I C EQU I PMENT FUNCT I ON : READ CLEAR ELECTRONIC SPRAYING SYSTEM TROUBLE CODE,OBSERVE DATA STREAM,COMPONENETS MOTION TESTS. TOO L NAME : COMMUTATOR FUNCT I ON : INSPECT ECU EACH SUTURAL ELECTRICAL SIGNAL , INSPECT CIRCUIT STATES ETC. TOOL NAME : D I G I TAL MU L T I METER FUNCT I ON : INSPECT ELECTRONIC SPRAYING SYSTEM VOLTAGE , CURRENT, RESISTANCE ETC. TOO L NAME : VACUUM METER FUNCT I ON : INSPECT INLET PIPE PRESSURE STATE. 11-10 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM TOO L NAME : E L ECTRON I C SPARK T I M I NG FUNCT I ON : INSPECT ENGINE ELECTRONIC SPARK TIMING TOO L NAME : CYL I NDER PRESSURE GAUGE FUNCT I ON : INSPECT ENGINE CYLINDER PRESSURE STATE. TOOL NAME : FUE L PRESSURE GAUGE FUNCT I ON : INSPECT FUEL SYSTEM PRESSURE STATE , JUDGE THE FUEL SYSTEM FUEL PUMP AND FUEL PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE WORK STATE. TOOL NAME : O I L ATOM I Z ER WASH I NG ANAL YZ ER FUNCT I ON : WASHING ANS ANALYZING OIL ATOMIZER. 11-11 CFMOTO E LECTRON I C SPRAY I NG PARTS STRUCTURE AND FUNCT I ON ( 1 ) E CU : ECU, IT IS THE BRAIN OF THE ENTIRE ELECTRONIC SPRAYING SYSTEM. IT ANALYZE AND PROCESS THE INFORMATIONS PROVIDED BY THE SENSOR, REACH A CONCLUTION, THEN TRANSMIT THE CONCLUTION TO THE ACTUATOR AS INSTRUCTION,SO AS TO MAKE THE ENGINE OPERATION IN OPTIMAL STATE. ECU EACH ST I TCH FUNCT I ON : 1. IGNITION COIL CONTROL SIGNAL 2.EARTHING CONTACT 3.VEHICLE SPEED SIGNAL 4.TROUBLE LAMP 5. IGNITION SWITCH POWER+ 6. INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR SIGNAL 7.REVERSE GEAR 8.4WD DEAD LOCK SWITCH SIGNAL 9.ASSISTOR SWITCH SIGNAL 10.+5VPOWER OUTPUT 11. IGNITION SWITCH POWER+ 12.TRIGGER SIGNALA 13.TRIGGER SIGNALB 14.OIL ATOMIZER 15.OXYGEN SENSOR HEATING 16.SUPPLEMENTARY RELAY 17. IDLE SPEED CONTROL VALVE(CARBON TANK CONTROL VALVE) 18.WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR SIGNAL 19. INLET PRESSURE SENSOR SIGNAL 20.AIR DAMPER POSITION SENSOR SIGNAL 21.SENSOR 22.OIL PUMP 23.BATTERY POWER+ 24.OXYGEN SENSOR 25.ENGINE SPEED OUTPUT 26.KWIRE DIAGNOSIS L I M I T DATA : ! D I SA L L OW TO ADD L OAD ON CRUST OR COVE R BOARD . 1 HANDLED CAREFUL LY AND AVO I D TO DROP ON THE F L OOR . 11-12 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ( 2 ) THROTT L E VAL VE ASSY : JOIN THE AIR CLEANER AND ENGINE,CONTROL THROTTLE VALVE OFF AND ON ANGLE THROUGH THROTTLE CABLE. AIR DAMPER POSITION SNESOR TRANSMIT ANGLE SIGNAL TO ECU. EACH P I N FUNT I ON : 1.CONNECT 5V POWER 2.GROUNDING 3.OUTPUT VOLTAGE SIGNAL THE R I GHT DRAW I NG I S THE W I R I NG D I AGRAM W I TH ECU I D L E SPEED L I M I T SCREW NOT A L L OWED T O BE ADJUSTME NT . ! ENGINE IDLE SPEED COMPLETELY DEPEND UPON ELEC TRONIC SPRAYING SYSTEM ADJUSTMENT. PROHIBIT MANUAL ADJUST THE IDLE SPEED SCREW. 11-13 CFMOTO ( 3 ) I NL ET PRESSURE SENSOR : MONITOR INLET PIPE PRESSURE, PROVIDE ENGINE LOAD INFORMATION TO ECU. EACH ST I TCH FUNCT I ON : 1.CONNECT 5V POWER 2.GROUNDING 3.OUTPUT VOLTAGE SIGNAL THE R I GHT DRAW I NG I S THE CONNECT I ON DRAW I NG FOR SENSOR&ECU . THE RI GHT DRAW ING I S THE PERM I T FITT ING L I M IT , I N TH I S WAY CAN ENSURE THERE I S NO CONDENSED WATER I NS I DE THE SENSOR , THE CONDENSED WATER CAN DE ST ROY SE NSO R I NNER PRE S SU RE - SE N S I NG DEV I CE . THE P I CTURE BE L OW I S THE REC I PROCAL D I AGRAM DRAW I NG FOR PRESSURE AND OUTPUT VOL TAGE . MON I TOR PRESSURE RANGE : 10 - 115kPa 11-14 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ( 4 ) I NTAKE A I R TEMPERATURE SENSOR : THIS SENSOR IS A NEGTIVE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT " ( NTC) THERMISTANCE, IT % S RESISTANCE VALUE DECREASE WHEN THE COOLANT TEMPERATURE INCREASE,BUT IT IS NOT LINEAR RELATION.THE SENSOR HAVE 2 PINS,AND THEY CAN BE EXCHANGED USING. THE R I GHT DRAW I NG I S THE W I R I NG D I AGRAM FOR SNE SOR&E CU . THE R I GHT DRAW I NG I S FOR SENSOR TEMPERATURE RES I STANCE PROPERTY L I ST . 11-15 CFMOTO ( 5 ) WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR : THIS SENSOR IS A NEGTIVE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT " ( NTC) THERMISTANCE, IT % S RESISTANCE VALUE DECREASE WHEN THE COOLANT TEMPERATURE INCREASE,BUT IT IS NOT L INEAR RELATION . ONE GROUP PROVIDE TO ECU , MONITOR ENGINE HEAT CONDITION.THE OTHER GROUP PROVIDE TO THE METER,MONITOR WATER TEMPERATURE. A AND C I N ONE GROUP , THEY PROV I DE WATER TEMPERATURE TO ECU . B ANDTHREADED PORTION IN ONE GROUP ,THEY PROVIDE WATER TEMPERATURE TO THE METER. THE R I GHT DRAW I NG I S THE W I R I NG DRAW I NG FOR SENSOR , ECU AND METER . THE R I GHT DRAW I NG I S B END AND CRUST TEM PE RATURE PROPE RT Y L I ST , S I GNA L PASS T O T HE ME TER . THE R I GHT DRAW I NG I S END A , C AND THE TEMPERA TURE PROPERTY L I ST , S I GNAL PASS TO THE ECU . 11-16 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ( 6 ) OXYGEN SENSOR : THIS SENSOR USED IN ELECTRONIC CONTROL FUEL INJECTION EQUIPMENT FEEDBACK SYSTEM,TO REALIZE CLOSEDLOOP CONTROL ,RAISE ECU CONTROL THE AIR-FUEL DELIVERY RATIO. IT INSTALLED IN THE VENT-PIPE,MEASURING WASTE GAS OXYGEN CONTENT,DEFINITE IF THE GAS AND AIR COMPLETE BURNT, SO AS TO ENSURE UNIT TRIPLET CATALYTIC CONVERTER HAVE MAXIMUM CONVERSION EFFICIENCY TO EXHAUST HC,CO AND NO X THE P I NS FUNCT I ON : 1.CONNECT HEATING POSITIVE SOURCE(WHITE) 2. CONNECT HEATING NEGATIVE SOURCE(WHITE) 3.OUTCOMING SIGNAL NEGATIVE POLE(GRAY) 4.OUTCOMING SIGNAL POSITIVE POLE(BLACK) THE R I GHT DRAW I NG I S THE W I R I NG D I AGRAM FOR SENSOR AND ECU T HE BE L OW SHEE T I S THE SENSOR PE RFORMANCE CHARACTER I ST I C VA L UE 11-17 CFMOTO ( 7 ) TR I GGER : PROVIDE ENGINE ROTATE SPEED INFORMATION TO ECU, ECU DETERMINE IGNITION ANGLE,OIL SPRAY ANGLE ACCORDING TO THIS INFORMATION. THE R I GHT DRAW I NG I S THE W I R I NG D I AGRAM FOR TR I GGER AND ECU . TEST I NG THE THR I GGER RES I STANCE VAL UE . ! ADJUST MULTIMETER TO 1X100 ! ; T R I G GE R W I ND I NG RE S I ST A NC E : 1 0 0 - 1 30 ! $ 2 0 2 % ! IF THE TRIGGER RESISTANCE DONOT IN ABOVE RANGE, REPLACE WITH A NEW ONE. MEASUR I NG TR I GGER PEAK VOL TAGE VAL UE ! CONNECT MULTIMETER AND PEAK VOLTAGE ADAPTER ACCORDING TO THE RIGHT DRAWING: + GREEN LEAD W I RE +PROBE+ - PROBE+ + BL UE LEAD W I RE ATTENT I ON : WHEN USE PEAK VOLTAGE ADAPTER,REFERS TO OPERATION MANUAL , !ADJUST MULTIMETER TO ALTERNATE V !ADJUST THE GEAR TO NEUTRAL ,ADJUST IGNITION SWITCH T O 'O N (; !PRESS ON STARTING BUTTON AND LET THE ENGINE RUNNING FOR FEW SECONDS,THEN START TO MEASURE: THRI IGER COIL PEAK VOLTAGE; ! IF THE TRIGGER PEAK VOTAGE DONOT IN THE ABOVE ! REPEATED TIMES MEASURE, GET THE HIGHEST TRIGGER COIL PEAK VOLTAGE VALUE. ; TR I GGER CO I L PEAK VOL TAGE : - 2V 11-18 $300 rpm% % 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ( 8 ) ODOMETER SENSOR : PROVIDE ENGINE OUTPUT SHAFT SPEED TO ECU , ECU JUDGE VEHICLE SPEED ACCORDING TO THIS INFORMATION. IT IS A KIND OF HALL SWITCH COMPONENTS, IT OUTPUT SQUARE WAVE VIA INDUCTION FIELD. P I NS FUNT I ON : 1.GROUNDING 2.OUTPUT SQUARE WAVE VOLTAGE SIGNAL")INPUT , POWER VOLTAGE 80%# 3.POWER+DC12V THE R I GH I S THE W I R I NG DRAW I NG OF SENSOR AND ECU . ODOMETER SENSOR TEST I NG !GROUNDING FOOT 1,CONNECT FOOT 3+12V; !FIXED ONE GEAR TO ODOMETER ACCORDING TO THE RIGHT DIAGRAM D ISTANCE("2 . 5mm ) ; !ADJUST MULTIMETER TODCV; !ROTATE THE GEAR SLOWLY,MEASURE THE VOLTAGE VALUE BETWEEN FOOT 2 AND FOOT 3 TO SEE IF IT IS VARY FROM 0V&1 2V ; ! IF NO CHANGES , THEN THE SENSOR HAS BROKEN, YOU REQUIRED TO REPLACE WITH A NEW ONE. 11-19 CFMOTO ( 9 ) GEAR SENSOR C L USTER : PROV I DE GEAR INFORMAT I ON TO THE METER , SO AS TO AT THE SAME TIME,COORDINATE WITH CABLE AS STARTING PROTECTION. FUNCT I ONS OF THE FOOTS : YEL LOW / BLUE - L"UNDERDR I VE# ORANGE / BLUE - H"HI GH POSI TION# YELLOW / BLACK - P"PARK POSIT ION# WHITE / YELLOW - N"NEUTRAL POSITION# !WHEN EACH OF THE FOUR GEAR IN A CERTAIN POSITION, GEAR CORRESPONDING FOOT CONDUCT TO THE ENGINE COVER, OR ELSE IT NON-CONDUCTION WITH THE ENGINE COVER. ( 10 ) REVERSE GEAR ASSEMBL E : PROVIDE GEAR REVERSE INFORMATION TO ECU AND METER, THE ECU RESTRICT VEHICLE SPEED ACCORDING TO THIS INFORMATION. ! NORMAL L Y , A&B PO I NT CONDUCT I ON , DONOT CON DUCT W I TH THE CASE ; ! NORMALLY, C LENGTH IS * 3. 5mm+IF C LENGTH , 3mm+OR IF B SLIDE BLOCK,YOU HAVE TO CHANGE IT TO A NEW ONE. !WHEN ENGINE BACK GEAR, A POINT NON-CONDUCTION WITH THE ENGINE CASE, OR ELSE IT IS CONDUCT WITH THE CASE. 11-20 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ( 11 ) O I L FUE L PUMP ASSY : THE OIL FUEL PUMP ASSY COMBINED OF OIL FUEL PUMP, PLASTIC BRACKET, PREFILTRATION ,PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE. IT DELIVER THE FUEL TO THE ENGINE WITH A CERTAIN OIL PRESSURE AND FLOW. FUNCT I ONS OF THE FOOT : 1.BLUE(GROUNDING) 2.RED(CONNECT THE OIL PUMP RELAY OUTPUT ENDING) PERFORMANCE PARAMETER : PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE OPENING PRESSURE : 0 . 3 / 0FLOW . 01:MPa 35L / h !THIS OIL PUMP ASSY ALL USED INSIDE THE OIL BOX: !DONOT RUNNING THE OIL PUMP ASSY IN DRY; !HANDLE GENTLY, DONOT DROP THE OIL PUMP ASSY ONTO THE GROUND. THE R I GHT D I AGRAM I S THE W I R I NG D I AGRAM OF THE O I L PUMP ASSY , O I L PUMP RE LAY , ECU . !BATTERY SUPPLY POWER VIA OIL PUMP RELAY,ELECTRIC OIL FUEL PUMP CIRCUIT CLOSE ONLY WHEN STARTING AND THE ENGINE RUNNING. MEASUR I NG THE O I L PRESSURE : !CONNECT OIL PRESSURE GATE TO THE OIL FUEL PUMP FUEL DISCHARGE PORT , LOCK WITH CLAMP, ENSURE THERE IS NO LEAKAGE IN CONNECT AREA: !LINK THE CIRCUIT ACCORDING TO THE ABOVE DIAGRAM; !TURN OFF THE IGNITION SWITCH,FLAMEOUT SWITCH; !AT THIS MOMENT,THE OIL FUEL PUMP WILL WORKING FOR 5 SECONDS,WHEN IT STOP,THE OIL PRESSURE SHALL REACH THE AUTHORIZED PRESSURE,OR ELSE,REPLACE THE ENTIRE OIL FUEL PUMP ASSY; !WHEN STOPED OPERATION,PRESSURE HOLDING AT LEAST 0. 2MPa 5 MINUTES, NOT , REPLACE THE O I L FUE L P I PE IF PRESSURE RE L I EF : OI L FUEL PUMP ASSY. BECAUSE OF THE HIGH PRESSURE OF OIL SUPPLY,THE FUEL PIPES ARE ALL HIGH PRESSURE RESISTANCE PIPE.EVEN IF THE ENGINE DOES NOT WORK,THERE IS STILL HIGH PRESSURE ON THE OIL CHANNEL ,THEREFOR,DONOT DISMANTLE THE OIL PIPE DURING SERVICING EASILY. BEFORE SERVICE THE FUEL SYSTEM,YOU REQUIRED TO DO OIL PRESSURE RELIEF,THE METHOD IS AS BELOW: REMOVE O I L PUMP RE L AY , START THE ENG I NE AND RUN ENG I NE ON I DL E UNT I L L THE ENG I NE GO OUT I T SE L F . 11-21 CFMOTO ( 12 ) O I L ATOM I Z ER : O I L ATOM I ZER ONE END I NSTAL LED I N SEAT , THE OTHER END CONNECT W I TH THE O I L P I PE V I A O I L ATOM I ZER CAP . ACCORDI NG TO THE ECU I NSTRUCT ION , IT SPRAY OI L IN FIXED TIME.SO AS TO SUPPLY OIL TO THE ENGINE AND ATOMIZING. THIS OIL ATOMIZER APPLY QUADRIPUNTAL ,DONOT TURN AFTER FIXED THE CLAMP. FUNCT I ON OF P I NS : ! ONE SIDE OF THE PLUG MARK+-CONNECT OI L PUMP RELAY OUTPUT END, WITHOUT MARK SIDE CONNECT ECU PIN 14. O I L A T O M I Z E R R E S I ST A N C E : 1 2 / 1 ! $2 0 2 % THE R I GHT I S THE W I R I NG D I AGRAM FOR O I L ATOM I Z ER AND ECU . O I L ATOM I Z ER I NSTA L L AT I ON : !INSTALL THE OIL ATOMIZER WITH MANUL ,FORBID KNOCK WITH HAMMER OR SUCH KIND OF THINGS. !WHEN DISASSEMBLE AND ASSEMBLING THE OIL ATOMIZER, YOU MUST REPLACE THE O RING. !WHEN DISMANTLE OIL ATOMIZER, IF NECESSARY,DO PRESSURE RELIEF IN ADVANCE. !DO LEAK TIGHTNESS AFTER INSTALLED THE OIL ATOMIZER TO ENSURE NO LEAKAGE; 11-22 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ( 13 ) I DLE SPEED CONTROL VALVE ( CARBON TANK CON TROL VAL VE ) : CONTROL PASS -BY AIR FLOW . ECU CONTROL THE IDLE SPEED VALVE ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION OF ENGINE LOAD ,THE ELECTRICAL PULSE DURATION AND FREQUENCY : (DUTY RATIO) .THE IDLE SPEED VALVE HAS DIFFERENT AIR FLOW UNDER DIFFERENT ORESSURE DIFFERENCE,SO IT MUST BE CONNECTED ACCORDING TO PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD , OR ELSE WILL CAUSE INCORRECT IDLE SPEED, WHEN WITHOUT ELECTRICAL PULSE, IDLE SPEED VALVE CLOSE. FUNCT I ON OF P I NS : 1.CONNECT PIN 17; 2.CONNECT OIL PUMPRELAY OUTLET END; T H E R I GH T I S T HE W I R I N G D I AG RA M FO R I D L E SPEED VAL VE AND ECU . !WHEN FIXING THE IDLE SPEED CONTROL VALVE, IT CANNOT BE I NSTAL LED L I KE THE R I GHT D I AGRAM ( CONNECTOR VERT I CA L L Y DOWNWARD ) TO AVO I D DE ST ROY T HE E L ECTRON I C COMPONENT . ! TO AVOID SOLID -BORNE SOUND TRANSMISSION,YOU CAN INSTALL THE IDLE AIR CONTROL VALVE SUSPENDED IN THE TUBE,OR USE RUBBER BOOT TO FIX IT TO THE ENGINE OR THE FRAME. I DL E SPEED CONTROL VAL VE PARAMETER L I ST : 11-23 CFMOTO ( 14 ) I GN I T I ON SW I TCH CO I L : IGNITION SWITCH COIL AHANGE THE PRIMARY WINDING LOW VOLTAGE INTO SECONDARY WINDING HIGH VOLTAGE , THROUGH SPARK PLUG DISCHARGE TO CREAT SPARK,FIRING THE FUEL AND GAS MIXTURE. FUNCT I ON OF P I NS : 1.GROUNDING; 2 . CONNECT POWER+. 3.CONNECT ECU 1 POINT; THE R I GHT I S THE CONNECT I ON C I RCU I T D I AGRAM OF I GN I T I ON CO I L AND ECU . MEASUR I NG SECONDARY I GN I T I ON VOL TAGE : ! CONNECT THE ENGINE ACCORDING TO THE ELECTRONICSPRAY ELEMENTARY DIAGRAM; ! CONNECT THE PEAK VOLTAGE GUAGE ACCORDING TO THE RIGHT DIAGRAM; !START THE ENGINE; !AFTER STARTS,THE SECONDARY IGNITION VOLTAGE SHOULD BE # 15000V ; I GN I T I ON CO I L PARAMETER L I ST : 11-24 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ELECTRONIC SPRAY SYSTEM FAULT SELF D IECU AGNOS IS CONTINUOUSLY MONITOR THE SENSOR,ACTUATOR,RELEVENT CIRCUIT,TROUBLE LAMP,BATTERY VOLTAGE ETC,EVEN THE ECU ITSELF.ALSO THE SENSOR OUTPUT,ACTUATOR DRIVING SIGNAL , INTERNAL SIGNAL(SUCH AS CLOSED- LOOP CONTROL & COOLANT TEMPERATURE, IDLING SPEED CONTROL ,BATTERY VOLTAGE CONTROL ETC) ,DO THE RELIABILITY MEASUREMENT.ONCE DISCOVER SOME WHERE BREAK DOWN,OR SOME SIGNAL VALVE UNTRUSTED,THE ECU WILL IMMEDIATELY SET UP FAULT RECORD INFORMATION IN RAM TROUBLE MEMORY.THE FAULT INFORMATION STORE AS TROUBLE CODE,AND DISPLAY THE FAULT IN IT % S EMERGENCE SEQUENCE. THE FAULT CANBE DIVIDED INTO TWO TYPES 'STEADY FAULT( AND 'RANDOM FAI LURE(ACCORDING TO IT%S EMERGENCE FREQUENCY(SUCH AS CAUSED BY BRIEF WIRE TURNOFF OR BAD CONNECTION OF THE CONNECTOR. ) THROUGH DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT AND THE TROUBLE LAMP YOU CAN FIND THE TROUBLE PART QUICKLY. ELECTRON I C SPRAY SYSTEM FAULT D I AGNOS I S MA I NLY APPLY TROUBLE LAMP AND D I AGNOST I C EQU I PMENT . $1 %T R O U B L E TROUBLE LAMP ADOPTING LED,BY FOR THE TROUBLE L A M P $ M I L L A M P %+ FIXED IN THE METER DESPLAY BOARD , MEANS OF DIFFERENT FREQUENCY STAND CODE. THE R I GHT I S THE W I R I NG D I AGRAM FOR TROUBL E L A MP A ND E CU . C UR RE NT F L O W I N T O E CU 4 P I N SHOU L D BE L ESS THAN 0 . 5A3 3 TROUBL E L AMP BL I NK PR I NC I PL E : a+ +I N B L I NK CODE MODE , AND A L SO THE TROUB L E MEMOY TROUBL E FREE : IF ECU MONITOR THAT THE MI L LAMP IN BL INK CODE MODE , THE TROUBLE L IGHT WI LL FL ICKER TO SHOW THE TROUBLE CORRESPONDING Pcode CODE. SINCE IGNITE ECU, MI L WI LL CONTINUE BL INK 4 SECONDS , THEN HAVE A 1 SECOND SPAN , MI L BL INK WITH 2 HZ FREQUENCY TO SAY TROUBLE FREE .UNTILL START THE ENGINE, FIND OUT THE ROTATE SPEED.BL I NK MODE , AND THE TROUBL E MEMORY b+ +I N CODE SHOWS AT FAUL T . IF ECU MONITOR THAT THE MI L LAMP IN CODE BL INK MODE ,THE TROUBLE LAMP WILL BLINK TO SHOW THAT THE TROUBLE MEMORY CORRESPONDING Pcode CODE.SINCE IGNITE ECU INITIAL I ZATION , MI L WI LL L IGHT 4 SECONDS , THEN HAVE A 1 SECOND SPAN,MIL SHOW THE MEMORY TROUBLE CODE THROUGH BLINK CODE Pcode. IF ALL THE TROUBLES ENTERED THE MEMORY SHOWED BY MIL LAMP VIA BLINK CODE MODE,MIL EXTINGUISH,UNTILL EXIT BLINK CODE MODE. BLINK CODE MODE REQUIRES K LINE GROUNDING. C:READ TROUBLE INFORMATION THROUGH THE BLINK CODE THRN ON THE IGNITION SWITCH,K LINE GROUND AFTER 2. 5 SECONDS, IF ECU TROUBLE MEMORY HAVE TROUBLE CODE,AT THE MOMENT , ENGINE MI L TROUBLE LAMP OUTPUT P- CODE VALUE . SUCH AS : P0203 BL INK MODE IS : BL INK 10 TIMES CONTINUOUSLY- INTERMISSION-BLINK 3 TIMES CONTINUED. 11-25 CFMOTO $2% %D I AGNOST I C EQU I PMENT : I T HAVE THREE P I NS , POWER , GROUNDW I RE AND DATA K L I NE , CONNECT W I TH THE CORRESPOND I NG P I NS I N ECU . THE R I GHT I S THE D I AGNOST I C EQU I PMENT OPERA T I ON FU NCT I ON S I ND I CA T O R D I AG RA M . S PE C I F I C OPERAT I ON AND I T, ,S FUNCT I ONS P L EASE REFERS P I ONS :I C EQU I PMENT OPERAT I NG MANUAL . TOI NS THEFUNCT D I AGNOST 1.ECU 26PIN 2.GROUNDWIRE 3.+12V POWER KEY - PRESS FUNCT I ONS : LEFT - HAND BUTTON : UPWARD TURN OVER ; UPPER KEY : MENU SELECT I ON , UPWARD ROL L I NG TEXT : R I GHT - HAND BUTTON : BACKWARD TURN OVER ; DOWN KEY : MENU SELECT I ON , DOWNWARD ROLL I NG TEXT ; CONF I RMAT I ON KEY : ENTER OR START CURRENT OPERATION; SELECT CURRENT MENU SELECTION; ESC ESCAPE : CANCE L OR STOP CURRENT OPERAT I ON ; RETURN TO PREVIOUS PAGE; D I AGNOST I C EQU I PMENT FUNCT I ON : $1 %E D I T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N D E S P L A Y : ENGINE INFORMATION,ECU HARDWARE,ECU SOFTWARE. $2 % T R O U B L E D I S P L A Y INLET PRESSURE SENSOR, INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR,ENGINE TEMPERATURE SENSOR,THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR, OXYGEN SENSOR ,OXYGEN SENSOR HEATING CIRCUIT ,AIR -FUEL DEL IVERY RATIO, OI L ATOMIZER ,OIL FUEL PUMP RELAY , REVOLUTION SPEED SENSOR ,VEHICLE SPEED SIGNAL , IDL ING SPEED , IDLE AIR CONTROL , SYSTEM VOLTAGE, ECU, TROUBLE LAMP. $3 %E N G I N E P A R A M E T E R D I S P L A Y BATTERY VOLTAGE,ENGINE SPEED, IDLE SPEED,VEHICLE SPEED,ENGINE TEMPERATURE,ENGINE TEMPERATURE SENSOR SIGNAL VOLTAGE , INLET TEMPERATURE, INLET AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR, INLET PRESSURE ,AIR INPUT, MAGNETIC STEPPING MOTOR TARGET LOCATION,THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR SIGNAL PRESSURE,THROTTLE OPENING,RELATIVE THROTTLE POSITION, CARBON TANK CONTROL VALVE DUTY RATIO, CHARGING TIME,OIL SPOUT PILSE WIDTH, IGNITION ADVANCE ANGLE,OXYGEN SENSOR SHORT-TERM CORRECTION,OXYGEN SENSOR VOLTAGE,OXYGEN SENSOR LONG TERM CORRECTION,ENGINE RELATIVE LOAD, CARBON TANK CONTROL RELATIVE FUEL DEL IVERY , CARBON PURIFYING, CARBON LOAD , IDL ING ACTUATOR TEV OPENING , AMBIENT PRESSURE,ELEVATION CORRECTION FACTOR,OIL SPOUT PHASE,RUNTIME. $4 %E L E CTRO N I C SPRAY SY STE M ST ATUS D I SP L AY IGNITION TERMINAL OPEN UP,MAIN RELAY OPERATION,OIL FUEL PUMP OPERATION,REACH IDLING ROTATE SPEED,REACH ENGINE WORK TEMPERATURE,VEHICLE RUNNING, IDLE SPEED WORKING CONDITION,FULL LOAD WORKING CONDITION,ACTIVE DECELERATE OIL REDUCTION,ACTIVATE ACCELERATION CROWDING,OIL SPOUT CLOSED- LOOP CONTROL ACTIVATION,DECELERATION OIL -BREAK, lambda CONTROL ACTIVATE,MIXTURE GAS SELF- LEARNING ACTIVATION,TROUBLE LAMP STATE,MIL BLINK. $5 %A C T U A T O R E X P E R I M E N T F U N C T I O N TROUBLE LAMP,OIL FUEL PUMP,MAGNETIC STEPPING MOTOR,CARBON TANK CONTROL VALVE, IGNITION,OIL SPOUT. 11-26 11 ELECTRIC SYSTEM TROUBLE CODE L I ST : REF TROUBLE INSTRUCTION CODE OXYGEN SENSOR HEATING CONTROL CIRCUITOPEN 1 P0030 CIRCUIT OXYGEN SENSOR HEATING CONTROL CIRCUITSHORT TO 2 P0031 EARTH OXYGEN SENSOR HEATING CONTROL CIRCUITSHORT 3 P0032 CIRCUIT TO POWER OXYGEN SENSOR HEATING INTERNAL RESISTANCE 4 P0053 UNREASONABLE 5 P0105 INLET PRESSURE SENSOR SIGNAL NO CHANGE"ICE UP# 6 P0106 INLET PRESSURE SENSOR UNREASONABLE 7 P0107 INLET PRESSURE SENSOR SHORT CIRCUIT TO GROUND 8 P0108 INLET PRESSURE SENSOR SHORT CIRCUIT TO POWER INLET AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR SIGNAL VOLTAGE TOO 9 P0112 LOW INLET AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR SIGNAL VOLTAGE TOO 10 P0113 HIGH ENIGNE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR 11 P0116 UNREASONABLE ENIGNE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR CIRCUIT 12 P0117 13 P0118 VOLTAGE TOO LOW ENIGNE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR CIRCUIT VOLTAGE TOO HIGH THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR CIRCUIT VOLTAGE UNDER 14 P0122 LIMINAL VALUE THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR CIRCUIT VOLTAGE EXCEED 15 P0123 LIMINAL VALUE 16 P0130 OXYGEN SENSOR SIGNAL UNREASONABLE 17 P0131 OXYGEN SENSOR SIGNAL CIRCUIT VOLTAGETOO LOW 18 P0132 OXYGEN SENSOR SIGNAL CIRCUIT VOLTAGETOO HIGH 19 P0134 OXYGEN SENSOR CIRCUIT SIGNAL TROUBLE 1 CYLINDER OIL ATOMIZER CONTROL CIRCUIT OPEN 20 P0201 CIRCUIT 1 CYLINDER OIL ATOMIZER CONTROL CIRCUIT SHORT 21 P0261 CIRCUIT TO EARTH 1 CYLINDER OIL ATOMIZER CONTROL CIRCUIT SHORT 22 P0262 CIRCUIT TO POWER 23 P0321 TRANSIENT SPEED SIGNAL REFERENCE POINT TROUBLE 24 P0322 CIRCUIT OR SHORT CIRCUIT) 25 P0501 VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR SIGNAL UNREASONABLE NO TRIGGER(VEHICLE SPEED) PULSE SIGNAL (OPEN 11-27 CFMOTO 11-28 COMP L ETE SCHEMAT I C C I RCU I T D I AGRAM 13 Lights,Instrument,Switches Overhau l Info!!!! !!!!!!10 -1 Horn!!!!!!!!!!!!10- 8 Troub leshoot i ng!!!!!!!!! 10 - 2 Dashboard!!!!!!!!!!!!0- 9 Bul b rep l acement!!!!!!!!!10 - 3 Fuel Sensor!!!!!!!!!!10 - Head l i ght!!!!!!!10 - 5 WaterTemperature sensor!!!!!!10- 12 Ign i t i on Swi tch!!!!!!!!!!10 - 6 Hand l ebar Sw i tch!!!!!!!!! 10 - 7 Brake L i ght Sw i tch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 8 O ve r hau l I n f o r ma t i o n O pe r a t i o n i n s t r uc t i on s Warning "Head l i ght bul b wi l l be very hot when i t is turned on. Do not touch i t after i t i s just turned of f . Operat i on shou l d be done when the bu l b i s coo l ed down . "Inspect ion of water temperature alarm may use f i re source and l iquid of high temperature. Do not put f l ammab l e matters nearby and take care not to get burnt . "The temperature of head l i ght i s qu i te h i gh when turned on . Rep l aci ng w i th bare hand or sta i ned g l ove w i l l cause o i l sta i ns on the g l ass face wh i ch may form hot spot and cause deformat i on of g l ass face and damage to bu l b . "Pay attent i on to the fo l l ow i ng when rep l ac i ng the bu l b . #$ Do not rep lace the bu lb when i t is turned on. Keep igni t i on sw i tch i n the OFF pos i t ion, and rep l ace af ter the bu l b i s coo l ed down . $ Rep l ace the bu l b w i th hands i n c l ean g l oves to avo i d o i l sta i ns on the g l ass sur face. $ Cl ean the gl ass w i th a clean rag d ipped in alcoho l or isoamyl acetate i n case of any o i l stai ns on the g l ass sur face. "I f the Inspect i on has to be done w i th battery , check i f the battery i s normal . "I nspect i on of sw i tch cont i nu i ty can be done w i thout remov i ng the sw i tches f rom the veh i c l e . "Af ter the i nspect i ng and overhau l i ng of each part , cab l es and w i res shou l d be routed proper l y (chapter 1) "Refer to Chapter 2 for remova l and i nsta l l at i on of tai l l i ght and rear turn i ng l i ghts Check standard F u se Li g h t& B u lb It em M ai n S u b- fu se H ead l ig h t" H i# Lo $ Br ake l ig h t # Tai l l ig h t Tu rn i n g li g h t D ash b o ar d i nd i ca to r I n di cat o rs St an d ard 2 0A 1 0 A !2 1 5 A!2 1 2V-3 5 /3 5 W 1 2V-2 1 /5 W 1 2 V-1 0 W! 4 % 5 LE D LC D 13-1 13 CFMOTO TROUBLESHOOTING Head Light Cannot Turn On "Broken f use "Open c i rcu i t w i th ma i n cab l e "Burnt Bu l b "Fau l ty Sw i tch 13-2 13 Lights,Instrument,Switches Rep l ac i ng Bu l b Head l i ght Bu l b Caut i ons Head l i ght bu l b w i l l be very hot when i t i s turned on . Do not touch i t af ter i t i s j ust turned of f . Operat i on shou l d be done when the bu l b i s coo l ed down . Remove head l i ght ( % 13 - 5& D i sconnect head l i ght . Remove dust - proof cap , head l i ght connector , ci rc l i p and rep l ace w i th a new bu l b . Warning: Wear c l ean g l oves when rep l aci ng bu l b . O i l sta i ns on the g l ass sur face may cause break of bu l b . C l ean the stai ned sur face w i th al coho l or i soamy l acetate . Make sure that the three p i ns of the bu l b shou l d be i n l i ne w i th the three pos i t i on i ng ho l es i n the socket when rep l aci ng the bu l b . Bu l b spec i f i cat i on :#12V - 35 / 35W Reverse the removal procedure for instal lat ion After replacing the bulb, adjust headl ight beam 13 '% 3 - 1 4 & Inspect i on of Head l i ght Turn the i gn i t i on sw i tch to ON pos i t i on , turn l i ght sw i tch to the i l l um i nat i ng pos i t i on and check i f the head l i ght i s on . - ON : Norma l - St i l l of f : short ci rcu i t of mai n cab l e or broken ma i n cab l e 13-3 CFMOTO Brake Light/Tail Light Bulb Remove 2 tapp i ng screws Remove tai l l i ght cover . Turn brake l i ght / ta i l l i ght bu l b counter cl ockw i se and remove i t . Rep l ace brake l i ght / tai l l i ght bu l b Bu l b Spec i f i cat i on#12V - 21 / 5W Reverse the removal procedure for i nsta l l at i on Front Turning Indicator Bulbs Remove head l i ght (% 13 - 5& Remove cover of f ront turn i ng l i ght Rep l ace f ront turn i ng l i ght bu l bs Bu l b Spec i f i cat i on#12V - 10W Rear Turning Indicator Bulbs Remove screw1( Remove rear turn i ng i nd i cator cover . Rep l ace rear turn i ng i nd i cator bu l bs . Bu l b Spec i f i cat i on#12V - 10W) Reverse the removal procedure for i nsta l l at i on . 13-4 13 Lights,Instrument,Switches No t e Ma i n cab l e , w i r i ng and tube shou l d be routed proper l y ( ! chapter 1 ) Dashboa r d L i gh t Bu l b Remove dashboa rd'% 13 - 9& Remove dashboard i nd i cator socket) Dashboard i nd i cator#LCD Note : I f dashboard has someth i ng wrong , i t*s recommended to rep l ace who l e dashboard . Reverse the removal procedure for i nsta l l at i on Head l i ght Remove nuts as p i cture shown D i sconnect head l i ght connector D i sassemb l e head l i ght comp . Reverse the remova l procedure for i nsta l l at i on No te : Be careful not to damage main cable when 13 assembling. Af ter rep l ac i ng , ad j ust the head l i ght beam . "' 3 - 1 4 $( Note Main cables and wires should be routed properly.( 13-5 CFMOTO Ignition Switch Inspection Remove f ront & rear top cover '% 2 - 4 & D i sconnect 4P connector of i gn i t i on sw i tch 13-6 13 Lights,Instrument,Switches Check accord i ng to the fo l l ow i ng tab l e i f the connector term i nal s are i n cont i nu i ty . ( ) - ) cont i nu i ty Disassemble: Remove front cover "' 2 - 4$ Disconnect 4P connector of ignition switch Loosen bo l t and remove i gn i t i on sw i tch Reverse the removal procedure for i nsta l l at i on Hand l ebar sw i tch Remove f ront cover "' 2-4$ D i sconnect l ef t and r i ght hand l ebar sw i tch connector . Check accord i ng to the fo l l ow i ng tab l e i f the connector term i nal s are i n cont i nu i ty . *) cont i nu i ty L i ght i ng sw i tch 13 !" # $ %& ' # $ 13-7 CFMOTO Turn sw i tch Horn sw i tch Acce l erat i on sw i tch 2WD / 4WD sw i tch I f someth i ng wrong , p l ease rep l ace hand l ebar sw i tch) '% 6 - 12& Park i ng sw i tch B rake l i gh t sw i tch D i sconnect brake l i ght sw i tch connector and check term i nators for cont i nu i ty . Ho l d the brake l ever . . Cont i nu i ty Re l ease the brake l ever . No cont i nu i ty No continuity: Replace brake light switch Horn Inspection: Remove f ront vent gr i l l e"' 2-15$ D i sconnect horn . Connect w i th a fu l l y charged 12V battery and check i f the horn sounds . Fau l ty Horn : 13-8 Rep l ace 13 Lights,Instrument,Switches D i sassemb l e D i sconnect horn connector Remove bo l t Remove horn Reverse the removal procedure for i nsta l l at i on Dashboa r d Run the veh i c l e at l ow speed and check i f the speed i nd i cator moves Fau l ty speedometer : Rep l ace Remova l and I ns t a l l at i on Remove f ront top cover'% 2 - 4& Remove f ront cover o f dashboard'% 2 - 4& D i sconnect dashboard w i re connector Remove f i xi ng nut and remove dashboard i n the d i rect i on as i l l ustrated on the r i ght Reverse the removal procedure for i nsta l l at i on . Note : Ma i n cab l es and w i res shal l be routed 13 proper l y . 13-9 CFMOTO Fue l Senso r Remove : Fue l tank top cover w i th key'% 2 - 9&+ 4 f i x i ng bo l ts Fue l sensor D i sconnect 2P connector Inspection Remove fuel sensor (refer to above steps) Connect 2P connector Turn ignition switch to ON Shake fuel sensor float with hand, locate the float position and check if it conforms to the fuel gauge reading. Non-conformity: -check ma i n cab l e for dam age or short c i rcu i t - Check fue l sensorandfuel gauge Remove fuel sensor 2P connector. Connect multimeter between 3P connector terminals. Shake float with hand and measure the resistance of float at different positions. Connection Terminal: Upper: Blue/White-Green: +4 - 1 0 ,"2 0 -$ Lower: Blue /White-Green: 9 0 - 1 0 0 ,"2 0 -$ Faulty fuel sensor: Replace 13-10 13 Lights,Instrument,Switches I nsta l l at i on Put fue l sensor i nto i nsta l l at i on ho l e of fue l tank. Fuel sensor shou l d be f i tted proper l y . No fue l l eakage i s al l owed . Connect 2P connector I nspec t i on o f Fue l Gauge Sw i tch on power supp l y and check i f fuel l evel gauge funct i ons normal l y . I f fue l gauge works norma l l y , Reverse the removal procedure for i nstal l at i on of p l ast i c parts and seat . 13 13-11 CFMOTO Wa t er Tempe ra t u r e Senso r Warning: Be careful not to get scalded and do not place flammables nearby. Warning: "Coo l ant must reach the sw i tch thread , and the depth f rom vessel bottom to sensor top shou l d be over 40mm . "Keep l i qu i d temperature for three m i nutes before measur i ng , and do not rai se temperature sharp l y . "The thermometer shou l d not contact the vessel bottom . D i sassemb l y : Remove r i ght s i de pane l '% 2 - 8& D i sconnect and remove temp . sensor Put the sensor i nto a vesse l w i th coo l ant , s l ow l y heat up the l i qu i d and measure the sensor res i stance . Temperature 50, Res i stance 154 -. 16 - 80, 52 -. 4 - 100, 27 -. 3 - 120, 16 -. 4 - Out of range: Rep l ace Insta l l transducer Connect water temperature transducer connector . Fi l l coo l ant and d i scharge ai r . Reverse the removal procedure for i nsta l l at i on of p l ast i c parts and seat . 13-12 13 Troubleshooting 1 Engine troubleshooting-------------------------13-2 2 Diagnosis troubles according to EFI system Trouble Code -----------------------------------------------------------------13-5 3 Diagnosis troubles according to engine fault phenomena -----------------------------------------------------------------13-14 13 13-1 CFMOTO 1.Engine troubleshooting Complaint Engine will not start or is hard to start Symptom and Possible Causes Remedy Compression is Too Low 1.Worn cylinder 2.Worn piston ring Replace Replace 3.Leakage with cylinder gasket 4. Wear valve guide or improper valve seating Replace Repair or Replace 5.Loose spark plug 6.Slow cranking of starting motor Tighten Check electrical part 7.Faulty valve timing 8.Improper valve clearance Adjust Adjust No Sparking from Spark Plug 1. Fouled spark plug 2. Wet spark plug 3. Defective ignition coil Clean or Replace Clean and dry or replace Replace 4. Open or short circuit with pickup coil 5. Faulty generator Replace Replace No Fuel Reach Into Carburetor 1. Clogged fuel tank vent tube 2. Clogged or faulty fuel valve 3. Faulty carburetor needle valve Clean or Replace Clean or Replace Replace 4. Clogged fuel hose 5. Clogged fuel filter Replace Clean or Replace Transfer is not in Neutral position Engine stalls easily or has unstable idle speed 13-2 Set to Neutral position 1. Improper valve clearance Adjust 2. Improper valve seating 3. Faulty valve guide Replace or Correct Replace 4. Worn rocker arm or rocker arm shaft 5. Fouled spark plug 6. Improper spark plug gap Replace Replace Replace or Adjust 7. Faulty ignition coil 8. Clogged idle-vale inlet & exhaust pipe Replace Adjust Fuel level 9. Faulty magneto Replace 13 Troubleshooting Complaint Poor engine running in high-speed range. Exhaust smoke is dirty or thick Engine lacks power Engine overheats Symptom and Possible Causes 1. Weak valve spring 2. Worn camshaft 3. Fouled spark plug 4. Insufficient spark plug gap 5. Improper valve timing 6. Faulty ignition coil 7. Weak high pressure oil pump, resulting in poor fuel supply 8. Dirty air filter 1. Excessive engine oil 2. Worn piston ring 3. Worn valve guide 4. Scored or scuffed cylinder wall 5. Worn valve stem 6. Worn valve stem oil seal 1. Improper valve clearance 2. Weak valve spring 3. Improper valve timing 4. Worn cylinder 5. Worn piston ring 6. Improper valve seating 7. Fouled spark plug 8. Improper spark plug gap 9. Clogged carburetor jet 10. Improper fuel level in fuel chamber 11. Dirty air filter 12. Worn rocker arm or rocker arm shaft 13. Air leakage from air intake pipe 14. Excessive engine oil 1. Carbon deposit on piston top 2. Insufficient or excessive engine oil 3. Faulty oil pump 4. Clogged oil passage 5. Air leakage from air intake pipe 6. Incorrect engine oil 7. Faulty cooling system(7-5) Remedy Replace Replace Clean or replace Adjust or replace Replace Adjust Adjust or replace Clean or replace Check oil level and drain Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Adjust Adjust Adjust Replace Replace Replace or Correct Clean or replace Clean or replace Clean or replace Adjust fuel level Clean or replace Replace 13 Tighten or replace Check oil level and drain Clean Check level, add or drain Replace Clean Tighten or replace Change engine oil 13-3 CFMOTO Complaint Symptom and Possible Causes Valve Chatter 1. Excessive valve clearance 2. Worn or broken valve spring 3. Worn rocker arm or camshaft 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Engine is noisy 13-4 Adjust Replace Replace Replace Replace Clean Replace Replace Noise from Timing chain 1. Stretched chain 2. Worn sprocket wheel 3. Faulty chain tensioner Replace chain & sprocket Replace chain & sprocket Repair or replace Noise from Clutch 1. Worn or damaged crankshaft spline 2. Worn inner race spline Replace crankshaft Replace inner race Noise from Crankshaft 1. Rattling bearing 2. Worn or burnt crank pin bearing 3. Excessive thrust clearance Replace Replace Replace Noise from CVT 1. Worn or slipping drive belt 2. Worn rollers in primary sheave Replace Replace 1. 2. 3. 4. Slipping Clutch Noise from Piston Worn piston Worn cylinder Carbon deposit in combustion chamber Worn piston pin or pin hole Worn piston ring or piston ring groove Remedy 1. 2. 3. 4. Noise from Transmission Worn or damaged gear Worn or damaged input or output shafts Worn bearing Worn bushing Worn or damaged clutch shoes Weakened clutch shoe spring Worn clutch housing Worn or slipping drive belt Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace 13 Troubleshooting 2 Diagnosis troubles according to EFI system Trouble Code Note: 1. Only start inspection and fixation when trouble is steady -state;otherwise diagnosis would probably wrong 2. The “multimeter”mentioned below are numerical mutimeter; it is forbidden to use pointer type multimeter to make EFI system inspecting. 3. When Trouble Code tells “Low Voltage”, means probably it’s Short Circuit to Ground or Broken Circuit; When Trouble Code tells “High Voltage”,means probably it’s Short Circuit to Power; When Trouble Code tells “Circuit Error”,means Circuit Broken or Various Errors Exist. Diagnosis Help: 1.Trouble Code cannot be cleared,means trouble is steady-state; Focusing on the connector wires’ possible losen if trouble is incidental, 13 2.When making inspections ,do not ignore possible affect from vehicle mantenance condition,cylinder pressure,machanisim timing. 3.If Trouble Code is cleared, it means defective on ECU; If Trouble Code is not cleared,put back original ECU and repeat inspecting procedure to start again overhaul inspections. Following are implications of EFI System Trouble Code,Diagnosis Measurements, Possible Reasons and their Solutions as references. 13-5 CFMOTO Trouble Code: P0030 Oxygen Sensor Heating Control Circuit Broken Note Possible Troubles are as below 1!Circuit broken between ECU Pin and Oxygen Sensor Pin 2. 2!Circuit broken between Oxygen Sensor Pin 1 and Main Relay. 3!Circuit broken between Oxygen Sensor Pin 1 and Pin 2. Note Inspect as below 1 ! Check if resistance between ECU Connector Pin and Oxygen Sensor Pin 2 is normal or not. 2!Check if resistance between Oxygen Sensor Pin 1 and Main Relay is normal or not. 3!Check if resistance between Oxygen Sensor Pin 1 and Pin 2 is normal or not. Trouble Code: P0031 Oxygen Sensor Heating Circuit Short to Ground. Note Possible Troubles are as below 1 ! Circuit connect to ECU Pin are short-to-ground. Note Inspect as below 1!Check if resistance of ECU Pin to ground is normal or not. Trouble Code: P0032 Oxygen Sensor Heating Circuit Short to Power Note Possible Troubles are as below 1 ! Short Circuit between ECU Pin and Oxygen Sensor Pin 1. 2!Short Circuit between ECU Pin and other circuit. Note Inspect as below 1!Check if resistance of ECU is normal or not. 2!Check if resistance between ECU Pin and Oxygen Sensor Pin 1 circuit is normal or not. Trouble Code"P0053 Inner Resistance of Oxygen Sensor Heating not correct Explanation: ECU system measure the Oxygen Sensor Heating Resistance to decide if heating output is correct or not. In some conditions, Heated Oxygen Sensor would be damaged by precipitate, especially while making cold start. Note Possible Troubles are as below 1!Oxygen Sensor Heatng function disable; Replace Oxygen Sensor. Note Possible Troubles are as below 1) Check if resistance between Oxygen Sensor Pin 1 and Pin 2 is normal or not. Trouble Code" Air Inlet Pressure Sensor no signal variable Note Possible Troubles are as below Note Possible Troubles are as below 1 ! Air Inlet Pressure Sensor frozen or 1!Re-install the Air Inlet Pressure Sensor jammed. after ice melted with indoor temperature. 2) Air Inlet Pressure Sensor seriously aging. 13-6 13 Troubleshooting Trouble Code! !P0106 Air Inlet Pressure Sensor Signal irrationally failure Note Possible Troubles are as below 1!Air leakage of Air Inlet Pressure Sensor. 2!Air Inlet Pressure Sensor broken. 3!Air leakage from assemble point. 4 ! Air Inlet Pressure Sensor characteristically defluxion. Trouble Code! !P0107 Low Voltage of Air Inlet Pressure Sensor Circuit Note Note Possible Troubles are as below Inspect as below 1!ECU found Air Inlet Pressure Sensor 1 ! Resistance between ECU Pin and signal circuit short to ground. Ground. !P0108 High Voltage of Air Inlet Pressure Sensor Circuit Trouble Code! Note Note Possible Troubles are as below Inspect as below 1!ECU found Air Inlet Pressure Sensor 1!Resistance of ECU Pin. signal circuit short to power. !P0112 Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal Voltage Low. Trouble Code! Note Possible Troubles are as below 1!Circuit between ECU Pin and Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal short to ground. Note Inspect as below 1!Check Resistance of circuit between ECU Pin Sensor Signal and Ground. Trouble Code! !P0113 Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal Voltage High. Note Possible Troubles are as below 1!Circuit between ECU Pin and Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal short to power. Note Inspect as below 1!Check if voltage of Sensor Signal of ECU Pin is normal or not. Trouble Code! ! Engine Water Temperature Sensor Indicated Temperature irrationally failure Note Possible Troubles are as below 1 ! Water Temperature Sensor need replacement 13-7 13 CFMOTO Trouble Code! !P0117 Engine Water Temperature Sensor Circuit Voltage low. Note Possible Troubles are as below 1!Circuit between ECU Pin and ground short. Note Inspect as below 1) Check resistance between ECU Pin and Ground. Trouble Code! !P0118 Engine Water Temperature Sensor Circuit Voltage high. Note Possible Troubles are as below 1!Short Circuit between ECU circuit and other circuit. Note Inspect as below 1) Check if voltage connected to ECU pin is normal or not. Trouble Code! !P0122 Voltage of Throttle Control Positioning Sensor Circuit lower than the lower limit Note Possible Troubles are as below 1! ECU Pin short to ground. Note Inspect as below 1) Check resistance between ECU pin and ground. Trouble Code! !P0123 Voltage of Throttle Control Positioning Sensor Circuit higher than the higher limit Note Possible Troubles are as below 1 ! Circuit between ECU Pin and other power circuit short. Note Inspect as below 1) Check if ECU Pin voltage is normal or not. Trouble Code! !P0130 Oxygen Sensor Signal irrationally failure Explanation: When Oxygen Sensor Signal happens with situations as below, System decide Oxygen Sensor Signal irrationally failure Oxygen Sensor Signal Circuit coupling with Heating Circuit. Note Possible Troubles are as below 1!Check if Oxygen Sensor Connector is correct or not. 2!Check if Oxygen Sensor Signal Circuit coupling with Heating Circuit. Trouble Code! !P0131 Oxygen Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Note Possible Troubles are as below 1) Signal Circuit connected with ECU Pin is short circuit to ground. 13-8 Note Inspect as below 1!Check resistance between Signal Circuit connected with ECU Pin and ground. 13 Troubleshooting Trouble Code! !P0132 Oxygen Sensor Circuit Voltage High Explanation" When engine starts, ECU check the Oxygen Sensor Circuit Voltage; When voltage is continuously higher than 1.5 Volt, system decides Oxygen Sensor Circuit Voltage is short to power. Note Note Possible Troubles are as below Inspect as below 1!Short Circuit between Signal Circuit connect to 1 ! Check resistance between Signal Circuit ECU Pin and Oxygen Sensor Oxygen Sensor Pin connect to ECU Pin and Oxygen Sensor Oxygen 1. Sensor Pin 1 2!Short Circuit between Signal Circuit connect to 2!Check resistance of Signal Circuit connect to ECU Pin and other power circuit. ECU Pin Trouble Code! !P0133 Oxygen Sensor Aging Explanation: Normally Air Fuel Ratio of Fuel and Air is shifting between Dense and Dilute; accordingly Oxygen Sensor signal variate among different values. When Oxygen Sensor is aging, it goes less sensitive to Fuel-Air-Mixture, which makes signals variate lower. ECU makes average cycle calculations to Signal Variation; when it finds cycling slower as set, it decides Oxygen Sensor Aging. Note Possible Troubles are as below 1!Oxygen Sensor Aging, need replacement. Trouble Code! !P0134 Oxygen Sensor Signal Failure Explanation"When engine starts, ECU check the Oxygen Sensor Circuit Voltage; When ECU finds voltage stays between 0.4-0.6 volt, it decides Oxygen Sensor Signal Circuit Short. 13 Note Note Inspect as below Possible Troubles are as below 1 ! Short Circuit between Oxygen Sensor Oxygen Sensor 4. connected to ECU Pin. 2 ! Bad connection 1!Check resistance between ECU connector and of Oxygen Sensor Connectors.(Socket Oxidized) Trouble Code! !P0170 Self Studying found Closing Loop control Air Fuel Ratio irrational when making End of Line Testing. Trouble Code! !P0171 Self Studying found Closing Loop control Air Fuel Ratio too dulate when making End of Line Testing. Trouble Code! !P0172 Self Studying found Closing Loop control Air Fuel Ratio too dense when making End of Line Testing. (Note: This Inspection Process is only suitable when Air Inlet Pressure Sensor, Canister Control Valve and Oxygen Sensor and so on has not shown with Trouble Code; If there is any other Trouble Code, solve other Troubles first and then inspect Fuel Route correct or not) Trouble Code! !P0201 Cylinder Injector Control Circuit Open Note Note Possible Troubles are as below Inspect as below 1! Injector Coil Open Circuit 1! Check resistance of Injector 2! Injector Connector Socket to ECU Pin bad connection 2)Check cable is connected or not 3! Injector Connector Socket to Main Relay bad connection 13-9 CFMOTO Errors coding: P0261 Control circuit of single cylinder injector short to ground Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1!All drivers ECU pin connected short to ground Maintenance Tips" Check the item as follow: 1!Measure ECU pin connected resistance to ground Errors coding: P0262 Control circuit of single cylinder injector short circuit Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1 ! Short circuit between circuit ECU connected and other electrical source circuits Maintenance Tips" Check the item as follow: 1!Measure the voltage of circuit ECU pin connected Errors coding: P0321 reference point of rotate speed sensor fault Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: Maintenance Tips" Check the items as follow: 1! Circuits connect intermittently short circuit or intermittently open circuit. 1! Check the connection or breaking of cable related connection. 2! Fixed position of crankshaft signal ring deviation declination. 3! Fixed position of rotate speed sensor declination. 2! Check the flywheel. quantity of magneto Errors coding: P0322 Non-rotate speed sensor pulse signal (short circuit or open circuit) Explanation: After starting engine, ECU will measure signal of trigger and other signals together, judging the losing of trigger signal by signal rationality system. Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1!Trigger rotate speed sensor ECU cable connected open circuit 2 ! Trigger circuit ECU connected short circuit. 3!Trigger coil open circuit. Maintenance Tips" 1! Measure resistance between trigger and ECU cable connected 2! Measure resistance of trigger 3! Measure trigger peak value voltage Errors coding: P0444 Control circuit voltage of idle air control valve open circuit Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1 ! Open circuit between ECU circuit connected and no.2 pin of idle air control valve. 2!The circuit that no.1 pin of idle air control valve connected to main relay open way. 3!Electromagnetism coil between no.1 pin and no.2 pin open way. 13-10 Maintenance Tips" 1! Check the connection or breaking of cable related connection. 2! Measure resistance of idle speed valve. 13 Troubleshooting Errors coding: P0458 Control circuit voltage of idle air control valve too low Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1! Circuit ECU connected is short circuit Maintenance Tips" C heck the item as follow: 1 ! Measure connected to the ECU pin-to-ground resistance whether proper or not Errors coding: P0459 Control circuit voltage of idle air control valve too high Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1 ! Short circuit between ECU circuit connected and No.1 pin of idle air control valve. 2 ! Short circuit between circuit ECU pin connected and other electrical source circuits Maintenance Tips" C heck the item as follow: 1!Measure the voltage of ECU pin whether norm al or not 2! Measure resistance between ECU pin and No.1 pin of idle air control valve Errors coding: P0501Speed sensor signal im proper. Explanation: W hen loose throttle and keep direct to free-wheel, ECU measure engine rotate speed and vehicle speed together. If engine lasting higher speed but vehicle speed display “0” or too low obviously, system will judge that vehicle speed signal faults. Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1! The signal circuit ECU connected and vehicle speed sensor short to ground or open to ground. Maintenance Tips" C heck the item as follow: 1) Check circuit resistance that connecter of ECU joint to vehicle speed signal sensor. 2! Check resistance to ground of ECU pin. Errors coding: P0506 Rotate speed of idle air control valve slower than target idle speed Explanation: Engine rotate speed of idle speed control valve works by closed-loop control. And it indicates fault if ECU perform s idle speed controlling after a certain tim e, but the actual engine speed still slower than target idle speed. Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1! Idle air control valve not work. 2! Check adjust bolt of throttle valve # throttle cable # throttle operating condition etc. whether are in condition or not. 3! Too dirty inside of throttle valve body 13-11 13 CFMOTO Errors coding: P0507 Rotate speed of idle speed control valve faster than target idle speed Introduction of theory and fault reason: Engine rotate speed of idle speed works by closed-loop control. And it indicates fault if ECU performs idle speed controlling after a certain time, but the actual engine speed faster than target idle speed. Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1!Check adjust bolt of throttle valve#throttle cable # throttle operating condition etc. whether are in condition or not. 2!Too dirty inside of throttle valve body 3!Check crankcase enforced-air flue whether breaks off or leaks Errors coding: P0560 Voltage signal of system battery i l logical ity Errors coding: P0562 Voltage signal of system battery is too low Errors coding: P0563 Voltage signal of system battery is too high Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1!Magneto damaged and disable to starting or battery electric leakage 2!Magneto stator coil open circuit 3!Regulator of Magneto damaged Maintenance Tips" Check the item as follow: 1) Check the capability of generate electricity of Magneto(measure voltage of Magneto after starting) Errors coding: P0627 Control ci rcuit of oi l pump relay open ci rcui t Errors coding: P0628 Control ci rcui t of oi l pump relay short to ground Errors coding: P0629 Control ci rcuit of oi l pump relay short ci rcui t Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: 1!Open circuit/short to ground/short circuit between control circuit of oil pump relay connected to ECU and oil pump. 2!Open circuit between relay and main relay 3!Magnet coil of relay open circuit Maintenance Tips" Check the items as follow: 1!Measure resistance or voltage of oil pump relay control circuit connected to ECU. 2!resistance between relay and main relay 3!resistance between the toes of relay Errors coding: P0650 MIL lamp-dr iver ci rcui t fault Maintenance Tips" Maintenance Tips" The possible faults may exists as follow: Check the item as follow: 1!Open circuit/short to ground/short circuit on 1!Measure resistance or voltage of MIL circuit of MIL lamp-driver connected to ECU. lamp-driver control circuit connected to ECU. 2!Open circuit between MIL and main relay. 3!MIL lamp burnout 13-12 13 Troubleshooting Errors coding : P2177 Self-learning value of air-fuel ratio, closed-loop control exceeds upper limit Errors coding : P2178 Self-learning value of air-fuel ratio, closed-loop control exceeds lower limit Introduction of theory and fault reason: In order to make catalytic converters for HC, CO and NOx to maximize conversion efficiency, the air-fuel ratio of mixture should be 14.7:1. When the engine occurs, parts manufacturing deviation, deposition of fuel colloid on fuel injector, intake or back of valve, gas leak of intake and exhaust system, will cause the air-fuel ratio(14.7:1) deviation in various degrees(partial dilute or partial concentration) which will lead to emission deterioration and poor engine performance. Engine control system will amend and self-learning fuel charge based on the extent and characteristics of air-fuel ratio deviation. When self-learning value reach the limit of system setting (gas mixture partial dilute or partial concentration, system amends the fuel charge constantly till Max), system will judge that self-learning value transfinite fault. Maintenance Tips" 13 The possible faults may exists as follow: 1!Injector clog needs cleaning 2!Intake and exhaust system leaks 3!Inlet or back of intake valve that fuel colloid accumulation of excessive need to be cleaned 4!Engine parts deviation 5!Valve clearance deviation 6!Fuel system pressure deviation 13-13 CFMOTO 3" " Diagnosis troubles according to engine fault phenomena Before start to diagnosis fault, please take the primary inspection first: 1#Engine failure indicator light works regularly. 2#Affirm that no errors Code have been found by Diagnosis Analyze. 3#Affirm the fault that user complaint is exist, and affirm the condition of fault happen ed. Then, take external inspection: $1! Check fuel pipe whether has oil leak phenomena or not. $2! Check vacuum tube if rupture, kink or incorrect connect. $3! Check air intake pipe whether clogged, leaked, been staved or damaged or not. $4! Check ignition coil of ignition system whether rupture, aged or not, firing sequence whether correct or not% $5! Check ground pole of wiring harness whether clean or fast or not% $6! Check joints of sensor or actuator whether loose or poor contacts or not. Notice" Please maintain the faults as above in advance. If not, the further f ault diagnosis will be affected. Diagnosis help: 1#Engine has no fault records% 2#Affirm the complaint of fault happened% 3#Do not ignore vehicle maintenance working, cylinder pressure, mechanism timing, fuel etc effect against system during overhaul 4#Replace ECU and test it. If Trouble Code is cleared, it means defective on ECU; If Trouble Code is not cleared, put back original ECU and repeat inspecting procedure to start again overhaul inspections. Troubleshooting" Starting Failure/Hard Starting Engine can rotate but starting failure Hard Starting in heating engine Hard Starting in cold engine Regularly rotate speed, but engine starting hard at any time Engine works regularly&but unsteady idle speed at any time Engine works regularly&but unsteady idle speed when engine is in warming-up Engine starting normally, but idle speed unsteady after warming-up. Engine starting normally, but unsteady idle speed or power off when engine partly loading(such as: opening head light) Engine starting regularly, but idle speed is too high. Rotate speed can not increase or engine power off when in acceleration. Reaction slowly when in acceleration. No power and poor performance when in acceleration 13-14 in 13 Troubleshooting #1$ $Starting Failure/Hard Starting Possible defective part" 1# Battery% 2# Starter motor% 3# Wiring harness or ignition switch;4# engine mechanism part. Overhaul: Ref No. Operation Test result Check the voltage between the two poles of battery by multimeter, the voltage whether around 8-12V or not when engine starting. yes next 1 no Replace battery yes next 2 Keep ignition switch in engine starting station. Check positive pole of Starter motor by multimeter, the voltage whether above 8V or not. no Repair or replace wiring harness 3 Remove starter motor and check its work condition, if circuit break or starter motor locked because of improper lubricate. yes Repair or replace Starter Motor no next yes Replace appropriate grade of lubricating oil no next yes Overhaul the resistance inside of engine mechanism no Repeat above steps 4 5 Fault only happens on winter, please check lubricating oil if is improper for engine which caused high resistance of starter motor. Check the resistance inside of engine mechanism whether is high or not, which makes starter motor stop rotates or rotate slowly. Next Steps 13 #2$ $Engine can rotate but starting failure Possible defective part"1#no gasoline in tank%2#Fuel pump%3#Trigger%4#Ignition coil%5#engine mechanism part. Overhaul: Ref no Operation 1 Contact fuel pressure meter(contact front point of oil input pipe of injector)& open ignition switch and repeat it if possible, or starting engine, check the fuel pressure whether is around 300kPa or not 2 Contact Electronic injection diagnostic meter, observe item of “engine rotate speed”, starting engine, and observe the rotate speed signal if is normally output. 3 Pull out ignition coil, and contact with spark plug, keep pole of spark plug 5mm with body of engine, starting engine and check it whether has blue-white high pressure fire or not. Test result Next Steps yes next no examine and repair oil support system Yes next no examine and repair sensor wiring of rotate speed yes next no Examine and repair ignition system. 13-15 CFMOTO 4 5 Check air pressure of cylinder and observe the pressure if is discrepantly. Contact EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##13# stitch, the power whether supply normally or not, check 2##21# stitch whether Put up iron or not. yes Eliminate engine mechanism fault no next yes Diagnosis help no Examine and repair relevant wiring $3!Hard Starting in normal status Possible defective part" 1# fuel containing water% 2# fuel pump% 3# engine water temperature sensor%4#ignition coil Overhaul: Ref no Operation Test result Contact fuel pressure meter(contact front point of oil input pipe of injector), starting engine, check the fuel pressure whether is around 300kPa or not yes next 1 no examine and repair oil support system yes next no Examine and repair ignition system. Yes Examine and repair wiring or replace sensor No Next No Next 2 3 4 5 Pull out ignition coil, and contact with spark plug, keep pole of spark plug 5mm with body of engine, starting engine and check it whether has blue-white high pressure fire or not. Pull out connector of engine water temperature sensor, starting engine, observe engine whether succeed starting or not at this moment. (or in series a 300 ' resistant instead of engine water temperature sensor, observe engine whether succeed starting or not at this moment.) Check fuel and observe the fault if caused after fueling Contact EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##13# stitch the power whether supply normally or not, check 2##21# stitch whether Put up iron or not. Next Steps yes Replace fuel no next yes Diagnosis help no Examine and repair relevant wiring $4!Hard Starting in cold status Possible defective part" 1# fuel containing water% 2# fuel pump% 3# engine water temperature sensor%4#injector%5#ignition coil%6#throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct; 7# engine mechanism part ( Overhaul: 13-16 13 Troubleshooting Ref no Operation Test result Contact fuel pressure meter(contact front point of oil input pipe of injector), starting engine, check the fuel pressure whether is around 300kPa or not yes next 1 no examine and repair oil support system yes next no Examine and repair ignition system. Yes Examine and repair wiring or replace sensor no next yes Clean throttle valve body and idle speed air duct no next 2 3 4 Pull out ignition coil, and contact with spark plug, keep pole of spark plug 5mm away of body of engine, starting engine and check it whether has blue-white high pressure fire or not. Pull out connector of engine water temperature sensor, starting engine, observe engine whether succeed starting or not at this moment. (or in series a 2500 ' resistant instead of engine water temperature sensor, observe engine whether succeed starting or not at this moment.) Draw accelerograph gently, observe it whether starting engine easily or not. Next Steps Disassembly injector, and check the injector by special washing analysis instrument if exists the phenomena of leaks or clogs yes Replace 5 no next 6 Check fuel and observe the fault if caused after fueling yes Replace fuel no next 7 Check air pressure of cylinder and observe the pressure if it is discrepantly. yes Eliminate engine mechanism fault no next yes Diagnosis help no Examine and repair relevant wiring 8 Contact EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##13# stitch, the power whether supply normally or not, check 2##21# stitch whether Put up iron or not. 13 $Regularly rotate speed, but engine starting hard at any time #5$ Possible defective part" 1# fuel containing water% 2# fuel pump% 3# engine water temperature sensor%4#injector%5#ignition coil%6#throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct; 7#input air duct%8#ignition timing%9#spark plug%10#engine mechanism part Overhaul:" Ref no Operation Test result Next Steps 1 Check air cleaner and input air duct whether are clogged or not yes Examine and repair air input system no next 13-17 CFMOTO 2 3 Contact fuel pressure meter(contact front point of oil input pipe of injector), starting engine, check the fuel pressure whether is around 300kPa or not Pull out ignition coil, and contact with spark plug, keep pole of spark plug 5mm away with body of engine, starting engine and check it whether has blue-white high pressure fire or not. 4 Check spark plug, look its type and gap if accords with standard. 5 Pull out connector of engine water temperature sensor, starting engine, observe engine whether succeed starting or not at this moment. 6 Draw accelerograph gently, observe it whether starting engine easily or not. yes next no examine and repair oil support system yes next no examine and repair ignition system yes next no Adjust or replace yes Examine and repair wiring or replace sensor no next yes Clean throttle valve body and idle speed air duct no next Disassembly injector, and check the injector by special washing analysis instrument if exists the phenomena of leaks or clogs yes replace 7 no next 8 Check fuel and observe the fault if caused after fueling yes Replace fuel no next 9 Check air pressure of cylinder and observe the pressure if is discrepantly. yes Eliminate engine mechanism fault no next 10 11 Check engine ignition timing if accords with standard. Contact EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##13# stitch the power whether supply normal or not, check 2##21# stitch whether Put up iron or not. yes next no examine and repair ignition timing yes Diagnosis help no Examine and repair relevant wiring $Engine works regularly% %but unsteady idle speed at any time #6$ Possible defective part"1#fuel containing water%2#injector; 3#spark plug%4#throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct%5#input air duct%6#idle speed valve; 7#ignition timing%8#engine mechanism part Overhaul: Ref no 1 13-18 Operation Check air cleaner and input air duct whether are clogged or not Test result Next Steps yes Examine and repair air input system no next 13 Troubleshooting Yes Clean or replace no next Check spark plug, look its type and gap if accords with standard. Yes next no Adjust or replace 4 Check throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct whether have carbide accumulated or not. Yes Clean no next Disassembly injector, and check the injector by special washing analysis instrument if exists the phenomena of leaks, clogs or flux discrepantly. Yes Fault replacement 5 no next 6 Check fuel and observe the fault if caused after fueling Yes Replace fuel no next 7 Check air pressure of cylinder and observe the pressure if is discrepantly. yes Eliminate engine mechanism fault no next yes next no examine and repair ignition timing yes Diagnosis help no Examine and repair relevant wiring 2 Check idle speed valve whether clogged or not. 3 8 9 Check engine ignition timing if accords with standard. Contact EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##13# stitch, the power whether supply normal or not, check 2##21# stitch whether Put up iron or not. #7$ $ Engine works regularly% %but unsteady idle speed when engine is in warming-up Possible defective part"1#fuel containing water 2#engine water temperature sensor%3# spark plug%4#throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct; 5#input air duct%6#idle speed valve%7#engine mechanism part 13 Overhaul:" Ref no Operation Test result Next Steps 1 Check air cleaner and input air duct whether are clogged or not yes Examine and repair air input system no next 2 Check spark plug, look its type and gap if accords with standard. yes next no Adjust or replace yes Clean related parts 3 Disassembly idle speed valve and check the throttle valve body, idle speed valve and idle speed side air duct whether have carbide accumulated or not. no next 4 Pull out connector of engine water temperature sensor, starting engine, observe idle speed whether is unsteady or not when engine is in warming-up. yes Examine and repair wiring or replace sensor no next yes Fault replacement no next 5 Disassembly injector, and check the injector by special washing analysis instrument if exists the phenomena of leaks, clogs or flux discrepantly. 13-19 CFMOTO 6 Check fuel and observe the fault if caused after fueling Yes Replace fuel no next 7 Check air pressure of cylinder and observe the pressure if it is discrepantly. yes Eliminate engine mechanism fault no next yes Diagnosis help no Examine and repair relevant wiring 8 Contact EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##23# stitch, the power whether supply normal or not, check 2##21# stitch whether Put up iron or not. $Engine starting normally, but idle speed unsteady after warming-up. #8$ Possible defective part"1#fuel containing water 2#engine water temperature sensor%3# spark plug%4#throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct; 5#input air duct%6#idle speed valve%7#engine mechanism part Overhaul: Ref no Operation Test result Next Steps 1 Check air cleaner and input air duct whether are clogged or not yes Examine and repair air input system no next 2 Check spark plug, look its type and gap if accords with standard. yes next no Adjust or replace yes Clean related parts 3 Disassembly idle speed valve and check the throttle valve body, idle speed valve and idle speed side air duct whether have carbide accumulated or not. no next 4 Pull out connector of engine water temperature sensor, starting engine, observe idle speed whether is unsteady or not when engine is in warming-up. yes Examine and repair wiring or replace sensor no next Disassembly injector, and check the injector by special washing analysis instrument if exists the phenomena of leaks, clogs or flux discrepantly. yes Fault replacement 5 no next 6 Check fuel and observe the fault if caused after fueling Yes Replace fuel no next 7 Check air pressure of cylinder and observe the pressure if it is discrepantly. yes Eliminate engine mechanism fault no next yes Diagnosis help no Examine and relevant wiring 8 Contact EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##23# stitch, the power whether supply normal or not, check 2##21# stitch whether Put up iron or not. $Engine starting normally, but unsteady idle speed or power off when engine #9$ in partly loading(such as: opening head light) 13-20 repair 13 Troubleshooting Possible defective part"1#idle speed valve%2#injector Overhaul: Ref no Operation Test result Next Steps yes Clean related parts 1 Disassembly idle speed valve and check the throttle valve body, idle speed valve and idle speed side air duct whether have carbide accumulated or not. no next yes Turn step no.4 2 Observe output power whether is increasing or not when begin loading work, namely observe the movement of ignition advance angle#injection pulse width and air intake flowrate by EFI diagnosis instrument no next no Examine and repair air condition system yes Fault replacement 3 Disassembly injector, and check the injector by special washing analysis instrument if exists the phenomena of leaks, clogs or flux discrepantly. no next yes Diagnosis help 4 Contact EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##23# stitch, the power whether supply normal or not, check 2##21# stitch whether is puting up iron or not. no Examine and repair relevant wiring 13 $Engine starting regularly, but idle speed is too high. #10$ Possible defective part"1#throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct% 2#injector seat%3#idle speed valve%4#engine water temperature sensor%5#ignition timing. Overhaul: Ref no Operation Test result Next Steps yes adjust no next Check air intake system and connector of injector seat, the air if is leaking. yes Examine and repair air intake system no next yes Clean related parts 3 Disassembly idle speed valve and check the throttle valve body, idle speed valve and idle speed side air duct whether have carbide accumulated or not. no next 4 Pull out connector of engine water temperature sensor, starting engine, observe idle speed whether is unsteady or not when engine is in warming-up. yes Examine and repair wiring or replace sensor no next yes next no examine and repair ignition timing 1 Check the throttle cable if is clipped or too tight. 2 5 Check engine ignition timing if accords with standard. 13-21 CFMOTO 6 Contact with EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##23# stitch, the power whether supply normal or not, check 2##21# stitch whether is puting up iron or not. yes Diagnosis help no Examine and repair relevant wiring #11$ $Rotate speed can not increase or engine power off when in acceleration. Possible defective part"1#fuel containing water%2#air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor%3#spark plug%4#throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct% 5#input air duct%6#idle speed valve%7#fuel injector%8#ignition timing%9#muffler Overhaul: Test result Next Steps yes Examine and repair air input system no next Contact fuel pressure meter(contact front point of oil input pipe of injector), starting engine, check the fuel pressure whether is around 300kPa or not yes next no examine and repair oil support system 3 Check spark plug, look its type and gap if accords with standard. yes next no Adjust or replace yes Clean related parts 4 Disassembly idle speed valve and check the throttle valve body, idle speed valve and idle speed side air duct whether have carbide accumulated or not. no next yes next 5 Check air intake pressure sensor # throttle position sensor and their wiring whether works regularly or not. no examine and repair wiring or replace sensor yes Fault replacement 6 Disassembly injector, and check the injector by special washing analysis instrument if exists the phenomena of leaks, clogs or flux discrepantly. no next 7 Check fuel and observe the fault if caused after fueling Yes Replace fuel Ref no 1 2 Operation Check air cleaner if is clogged. 8 Check engine ignition timing if accords with standard. 9 Check the exhaust gas from muffler if exhausts smoothly Contact with EFI commutator, open ignition 10 13-22 switch, check ECU5##10##23# stitch, the power whether supply normal or not, check 2##21# stitch whether is puting up iron or not. no next yes next no examine and repair ignition timing yes next no Repair or replace muffler yes Diagnosis help no Examine and repair relevant wiring 13 Troubleshooting #12$ $Reaction slowly when in acceleration. Possible defective part"1#fuel containing water%2#air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor%3#spark plug%4#throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct%5# input air duct%6#idle speed valve%7#fuel injector%8#ignition timing%9#muffler Overhaul" Test result Next Steps yes Examine and repair air input system no next Contact fuel pressure meter(contact front point of oil input pipe of injector), starting engine, check the fuel pressure whether is around 300kPa or not yes next no examine and repair oil support system 3 Check spark plug, look its type and gap if accords with standard. yes next no Adjust or replace yes Clean related parts 4 Disassembly idle speed valve and check the throttle valve body, idle speed valve and idle speed side air duct whether have carbide accumulated or not. no next yes next 5 Check air intake pressure sensor# throttle position sensor and their wiring whether works regularly or not. no examine and repair wiring or replace sensor yes Fault replacement 6 Disassembly injector, and check the injector by special washing analysis instrument if exists the phenomena of leaks, clogs or flux discrepantly. no next 7 Check fuel and observe the fault if caused after fueling Yes Replace fuel no next 8 Check engine ignition timing if accords with standard. 9 Check the exhaust gas from muffler if exhausts smoothly Ref no 1 2 Operation Check air cleaner if is clogged. Contact with EFI commutator, open ignition switch, 10 check ECU5##10##23# stitch, the power whether supply normal or not, check 2##21# stitch whether is puting up iron or not. yes next no examine and ignition timing yes next no Repair muffler yes Diagnosis help no Examine and relevant wiring or repair replace repair #13$ $No power and poor performance when in acceleration. Possible defective part"1#fuel containing water%2#air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor%3#spark plug%4#ignition coil; 5#throttle valve body and idle speed side air duct%6#input air duct%7#idle speed valve%8#fuel injector%9#ignition timing%10# muffler 13-23 13 CFMOTO Overhaul" Ref no 1 2 3 4 Operation Test result Check the faults if exist clutch skid, low tyre yes repair no next yes Examine and repair air input system no next yes next no examine and repair oil support system yes next no examine and ignition system pressure, lagged brake, improper tyre size etc . Check air cleaner if is clogged. Contact fuel pressure meter(contact front point of oil input pipe of injector), starting engine, check the fuel pressure whether is around 300kPa or not Pull out ignition coil, and contact with spark plug, keep pole of spark plug 5mm away with body of engine, starting engine and check the high pressure fire whether is normal or not. Next Steps repair 5 Check spark plug, look its type and gap if accords with standard. yes next no Adjust or replace yes Clean related parts 6 Disassembly idle speed valve and check the throttle valve body, idle speed valve and idle speed side air duct whether have carbide accumulated or not. no next yes next 7 Check air intake pressure sensor, throttle position sensor and their wiring if works regularly. no examine and repair wiring or replace sensor Disassembly injector, and check the injector by special washing analysis instrument if exists the phenomena of leaks and clogs. yes Fault replacement 8 no next 9 Check fuel and observe the fault if caused after fueling Yes Replace fuel no next Check engine ignition timing if accords with standard. yes next 10 no examine and ignition timing yes next 11 Check the exhaust gas from muffler if exhausts smoothly no Repair muffler yes Diagnosis help 12 Contact with EFI commutator, open ignition switch, check ECU5##10##23# stitch, the power whether supply normal or not, check 2##21# stitch whether is puting up iron or not. no Examine and relevant wiring 13-24 or repair replace repair