See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Plastics and their role in economic development of India Article · June 2018 CITATIONS READS 0 866 3 authors: Ramandeep Kaur Khushminder Kaur Chahal Punjab Agricultural University Punjab Agricultural University 23 PUBLICATIONS 102 CITATIONS 45 PUBLICATIONS 286 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Sonia Kaushal Punjab Agricultural University 28 PUBLICATIONS 223 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: research View project Ph.D. Thesis View project All content following this page was uploaded by Sonia Kaushal on 13 January 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE EIndiqn J Econ Dev Volurne 9 No. 2 (2013): 184-Ig3 PLASTTCS AND THEIRROLE II...{ ECO]\OMIC DBVELOPMENT OFINDIA K.K. chahal, Ramandeep Kaur and s. KaushalABSTRACT The first man made plastic wos created by Alexander paikes collecl Parkesine from cellulose. Plastics ore tnuatiy synthetic, most commonly derived from petrochemicals but many are partially naturAl. A plastic i,y primarily made up of binder, plasticizer, Jillers, pisrnents and additiv,esi. Plastics are of tu'o types namely thermoplastics and thermosets. ,n;';;; critical factor that plagues the Indian^ plastic industry ls the common perception that plastics not environmentally This rr mcinly friendly. ?re due to poor ctwareness about the energ saving'pioprrties of plastics ancl the benefits to in&stries that utilize plastics. iriio-is the htgirrt recycler of plastics. The Indian plastic ndrntry rr promising indwtry -iii'-i, creating new employment opportuniti,es for pgople of lrrdia. The iq capita consumption'of plastic prodrcts in India is growiig. The Goviltment of India is trying to set up the economic reforms to elevate ond boosi the plastic indwtry by ioint ventures, foreigi investments and entreprenetrs are trying to provide high quality plastic products,so that it bicomes a b*Nlg!1dry!ry, Key words: Plastic, development, biodegradable and employmcnt. JEL Classification: F63 , J2l INTRODUCTION The first man-made plastic'was created by Alexander Parkes who publicly demonstrated it at the 1862 Great International Bxhibition in London. The rnateriat called Parkesine was an organic draterial derived from cellulose thar once heated could be nd retained its shape when coored. John pesrey Hy4tt invented rte for the ivory in uitt*a bails in lg6g. However, the r*r"riui \ to be used as a billiard ball, until the addition of camphor, a 'l tree. The new .celluloid could be molded with heat and molr .celhrl- shapg later celluloid became famous as the flrst flexible rr still photography and motion pictures. By 1900, movie Ro1'A, cholar and Teaching Assistant, Department of Clemishy, udhian a-l4l 004, E-MAll: drkkchahal@yahoo.corn r84 nitrate, formaldehyde film was an erploriing market for celluloid. After.cellulose of plastics. Around 1897, efforts to was the next product to advance the technology plastics. In 1899, Arthur Smith manufacture white .nuU,,toura, led to .ur"in patent l6275,for phenol-formaldehyde resins for use as an ebonite received Ilritish in 1907, Leo Hendrik Baekeland substitute in eleclrical insllation. However, fu1ly phe'ol-formaldehyde reaction techniques and invented the first trade named Bakelite (Du Bois' ,yn h.,i, resin to become commercially successful, times line precursors of plastics discoveref frol time to time are "various quality plastics' presente{ in Table 1 reveals the development of superior ;;;; Table l:- Timetine Y*rtffimaterial discove l 839 rented Natural Rubber- method of processing tnr Polystyene (PS) discovered 843 1856 1856 Gutta-Percha t862 Parkesine r 1 Scientist Francois Charles LePag Bois Durci Alexander Parkes John Wesley HYatt first created by Eugen Baumann Charles Frederick Cross, Edward John Cellulose Nirate or Celluloid Polyrnnyl Ctrloride ( PVC) Viscose RaYon 863 Bevan I 909 Cellophanc @ First iot plastic Rhenol-Formaldehyde Eade name Bakelite 1926 Vinyl (PvC) I 908 ==T927=cEl :. Low-density PolYethYlene ( LDPE) Polyurethanes trade name lgamid for plastics matcrials and Perlon for fibers 193 8 r939 PolyieEafluoroethylene (PTFE) tade name teflon Nyion and Neoprene considered a replacement for silk t94l and a qynthetic rubber respectively Polyethyl ane Terephthalate (PET) 1942 195 Highdensity polyethylene (HDPE) trade name Marlex l 953 I 954 r 970 1 978 I 985 Walter Semon invented a plasticized Accidbntally discovered bY RalPh Wiley, a Dow Chemical lab worker Reginald Gibson and Eric Fawcett Otto Bayer and co-workers dispovered and patented the chemistry polyurethanes Roy Plunkett Wallace Hume Carothers of Whinfield and Dickson Patented by John Rex WhinfiPld and James Tennant Dickson Unsaturated PolYester ( PET) 1 Leo Hendrik Baekeland PVC t937 935 Jacques E. Brandenbergu =-- lg33PolyvinyliclenechlorideorSaran(PVDC) 1 William Montgomerie Alfred Critchlow, Samuel Peck . Shellac 1872 l 894 Charles Goodyear Eduard Simon Saran Wrap Styrofoam a type of foamed polystyrene foam Paul Hogan and Robert Banks Dow Chemicals invented by RaY Mclntire for Dow Chemicals Thermopla stic Polyester thi s includ es tra demarked Dacron, Melinex and Tetorbn Linear lnw DensitY PolYethYlene Liquid Crystal PolYmers i l,rlormatiort rtot av ailable solids that are A plastic material can be synthetic or semi-synthetic organic high molecular mass' but they moldable. Plastics are typically organic polyrners of from petrochemicals' but often contain other substanc.s. They are mostly derived 185 many are partially natural..The term was derived from the Greek plastikos, which means fit for molding. Plastics are a'wide variety of combinations of properties when viewed as a whole (Angell 1991). They are used for shellac, cellulose, asphalt and' synthetically manufacture items such as clothing, -Ub.", packaging, automobiles, electronics, aircrafts, medical supplies, and recreational items. One way plastics changed the world was in cost. It was so much cheaper to manufacture than other noatprials and the various ways it could be used was staggering. For instancg the use of polymers, which are substances with a higher molecule tnass and which have a large number of repeating uirits, is common today. There are naturally occurring polymers, which include starches, ce.llulosg proteins, and latex. Polymer5 are molecules that join together like a chain with one or more monomers. The polymers are changed depending on the incorporation of these monomers. If the atoms in the monomers are combined to form the polymer, it is call-ed an addition polymer. When some of the atoms of the monomers are released into small molecules, as in liquid then the polymer is caled a condensation polymm. A double bond between carbon atoms is most common in addition polyrners irf-*ota, 1e68). Composition Almost invariably, organic polymere 4ainly comprise plastics. The l.ast majorrty of these polymers are based on chains of'carbon atoms alonb or with oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen as well. The backbone is that part of the chain on the main "path" linking a large number of repeating units together. This fine tuning of the properties of the polyner by repeating units molecular skuchre has allowed principally made up of binder, plasticizers, fillers and pigments and other additives. The binder gives a plastic its main characteristics ana usually its name. Thus, polyvinyl chloride is the name of a binder as well as the plastic into which it is Binders may be natural materials, for example cellulose derivatives, casein, or milk protein, but are more cornmonly synthetic'resins. In either case, the binder :' materials consist of very long chainlike molecules called polymers. Classification Thermoplastic polymers and thermosetting plastics are. two types of plastics. Thermoplastics do not undergo chemical change in their corrrposition when heated and can be moulded again and again. Examples include p'lyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, and polyterafluoroethylene. The common thermoplastic ranges from 20,000 to 500,000 amu (Ungar, lgg3).They are usually rigid glasses at low temperature and flexible elastomers above Tg fthe glass transition temperature); and they may actually melt at a still higher temperahrre.u Their properties like tensile strength, elongation at break and flexural rnodulus and uses (Miller and Dekker, 1996\ are determined partially by whether Tg is above or *d:. 186 (Table 2). Thermosets are assumed to have oelwr the terrrperature during ur: repeating are made up of several thousand infrnite nrcrle,cdal weight. These chains they have solidified' cax melt and take shape once after molecu[ar units. Thennosets Jnltlg.fier.nrosettingprocess,aninJversiblechemicalreactionoccursforinstance ,;i.'*@;on is a tacky' oi*uuo. Before heating with sulfi', the polyisoprene vulcanization the product is rigid and non-tacky' slightly..nrnny material, but after in natural aerobic plastics are plastics that will decompose i|ffi";A;ouur" (""*;ffi *a unooouic (landfi ll) environments (Anonymous, 20 1 3). and applications of some Tt?es of Plastics, properties, produgts inlrnercially im rtant plastics products and :, ; Table 2: fofffi.r farnilY and tYPe' Tensile strength Elongation ''Flexural at break modulus Typical applic ations % Pa TFE&\'!oPLAsrIcs r-r'5 itill.ffilil"toivethv{or:e 20-30 10-r'000 8-30 10o650 0'25-0'35 Ill;lBl^r',, Polverhvlene ': ------1-'*.e-;ti- (LDPE) " lf:$*T$l;wireandcabre Packaging film' grocery bagq agnculturalmulch Bo$les' food containers' toys '7 30-40 10H00 '-i-2 l2-l 2'ts.3'4 il; potvstrcne(ps), 3$i"*:"-':'':1":u . PollArq.'4ene (!P) l)-)) ' 15-55 ecrytodtrilefutirdiene- 40_50 2_80 iffiJffilr;,,a (I}VC) ' Uoolasticizel fiP##;wh'^"yt"" ; ---{pidMatluo,roahylarc:=:.:-_:.-.----::::?olyteinf (PrFE) Heterochain PolYethYl ene T erePhthalate (PEr) Polycarbonate (PC) dhet ketone (r'EEK) iolyphenYlene Strl fi de (PPS) Cellulose I)iacetate PolycaPtolactarn (NYlon 6) 22-32 Impact-resistanlwindows, skvlights' canopies Transparent bottles, recording tape 10-120 2.31.4 Compact discs, safety glasses, sPorting goods 25:15 2.6-i3.4 Bearings' gears, showe'r heads, 50-300 65,'5 1 50-90 window fiames 2.4-3,1 sFl5 70-105 , 0'9-3'0 Appliance housingg helmetg' pipe fittings .2.r_3.4 pip-e'-con<ruig home siding, -,; 70 ': a'| ^2-to -- -50-7s Polyacetal Poly ether 30=100 Jwr\ - zippers 30-150 3.9 Machine, automotive, and aerosPace Parts l-10 3.8-4.5 1.5 1.0-2.8 . Machine parts, appliances, elestrical equiPment Photognphic film l5-65 6-70 40-170 30-300 2Y',70 <3 7-14 5-140 <4 14_30Laminatedcircuitboards,flooring, 50-125 <l 8-23 35-7 s <1 Bearings, PulleYs; gears TIIERMOSETS Heterochain Polyester (tln saru rat al) Epoxies Phenol Formald'ehYde Urea and lr{elartrine FormaldehYde Pollurethane 3 '10 7 3-..6 Boat hulls, automobile Panels aircraft Parts Electrical connectors, appliance .5 handles CountertoPs, dinnerware 4 Flexible and rigid foams for uoholstery. insulation 187 Biodegradation of plastics occurs when microorganisms metabolize the plastics to either assimilable compounds or to humus-like materials tlrat are less less harmful to the environment (Birley et al.,l9gg). They may be cogpo$ed o_f,pither bioplastics (Watimo et a1.,2001), whose components are derivea aom rer_rewable raw materials, or petrolzum-based plastics which contain additives. Biodegi.adable plastics degrade upon exposure to suniight, water, bacteria, pnzymes, *inJ u=rr*ion, and in some instances rodent pest or insect attack are also i*n aaa as forns of biode grahtion or epvironmental degradation. Table 3: Different finres of ol mers and their Name and Description Polyglycolic acid (PGA) -Hydrolysatile _ ______ F__ _ uses vvy--r9-v{ ContSgleddrugrcl.* ffi '" ;,;;;";, from includi rirtuiniai"r..s" ,yit".s or,p;rti;ia* *a fermen{ne.cronsanddairyproducts; fertilizers,rnurcnn-rrnr,-ecompo;i[il"-- polyhydroxy acid; polymers derived compostable Polycaprolactone(PCL)-Hydrol5aable;lowLongtermitems;mulc!andoiheragdculfuralfilms; softening andmeltingpoints; compostable; fiuers containinglte;iaa"s t"'*d-iqrJirweeds; long time to.degrade polyhydroxybutyrates (pllB)-Hydrolysable; ;eedlins containers; slow release *st;ms for r:nrss ' ; ' produced as storage material by miooorganisms; possibly degrades in aerobic and anaJrobic *oaitionr; rtirt Utitttr;p*i-solvent resistance P;vhvdt;;y";tteeHB9-Hydrolpable copolymer; processed similar to PHB; a substance to increase degadability, contains melting :-. vW porv uinl alcohol soluble; dissolvcs during composting. soluble; include uior*aicut uppli*tio*, therapeutic de[ivery worm medicine r"..itUq ana "' (PVOH)-water Polyvinyl acetate(PVAC)-Water markets of s*ninJal;;i"i; Films andpapercoatinp;.otherpossibie Packaging and bagging applica.tions,vrhiclioirsoiu, *.lr.rig 6rr*e ffiirT".r, pesticides, and hospihl * ,s rn*,ery J"Gig.,rt; - washab.les. : i' , predecessor to PVOH; has shown no sigrificant property loss during composting tests derived * Polyenlketone (PEK)-Water solubte; from PVOH; possibly degrades in aerobic and anaerobic conditions :. . i xlnfornrution nnt wailabte some modes of degradation require that the plastic be exposed at the surface, whereas other modes will only be effective if iertain ;;";fi;; ;r.,n landfill or composting systems. Starch pcwder is mixed.with plastic as a filler. to allow it to degrade more easily, but it still does not lead to complet"','*.*. Some researchers revealed that genetically engineered bacteria sl.nthesize a completely biodegradable plastic, but this material, such as Biop6!, ii ixp."lrsile,at present @ret et a1.,2071 and Brandl and Puclure4 1992) The Germpn cireinii-al 188 ,, , .i: i corq)aqy.BASFmakeslofl;x'.nr[ybiodegadabtepolyesterforfoodpackaging applications.Bioclegradableplastics6rpically.areproducedintwoforms:injection dfno;able food service items' in tftt to1* gn iypicallv Jtp"l, (solid' :l moliled grass and collectionbags for leaves and packaging ftuit antl ftlnts, t.ypicaliy'organic plastics are *orc1 r.ifferent types of biodegradable ffiffi;:,tffi;#*ur polyesters.poty"nl,l'd,ides,polyvinylalcohol,mostofthestarchderivativeslike cgllui,o.g.g,xtu1un.t,"*ablerasource(Polylactic.alrOwhichfindusein. pharmaceriticals,"*u*.andpackaging(ratte3).Polylacticacid(PLA)is ean fully degrade above 60"c in compostablebiopolymeiwhich plastics are more expensive' composting facility. Fullybiodegladable anothe,r compietely an industrial parttybecausetlreyarenotwidelyenoughp,odu,.dtoachievelargeeconomiesof scale (AkiYaffra et aL,2012} Plastic Statistics the Indian Plastic industry is the The one critical factor that plagues This' ,roienviionmentallV i, plastic that perception con,mon fiendly' and the the energy saving property of plastics about oru**o^' loy' the to due while India plastics' ti is a littlc kno'wn fact that' utilize that to irrdustries benefits it is the highest recycler of capita consumptitin in the world' has the lowesi,per plastics. Tabte tion of lastics 4: tatte:n q!islobal consum- ita North Anrelica 6s West EuroPe 10 East EruoPe 18 Latin Arneriia 10 South East Asia T2 China 5.0 lndia wwiecycle 60 percent from loth industry:::,.t:Y:--:::t:::of llr'rldr we In rrl InrJia, rercent (Anonymous ;,201l)'The Perusal of 20-251 compared to the rvorld average ;:TilIH;. ;;; ;rd r'u",u g. .. p -.,------rr^tio' ^r^racrin .' cap ita c onsump "^r +"::i: ks. It 11. 5t;11 bv roilowed .,,aq *"1i, ?0 consumption or plastics, c ----^- are Q onrl ^-^ A< and 65, 118 figures and china. rhe corresponding E^.+ Aoio and -ro^--lL consump'i:" rhe lp"tiu'rv' lz ^B Pvr w*vrle rf was found that Indi:a has lowest per captta -t per ^^^i+o It -^- capita' was 10 kg each ;::;J;;;; ;;;;, {l:ffi;J;il*erica tu, nier,",t t,tl: ;?"# iliit eur,"n*on. / consumPtion of Plastic (5 kg)' Indian :i:?t::'i::::::::l: Statistics r , - :^ L:^Lr., r-^^mpnred and c.omnrises Tlrelndianplasticpfocessmgrndustryishigtrlyfragmentedandcompris classified as medium percent or,n"frms, which canbe 25,000 firms. u.*t*-lo-l-i 189 scale operations, all the units operate on a small.scale basis. MorE than 95 percent of the firms in the industry are partne.rship, proprietorship or private limited companies. Further, these small cornpanies get significant advantad.$ in t'i'X#;;;; f': -': ''.' Table 5: Statistics of plastics industries in India: Current status Particulars Unit Major raw material producers Processing units Turnover (Processing industry) Capital asset (Polymer industly) Raw material Produ.ced Raw material Coruumed Emp loyed D irect/indirect Export Value approx Revenue to Government S o u rc e : http ://wwtv, dnb. i No. No. { Crores { Crores Million metric tonnes Million metric tonnes Million (No.) $ Crores Crores t Arnount/ Quanti l5 25,000 85,000 55,000 5.3 . 5.1 3.3 ' 190 73000 material The perusal of Table 5 revealed that there are only 15 major raw producers which produce 5.3 million metric tonnes of raw materiat meeting the 25,A00 procesSing units in India which create employment for 3.3million peoplg e.xporting demand for raw materials which is 5.1 million metric tonnes. There are I f -----r- , : i ------t^---^^^-- worth $190 crores plastic material thereby generating {73000 ctores of revenue for the government. The processing industry turnoVer is t85000 crore$ aird capital -._-:-:p,-assets-jn-polynecjndustqr-up ', -!o,the-tune-o[-t5i000-crons-{heselinw-thus- combined together are making los3es. The organized sector companies Lhus need to build up significant brand image to survive against the competition from the unorganized sector. The key'organized sector players include Nilkamal Plastics , Limited. industry Limited and Supreme Industries Growth rate of Indian plastic ,.. -,,,. , - .. : agd is Ihe plastic industry in India symbolizes a promising industly ueating new employment opportunities for the people of India. Thc per capita consumption of plastic products in India is growing and is moving a.S 'times GDP growth. This potentiality of the market will stuely 4ctnate entrepreneurs to invest in this industry. The Government of India is irying to s-et W the economic refornis to elevate ancl boost the plastic industry h1' joini i,r.xturing, foreign investments and entrryreneurs are firing to provide high quality plastic . r t#itrl . the products, so that itbecomes a booming industly. at*,,,oif '.#'l,H;illf ;ffi T;:;ffi?i?i*';ff:il:';Til::iil: basis of- the erpected growth of the clernand potential to 12.50 MI\,IT firxn tire 190 : number of processing urrits from'the current 30,000 is expectecl 1,1:-i11g1sa-ted to 40,000, a 33 percent gowth rvhich will in-tum also ir.crease fhc enplonnent potentiai cf the sebtor. Independent studies show that the industry that iurrently hires more ihan 3 million people, directly and indirectly, is expectbd to critploy 7 million peopie by tlre year 2015. The grnwth of the plastics industry has seen the increase in the number of processirrglunits. The exponential grou'th anticipated over the next three years rvill see tlris nurirber go up to 40,000 units in 2015. As of today, just about l0 to 15 :these units:can be classified as medium scale operations and the rest all pei'cent of operate on ii small scale basis. Over' 70 percart of the industry is in the unorganized current 9 lvfMl. The sgctoi'. flie plastic industry chain can be classified into two primary' segments, viz., tire Upstr'eam which is the manufacfuring of polymers and the Downstream which is of polymers irrto plastic articles. The Upstream polymer rnauufacturers have eommissioned globally competitive. size plants rvith imported state-ot'-art'iecturology from the world leaders. The Upstream petrochemicals industries ha're also witnessed consolidation to remain globally competitive. The {own-stream plastic proco:itrg industry is higNy fragmented and consists of micro., srnall and medium unitS. Presently, T5 perceat are in the small-scale sector. The smali-sc'ale sector, however, accounts for only about 25 percent of polymer consunption. lfhe industry also consumes recycled plastic, rvhich constitutes about 304er cent of lotal -coasupp-tio& tire' ccrrvr:r-.:icn tr_+===":::: plastics industry is yet to realize its full potential. The low level of per capita plastics consumption in India is indicative of the'massive growth potential of the plastic industry. India has the advantage of high population and is exprcted to maintain high economic glowth. This should propel,. India's plastics consumption to new levels in coming years. The consumption of plastic polymers is going to increase from 4.? to 18.9 million tomes, hrrnover of plastic industries from {35000 to <133245 crores employment from 2;5 to 9.5 million (Table 6). decacles and crossing several milestones, Indian and 6; Vision 2015: Indian Plastic Industry Table Unit Particulars Consumption of Plastip Polymer @2.15 % CARG Million Turnover of Piastic Industries Ernplolrnent In Plastic Indushy (Direct+ Indirect) Export cf Plastic Products @ 30% CARG Contribution of Polymers and Plastic Products to the F',xchequer Requirelnent of Additional Plastics Processiltg Machines 191 200s tonnes 4.J t Crores Million (No.) US$ Millions {Crores No. 35000 2.5 1900 620A 45,000 2015 ' 18.9 1,33,245 9.5 10215 15990 68 I 13 / E The exporr of plastic products is going to increase from $1900 to $10215 and prasti, p,oa,oi, to the exchequer from :{ n"ryfs *llT.:y,::lPilii:' :::::":::'::::"',:".::J1*"wlrbe.adi-itionar;"d;;;;;'-#ffiffi; tlr two decade, ur, .*p"r"d;;; ;;#;#;; machines in near future. l"l, opportunities vv,.vrruurlrss r(r for the urs plastic prasuc industry mcustry rn in India. A According g to a CRISIL GRISIL rhe \yorld plastics hade has touched r+o rvrrtai rn20r,2*a prouiair-; opportunity il;ilfi; ffi; ;;i:1 ; ;Y,,fil position to capfure this .opportunity. ;.;;;i; .#ii ifr: il:fTj,*ff ffi ::l:not in a CONCLUSIONS The Indian plastic Industry going forward, needs to consoridate and enhance capacity, upgrade facilities and improve- or"a".r*rr" Jrj^TI*r" utilization of critical prastic apprications. India has rrr" uJu*rlu" and is expected to maintain high economic growth- Lasr but not the reast, the various associations need to come together nut in u-.on"oted effort to join hands td enhance the image and the growth or n. Indian plastic industry, create opportunities to demonstrate the industry's capabilities, educate a[ society about the benefits of plastics. The associations ,o create a positive policy framework with arl statutory entities and ,no*r. capita consumption of ^ plastics, encourage e>rports thereby significantry connibuting ," "irfrn*ri"l"" * seffi; ;;, oJ j., ".ri"".io"iii. . RET'ERENCES biological sources: present and fuiure. C,emica! Revr" . ii; 6:;;diilff 20fi. ?obat eve,.s,,v. scenaio: prastic r,ur.rc. ,naustry iiiii'' -----' sfufistics. rr"tistics. cuiled "w?'p"w"' Culled Anonymous. from Anonymous' 2013' Breaking down plastics: Ney qpecification may facilitateuse of additives that tigger biodegradation of lgdard ojl-based;ffiJs-L landfills. Georgia Tech Research Institute. c\lled from www.gfii.gatech.Ju io:6i.zor: Angell, c. A: 1991. Relaxation in-rjguids, ong/fragrepattem and problems. Journarlf Non-crystiuine so.86. r3_31. Amold, L.K. h troduction to plastics. 1,9eg. Iowa statg university hess. pdyitnr-*JprJ;il;ffi iai:riil): Birlev, 4. w., Heath, R J. and scott Brackie;-M;#i'"..igas. properties and applications. 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