Uploaded by Laura Elizabeth

Wound Types, Healing, and Factors Affecting Healing

1. Identify terms commonly used to
describe wounds.
Types of Wounds: By Healing
Acute wound: Short duration, usually
spontaneous healing without complications
Ex: Simple Lacerations, Abrasions
Chronic Wound: Long duration, does not
heal within expected timeframe of about 2-4
Types of Wounds: By Cause
Intentional Wounds: results from therapy
Ex: surgical laceration
Unintentional wounds: occur unexpectedly
or by accident
Ex: traumatic injuries, burns, fractures, knife
Types of Wounds: By Skin integrity
2. Describe the three phases of wound
A. Inflammatory phase:
 last 24 hours
 histamine secreted resulting in
 white cells rush to injured
 Collagen is formed
B. Proliferative phase
 Last 3-24 days
 Fibroblast present which synthesize
collagen which provides a matrix for
granulation tissue( new growth
 Main activity is filling of the wound
bed with granulation tissue &
contraction of the wound bed.
Closed Wounds: no breaks in the skin
Ex: includes contusion, tissue swelling.
Open Wounds: involves a break in skin or
mucous membranes
Types of Wounds: By Depth
Superficial Wound: involves only the
epidermal layer of the skin
Partial thickness: confined to epidermis
and dermis.
Full thickness: involves epidermis, dermis,
subcutaneous tissue, possibly tendons,
ligaments, and bones.
Types of Wounds: like hood on
Clean Wound: No pathogenic organisms
Contaminated Wound: occur under
conditions in which presence of
microorganism are likely. These wounds are
Dirty or infected Wound: Involves wounds
that are infected
C. Maturational phase/ Remodeling
 Collagen scar continues to
reorganize & gain strength for
several months
 New collagen tissue is deposited
 Scar becomes a flat, thin, white, line
 Tertiary intention or delayed primary
closure: Occurs when two surfaces
of granulation tissue are brought
together. Initially the wounds are left
to heal by secondary intention and
later the wound edges are closed
(Treas, 2nd ed., 2018).
3. Differentiate primary, secondary,
and tertiary wound healing.
Types of healing:
 Primary Intention: Occurs when
there is little, or no tissue loss
and skin edges approximated (close
E.G., Surgical incision, wound
stapled or sutured
 Secondary Intention: Involves loss
of tissue that prevents would edges
from approximating or should not be
closed because of infection. Wound
heals from inner layer to the surface
E.G., Pressure ulcers, surgical
wounds with tissue loss
4. Identify major types of wounds
and exudate. (drainage)
A. Serous drainage: Straw colored.
watery consistency. Contains
very little cellular matter.
5. Identify major types of wounds
and exudate.(drainage) Continued
B. Sanguineous Drainage: Bloody
D. Purulent drainage
Thick drainage, seen in infected wound
Trivia: True or false
1. Purulent drainage is always
indicative of an infection.
C. Serosanguineous Drainage
Combination of bloody and
serous drainage
2. Which of the following is least likely
to decrease the risk of infection?
a. Hand washing prior to changing a wound
b. Cleaning the surface of the table prior to
placing dressing supplies on it.
c. Storing dressing supplies in a dry, cool
and clean environment.
d. Elevating the affected extremity on a
tissue, muscle atrophy and
predisposes to pressure injury
Describe factors that affect
wound healing.
 Developmental considerations
o Infants and children
- Thinner skin is more
permeable and therefore
more susceptible to
Electrolytes and vitamins
 ascorbic acid, zinc and copper are
needed for the maintenance and
formation of collagen.
o Adolescents and adults
Increased sebaceous and
sweat gland activity,
prone to acne
and perspiration
High estrogen in females
leads to striae and
darkening/ pigmentation
of the skin
 Affects skin turgor which in turn
affects skin integrity.
o Older adults
Diminished skin elasticity
increases the risk of skin
Drier skin, loss of lean
body mass, thinning of
subcutaneous tissue
 Nutrition
o Protein
- Needed for wound healing,
maintain skin integrity and
preserve intravascular
 Low levels predispose patients to
skin breakdown and inhibits wound
 Inadequate caloric intake leads to
loss of weight and subcutaneous
Medication (anything that causes
itching, rashes, photosensitivity,
alopecia, or pigmentation changes)
Disease process