Uploaded by Silvija Peras

8 Week Full Body Gym Workout Plan - Advanced

Full Body Guide
8 Week Plan
Gym Based – Advanced
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................3
Week 1, Day 1 ................................................................................................................................................................8
Week 1, Day 2 ................................................................................................................................................................9
Week 1, Day 3 ..............................................................................................................................................................10
Week 1, Day 4 ..............................................................................................................................................................11
Week 2, Day 1 ..............................................................................................................................................................12
Week 2, Day 2 ..............................................................................................................................................................13
Week 2, Day 3 ..............................................................................................................................................................14
Week 2, Day 4 ..............................................................................................................................................................15
Week 3, Day 1 ..............................................................................................................................................................16
Week 3, Day 2 ..............................................................................................................................................................17
Week 3, Day 3 ..............................................................................................................................................................18
Week 3, Day 4 ..............................................................................................................................................................19
Week 4, Day 1 ..............................................................................................................................................................20
Week 4, Day 2 ..............................................................................................................................................................21
Week 4, Day 3 ..............................................................................................................................................................22
Week 4, Day 4 ..............................................................................................................................................................23
Week 5, Day 1 ..............................................................................................................................................................24
Week 5, Day 2 ..............................................................................................................................................................25
Week 5, Day 3 ..............................................................................................................................................................26
Week 5, Day 4 ..............................................................................................................................................................27
Week 5, Day 5 ..............................................................................................................................................................28
Week 6, Day 1 ..............................................................................................................................................................29
Week 6, Day 2 ..............................................................................................................................................................30
Week 6, Day 3 ..............................................................................................................................................................31
Week 6, Day 4 ..............................................................................................................................................................32
Week 6, Day 5 ..............................................................................................................................................................33
Week 7, Day 1 ..............................................................................................................................................................34
Week 7, Day 2 ..............................................................................................................................................................35
Week 7, Day 3 ..............................................................................................................................................................36
Week 7, Day 4 ..............................................................................................................................................................37
Week 7, Day 5 ..............................................................................................................................................................38
Week 8, Day 1 ..............................................................................................................................................................39
Week 8, Day 2 ..............................................................................................................................................................40
Week 8, Day 3 ..............................................................................................................................................................41
Week 8, Day 4 ..............................................................................................................................................................42
Week 8, Day 5 ..............................................................................................................................................................43
Welcome! I am so honored you have chosen my guide to help you reach your goals! These workouts are
developed from experience and education. In some way, shape, or form, I have done them, or my clients have
done them and seen great success. I hope you find value in these guides, but more importantly realize just how
incredible you are! Creating a healthy lifestyle is a journey. Changing your body mentally and physically takes time.
Enjoy the process and you will love the outcome the process produces. Just like any new hobby you pick up, you
must learn and ease into the process. If you told yourself you were going to run a marathon and on your first day
tried running 12 miles, you probably would not be very successful. It would cause injury and lead to
discouragement as you were not able to achieve your goal. That does not mean you cannot run a marathon; you
just need to set yourself up for success. Give yourself a chance.
Creating a healthy lifestyle and learning to lift and exercise is a learning curve. You cannot jump into
exercise expecting to be hack squatting and dead lifting 200 pounds. You need to start small, establish a
foundation so that you can grow and build upon that base. This is how goals are met. This is what this guide is for!
This guide will get tough. It will challenge you physically and mentally. But you will be able to build upon your
conditioning levels at your own pace if need be. This guide is completely customizable to fit your conditioning
levels. You will never repeat a workout as I want to give you a variety of exercises so you can find what you enjoy,
maybe don’t enjoy and what works for you. My overall goal with this guide is to help you find a lifestyle that’s
enjoyable and sustainable. To encourage you to find your confidence in and out of the gym while believing in your
abilities. No quick fixes, no crash diets, just hard work and patience. Physical health is important but your mental
health and love for yourself is far more important to me. In this guide, I want you to celebrate your body and
praise the small victories no matter how small. One day at a time. I am cheering you on!
A1. Squat
A2. Reverse Lunge
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
How the exercises are laid out:
Sets x Repetitions: For exercises like reverse lunges, complete repetitions for both legs (unless specified
B1: Abductions
B2. Toe Raises
Reps: 2x 20 (Sets x Repetitions)
C1. V- ups
Reps: 3x 20
In this full body guide, you will perform a superset; start with Group A first and then move on to superset
Group B and then Group C, etc. A super set means simply doing two exercises back to back with minimal rest. One
superset is 1 set. If there is just one exercise, you simply perform the sets and reps of that exercise back to back
with little rest. For example, in Group A (listed above), you will perform 20 squats and then immediately perform
20 reverse lunges on each leg (left and right) with minimal rest. Then you will do 15 squats and 15 reverse lunges,
12 squats into 12 reverse lunges until all repetitions are complete. You will do Group A exercises one time. Once
Group A is finished, you then can rest 1-2 minutes before moving on to Group B exercises.
In Group B, you will perform 20 repetitions of abductions and then 20 reputations of toe raises. You will
do Group B superset twice. If there are no reps and sets specified, it is a circuit workout for time (there are a few
exercises within the circuits that will be repetitions-based vs time-based). Each exercise will be anywhere from 3060 seconds (start with 30 seconds and increase as you progress). The rest between exercises varies from 30
seconds to 45 seconds; this time will decrease as you delve further into the guide. Try to take minimal rest periods
between super sets! You want to push yourself and maintain a high heart rate the entire workout with the
exception of letting it come back down before beginning your next group of exercises. The less you rest and the
harder you push yourself, the more calories you will burn. This is a form of High Intensity Interval Training that has
been proven extremely beneficial in weight loss, cardiac health, and in gaining lean muscle mass. Do not
compromise form for the reps. If at any time your form is suffering, stop. This is ok. Quality over quantity. Take
note of how many reps or how long you performed, so you can hold yourself accountable and work towards more
reps/time the next workout. Feel free to always repeat a workout. Eventually, you will build enough strength and
endurance to accomplish all sets and reps given or go beyond the recommendations for this guide.
Weeks 1-2: The first two weeks we will shock the system, establish a conditioning base, and start burning more
calories with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). From there, you will break down into weeks 3-8.
Weeks: 3-8: Lifting: Upper body, lower body, and full body HIIT circuits. Each week there is repeated exercises.
Your goal is to increase intensity with those repeated exercises. This can be done by adding resistance, increasing
weight or adding elevation. This is called progressive overload. Progressive overload is what allows for strength
gains and muscle hypertrophy and keeps you from plateauing. Examples of repeated exercises are lunges, delt
raises, squats, bicep curls, abduction machine, and leg press.
Questions you might have:
1. Can I work out on sore muscles?
Listen to your body. Being sore is a great thing! If you are extremely sore, take a few days off. You need rest to
recover and build back muscle tissue and strength. It is okay to work out on sore muscles. A lot of times working
out on sore muscles helps alleviate the lactic acid stored in your muscles. Push yourself, but still be cognitive of
when enough is enough.
2. Do I need to work out 3-4 consecutive days?
NO! This guide is designed to go at your own pace. Each day is labeled (workout one, etc.), but you can choose
which day to perform that specific workout. I encourage you to accomplish all the workouts within that week with
2 rest days (example: Mon, Tues, Rest, Thur, Fri, Sat, Rest). This guide can be 8 weeks or 16 weeks if you repeat. Go
at your own pace and feel free to repeat workouts as needed. If you struggle during a workout, it is okay to stay on
that week for 2-3 weeks until you feel ready to move on. Try to push harder each time you repeat a workout! If
you want, you can repeat the first two weeks with 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off in the circuit format until you
feel your conditioning levels have improved. You then can repeat the first two weeks again with a longer exercise
period of 45 seconds or 1 minute. This is a fantastic tool to help with weight loss, cardiovascular endurance, and
confidence. You will see your improvement each week as you make it more difficult! Anytime you repeat a
workout or even the entire guide, increase the intensity by weights, elevation, or by adding bands. This will keep
your body from plateauing.
3. Do I need to count macros or be strict in my diet to see results?
NO! I encourage you to not count macros or calories, but it is completely okay to track macros if you would like.
Tracking macros is a great tool to utilize for a short amount of time to see what portions look like and to gauge
what foods have higher nutritional or caloric value. Finding what works for you is key. With any lifestyle change,
nutrition is extremely important not only for your health, but also for body composition changes. However, your
lifestyle needs to be something you can enjoy and continue for the long run. Mental health is just as important as
physical health. Often times when you are extremely strict on your diet you may see results faster, but it is not
sustainable because mentally you are not happy, and you end up gaining back the weight you lost.
When you restrict the types of food you eat, you often end up binging and becoming extremely
discouraged. This discouragement creates a negative association with food and is not a positive cycle to fall into.
So here are my tips to you. There is no “good” or “bad” food. Allow yourself your cravings, move on, and be kind
to your body. This shift in mindset will often get rid of the obsession of wanting food you think “you cannot have or
is bad for you” and will naturally lead to you eating that food less. Focus on the quality of food rather than the
quantity and choose foods that will fuel you, not satisfy a mental need. This does not mean eat chicken and green
beans every day. There are so many healthy, quality foods you can eat that are not plain Jane. A simple google
search of healthy recipes can give you some fun ideas. Remember, you are creating a LIFESTYLE, not a quick four to
eight-week fix. Food is fuel, so do not be afraid to eat, but also know when you are over indulging on a consistent
basis. When you associate food with positive thoughts and view exercise as a celebration - not a punishment - you
will find you can establish a lifestyle you can enjoy and sustain. That is when true change happens. Whether you
want to lose weight or gain muscle or strength, you need to fuel your body, so it can recover and build back
stronger muscle tissue. Gaining lean muscle mass helps increase your metabolism. You only need to create a small
calorie deficit to begin to lose weight: calories in versus calories out. Slow and steady wins the race. This is the
most sustainable way to lose weight, keep the weight off, and gain muscle strength, while also enjoying the
a. There is no “good” or “bad” food. There is just fuel. Some fuel makes you feel better physically while
others satisfy a mental need. Find your balance.
b. Step away from the mindset of: “I want to lose weight fast,” “How can I do this quickly?” and “What
are the best foods to lose weight?” This kind of mindset is going to take away the enjoyment of your
lifestyle because it makes you focus on quick fixes. Certain foods do not make you lose weight. It is
the consistency of sticking with what you are doing that enables weight loss.
c. Stay away from artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners can cause bloating and gut microbiome
d. Avoid processed foods and try to focus on eating WHOLE, natural foods: lean meats, fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, etc. versus food that is already made for you.
e. Do not restrict. Allow yourself your cravings, move on, and be a boss in the gym!
f. Shop on the outskirts of the grocery store. This is where you will find whole foods.
g. When eating out, focus on red sauces versus cream sauces to help lower your calories. If it is a special
occasion…enjoy yourself and your company.
h. Choose grilled, sautéed, and baked foods over fried food choices.
i. Celery juice, probiotics, and prebiotics can help immensely with digestion and bloating.
j. Swap out juices and soda for water or iced tea.
k. Drink a lot of WATER!
l. Make small changes in your diet to help decrease calories you may not think make a difference. These
calories add up. Put less cream in your coffee. Instead of getting a large, go for a regular. Have one
cookie, not three. Have one tablespoon of peanut butter, not an overfilled spoon of peanut butter.
m. Move your body! On top of your exercise, try to be as active as you can. People who maintain a
healthy lifestyle year-round are the ones who are active on top of their daily exercise! If you have a
desk job, park further away in the parking lot, take the stairs, and stand up every hour and get up and
move for a few minutes.
n. Whether you eat six small meals a day or one, it does not matter. What matters is the total amount
of calories you consume versus your total daily energy expenditure.
o. When you eat really doesn’t matter. Intermittent fasting has great benefits but if it effects your
mental well-being, I suggest listening to hunger cues. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t eat an
apple or red pepper you aren’t really hungry.
p. If you feel like you are hungry when you shouldn’t be, this can be a sign of dehydration. Drink a glass
of water before picking up a snack!
q. Fats and lean proteins will keep you fuller longer. Don’t be afraid of carbs because they provide
valuable and sustainable energy for your body and brain
This is how energy works:
Basal Metabolic Rate + Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis + Thermic Effect of Food + Intentional
Exercise = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): the energy required to sustain your body when lying motionless
or without activity. BMR accounts for about 60% of your energy needs.
Thermic Effect of Food: the energy it takes to digest your food which is about 10% of your
daily energy needs
Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT): the energy you burn with daily activities such
as house hold duties, shopping, walking, etc. NEAT can play a huge role in weight loss. It can
be anywhere from 15% -50% of your total energy needs. People who are active burn a lot of
calories throughout the day compared to sedentary individuals.
Intentional Exercise: the energy you burn with intentional exercise. The average calories
burned during an hour of intentional exercise is around 300 kilocalories (kcal) per 100
pounds of body weight. 500 kcals if you push yourself an entire hour and keep your heart
rate up! This is equivalent to a shake right after your workout!
Example: (5 ft, 8 inch female at 150 pounds or male at 140 pounds)
Energy in Calories
Person A (Caloric Burn)
Person B (Caloric Burn)
Thermic Effect of Food
TDEE without exercise
1875 calories out
2400 calories out
Intentional Exercise
2175 calories out
2700 calories out
Person A must consume 525 less calories in their diet than Person B just to maintain their weight. This
is an entire meal! This means that even if you hit the gym every day, you may not have the progress
and see the results you want if the rest of your day is sedentary. NEAT alone can give you the
freedom of a less restrictive diet, which will allow for sustainability and a lifestyle you enjoy. The gym
will be where you get to change your body composition and strength. Bottom line: if you do not hit
the gym one day, it is okay. Just be more active throughout your day!
4. Certain exercises hurt my knees or back, what should I do?
Make sure you are utilizing proper form, decrease the weight, or replace the exercise with another progression
exercise. Often type knee pain is a result of weak or inactive glutes. Focus on loading through your hips during
lunges and squats. If pain persists, please consult a physical therapist or Doctor.
5. How much weight should I be lifting?
This is unique to everyone. You want a weight that is challenging but does not compromise your form. If you can
finish the set without having some sort of struggle, it is too light. On the 20, 15, 12,10, 8, 5, 16 series, start with no
weight and build from there. You want to keep the same weight for that entire series on that day and then start
building up. Your first day weight will differ from your final week. If you want to focus more on strength, cut the
reps in half and increase the weight and rest times. Pick a weight heavy enough for each set so that you wouldn’t
be able to do 2 more reps to your set. This drop set method will take longer as each set you will have different
weights according to the reps given. Feel free to integrate both styles.
6. When should I expect results?
Great things take time. If you focus solely on the physical progress, it will be hard to be satisfied. I encourage you
to write down three positives about your workout after each workout and one thing you can do better for your
next workout to help with your goals. Be patient and treat your small victories and growth like winning the lottery.
The more consistent you are, the harder you push yourself and your daily nutritional intake will determine your
progression and results. Everyone will respond differently to this guide and that’s ok.
7. The time allotted for the exercises are too short. Can I increase the time or decrease my rest time?
YES! This guide is set up for beginners and to create a starting point for most individuals. PLEASE feel free to
increase the time of exercises up to 1 minute or decrease your rest period accordingly to challenge yourself. Keep
in mind you should be going all out with everything you have for that minute but do not compromise from. We
want to keep your injury free! I worked up to 1 minute on and 20-30 seconds of rest.
8. How can I increase the difficulty of an exercise?
This guide is built on progressions! Depending on where you are starting you can change this guide to fit your
needs. For example: I may say reverse lunge, you can:
• Do a reverse lunge on the floor
• Do an elevated reverse lunge off a box
• Do an elevated reverse lung off a box with weight
Anytime you see dumbbells used for legs you can use a straight bar or barbell. If I show an exercise with just body
weight, add weight or resistance! Resistance bands can be used on most leg exercises! USE THEM! Many of the
exercises can be increased in difficulty or dropped back down to a progression if you are not quite ready to make it
more difficult. To increase difficulty you can add elevation, weight, or resistance! Any exercise that involves
abduction of the legs or arms (pulling away from the body, glute bridge, hip thrust, kneeling abductions, squats,
delt raise, Arnold press, pushups, jumping jacks, ect.) feel free to use bands, even if it does not say to. This is
another variation to increase difficulty.
9. There are no pictures showing warm-up exercises?
Correct, each warm-up is almost identical, give and take. This would have taken up a lot of document space making
the guides unreasonably long. The warmups and cool down videos can be seen under Week 1, Day 1 videos.
10. I cannot perform the exercise progression shown in the display picture. Can I modify the exercise?
Absolutely! The guide is meant to progress at your own pace. If an exercise is too hard, you can modify it by taking
down weight, resistance, or elevation. A perfect example is hip thrusts. You can perform regular hip thrusts with
weight on your hips and a resistance band, use just weight or just a resistance band, place your feet on a box, or
just do a fundamental glute bridge. The amount of options and freedom you can have for this guide are limitless.
You can use it and never hit a plateau.
11. Do I have to have resistance bands?
No! You do not. However, resistance bands are amazing for more glute activation and strength growth. They are
also relatively cheap!
12. Do I need to take supplements?
No! You do not need supplements to see results. Supplements just aid in the process to help make things simpler
or give your body some extra help!
13. How long should I be working out?
You don’t need to spend hours in the gym to see results. Get in, be intense and get out. If you are in the gym for
1.5 hours because you are taking too many rests, stop that. Fight for yourself and give it your all.
14. What’s the benefit of full body circuits?
In my experience working high intense circuits that incorporate full body within your weekly breakdowns is key! It
burns more calories and keeps each body part progressing. HIIT (High intensity interval training) is also the fastest
way to allow your body to be able to tap into your fat stores and start burning fat. It mobilizes your fat cells so
towards the end of the workouts when we do more isolation exercises we can oxidize and burn those fat cells.
You will also burn more calories throughout the day because of the EPOC effect. (Excess Post Oxygen
Consumption). Your body consumes more oxygen post workout in efforts to get your body back to homeostasis
because of the higher stress you placed upon your cardiovascular system. These workouts integrate cardio and
weightlifting in one. You do not need to do cardio on top of these workouts unless you want to!
I would love to be a part of your journey! Please send me progress pictures or how you are doing as you go!
Mental progress is just as important as physical, if not more important. No victory is too small to share, I love
hearing about your journey. You can TAG me in your photos on @hannahbower2 or email me if you wish to be
featured. You can also send me #sweatisgold messages/pics to Instagram or my email so I can be your
Ex: #SweatIsgold week1 day2
Week 1: your goal is to beat the amount of reps each time around. No stopping.
Week 1, Day 1
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile, 10x alligator chops, 10x windmills, 20x standing toe touches
Circuits: Upper Body
Circuit A: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
A1: Medicine Ball Slams
A2: Front Delt Raise
A4: Lateral Delt Raise
A3: Medicine Ball Slams
A5: Bent Over Row
Repeat Circuit A 2x
1 – 2 minutes of rest between Circuit A and B – No more!
Circuit B: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
B1: Burpee Pushup
B2: Glute Bridge Bicep Curl
B4: Shoulder Press
B3: Mt. Climbers
B5: Plank Hold
Repeat Circuit B 2x
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 1, Day 2
Warm Up:
• 10x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
Circuit: Legs
Circuit A: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
A2: Glute Bridges w/ Resistance Bicep Curl
A1: Gate Swings
A4: Bench Step Ups
A3: High Knees
A5: Wall Sit w/ Delt Raise
A6: Jumping Mt. Climbers
Repeat Circuit A 2x
1 – 2 minutes of rest between Circuit A and B – No more!
Circuit B: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
B1: Walking Lunges
B4: Split Squat Pulse (30 seconds each)
B2: Resistance Toe Band Walks
B5: Medicine Ball Slam
B3: Squat Jumps
B6: Hamstring Curls on Stability Ball
Repeat Circuit B 2x
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 1, Day 3
Warm Up:
• 10x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
Circuit: Full Body
Circuit A: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
A2: Arnold Press (mini band optional)
A1: Bench Hops
A4: Lunge Bench Step Ups (30 seconds)
A5: Bench Push-Ups
A3: Bench Hops
A6: Resistance Band Gate Swings
Repeat Circuit A 2x
1 – 2 minutes of rest between Circuit A and B – No more!
Circuit B: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
B1: Burpee to Vertical Jump
B4: Wall Sit with Toe Taps
B2: Push Ups
B5: Russian Twists
B3: Medicine Ball Slam
B6: Lunge Hops
B7: Squat to Shoulder Press
Repeat Circuit B 2x
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 1, Day 4
***HIIT ***
Warm Up:
• Walk 4 minutes on 4 mph to get muscles warm
***DEADmill, TURN OFF the treadmill***
1. Sprint 30 seconds
2. Walk 1 minute
3. Sprint 30 seconds
*** Repeat this pattern for a total of 5 sprints. This is a total of ONLY 8 minutes and 30 seconds.
But you will feel it. So push yourself. Lock away negative thoughts and get it done. ***
While you are sweating immediately go and get the following done:
1. 2x 50 jumping Mt. Climbers
2. 2x 15 plank pushups
3. 2x 50 abduction machine regular – light-weight, no stops
4. 2x 50 adduction machine regular – light-weight, no stops
Abs: 2x 30 Reps each, minimal rest
1. Toe Touches
2. Leg Lifts
3. Side Crunches
4. Arch Lifts
5. Bicycles
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 2, Day 1
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile, 3 sprints – 30 seconds each as fast as possible, 20x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches,
20x gate swings. 20x windmills, 20x tornados, squat hold for 1 minute
Circuit A: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
A1: Resistance Band Jumping Jacks
A4: Lateral Squat Walks (resistance)
A2: Alternating Lunges w/ Bicep Curl
A5: Single Leg Glute Bridges (elevated)
A3: Mt. Climber Twists
A6: Lunge to Bench Step Up (30 seconds)
Repeat Circuit A 2x
1 – 2 minutes of rest between Circuit A and B – No more!
Circuit B: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
B1: Jumping Mt Climbers
B4: Hamstring Curls (15 sec single and
30 both sec)
B2: Wall Sit with Delt Raise
B5: Side Lunge w/ Shoulder Press
B3: Reverse Lunge to Curtsy Lunge (30 sec)
B6: Split Squats (use bench or box)
B4: Kneeling Glute Abduction Series (refer to video)
Repeat Circuit B 2x
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 2, Day 2
Warm Up:
• Run 1 mile, 20x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings. 20x windmills, squat hold for 1
Circuit: Upper Body
Circuit A: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
A1: Scapular Pushups
A4: Skaters (w/ weight)
A2: Squat Jumps (w/ weight)
A3: Hammer Curl to Shoulder Press
A5: Pull-Ups (assisted if needed)
A6: Bench Dips
Repeat Circuit A 2x
1 – 2 minutes of rest between Circuit A and B – No more!
Circuit B: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
B1: Front Delt Raises (quick)
B4: Mt. Climbers (bosu ball)
B2: Burpees w/ Pushup
B5: Lying Tricep Extension
B3: Lateral Delt Raises (quick)
B6: Plank Pushup
Repeat Circuit B 2x
***Finish with assisted pulls ups until failure. If you have a pull up, do as many pull ups until failure and then
immediately do as many assisted pull ups until failure***
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 2, Day 3
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile, walking lunges for 2 minutes, 20x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings,
20x windmills, squat hold for 1 minute
Circuit: Full Body
We are at a point you should be working toward completing 12 exercises 2x through! Total of 36 min and you are
OUT! These are my go to sweat days after a weekend splurging out or if I feel bloated
Circuit A: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise
A1: Medicine Ball Slams
A2: Side Lunge to Bicep Curl
A3: Lunge Hops (30 seconds each leg)
A4: Mt. Climber Twists
A5: Squat to Shoulder Press
A6: Bicycles
A7: Gate Swings (resistance band)
A10: Squat Walks (resistance band)
A8: Side Plank Dip (30 seconds each)
A11: Bench Push-Ups
A9: Mt. Climber Twists on Med Ball
A12: Skaters
Repeat Circuit A 2x
Stretch – watch video for reference
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
Stair Master:
Week 2, Day 4
1 min on of each exercise with 1 minute rest in-between
1. on as high as you can go, step for 1 min hitting every step
2. rest 1 minute
3. repeat with stepping on every other step
4. rest 1 minute
5. repeat with every step
6. rest 1 minute
7. repeat with every other step
8. rest 1 minute
9. repeat with 30 seconds every step, last 30 seconds every other step
Circuit: Full Body
A1: Resistance Band Jumping Jacks
A4: Lateral Squat Walks (resistance)
Circuit A: 30 seconds on, 15 seconds of rest
A2: Alternating Lunges w/ Bicep Curl
A3: Mt. Climber Twists
A5: Single Leg Glute Bridges (elevated)
A6: Lunge to Bench Step Up
A7: Squat to Punch
Repeat Circuit A 2x
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 3, Day 1
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile, 20x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings. 20x windmills, squat hold for 1
Workout: Upper Body
Dumbbell Workout
A1: Front Delt Raise
A2: Diagonal Delt Raise
A4: Delt Abductions
A5: Bent Elbow Delt Raise
A3: Lateral Delt Raise
A6: Arnold Press
Reps: 3x 10, minimial rest between exercises
Cable Workout: The supersets are vertically aligned
B1: Rear Delt Cross
C1: Hanging Scapular Pull Ups
B2: Sitting Overhead Pull
Reps: 4x 12
C2: Rope Row
Reps: 3x 10
D1: Med Ball Slams (at least 15)
D2: Dumbbell Delt Circles
Reps: 3x 30 seconds
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 3, Day 2
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile, 2 minutes of walking lunges
• 20x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
• 10 RDL to 10 Levers
• Squat hold for 1 minute
Workout: Legs
*** This is the foundation to many of my leg workouts! Start without weight and slowly increase! The beauty of
many of these workouts is they are always able to push your body passed a plateau***
A1: Squats
A2: Gate Swings
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
B1: Reverse Lunge
B2: Banded Hip Thrusts to Dead Lift
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
C1: Abductions (variation is optional)
C2: Adductions
Reps: 4x 15
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 3, Day 3
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 20x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x windmills
• Squat hold for 1 minute
Workout: Full Body Circuit
A1: Medicine Ball Slams
A2: Seated Row
Repeat Circuit A: 4x 12 each
B2: Bench Step Ups
B1: Walking Lunges
B3: Bench Mt. Climbers
Repeat Circuit B 4x 1 minute on, 30 seconds of rest in between each exercise.
C1: Med Ball Burpee to Squat
C2: Mini Band Arnold Press
C3: Plank Pushups
Repeat Circuit C 4x 1 minute on, 30 seconds of rest in between each exercise
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 3, Day 4
Warm Up:
• Run 1 mile, 20x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x tornado twists, squat hold for 1 minute
Circuit: Field/Outside Workout
Everything is done in field increments of 60 yards (30 yards down and back).
This can also be done on a treadmill of .017 of a mile
A2: Walking Lunges
A1: Sprint
A4: Lateral Squat Walks
A5: Sprints
A3: Sprint
A6: 20x Kettle Bell Swings
A7: 20x Kettle Bell Squat Jumps
Repeat Circuit A 2x (rest 1 minute in between)
B1: 10x Burpee to Stretch Jump
B2: 10x Push Ups
B3: 20x Russian Twists
Repeat Circuit B 5x
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 4, Day 1
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile, 2 minutes of walking lunges
• 21x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
• 10 RDL to 10 Levers
• Squat hold for 1 minute
Workout: Legs/Glutes
A1: Reverse Lunge
A2: Toe Band Walks
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
B1: Sumo Squats
B2: Curtsy Lunge
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
C1: Side Leg Press (either version depending on gym)
C2: Reverse Hyper
Reps: 3x 15
D1: Leg Press
Reps: 2x 2-minute challenge
E1: Calf Raises
Reps: 3x 10 all three ways
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 4, Day 2
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 22x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
• 10x tornado twists
Workout: Upper Body:
A1: Dumbbell Incline Bicep-Hammer Curl
A2: Dumbbell Incline Delt Raise
Reps: 4x 12 each
B1: Mini Band Arnold Press
B2: Mini Band Delt Abductions
B3: Mini Band Bicep Curl
Reps: 3x 12
C1: Cable Rear Delt Raise
C2: Cable Front Delt Raise
Reps: 2x 1-minute
D1: Pull Ups (assisted if needed)
Reps: 3x AMRAP
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 4, Day 3
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile, walking lunges for 2 minutes, 23x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings.
10x RDL to 10x Levers, squat hold for 1 minute
Circuit: Full Body
Circuit A: Each exercise performed for 1 minute with 30 seconds of rest in between each exercise
A1: Lateral Bench Hops
A2: Bench Step Ups
A4: Med Ball Slam w/ Walking Lunges
A5: Mini Band Bicep to Abduction
A7: Side Lunge to Delt Raise
A10: Skaters
A8: Wall Sit
A11: Russian Twists
A3: Stability Ball Leg Lifts
A6: Mt. Climber Twists
A9: Plank Pushups
A12: Frog Jumps
Repeat Circuit A 2x, rest 5 minutes in between each set
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 4, Day 4
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 24x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
• 10 RDL to 10 Levers
• Squat hold for 1 minute
Workout: Glutes
A1: Hip Thrusts (hold last rep until failure)
A2: Split Lunges
Reps: 4x 20
B1: Elevated Sumo Squat
B2: Resistance Banded Toe Walks
Reps: 3x 15
C1: Side Leg Press
C2: Glute Isolation (kneeling)
Reps: 4x 15
D1: Single Leg Glute Bridge on Stability Ball
Reps: 3x 10
E1: Abduction Machine
Reps: 2x 2-minute challenge
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 5, Day 1
Warm Up:
• Run 1 mile
• 25x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings, 20x twisters
Workout: Upper Body
A2: Rear Delt Cross (bent elbows)
A1: Rear Delts Cross (standing)
A3: Rear Delt Cross (sitting)
A4: Overhead Pull (sitting)
Reps: 4x 8- Continous no breaks until A1-A4 complete
B1: Cable Tricep Extension
B2: Cable Tricep Extension (diagonal)
B3: Cable Tricep Extension (lateral)
Reps: 4x 16
C1: Lat Pull Down (Close Grip)
C2: Seated Row (wide grip)
Reps: 4x 12
D1: Scapular Pull Ups (hanging)
D2: Tuck Ups (hanging)
Reps: 3x AMRAP
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 5, Day 2
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 25x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings, 20x twisters
Workout: Legs
A1: Dead Lifts (stiff leg)
A2: Sumo Squat to Good Morning
Reps: 4x 15 - can be done with kettle bell
Reps: 4x 8
B1: Glute Push Down to Curtsy Pushdown
B2: Abduction Machine
Reps: 3x drop sets
Reps: 3x 8
C1: Standing Hip Thrust
C2: Reverse Lunge
Reps: 1x 15, 15, 12, 10, 5, 15
D1: Calves (3 ways – toes in, out and neutral)
Reps: 3x 20 each way
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 5, Day 3
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 27x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
• 10 RDL to 10 Levers
• Squat hold for 1 minute
Workout: Full Body Circuit
A2: 15x Dead Lift to Bent Over Row
A1: 10x Chin Ups
A3: 12x Squat to Shoulder Press
A4: 25x Plank Mt. Climbers
Circuit A: Repeat 4x (2-minute break in between)
2x 30 second sprints right into abs, keeping your heart rate up!
B1: 25x Toe Touches
B2: 25x Lying Leg Lifts
B4: 25x Side Plank Crunches
B3: 25x Bicycles
Circuit B: Repeat 3x
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 5, Day 4
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 20x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
• 20x tornado twists
Workout: Upper Body
A1: Cable Bicep Curls to Press
A2: Kneeling Cable Bicep Curl
Reps: 4x 8
B1: Mini Band Bicep Curl to Abduction
B2: Mini Band Arnold Press
B3: Mini Band Bent Elbow Delt Raise
Reps: 2x 20
C1: Dips- Assisted if need be
C2: Tricep Extension
Reps: 3x 8 slow 8 count
D1: Plank Push Ups
Reps: 3x 8
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 5, Day 5
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 21x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings, 20x twisters
• 10x RDL to 10x Levers, Squat Hold for 1 minute
Workout: Legs
A2: Glute Around the Worlds - Can add resistance
A1: Smith Machine Reverse Lunge
Reps: 4x 20
Reps: 4x 12
B1: Smith Machine Wide Stance Squats
B2: Resistance Band Lateral Swoops
Reps: 4x 30
Reps: 1x 15, 10, 10, 15
C1: Hip Thrust
C2: Hamstring Ball Curl
Reps: 3x 10
D1: Abduction Machine
D2: Adduction Machine
Reps: 3x 2-minute; pulse when you can no longer do full range of motion
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 6, Day 1
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 22x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings, 20x twisters
Workout: Upper Body
A1: 5x 30 Second Sprints. Rest until heart rate comes down. No more than 90 seconds
B1: Shoulder Series (lateral, front, combined)
Reps: 3x AMRAP
C1: Incline Bench Rear Delts (regular)
C2: Incline Bench Rear Delts (hammer)
C3: Incline Bicep Curl to Hammer Curl
Reps: 4x 12
D1: Chin Ups
D2: Lat Pull Down
Reps: 4x 15
Reps: 4x 8
E1: Plank Hold (regular and side)
Reps: 3x 30 seconds
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 6, Day 2
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 23x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings, 20x twisters
• 10x RDL o 10x Levers, Squat hold for 1 minute
A1: Landmine Squat to Press
A2: Med Ball Russian Twists
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
B1: Landmine Lunge to Upright Row (single arm)
B2: Side Plank Dips
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16: 3x 15
C1: Medicine Ball Squat Jump
C2: Walking Lunges
Reps: 1 minute each
D1: Mountain Climber Twists
D2: Side Lunge to Bicep Curl
Reps: 3x 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off
E1: Lying Tricep Extension
E2: Plank Tricep Pushups
Reps: 2x 20
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 6, Day 3
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 24x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings, 20x twisters
• 10x RDL to 10x Levers, Squat Hold for 1 minute
Workout: Legs
A2: Hamstring Pull Downs
A1: Cable Kick Backs
Reps: 4x 12
B1: Leg Extension
B2: Hamstring Curl
Reps: Single leg, Single leg, Together 10, 10, 10x 3
C1: Reverse Hyper
C2: Back Extension (weight or resistance)
Reps: 3x 15
D1: Toe Band Walks
D2: Adduction Machine
Reps: 3x 15 steps each leg
Reps: Drop Set, 2x 10
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 6, Day 4
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 24x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings, 20x twisters
• 10x RDL to 10x Levers, Squat Hold for 1 minute
Workout: Upper Body
A1: Pull Ups
A2: Dips
Reps: 4x 4 (slow 8 eccentric count)
B1: Lat Pull Down-Combo
B2: Standing Tricep Extension (reverse grip)
Reps: 2x 8 each way (each side + Reg = 1 rep)
Reps: 2x 20
C1: Cable Rear Delts
Reps: 4x 10 (minimal rest)
D1: Scapular Pushups
D2: Mini Band Push Up Walks
D3: Tricep Pushup
Reps: 4x 30 seconds each
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 6, Day 5
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
Circuit A: Full body HIIT – Sprint for 20 seconds than perform 20 reps of each exercise
A1: Sprint
A1: Walking Lunges
A2: Squat Jumps
A2: Sprint
A3: Sprint
A4: Sprint
A4: Wall Sit with Bicep Curl
A3: Lying Leg Lifts
A5: Lunge to Shoulder Press
Repeat Circuit A without sprints – minimal rest between exercises
Circuit B: Abs
B1: Butt Lifts
B2: Side Plank Dip
B4: Plank Side to side
B3: Toe Touches Against Wall
B5: Stability Ball Tuck Ups
B6: Bicycles
Until failure! Strive for minimal rest between each exercise
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 7, Day 1
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 26x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings, 20x twisters
• 10x RDL to 10x Levers, Squat Hold for 1 minute
Workout: Legs
A1: Lunge Pulses
A2: Elevated Curtsy Lunges
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
B1: Elevated Sumo Squat
B2: Kettle Bell Hip Swing
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
C1: Leg Press
Reps: 2x 2 minutes
(full range of motion until you can no longer, then short quick pulses, never lock out, you will lose tension)
D1: Hamstring Curls
Reps: 4x 15
D2: Calf Raises
Reps: 3x 10 single foot, then together 3x 10
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 7, Day 2
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 27x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
Workout: Upper Body
A1: Mini Band Bicep Curl to Abduction
A2: Mini Band Arnold Press
A3: Mini Band Bent Arm Delt Raise
Reps: 3x 20
B1: Mini Band Bicep Curl
B2: Incline Bicep Curl to Hammer Curl Combo
Reps: 2x 1-minute
C1: Standing Cable Bicep Curl
C2: Standing Cable Bicep Curl (away)
C3: Kneeling Cable Bicep Curl
Reps: 4x 8
D1: Rear Delts Machine
D2: Scapular Pushups
Reps: 4x 12
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 7, Day 3
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile, 28x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings. 10x RDL to 10x Levers, squat
hold for 1 minute
Circuit: Full Body
Circuit A: Each exercise performed for 1 minute with 30 seconds of rest in between each exercise
A1: Battle Ropes (short and fast)
A4: Side Lunge to Bicep Curl
A7: Walking Lunges w/Med Ball Slam
A10: Russian Twists
A2: Mini Band Arnold Press
A3: Medicine Ball Slam
A5: Mt. Climber Twists
A6: Resistance Banded Toe Walks
A8: Glute Bridge w/ Lateral Raise
A11: Squat Jump
A9: Jumping Mt. Climbers
A12: Plank Pushups
Repeat Circuit A 2x, rest 5 minutes in between each set
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 7, Day 4
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 29x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings, 20x twisters
• 10x RDL o 10x Levers, Squat hold for 1 minute
A1: Pause Squats
A2: Resistance Band Lateral Squats
Reps: 4x 15
Reps: 4x 8
B2: Hip Thrusts
B1: Hamstring Curls on Stability Ball
Reps: 4x 15
C1: Cable Curtsy Lunge
C2: Duck Walks
C3: Bosu Ball Lunges
Down and back is 4 reps
Reps: 4x 8
D1: Side Leg Press
Reps: 4x 15 (minimal rest back to back)
E1: 6 Way Glute Kneeling Cable-refer to video
Reps: 4x 12
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 7, Day 5
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 30x alligator chops, 20x gate swings, 20x toe touches
A1: Shoulder Series (mini)
Reps: 4x 15
B1: Incline Bicep Hammer Curl Combo
B2: Incline Rear Delts
Reps: 4x 15
C1: Single Arm Row
C2: Bench Dips
Reps: 3x 12
D1: Straight Bar Shoulder Press (in front and behind)
Reps: 2x 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1
E1: Shoulder Stability Series
Reps: 4x 8 each way
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 8, Day 1
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 31x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
• 10 RDL to 10 Levers
• Squat hold for 1 minute
Workout: Full Body Circuit
A1: 10x Squat to Shoulder Press
A2: Twisting Mt. Climbers – 1 minute
A4: Skaters – 1 minute
A3: 10x Resistance Band Dead Lift
Repeat Circuit A: 5x (2-minute break in between)
B1: 12x Hip Thrusts
B2: Resistance Banded Toe Walks (1 minute)
B3: 20x Bench Dips
B4: V-Ups (1 minute)
Repeat Circuit B 5x (2-minute break in between)
Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 8, Day 2
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 32x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
• 10x RDL to 10x Levers, Squat Hold for 1 minute
Workout: Legs
A1: Curtsy Lunge
A2: Reverse Lunge
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
B1: Elevated Sumo Squat
B2: Resistance Band Dead Lift
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
C2: Resistance Band Gate Swings
C1: Lunge Pulse
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
D1: Abduction Machine
Reps: 1x Drop Set – 13 reps each stack
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 8, Day 3
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 33x alligator chops, 20x standing toe touches, 20x gate swings
Workout: Upper Body
A1: Chin Ups
A2: Dips
Reps: 4x 6 with 8 second eccentric phase
B1: Cable Tricpes (rope)
B2: Lateral Delt Raise
B3: Bicep Curl (rope)
Reps: 1x 2 minute challenge
C1: Plank Pushup
C2: Burpee Pushups (optional to add jump)
Reps: 3x 1 minute each
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 8, Day 4
Warm Up:
• 8x DEAD Mill: 30 seconds on, 1 minute of walking
Workout: Full Body Circuit
A1: 20x Walking Lunges
A2: 12x Long Frog Jumps
A4: 12x Long Frog Jumps
A3: 20x Backward Walking Lunges
A5: 20x toe band squats
A7: 20x toe band walks to tap
A6: 10x Burpees
A8: 10x Burpees
Repeat Circuit A 2x
B1: 20x Med Ball Slams
B4: 12x Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press
B2: 12x Push Ups
B3: 20x Side Med Ball Slams
B5: 10x Walking Lunges w/ Med Ball Slam
B7: 20x Med Ball Slams
B6: 15x Plank Dips
B8: 10x Russian Twists
Repeat Circuit B 2x
• Stretch – watch video for reference
Week 8, Day 5
Warm Up:
• Run ½ mile
• 34x alligator chops, 20x gate swings, 20x toe touches
• 10x RDL to 10X Levels, Squat hold for 1 minute
A1: Landmine Squat to Lateral Press
A2: Reverse Curtsy Lunge to Reverse Lunge
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
B2: Split Squat
B1: Landmine Lunge to Sumo Squat
Reps: 1x 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 16
C2: Resistance Banded Toe Walks
C1: Side Leg Press
Reps: 4x 15
D1: Abduction
Reps: 2-minute challenge
E1: Leg Extension
Reps: 2-minute challenge
Stretch – watch video for reference