Chapter Role 1. Personality.Whatis being a men person, characteristics isqualities that form a character def. Psycological ignoredethnic internal external aspects of genetic and gender individualism influence behavior in different Questions to different situations people Assesment usedfor real selves on social Priciples oneself diagnosis, education, conseling B social mediainfluence use of or change the use of social media differ with includes how that it others see aperson awide amore audience instantlyreachable clinical is personality thought which an intended to B assessment measure. methods inventories tests interview behavioral reflects a test administration online projective on line social media has to self reports PersonalityB Social media ·personality measures Assesment different personalities? responce to of psycological assessment device validity extent personality? research measurement of - assesment experience sample - aggressively be conspicuous personality Reliability consistency media? Does the influence personalitystudy in Evaluation of interaction do people presenttheir thatpersonalityis formedby vs collectivism promote tendency to personalitysocial media on shows impacts:child rearing practices,self enhancement situations complex is change according Shapes I influence psycologyresearch enviornmental a persons character they cross cultural ·conclusion uniques relativelyenduring Does heritage european american Culture sum total of mental, physical, emotional B social ones of persons distinctive character ·Humans B culture personality theorists traditionallyconsistedofwhite of Description gender races gender itw hywe shouldcare? Personality ·state ofrace device Behavioral Self-reportinventories about their ·subjects answer questions Objective measure - test assessment pro not suitedfor ppl who posses limited reading skills provides assessment provide sociallydesireable answers evaluates observer Dissadvantages objective scoring Online feelings MinnesotaMultiphasic PersonalityInventory advantages Quick behavior I Assessment ProS occurs persons behavior in during interview. valuable Gender assessment issues in assessment Assessment Objective scoring Therapists may v younger employees Ethic atquestions B answers changing Projective looking ahead - bI6ASONL inkblot technique 19 apperception (Herman Rorschach) ambiguous test:photos. With ablank card wordassociation B sentence completion Interpretation ·reliability is past present are low Relevant questions about: seething help detail Hispanics less likely to seek psychological treatment from their family Translation of personalitytests 3 colloquial expressions problems arising from - cross-culture application detailedhistory of an data from varius sources (therapy) exploredin tests usedare biased individual cons areas can be women assessment in case studies life experiences pros problem against Americans personality slong Social familyrelationships reasons for bias exhibit disorders physician subjective validityofthe tests asking for emotional seek mental health advice prefer to Clinicalinterview involves gender Asians African techniques. thematic differential rates indicate less likely to seek help for emotional problems tests Morschach issues influencedbygender is measures ofdiagnosis basedon testtakers from situation less systematic insight less time consuming Bless $S prevent clinical given a Con personality administration a subjective ·consists of theorists to generalize advantage personality patients - in lives their depth are used by findings view of ones their experimental method involves ·an determining effects of experimental situation variables or is arranged events on behavior by psychologists ·conscious preconscious unconscious Death Chapter 2 sigmund Freed unconscious drive toward 1896 1434 I strict was was aspects alliedwl loving B protective of selfconfidence 3 intense attempting neurologist aclinical alertedfreedto the possible sexual occasionally conflicts: sexual basis of nurosis severe his marriage neurotic the id drive operates in personality of the accordance we reality principle constraints on the expression of id instincts ·secondary thought process:mature thought process to deal his dreams rationally drive ·internal stimulithat person to action form ofenergythatconnects needs $ wishes a we the world external Super ego:moral perfection moval aspectof personality components: approach pple are motivated pleasure thought:childlike thinking by provides appropriate Instincts ·Homeostatic B to satisfyinstinctural rational master episocke psychoanalytic practice studied pleasure principle 790 possessed anegative attitude toward impotent during experienceda accordance w/ the primaryprocess cocaine ·studiedwith Charcot->niphosis personal conquer B ill the instincts functions to avoidpain d) explored benefits of sex operatesi n to succeed ·worked as aggression ID: possessed ahigh degree ambition destroy to B Structure Earlyyears b) mother decay, destruction drive:compulsion ·Aggressive - alfather instincts to restore maintain conscience: contains physiological has been equilibrium Life instincts moral or ideal behaviors for which a person shouldstrive Anxiety oriented to survival Libido:drives to pleasureable which the child punished 200-deal:contains TYPES: behaviors for behavior i Cathexis:investmento f psychic thoughts. energyin aobjector person Conflicts threaten the realityanxiety: fear tangible dangers of 290: &necrotic anxiety conflicts turn id Moral anxiety:btwn id Bsuperego Bego Purpose of ·Signals oral anxiety a problem ·plevts that the ego pp) Induces tension ·becomes a personality w/ in drive the is person latency is motivated to satisfy i period S-pubert of sublimation s ex of sexrole instinct identify phallic stage boys in of dailylife oecipus complex:unconscious desire by mother · characteristics ·desire to replace denails training - ego stratiges to defends againstanxiety provokedbyconflicts involve primary Genitaladolescence adulthooddevelopment of Defense mechanisms a) is incentros fantasies anxiety, oeclipus complex phallic 11.5 person the toilet 1-3 anal being threatened mouth birth-l or distortions of reality or destroythe father castration anxiety:fear thathis penis will be cut off b) operate unconsciously ·resolve the complexby In identifying by father all the father girls father Electra complex:unconscious desire for the desire to replace the mother Penis envy: Envy of the male by penis possession B of sense of 1859 Friedcil Human nature ·view was deterministic ·ultimate psyhosexual stages personality develops a) gratification corresponding · areas each stage is in of id of the depends to which all children pass the simulation of on move erogenous to next zone ·portion of a) libido remains caused do to investedin one of excessive frustration the or stages gratification reduce to universality in in tension nature human create can free will Frreds theory. Free association mind whatever comes to Catharsis expression FixAON life contendedthat psychoanalysis saying stage. in personalityis determinedby early childhoodinteractions Assessments bod defined by the mostresolve conflict ·recognized stages through instincts goal of emotion expectedto reduce symptoms problems a) resistances:block or refusal memories painful of Dream AndSis Dreams show repressed desires, fears, B conflicts · Types ·manifestcontext actual dream event latent content-hidden symbolic meaning Research used the case study method Scientific reaserch is alone w/ subliminal perception subliminal perception perception below the threshold of conscious awareness some concepts difficult are to measure concepts: influence of the unconscious ·displacement, repression, dreams as areflection Fredign detail B projection of emotion concerns slip unconscious slip. Reflections psychoanalysis has had impacton: an al psychological theories practices b) images of 2) all understanding the Criticisms - · · of emphasis human nature personality emerging stock of motivation psychoanalysis on biology, determinism, lack of healthy positive human ambiguous definitions of B sex qualities Fredian concepts Questions whogasfavorites abnorma wasyourneed who Aspects Chapter 3 Carl Jung:Analytic psychology of personality attitudes ego psychological functions.psycological types personal unconscious ↓ Freaud designated Jung as shapednotonly are inherited human experience of their by by their but past Consious aspect of psyche future. Attitudes Dissaggreedwith freed role of sexuality, forces that influence of Jung world $ (1879 1961) - powerful emotionally as introversion 3 Others Ways of perceiving non rational introverted, lonely, Bisolated in his studied medicine psychatry, believedmiddle ages became adiciple personal unconscious: mostimportant is similar relationship after dissagreement over engaged Psychic came in organized through self bizzare collective for form of Opposition principle:conflict S - · psychic energy personality:based betwn on what he opposing learnedi n Archetypes: physics required to generate Entropy principle: continuous ·expanded material that was once conscious preconscious in the personal unconscious aroundacommon theme or unconscious of unconscious:deepestlevel the accumulation images of universal of the psyche inherited experiences in experiences human the collective pre-homan species unconscious no explanation for shared theme Archetypes psycic energy Equivalance to freed for unconscious contains processes resivoir concious be the collective energy ps.yche:term & may unconscious behavior Libido:broad B generalized & analysis of COMplXeS complexes: pattern of emotion, memories, perceptions I wishes Had neurotic episode · feeling onconscious B Fried of severedthe Personal started own practice world external internal thinking $fantisies visions thoughts rational sensing dreams, own feelings apersons intuition found solace ones functions psynological unstable towards orientation Oriention toward external personality Bunconscious awareness admitted into psyche the of is extravesion reguarding: ·viewedfather as kind, weak is powerless ·Mother aboutw hat selective pre human species B Theory Life archetypes Eg0 redefinedlipits people the collective unconscious complexes "fire" his or weakened redistribution energy is energy transferred elsewhere principle:Tendency towardbalance or equipaium Shadow persona archetype of in the personality public face to present them self self archetype:unity, interegation, i archetype:contains primitive animal harmony of the total instincts personality opposite sex animus characteristics:all humans archetype: masuline aspectof archetype: femine Omima the female of the aspect Reflection bisexual are wordassociation psyche Developmental stages childhood: ego the childdistinguishes when developmentbegins turn self $ to young adulthood:adolescents reality the focus is -> Middle crisis external, on conscious is dominants. family the the unconscious personalityshifs from w/ the concious all consciousunconscious facets of animal animus accept the dark sick personality dethrone the persona ·comfortt he unconscious Questions as deterministic human nature is free mixedposition will past present focus nature nature as uniqueness fade over influences throughoutlife time. Growth ·optimism Assmenttechniques workassociation textsymptom projective technique similar person responts to stimulus wordwith verbal to analysis Catharsis reporto f symptoms interpretation of free any associations come to mind word that uncovers complexes Myers-Briggs dream analysis interpretation to intblot test Blie detection techniques uncover dreams of content heldthatdreams prospective B analyize are compensatory ·usedamplification dreams to first to emphasize the Midlifcrisis basedon tongs Type indicator (MBT) psynological types ·popular self reportinventory ·using for hiring B promotion $Attitudes is role supported by of future in determining behavior considerable research Criticisms ·concepts writings fufillment individuation: integration of acceptthe growing demands of to the when we focus of the intoattemptt obalance In dividuation:How to reach tranced must adapt educationcareer, $ age:aperiodoftransition external to internal · of Forscharch influencedfuture theorist poherty timethe became a standardprojective technique inspiredthe development others of Jungs theory Contribution psyche male on were were embracement difficultt o inconsistent of the understand Blackedsystematization supernatural Chapter 4 superiority complex AlfredAdler individualpsychology Big e ach of Develops person ideas universal we have striving goals is Birth order personality urge Life childhood-markedby illness, awareness of death, 3 inferiority chids feelings had were of compensated for through weakness intense healthier than jealousy older brother of his studiedmedicine private practice went as an into Relationship critical of freeds theory ophthomologist but shiftedto society. I foundedconsoling clinics for Begins & due to higher development striving is by of our for the B about more goals. 3 Trying to power of Bin agroup pattern of behavior unique for different.B self;ability to create Yor51s every person an lise appropriate style of who we are, we create personality icharacteristic oflife (cont useful:cooperative to the mother either on inferiority complex compensate for normal inferiority to cope poor self-opinions, feel helpless, Ifindit difficult to develop or ppl other hinders social feelings us life demos Birth sibling births style shapes unable cooperate wh achieve to goals interest Birth order adults sequence of is reduce stension:strivingasreally social interactions innate potential complex - impulses - being Socialinterest inferiority infancy characteristics goals life expression socially levels of develops when aperson fictional Getting:Dependent(mostcommon striving codependency potential Avoiding:ignores problems (coids failure) comensation motivation to overcome strive for person Dominant:attacking nicks feelings of human each of towardacomplete state or style normal condition of ppl source or crystalized by interpersonal conflicts Inferiority behavior unique character structure creative society for individual others oriented finalism:imaginedor influenced ideas denigrate neurology switchedto Usych to fired Discussed to completion thatm otivates which future goal, of tend superiority goals grid Style persistance ↑) boastful, self centered, I less ab drives him inferiority feelings overcompensates for normal or towardperfection Fictional - - for innate 1870 1957 first when a person characteristics inferority complex on benied onigeness l ife of situations order first. Born child youngest is - second-born only child a major social influence First. Born Assessment attention ·Focus of ·Followedby dethronementbattle to Early regain supremacy characteristics organized, insecure hostile when secondis born involves - second-Born uses the earliest memories, real Bfatasized feelings reguarding interpretation as Research pacesetter competition spurs language motor development ·optimistic, turn to be an people underachiever about the First-BOrd fast pace to surpass tendto score low Birth on empathy on depression, anxiety Bhostility order Tendto b einfencedby ·high achievers ·may become dependent B helpless, if pampered low depression Banxiety - high self-esteem Tendto focus of attention time we high intelligence reflections on Adlers characteristics gave a free will emphasis is not the center of attention Critisms uniqueness humans nurture focus is on createde use past 5 views on ego women in multiple areas of psychology psychologists believedin women equality Cont nature on theory leadto Neo. Freudian Disputed Freed's early about human industrious contributionsinfluencedtheorist adults disppointment follows, when older siblings take risks Only born Only child influence low self esteem. lach second-borns Characteristics Questions life pampered children Tend to be:intelligent hard working other matures of happy agreeable prestigious occupations. become ·develops more his/her style person influences high who score Research primary Innowledge children pet of the family · problem acurrent social interest child at a life Develop:depression B anxietyTendto:have competitive, 3) Ambitious ·may requires social on neglected characteristics youngest recollections Dream analysis authoritarian B conscientious sibling theory helps reveal the primary interest of mature views older Adlers in technique intellectually spends strive for perfection tries to ·homanity oversimplifiedin consistentBunsystematic childhood experiences to Disagreement present optimistic lack of on Adlers position public recognition on due to gaps B determinism Bfree will s on answered