JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 1 TH E JU G G ERNAU T M E TH O D 2 .0 S TR E NGTH, S P EED A N D P OWER FO R EV ERY ATH LET E by JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 CHAD WESLEY SMITH 2 TABL E OF C O N T E N T S A BOUT TH E AUTHOR 5 W HAT IS T HE J UGGE R NAUT ME T H O D 5 JUGGERNAUT TR AI NI NG P HI L OS O P H Y 7 THE PROGR AM 15 WARMUPS 23 INVERTED J UGGE R NAUT ME THO D 27 CONSOLIDATI ON OF S TR E S S OR S 30 UNDULATI NG P E R I ODI ZATI ON M O D EL 41 TJM AND 9 DAY WOR K WE EK 42 SETTING UP YOUR TR AI NI NG P L A N 45 A SSISTA NCE WOR K 52 W EIGHTED DI P S AND CHI NUP S 58 INCORPORATI NG S P EED AND P OWER WO R K 60 INCORPORATI NG OLYMP I C L I FTIN G 66 CONDITIONI NG 69 CONDITIONI NG FOR FOOTBAL L 77 PEA KING F OR A P OWE R LI FTI NG MEET 85 TJM AND S TR ONGMAN 89 ALTERNATIVE EXERCISES TO THE B I G 4 99 JUGGERNAUT NUTR I TI ON 100 JUGGERNAUT COOKB OOK 10 3 INTERVIEW WI TH NF L L I NEMAN A LEX PA R SO N S 10 7 JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 3 With an accessible approach, rooted in proven performance enhancement strategies, Chad's Juggernaut Method 2.0 is a truly complete training program. Not often will you find a product that covers all the training demands an athlete needs to excel at his or her given sport, and organizes them in a logical and productive fashion. Best of all, Chad has made the program adaptable to athletes of any sport, at any level. If you want to take your training, or your team's training to the next level I highly recommend you check this out! GREG ROBINS STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING COACH CRESSEY PERFORMANCE | WWW.GREGTRAINER.COM I wanted to say thank you and to share with you my success under your Juggernaut program. By utilizing your program I have hit a lifetime PR in my overhead axle press at 245 lbs. I also hit new lifetime PR's in my deadlift and my squat. Having competed in Strongwoman competitions for many years using a strength program I thought was the best, I was skeptical at first. However I am now a believer! Go Juggernaut or go home! KRISTIN RHODES 4 TIME AMERICA'S STRONGEST WOMAN STRONGWOMAN NATIONAL CHAMPION When the original Juggernaut Method book came out I picked it up right away because I am always looking to explore and experiment with new methods in training. As the owner of a sports performance facility for high school and college athletes I get paid to produce results and improvements in strength and power. We have used the Juggernaut Method for the past couple years since the book came out. To say the results have been impressive would be an understatement. 75 – 100 pound increases on squats, 30 – 50 pound increases on bench press were common, and in many cases, this is with athletes who were already fairly strong relative to their bodyweight. I also like it because it works well across the board for younger and weaker athletes as well as stronger and more experienced ones. It is our “go to” methodology for programming our main lifts. With The Juggernaut Method 2.0 Chad has stepped it up a level again. Don’t think this is just the old Juggernaut book with a couple of bells and whistles added. The new version is packed with new information and would, in my opinion, benefit anyone from the average joe training in his garage to the professional strength and conditioning coach like myself. ANDY HEPLER HEPLER STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING | WWW.HEPLERSTRENGTH.COM JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 4 AB O U T T H E AU T H O R Chad Wesley Smith is the owner and head performance coach at Juggernaut Training Systems. In addition to his duties at Juggernaut, Chad is the American Record Holder in the squat at the 308 pound weight class with a 905 pound effort in just a belt and knee wraps. Smith’s total of 2165 was among the top 10 in the World during 2011 when it was achieved. Smith is also a two-time national champion in the shot put with a PR of 19.46m. Smith is now a competitive Strongman with his eyes on competing in the World’s Strongest Man contest in the coming years. At Juggernaut, Smith has produced countless high level athletes, including 7 players who were drafted in the 2012 NFL Draft, including Shea McClellin, the 1st round selection of the Chicago Bears. Smith has also helped over 50 athletes in the last 2 years continue their careers on athletic scholarship. There are multiple Juggernaut athletes competing for USC, UCLA, University of Washington, Harvard and other prestigious universities. WHAT IS T H E J U G G E RN AU T MET H O D The Juggernaut Method grew out some simple training cycles I had my athletes doing. They were doing something to the affect of…Week 1-5x5 at 70-75%, Week 2-3x5 at 80%, Week 3-Work to a 5rm. I normally intend for a 5rm to be done around 85% and my athletes would complete their set of 5 with 85% and JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 5 Juggernaut’s 2012 College Football Prep Class was filled with tremendous workers and athletes then often another with 5-15 pounds more. They would then either perform another wave of 5s with a new exercise or move onto a similar program of 3s in the same lift. The program was working pretty well. During a break from my track competitions I decided to give this plan a try myself. In the squat the first week I did 455 for 5x5, the next week I built up to 495 for 3x5, and in the third week 545x5. Immediately upon racking the last rep, I had a realization—I should have kept going. Five reps wasn’t hard, I could have done 8, I should have done 8. That began the process of me critically thinking about this simple program, fine tuning it and making it grow into what you see before you now. The Juggernaut Method has grown out of 3 main influences: Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1, the training of the great Doug Young and Block Periodization. From 5/3/1 it takes the idea of a progressive overload system of percentages, making small incremental gains, setting rep maxes and simplicity. Doug Young, a tremendous physical specimen and top bench presser from the 1970s, utilized rep records to influence his training weights on a weekly basis. Young’s training would focus on a final limit set each session. For example, he would perform 4x6 for a few weeks but instead of performing only 6 reps on the last set, he would perform as many as possible and for every rep beyond 6 completed, he would adjust the next weeks weights accordingly. The Juggernaut Method borrows this idea of adjusting the athlete’s training weights based on their performance, instead of just a standardized number. When I say that the Juggernaut Method has been influenced by Block Periodization, it is more in spirit than practice. Block Periodization is broken into 3 phases: Accumulation—a high volume general phase, Intensification— JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 6 where intensity increases along with specificity, while volume decreases, and Realization-in which intensity reaches a peak during the competitive season. I have borrowed this language in the form of an Accumulation, Intensification and Realization week within each training wave. I will discuss the idea behind each week a bit later. The Juggernaut Method is an effective training plan for a wide variety of disciplines, from any sport that would benefit from increased strength, speed and power, to competitive powerlifters or strongmen. J U G G E RN AU T T RA IN IN G PH I LO SO PH Y All of the World’s strongest and fastest athletes train differently, some front squat, some back squat, some power clean some don’t and while these differences in training exist everywhere, there are a few things they all have in common, they all Sprint, Jump, Throw and Lift. These movements are the foundation of all athleticism and therefore should be the foundation of your training. Focusing your training on these basics will get you stronger, leaner, faster and more powerful in every way. Let’s examine each element a bit more in depth. SP R IN T Sprinting is the highest velocity that the human body can move and because of this, it provides a tremendous stimulus to the body. If you have ever seen a high level sprinter, you know that they are thickly muscled through the lower body, shoulders and back, while being absolutely shredded. The high velocity and whole body nature of sprinting is great to recruit fast twitch muscle fibers and provide a powerful fat burning effect. There are three main areas of focus when training sprints, acceleration, maximum speed and speed endurance. Acceleration training will cover distances up to 30m, maximum speed work is done from 30-60m and speed endurance work can be from 60-300m or repeated efforts at shorter distances JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 7 with incomplete rest periods (which is known as alactic capacity) J U MP S Jumps are the best way to develop explosive strength in the lifter, because they come at a lower neurological and physical cost than sprinting. Jumps will help the athlete to develop the high rate Chad is a prime example of how jumping will carryover to your maximal strength. of force development needed to be explosive in the squat, bench and deadlift. Note that I said the bench, because my definition of jumping encompasses both lower and upper body jumps. Lower body jumps are more traditionally understood and include jumps up (box jumps from the standing or seated position, jumps up hill), jumps down (altitude landing from a box), jumps up and down (depth jumps, hurdle/barrier jumps, reactive jumps for distance, reactive jumps up and down to a box). It is important that when training jumps, the first thing that must be taught is how to land properly. Landing softly and demonstrating proper body control is paramount to training jumps properly and safely and are both qualities that will be evident in any good power/speed athlete. These same principles hold true for upper body jumps, consisting of pushups onto boxes, drop pushups (jumping off boxes and landing on the floor), rebound pushups (dropping off of one box and jumping onto another) and various other variations (clapping pushups, pushups while alternating hand positions, etc). T H R OW S Medicine ball throws are a great tool to develop explosive power through the entire body. Medicine ball throws are superior developers of explosive power to Olympic lifts because of their uninhibited triple extension, multi directional/ planar movement, high velocities and ease of learning. Olympic lifts are limited JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 8 Oakland Raiders’ 2012 4th Round Pick and Juggernaut athlete, Miles Burris, is a prime example of the impact sprinting will have on your physique. by the fact that you hold onto the bar at the completion of the lift, meaning that whether consciously or unconsciously you will decelerate at the completion of the lift. This though is not the case with medicine ball throws, as you will release the ball at the finish and accelerate throughout the movement. Medicine ball throws are not relegated to purely linear triple extension on the vertical plane, like Olympic lifts are. They can be done vertically, horizontally or rotational, they will make you able to generate force in every direction, which is critical to success in speed/power sports. The velocities achieved during explosive medicine ball throws are also much closer to those occurring on the field of play. Medicine ball throws are very simple to learn, so you don’t have to waste much time learning the technical skills of a sport you don’t compete in, you can simply begin building the explosive power needed to succeed in your endeavor of choice. If you need any convincing on the tremendous benefits of throwing on your athleticism, take a few moments to look up Olympic shot put, JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 9 Chad coaching a group of athletes through medicine ball throws at a seminar in Boston at Total Performance Sports. javelin, hammer or javelin competitors; you will surely find that they are among the most powerful and coordinated athletes on earth. SU B M A X IM A L T R A I N I N G Submaximal training is a great option for both the lifter and the athlete because it is less taxing to the central nervous system and joints, allows you to build confidence, gives you the ability to make small incremental gains over a long period of time and for the athlete who also must develop sporting skill, it does not rob you of your energy needed to devote towards your sport practice, which is the most critical component of your success. Training with near maximal weights is certainly a proven method to improve your limit strength, but is also a recipe for overtraining and injury. Using submaximal loads, 60-90% of your 1rm, and moving them with maximal force, allows you to still fully recruit JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 10 the necessary muscle fibers, ingrain proper technique to your lifts, and diminish your trainings impact on your central nervous system. When using submaximal loads and setting rep records, you can avoid ever missing a lift. Missing lifts is a bad habit that will ruin your psyche as a lifter. You don’t get stronger from missing weights, only making them. By using submaximal loads, you can incrementally move up your working weights over a long period of time, which will allow you to keep making progress and avoid overtraining. For athletes (non-Strongman, Powerlifting, Olympic Lifting competitors) it is critical to utilize submaximal loads in your training, particularly during practice periods (which should be almost always to varying degrees) so as to not interfere with the athlete’s ability to devote the necessary attention and energy to their sport practice. Sport practice is the only irreplaceable component of an athlete’s success. There are football players who can’t bench or squat, yet still be successful, while there will never be one who can’t practice and be successful. Keep in mind for the strength sport athlete (powerlifter, strongman, olympic lifter) the competitive lifts (bench, squat, clean, yoke, farmers, stones, clean & jerk, snatch, etc) are their sports practice. The legendary sprints coach, the late Charlie Francis, likened the central nervous system to a cup, explaining how a cups capacity is finite. Everything the athlete does will fill that cup up to some degree, with high intensity stressors (practicing at maximal intensity, sprinting, max effort or dynamic effort weights, throws, jumps) filling up the cup the most. An athlete needs to fill up their cup with what is the most important, sports practice and its accompanying drills and all physical preparation tasks need to compliment that. If the cup overflows, the athlete is overtrained, which is a long and arduous process to recover from. Plain and simple, never miss reps. Missing reps doesn’t make you stronger, making them does. Missing reps is a bad habit to get into and will damage your psyche and confidence. By training with submaximal weights, you should easily be avoided. When setting rep records, an integral part of The Juggernaut JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 11 Method, it is critical to avoid missing reps, but rather you want to finish on a powerful, clean rep. R E S U LT S D R I V E N P R O G R E S S Fact, athletes and lifters will progress at different rates. Whether it is due a difference in training age, genetics or anything else, it is inevitable that all lifters will be unique in their progress. Knowing that, why would you move your training weights up by a standard increment. The Juggernaut Method is driven by your progress, which will be unique from anyone of your training partners. This results driven progress is particularly useful when working in large group or JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 12 team settings. Moving up your weights from week to week is very necessary to make progress, it is the most basic form of progressive overload. How much to move them from week to week though is a more complicated issue. I want my athletes to motivated to push their rep maxes as hard as possible and to motivate them towards this I want their increments to be driven by their rep maxes. I will explain later how this will work. Rep records are an integral part of this program. Too many athletes are absorbed in their 1-rep max. This program has been very frustrating in that sense to some of my athletes because I won’t allow them to take a 1-rep max for such a long time. They will say something to the affect of “I really wanna see if I can bench 250 today,” I’ll tell them, “No, but when you get 250 on the bar you are gonna do it for more than 1 rep.” Setting rep records in the 3-10+ rep range not only will indicate your strength gains, it is also less stressful on the joints and CNS. Rep records can also be easily compared using the following equation: (WEIGHT X REPS X .033) + WEIGHT = PROJECTED MAX Be mindful that rep records in the 8+ rep range aren’t as accurate as projections from the lower range. Take this into account when comparing rep records from vastly different rep ranges. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 13 SIM P L IC IT Y Getting strong is simple. Note that their is a great difference between something being simple and something being easy. When examining the training programs of top lifters, there are great differences from one athlete to another, but there are a few key things that they all share in common. They bench, they squat, they deadlift and they break PRs. Focusing on big lifts, good technique and making small improvements each session will yield you great results in the long run. Strength is a long term investment, many top lifters have added a few pounds of muscle per year and a few pound to their lifts per year, but those years add up. Consistency is king, so be patient, stay consistent and you will make great progress. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 14 T HE P R O G RA M The Juggernaut Method is a simple program, divided into 4 waves (10s, 8s, 5s and 3s), each wave consists of 3 phases. These phases consist of 4 training sessions each. It is designed to be used on the 4 big lifts: Bench Press, Squat, Military Press and Deadlift. Greg Robins, of Cressey Performance in Massachusetts, pulling big in his Juggernaut Jacked tank ACCU MU LAT ION P HASE The accumulation phase is the beginning of each training wave. They are high volume sessions designed to allow you to develop the skill of the lift, increase work capacity and become masterful within the given rep range. IN T E N S IF ICAT I O N P H A S E The intensification phase will increase the intensity from the accumulation phase while reducing the volume to approximately 60%. R E A L IZ AT IO N P H A S E The realization phase is when the gains of the past wave come to fruition in one set of maximal reps. C H O O S IN G YO U R WO R K I N G M A X It is important to start out light with your working max. Your working max is the number that all your percentages will be based off of. Being conservative in choosing your initial working max is key to making progress over the long term. I suggest taking your 1rm (an actual 1rm or 3rm that you have done within the past 6 weeks, not a theoretical max or something you did back in the day, JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 15 and then take 90% of that. So if your recently benched 315x1, you will use 285 as your working max. T H E P E R C E N TAG E S These are the sets, reps and percentages that you will use for each phase and each wave: 10 S WAV E 8 S WAV E 5 S WAV E 3 S WAV E Accumulation 60%x5x10 65%x5x8 70%x6x5 75%x7x3 Intensification 55%x5, 60%x3, 65%x2, 70%x1, 62.5%x5, 67.5%x3, 72.5%x2, 77.5%x1, 67.5%x3x10 72.5%x3x8 77.5%x4x5 82.%x5x3 50%x5, 50%x5, 50%x5, 50%x5, 60%x3, 60%x3, 60%x3, 60%x3, 70%x1, 70%x2, 70%x2, 70%x2, 75%xAMAP 75%x1, 75%x1, 75%x1, 80%xAMAP 80%x1, 80%x1, 85%xAMAP 85%x1, Realization 90%xAMAP THE LAST SET The last set each week is not necessarily done for the written reps, but will be done for maximal or near maximal reps. For example, during the Intensification Phase of the 8s Wave an athlete with a working max of 500 pounds in the squat could have a training session that looks like this: 300 (60%) x3 JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 | 340 (67.5%) x3 | 365 (72.%) x8, 8, 11 16 The last set though is not necessarily an all out effort, nor should it be. Training to failure weak after weak is taxing to the body and a difficult task to recover from, so it is important that you pick your battles and have a goal each week. During the Accumulation Phase I suggest that an athlete leaves 2-3 reps in the tank on their final work set. So once the minimum, prescribed reps have been completed, an athlete can continue performing reps but should be mindful to stay 2-3 reps shy of failure. During the Intensification Phase an athlete should end their final set 1-2 reps shy of failure. During the Realization Phase, no reps should be left in the tank. Maximal effort is required on the AMAP (as many as possible) set. It is also important for you to have a goal in mind for your final set each week, do not step under the bar for the final set with the mindset that you are just gonna see how you feel. You should know at the beginning of each wave what your goal is for the final set of each phase. Having set goals will be of immeasurable benefit in your training. M OV IN G U P YO U R WO R K I N G M A X This is the most important part of this program. Your working max will be adjusted at the end of each wave depending on your performance during the Realization Phase. For every rep you perform over the standard (The standard is 10 in the 10s Wave, 8 in the 8s Wave, etc) you will move your working max up a set amount. [(R EP S P E R F O R M E D – S TA N DARD ) X I NCREMENT PER REP] + WO RK I NG MAX = NEW WO RK I NG MAX JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 17 For example, an athlete with a working max of 405 pounds in the squat who performs 12 reps during the realization phase of their 8s wave on the squat using a 5 pound increment per rep would do the following: [(12-8) x 5] + 405 = 425 The amount that is used for the increment per rep varies, you can choose to either move your max up 2.5 pounds for upper body lifts and 5 pounds for lower body lifts per rep or 1.25 pounds for upper body lifts and 2.5 pounds for lower body lifts per rep. I also advise setting a cap on the amount which you can move your working max up. This cap should be set at 10 reps above the standard. So if an athlete performed 22 reps during their 10s wave, which is 12 reps beyond the standard, only 10 of those reps would be considered when adjusting the working max. These very high reps are common in young or inexperienced athletes who are performing their first waves. Which of these increment per rep options you choose to use is very important and dependent on a few things. 1) Strength- If you are strong and have a high working max (400+ pounds in a given lift) it is less significant for your to move your working max up by 2.5 and 5 pounds per rep than an athlete with maxes in the 150-300 pound range. For example an athlete with a 450 pound working max in the deadlift who moves their working max up 20 pounds from one wave to the next is only making a jump of 4.4%, while an athlete with a 205 pound working max in the bench press who also tries to make a 20 pound jump from one wave to the next is making 9.8% jump. It will be much more difficult for the athlete with the lower working max to make their reps and continue progressing after making such a significant jump, so the athlete with the 205 bench max should decide to only make 1.25 pound per rep jumps in their upper body lifts. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 18 It is possible that you posses much better numbers in either your upper body or lower body lifts respectively. For example, an athlete with a 300 pound bench and 350 pound deadlift could be well served to decide to make 2.5 pound per rep jumps for both lifts. 2) Training Age- If you have been lifting for 20 years you just aren’t going to make progress as rapidly as someone who has been lifting for 9 months, you will be better served to choose to make smaller jumps. 3) Relationship between working max and projected max- It is critical that your working max stay 5-10% below your projected maxes to continue making steady progress. You need to choose the increment which allows this to happen. I will lay out a few scenarios for you to get a better idea of what I mean by this. AT H L E T E 1 500 pound working deadlift max, completed the 8s wave by performing 11 repetitions (3 reps over the standard) of 400 pounds (80%) during their realization phase. 400 pounds for 11 reps in a projected max of 545 pounds. If they move their working max up by increments of 5 pounds, their new working max will be 515 pounds (5.8% less than their projected max). This athlete is fine to use 5 pound increments in this situation. AT H L E T E 2 225 pounds working bench max, completed 5s wave by performing 9 reps (4 over the standard) with 190 pounds (80%). 190 for 9 reps is a projected max of 245 pounds. If they move their working max up by increments of 2.5 pounds, their new working max will be 235 pounds (4.1% less than their projected max). This athlete should instead use 1.25 pound increments and move their working max to 230 pounds (6.5% less than their projected max). JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 19 If you are willing to do a little bit of math this problem can be greatly simplified. I discussed earlier the need to keep at least a 5% difference between your projected max and working max, to find that relationship use the following equation: ( W E I G H T X REPS X . 033) + WEI G H T / [(R E P S P E R F O R M E D – S TA N DA RD ) X BI G I NCREMENT PER REP] + WO RK I NG MAX = DIFFERENCE OR P R O J E C T E D M A X / BI G WO RK I NG MAX = D I FFERENCE Big Working Max refers to your new working max using the larger option of the increments per rep (2.5 pounds for upper body lifts and 5 pounds for lower body lifts). If the difference here is 1.05 or greater, then you are fine using this option. If it is less than 1.05 then use the smaller options (1.25 and 2.5 pounds respectively for upper and lower lifts) While in the example of Athlete 2, the distinction between moving up the working max 1.25 or 2.5 pounds per rep seems like a small difference, it will greatly affect their progress over the course of many waves. Choosing which increments per rep to use when adjusting your working max is an important decision and one that can have great impact on your future progress. When in doubt, compare your projected max to your possible new working maxes, if you aren’t staying >5% above your working max in your projected max you should use the smaller increments. If you are still unsure about which is the right decision for you, err on the side of caution and use the smaller increment. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 20 Now that I have you thoroughly confused, let’s take a look at an example training Wave so we can straighten some things out. Here is my 8s Wave: Accumulation BE NCH- 425 S Q UAT- 6 85 MI LI TA RY-2 4 5 DE A D- 6 2 0 275x8, 8, 8, 8, 445x8, 8, 8, 8, 160x8, 8, 8, 8, 405x8, 8, 8, 15 10 15 8, 16 225x3, 285x3, 405x3, 465x3, 145x3, 165x3, 375x3, 315x8, 8, 11 500x8, 8, 12 180x8, 8, 10 425x3, 455x8, 8, 8 215x5, 255x3, 345x5, 410x3, 125x5, 145x3, 315x5, 295x2, 315x1, 340x11 480x2, 515x1, 550x11 170x2, 185x1, 195x11 375x3, 435x2, Intensification Realization 465x1, 495x11 Deload 170x5, 215x5, 275x5, 345x5, 95x5, 125x5, 245x5, 255x5 410x5 145x5 315x5, 375x5 The number in parentheses next to each lift at the top of the column in my working max for this wave. Notice that I am taking the last set to at least the prescribed reps every week. With only one exception did I stop at the minimum (8 in this case) reps and that is only because I was feeling poorly that day. The fact that I did 11 reps on my final set during the realization week for every lift is purely coincidence. I use 2.5 and 5 pounds per reps respectively for my upper and lower body lifts to move my maxes up. With that being said, I moved my working maxes to 432.5 for Bench, 700 for Squat, 252.5 for Military and 635 for Deadlift. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 21 T H E D E L OA D At the completion of each wave of training, you should perform a deload week. There are many ways to deload, the most important thing to consider during a deload though is recovery, not work. During the deload I suggest performing your main lift for 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5 and then performing each of your accessory lifts for 50% of their normal volume (So if you normally do 50 total reps of chinups during your training waves, during your deload you will do 25). These percentages should be based upon your working max from the wave you have just completed, NOT your new adjusted max for the upcoming wave. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 22 WA R M U PS Warmups have the ability to greatly enhance or greatly diminish an athlete’s ability to perform to the maximum capabilities. Warmups are also a great time to build General Physical Preparation in the lifter. It is important to understand the difference between general work capacity and special work capacity. While general work capacity is the basis of all work capacity, it will only get you so far, as it is special work capacity (i.e.. the ability to practice your sport with both high quality and quantity) that will set you apart. Your general warmup will be aimed at developing your GPP while your special work capacity will be developed through the type of high volume, high frequency, controlled rest period training, The Juggernaut Method will put you through. Let’s examine the several different warmups that you will utilize while training on The Juggernaut Method. G E N E R A L WA R M U P Each training session should begin with this General Warmup which is aimed to raise your core temperature, increase your mobility and improve joint fluidity. 1. Abs 3x10 each -In and Outs -Moving Front Plank -Moving Side Planks -McGill Situps 2. Joint Mobility x10 each direction -Neck -Shoulders -Small Arms -Big Arms -Chest PNF Pattern -Hip Circles JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 23 -Good Mornings -Trunk Circles -Quadruped Bent Leg Raises -Quadruped Bent Leg Circles -Quadruped Straight Leg Raises -Quadruped Donkey Kicks SQ UAT /D E A D L I F T WA R M U P Prior to squatting and deadlifting, it is critical to ensure that your glutes are activated, as well as your CNS being primed to apply maximum velocity to the bar. 1a. Overhead Wall Squats w/ PVC Pipe 2x10 1b. KB Between the Legs Squats on Blocks-2x10 1c. Band X Walks-2x10 yds each way 1d. Band TKEs-2x20 each leg 2. KB Swings x10-20, fire glutes as hard as possible at top of rep 3. Box Jumps-3x3 to low/medium height box, if you are performing box jumps as part of your training session these can be skipped or used as a warmup for the more intense jumps to follow. B E N C H /M ILI TA RY P R E S S WA R M U P It is important to improve your scapular mobility and activation, to both improve your pressing power and ensure your shoulder health. 1. MB Prone Shoulder Mobility x10 each -Halos -Straight Arm Raises -Bent Arm Raises 2. Band Scapular Mobility x10-20 each -Band Scapular Retractions -Band Face Pulls JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 24 3. Plate Warmup x10 each -Inward Circles -Outward Circles -Empty Cans -External Rotations SP R IN T /J U M P WA R M U P The velocity the body achieves during sprinting and jumping is very high and because of this it places great stress on the hamstrings, quads and groin muscles. It is critical to very thoroughly warm these areas up before beginning your sprint/jump training, as well as, improving your technical abilities and rhythm/relaxation. The drills are listed as Running Drill/Walking Mobility Drill. 1. Power/Speed Drills x10-15 yds each -A Skips/Walking Hamstrings -Butt Kicks/Walking Lunges w/ Forearm to Ground -High Knees/Foot to Butt -Shuffle/Shuffle -Backpedal/Knee to Chest -Low Pogo Jumps/Side Lunges -Rolling Hops/High Kicks 2. Static or Partner Stretching x20-30 seconds each -Hamstrings -Adductors -Abductors -Prioformis -Hip Flexors 3. Build Up and Fast Easy Running 1-3x20-40yds each -Build Up is a smooth acceleration to 80% of full speed -Fast Easy is a 90% burst to 10yds and speed maintenance for the rest JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 25 T H R OW IN G WA R M U P Increasing the range of motion through the shoulders, hips and low back is key to maximizing the distance of your throws, and thus their training stimulus, as well as maintaining your health while performing these explosive whole body movements. 1. MB Mobility Circuit x10 each -Prone MB Halos -Prone MB Straight Arm Raises -Supine Straight Arm Pullovers -Supine Glute Bridges with MB b/t knees -MB Squats holding ball in front of body -MB Swings -MB Diagonal Chops -MB Overhead Reverse Lunges -MB Around the Worlds JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 26 T HE I N V E RTE D J U G G E RN AU T MET H O D The Inverted Juggernaut Method is no my preferred structure to use with both myself and my athletes. The Inverted Juggernaut Method is exactly what is sounds like, an inversion of the sets and reps during the 10s and 8s wave. I now believe this to be a superior structure because it allows for higher quality (technique and bar speed) on every rep. When performing 5 sets of 10 reps with 60%, particularly with younger/less experienced athletes, for technique to break down. For example, the 1st set may have 10 identical looking reps, while the 2nd set has 8 good reps and 2 poor reps (either from a technical or velocity standpoint), 3rd is is 7 good and 3 poor, 4th is 6 good and 4 poor and the 5th is 5 good and 5 poor. In this scenario, the athlete performed 36 good reps and 14 reps that reinforced poor technique. When using the Inverted Juggernaut Method, the athlete would perform 10 sets of 5 reps at 60% with 1 minute rest between sets; performing the sets in this fashion will allow the athlete to perform all 50 reps with great technique and great speed. When performing submaximal work with the goal of improving maximal strength, it is critical that all reps are done at or near maximal velocity and with great technique, the identical technique that you would use under maximal weights. Another great benefit to utilizing the Inverted Juggernaut Method, is the development of special work capacity. Performing high volume work (high volume through a large amount of sets) on controlled rest period will prepare your body like nothing else can to perform high quality work. Special work capacity is critical for athletes of any sport, special work capacity is the ability to practice one’s sport with high volume and high quality, and for the lifter their practice is the squat, bench and deadlift. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 27 Let’s take a look at the structure of the sets, reps, percentages and rest periods utilized in the Inverted Juggernaut Method: WE E K S ET S X R EP S X % R EST P E RI OD 10s Accumulation 10x5x60% 1 min 10s Intensification 10x3x67.5% 90 sec 10s Realization Up to 75%xAMAP As Needed 8s Accumulation 8x5 at 65% 75 seconds 8s Intensification 8x3 at 72.5% 115 seconds 8s Realization Up to 80%xAMAP As Needed Remember that to develop special work capacity and derive the full effects of this training it is critical to stay to the prescribed rest periods. If you are not fit enough to handle the workload within these time parameters, just add a fixed amount of time to them (i.e.. 15 or 30 seconds). H I/ME D /L OW S T R U C T U R E Another extremely effective model to use with the Inverted Juggernaut Method is a high-medium-low volume structure. During each week you will perform a (relatively) low, high and medium volume training session for each the bench press and squat/deadlift, so there are 6 training session performed each week. When performing this type of high frequency, high volume training, I would encourage you to perform the minimum prescribed reps of each session, instead of the usual practice of taking the final set past the prescribed number. When using this high medium low structure, you will use 3 different bench variations and 3 different squat/deadlift variations each week. Try to pick exercises that train different aspects of the lift, either different ranges of motion or stress different muscle groups. Using this high frequency training model will give the athlete great practice at the lifts, develop special work capacity, JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 28 improve strength through the entire body and more than anything will build a lot of flexibility into your programming. This idea of building flexibility into your programming is known as the consolidation of stressors. Before we look more in depth at the concept of consolidation of stressors, let’s examine the percentage scheme and organization of training using this highmedium-low structure: 10s Accum DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 2 Board Press-6x5 Squat-10x5 at 60% Floor Press-8x5 Front Squat-6x at 60% 5 at 60% Floor Press-8x3 Front Squat-6x at 67.5% 3 at at 60% 10s Intens 2 Board Press-6x3 Squat-10x3 at 67.5% at 67.5% DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 Bench-10x5 at 60% Deadlift8x5 at 60% Bench-10x3 at 67.5% Deadlift8x3 at 67.5% 67.5% 10s Realiz 2 Board Press-3x5 Squat-Up to 75%xAMAP at 50-60% 8s Accum 2 Board Press-4x5 Squat-8x5 at 65% at 65% 8s Intens 2 Board Press-4x3 Squat-8x3 at 72.5% at 72.5% Floor Press-3x5 Front Squat-3x Bench-Up to Deadlift3x5 at at 5 at 75%xAMAP 50-60% 50-60% 50-60% Floor Press-6x5 Front Squat-4x Bench-8x5 at 65% Deadlift6x5 at at 65% 5 at 65% Floor Press-6x3 Front Squat-4x at 72.5% 3 at 65% Bench-8x3 at 72.5% Deadlift6x3 at 72.5% 72.5% 8s Realiz 2 Board Press-3x5 at 50-60% JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 Squat-Up to 80%xAMAP Floor Press-3x5 Front Squat-3x Bench-Up to Deadlift3x5 at at 5 at 80%xAMAP 50-60% 50-60% 50-60% 29 C ONS O L IDAT IO N O F ST RESSO RS Over the course of a training plan, as an athlete gets stronger/faster/more explosive (generally more capable of higher outputs), recovery becomes of paramount importance. Over the course of the training cycle, you must begin to remove (or reduce focus on) the less necessary from the training plan. Also you must begin to consolidate the most intensive training stressors to the same sessions/days, to allow for improved recovery on the other days. The idea of consolidating your intensive training stressors is critical because you cannot continue adding to a training plan and you can only intensify so many things at once. The legendary sprints coach, Charlie Francis, likened your Central Nervous System to a cup, all the training you do fills up that cup to a varying degree and once the cup overflows, you have become overtrained. Consolidating intensive training stressors over the course of a training plan is critical to provide recovery time and keep your cup from overflowing. The first step in being able to consolidate intensive training stressors over the course of a training plan, is to identify what is an intensive stressor and what is not. Intensive training stressors for the athlete consist of the following: Practice Practice drills or scrimmages done at competition intensity. This particularly needs to be considered in sports that present a large muscular effort like combat sports, football, rugby, hockey or high sprinting/jumping volumes like soccer, lacrosse, basketball and volleyball. Due to the fact that practice schedules vary so widely and are often without a planned intensity structure, they will not be included within this discussion. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 30 Sprints Maximum speed work done at over 90-95% intensity Jumps Maximum intensity jumps done in any fashion (onto a box, off a box, for distance, etc). This also includes upper body jumps, i.e. plyometric pushup variations. Throws Maximum intensity explosive throws. These could be medicine ball throws, PUD throws, keg throws, throwing rocks/dumbbells/plates/etc, shot/disc/hammer/ javelin throws or even something that is very high velocity/low force like a baseball throw. Obviously for a throwing athlete, some of these drills may fall under ‘Practice’, while other general drills would fall under this category. SPP Drills These are special drills that mimic the velocity, duration and direction of sporting activities. These will vary too greatly from sport to sport to list all the options here. SPP Drills like this can both be done in an alactic and lactic manner depending on the work/rest intervals utilized. Alactic and Lactic capacity work, particularly highly lactic work like that what is often popular among combat athletes, is very stressful to the body and requires ample recovery. Primary Lifts These will vary from athlete to athlete but consist of variations of the squat, bench press, deadlift, overhead press/jerk, clean, snatch and rows/pullups. Loading these drills in either a ME manner (over 85%) or a DE manner (45-70% for maximal speed) are both considered hi intensity CNS stressors. Assistance exercises could also turn into high intensity stressors if they are loaded in such JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 31 a manner, either being done to rep maxes or being performed to failure. Avoid letting your accessory lifts to primary lifts. C O N S O L IDAT I N G W I T H I N A T R A I N I N G PLAN Now that we have established what are constitutes a high intensity training stressor, let’s now examine how to consolidate these over the course of a training plan. For the purposes of this article, all of the microcycles we will discuss will be 3 weeks long. An important idea to understand in the context of this article is output. The speed, distance, weight, velocity capable of being achieved in a given exercise by a particular athlete is its output. Outputs are a measure of absolute speed, weight, distance and velocity, is isn’t relative to the exercise or necessarily the athlete. With that being said, understand that maximum velocity (Yards or Meters per second) is the ultimate measure of sprinting output, weight the ultimate measure of lifting output and distance (either vertical or lateral) the measure of jumping and throwing output. Some exercises are more conducive to higher outputs; for example higher velocities can be achieved in flat land sprints than hill or sled sprints; depth jump variations and multiple response jump variations produce higher ground contact forces and output capabilities than single response box jumps, bilateral barbell lifts allow for greater weight (high output) to be moved than unilateral or dumbbell movements. Also, stronger/older/more experienced athletes are capable of higher outputs and are thus more capable of trashing their muscular and nervous systems by overtraining. For example, an Olympic sprinter is capable of far greater maximal outputs than a high school athlete. For the purpose of this discussion, let’s say that the Olympic athlete is capable of running 28.0 miles per hour while the high school athlete is capable of 23.0 mph. Maximum outputs are much more important than relative outputs in regards to the consolidation of stressors; this is true JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 32 because the faster/stronger/more explosive athlete isn’t just capable of higher outputs, they are also more efficient in their technique and fiber recruitment and are thus operating nearer their ultimate output potential. To further illustrate this point; it is possible for many of my high school athletes who run in the 11.0-11.25 range (a good but not outstanding time for a HS athlete) in the 100m to run multiple repetitions of 100m in the 11.1 to 11.37 range, while it is nearly inconceivable for a very highly qualified athlete (9.85-9.99 seconds) to run multiple times within the same range of their maximum speed. As you progress through a program you should move from exercises with reduced output capabilities to those which allow for greater outputs. Below is a list of exercise progressions that allow for continually higher outputs, listed from lowest to highest possible outputs: Sprints Uphill Running As, Flatland Running As, Uphill Sprints, Flatland Sprints, Flying Sprints Lower Body Jumps Extensive Pogo Jumps, Single Response Box Jumps/Jump for Distance, Multiple Response Box Jumps/Jumps for Distance, Multiple Response Box Jumps/Jumps for Distance, Hurdle Hops, Depth Jumps Upper Body Jumps Clap Pushups, Pushups onto a Box, Drop Pushups, Rebound Pushups Early on in a training plan, for example during the beginning of the offseasonimmediately after the competitive season has ended, you need to create breadth in your training stressors, meaning that you must spread your intensive training stressors over many days. Doing this will limit your output capabilities, which is fine during this time period because you will most likely be in a slightly detrained state and wont be capable of high level outputs anyways. During a JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 33 time when you are dealing with an athlete that has low output capabilities, whether that is because they are coming off a period of a lack of training or have a low training age, you want to create a high frequency training plan to give them as much exposure/practice as possible to various drills. Also due to the relatively low strength levels that athletes like this possess, it is difficult for them to overtrain the CNS. Here is an example of how the first week of such a training cycle would be structure: DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Off Sprints Throws Sprints Throws Sprints Throws Off Jumps Lower Jumps Lower Jumps Lower Body Body Body Upper Primary Upper Primary Upper Primary Body Weights Body Weights Body Weights Primary Weights Primary Lower Weights Body Primary Lower Weights Body Lower Body Upper Assistance Upper Assistance Upper Assistance Body Weights Body Weights Body Weights Aerobic Assistance Weights Aerobic Assistance Weights Aerobic Assistance Weights Capacity Capacity Capacity Drills Drills Drills You will notice during this phase that sprints/jumps are being performed on opposite days from primary lower body weights. The medium written above each days activities, is referring to the intensity level of the day’s training. This is being done with the intention of limiting output capabilities because obviously sprints/jumps are taxing to the lower body and will limit your output abilities on the next days squats/deadlifts and those squats/deadlifts will limit your output JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 34 Military Pressing is a great builder of the bench press. capabilities on the following days sprints/jumps. This is done by design to allow the athlete to allow the athlete to train with a high frequency and learn the necessary techniques of the various movements required to improve speed, power and strength. Also since the athlete wasn’t capable of particularly high outputs during this time period it is fine. The sprint work during this phase should be relegated to power/speed drills such as high knees and skipping drills, hill sprints or sled sprints. Drills like these will further limit their output capabilities, which is JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 35 necessary at this time to avoid any soft tissue injuries (i.e. Hamstring pulls), as the body is not prepared for high velocity sprinting. In respect to medicine ball throw training volume, you must reduce total throwing volume from week to week because you will inevitably be able to produce higher outputs from week to week due to practice in the movement and continually improving power capacity. Volume must be reduced because intensity is very difficult to limit/manipulate in medicine ball throws. The lifting during this period should be relegated to submaximal loads (55-75% of 1rm) such as that utilized in The Inverted Juggernaut Method or 5/3/1. A great way to organize your lifting during this block is in a High/Medium/Low volume scheme. During this 6 day week you will go through 1 day of high, medium and low volume day for both your upper body and lower body primary weights. You can perform the days in any sequence you choose, but I would suggest doing Low Volume Upper Body, Hi Volume Lower Body, Med Volume Upper Body, Low Volume Lower Body, Hi Volume Upper Body and Medium Volume Upper Body. I would also suggest choosing 3 different primary exercise variations for both the lower and upper body, this will give you more flexibility when looking to consolidate your work as time goes on which is critical when applying these ideas. For the purposes of this example, we will use the Floor Press, 2 Board Press and Bench Press as our primary upper body training exercises and Box Squat, Front Squat and Back Squat as our lower body exercises. The deadlift and it’s variations are also viable options here, but I choose not to use it with my athletes because it is more taxing to the entire body than the squat is. As you move through this period, your output abilities will have increased, as will your need to allow more time for recovery. To help aid in your recovery, we will now consolidate all of your lower body intensive stressors (sprints, lower body jumps, lower body primary weights, lower body assistance training) to the JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 36 same day. Consolidating your stressors in this manner will also allow for higher outputs because you will no longer be pre-fatigued from the previous day’s training. Here is a look at the organization and breakdown of the weekly training stressors: DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Hi- Medium- Hi- Medium- Hi-Medium Medium- Off Medium Low Medium Low Sprints Throws Sprints Throws Sprints Throws Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Jumps Jumps Jumps Jumps Jumps Jumps Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Weights Weights Weights Weights Weights Weights Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Weights Weights Weights Weights Weights Weights Low Aerobic Aerobic Aerobic Capacity Capacity Capacity Drills Drills Drills Off During this period you will continue to utilize submaximal weights, as you/your athletes continue to improve technical skills in the primary lifts. Progress you sprinting drills, up one level, i.e. Extended Power Speed > Hills/Sleds or Hills/ Sleds > Flatland Sprints. Since you are still training with relatively high intensity on a 6 day per week schedule, I suggest that you continue to utilize a Hi/Med/ Low volume structure. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 37 The 3 rd step in a process like this requires a further compression of intensive training stressors. Since you are now capable of significantly higher outputs, you must now change the structure of the training week to reduce the frequency of training. For this we will move to 2 upper body and 2 lower body training days per week, with one day serving as a primary session (Max Effort work) and the second day serving as a supplementary session. The supplementary weights session should feature a lower output exercise as the first movement and should be loaded in a submaximal nature; below I list repetition ranges for the supplementary movements, to ensure that each is being done submaximally you should feel as if 2-3 reps are being left in the tank each set. For sprint training, I would now dedicate one day towards maximal speed work and the second day towards acceleration work. To further consolidate intensive training stressors you must move towards a full body training template, moving all of your intensive training means to the same days, reserving the other days solely for supplementary work and aerobic capacity development drills. The following two example cycles will further consolidate the training means and complete a 15 week training cycle (this cycle could be extended to 18 weeks by taking a deload after the 2nd, 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th training cycles, which I would suggest): JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 38 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Hi Low Hi-Medium Low Hi Low Off Speed Aerobic All Jumps Aerobic Speed Aerobic Off Work Capacity Drills Work Throws Capacity Drills Capacity Drills All Jumps All Jumps Accessory Throws Upper and Throws Lower Primary Body Primary Upper Weights Lower Body Body Weights Weights Secondary Secondary Lower Lower Body Body Weights Weights The final incarnation of this structure will have you testing 1 rep maxes and will drop the supplementary work from your Day 3 training. Notice that you have now gone from 6 medium intensity days in Cycle 1 during each training week to now finally, 2 extremely high stress days, 1 medium day, 3 low days and a day off. This type of structure will allow for ample recovery between intensive sessions. Once you have reached this point in your training, depending where you are relative to your competition schedule, you would continue to repeat a similarly structure plan to this final cycle. Consolidating stressors is critical to perform throughout the creation of annual plan to provide your athletes with increased recovery time as their output abilities improve. You must consider all intensive training stressors when JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 39 creating a training plan for yourself and your athletes, remember that you cannot continually add training means or intensify too many means simultaneously. Your ‘Cup’ is finite, consolidate stressors to prevent it from overflowing. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 40 U ND U L AT IN G PE RIO D IZ AT I O N MO D EL One complaint that people have with the original Juggernaut Method, is they feel they aren’t handling heavy weights often enough or that the 10s and 8s waves aren’t strength builders. I disagree with this idea and feel that the 10s and 8s waves are a necessary aspect of the training plan and while not necessarily building maximal strength, they are building the foundation for big lifts to come. I do understand how some are uncomfortable going weeks or months without handling maximal (or near maximal weights), even though I went for 4 months without squatting anything over 635, leading up to my first 800 pound squat. A way to structure your training, to allow you to more frequently handle heavy weights, is an undulating periodization model. This undulating periodization model is simple and just rearranges the wave structure of The Juggernaut Method. To perform the undulating periodization model follow this structure: Weeks 1-4: 10s Wave Weeks 5-8: 5s Wave Weeks 9-12: 8s Wave Weeks 13-16: 3s Wave Using this structure you will follow the same rules in moving up your working max as you normally would in the original Juggernaut Method. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 41 T HE J U G G E RN AU T M ET H O D AN D T HE 9 DAY WO RK WEEK The 9 Day Work Week is a weekly training structure developed by myself and Josh Bryant, that allowed me better recovery between heavy squat and deadlift sessions and was the training split I used on my way to my 905 pound American Record squat. Instead of being confined by the traditional 7 day calendar week, we would expand the week giving 2 extra recovery days and adding a weak-point training day. We identified my upper back and ab strength as the limiting factor in my squatting and deadlifting ability and wanted to have a separate day dedicated to improving these areas. Upper back and ab strength, or lack there of, are probably the most common weak areas for lifters and athletes. This is the case because so often upper back work is relegated to after main pressing work when the body and mind are both fatigued. Also since no competitive lifts directly test the strength of the upper back, its development is often overlooked but improved upper back strength will improve your performance in all competitive powerlifts, olympic lifts and strongman events. Ab work faces a similar feat to upper back work, as it is almost always relegated to the final part of a training session and I can certainly attest to the fact, that by the end of a hard session it becomes too easy to justify skipping it. Skipping ab work, or even not giving it the attention and energy it deserves, will certainly harm your progress in all lifts and athletic endeavors. Improved ab strength will make you squat, clean, press and deadlift more, it will also make you run faster and jump higher, as well as prevent injuries. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 42 Utilizing the 9 Day Work Week template will allow you to focus more energy on these key areas of your body and improve your recovery. The weekly structure of the 9 Day Work Week is as follows: DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 Deadlift Off Bench Back/ Off Squat Military Off Off Abs During your bench day in this plan you will want to do your pressing and pressing accessory (shoulders, chest, triceps) only and will relegate all back and bicep work to the following day. Day 7 (Military Press) will be structured as a normal military press day, featuring your pressing work and accessory pulling work. Your Back/Biceps/Abs day can be structured a number of ways but I would suggest either selecting bentover rows or pullups/chinups as your primary movement of the day. Your primary movement will follow the traditional Juggernaut Method structure. Obviously, if you are going to select pullups/ chinups as your primary movement, you need to be rather good at them and be able to use fairly significant weight. Whichever you choose as your primary movement, you will choose the other as your secondary movement, so as to keep balance between your vertical and horizontal pulling. Your Weak Point training day should be structured as the following: 1) Bentover Rows or Pullups/ChinupsJuggernaut Method sets and reps 2) Bentover Rows or Pullups/Chinups3 to 5 sets of 8 to 15 reps. Follow one of these 3 week waves: JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 43 ! Option 1 ! ! Week 15x12-15, all at the same weight or changing weights, your choice. Week 25x10-12 Week 35x8-10 Option 2 ! ! Week 110, 10, 10+, adding weight each set and staying 1-2 reps shy of failure on the final set Week 28, 8, 8+ Week 310, 8, 6+ 3)Bilateral Curl Variation3 to 5 sets of 5 to 8 reps 4)Unilateral Curl Variation2 to 4 sets of 8 to 20 reps 5) Linear Abdominal Work3 to 5 sets of 8 to 20 reps, my favorite variations here are Ab Wheel, Decline Situps, Straight Leg Situps and Hanging Leg Raises Rotational Abdominal Work-3 to 5 sets of 8 to 15 reps each side, my favorites here are Barbell Russian Twists and Dumbbell or Kettlebell Side Bends. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 44 S E T T I N G U P YO U R T RAI N I N G PLAN The Juggernaut Method is a program designed to be used with the Bench Press, Squat, Military Press and Deadlift. There are many options you can use to organize your training phases and waves. T R A IN IN G 4 DAYS A W E E K -Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday -Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday -Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday In these scenarios you will dedicate one day of each week to one of the four main lifts and its corresponding assistance work. All of these are viable options and if you like could be adjusted to begin on Sunday, instead of Monday. In that case, the first split would be Sunday/Tuesday, Thursday/Friday. T R A IN IN G 3 DAYS A W E E K This is my preferred method of training, as it allows for more recovery and more options with conditioning work. When training 3 days a week you can spread out the training phase over 2 weeks or combine two lifts (Military/Deadlift) into one training day. So a possible training split could be… Monday (Bench)/Wednesday (Squat)/Friday (Military/Deadlift) Or Monday (Bench)/Wednesday (Squat)/Friday (Military)/ Monday (Deadlift) JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 45 I prefer to train on the second option and while this will cause a wave of training to last 4 weeks instead of 3, it allows for more recovery which is especially needed during accumulation phases. Another option, possibly the best one, is to train every other day. This is a difficult option for many because your training days are rarely the same, but it allows for ample recovery and gets each wave done a little faster than just a 3 day a week plan. Training every other day looks like this… Monday (Bench)/Wednesday (Squat)/Friday (Military)/Sunday (Deadlift)/Tuesday (Bench)/Thursday (Squat)/… T R A IN IN G 2 DAYS A W E E K Training 2 Days a week is another good option and one that I have had athletes experience great gains with. When training 2 days per week you should put 2 full days between training sessions. So possible splits would be… -Sunday/Wednesday -Monday/Thursday -Tuesday/Friday -Wednesday/Saturday When setting up the 2 day a week training plan the athlete will perform 2 major lifts each day, but will only adhere to the Juggernaut Method set/rep/ percentage scheme for the days first lift. They will also take 2 weeks to perform each phase of the training wave. An athlete training on a Monday/Thursday training schedule would use the following split… Week 1 Monday Thursday Bench Press-Juggernaut Method Squat-Juggernaut Method Deadlift-5/3/1, minimum reps Military-5/3/1, minimum reps Assistance Work Assistance Work JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 46 Week 2 Monday Thursday Deadlift-Juggernaut Method Military-Juggernaut Method Bench Press-5/3/1 minimum reps Squat-5/3/1, minimum reps Assistance Work Assistance Work This 2 day a week plan utilizes the Juggernaut Method for your main lift of the day and Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 for the secondary lift. Notice that 5/3/1 will be performed for only the minimum prescribed reps each day, the last set is not taken to near failure as he discusses in his book. Athletes training two days a week should not need to deload at the end of each wave. PUTTING I T AL L TOGE THER Sample Templates There are lots of factors to consider when putting together your training template, particularly when you have speed/jumping work, lifting and conditioning to balance. Here I will show you options to incorporate all 3 phases of your training into templates where you lift 4, 3, or 2 days per week. L IF T IN G 4 DAYS P E R W E E K This is the most straightforward option… DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Bench Off Squat Off Military Deadlift Off Now let’s add some speed and power work to this split… JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 47 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 MB Off Jumps Off MB Sprints Off Throws Deadlifts Throws Squats Bench Military How about conditioning… DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Bench Off Squat Off Military Deadlift Off Tempo Alactic Tempo Alactic Runs Capacity Runs Capacity L IF T IN G 3 DAYS P E R W E E K Lifting 3 Days per week is a great option for athletes who need to incorporate skill training (i.e. Practice), speed/power work and conditioning into their training. When lifting 3 days per week, each training phase will be spread out over 9 days. If you are just lifting 3 days/week, you should do that on either Mon/Wed/Fri/Mon or Tues/Thurs/Sat/Tues. Another option is every other day, so Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. Adding speed/power work to a 3 day lifting split… DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 MB Off Jumps Off MB Off Off Throws Bench JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 Squat Throws Military 48 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10 DAY 1 1 DAY 1 2 DAY 1 3 DAY 1 4 Sprints Off MB Off Jumps Off Off Deadlift Throws Squat Bench When lifting 3 days/week, you can also combine two core lifts into one training day. When doing this, I advocate that you only choose one assistance exercise for each upper body and lower body to perform on that day… DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 MB Off Jumps Off MB Off Off Throws Squat Throws Bench Sprints Military Deadlift Adding a conditioning element… DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Bench Off Squat Off Military Deadlift Off Tempo Runs Alactic Tempo Runs Alactic Capacity JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 Capcity 49 Putting it all together… DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 MB Throws Off Jumps Off MB Off Off Bench Squat Throws Tempo Runs Alactic Military Capacity Tempo Runs DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10 DAY 11 Sprints Off MB Throws Off DAY 1 2 DAY 1 3 DAY 1 4 Jumps Deadlift Bench Squat Alactic Tempo Runs Alactic Capacity Off Off Capacity L IF T IN G 2 DAYS P E R W E E K Lifting 2 days/week is a great option for athletes with higher GPP who need to focus more of their energy on skill development in their sport. If you have reached a point of diminishing returns with your physical gains, it is definitely time for you to put less energy towards the weight room and more towards practicing the skill of your sport. I reached this point in my track and field career. I had gained enough strength to where adding 10 pounds to my bench wasn’t going to make the shot go any further, only technical improvements would yield those positive results. When training only 2 days per week I advocate using 5/3/1 for the minimum prescribed reps on your main accessory lift of the day. For this main accessory movement I like to use a variation of one of your other foundation movements. This movement should be for the opposite body part that your main lift was and JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 50 should be for the foundation movement that you will do the following week. So if you are benching and squatting in week 1, you will perform deadlift and military variations as your main accessory movements. When lifting only 2 days/ week I suggest you take 2 full days between training sessions, Monday/ Thursday is a great option, and do not deload unless you are feeling run down. Since that was pretty cryptic to understand, hopefully this table will help… DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Bench Off Off Squat- Off Off Off PressJuggernaut Juggernaut Method Method Incline Deadlift Bench-5/3/ Standing 1 minimum on reps Blocks-5/3/ 1 minimum reps DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 1 0 DAY 1 1 DAY 1 2 DAY 1 3 DAY 1 4 Military- Off Off Deadlift- Off Off Off Juggernaut Method Juggernaut Method Safety Two Board Squat Bar Press-5/3/1 Squats-5/3/ minimum 1 minimum reps reps There are numerous options when adding speed/power work and conditioning to your 2 day lifting template, too many to discuss here. Just remember that when including speed/power work into your training, that it must be performed with a fresh CNS, so put it prior to your lifting or 48 hours after your last CNS intensive lifting session. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 51 AS S I S TA N CE WO RK So now you know what the plan is for the big lifts, you probably want to do some assistance work. Assistance work needs to be just that, assistance, don’t let your assistance work interfere with your big lifts. Here is what Jim Wendler lists as the four main tasks of assistance work in 5/3/1: -Strengthen Weak areas of the body ! -Compliment and help increase the four basic lifts ! -Provide balance and symmetry to your body and training ! -Build Muscle Mass The idea of big compound movements should still apply to your assistance work. Dips, chinups, GHRs or good mornings and lunges will do a lot more for your lifts and body than dozens of isolation exercises, and it will do them in a more efficient manner. A S SISTA N C E WO R K # 1 : W H AT I AC T UALLY D O Monday 1) Bench Press-Whatever Phase and Wave I am on 2) Horizontal Pulling (DB Rows or Chest Supported Rows)-5x10-15 3) Dips-3xAMAP 4) Ab Wheel-3-5x15-20 5) Upper Body Conditioning, I’ll get into this in a few sections Wednesday 1) Jumping, This will be covered later too 2) Squat-Whatever Phase and Wave I am on 3) GHR-3x10-20 4) Back Extensions-3x10-20 5) Decline Situps-3-5x10-20 JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 52 Friday 1) Military Press-Whatever Phase and Wave I am on 2) Chinups-5-10 sets of 5-10 reps 3) Dips-I use several different options here, but they usually end up being something to the effect of 5x10-20 with some weighted sets 4) Upper Body Conditioning Saturday 1) Jumping 2) Deadlift-Whatever Phase and Wave I am on 3) Hamstring/Low Back Movement-This is either GHRs or sometimes SSB 4) Squats for 3-5 sets of 5-10 reps 5) Walking Lunges-3 to 5 sets of 12-20 steps 6) Side Bends-3 to 5 sets of 15-20 reps A S SISTA N C E WO R K # 2 : W E S T S I D E F O R SK I NNY BASTARD S Westside for Skinny Bastards is a tremendously popular program designed by Joe Defranco. Using the assistance template from this program, which utilizes lots of supersets, would be an excellent option for athletes who need to gain muscle mass and improve their work capacity. The inclusion of unilateral work into this assistance template also makes it a solid option for athletes. For this template you will perform whatever sets and reps you have for the current wave/phase on your main exercise and then perform the following accessory work. Bench Day 1a) Vertical Pulling for 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps 1b) Upper Back for 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps 2) Medial Delt for 4 sets of 8-12 reps 3a) Arms (Bicep or Tricep) for 3 sets of 8-10 reps 3b) Traps for 3 sets of 12-20 reps JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 53 Squat Day 1) Unilateral Exercise for 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps 2) Hip Extension Exercise for 3 sets of 8-15 reps 3) Weighted Abdominals for 4 sets of 10-15 reps Military Day 1) Supplemental Pressing for 2 sets of maximum reps, using a weight you can perform 15-20 reps with on the first set 2a) Horizontal Pulling for 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps 2b) Rear Delts for 3-4 sets of 10-20 reps 3) Traps for 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps 4) Elbow Flexor exercise for 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps Deadlift Day 1) Unilateral Movement for 3 sets of 6-12 reps 2) Hamstring Posterior Chain Movement for 3 sets of 8-12 reps 3) Bodyweight Abdominal Circuit A S SISTA N C E WO R K # 3 : P E R I O D I Z AT I O N BI BLE This comes from a great article by Dave Tate. Bench Day 1) Shoulders or Chest-5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB Bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups) 2) Lats or Upper Back-5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB Rows, Bent Over Rows, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs) 3) Triceps-5 Sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions) Squat Day 1) Low Back-5 Sets of 10-20 reps (Reverse Hyper, Back Raise, Good Morning) 2) Quads-5 Sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats) JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 54 3) Abs-5 Sets of 10-20 reps (Sit Ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend) Military Day 1) Shoulders or Chest-5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB Bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups) 2) Lats or Upper Back-5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB Rows, Bent Over Rows, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs) 3) Triceps-5 Sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions) Deadlift Day 1) Hamstrings-5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Curls, GHRs) 2) Quads-5 Sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats) 4) Abs-5 Sets of 10-20 reps (Sit Ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend) ACCESS ORY WOR K # 4 : T HE T R IUMV IRATE This is a very simple, yet effective option, that will limit you to 3 exercises each day, including your main lift. When you only have 3 exercises to get your work done, you need to choose them wisely, so big compound assistance exercises are your best bet. Always consider training economy and pick exercises that you know produce results for YOU. Bench Day 1) Bench Press-Juggernaut Method 2) Dumbbell Bench Variation for 5 sets of 10-15 reps 3) Horizontal Row Variation for 5 sets of 10-15 Squat Day 1) Squat-Juggernaut Method 2) GHR for 5 sets of 10-20 JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 55 3) Weighted Decline Situps for 5 sets of 10-20 Military Day 1) Military-Juggernaut Method 2) Dips for 5 sets of 5-20 3) Chinups for 5 sets of 5-20 Deadlift Day 1) Deadlift-Juggernaut Method 2) Walking Lunges for 5 sets of 8-20 steps 3) Ab Wheel for 5 sets of 10-20 ACCESS ORY WOR K # 5 : 5 /3 /1 AS ASSI STANCE Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program has yielded tremendous results for many lifters and athletes. 5/3/1 can also be utilized for assistance work with great effectiveness. Here is how I would implement 5/3/1 into the assistance work with the Juggernaut Method. Bench Day 1) Bench Press-Juggernaut Method 2) Chinups-5/3/1 reps, when utilizing 5/3/1 for upper body accessory lifts you can/should take your final set to near failure. Chinups can also be replaced by bentover rows here, this would be a wise decision if you are not good at chinups. 3) Dips for 3-5 sets of 5-20 reps Squat Day 1) Squat-Juggernaut Method 2) Deadlifts standing on blocks-5/3/1 reps, when using 5/3/1 for lower body assistance lifts, I advocate that only the prescribed reps are done. 3) Unilateral Lower Body work for 3 sets of 6-15 reps 4) Weighted Ab Work JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 56 Military Day 1) Military-Juggernaut Method 2) Dips-5/3/1, with last set taken to near failure 3) Chinups for 5 sets of 5-20 Deadlift Day 1) Deadlift-Juggernaut Method 2) Safety Bar Squat or Front Squat-5/3/1 for minimum prescribed reps 3) Weighted Ab Work JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 57 WEI GH TE D D IPS A N D C H I N U PS Dips and chinups are two powerful compound movements that should be included in any lifter’s program. Weighted dips have been a staple of big bencher’s programs since the great Pat Casey reportedly did 380 pounds for a single dip, at a bodyweight of 300 pounds, this tricep strength certainly fueled him to be the 1st 600 pound bench presser in history. Konstantin Konstantinovs, modern day deadlift hero, has posted videos performing pullups/chinups with nearly 100 pounds strapped to his near 300 pound frame, this back strength is certainly a catalyst to his 900+ pound deadlifts and 580 pound closegrip bench. Progressing your weight use on dips and chinups can be challenging. The first issue is finding a max in these exercises. I suggest you use your bodyweight plus the weight you use as your max, so someone who weighs 200 pounds and can perform a dip with 100 pounds, would base their percentages off of 300 pounds. This method will cause many people to have to deal with weights that are less than your bodyweight, in this event, I would just simply use your bodyweight for these reps. The other option is to just simply use the weight you can do for 1 rep as your max, the only reason I’m not particularly fond of this method is that unless you are remarkably strong in these movements, you will be using very small jumps between sets; but I do recommend this method for heavier athletes. Let’s look at a 16 week progression for weighted dips and/or chinups/pullups: JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 58 WAV E ACCUMUL ATI ON I N T EN SI FI CATI O N R EA LI Z ATI O N 10s 50/60/70%x12+ 55/65/75%x10+ 60x12, 70x10, 80x8+ 8s 55/65/75%x10+ 60/70/80%x8+ 65x10, 75x8, 85x5+ 5s 60/70/80%x8+ 65/75/85%x5+ 70x8, 80x5, 90x3+ 3s 65/75/85%x5+ 70/80/90%x3+ 75x5, 85x3, 95x1+ During the accumulation and intensification weeks, perform the listed reps for the first 2 percentages and for the final set you can go beyond those reps. After each realization week, take a deload week in which you perform 2-3 sets of 5-10 reps with only your bodyweight. To move your max up from wave to wave, simply increase your working max by 5 to 10 pounds, but I would advise not going over a 10% increase each wave. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 59 I NC O R P O RATIN G S PE E D AN D POW ER WO RK As a former elite level shot putter and the current owner of Juggernaut Training Systems, where I train hundreds of athletes each year, development of speed and jumping ability is a priority of mine. Jumping, sprinting, medicine ball throws and the Olympic lifts along with their variations are the best ways to develop speed and high rate of force development and all four of these can easily be integrated into the Juggernaut Method. J U MP IN G Jumping exercises can be done 1-2x per week and should be performed prior to your squat or deadlift training. When training your jumping 2x per week I prefer to select two different types of jumps, my preferred combination is weighted and unweighted. You may also introduce other variables into this such as seated jumps, jumps out of foam, and the manner in which the jumps are weighted (vest, holding dumbbells, ankle weights). Only more qualified athletes need to concern themselves with these other variations, so if you can only jump on a 30” box, don’t worry about seated box jumps out of foam while holding dumbbells and wearing ankle weights, got it? As far as jumping volume is concerned adhere to Prilepin’s chart to manage your jumping volume. P ER CEN T R EP S PE R S ET O PT I MA L REP S TOTA L R EP R A NG E 70-80 3-6 18 12-24 80-90 2-4 15 10-20 90+ 1-2 4 10 JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 60 Once you have found your max in a given jumping exercise you can now figure out how many jumps to perform each training session and what heights to perform them at. So if an athlete has a standing box jump max of 40 inches, a 75% jump would be 30 inches, 80% would be 32 inches and 85% would be 34 inches. I do not advise performing jumps under the 70% range for an athlete with any appreciable qualification (except during a deload week) as it is difficult to exert maximal force when performing such low jumps. Lets take a look at an example phase and wave of jumping for an athlete with a 40” standing box jump and 30” weighted box jump: P HA S E DAY 1- STANDI N G B OX JU M P DAY 2 -W EI GHT ED B OX JU M P Accumulation 30” (75%) x6 sets of 3 jumps 22.5” (75%) x4 sets of 3 jumps Intensification 34” (85%) x5 sets of 3 jumps 25.5” (85%) x5 sets of 2 jumps Realization 38” (95%) x4 sets of 2 jumps 28.5” (95%) x5 sets of 1 jump I try to keep the volume of jumping on the first day right in the optimal range as described by Prilepin, while the volume of the 2 nd day will be about 60% of the first day. Sets and reps can vary to make up this volume, but I do not advise having more than 5 jumps per set. Make sure that complete recovery is achieved between sets. Athlete’s with greater jumping capabilities should err on the lower side of the volume range as they do not need as much work to improve their abilities. I have had the opportunity to train alongside Dwain Chambers, 2010 World Indoor Champion in the 60m dash, and can personally attest that Dwain would not perform more than 5 jumps total in a workout, though these jumps would go up 68” in height. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 61 Here is a 16 week jumping progression that you can use with your athletes: WAV E E XE RCI SE ACCUMU LAT I ON I N TE N SI FI CAT IO N R EA LI Z AT I ON 10s Weighted Box 6x3 at 75% 5x2 at 85% 4x1 Up to a Jumps 8s Max Box Jumps 6x3 at 75% 5x2 at 85% 4x1 Up to a Max 5s Depth Jumps 2x5 from 12” 2x4 from 18” 2x3 from 24” 3s Hurdle Hops 5x5 4x4 3x3 SP R IN T IN G The inclusion of sprinting into your program is a must for any athlete or person trying to raise their rate of force development or improve their body composition. If you wish to include sprints in your program, I suggest that they replace one day of jumping per week. It is possible to jump and sprint 2x per week each, but will require you to reduce the volume of your assistance work and monitor your recovery closely. The focus of your sprint training needs to be QUALITY not quantity. Sprint training for the non-track athlete should consist of sprints between 10-50m and should not exceed 200m of total volume per session. Complete recovery is necessary between all repetitions, a good rule of thumb to follow when looking at recovery times between sprints is to rest for 30 seconds for every 10m of sprinting performed. An athlete with higher qualifications (i.e. A faster athlete) will need to lengthen their rest periods, as their sprinting is a more CNS taxing endeavor and conversely an athlete with lower GPP (i.e. An out of shape athlete) will need to lengthen their rest periods, as their sprinting is a more aerobically taxing endeavor. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 62 Resisted sprints (sprinting while pulling a sled, none of this parachute BS) is a hotly debated topic in the speed development community. I had long adhered to the idea that adding too much weight to the sled (>15% of athlete’s bodyweight) would hinder their speed development, but I have recently changed my perspective here. In the spring of 2010 I witnessed a top European sprinter (PR of 20.38 in the 200m) performing sprints with up to 105 pounds (70 pounds of weight + 35 pound sled) resisting him. Mind you this athlete weighed no more than 190 pounds. After speaking with his coach, he explained to me that he has found these heavily weighted sprints would teach his athlete’s to have a longer and greater force application during their start phase of their races. He and I agreed that these heavily weighted sprints could definitely have their place early in an athlete’s annual plan. While I feel that heavily weighted sprints have their place in a training plan, it is extremely important to not allow the weight of your athlete’s sled to negatively impact mechanics. Here is a look at how I would set up the speed development plan for a big skill player (Linebacker or tight end) over the course of the entire Juggernaut Method: WAV E 10s 8s 5s 3s ACCU MUL ATIO N I N TE NS IF ICATI ON R EA LI Z AT IO N Hill Sprints-10x10 Hill Sprints-3x6x30yds Hill yds, 10x20 yds, 10x20 yds Sled Sprints-4x4x30yds Sled Sprints-4x4x30yds Sprints-3x6x30yds Sled Sprints-5x3x30yds Sprints-3x6x30yds Sprints-3x6x30yds Sprints-3x6x30yds Flying Flying Flying Sprints-3x3x20+10 Sprints-2x3x20+15yds Sprints-1x3x20+20 yds JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 yds 63 Flying sprints are performed by performing a smooth buildup for the prescribed distance and the sprinting full speed for the next section. These are extremely taxing to the CNS and body, so they must be used sparingly, even though the training effect they provide is tremendous. T H R OW IN G Throwers (Shot, Discus, Hammer, Javelin) are some of the World’s most powerful athletes. I’m not just saying that because I’m biased since that is my athletic background, throwers are huge and post remarkable results in sprinting and jumping, and to no surprise, the basis of their training is throwing. Throwing their implements, as well as Medicine ball throws are very simple to learn, so you don’t have to waste much time learning the technical skills of a sport, you can simply begin building the explosive power needed to succeed in your endeavor of choice. medicine balls, puds and other various weights helps them develop tremendous explosive power through a number of planes of motion. Throwing will help you build explosive strength with through uninhibited triple extension in multiple directions. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 64 Traditional Olympic lifts only develop power in the vertical plane, while medicine ball work can be done in horizontal, vertical and rotational manners. Medicine ball throws allow the athlete to achieve higher velocities than Olympic lifts and are very simple to learn. Medicine ball throws will teach athletes to transfer power from the ground up, the power of the throws must be created from the lower body through the ground up and transferred through the midsection into the arms and through the implement. When managing the intensity and volume of throws, only volume can be manipulated. The throws must always be done at maximum intensity (i.e. throwing as far as possible) to get the desired training effect. Obviously the weight of the implement being thrown can be manipulated to address different areas on the force/velocity curve and depending on the weight of the implement and the type of throw being used, weighted throws are a great option for special strength exercises. Because the intensity of the throws are always >90% effort, you need to reduce the volume of throws from week to week. This doesn’t need to be done in any complex manner, something simple like 10 throws in Week 1, 8 throws in Week 2 and 6 throws in Week 3 will work fine. Learn more about medicine ball throws including video demonstrations of all our favorite throws here. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 65 I NC O R P O RATIN G O LY MPI C LI FT I N G Olympic lifting is a hotly debated topic in the training community, but it’s benefits are obvious. The Olympic lifts, WHEN BEING PERFORMED BY SOMEONE WITH COMPETENT TECHNIQUE, is a great developer of power and teaches an athlete to absorb force well. While I do not include them in my own training, there are athletes who I work with that are required to perform them during their competitive season by their coaches, and for such athletes, I believe I have an excellent way of incorporating the Olympic lifts into their training without being too hard on their joints, or having them place too much time on technical development, while still reaping the exercises’ benefits. The Olympic lifts can be incorporated into your training twice per week, the first day (Pull Day) will be done as your main accessory lift on your squat day, and the second day (Speed Day) will be done prior to your deadlift training. The Pull Day will focus on the development on pulling strength/speed by utilizing Olympic pull variations (Snatch and Clean Pull) from various heights (standing on blocks, pulls from below the knee, pulls from the thigh, pulls from the floor, etc). Once the athlete has competed their squatting for the day, they will perform one of these pulling variations up to a 2-5rm. I suggest rotating the pulling variation that is used on a weekly basis, though I do not advocate changing between snatch and clean pull variations within one training wave— rather change the heights you are pulling from. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 66 An example training wave for the pull day would be as follows… 8 S WAVE Squat ACCUMU LAT IO N I N TE N SI FI CATI O N Squat 65%x5x8+ R EA LI Z ATI O N Squat 60%x3, Squat 50%x5, 67.5%x3, 60%x3, 70%x2, 72.5%x3x8+ 75%x1, 80%xAMAP Pull Variation Accessory Clean Pull with Clean Pull Clean Pull from bar on 6” Blocks standing on 3” floor to 3rm to 3rm Blocks to 3rm GHR-3xAMAP-2 GHR-3xAMAP-2 GHR-3xAMAP-2 The speed day will focus on moving submaximal weights at maximal velocity and perfecting technique. The speed day will be done prior to your deadlift training and will also serve to prime your CNS for explosive pulls. The speed day is essentially the dynamic method, but applied to Olympic lifts. Because of the fast nature of the Olympic lifts, a higher percentage (60-80%) can be used when compared to the powerlifts (40-60%). It is crucial that short rest periods are used (45-60 seconds). Here is what a training wave would look like for the speed day… JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 67 5 S WAVE Olympic Lift ACCUMU LAT IO N I N TE N SI FI CAT IO N R EA LI ZATI ON Snatch 12x2 at Snatch 9x2 at 70% Snatch 6x2 at 60% Deadlift 80% Deadlift Deadlift 65%x2, Deadlift 50%x5, 70%x6x5+ 72.5%x2, 60%x3, 70%x2, 77.5%x4x5+ 75%x1, 80%x1, 85%xAMAP Accessory Walking Lunges Walking Lunges Walking Lunges 3x12 steps 3x12 steps 3x12 steps There are many great options to develop speed and explosive power in athletes and lifters. Jumping, sprinting, throwing and Olympic lifts can all have their place in your training. With that being said, do not try to utilize all of these means within the same training wave or for the length of the program for that matter. I would choose 2 options and perform them for 4 consecutive waves. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 68 C OND I T IO N IN G Romulo Barral, 7x World Jiu Jitsu Campion, knows that there is more to conditioning than simply going until you puke. Conditioning is a big word that encompasses numerous ideas. It is impossible to say that someone is well conditioned, without prefacing what the purpose of their conditioning is. It is easy to assume that a marathon runner is better conditioned than a powerlifter, but while the powerlifter isn’t conditioned to do what the marathon runner, neither is the marathon runner conditioned to endure the training of the powerlifter. Runners, fighters, football players and lifters can all be well JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 69 conditioned and being well conditioned means something different to each one of those athletes; it is imperative to understand the demands of your activities and prepare yourself accordingly for them. Few team sports impose a significant lactic load on their participants, yet there are numerous teams and athletes who put themselves under tremendous lactic workloads to prepare for competition. Football, basketball, lacrosse, rugby, soccer, volleyball and water polo are all primarily alactic-aerobic activities, meaning that they have short burst of intense activities interspersed by periods of lower intensity activity, active rest or passive rest. Despite this fact, athletes in these sports are always doing gassers, suicides or misusing great tools like the sled/prowler by doing long duration high intensity pushes or taking insufficient rest periods. Coaches and athletes alike, must understand that the greater an athlete becomes at lactic activities, the worse they will become at alactic activities. There is a reason that Usain Bolt isn’t also the world’s best 800m runner and that is the same reason that David Rudisha (800m World Record holder) isn’t the best 100m runner— because one cannot develop competing energy systems to maximal levels. Every time you or your athletes runs a gasser, TH E QUE S TI ON BE IN G AS KED T HO UG H IS INCOMP LE TE , I T MUS T B E P RE DI CAT E D O N: BE TTE R CO ND ITI ON E D TO D O W H AT? does countless burpees or pushes the Prowler until your legs are wobbly and you are vomiting, you aren’t developing mental toughness or getting in shape, you are ruining your short and long term abilities to develop speed, maximal strength and explosive power. So, if you aren’t going to smash your CNS and body with highly challenging lactic threshold training, how will you condition? Alactic capacity JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 70 and aerobic capacity are the answer. Alactic capacity is the ability to repeat high level outputs with incomplete rest periods, to simplify that idea, if you have a 42” box jump max, alactic capacity would be your ability to perform 36” box jumps repeatedly with 10-30 seconds between each jump. It is imperative that before one aims to develop alactic capacity, they first focus on developing alactic power, because without first having power than it is irrelevant what they can maintain rep after rep. If you have a running back who runs a 5.3 40, it doesn’t matter how many times he can repeat that effort on short rests, because he will be watching the game from the sidelines. Developing alactic capacity is a relatively simple process, each week you either need to do more work per set with the same rest periods, do more sets of the same amount of work on the same rest periods, or do the same amount of work and set on shorter rest periods. I would suggest doing your alactic capacity work after your lower body training days, or if you perform a full body template (2-3 days/week) you could do it after every session. Here is a general template for developing alactic capacity over the 16 week course of The Juggernaut Method (deload weeks aren’t listed because during those weeks you should only perform aerobic capacity work). The exercises are fairly interchangeable, however they must be something explosive in nature: JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 71 WAVE S ES S ION 1 SESS IO N 2 SESS IO N 3 10s Accumulation 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 4 jumps, 30 seconds sets of 4 jumps, 30 seconds between sets of 4 jumps, 30 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-15 yd Explosions-10x4, Sprints-10x10yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x4, 30 Sled Pulls-10x4, 30 Pullup-10x4, 30 seconds seconds seconds 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 5 jumps, 30 seconds sets of 5 jumps, 30 seconds between sets of 5 jumps, 30 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-20 yd Explosions-10x5, Sprints-10x15yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x5, 30 Sled Pulls-10x5, 30 Pullup-10x5, 30 seconds seconds seconds 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of sets of 6 jumps, sets of 6 jumps, 6 jumps, 30 30 seconds 30 seconds seconds between between sets between sets sets 2-Prowler 2-25 yd 2-Prowler Sprints-10x20yds Shuttles-10x1 Explosions-10x6, , 30 seconds rep, 30 seconds 30 seconds 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + 3-Sledge Hammer Sled Pulls-10x6, Pullup-10x6, 30 Strikes-10x6, 30 30 seconds seconds 10s Intensification 10s Realization seconds JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 72 WAVE S ES S ION 1 SESS IO N 2 SESS IO N 3 8s Accumulation 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 4 jumps, 25 seconds sets of 4 jumps, 25 seconds between sets of 4 jumps, 25 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-15 yd Explosions-10x4, Sprints-10x10yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 25 seconds 25 seconds 25 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x4, 25 Sled Pulls-10x4, 25 Pullup-10x4, 25 seconds seconds seconds 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 5 jumps, 25 seconds sets of 5 jumps, 25 seconds between sets of 5 jumps, 25 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-20 yd Explosions-10x5, Sprints-10x15yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 25 seconds 25 seconds 25 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x5, 25 Sled Pulls-10x5, 25 Pullup-10x5, 25 seconds seconds seconds 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 6 jumps, 25 seconds sets of 6 jumps, 30 seconds between sets of 6 jumps, 25 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-25 yd Explosions-10x6, Sprints-10x20yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 25 seconds 30 seconds 25 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x6, 25 Sled Pulls-10x6, 25 Pullup-10x6, 25 seconds seconds seconds 8s Intensification 8s Realization JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 73 WAVE S ES S ION 1 SESS IO N 2 SESS IO N 3 5s Accumulation 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 4 jumps, 20 seconds sets of 4 jumps, 20 seconds between sets of 4 jumps, 20 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-15 yd Explosions-10x4, Sprints-10x10yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 20 seconds 20 seconds 20 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x4, 20 Sled Pulls-10x4, 20 Pullup-10x4, 20 seconds seconds seconds 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 5 jumps, 20 seconds sets of 5 jumps, 20 seconds between sets of 5 jumps, 20 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-20 yd Explosions-10x5, Sprints-10x15yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 20 seconds 20 seconds 20 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x5, 20 Sled Pulls-10x5, 20 Pullup-10x5, 20 seconds seconds seconds 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 6 jumps, 20 seconds sets of 6 jumps, 20 seconds between sets of 6 jumps, 20 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-25 yd Explosions-10x6, Sprints-10x20yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 20 seconds 20 seconds 20 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x6, 20 Sled Pulls-10x6, 20 Pullup-10x6, 20 seconds seconds seconds 5s Intensification 5s Realization JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 74 WAVE S ES S ION 1 SESS IO N 2 SESS IO N 3 3s Accumulation 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 4 jumps, 15 seconds sets of 4 jumps, 15 seconds between sets of 4 jumps, 15 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-15 yd Explosions-10x4, Sprints-10x10yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 15 seconds 15 seconds 15 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x4, 15 Sled Pulls-10x4, 15 Pullup-10x4, 15 seconds seconds seconds 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 5 jumps, 15 seconds sets of 5 jumps, 15 seconds between sets of 5 jumps, 15 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-20 yd Explosions-10x5, Sprints-10x15yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 15 seconds 15 seconds 15 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x5, 15 Sled Pulls-10x5, 15 Pullup-10x5, 15 seconds seconds seconds 1-KB Squat 1-Box Jumps-10 1-Split Jumps-10 Jumps-10 sets of 6 jumps, 15 seconds sets of 6 jumps, 15 seconds between sets of 6 jumps, 15 seconds between between sets sets sets 2-Prowler 2-Prowler 2-25 yd Explosions-10x6, Sprints-10x20yds, Shuttles-10x1 rep, 15 seconds 15 seconds 15 seconds 3-Sledge Hammer 3-Arm over Arm 3-Burpee + Strikes-10x6, 15 Sled Pulls-10x6, 15 Pullup-10x6, 15 seconds seconds seconds 3s Intensification 3s Realization This will be a great progression for the general population to develop alactic capacity. Remember that these exercises aren’t set in stone, you can choose JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 75 virtually anything you like, it just must allow you to produce a significant enough power output. The development of alactic capacity in regards to the demands of different sports, is a more complex issue, especially when you begin to include SPP drills. I have included my article, Conditioning for Football, which will lay out my ideas for alactic capacity development for football players and should allow you to extrapolate ideas out for whatever your sporting endeavor of choice is. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 76 C OND I T IO N IN G F O R FO OTBA L L Conditioning tests are a standard practice at NFL, College and High School football training camps and are for the most part poorly designed. Many of you may remember the media fiasco that Albert Haynesworth’s difficulty to pass the Washington Redskins training camp created and while I certainly won’t argue that Haynesworth came into camp ready, the test he was being asked to perform (reportedly multiple 300yd shuttles) was so poorly designed that his ability to pass it had very little correspondence to his ability to play 4 quarters of football. While scouring Facebook the other day, I ran across JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 Alex Parsons, USC/Oakland Raiders has taken himself from a 77 practice squad player to a starter through training at Juggernaut the video that featured a journalist attempting the Baltimore Ravens conditioning test. The test shown was 6x150yd shuttles (Run to the 25yd line and back, three times) with 70 seconds rest between each of the 6 reps. Offensive lineman were required to perform each rep in under 35 seconds. The journalist in the video does complete the test successfully, but after the 3 rd rep is clearly swimming in a bath of lactic acid, yet football is a totally alactic sport, so why do football coaches continue to insist upon conditioning their athletes outside of the proper energy systems? The flaws in this type of test are abundant, yet this test and others like it (mile, 300yd shuttles, 110 yd runs) seem to still be the rule, rather than the exception in the NFL, college and high school football programs. It is well how NFL great, running back Earl Campbell, would routinely be among the slowest to finish his teams timed mile, yet he would dominate his competition during games. Campbell is a perfect example of how having a well developed lactic capacity does not help your ability (in fact it hinders it) to possess great speed, explosiveness and alactic capacity. It is this same reason that Usain Bolt isn’t also the World’s best 1500m runner and vice versa. To put it simply, being a great distance runner makes you a worse sprinter; what do you want on your team, sprinters or distance runners? There has also been recent news of Felix Jones and two other players, failing the Dallas Cowboys’ conditioning test of 2x10 sprints of 40-60yds depending on position group. This is a far more rationally organized test that will do a better job of measuring the players alactic capacity. The other players who failed the test, Safety Brodney Pool and Receiver Andre Holmes, were ‘doing a lot of distance running during the offseason’ according to Cowboys’ coach Jason Garrett. Distance running, in addition to being ineffective in developing the proper energy systems needed for football, it is also much more stressful to the JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 78 athlete’s joints. Stress fractures are a very common injury among distance runners and that problem is only compounded by having 300+ pounders performing distance work. The Cowboy’s conditioning test is a good one, and simple to execute with large groups. Other test that would be great to utilize would be The Prowler Sprint Test or various sled sprint tests, utilizing heart rate monitors. Ask anyone on the street who is better conditioned a marathon runner or a professional strongman and 99 times out of 100, they will say the marathon runner without hesitation. The question being asked though is incomplete, it must be predicated on: better conditioned to do what? That is the question that too many sport coaches are failing to ask when they begin having their athletes run a set of gassers or suicides or send them off onto a multiple mile run. While the marathon runner is certainly better prepared to run, swim or bike for multiple miles, but the Strongman is better suited to produce repeated high outputs with short rest periods. You must examine what it is your athletes need to be ready for; long and slow or short and fast? Those in charge of the training of football players, or any athlete, must examine what energy systems are primarily responsible for their athlete’s success. American football is a aerobic-alactic sport; from a time-motion standpoint it features 10-18 series of 3-15 plays which last 3-10 seconds in duration in which the athlete will usually cover 5-40 yds and encounter varying resistance depending on position. Depending on the style of offense being run and length of the play clock being used there will be 15-40 seconds between plays and 2-10 minutes between series. The understanding of this information is the jumping off point to properly conditioning football players. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 79 At Juggernaut, our alactic capacity conditioning is organized in the following manner: MO NDAY TUE SDAY W ED NE SDAY T HU R SDAY FR I DAY Alactic Tempo Runs Alactic Tempo Runs Alactic Capacity Drills-10 series Capacity Drills-14 series Capacity Drills-12 series Primary Bench Recovery Accessory Recovery Primary Squat Training Modalities Weights Modalities Training Secondary Abs Secondary Squat Training Bench Training Abs Abs Our alactic capacity work is broken into series or 4-8 plays per series with a play being an explosive activity lasting 3-7 seconds in duration, in an effort to mimic the exact energy systems of a football game. We use 5-7 different drills each day to keep the athletes from getting stale and will do 2 series of each drill. Drills used vary by position group and include SPP drills, particularly for linemen. Rest between plays is 15-25 seconds depending on the time of year, style of offense they play in (or against) and length of play clock used at their level of play. Here is a look at some of our staple alactic capacity drills. Here is the normal progression of drills that we utilize for each position group: LI NE MEN B IG SK I LL (TE , L B , FB , P RO S TY LE Q B ) SM A LL SKI LL ( RB , WR , D B , SP RE A D QB ) 1. Positional Start 1. Positional Start 1. Positional Start Sprints-15 yds Sprints-25yds Sprints-35yds JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 80 LI NE MEN B IG SK I LL (TE , L B , FB , P RO S TY LE Q B ) SM A LL SKI LL ( RB , WR , D B , SP RE A D QB ) 2. Mirror/Dodge Drill or 2. Positional Start 2. Positional Start 15yd Shuttle Sprints-25yds Sprints-35 yds 3. Double Jumps Uphill 3. Mirror Drill (Defense) or 3. Mirror Drill (Defense) or 15yd Shuttle (Offense) 15yd Shuttle (Offense) 4. Prowler Push + Sprint 4. Triple Jump Uphill 4. Quadruple Jump Uphill 5. Prowler Explosions 5. Prowler Push + Sprint 5. Prowler Explosions 6. Grappler Punches 6. Prowler Explosions 6. Speed Skater Jumps 7. KB Squat Jumps 7. KB Squat Jumps 7. KB Squat Jumps The athletes will perform 2 series of each number, for a total of 10-14 total series, depending on the day. Through a 3 week alactic capacity cycle, we will add one play per rep each week, so Week 1, on Monday, the athletes will do 10 series of 5 plays per series, Week 2, will be 10 series of 6 plays, Week 3, will be 10 series of 7 plays. Then we will drop back down to 5 plays but cut the rest between plays by 5 seconds. Rest between series remains constant at 2.5 minutes and they are given a 5 minute halftime between the median sets. Critically think about how you are conditioning yourself and your athletes. Does it match the energy system demands of the sport? Aerobic capacity is the quality the most needs to be developed for success in most sports, or just for anyone looking to improve their health, recovery, performance and physique. Aerobic capacity can be developed rather simply through a variety of means. My favorite to use for myself and my athletes are various Tempo Activity Circuits. Tempo runs are a staple of the training of elite track and field athletes and were popularized by the late, great, Charlie Francis. Tempo runs are moderate distance intervals done at 60-75% of maximum speed interspersed by walking or various calisthenics. Tempo runs serve as a JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 81 great aerobic capacity development tool, as well as helping speed recovery by creating a flushing of the muscles with new blood and nutrients. ‘Tempos’ though do not just have to be confined to running, a variety of activities from running, running drills, biking, swimming, running in water, jumping rope, pushing the prowler, dragging the sled, medicine ball throwing, using the Versaclimber or doing a variety of calisthenics, can all be utilized in a tempo fashion to improve aerobic capacity and enhance recovery, while aiding in fat burn, they just must be used within certain parameters to ensure that the correct energy systems are being used. C R E AT IN G YO U R OW N T E M P O AC T I V I TY CI RCU I TS 1. Pick an exercise from what I listed above and perform it at 60-75% intensity for 10-40 seconds. If you are performing tempo runs, distances of 60-400yds is suitable. It is critical to stay within this intensity range, as going above it will put you into anaerobic development zone or cause you to enter a lactic state and defeat the purpose of the drill. Going slower than this will not raise your heart rate sufficiently and therefore won’t develop your aerobic abilities. To determine what is 60-75% intensity, simply measure your 100% output in the drill (i.e. maximum RPMs on the bike, maximum ground contacts of jump rope in 1 minute, timed sprint for 30-50m) and multiply your result by .7 to find your optimum output. The time intervals you use will be determined by your fitness levels and the nature of the drill you are using. If you have low fitness levels, you will want to stay on the lower end of this range. Also if you are using a drill, like the Versaclimber, that is more challenging to your muscular systems than say just running, you will want to perform shorter intervals to avoid going lactic. Make sure to also consider when picking an aerobic capacity development activity, that some of these are more stressful to the joints than others, and if you are a lifter, particularly in a higher JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 82 weight class, you will be well served to keep your work as low impact as possible; both the bike and running in water will be good options for you. 2. Perform your drill for the prescribed time period or distance, interspersing it with low intensity calisthenic and abdominal work. Normally I will push the prowler for 20yds at a moderate pace, then perform 10 pushups, 10 blast strap rows or 20-30 reps of medicine ball abdominals (alternating exercises after each rep). Adding in these drills is a great way to improve your general work capacity and is particularly useful with athlete’s who possesses low general fitness, as adding 50 pushups and 100 abs throughout the course of a tempo session, which can be done several times per week, will rapidly improve their GPP. 3. Once you perform your tempo activity and calisthenics, have some active rest (i.e. walking) to help your heart rate recover faster before starting the next rep of the circuit. A good rule of thumb is to rest of half of the time that your drill was, so if you did 30 seconds on the bike, then you will walk for 15 seconds after completing your calisthenics. 4. When progressing your tempo work, a good place to start is 2 Sets of 6 Reps of Whatever Time you Choose. The next week you would do 2 Sets of 8 Reps, then 2 Sets of 10 Reps. After 2 Sets of 10 Reps, you will drop back down to 2x6 and will add some time/distance to your tempo activity. Once you are doing 2 Sets of 10 Reps of 40 seconds at your given activity, just continue to perform that on a weekly basis as you will just be at a point of maintenance with your aerobic work. 5. Tempo work can and should be done multiple times per week. You could perform tempo circuits after your upper body training sessions or on off days. These workouts only take 20-30 minutes to complete and will provide numerous benefits to your training. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 83 With all that being said, I understand that some people who are reading this aren’t competitive athletes or coaches and just want to challenge themselves physically and I certainly understand that the feeling of exhaustion that is elicited by some of the drills listed above, give an odd feeling of satisfaction and achievement when accomplished. Here are some suggestions on how to really push your conditioning hard without taking away too much from your strength work. 1. When you are in a time where you want to push your conditioning harder, you need to reduce the intensity of your weights. Intensifying multiple training means at once, just doesn’t work, something has got to give. A simple way to take things back on your weights a little bit, is to just perform the minimum prescribed reps during your accumulation and intensification weeks. Only go for broke on your Realization week. Conditioning is a stimulus to the body just like anything else, so increasing it will allow you to reduce the volume/intensity of other work without a significant drop in those abilities. 2. Plan out this work. Too often people will mindlessly go about this type of conditioning work and just rely on feel to gauge if they are improving. Plan your work and work your plan. Your progression from week to week doesn’t need to be complicated or fancy, from week to week you either need to go faster, farther, heavier or with less rest than you did the week before. Don’t go faster, farther, heavier or with less rest than before, pick at most 2 of those things to do. 3. Pick your battles. Not only will going to complete exhaustion negatively impact your strength levels, it will also have a negative impact on your health and ironically enough, your conditioning. Vomiting, and the like, are warning signs for your body that you need to stop what you are doing. So while you may have some masochistic desire to leave yourself in the fetal position at the end of your training sessions, don’t let that be more than a once a month activity. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 84 Muscle & Fitness, a world wide leader in the fitness industry, featured Chad and his original Juggernaut Method in 2011. P EAKI N G F O R A POW ERLI FT I N G MEET A proper peaking strategy for a competition is critical to maximizing your performance. My competition lifts have always far exceeded my gym lifts and this can be attributed to a well planned peak and ability to focus well during competition. During the standard protocol of the Juggernaut Method, you won’t perform any singles and this can be an issue for some lifters from a physical and/or psychological standpoint. This is how I organized my peak training cycle for my first powerlifting meet. During my Juggernaut Method cycle, the heaviest weights I had used were 635x5 in the squat, 390x6 in the bench and 600x7 in JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 85 the deadlift. At the meet I squatted 800, bench 463 and deadlifted 700. This protocol began after I had taken a deload week, after the 3s Realization Phase and was on a 3 day/week training split: WEEK 1 2 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 1-Squat: Up to 675x3 (in wraps), this was my 1-Bench: Up to 395x3 (85% of Projected 1rm), This 3rd day of the week was an accessory day first time ever wearing paused. I wasn’t and consisted mostly of knee wraps. If you aren’t going to be performing my Juggernaut Method work moderate weight and volume work for the competing in knee wraps, I would suggest from a pause, if you are pausing your work in the hamstrings, quads, shoulders, back and taking 87.5% of your Juggernaut Method, than arms. This was at most Projected 1rm from the 3s Wave for a set of 3. you should move this percentage up to 87.5%. an hour long training session. 2-Deadlift: 405 (60% of Projected 1rm) x8 sets 2-DB Incline Bench: 2x10 3-Row Variation: 5 sets of 1 of 15 reps 3-GHRs: 3x10 4-Weighted Abs 4-Light Shoulders and Arms 1-Deadlift: Singles at 600, 635 and 655 (80, 1-Bench: UP to 410x2 (88% of P1rm), paused. 84, 88% of Projected 2-DB Incline Bench: 2x8 1rm). The deadlift is extremely taxing to the 3-Row Variation (same as previous week): 5 sets of CNS and in my opinion doesn’t need to be 12 reps 4-Light Shoulders and trained near a true Arms maximum to improve. 2-Squat: 405 (60% of Projected 1rm) x6 sets of 1 3-GHR: 3x8 4-Weighted Abs JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 86 WEEK 3 DAY 1 DAY 2 1-Squat: Up to 765x1 (in wraps). If you are 1-Bench: Up to 435x1, this should be halfway competing in wraps, between your opener and this should be about halfway between your 2nd attempts. 2-DB Incline: 2x6 opener and 2nd attempt. If you aren’t in 3-Row Variation (Same as previous week): 5 sets wraps, this should be of 10 92.5% of your projected 1rm. 4-Light Shoulders and Arms DAY 3 2-Deadlift: 65% of P1rm x4 sets of 1 3-GHR: 3x6 4-Weighted Abs 4 1-Squat: 405, 455, 495x1 (60, 65, 70% of 1-Bench: 275, 315, 365x1 (60, 65, 70%x1) P1rm) 2-Row Variation: 3x10 2-GHR: 2x10, light 3-Weighted Abs 3-Light Shoulders and Arms 5 (Week This was a Tuesday, I performed about 20 Off of minutes of very light Meet) work, consisting of some DB Benching, 1-Deadlift: 365, 405, 455 x1 (60, 65, 70% of P1rm) Competed on a Saturday GHRs, and Chest Supported Rows. Weight selection during these weeks is critical. You are much better off slightly reducing your weights and dominating each session, then going for broke here and grinding through reps. You will be well served to do a set of 3 with a weight and walk away from it telling yourself you could have done 5, rather than doing a true 3 rep max. Training lifts should be competed calmly and smoothly, save the adrenaline and fire for the platform when it matters. At this point, within only JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 87 a few weeks before a meet, your ability to get stronger is very limited, you need to focus on being healthy, confident and well rested/recovered. If you are at lower strength levels, you do not need as long of a deload going into the meet. Less accomplished lifters lack the ability to stress their bodies as much and thus do not need as long to recover. Also a lower qualified lifter, most likely has less muscle mass so they will become detrained faster than their more experienced counterpart. If you feel this applies to you then I would perform Session 1-Week 5 on the Thursday before the meet and just moved up all the other sessions 2 days closer to the meet. To compress the time even more, you could combine the squat and deadlift sessions in Week 4 into one training session. In addition, to preparing your body for competition through a well planned peak and proper nutrition, you need to also prepare your mind. Visualizing successful lift attempts will go along way towards being successful on meet day. Fill your mind with positive mental imagery, take 10 minutes at the end each training session or before you go to bed to visualize yourself successfully completing each attempt. I have consistently added 7.5% to my competition lifts compared to my training lifts in each meet and I think this can be attributed to training submaximally in a relaxed state and cultivating a positive mental attitude. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 88 Chad with 375 pounds in each hand in Las Vegas, NV. T HE J U G G E RN AU T M ET H O D AN D ST RO N G MAN The Juggernaut Method is a great training option for Strongman competitors. Strongman places a great emphasis on maximal strength, explosive strength, strength endurance and athleticism, all traits which the TJM will help you fully develop. Programming for Strongman is a very challenging task for many reasons such as; different athletes need to emphasize different aspects of their training (some have adequate maximal strength but are slow, some need to more event practice, some are well conditioned but relatively weak) and each contest is different and will place different demands on athletes. With those difficulties understood, I can’t write a program for every possible scenario of athlete strength/weakness, events and contest but I can say with great JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 89 confidence that an athlete who is maximally strong in the squat, deadlift and overhead, explosive, athletic, well conditioned and technically proficient in the Yoke, Farmers/Frame and Stones, will have a great shot to compete at essentially any contest. There are two methods by which I prefer to organize Strongman training templates. The first is to have a separate event day, in which you do 2-4 events only on that day. When I am referring to events here I mean moving events and stones, while deadlift and Log/Axle/DB press are events, they can and should be treated as normal training days. The second option is to include events into your gym days, doing the events that compliment the main lift of the day. Both options have their pros and cons; I think the 1st option is better suited for someone with a relatively higher squat/deadlift that needs to be able to focus more attention on their speed and event skills. Often times the way that your week is structured is dependent on what access you have to Strongman implements. Chad walking with a 930 pound yoke on his back IF YOU WA N T TO BE A GR EAT S TRO NG MA N, T HER E CA N B E NO W EAK A RE A S JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 90 Here is an overview of how I would structure the week with a separate event day: DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Deadlift Aerobic Overhead Aerobic Event Day Bench Off and Squat Training Capacity Work Training Capacity Training Training In this template, the deadlift and squat are trained on the same day. The deadlift is a staple of Strongman contests and some variation of it is found at nearly every show. The squat, while rarely contested, is still a foundational movement to Strongman, having a huge influence on an athlete’s abilities in the yoke, stones, carry and drag events, as well as overhead work. The deadlift will be given top priority in the day and trained on The Juggernaut Method protocol and the squat will be trained using lower volume with 5/3/1. Overhead strength is a must to be a great Strongman! By the time this book is released, the first athlete may have gone over 500 pounds in the Log Press and there will be more to come. Maximal and repetition strength is necessary in the overhead events, as contests will often feature one max overhead event and another for reps. The event day will consist of training the stones and various moving events (Yoke, farmers/frame, carrying events, dragging events, or medleys, i.e. a combination of 2 or more events). Moving events need to be trained in a well rounded fashion, brining up the athlete’s strength, speed and endurance for each event. Weights in the moving events, particularly the yoke and farmers, are getting heavier every year, JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 91 athlete’s are getting faster and distances are getting longer. If you want to be a great Strongman, there can be no weak areas. To become well rounded and proficient in all events, I suggest choosing 3 events to focus on per wave and rotating each week through training one for max weight, one for max speed and one for max distance. The bench is the outcast of the Strongman world, but in my opinion still serves a purpose to develop pressing strength and will benefit your overhead abilities. Since the bench isn’t an actual Strongman event, you should use the close-grip or incline (or incline close-grip) as your foundation movement and perform only the prescribed reps during the Accumulation and Intensification weeks, so as to not take away from your energy for overhead training days. The aerobic capacity days are critical to helping you improve recovery and endurance and should follow the same protocols outlined in the Conditioning section of this book. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 92 Let’s look at a 3 week wave of training using this template: WEEK 1 D EADL IF T/ SQUAT OV ER HE A D EV E NT S B E NC H 1-Deadlift: TJM 1-Log or Axle: Up 1-Atlas Stones: Up 1-Closegrip %/Sets/Reps 2-Squat: to Heavy Set of 5 from Rack to Max Weight for a Given Height, Incline Press: TJM %/Sets/ 55/65/75%x5+ 2-Log or Axle i.e. Load as heavy Reps 3-GHR, RDL, Clean Once and a stone as you can 2-Horizontal Rev Hyper or Press: TJM %/ to a 48-54” Row: 3-5x12-15 Good Morning: Sets/Reps platform 3-Accessory 3-5x12-15 3-Pullups or 2-Yoke: Perform Work for 4-Weighted Chinups: 10 second long Shoulders and Abs 5x12-15 reps runs, going as far Arms 4-Accessory as you can with a 5-Unweighted Work for Shoulders and given weight. Add weight each set, Abs Arms until you fail to go 5-Unweighted at least 50’ in the Abs set time. 3-Farmers Walk: Using a moderate weight walk as far as possible without dropping the weight at all. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 93 WEEK 2 D EADL IF T/ SQUAT OV ER HE A D EV E NT S B E NC H 1-Deadlift: TJM 1-Log or Axle: Up 1-Yoke: Work up 1-Closegrip %/Sets/Reps 2-Squat: to Heavy Set of 3 from Rack to as heavy as weight as you can Incline Press: TJM %/Sets/ 60/70/80%x3+ 2-Log or Axle successfully Reps 3-GHR, RDL, Clean Once and perform a 30-50’ 2-Horizontal Rev Hyper or Press: TJM %/ walk with Row: 3-5x10-12 Good Morning: Sets/Reps 2-Farmers: 3-Accessory 3-5x10-12 3-Pullups or Perform 10 second Work for 4-Weighted Chinups: long runs, going Shoulders and Abs 5x10-12 reps as far as you can Arms 4-Accessory with a given 5-Unweighted Work for Shoulders and weight. Add weight each set, Abs Arms until you fail to go 5-Unweighted at least 50’ in the Abs set time. 3-Stones: Using a moderate weight do stone over bar for as many reps as possible in 1 minute. Perform 2-3 sets JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 94 WEEK 3 D EADL IF T/ SQUAT OV ER HE A D EV E NT S B E NC H 1-Deadlift: TJM 1-Log or Axle: Up 1-Farmers: Work 1-Closegrip %/Sets/Reps 2-Squat: to Heavy Set of 1 from Rack up to as heavy as weight as you can Incline Press: TJM %/Sets/ 65%x5, 75%x3, 2-Log or Axle hold onto for a Reps 85%x1+ Clean Once and 30-50’ walk with 2-Horizontal 3-GHR, RDL, Press: TJM %/ 2-Stones: Using a Row: 3-5x8-10 Rev Hyper or Sets/Reps moderate weight, 3-Accessory Good Morning: 3-Pullups or perform multiple Work for 3-5x8-10 Chinups: 5x8-10 sets of 2-3 reps as Shoulders and 4-Weighted reps fast as possible. 5 Arms Abs 4-Accessory to 8 sets should 5-Unweighted Work for Shoulders and be done. 3-Yoke: Using a Abs Arms moderate weight 5-Unweighted go as far as Abs possible without dropping the Yoke at all. This type of plan will develop a well rounded and well conditioned athlete and is a good option for those who have limited access to implements. The other way to structure your Strongman training week is to pair events that share similar qualities to gym lifts and do them in the same training session. In this version, the events will serve as your supplementary work. Upper body training days will remain relatively unchanged, with the exception of if you have DB Clean and Press or a DB Medley as an event. When looking to pair events and lifts together, I suggest the following...Squat with Yoke and/or Tire Flip, Deadlift with Farmers and/or Stones. Our event training will follow a similar JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 95 rotation to the template above, with each week focusing on a different quality, either weight, speed or endurance. WEEK 1 SQUAT 1-Squat: TJM %/ OV ER HE A D DE A DLI FT 1-Log or Axle: Up 1-Deadlift: TJM B E NC H 1-Closegrip Sets/Reps to heavy set of 5 2-Yoke: As heavy from rack %/Sets/Reps 2-Farmers: As Incline Bench: TJM %/Sets/ as possible for 2-Log or heavy as possible Reps 2-3 sets of 30’ Axle:TJM %/ for 2-3 sets of 30’ 2-DB Clean and 3-Tire Flip: As Sets/Reps 3-Stones: Load Press: As many heavy as 3-Chinups/ as heavy a stone reps as possible possible for 2-3 Pullups: 5 sets of as possible to a with in 1 minute sets of 2-5 flips 12-15 reps given platform 3-Horizontal 4-Weighted Abs 4-Accessory (this could be Rowing: 5 sets work for done prior to your of 12-15 reps Shoulders and Arms deadlift training) 4-Weighted Abs 4-Accessory Work for 5-Unweighted Shoulders and Abs Arms 5-Unweighted Abs JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 96 WEEK 2 SQUAT OV ER HE A D DE A DLI FT B E NC H 1-Squat: TJM %/ 1-Log or Axle: Up 1-Deadlift: TJM 1-Closegrip Sets/Reps 2-Yoke: As far as to heavy set of 3 from rack %/Sets/Reps 2-Farmers: As far Incline Bench: TJM %/Sets/ possible in 10 2-Log or as possible in 10 Reps seconds, keep Axle:TJM %/ seconds, keep 2-DB Clean and adding weight Sets/Reps adding weight Press: As many until you fail to 3-Chinups/ until you fail to go reps as possible go at least 50’ Pullups: 5 sets of at least 50’ in 1 minute 3-Tire Flip: A 10-12 reps 3-Stones: Load a 3-Horizontal moderate weight 4-Accessory moderate weight Rowing: 5 sets tire for 6-10 sets work for stone as fast as of 10-12 reps of 2 flips, as fast as possible Shoulders and Arms possible for 6-10 sets of 2-3 reps. 4-Accessory Work for 4-Weighted Abs 5-Unweighted 4-Weighted Abs Shoulders and Abs Arms 5-Unweighted Abs 3 1-Squat: TJM %/ 1-Log or Axle: Up 1-Deadlift: TJM 1-Closegrip Sets/Reps 2-Yoke: As far as to heavy set of 1 from rack %/Sets/Reps 2-Farmers: As far Incline Bench: TJM %/Sets/ possible with a 2-Log or as possible with a Reps moderate weight Axle:TJM %/ moderate weight 2-DB Clean and with no drops. Sets/Reps with no drops. Press: As many 3-Tire Flip: A 3-Chinups/ 3-Stones: Load a reps as possible moderate weight Pullups: 5 sets of moderate weight in 1 minute. tire for as many 8-10 reps stone as many 3-Horizontal flips as possible 4-Accessory times as possible Rowing: 5 sets in 60-90 work for in 60-90 seconds. of 8-10 reps seconds 4-Weighted Abs Shoulders and Arms 4-Weighted Abs 4-Accessory Work for 5-Unweighted Shoulders and Abs Arms 5-Unweighted Abs JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 97 This template will allow the athlete to place more emphasis on brining up both their squat and deadlift, as well as giving them frequent exposure to events. Obviously, you need to have unlimited access to event implements for this template to work. Continue to perform aerobic capacity development work on 2 or your 3 off days. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 98 A LT E R N AT I V E E X E R C I SES TO THE BIG 4 People are always asking what exercises they can do with the Juggernaut Method, instead of the standard, Squat, Bench, Deadlift and Military Press. Here are my approved variations for each movement (I’m sure there a plenty more I just didn’t think of): SQ UAT Front Squat, Box Squat, Safety Bar Squat, Cambered Bar Squat, Zercher Squat BENCH Closegrip Bench, Floor Press, 2 Board Press, Incline Bench, Widegrip Bench (be careful about shoulder health), Chain Bench, Reverse Band Bench D E A D L IF T All squatting variations listed above, Deficit Deadlifts from 2-6” deficit, Rack Pulls, Snatch Grip Deadlifts, Sumo Deadlifts (if you pull conventional normally), Conventional Deadlifts (if you pull sumo normally). M IL ITA RY P R E S S All bench variations listed above, Push Press, Bentover Rows, Chinups/Pullups You will be fine substituting any on these lifts, just make sure that you stick with them for at least 2 waves. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 99 J U G G E RN AU T N U T RITI O N Maximum strength, speed, conditioning and performance, as well as a great physique, all require high quality fuel. If your nutrition isn’t on point, your training and results will suffer. Nutrition has become far more confusing than it should be. Of course, the dietary protocols that must be adhered to by a competitive bodybuilder or figure athlete are complex, but for the majority of strength athletes who are simply looking to be as big, strong, fast and lean as possible; fairly simple guidelines can be adhered to and help you reach your goals. There are 3 basic goals that most people fall under, Fat/Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance/Redistribution and Weight/Mass Gain. Obviously this is a simplification and things such as body type and carb tolerance must be taken into account but the following guidelines will serve most people well: FAT /W E IGH T L O S S Calories per pound of bodyweight: -Men: 14-16 Calories -Women: 11-13 Calories -Macronutrient Breakdown: Protein: 30%, Fats: 70% Adhere to a very low or no carb protocol for the majority of your eating. Try to limit carb intake to 1 meal (in the evening) every 7-10 days. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 100 When looking at the calorie ranges listed, the leaner you are the higher on the calorie range you will be because your basal metabolic rate is higher due to a higher percentage of lean mass you possess. W E IG H T M A I N T E N A N C E / R E D I S T R I B U TI O N Calories per pound of bodyweight: -Men: 16-18 Calories -Women: 13-15 Calories -Macronutrient Breakdown: Training Days: Protein: 25%, Fats: 50%, Carbs: 25%-All carb intake should be kept to during training and/or after 6pm each day. Non-Training Days: Protein: 30%, Fats: 70% Carbohydrate timing is critical to manipulating important hormones like insulin to burn fat and build muscle. W E IG H T /M A S S G A I N Calories per pound of bodyweight -Men: 18-20 Calories -Women: 15-17 Calories -Macronutrient Breakdown: Training Day: Protein: 30%, Fats: 40%, Carbs: 30%-All carb intake should be kept to during training and/or after 6pm each day. Non-Training Days: Protein: Protein 30%, Fats: 50%, Carbs: 20%. When looking to gain weight/mass, the quality of your carb intake will have a big influence on the quality of weight you gain. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 101 Certainly this is a very simplified look at nutrition for these different physique goals, but will be a good start for many towards reaching their goals. If you can base your diet around lean proteins, complex carbs, good dietary fats and green stuff (aka. veggies) you will be off to a good start to getting strong, jacked and fueling high level performances. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 102 T HE J U G G E RN AU T CO O K BO O K Here is a sample of some of my favorite meals. These can be used within virtually any physique goal, simply by manipulating qualities or timing. The quantities listed are what I am usually eating so keep in mind that I weigh normally between 315 and 330 pounds, so adjust accordingly. IN T E R MIT T EN T FA S T I N G B R E A K FA S T -16oz Green Tea (hot) -2 TBSP Coconut Oil Macro Breakdown: 30g of Fat SP IN AC H , TU R K E Y, BAC O N A N D C H E ESE SCRAMBLE -6 Eggs -3 Strips of Bacon -4 Turkey Meatballs -2 Handfuls of raw Baby Spinach -1 Handful of lite shredded cheese Marco Breakdown: 60g Protein, 75g Fat P E A N U T B U T T E R A N D BA N A N A PA N CAK ES -2 Cups of Trader Joe’s Whole Grain Pancake Mix, 2 Eggs, 1 Cup of Milk, 1 TBSP Olive Oil -1 Large Banana -2 TBSP Natural Peanut Butter Macro Breakdown: 30g Protein, 200g Carbs, 30g Fats JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 103 L OA D E D OAT M E A L -2 Packets of Instant Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal -2 Spoonfuls of Natural Peanut Butter -1 Banana -1 Handful of Blueberries Macro Breakdown: 30g Protein, 150g Carbs, 30g Fats B R E A K FA ST S A N DW I C H E S -4 Slices of Ezekiel Bread -4 Fried Eggs -2 Slices of Cheese -6 Strips of Bacon Macro Breakdown: 70g Protein, 60g Carbs L OW CA R B DAY T I M E S H A K E -4 Scoops of Juggernaut Fat Loss Formula -2 TBSP Natural Peanut Butter -2 TBSP Olive Oil Macro Breakdown: 100g Protein, 45g Fats L OW CA R B B E D T I M E S H A K E -4 Scoops of Juggernaut Anytime Shake -2 TBSP Natural Peanut Butter -2 TBSP Olive Oil Macro Breakdown: 100g Protein, 45g Fats H IG H CA R B P E R I / P O S T T R A I N I N G S HAK E -2 Scoops of Juggernaut Muscle Growth Formula JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 104 -16oz Chocolate Milk -1 Banana Macro Breakdown: 60g Protein, 125g Carbs H IG H CA R B B E D T I M E ( E V E N I N G B E F O RE TRAI NI NG ) SH AK E -2 Scoops of Juggernaut Muscle Growth Formula -16oz Almond Milk -1 Banana -2 Scoops of Frozen Greek Yogurt Macro Breakdown: 75g Protein, 150g Carbs J U G G E R N AU T D E L U X E W E I G H T G A I N SH AK E -3 Scoops of Juggernaut Muscle Growth Formula -16oz Chocolate Milk -1 Banana -2 Scoops of Ice Cream -2 TBSP Natural Peanut Butter -2 TBSP Olive Oil Macro Breakdown: 120g Protein, 225g Carbs, 45g Fats ST R O N G MA N TAC O S A L A D -16oz Grass fed Beef (seasoned with 1/2 taco seasoning packet) -4oz Guacamole -1 Chopped Bell Pepper -2 TBSP Olive Oil -Large Serving of Spinach Macro Breakdown: 90g Protein, 110g Fats JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 105 P OW E R B U RG E R S -16oz Grass fed Beef, seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic powder -4oz Guacamole -2 Fried Eggs -2 slices Cheese -Large Serving of Green Beans, drizzled with Olive Oil Macro Breakdown: 90g Protein, 110g Fat G R IL L E D C H I C K E N , S W E E T P OTATO E S AND BLACK BEANS -12oz Grilled Chicken (seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder and chili powder) -1/2 bag of Trader Joe’s Sweet Potato Fries -1/2 can of Black Beans Macro Breakdown: 75g Protein, 100g Carbs SA L M O N SA L A D -12 oz Grilled Salmon (seasoned with salt, pepper and chili powder or BBQ sauce) -1 Chopped Bell Pepper -2 TBSP Olive Oil -Large Serving of Spinach Macro Breakdown: 90g Protein, 110g Fat JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 106 I N T ERV I EW W ITH N FL LI N EMAN ALEX PARSO N S Alex Parsons, a friend and product of Juggernaut Training Systems is a testament to the value of consistent, hard work. Alex discusses his progression from High School All-American, to Rose Bowl Champion as a USC Trojan, to NFL starter—and what is necessary to be successful at each level of play. Click below to listen to Juggernaut’s interview with Alex. I N T ERV I EW WI TH N FL LI N EMA N A LEX PA R SO N S Alex Parsons, USC/Oakland Raiders has taken himself from a practice squad player to a starter through training at Juggernaut JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 107 JUG G E R N AU T PROW L E R M A NUA L S I X WAYS TO B ETTER U SE TH E P R OWLER by JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 CHAD WESLEY SMITH 108 JUG G E R N AU T PROW L E R M A NUA L S I X WAYS TO B ETTER U SE TH E P R OWLER by JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 CHAD WESLEY SMITH 109 T HE P R OW L E R IS E V ERY W H ERE Over the last several years the Prowler and other similar sleds have become the en vogue training tool. You can find them everywhere from hardcore powerlifting gyms, to bootcamp classes, to NFL weightrooms, to the set of The Biggest Loser. It is a great tool that can be utilized to develop speed, strength, power and endurance, as well as enhance recovery and rehabilitate injuries. For all the great potential benefits of the using the Prowler, it is far too often used to induce the notorious ‘Prowler Flu’ which for the uninitiated is vomiting induced by highly lactic efforts performed with the Prowler. Lactic based training has a very small or nonexistent role in the training needs of most athletes. Powerlifting, Olympic lifting, football, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, volleyball and the majority of track & field events have zero lactic component to them; yet coaches for these sports continue to insist upon imposing severe lactic loads on their athletes. It is very simple for people to associate good work with hard work, but the two are far from the same. Leaving yourself or your athletes in a heap, vomiting and barely able to function may seem like you are really working hard and building ‘mental toughness’ but you are actually just destroying their power potential and impeding their recovery. Vomiting is a defense mechanism for your body, it happens because your body is telling you that something is wrong and you need to stop what you are doing. If beating yourself into a vomiting pile of slow twitch muscle fibers isn’t the best way to use the Prowler, then what is? Let’s take a look at some of Juggernaut’s favorite Prowler protocols… JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 110 C L ICK H E R E TO V I E W T H I S V I D EO D I SCU SSI NG SPECI AL PROWLER EXERCI SES AER OBIC CA PAC ITY DEV ELO PMEN T AN D REC OV ERY E NH AN C E M E N T Legendary sprint coach, Charlie Francis, long advocated the value of tempo runs. Tempo runs are 60-75% intensity running drills interspersed by bodyweight calisthenics and abdominals. Tempo runs serve to improve the athlete’s aerobic capacity and serve as a flushing mechanism to enhance recovery between intensive training sessions. Tempo runs are great and serve an integral part in many athlete’s training at Juggernaut but they may not be appropriate for larger athletes (or competitive lifters/strongmen), as they will impose too much stress on the joints. Tempo runs also may be impractical to perform for those living in cold climates during certain times of the year. Tempo work though doesn’t have to be restricted to purely running, pool work, calisthenics, biking and Prowler pushing are all suitable options for tempo work. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 111 Set up your Tempo Prowler Workout by loading the Prowler with 50 pounds (or less depending on your strength levels) and push it at 60-75% of your maximum speed for 30-50yds. Once you finish your push, you will either do 10 pushups or 20-30 reps of bodyweight abs (alternate between the two after every rep). Then you will perform 20-30 seconds of active rest (ie. walking) before beginning your next rep. Start by performing 2 sets of 6 reps and add 2 reps per set each week, until you are doing 2 sets of 10 reps. The workout will breakdown like this... P U S H F O R 5 0 Y D S , D O 10 PU SH U PS, WALK FO R 20 SECO ND S. P U S H F O R 5 0 Y D S, D O 20 ABS, WALK FO R 20 SECO ND S P U S H F O R 5 0 Y D S , D O 10 PU SH U PS, WALK FO R 20 SECO ND S. P U S H F O R 5 0 Y D S , D O 20 ABS, WALK FO R 20 SECO ND S. P U S H F O R 5 0 Y D S , D O 10 PU SH U PS, WALK FO R 20 SECO ND S. P U S H F O R 5 0 Y D S , D O 20 ABS, WALK FO R 20 SECO ND S. R E S T F O R 3 - 5 M INU TES BEFO RE BEG I NNI NG NEXT SET Once you are doing 2 sets of 10 reps, you can cut your rest periods down, increase the distance of your pushes or add weight to the sled. If you choose to increase distance or add weight, be gradual in your increases. 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist and 2012 Silver Medalist in the 400m, Christine Ohuruogu, uses the Prowler extensively during her training time at Juggernaut each spring. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 112 R EH AB The Prowler can serve a critical role in the rehab of knee injuries including ACL and MCL tears. Often in knee injuries like ACL/MCL tears activation of the quadriceps are lost and there must be special attention paid to regaining this activation and along with it strength. While there are still some PTs who will employ leg extensions (Cringe!) as a method to regain quad strength after knee surgery, the Prowler will do an equal job of regaining strength, while not exposing the knee to shearing forces. Marching drills with the Prowler also allow the patient to keep the quads under tension for a long time which will recondition the muscle and improve strength endurance, while restoring work capacity. C L I C K H E R E TO V I E W T H I S V I DEO DISCUSSING HOW TO USE THE PROWLER TO R EH ABI LI TATE I NJU RI ES JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 113 P R OW L E R S H OV E S /E XPLO SI O N S Both of these drills will help you develop total body explosive power, improve coordination and they are fun. These drills are best used to develop either Alactic Power or Alactic Capacity and can both serve as Special Physical Preparedness exercises for Wrestlers, Football Players (particularly Linemen, Tight Ends, Fullbacks and Linebackers), MMA fighters, BJJ practitioners, and Rugby Players. When developing Alactic Power and Capacity it is critical to keep your work intervals to under 6 seconds. When developing power, complete rest is necessary, so a minimum of 90 seconds should be taken between sets. Capacity rest intervals will be determined by the sport being trained for but a good starting place is 30 seconds. The load utilized in these drills will vary depending on the athlete’s abilities and the surface you are on, so just keep in mind that you are trying to develop explosiveness, so use a weight you can move powerfully. A L AC T IC P OW E R C Y C L E D RIL L WE EK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 Prowler Explosions 10 sets of 2 8 sets of 2 6 sets of 2 pushes pushes with 90 pushes with 90 with 90 sec rest sec rest sec rest In this protocol you will increase the weight used each week. When doing these pushes you will walk from push to push, also between sets you want to stay walking to improve recovery. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 114 A L AC T IC CA PAC I T Y C Y C L E DR IL L WE E K 1 WEE K 2 WEEK 3 Prowler Explosions 2 series of 4 sets 2 series of 5 sets 2 series of 6 sets of 3 pushes with of 3 pushes with of 3 pushes with 30 sec rest b/t 30 sec rest b/t sets 30 sec rest b/t sets and 2.5 and 2.5 minutes sets and 2.5 minutes b/t series b/t series minutes b/t series In this protocol the same weight is used each week. You want to be quick to get back onto the Prowler between pushes and stay walking between sets and series to improve recovery. As you progress through multiple Capacity cycles you will follow this same Series/Set/Rep scheme and just reduce the rest between sets by 5 seconds. D E VE L O PIN G S IN G L E LEG ST REN G T H Single leg strength is critical for improving speed, change of direction abilities and maintaining health/stability in the knees. Lunges, split squat variations and step ups are all great options, but heavy Prowler marches should definitely be added to your exercise index. Heavy Prowler marches can be programmed in the same way as you would Step Ups, Lunges or Split Squats, just treating each step as a rep. Make sure when performing these that you achieve full extension through your back leg on every rep. Heavy Prowler marches also have an important role in the training of young athletes. Pushing the Prowler is a virtually technique less exercise, meaning that athletes who lack mobility, coordination and the postural strength necessary to squat/deadlift, can perform it with little risk of injury. Axial loading of the spine JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 115 C L I C K H E R E TO V I E W T H I S V I D E O D I SCUSSING HOW TO USE THE PROWLER FOR SINGLE LEG S T RENG TH D EVELO PMENT should be avoided with young athletes, but they still need to improve their strength, so Heavy Prowler marches and pulls are your ticket. Heavy Prowler marches are also a great special strength exercise for sprinters or anyone else looking to improve sprinting acceleration. When performing heavy marches for this purpose, it is critical to maintain a negative shin angle, dorsiflex the up foot and achieve full extension through the support leg. Prowler marching will also build unilateral stability but in a much less demanding way than lunge/split squat/step up variations. The knee isn’t the only injury that the Prowler can help rehab either, the ankle can greatly benefit from specific types of marches too. When looking to rehab the ankle, small steps must be taken while focusing on using the ankle as the sole extensor of the body. These small ‘toe walks’ will build up strength in the surrounding musculature and improve stiffness of the Achilles. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 116 ALAC TIC CA PAC ITY T RAI N I N G Alactic capacity is the most overlooked but most necessary energy system quality that needs to be trained for sporting success. Alactic capacity is the ability to repeat high level efforts (lactic power) with incomplete rest periods. Sure it is great if you have an athlete who runs a 4.5 40 but if by the 2 nd half he is playing like a 5.0, then what good is he? Improving that athlete’s alactic capacity will allow him to keep running in the 4.5-4.6 range longer throughout a game. To develop alactic capacity specific to a certain sport, you will need to do a time motion analysis (study of the work to rest intervals in a sport and what is done during both of those times) and adhere to those same parameters. In football for example, athletes cover 5-35+ yards (depending on position) during a 3-8 second period filled with combative elements and change of direction and interspersed by 15-45 seconds depending on style of offense employed and the length of the playclock. The combative elements are particularly well trained by using the Prowler, but it is suitable for athletes who don’t face a combative element or resistance because it will simply increase the difficulty of the exercise and oxygen debt. Programming of alactic capacity drills for general fitness purposes are simple, perform a 3-6 second long push at maximum speed with a given weight (heavy or light can be suitable) and then rest for 1 minute. Perform 2 sets of 10 reps like this. The next week reduce the rest periods to 50 seconds, 40 seconds the next and 30 seconds after that. Alactic capacity week of this fashion will have a tremendous fat burning effect without negatively affecting your JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 Notice the shin angle of all of these sprinters. Focus on achieving this same angle during Prowler marches when trying to develop special strength to 117 improve acceleration. recovery or alactic power capacity. L AC T I C CA PAC ITY T RAI N I N G While I think that the Prowler is too often used for lactic capacity training, there are athletes who need to improve their lactic capacity like MMA fighter, BJJ practitioners, wrestlers and hockey players; and there are some people who just have an odd fascination with making themselves feel like crap from their training. While it is very simple to put yourself into a lactic state while pushing the Prowler, you need to go about it systematically so you can manipulate your workload and gauge your progress. A lactic state can be achieved by either long duration pushes (>30 seconds) at a high exertion level, or short intense pushes with rest periods that are too short to effectively flush the lactate out of your muscles. Let’s look at how to organize both options… L O N G D U R AT I O N L AC T I C CA PAC I T Y TRAI NI NG Push as far as possible in 30 seconds (this will require a long distance to push continuously, if that isn’t available take the time up to 45 seconds so you can alternate between high and low handles or turn the Prowler) and rest for 8-10 minutes between sets. Repeat for 3 rounds. Rest periods need to be sufficient so that you can replicate nearly the same distance each round. The next week you can either increase the weight used, push for 10 more seconds or just try and beat your distance. SH O RT D U R AT I O N L AC T I C CA PAC I T Y TRAI NI NG Push as fast as possible on the low handles for a distance that takes 6 seconds to cover with a moderate weight. Rest for 20 seconds and repeat for 6 rounds. The next week do 8 rounds and the next week do 10 rounds. Then start over at 6 rounds with more weight. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 118 Thank you for supporting Juggernaut and using The Juggernaut Method. Keep checking JTSstrength.com for more great training information. JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 119 JUGGERNAUT METHOD 2.0 120