TABLE OF CONTENTS ABS TRAINING GUIDELINES GUIDELINE S (INTRO PAGE) 3 THE WORKOUT 6 AB EXERCISE TUTORIALS 7 DISCLAIMER 14 BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE ABS TRAINING GUIDELINES This PDF is designed to act as a supplemental resource for you to refer to while you’re at the gym. I would highly suggest reading over the “ab training” chapter within your program to get a better understanding of why this routine is designed the way it is. I would also strong advise that you watch the tutorial videos for each abdominal exercise within this routine (located in the exercise tutorials section of your program) in order to see the best results with these movements. The ab workout we’ll be using is designed to adequately target each area of your core musculature: primarily the upper/mid/ upper/mid/lowe lowerr abdominal abdominalss and and the the obliques. Both Both weig weight hted ed and and body bodywe weig ight ht mo move veme ment ntss will will be incorporated. BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE ABS TRAINING GUIDELINES And as explained in your course, the ab workout you’ll use is designed to be initially performed 1x per week. week . After a few months, if you feel ready for it, you can perform the workout 2x per week. But regardless, your ab workout volume and exercise range will be increased in my intermediate program. So stick to this for now. When you choose to train your abs is completely up to you – however I’d suggest training them on a rest day with your cardio/prehab routine OR after one of your workouts. Refrain from working out your abs on back-toback days. days. Just like any other muscle group, they require adequate rest and should be given at least 1 day’s rest before training them again. And finall finally, y, for each of the below below mo movem vement ents, s, foc focus us on progressively progressively overloading the moveme movements nts by eithe eitherr increasing the number of reps you perform or increasing the weight used (if applicable) overtime – however, this should be done very slowly and gradually AND always with proper form in order to prevent injury and/or fatigue. BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE ABS TRAINING GUIDELINES Exercise Weighted Cable Crunch Lying Leg Raises Hollow Body Holds Thread the Needle Plank Sets 3 3 3 3 Reps 10-15 8-12 Notes Bring chin to knees, don’t excessively excessively arch or round your back. Increase weight when ready. Keep lower back flat, don’t let feet touch ground. ~30 second holds Make a “C” shape, flatten lower back, keep arms and legs fully extended. Hold until your form begins to breaks down. Add weight when ready. 10 per side Start in a side plank position, keep hips raised, avoid slouching. Increase reps or add weight when ready. *this workout is designed to be performed as a circuit. Perform 1 set of each ab exercise consecutively (one right after the other without rest) and then take a 2minute rest before repeating the circuit again. The circuit should be done a total of 3 times, meaning that each exercise is done for a total of 3 sets. If lack of available equipment makes it difficult to perform them in a circuit, then perform them how you would normally (3 sets of the first exercise then onto the next) with around 60 seconds of rest between each set. BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE AB EXERCISE AB EXERCISE TUTORIALS TUTORIALS EXERCISE 1: WEIGHTED CABLE CRUNCH Target Muscle: Upper Abs BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE AB EXERCISE TUTORIALS Step Ste p 1 (Se (Setup tup): ): Kneel Kneel below a high high pulley pulley that contai contains ns either either the rope attach attachmen mentt or the seated seated row attach attachmen mentt (whi (which chev ever er is mo more re co comf mfor orttable able for for you) you).. Gras Grasp p the the attachment and lower it until your hands are placed next to your your face face (the (the hand handle le shou should ld be dire direct ctly ly behi behind nd your your head/neck). Position yourself such that you’re not too close to the the pull pulley ey yet yet not not too too far far – find find the the swee sweett spot spot that that allows you to have the best range of motion and activation of your abs in step 2. Step 2 (Crunch): While on your knees, flex your torso down by contra contracti cting ng your your abs. abs. Think Think about about trying trying to bring bring your your chin chin dow down towa towarrds your your knee knees. s. Ther There e ca can n be a sli slight ght roundi rounding ng of your your back back to help help with with contra contracti cting ng your your abs, abs, but but it shou should ld not not be too too exce excess ssiv ive e (esp (espec ecia iall llyy if you’ you’re re pron prone e to back back pain pain/i /inj njur urie ies) s).. Ho Hold ld for for a seco second nd at the the bottom position while contracting your abs. Step 3 (Eccen (Eccentric) tric):: Slowly return to the starting position, but keep the tension in the abs. Repeat for more reps. BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE AB EXERCISE TUTORIALS EXERCISE 2: LYING LEG RAISES Target Muscle: Lower Abs BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE AB EXERCISE TUTORIALS Step Ste p 1 (Se (Setup tup): ): Lay flat on your back with your feet together, legs straight, and arms out to your side. Move into into posteri posterior or pelvic pelvic tilt tilt by contr contract acting ing your abs until until your lower black is flattened on the ground. Step 2 (Raise): Raise your legs up by contracting your abs until they reach around 90-degrees. Step Ste p 3 (De (Desce scent) nt):: Slowl Slowlyy lowe lowerr your your legs legs down down unti untill your feet almost touch the ground. Step St ep 4 (R (Rai aise) se):: With Without out lett lettin ing g your your feet feet touc touch h the the ground, raise your legs back up from there into another rep in order to keep constant tension with the abs. Your lower back should remain flat and no t arched throughout throughout the process. process. BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE AB EXERCISE TUTORIALS EXERCISE 3: HOLLOW BODY HOLDS Target Muscle: Overall Abdominals/Core BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE AB EXERCISE TUTORIALS Step 1 (Setup): Lay flat on your back with your feet and arms extended. Move into posterior pelvic tilt by cont contra ract ctin ing g your your abs abs unti untill your your lowe lowerr back back is flat flat against the ground. Step 2 (Raise and Hold): Raise your upper body up off the ground by contracting your abs – raise your upper body such that your shoulder blades are not touching the ground. Simultaneously raise your legs up slightly as well in order to make a “C” shape. Your arms arms should should be extend extended ed straig straight ht out behind behind you, you, but ensure ensure that that your your lower lower back remains remains flat. flat. Hold Ho ld this this posit positio ion n whil while e cont contra ract ctin ing g your your abs abs and and hold it until your form deteriorates. Optional (Harder): Once you can hold the movement comfort ortably for around 30 seco secon nds, you can progress it by either holding it for longer times OR by holding a weight in your hands like so. Optional Optio nal (Easie (Easier): r): If you you can’ can’tt do this this in the the firs firstt place, try doing the same thing but with your arms positioned straight forward to make it a little easier for you. BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE AB EXERCISE TUTORIALS EXERCISE 4: THREAD THE NEEDLE PLANK Target Muscle: Obliques BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE AB EXERCISE TUTORIALS Step 1 (Setup): Start by laying on your side with with yo your ur elbo elbow w dire direct ctly ly unde undern rnea eath th yo your ur should shoulder er and your your fee feett and and knees knees stacke stacked. d. Lift your hips into a side plank position with your free arm up towards the ceiling. Step 2 (“T (“Threa hread”) d”):: Tak Take e yo your ur free free arm arm and and move it through the open space underneath your yo ur body body whil while e yo you u rota rotate te yo your ur shou should lder erss and hips towards the floor. Step 3 (Return): Move back into the starting positi position on and and then then repea repeat. t. Ensur Ensure e that that your your hips hips stay stay elevat elevated ed throu througho ghout ut and that that you main ma inta tain in a neut neutra rall (str (strai aigh ght) t) spin spine e rath rather er than slouching. Repeat for more reps. You ca can n furt furthe herr prog progre ress ss this this ex exer erci cise se by performing more reps or by adding weight to your free hand. BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE DISCLAIMER For inquiries or customer support, email The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only. Jeremy Ethier Ethier is not a docto doctorr or regis register tered ed dietit dietitian ian.. The conten contents ts of this this docum document ent should not be taken as medical advice and should be performed solely at your own own risk risk.. It is not not inte intend nded ed to diag diagno nose se,, trea treat, t, cure cure,, or prev preven entt any any heal health th problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your your physic physician ian or quali qualifie fied d healt health h profe professi ssiona onall on any ma matt tters ers reg regar ardin ding g your your health health and/or and/or engag engageme ement nt in physic physical al act activi ivity ty.. No part part of this this repor reportt ma mayy be reproduc reproduced ed or transmit transmitted ted in any form whatsoeve whatsoeverr, electron electronic, ic, or mechanic mechanical, al, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author (Jeremy Ethier). All copyrights are reserved. BEGINNER ABS PDF OUTLINE