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1.[K231240] ECLB -SEM AS1 -2023 ]

Assessment 1 learning and brain development
Developmental milestones are behaviours or physical skills seen in neonates and young
children as they develop and grow.
The development of the children will differ but every child passes all these stages.
1. Physical development
They can be three times their birth weight and they have 50percent growth height over their
birth length.
They have one or eight teeth and they can set down by themselves, they stand alone
without needing someone to help them.
They can walk alone and when someone hold them one hand.
2. Emotional development
When they see objects or people that is not related to what they know they may show fear.
They don’t think about the future or understand what others are thinking or feel and they
thought that everyone is thinking like them.
They show jealousy when attention is given to someone else for example if the mother hold
other child.
They get upset when there is no longer someone who gives them attention.
3. Cognitive development
Their brain start to develop, they are now able to look themselves in the mirror or photo and
recognise themselves.
They can follow simple direction but verbally for example, they know animal sounds and
they everyday things are for example cell phone that mommy tough everyday
They know their own body parts by pointing at them.
4. Social development
They enjoy acting like other people who are playing with them
They start enjoying other kids around them but they are not yet able to share easily .
They also tries to get attention by doing the same sound and gestures of what you were
They can play alone for a moment of time.
5. Language development
They only gestures like saying no by shaking their heads and they can make sounds by
changing their tone and words are not important for them since they can point.
If they want something they go point it and their vocabulary is three to five words.
1. Physical development
2 year olds sleeps about twelve hours at night but still have a nap afternoon
Action is the key word for the two year olds because they are developing their muscles.
The three year olds are able to ride a tricycle with 3 wheels well. By now they are able to
feed themselves properly.
2. Emotional development
Two and three year olds get upset when there major changes in routine and they show more
variety of emotions.
3. Cognitive development
Two year olds start to sort shape and colours and are able to builds a tower of 4 or a lot of
They like moving around to see how things work by touching them and try to experience
4. Social development
Two year olds are loner they do not relate well to other people even the age mates and they
are possessive with their toys, they sing side by side but not together.
3 year olds at this stage they want to please their teachers and parents , they are always
willing to help.
Three years enjoys being with other people and at this point they are willing to share their
toys with friends.
They coping others in a lots of activities for example cooking, cleaning and self- care
5. Language development
Two year olds like to explore and learns by experimenting and they have developed three
hundred words in their vocabulary.
Three year olds have imaginary characters example talking alone while playing with toys
and they have developed four hundred words in their vocabularies.
At this stage three year olds can carry an ending conversation and they are seldom quite,
but always talking.
4-5 years
1. Physical development
Four and five year olds are in the period of growing faster and get tired very easily.
The rate growth slows for the 5 years but they still have a lot of energy.
They start to lose their chubbiness and their eye hand coordination improves an awesome
Girls mature more quickly than boys.
2. Emotional development
Four and five year olds they develop well controlling over their frustration and anger
They understands and are sensitive to others’ feelings, they know the difference between
real lives and believe.
They sometimes have changes in attitude for example they are able to work together and
they are demanding at times.
3. Cognitive development
They are able to count from zero to ten even more and they can name at least four colours.
They understand the concept of time improves for example today, next day, yesterday.
They are able to name some letter, they know things that are used at home for example
food appliances, money.
4. Social development
Four and five year olds are moving in the area to work together and they can play with other
kids, they want to please and be like their friends.
They have a strong sense of conformity, if one kid makes a statement the other kids in the
group are quickly to agree and they are independences increases.
5. Language development
Four and five year olds are able to form sentences of four to five words.
Their stories increases in details and length and they are able to say rhyming words.
They understands most of what is said at home and school , because at school they
sometimes say what is happening at their houses and at home they talk about school also.
Part two
Developmentally appropriate activities
1. Physical development
18months can kick a ball forward, they like to play hide and seek.
12-18months they like carrying small object in their hand
2-3 year olds they are busy kids they love taking a walk and go look for colours.
[2-3 year ]They can catch an bounce ball most of the time and they can climbs and runs well
without get tired
4-5year may be able to skip, jump over small object and they can stand on tiptoe and walk
or run.
They are able to walk along a line for a small distance.
2. Emotional development
12-18 months they can do activities about happy and sad faces this is very fun for them.
2-3 year olds tell them a story about the animals that are fighting and talk about they feel
after fighting and how they solve problems
4-5 year olds play together and understanding each other after getting an encouragement
about understanding each together feel.
3. Cognitive development
12-18 months enjoy looking at family photos. They love looking in the mirror and identify
themselves. They can march sounds of the animals
2-3 year they like when they ask them to look for the miss object, they like arts and puzzles
4-5 year they like listen to books together and play fishing and cooking
4. Social development
12-18 months they are able to dance and since they know different sounds, if take them for
a walk so that they can learn more about others.
2-3 year olds decorating boxes with crayons and markers
4-5 year olds they can do dramatic playing together with their own made costume.
5. Language development
12-18months they need nursery rhymes with actions and game of describing the objects
that they are pointing in obey for them to know them.
And if they try to say a word but fails to say it keep on repeating it until they know it.
[12-18months] talk to them as if you are talking to someone who understands what you are
saying whenever you do something with them.
2-3year olds puppet game make the kids play with puppet show that will enhance their
2-3 year olds do alphabet matching game for phonetic learning.
4-5 year olds they should an activity of naming the letters and numbers.
4-5 year olds tell them a story using puppet and use sentences that have more than one
action word for example jump and play.