Visuals Directions – thoroughly explain the following pictures: Big Idea Industrialization Vocabulary Evidence 1. List the cause or effect for the following: CAUSE EFFECT Need to feed cities Directions - define the following vocabulary terms in your own words: Sherman Anti-Trust Act Political Bosses Homestead Act Sherman Anti-Trust Act Dislike of foreigners Americanization Dawes Act Chinese Exclusion Act Rural Urban 2. Predict how American history would be different without: Homestead Act, Sherman Anti-Trust Act Laissez-faire Philanthropy Andrew Carnegie 3. Put the following events in chronological order: Dawes Act, Homestead Act, Chinese Exclusion Act, Sherman Anti-Trust Act Essential Questions Misconceptions Was the American West completely settled during Industrialization? 1. What economic, social, and political changes did urbanization bring to American cities? How does the term “gilded” apply to the era of Industrialization? 2. What were the experiences of immigrants in the late nineteenth century? 3. What factors contributed to the settlement of the Great Plains and Far West? 4. How did Industrialization bring both positive and negative changes? 4. Summarize the federal government’s attitude towards big business during Industrialization in EXACTLY one word. 5. Draw a picture of the Dawes Act.