EVALUATION OF FIRE SAFETY MEASURES IN ADMINISTRATION BLOCK OF FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC OFFA BY ADEMOLA JOSEPH OLAYINKA BT/HND/F20/0815 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING TECHNOLOGY, SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC OFFA, KWARA STATE IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN BUILDING TECHNOLOGY DECEMBER, 2022 DECLARATION I hereby declare that this research project has been conducted solely by me under the guidance of Mr. Obadimu O. O. of the Department of Building Technology, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State. ____________________________ Ademola Joseph Olayinka Student _______________ Date ii CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this project is approved as meeting the requirement of the award of the Higher National Diploma (HND) in the Department of Building Technology, School of Environmental Studies, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State. __________________________ Mr. Obadimu O. O. Project Supervisor __________________ Date _________________________ Mr. Yahaya N. Y. Project Coordinator __________________ Date _________________________ Bldr. Aliyu S. F. Head of Department __________________ Date ________________________ Bldr. Dr. I. A. Jimoh External Examiner ___________________ Date iii DEDICATION This project is dedicated to Almighty God iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praise and adoration to the everlasting God, the controller maker and creator of heaven and earth, for the privilege given to me to be among the Higher National Diploma finalist student of Federal Polytechnic Offa, in 21/22 academic session may his name be praise forever. My profound gratitude goes to my supervisor Mr. Obadimu O. O. and My H.O.D Bldr. Aliyu S. F. and all other lecturers and non-Academic staff in the department of Building Technology for being a mercy father and understanding father. My appreciation goes to my parent Mr. and Mrs. Ademola for their assistance, healing mere here and there, your support financially, spiritually, guidance and advice, word can’t express my appreciation, I just thank you and may you reap the fruit of your labour (Amen). I really appreciate my friends’ brothers, mentor, guidance and role model for their support throughout my program. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page i Declaration ii Certification iii Dedication iv Acknowledgement v Table of Contents vi List if Tables viii List of Appendices ix Abstract x Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Background to the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 4 1.3 Research Questions 4 1.4 Aim and Objective of the Study 4 1.5 Significance of the Study 5 1.6 Scope of the Study 5 Chapter Two: Literature Review 2.1 Fire safety 6 2.2 Fire Safety Measures in Buildings 10 2.3 Effects of fire safety Measure in the public building 12 2.4 Improvement of Fire Safety Measure in the Public Building 16 vi Chapter Three: Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction 19 3.2 Research Design 19 3.3 Population of the Study 19 3.4 Sample Size and Sample Technique 20 3.5 Data Collection Instrument 20 3.6 Data Collection Procedure 21 3.7 Method of Data Analysis 21 Chapter Four: Data Presentation, Analysis and Discussion of Findings 4.1 Introduction 22 4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis of Bio-Data 22 4.3 Data Presentation and Analysis of Research Questions 24 4.3 Discussion of Findings 27 Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 5.1 Summary 28 5.2 Conclusion 28 5.3 Recommendations 29 References 30 Appendices 32 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Distribution of Respondents by Gender 22 Table 4.2: Distribution of Respondents by Educational Qualification 22 Table 4.3: Distribution of Respondents by Working Experience 23 Table 4.4: Distribution of Respondents by profession or discipline in the construction industry 23 Table 4.5: Fire safety measures in public building 24 Table 4.6: Effects of fire safety equipment in public building 25 Table 4.7: How to improve of fire safety equipment in public building 26 viii LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix I: Letter of Introduction 32 Appendix II: questionnaire 33 ix ABSTRACT This research project evaluated the fire safety measures in Administration Block of Federal Polytechnic Offa. The objectives of the study are to assess the fire safety measure installed, determine the effects of fire safety measures and strategies for improving fire safety in the Administration Block. Questionnaires were administered to 50 respondents and all were retrieved. Relatives Importance Index (RII) is used to analyzed the data. The findings of the study show that the major fire safety measures in public building are provision of fire extinguisher, provision of fire escape ladder, provision of water sprinkler and provision of heat and smoke detector. More so, findings show that the major effects of fire safety measure in public building include reduction in risks of loss of life, reduction in risk of damage to building and properties and personnel. Finally, findings shows that the major way to improve fire safety measure in public building are to installation of modern fire detective devices, heat and smoke detector should be use in the building, enforcement of fire safety rules in building, regular inspection / servicing of the sprinklers and regular maintenance service of fire extinguishers. this project recommended that adequate places of safety should be made to enhance compliance with fire safety regulations, there should be adequate provision of firefighting equipment’s position at an appropriate location to enhance quick intervention of fire safety respond squard during a fire emergency, fire safety protection systems should be regularly maintained to enhance effective functionality of installed system and an effective fire safety system management should be developed to enhance continuous functions of installed system, x CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study It is ironical that, although fire is used in the manufacturing of most materials, cooking meals and can also provide the thermal conditions required in a building, man has had a long standing relationship with fire as a good and bad servant. On the other hand, fire can cause injury or death of the building users, damages to property and building itself (Fire fighters, 2013). In addition, Osbourn and Greeno (2007) highlighted that financial loss is also incurred due to fire devastation. Fire is a chemical reaction resulting in heat, light and flame, A glowing mass of gas, accompanied by the emission of sound (Osbourn and Greeno, 2017). Mike (2016) believed that fire is initiated within a single object and spread to others either by radiation from the flames attached to the originally burning item or from the smoke layer. fire as an oxidation reaction. Fire is the result of fuel in the presence of oxygen heated to the point that combustion takes place. Fire accidents don’t just happen, they are caused. This signifies that fire can be controlled by identifying their causes and taking measures to avoid them. The high level of risk and hazard which buildings are exposed to is as a result of the level of development, which rises to complexity, technicality, and application of techniques in building structures. According to Patterson (2021), many things are responsible for fire accidents in a building which cannot be eliminated but can be controlled or reduced when everybody is fire-safety conscious. Rockwool (2017) said that the probability of a serious fire in any building may be low, but the potential consequences are enormous. The Rockwool (2017) further stressed that both the probability of 1 occurrence and the extent of damage by fire in building are more predictable than commonly thought. The extrinsic effects of disasters caused by fire have progressively changed over the centuries, especially in the twentieth century from individual or community losses to huge infrastructural losses to a nation (Okebiro, 2019).Hence, the accident of fire is always horrifying when considering the rate of deaths and damage caused as a result of fire accident in the world. In developing countries like Nigeria, fire outbreaks have also taken its toll on the nation’s resources and infrastructure (Asapro, 2018). Although there are evidence of firefighting equipment for safety and protection in some building in Nigeria, still fire incident is claiming over 50 billion naira every year (Okebiorun, 2018). This implies that Nigeria is yet to reduce the incessant fire outbreak in buildings. Gwynne and Boswell (2017) observed that there was now a fast growing awareness among the architects and engineers to design and construct the buildings in such a manner that the safety of the building and its occupants are assured to the maximum possible extent in the event of outbreak of fire in buildings. Traditionally, the management of certain types of structures has required a concerted effort to address the issues posed by fire safety and security which relate to the management of people movement. These structures may have included hospitals, hotels, banks, markets, to mention a few. Some structures are now deemed to be at threat from a wider array of incident scenarios and required increased level of security and concentration (Gwynne and Boswell 2017). This indicates that there is need for adequate protection and mitigation of fire incidences in buildings. 2 Fire protection is the study and practice of mitigating the unwanted effects of potentially destructive fires. SAMFS (2014) defines fire protection as the study of the behaviour, compartmentalization, suppression and investigation of fire and its related emergencies, as well as the research and development, production, testing and application of mitigating system. Building fire safety comprises a package which incorporates construction methods, mechanical and electrical devices, management practice and organized human response tailored to reduce the impact of fire upon the occupants, the building, its contents, the attending fighters and any neighbouring property. In the context of the above, fire impact is considered to be any threat to life and property caused by heat or smoke and may include adverse environmental impact from toxic products stored on the premises. (SAMFS 2012) Hakkarainen (2017), states that, the general goal of fire safety regulation was to provide safety and sufficient protection to lives and property in case of fire. In order to achieve this, the requirements for structures, building materials, evacuation arrangements and relative location of buildings are set to define how building should be designed and constructed for their respective use. Some of these requirements relates to prevention of ignition and spread of fire, limitation of fire growth, evacuation provision, load bearing capacity of structure, and prevention of spread of fire between buildings. Safelines (2018) noted that when designing a building, an important consideration is how it would behave in fire and ensuring that the elements of the structure will not collapse but remain standing or hold back the fire for a prescribed time. That is why Yinka (2019) warned that security without special consideration for fire safety is an incomplete security. On the above, this research will therefore evaluate fire safety protection in public buildings. 3 Considering the building components with the potential of causing fire, people attitude towards fire, professional involved during the design of structures and safety measures and precautions to be taken in advance to avoid the incident of fire. 1.2 Statement of the Problem The followings are some of the problems that would arise if this study is not carried out: Psychological damage: the fear of fire is known as pyrophobia, (Fire fighters 2017). A person that suffers from pyrophobia is scared to leave house because fire may burn down while gone or sleeping. Wasted money and effort: when a building is burnt, the materials if not the whole, the contents and the efforts made to build the building will be wasted. Reduced income: the net productivity will be reduced. This is because of the necessary building collapse, loss of properties, lives and money. Also, an extra cost is incurred during the reconstruction of the affected buildings. Increase in mortality rate: when buildings are not protected from fire accident, the occupants can easily get injured which might leads to death. 1.3 i. Research Questions Which fire safety measure are installed in Administration block of Federal Polytechnic Offa? ii. What are the effects of fire safety measures in the public building? iii. What are the improvements of fire safety measure in the public building? 4 1.4 Aim and Objectives of the Study 1.4.1 Aim of the Study The aim of this study is to evaluate the fire safety measures in public buildings 1.4.2 Objectives of the Study The objectives of the study are to: i. Assess the fire safety measure in Administration block of Federal Polytechnic Offa. ii. Effects of fire safety equipment in Administration block of Federal Polytechnic Offa. iii. Examine the improvement of fire safety measures in Administration block of Federal Polytechnic Offa. 1.5 Significance of the Study The study is basically focused on evaluation of fire safety protection in public buildings. The benefits that will accrue from this study are meant to help the governments, private sectors and general public to see the importance and, or the need for fire protection (security) and safety of life and property. This research will contribute and update the existing knowledge on the subject under study. This study will also create awareness on causes and effect of fire disaster in buildings, and promotion of safety measures against fire disaster in building. Above all, it has opened a window of opportunities for researchers in this area of study. 1.6 Scope of the Study This research study focused on the evaluation of fire safety measures in public building. This project is limited to Federal Polytechnic Offa Administrative Block. 5 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Fire safety Hassan (2019) describes fire as chemical reaction of three elements. The rapid combination of the three elements; Oxygen, Heat and Fuel result in the production of heat and light. Before fire can occur, the Aqua group (2019) notes that there must be presence of the three basic element or ingredient of fire, which is referred to as fire’s own Eternal triangle. It was further observed that when these three elements exist in the appropriate relationship, combustion would occur. Cladderton (2016) pointed out that the removal of one or more of the fire element or the triangle causes an established fire to be extinguished. Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products (Charles, 2020). Fires start when a flammable and/or a combustible material, in combination with a sufficient quantity of an oxidizer such as oxygen gas or another oxygen-rich compound is exposed to a source of heat or ambient temperature above the flash point for the fuel and is able to sustain a rate of rapid oxidation that produces a chain reaction (Yusuf, 2017). This is commonly called the fire tetrahedron. Fire cannot exist without all of these elements in place and in the right proportions. Fires are initiated with a single fuel object. The smoke produced from the burning object is transported by a smoke plume and collects the upper portion of the space as a layer. The smoke plume also transports the heat produced by the fire into the smoke layer, causing the smoke layer to increase in depth and also temperature (Charles, 2018). This smoke layer radiates energy back to unburned fuels in the space, causing them to increase in temperature. Fire spreads to other objects either by radiation from flames attached to the originally burning item or from the smoke layer. As other objects 6 ignite, the temperature of the smoke layer increases further, radiating more heat to other objects (Charles, 2020). In small compartments, the unburned objects may ignite nearly simultaneously. This situation is called flashover. In large compartments, it is more likely that objects will ignite sequentially. The sequence of the ignition depends on the fuel arrangement and composition and ventilation available to support combustion of available fuels (Charles, 2020). Dry weather has been identified as the major cause of the recent spate of incidents while storing of petrol in living houses and markets, careless disposal of cigarette stubs, adulterated fuel. Power surge, electric sparks and illegal connection of electricity are all sources of fire outbreaks. Many people have faulted the responsiveness of fire services and emergency first responders in the country, who have been reputed to always arrive late and without sufficient equipment to the scene of fire incidents. There have also been renewed calls for the federal and state governments to adequately fund the fire department and emergency agencies, while the culture of insuring properties is not imbibed by Lagos residents to mitigate the damage and misery of the misfortune (Yusuf, 2017). Over recent decades public buildings have become larger and more complex. Fire compartments have increased greatly in size and more people can be taken in than before. The great danger with fires in public buildings is if fire gases spread to corridors, stairwells and other open spaces. This makes evacuation more difficult and allows the fire to spread to other parts of the building. The rapid rate at which fires develop means that people often fail to realize how quickly they must respond to a fire. The division of responsibility among those involved is also a problem. Visitors rely on those responsible for the activities in the building. However, personnel in a building often lack proper training on how to deal with a fire. Fire protection in public buildings is dependent on organizational factors and technical measures. The fire fighters play more 7 important role for life saving in public buildings than in homes. The early detection of any fire is clearly vital in public buildings. Education and information are also important so that personnel can deal with a fire in the initial stage of development (Yusuf, 2017)."The risk of fire is one of the greatest threats to health and safely, property and thedelivery of essential services in any community. The loss of llyes or property as result of fire is a tragedy, Industry and government and indeed every one share in the responsibility of protecting lives and property from the consequences of fire fan extract from Northern Aboriginal Affairs and development, Canada) From the above, the response of every one should be proactive as fire disaster could render a whole family homeless in a blink of a moment, a government building totally inhabitable and vital documents completely burnt, and even sustainable private and public housing efforts might be threatened by unexpected fire disasters. 2.1.1 Classes of Fire and Their Extinction Formerly, the numbers of classes of fires are six but they were reduced to five due to the removal of one of the classes of fires, which is fires from electricity (formerly known as Class E Fires [Based on the standard of the method of classifying fires by the United Kingdom]) because electrical fires can involve in any of the present five classes of fires (Firesure, 2018). However, electrical fires according to scholars such like Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) include fires from wiring, electrical appliances, electrical transformers and other electrically energised objects in the vicinities of fires with the resultant risk of electrical shocks if an electric current conductive agents are used to control them; they can be extinguished by the use of dry powder and carbon dioxide agents (Firesure, 2019; SQA, 2017). Classes of fires and their extinguishing agents have been discussed by different researchers and agencies like Fire Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (FEMA). According to SQA (2017), 8 Firesure (2011) and FEMA (2017), the following are the highlights of the classes of fires and their extinguishing agents: Class A fires: They are class of fires from the materials that are solid and they are usually in organic nature in which burning usually occur and later form glowing embers and leaving of ashes as by-products. Examples of this class of fires are fires from textiles, trash, wood, papers and anything that leaves ashes, and they can be extinguished by the use of water agent. Twumasi (2013), fire is made up of three elements or components (fuel, oxygen and heat) which are known as fire triangle; to extinguish a fire, there is a need to remove one of these components from the fire triangle. In Class A Fires, water agent put out fires by taking away the heat element or component of the triangle of fire. Class B fires: They are class of fires from liquids or liquefiable solids. Examples of this class of fires are fires from paints, petroleum oil and also some waxes that are not cooking oils or fats; they can be extinguished by the use of foam, dry powder and carbon dioxide (CO2) agents. Foam agent takes away the oxygen component of the triangle of fire. Similarly, dry powder agent put out fires by taking away the fuel from the oxygen component of the triangle of fire or via separating the heat component of the triangle of fire. Likewise, carbon dioxide agent put out fires by taking away the oxygen component of the triangle of fire and also removes the heat component of the triangle of fire with a very cold discharge. Class C fires: These are fires from the flammable gases. Examples of this class of fires are fires from natural gas, butane, propane and hydrogen. They can be extinguished by the use of a dry powder agent. 9 Class D fires: These are fires from the combustible metals. Examples of this class of fires are fires from aluminium, sodium, magnesium and potassium. They can be extinguished by the use of a dry powder agent. Class F or K fires: These are fires from some cooking ingredients. Examples of this class of fires are fires from greases, cooking oil and fats from animals. The high temperature of fats and oil when on fire extremely exceeds that of other flammable liquids. It implies that the normal fire extinguishing agents should not be used to put such fires under control. This class of fires can be extinguished by the use of wet chemical agent. Wet chemical agent put out fires by taking away the heat component of the triangle of fire; disallows re-ignition via making a barrier in between fuel and oxygen components of the triangle of fire. It was observed from this literature that all fires are not alike; there are various fuels that made diverse kinds of fires and need different types of agents for putting out the fires. Applying the wrong kind of agent for putting out the fire can lead to the severe damage being faced by the user or can make the fire worse (Firesure, 2018). There are bit of fire extinguishing agents that can be used for more than one class of fire and good examples are dry powder and carbon dioxide agents. To make a choice of the use of the right type of fire extinguishing agent to put out a particular class of fire, there is a need for the understanding of the different classes of fires, especially in Nigerian markets where buildings are prone to fires. 2.2 Fire Safety Measures in Buildings The Federal Fire Service of Nigeria (FFSN) stated on September 20, 2014 that properties and goods that worth millions of Naira are always destroyed as a result of fire incidences in Nigeria; lives are also lost in the process. Sometimes, they are not reported but are there thoughts to the 10 causes of fires in markets, shops, office places, homes and other environments of people and the ideal ways to have them reduced? (FFSN, 2014). Abubakar (2016), the following are the ways to reduce fire outbreaks in buildings: 1. Electrical appliances should always be put off when no one is making use of them and do not excessively load electrical sockets. 2. Do not smoke at bed times to avoid the tendency of dozing off which may lead to a possibility to toss butts anywhere while they are half-lit and it is important to always give sturdy and deep ash trays to the smokers. 3. Do not use phone in the kitchen to avoid the temptation of forgetting the food on the cooking appliances due to discussion on the phone. 4. When in the filling stations, phones should be off because making and receiving calls in an environment that is highly inflammable such as stations where petrol are sold is very risky. This is because mobile phones emit little charges with the possibility of explosion when petrol is in contact with them. 5. Avoid fueling generators while in use to reduce the possibility of catching fires. 6. Make sure that house wiring are supervised by certified electrical engineers, and do not fix electrical faults personally when there is no skill to handle such tasks. 7. Get thunder arresters to safely lead a huge amount of electrical charges away from buildings to the earth, so as to have fire preventions. 8. Candles should be kept on their stands because candles may fall off and a nearby objects may get burnt which may lead to a serious fire outbreaks in buildings. 11 9. It should be ensured that attention should always be given to the cooking pans or pots when they are on fires; it should also be ensured that after cooking, cookers are turned off immediately. 10. Always put off the fire of kerosene lamps before refilling their tanks to avoid outbreaks of fires in case the kerosene is adulterated with petrol. 11. It should not be forgotten to put off and unplug electrical appliance after making use of them. 12. Substances that are flammable should not be placed near the sources of heats such as kitchens, stores of kitchens and fire places or furnaces. 13. Fire-ignited means such as matches should be kept out of the reach of children. 14. Be cautioned when using alternative heating sources; there should be yearly inspection and cleaning of heating units by a relevant reputable professional. 15. Store ashes of fires in a metal container and ash containers should not be placed on the decks that are made of wood or composite materials. 16. Keep screens in front of fireplaces where there are combustible materials; alternatively open flames should be kept away from combustible items such as drapery and furniture. 17. When sleeping at night, fire proof doors should be close, so as to avoid fires from spreading through them in case of possible outbreaks of fire. 2.3 Effects of fire safety Measure in the public building The conceptually, maximum fire safety con only be achieved via a combination of the three most essential components, such as active fire measure, passive measure, and fire safety management. An active and passive fire measures in a building are concerned with regulating the fire from occurring and extinguishing the fire, respectively (The institute of engineers, 2004). Fire safety involves protection system has to do with fire prevention system and suppression at both design/ 12 construction and post-construction stage, consequently, each of the three fire safety components displays three critical functions, i.e., active control, management control, and passive control in achieving effective management of fire in buildings Fire safety code, 2013, National buildings code 2006 and NFPA, 2008 guide to fire safety regulation, provides that effort should be made to avoid fire risk in buildings. The fire risk that could, not be avoided, should be investigated and evaluated, and once identified, it should be fought at the point of ignition. Adequate fire safety management programs should be adopted with comprehensives fire safety management components, such as compliance with safety regulation, fire safety training, emergency plan, and procedure and robust fire safety policy, etc. Generally, passive fire safety measure includes the provision of fixed fire protection systems during buildings constructions, while active fire safety measure is the mechanical components installed in buildings to efficient means of controlling fire and provide warning in building a fire (NFPA, 2018 edition). However, in most cases, actives fire protection systems installed in buildings seized to functions because of several factors, such as spoiled, vandalism, negligence, interfere, or change of occupants (Woon, 2016). However, all installed active fire protection in buildings require to be tested, maintenance, replaced the damaged one, upgrade and adequately train the building occupants on how to operate the system. Besides, the arrangement should also be made to regularly inspect all the installed fire safety systems through an effective fire safety management program (wang, 2015). The selected committee drafted the Nigeria national building code 2006 comprises of professionals in the field of fire safety, practicing in Nigeria, besides, to other stakeholders at various stages of the draft (NNBC, 2006). Thus, the drafted copied did not address the pertinent aspect of fire safety, such as effective fire safety management implementation, the primary 13 focused of the draft was the provision of active and active measures, this, however, cannot give an acceptable level of fire safety. Despite the insufficient, weak fire, regulation and strike policy framework for fire safety management in Nigeria, there still exist scattered statues relevant to generate fire safety in users of buildings A regulation set up for fire protection in low-high rise buildings is not existent. The adopted occupation health and safety act (2007) from the UK and recently enacted fire safety code 2013, where the primary legislation governing general safety and health at workplaces. The original provision in this act associated with fire protections includes section 77-access and safe place of employment, section 78-fire prevention, section 81- safety prevention in case of fire, and section 82-evacuation procedures. The factories and others place of work, fire risk regulation notice, 2007 and national building code which provide for adequate safety management of building at the post-construction stage, ensure that adequate life safety, property, and economic activities in building are not under threat and enhances convenient and comfortability for the building occupants. The regulations for fire protection systems provided in the section. Passive fire safety in buildings: the legal provision for place of safety, escape stairs, fire doors, protected lobbies, travel distance, story exist, fire barrier, fireman access and exist signage are contained in the National Fire Protection Agency 2008, Nigeria Fire Safety Code 2013, and drafted Nigeria National Building Code 2006. The fire safety regulations require that public buildings should provide emergency vehicle access and a place of safety to enable occupant’s assembly for safety and create access for firefighting equipment to the building at any time without any hindrances (White, 2002) The escape stairs are an emergency route provided to ease the buildings users’ early evacuation in building a fire, similarly (Nachtigall, 2017). An emergency escape stair should have sufficient 14 width that is capable of enhancing safe evacuation of the building users, and it shall be free from any hindrances includes luck up, obstructions. That could hinder the users of the building from quick evacuation in building a fire, particularly during a fire emergency. Hence, loss of lives, injuries, property loss may occur. In fire emergency evacuation of buildings, users in office buildings tend to go through the escape stair, which they are more conversant with, and if the escape stair is blocked, stamped, may occur and possibly result in loss of life, injuries and property destructions. Therefore, a sufficient width of escape stairs should be provided in public buildings to prevent death and injuries during the fire outbreak, NNBC, 2006, NFSC 2013, and NFPA 2008. Passive fire protection can be categorized into different classes ranging from resistance construction, means of escape, and compartmentation (NFSC, 2013). Thus, the aspects of the passive fire protection system investigation in the study area. Active fire protection measure: active fire system in buildings is an act of installing mechanical components in buildings to provide means of regulating building fire and provided warning during fire occurrence (NFPA, 2018 Edition). Fire safety prevention against ignition at the point of sources before its spread is significant in fire safety. The provision of passive measures in buildings may not be adequate to provide fire safety required in the building. However, the provision of active firefighting equipment would be able to assist buildings occupants in containing the fire before fire respond squared arrive at the scene (NFSC, 2013). The provision of this active fire system was designed to complement the passive system and vice-versa. Hence, the qualities of fire safety equipment assessed in this studied are as follows fire alarm, firefighting, natural ventilation, artificial lighting, emergency lighting. 15 2.4 Improvement of Fire Safety Measure in the Public Building Prevalent fire outbreak in buildings are usually attributed to non-functional or absence of fire equipment, which are critical in fighting and controlling fire (Ramachandran 2009). NFPA (2018) revealed the performance of several fire protection systems and concluded that fire safety equipment is such as active and passive measures are critical in achieving fire safety standard in buildings. In addition, Hall (2012) conducted a study on contributing factors to numerous fire disaster in higher institution, and the result shows that the significant causes of such disaster were attributed to non-performance of fire safety protection system installed in the building and in some cases, the right equipment are not installed. Adequate fire prevention measures should be installed and ensure that they are functional at all time to enhance the achievement of fire safety objectives (Thorne 2018): Fire safety policy: Every organization is likely to make provision for a practical fire safety policy. The contents of the policy shall be formed by the top executive council, which may include fire director of the organization or person responsible for safety in the organization (Mufida 2018). Usually, every organization has different organization fire safety policy, but the overall contents and the purpose is to achieve fire safety standard. Chow (2001) stated that the contents of fire safety policy in all the organizations are highlighted on the primary responsibilities of everyone concerned in fire safety in order to prevent the incidents of fire. Therefore, the primary objective of all organization is to achieve fire safety objectives for the safety of workers and comfortable working environment. Hence, fire safety policy is essential in order to achieve the purpose of the organization concerning fire safety. Compliance with the fire safety regulation: The safety performance of any building in terms of fire is usually improved by absolute compliance with existing fire safety regulations through 16 regular auditing of the building using the fire safety regulation requirements as a yardstick in measuring the level of compliance of buildings (Julia 2017). The checklist developed from fire safety code and standard enhances the level of fire safety standards; the fire safety regulations which include National Fire Safety Code, 2013, National Building Code, 2006, and National Fire Protection Association, among others, are the common legislation available to comply. Emergency plan and fire safety procedure: The organization should provide an adequate emergency plan support for the building occupants for safe evacuation during a fire disaster. It comprises an evacuation plan, first aid, and affiliated to a close medical facility for the treatment of fire organizations (Nano 2017). Therefore, the organization's emergency plan and fire safety procedure prevent the occurrence of fire by the control of fire risks in the building. NFPA (2018), further stated that the fire safety emergency plan provides an organized approach for safety and orderly evacuation of the building in the event of a fire. Moreover, a proper fire safety emergency plan is required to be developed in order to achieve fire safety objectives. Fire safety training and awareness: Training of building occupants in order to create fire safety awareness help in fire disaster prevention, in ensuring that occupants of the building knows exactly what to do during fire emergency. Regular training of occupant is essential for the achievement of fire safety objectives. However, study by Malhotra (2017) revealed that fire safety training is one of the essential components of fire safety management, which when is adequately implemented, can enhance the fire safety standard of an organization. In similar studies conducted by Daily (2015), the study asserted that there is a general agreement among the participants of their study that fire safety training is a critical component of fire safety management that influences a better fire safety performance of an organization. Derek (2009) indicates that occupants' attitude to fire safety determines the kind of response, either favorable 17 or unfavorable, toward safety situations. Furthermore, public building occupants have diverse perceptions toward risks and willingness to the risks involved. Practical fire safety program of an organization can only be successful if the attitude of the occupants toward fire safety is improved. Fire safety risk assessments: Fire risk assessment is an important approach to fire safety management; fire risk assessment is the usual means used to implement fire safety regulations in an organization, Ramachandran (2009) indicate that fire risk assessments are one of the approaches that fire safety managers and building manager needs to understand how it is to be applied in addressing fire safety issues. Yeung (2007) suggested that practical fire risk assessment implementation is tantamount to the achievement of fire safety objective. 18 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter will give the description of data gathering techniques adopted by the researcher in the cause of the research investigation. This chapter contains research design, sample size, procedure for data collection, population of the study, sampling technique, instrument for data collection and method of data analysis. 3.2 Research Design Research design is an overall plan for doing research Chamwali, (2006) defined research design as arrangement of conditions for data collection and data analysis in a manner that aim to combine relevance to the research purpose as well with economy in procedure. Research design can also be described as the type of situation that the researcher is investigating, such as correlation, experimental, historical, survey or content analysis. The type of research design to be used in a particular design will depend on the nature of the researchable problem or question. It guides researcher in the process of methodology. 3.3 Population of the Study The population is an aggregate of elements defined prior to selection of a sample Neuman and Taylor, (2000). The Population as a term refers to a large group of people One more common characteristics, on which a research study focuses. It is a unity or group of units with one or more characteristics that are of more interest to the researcher. Population is a set of all possible cases of interest in a given research activity. For instance is the collection of all 19 people of Administrative Block Federal Polytechnic Offa that known much about fire safety protection. The population is 70 3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Technique A sample is defined as a subset of the population. It comprises some members selected from the population Sekaran, (2000). Somekh and Lewin, (2005) refer to a sample as a selection of individuals from the entire population, who would be included in the data collection. 3.4.1 Sample Size Sample size is a representative part of the population. sampling is the selection of a part to represent the whole; therefore sample must be a representative part of the whole population which they are drawn, so that viewed conclusion about the population can be referred. Therefore, fifty (50) workers of Administrative Block Federal Polytechnic Offa would be used as sample size, because the whole population cannot be reached because of time. 3.4.2 Sampling Technique Sampling technique is the systematic process used to select a sample of a target population. It is however, the statistical and research means used to arrive at the sample size. It is the strategy a researcher adopts in order to arrive at a good representativeness of the population. Sample random will be used so that each member of the entire population has an equal chance of being selected to arrive at a proper presentation. 3.5 Data Collection instrument These are the research instrument to be used in collecting data for the study. The main research instrument to be used in this study is questionnaire. The questionnaire are short precise and sample to understand, used to gather response from the respondents. The questionnaire contains 20 two sections. Section A contains information on Personal Bio-data of the respondent while section B contains other items on the evaluation of fire safety protection in public building. 3.6 Data Collection Procedure The researcher employed various methods for data collection. The Primary data collected through observation, interview using questionnaires. Secondary data also collected through documentary review journals and books of relevant studies. In this project questionnaire is choose to be a tools for interview. Questionnaires were a popular tool for collecting data. A questionnaire tool is cheaper and less time- consuming than conducting interviews small samples can be taken Collis and Hussey. (2003). The primary research method used in this project work is questionnaire. Questionnaire is a series of relevant questions sometimes statements which are usually used to elicit information from the target population of a given study. Through the administered of questionnaires, the respondent will have an opportunity to express their view on the evaluation of fire safety protection in public building and enhanced the chance of getting information with ease from the respondents. 3.7 Method of Data Analysis These deals with how the researcher present, analyze and interpret the data collected from the administration of the instruments. The data collected from the sample sized through the questionnaire would be analyzed after the respond has been given. Data gathered were analyzed using Simple statistical tools such as mean score method. 21 CHAPTER FOUR DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 4.1 Introduction This chapter present and analysis the various data collected from randomly selected population of the study sampled. On a research topic: “Evaluation of fire safety measures in public building. The demographic data are presented first then followed by the presentation of findings based on questionnaire that was drafted and finally the interpretation of the findings. 4.2 Data presentation and Analysis of Bio Data Table 4.1: Distribution of Respondents by Gender Gender Number of Respondent Percentage (%) Male 33 66 Female 17 34 Total 50 100 The Table 4.1 above shows that 66% of the respondents were males while 34% of the respondents were female. Table 4.2: Distribution of Respondents by Educational Qualification Qualification Number of Respondent Percentage (%) ND 20 40 HND/BSC. 19 38 Master/Phd 11 11 Total 50 100 22 The Table 4.2 above shows that 40% of the respondents were ND holder, 38% of the respondents were HND/BSc and 22% of the respondents were Master/Phd holder. Table 4.3: Distribution of Respondents by Work Experience Experience Number of Respondent Percentage (%) 5years 13 26 10years 33 66 15years and above 4 8 Total 50 100 The Table 4.3 above shows that, 26% of the respondents were 5years working experiences, 66% respondents were 10years work experiences while 8% of the respondents were 15years and above work experiences. Table 4.4: Distribution of Respondents by profession or discipline in the construction industry Profession Contractor Builder Architecture Engineer Total Number of Respondent 12 26 3 9 50 Percentage (%) 24 52 6 18 100 The Table 4.4 above shows that 24% of the respondents were Contractor, 52% of the respondents were builder, 6% of the respondents were Architect while 6.7% of the respondents were Engineer. 23 4.3 Data Presentation and Analysis of Research Questions Table 4.5: Fire safety measures in public building S/N Measures SA A U D SD Mean score Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Provision of fire extinguisher Provision of fire escape ladder Provision of water Sprinkler Provision of heat and smoke detector Provision of emergency and exit sign Provision of fire blanket Provision of fire hose reel Provision of first aid kit Provision of emergency lighting 50 30 37 28 8 10 15 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 0.752 0.932 0.852 1st 4th 2nd 3rd 18 2 10 15 5 0.732 6th 17 23 12 17 13 7 13 3 8 5 5 12 2 11 12 13 0.700 0.736 0.636 0.636 7th 5th 9th 8th 10 4 8 5 Table 4.5 shows that provision of fire extinguisher is ranked 1st with mean score 1, provision of water Sprinkler is ranked 2nd with mean score 0.932, provision of heat and smoke detector is ranked 3rd with mean score 0.852, provision of fire escape ladder is ranked 4th with mean score 0.752, provision of fire hose reel is ranked 5th with mean score 0.736, provision of emergency and exit sign is ranked 6th with mean score 0.732, provision of fire blanket is ranked 7th with mean score 0.700, Provision of emergency lighting is ranked 8th with mean score 0.636 and Provision of first aid kit is ranked 9th with mean score 0.636 in the fire safety measures in public building. 24 Table 4.6: Effects of fire safety equipment in public building S/N Effects SA A U D SD Mean score Ranking 1 2 It reduces risk of loss of life It reduces risk of injury 27 18 13 22 10 7 3 - 0.868 0.820 1st 3rd 3 It reduces risk of loss of time and energy It reduces risk of damage in building and properties It reduces risk of loss of investment Protect against possible fines Protect against losing customer trust 23 7 5 11 4 0.736 5th 30 9 2 5 4 0.824 2nd 2 45 1 2 - 0.788 4th 18 5 2 20 10 5 15 5 9 11 0.732 0.596 6th 7th 4 5 6 7 Table 4.6 shows that It reduces risk of loss of life is ranked 1st with mean score 0.868, It reduces risk of damage in building and properties is ranked 2nd with mean score 0.824, It reduces risk of injury is ranked 3rd with mean score 0.820, It reduces risk of loss of investment is ranked 4th with mean score 0.788, it reduces risk of loss of time and energy is ranked 5th with mean score 0.736, Protect against possible fines is ranked 6th with mean score 0.732 and Protect against losing customer trust is ranked 7th with mean score 0.596 in the effects of fire safety equipment in public building. 25 Table 4.7: How to improve of fire safety equipment in public building S/N Improvement SA A U D SD Mean score Ranking 1 Enforcement of fire safety rules in 25 building 15 10 - - 0.860 3rd 2 Installation of detective devices fire 33 10 7 - - 0.904 1st 3 Providing staff information 17 regarding fire safety Regular inspection / servicing of 23 the sprinklers 13 8 2 10 0.700 6th 7 5 11 4 0.736 4th 4 modern 5 Regular review assessment fire risk 18 2 10 15 5 0.652 8th 6 Regular service of extinguisher / maintenance fire 21 9 2 12 6 0.708 5th 7 Monitoring safety measure during 20 building construction 6 3 12 9 0.664 7th 8 Heat and smoke detect should be 35 compulsory in the building Provision for fire escape route in 21 buildings Use electricity appliance safely 15 10 1 3 1 0.900 2nd 9 2 12 6 0.708 5th 5 7 15 8 0.616 9th Disconnection of appliance when 5 not in use 20 5 9 0.596 10th 9 10 11 11 Table 4.7 shows that installation of modern fire detective devices is ranked 1st with mean score 0.904, heat and smoke detect should be compulsory in the building is ranked 2nd with mean score 0.900, Enforcement of fire safety rules in building is ranked 3rd with mean score 0.860, Regular inspection / servicing of the sprinklers is ranked 4th with mean score 0.736, provision for fire escape route in buildings is ranked 5th with mean score 0.708, Providing staff information regarding fire safety is ranked 6th with mean score 0.700, Monitoring safety measure during building construction is ranked 7th with mean score 0.664, regular review fire risk assessment is ranked 8th with mean score 0.652 and Use electricity appliance safely is ranked 9th with mean 26 score 0.616 while disconnection of appliance when not in use is ranked 10th with mean score 0.596 in the how to improve of fire safety equipment in public building 4.4 Discussion of Findings Result of the analysis in Table 4.5 shows that the major fire safety measures in public building are provision of fire extinguisher, fire escape ladder and smoke detector are the first three major fire safety measure put in place public building. This is in agreement with work of Abubakar (2016). More so, table 4.6 shows that the major effects of fire safety equipment in public building are reduction in risks of loss of life, risk of damage in building and properties and risk of injury in agreement with (NFSC, 2013). Finally, table 4.7 shows that the major way to improve fire safety equipment in public building are to installation of modern fire detective devices, heat and smoke detect should be use in the building and enforcement of fire safety rules in building this is in agreement with (Thorne 2018). 27 CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Summary This research project evaluated the fire safety measures in public building. The objectives of the study are to assess the fire safety measure in public building, effects of fire safety equipment in the public building and examine the improvement of fire safety equipment in the public building. Questionnaires were administered to 50 respondents and all were retrieved. Relatives important index is used to analyzed the data. The findings of the study show that the major fire safety measures in public building are provision of fire extinguisher, provision of fire escape ladder, provision of water sprinkler and provision of heat and smoke detector. More so, findings show that the major effects of fire safety equipment in public building are it reduces risks of loss of life, it reduces risk of damage in building and properties and it reduces risk of injury. Finally, findings shows that the major way to improve fire safety equipment in public building are to installation of modern fire detective devices, heat and smoke detect should be compulsory in the building and enforcement of fire safety rules in building, regular inspection / servicing of the sprinklers and regular service of fire extinguisher / maintenance. 5.2 Conclusion Based on the outcome of the research, it is concluded that provision of fire extinguisher, provision of fire escape ladder, provision of water sprinkler and provision of heat and smoke detector are the major fire safety measures in public building. More so, fire safety equipment have effects on public building because it reduces risks of loss of life, it reduces risk of damage in building and properties and it reduces risk of injury. Finally, installation of modern fire detective devices, heat and smoke detector should be use in the building, enforcement of fire safety rules in 28 building, regular inspection / servicing of the sprinklers and regular service of fire extinguisher / maintenance are the major way to improve fire safety equipment in public building. 5.3 Recommendations Based on the objectives of the study the following recommendations were made: 1. Adequate places of safety should be made to enhance compliance with fire safety regulations. 2. There should be adequate provision of firefighting equipment’s position at an appropriate location to enhance quick intervention of fire safety respond squard during a fire emergency. 3. Fire safety protection systems should be regularly maintained to enhance effective functionality of installed system, 4. 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London: David Fulton Publishers. 31 APPENDIX I LETTER OF INTRODUCTION THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC OFFA, KWARA STATE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING TECHNOLOGY Date: …………………………. Dear Sir/Ma, I am Ademola Joseph Olayinka with Matriculation Number BT/HND/F20/0815, a final year students of the Department of Building Technology, The Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State. I am conducting a research study on the topic “evaluation of fire safety protection in public building.”. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Higher National Diploma in Building Technology. Ademola Joseph Olayinka BT/HND/F20/0815 32 APPENDIX II QUESTIONNAIRE Please kindly tick ( √ ) as appropriate to you SECTION A: Respondent Data 1. Gender: (a) Male [ ] (b) Female [ ] 2. Educational Qualification: (a) SSCE [ ] (b) ND / NCE [ (d) Masters / PhD [ ] (c) HND / BSc. [ ] ] 3. Working Experience: (d) 16years and above [ (a) 1-5years [ ] (b) 6-10years [ ] (c) 11-15years ( ) ] 4. what is your Profession or discipline in the construction industry (b) Contractor [ ] (c) Engineer [ ] (c) Builder ( ) (d) Architect [ ] SECTION B: Evaluation of fire safety protection in public building Using: SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, U = Unsure, D = Disagree SD = Strongly Disagree, 1. Fire safety measures in public building S/N Fire safety measures in public building 1 Provision of fire extinguisher 2 Provision of fire escape ladder 3 Provision of water Sprinkler 4 Provision of heat and smoke detector 5 Provision of emergency and exit sign 6 Provision of fire blanket 7 Provision of fire hose reel 8 Provision of first aid kit 9 Provision of emergency lighting 33 SA A U D SD 2. Effects of fire safety equipment in public building S/N Effects of fire safety equipment in public building 1 It reduces risk of injury 2 It reduces risk of damage in building and properties 3 It reduces risk of loss of life 4 It reduces risk of loss of investment 5 It reduces risk of loss of time and energy 6 Protect against possible fines 7 Protect against losing customer trust SA A U D SD SA A U D SD 3. How to improve on fire safety measures in public building S/N Improvements of fire safety measures in public building 1 Enforcement of fire safety rules in building 2 Monitoring safety measure during building construction 3 Installation of modern fire detective devices 4 Heat and smoke detect should be compulsory in the building 5 Regular inspection / servicing of the sprinklers 6 Regular service of fire extinguisher / maintenance 7 Provision for fire escape route in buildings 8 Use electricity appliance safely 9 Providing staff information regarding fire safety 10 Regular review fire risk assessment 11 Disconnection of appliance when not in use 34