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Suffering Messiah Study Guide: 1 Peter 1:10-12

-study guide for-
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE: The Problem of a Suffering Messiah
1 Peter 1:10-12
The Big Idea:
The good news of the Gospel is best understood in light of the prophecies
of the Old Testament.
The Application:
That you’d view your Christian experience from the perspective of the
The Question:
How should I think about the cross and about the negative aspects of my
life as a follower of Jesus?
God’s ways of dealing with His Son and with His people can be
The prophecies of the Messiah and of His Kingdom were written for your
It was the Holy Spirit who used this message to transform your life.
There is more here than meets the eye.
There was a conflict or a dissonance in the thought of the prophets as they wrote of Jesus’
sufferings and of His subsequent glories. [Mtt. 16:22] Peter’s own consternation
The prophets tried hard to understand who and when they were writing about.
They were informed that they were serving generations yet to come.
Those who shared the Gospel with Peter’s audience used the OT Scriptures to preach the Gospel
to them.
What they shared was energized or enlivened by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The sufferings and glories of the cross are still mysterious – there is more there than we fully