TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING PASCHIMANCHAL CAMPUS A MID-TERM PROGRESS REPORT ON PLANNING OF INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN POKHARA METROPOLITAN CITY Submitted to: Department of Civil Engineering Institute of Engineering Paschimanchal Campus Pokhara-16 Submitted By: Amit Gautam (PAS075BCE012) Bibek Ghimire (PAS075BCE029) Sagar Shrestha (PAS075BCE101) Sandesh Pun (PAS075BCE108) Sanjit Thakuri (PAS075BCE112) Subarna Rana (PAS075BCE124) 1 APPROVAL The project entitled, “PLANNING OF INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN POKHARA METROPOLITAN CITY” proposed by the students of 2075 batch: Amit Gautam (PAS075BCE012), Bibek Ghimire (PAS075BCE029), Sagar Shrestha (PAS075BCE101), Sandesh Pun (PAS075BCE108), Sanjit Thakuri (PAS075BCE112) and Subarna Rana (PAS075BCE124) of Pashchimanchal Campus, under the Department of Civil Engineering has been submitted as per the content, style and format proposed by Department. The project has been found feasible and thus has been approved. ……………………………. ……………………………… Babu Ram Bhandari Assoc.Prof Ramesh Banstola Head Of Department Supervisor Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Pashchimanchal Campus Pashchimanchal Campus Lamachaur, Pokhara-16 Lamachaur, Pokhara-16 ii ABSTRACT At present, management of the solid waste has become one of the major problems in any country. Various management methods and techniques have been developed to manage solid waste in such a way that the minimum amount of solid waste is generated and then disposed to the disposal site from the total amount of generated solid waste. Developing countries like Nepal are still suffering from the lack of proper management of solid waste. Various acts, plans, and regulations have been introduced regarding SWM but there is no proper implementation of them throughout the country. The urban areas of Nepal are mainly facing the problem of solid waste management. Various authorities and stakeholders are involved in this issue but also major urban cities are facing problems with solid waste management. There is no proper planning and implementation of SWM in various cities of Nepal. And someone who does not follow the rules is not punished well. The towns are not well planned which has also become one of the resisting factors for the proper management of solid waste. There is unmanaged street, commercial areas, industrial areas, and residential areas where a large amount of solid waste is being generated. The objectives of the study are to find out the average per capita municipal solid waste generation per day and its compositions, and to explore the current practices of municipal solid waste management in terms of segregation, collection, transportation, handling, treatment, and final disposal and to plan integrated solid waste management with its components in Pokhara Metropolitan City. A field visit to the Pokhara Sanitary Landfill site was done and data were recorded about the present situation regarding solid waste generation and its management has been studied. The data were collected from the office staff of the landfill site and various information about the collection system, number of employees, number of vehicles, amount of waste generation and collected waste, and the companies which are involved in the SWM of PMC were collected. There are six private companies involved with Pokhara Metropolitan City to manage the solid waste in Pokhara Metropolitan City. Each company has its purpose and working sites. The companies have a certain number of vehicles and employees for the collection and management of solid waste. Only one company collects biomedical waste and the other five companies collect general solid waste. Employees of Pokhara metropolitan city who involve in solid waste management are not provided with proper health and medical facilities. The landfill site seemed like a dumping site rather than the landfill site. There was a leachate treatment plan at the landfill site but at present, it is out of operation. Various difficulties and challenges in solid waste management in Pokhara Metropolitan City were found out. On daily basis, 200 tons of solid waste are being generated in Pokhara Metropolitan City and about 97 tons of waste are collected and managed. Out of total waste, it is found that 90% of the biodegradable solid waste is made in a compost manner or fed to the pigs. About 7 to 10 tons of solid waste are scattered waste. There is no segregation of solid waste from the waste generation areas and the solid waste is not kept properly in the collection site. Ward number 22 and 28 has no regular collection of solid waste because of less generation, rural area, and remoteness from the core ci iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are very grateful to the Department of Civil Engineering, Pashchimanchal Campus for accepting our proposal and providing us this opportunity to do project work on “Planning of Integrated Solid Waste Management in Pokhara Metropolitan City”. We are very thankful to our supervisor Associate Professor Ramesh Banstola for making us aware about the scope of our project and guiding us for our improvement. We would also like to show our gratitude towards Mr.Harka Bahadur Gayak, Deputy Subba for providing us the required data and information as far as possible. And special thanks to Head of Sanitary Section of Pokhara Metropolitan City Mrs. Kalpana Baral. Lastly, we would like to express deep appreciation and thanks to all the helping hands who progress our project work. . iv TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................... ii ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................. v LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... viii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................ ix CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background of the Study ....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Objectives of the Study .......................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Need and Scope of the Project ............................................................................................... 5 1.4 Limitations of the Project....................................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................. 7 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................... 10 3.1 Preliminary Study ................................................................................................................ 10 3.2 Consultation with supervisor ............................................................................................... 10 3.3 Data Collection .................................................................................................................... 10 3.4 Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER FOUR: FIELD DATA COLLECTION AND PLOTTING ........................................ 11 4.1 Waste quantity, characterization and composition............................................................... 11 4.2 Current Practice of Municipal Waste Management ............................................................. 13 4.2.1 Segregation at source .................................................................................................... 13 4.2.2 Waste Collection System in PMC ................................................................................. 14 4.2.3 Organizations Involved in Waste Management and Human Resource ......................... 14 4.2.4 Existing Waste Collection Vehicles and Equipment .................................................... 16 4.2.5 Existing transportation system ...................................................................................... 17 4.2.6 Existing Landfill of Pokhara ......................................................................................... 17 CHAPTER FIVE: DETERMINATION OF THE SIZE OF THE LANDFILL ............................. 18 CHAPTER SIX: LANDFILL SITE SELECTION ........................................................................ 20 6.1 Determination of criteria for alternative landfill sites selection: ......................................... 20 6.1.1 Elevation ....................................................................................................................... 20 v 6.1.2. Distance from the water body ...................................................................................... 20 6.1.3. Distance from the existing landfill site ........................................................................ 21 6.1.4. Distance from the built-up area.................................................................................... 21 6.1.5. Distance from road ....................................................................................................... 21 6.1.6. Distance from the airport ............................................................................................. 22 6.1.7. Slope ............................................................................................................................ 22 6.1.8. Land use/Land cover .................................................................................................... 22 6.2. Description of Criteria and sub-criteria of the input layer .................................................. 22 6.3. Layer Maps of Criteria ........................................................................................................ 25 6.3.1 According to Elevation ................................................................................................. 25 6.3.2 According to distance from River ................................................................................. 26 6.3.3 According to distance from lake ................................................................................... 26 6.3.4. According to existing landfill site ................................................................................ 27 6.3.6. According to distance from road .................................................................................. 28 6.3.7. According to distance from the airport ........................................................................ 28 6.3.8. According to the slope ................................................................................................. 29 6.3.9. According to Land-Use ................................................................................................ 29 6.4. Determination of relative weights of criteria using AHP.................................................... 30 6.5. Suitability Map.................................................................................................................... 33 REFERENCE................................................................................................................................. 34 vi LIST OF TABLE Table 1.1. :Population and Poputaion Growth Rate of Pokhara Metropolitan City in 20012021..................................................................................................................................... 3 Table 4.1: Ward wise waste generation ............................................................................ 11 Table 4.2: Waste characterization and composition of PMC ........................................... 12 Table 4.3: Name of private companies involved in wardwise collection of Municipal waste ................................................................................................................................. 14 Table 4.4: Human resource of private sectors .................................................................. 15 Table 4.5: Status of waste collection vehicles and its capacity ........................................ 16 Table 6.1: Description of criteria and sub-criteria……………………………………………………………18 Table 6.2: Rating Scale………………………………………………………………………….……………………….. 30 Table 6.3: Pairwise comparision matrix…………………………………………………………………………...30 Table 6.4: Relative weight calculation……………………..……………………..……………………..………....31 Table 6.5: Calculation of weighted sum value……………………..……………………..……………………32 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 1Ward location in PMC ....................................................................................... 4 Figure 6. 1 Suitability constraint map of elevation ........................................................... 25 Figure 6. 2 Suitability constraint map of river .................................................................. 26 Figure 6. 3 Suitability constraint map of lake ................................................................... 26 Figure 6. 4 Suitability constraint map of Existing Landfill .............................................. 27 Figure 6. 5 Suitability Constraint map of Settlement/Built-up area ................................. 27 Figure 6. 6 Suitability constraint map of road .................................................................. 28 Figure 6. 7 Suitability constrain map of airport ................................................................ 28 Figure 6. 8 Suitability constraint map of slope ................................................................. 29 Figure 6. 9 Suitability constraint map of slope ................................................................. 29 Figure 6. 10 Suitability map for Landfill site ................................................................... 33 viii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank EIA Environmental Impact Assessment GHG Green House Gas ISWM Integrated Solid Waste Management MSW Municipal Solid Waste PPE Personal Protection Equipment PMC Pokhara Metropolitan City PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal SWM Solid Waste Management SWMRMC Solid Waste Management and Resource Mobilization Center TPD Tons Per Day VDC Village Development Committee WECS Water and Energy Commission Secretariat ix CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Solid waste management in recent days has become a hot topic all over the country as its mismanagement has started to show its effect already. If appropriate measures of SWM aren’t followed right now it may be too late in days to come. An effective and efficient waste management system considers how to prevent, control, recycle and manage solid waste in such a manner so that it will not hamper human health and environment. Waste, garbage, trash, junk, debris, and refuse are all names given to that “stuff” that is no longer useful in its current form. In contemporary society, many of the items used daily are designed to be used and discarded. Single-use packaging and disposable items, from diapers to razors to cameras, define many of our consumer patterns. With the increased availability of disposables has come the added problem of how to get rid of all this waste. The most predominant form of disposal is the permitted and licensed modern landfill, a relatively new system that has been around less than five decades. One of the very real problems facing society today is the management of old closed and abandoned dumps. Many of these are considered hazardous, even though, at the time of their use, they were considered the “proper” disposal method. While abandoned dumps pose a unique set of problems, innovative strategies are needed to deal with the waste we produce today to prevent it from causing problems for future generations. Solid waste management (SWM) is the discipline associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transport or transfer, processing, and disposal of solid waste materials in a way that best addresses the range of public health, conservation, economic, aesthetic, engineering, and other environmental considerations. In its scope, solid waste management includes planning, administrative, financial, engineering, and legal functions. Solutions might include complex inter-disciplinary relations among fields such as public health, city and regional planning, political science, geography, sociology, economics, communication and conservation, demography, engineering, and material sciences. Integrated solid waste management refers to the strategic approach to sustainable management of solid wastes covering all sources and all aspects, covering generation, segregation, transfer, sorting, treatment, recovery, and disposal in an integrated manner, with an emphasis on maximizing resource use efficiency. ISWM is an increasingly important term in the field of waste management. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that ISWM is composed of waste source reduction, recycling, waste combustion, and landfills. These activities can be done in either an interactive or hierarchial way. 1 Fundamentals of ISWM a. Source Reduction, also known as waste prevention, aims at reducing unnecessary waste generation. Source reduction strategies may include a variety of approaches, such as: products that are designed for recycling, durable, sustainable goods and, where possible, in concentrated form. reusable products, including reusable packaging, as reuse and increasingly becomes an important component of the circular economy. refurbishing of goods to prolong product life, another important element of the circular economy model. redesign of goods and utilize less or no packaging. reduction of food spoilage and waste through better attention to food processing and storage avoidance of goods that don’t last long and can’t be reused or recycled, such as Halloween decorations. Waste source reduction helps us to lessen waste handling, transportation, and disposal costs and eventually reduces methane generation. b. Recycling and Composting are crucial phases in the entire ISWM process. Recycling includes the accumulation, sorting, and recovery of recyclable and reusable materials, as well as the reprocessing of recyclables to produce new products. Composting, a component of organic recycling involves the accumulation of organic waste and converting it into soil additives. Both recycling and composting wastes have several economic benefits such as they create job opportunities in addition to diverting material from the waste stream to generate cost-effective sources of material for further use. Both recycling and composting also significantly contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. c. Waste Transportation is another waste management activity that must be integrated systematically with other waste management activities to ensure smooth and efficient waste management. Typically this includes the collection of waste from curbside and businesses, as well as from transfer stations where waste may be concentrated and reloaded onto other vehicles for delivery to the landfill. d. Waste Disposal, in particular through the use of landfills and combustion, are the activities undertaken to manage waste materials that are not recycled. The most common way of managing these wastes is through landfills, which must be properly designed, well-constructed, and systematically managed. 2 Overview of Pokhara Metropolitan City Pokhara is in the northwestern corner of the Pokhara Valley, which is a widening of the Seti Gandaki valley that lies in the region (Pahad) of the Himalayas. In this region, the mountains rise very quickly, and within 30 kilometers (19 miles), the elevation rises from 1,000 to 7,500 meters (3,300 to 24,600 feet). Pokhara Metropolitan City (PMC) is situated in Gandaki Province and the district of Kaski. It is one of the business, economic and tourism centers of Nepal covering an area of 464.2 km2 which makes it the largest metropolitan city of Nepal in terms of the administrative boundary. The city lies at 28°16'0.80" N and 83°58'6.64" E. It is surrounded by Machhapuchhre Rural Municipality in the north, Madi Rural Municipality, Rupa Rural Municipality in the west, Tanahun and Syangja districts in the south, and Parbat district along with Annapurna Rural Municipality in the north-west direction. Pokhara, being the tourist hub amidst the evergrowing population and socio-economic development, will have a bearing on the change in municipal solid waste generation rates as well as the municipal waste characteristics of PMC as it starts to progress to being possibly a tourism hub, light industrial center with a progressive population's potential to earn excess disposable income. There are thirty-three wards of PMC where there is a common population density in all the wards. According to the census of 2001, the population of PMC was 156,516 with a growth rate of 5.37%. The census of 2011 stated that the population of PMC was 265,336 with a growth rate of 5.16%. The recent census of 2021 published that the population of the city was 439,335 with an annual growth rate of 4.28%..The population of PMC in different census years is given in Table No. 1.1 along with annual growth rates: Table 0.1.1:Population and Population Growth Rate of Pokhara Metropolitan City in 2001-2021 Census year (BS) 2001 2011 2021 Population Growth rate 156,516 5.08% 265,336 5.42% 439,335 4.42% Source: 3 Source: Figure 1. 1Ward location in PMC 4 A lot of rain (rainy season) falls in the months: April, May, June, July, August, September, and October. Pokhara has dry periods in November and December. On average, July is the wettest month with 1144 mm of precipitation. On average, November is the driest month with 151mm of precipitation. The average amount of annual precipitation is 4851mm. The hottest month is June with an average high temperature of 31.70 C. The maximum temperature recorded ever in PMC was found to be 37.40 C. Pokhara Metropolitan City is Nepal's major tourism center. The city has experienced rapid growth, especially in the past decade, due to migration to the city from peripheral districts and VDCs for security reasons, or other reasons such as for seeking better livelihoods. There is consequently environmental deterioration resulting from inadequate sanitation and drainage, uncollected and indiscriminate dumping of solid waste, and increasing traffic congestion mainly on the main roads. These dire environmental conditions consequently lead to poor air quality in the city. The individual institutional efforts of both the sub-metropolis and sectoral agencies in addressing these issues have remained uncoordinated and grossly inadequate. Most of the fertile agricultural fields are rapidly converted into residential and commercial areas. There is uncontrolled land use and construction due to the non-implementation of zoning laws to implement land use and zoning plans. The infrastructural facilities such as roads, sewer and storm-water drains, and water supply, need to be developed to match the current rate of other development, which remains a major future concern. 1.2 Objectives of the Study The objectives of this project will be to: To find out the average per capita municipal solid waste generation per day and its compositions. To explore the current practices of municipal solid waste management in terms of segregation, collection, transportation, handling, treatment, and final disposal. To plan integrated solid waste management with its components in Pokhara Metropolitan City. 1.3 Need and Scope of the Project Solid waste management (SWM) includes all administrative, financial, legal, planning & engineering functions involved in solutions to all problems of solid waste. This study is specially designed to provide information on per capita waste generation, the current practice of municipal SWM, waste disposal, and the importance of recycling. This study helps to inform the public about the existing problems and reduce the problems of waste disposal. The main goal of the study is to recover maximum waste through composting, recycling & reuse, and aims at minimum to minimize waste to dispose of in dump yards and landfills. 5 1.4 Limitations of the Project There are some limitations to this project. The secondary data were collected from the Pokhara Municipal office which is in New Road, Pokhara. The information provided by the institution is assumed to be valid and authentic for analysis. The municipal solid waste is assumed to be in a dry condition as it is found in sources. 6 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW Solid waste has become a worldwide issue and the solution to the diversified problems created by solid wastes are finally surfacing. The following review of literature has identified the ever-growing solid waste mismanagement problems, their causes, and the possible remedial measures that have been studied up to now. SWMRMC (2004) published the data in their report where the waste generation of various municipalities was studied. According to SWMRMC Pokhara’s per capita household waste was found to be 0.14kg/cap/day whereas the municipal waste per capita was published to be 0.19kg/cap/day. They estimated the population of the city to be 1,72,578 nos in the year of census 2001 and the total municipal waste generation was estimated to be 32.21 tonnes/day. Pokhrel (2005) did research on SWM in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal, especially concerning the siting of landfills, which had been a challenge for over a decade. He found that the practice of the illegal dumping of solid waste on the river banks has created serious environmental and public health problems. His data showed that greater or equal to 70% of the solid wastes generated in Nepal are of organic origin. As such, composting the solid waste and using it on the land is the best way of solid waste disposal. This will reduce the waste volume transported to the landfill and will increase its life. Municipal solid waste (MSW), which is considered as the unwanted waste products, has a high potential for the generation of biogas through the anaerobic digestion (Hilkiah Igoni, 2008; Johari, 2012; Singh, 2011). The management of MSW is one of the challenging and expensive tasks in cities throughout the world, especially in the developing countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Malaysia (Johari, 2012; Pokhrel and Viraraghavan, 2005; Singh 2011). Also the survey conducted in Nepal by Asian Development Bank (2013) estimated that the average MSW generation was found to be 317 g/capita/day. ADB also analysed that MSW is composed of 56% organic waste, 16% plastics, and 16% paper and paper products. Their study uncovered that about 30% of surveyed households in the municipalities were practicing segregation of waste at source and composting using traditional methods. Their study showed that in total, 37% of MSW in Nepal is disposed of in sanitary landfills, although not necessarily in a sanitary manner.At the end of their study they concluded rapid and uncontrolled urbanization, lack of public awareness, and poor management by municipalities have intensified environmental problems in towns in Nepal, including unsanitary waste management and disposal. Subhrangsu (2015) mentioned that the increase in waste generation is due to population expansion and economic development. Improper waste handling and uncontrolled 7 dumping causes a variety of problems such as contamination of water, attracting insects and rodents and increase in flood due to blocked drainage canals or gullies. It may also result in safety hazards from fires or explosions and increases Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, which contribute to climate change. He concluded the minimization of these wastes can be achieved by Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM). Mohan Krishna Maharjan and Sunil Prasad Lohani (2019) suggested that waste management practices including collection, transport and resource recovery in most of the municipalities are ineffective and almost all collected waste finally disposed to the dumping site. They took the baseline data from solid waste management in Nepal report of Asian Development Bank 2013, and estimated waste projection of 2017. The projected data shows waste generation in municipalities of Nepal is about 3023 tons per day and the average per capita waste generation is 0.223 kg/person/day. On average the composition of waste is primarily decomposable about 60% and about 25% is recyclables such as plastics, papers and metals. With the help of Multi Criteria Decision Matrix (MCDM), this paper suggested that the suitable methods of waste management for Nepalese municipalities are waste to bio-energy and fertilizer production. It further proposed and discussed a holistic model of waste management for municipalities and an appropriate waste to bio-energy technology in context of Nepal. The ISWM site provides the adequate provision for the proper treatment, composting, recycling as well as disposal of solid which not only make the villages and towns clean but also creates economic profits if utilized wisely. Separation of solid waste should done from the household. People should separate solid waste produced in at least two categories organic waste and inorganic waste. However ignorance and negligence of both people as well as policy makers hasn’t made it possible. So effective policies should be made and people should be aware to distinguish solid waste into at least two different containers which will make the waste management easier. The collection of waste include all the activities associated with the gathering of solid wastes and hauling off the wastes collected and transporting them to the site of disposal. Any of the curbside collection method or community bin method can be adopted. For the transportation of the solid waste to the transfer station or disposal site, loading of vehicle can be done mechanically or manually. Manual loading method may expose labors to health risks from inhaling dust and funeral spores, from skin contact with the wastes, from lifting injuries and from traffic accidents. If manual method cannot be avoided then steps should be taken to reduce health risks. In transportation station all the solid waste from the surrounding are brought and these waste are separated according to their types. As an international practice, the solid waste is classified on the following category: a. Municipal waste 8 b. Hazardous waste c. Industrial waste d. Agricultural waste e. Bio-Medical waste f. Commercial waste From the transportation station the solid waste are separated according to the properties and the recoverable and the reusable items are recovered and reused respectively after required modification or sanitation whereas reusable items are sent to the recycle plant. The metals are separated using the magnet zone. The organic waste is then taken to the composting center whereas the remaining wastes are compacted and taken to sanitary landfill for safe disposal. At the landfill site leachate is a major problem. Leachate is a liquid that forms when landfill wastes break down through the biodegradation process and rainwater enters into Waste. Before the treatment plant, leachate collection system and the storage system for leachate is needed. The leachate collection system includes a main drain, side drain, perimeter drain, and protective layer. Then the collected leachate stored in a collection pond. The aerobic treatment process applied using the mean of coagulation-flocculation theory by using coagulant and accelerator substances for accelerating and improving the coagulation and flocculation process. Alum used as a coagulant and perlite and betonies as an accelerator. After coagulation and flocculation, treated leachate passed in a Lamella filter where the solids suspend at the bottom. Then the pressure sand filters removes the remaining suspended solids and reduce the turbidity. Then the reverse osmosis plant applied to filter all contamination of leachate. Finally, the treated leachate collected in the permeate storage tank which can be used as a green belt and landscaping development. Integrated solid waste management refers to the strategic approach to sustainable management of solid waste covering all sources and all aspects, covering generation, segregation, transfer, sorting, treatment, recovery and disposal in an integrated manner, with an emphasis on maximizing resource use efficiency. Source reduction, recycling and composting, waste transportation and landfilling are the components of ISWM. 9 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY The project was carried out following the listed methodologies: 3.1 Preliminary Study The preliminary study was done before selecting the project work. During the preliminary study, the PMC sanitation section related was met to know the problems and issues of waste management. 3.2 Consultation with supervisor Data collection, fieldwork and paperwork to were done after consulting with the supervisor. 3.3 Data Collection The data were collected from primary as well from the secondary source. The sanitation section of PMC was visited and the current practice of the solid waste management system was discussed. Primary data were collected from discussions and face-to-face interviews with the sanitation section of PMC and private company personnel who involve in waste management activities. Secondary data were collected from books, journals, browsers, reports of PMC, websites, and web pages. Six private companies are involved in the solid waste management system of PMC. There is the provision of recording data of these six companies on the monthly basis. So these data were collected from PMC. 3.4 Data Analysis After the collection of the data, the analysis of the data was done. The data collected were total waste generation, location of collection sites, and collection system. The total number of employees involved in waste management and vehicles, the purpose of the individual company along with their working sites. All calculations were done based on the data collected from the PMC office. The mean, average, and percentage are calculated to present data in tabular form. The municipal solid waste was classified into 7 different categories organic, plastic, and paper, glass, textile, metals, and others. And others include rubbers, chemicals, etc. Waste generation data of past years were collected from the PMC office and a private company which involved in management activities as well registered in the PMC office. The data on ward-wise generation of waste ward population, and ward areas was collected through face-to-face interviews with personnel of PMC and private company associated with municipal waste management. 10 CHAPTER FOUR: FIELD DATA COLLECTION AND PLOTTING 4.1 Waste quantity, characterization and composition According to the data collected from the Pokhara Municipal office, the total no population according to ward no. along with its area and total waste generation is given in table 4.1. Table 4.1: Ward wise waste generation S.N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Ward 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Total waste Population generation(TPD) 20143 8.07 11331 4.54 12281 4.92 11843 4.75 19235 7.70 19126 7.66 16713 6.70 33857 13.57 21583 7.66 19336 9.61 18967 7.66 15075 6.04 22177 8.89 17170 6.88 22103 8.85 26320 10.55 34745 13.92 10845 4.35 13786 3.69 5220 1.39 11804 3.15 9514 2.56 6384 1.70 7650 2.04 15911 4.25 14889 6.70 12438 4.99 6138 2.46 11639 4.66 11 30 31 32 33 Core area 30 31 32 33 Total Rural area 14053 9585 13858 12733 518452 5.62 3.83 5.56 5.10 200.02 Outer area Source: Pokhara Metropolitan Office From the above table, it can be concluded that ward 17 has the highest waste generation of 13.92 tonnes per day with a population of 34,745 whereas ward 20 has the least waste generation of 1.39 tonnes per day with a population of 5,220. Core areas comprise a population of 228,471 which is 44.07% of the total population of Pokhara and produce a total of 92.43 tonnes of waste per day which is 46.21% of total waste generated in PMC. Similarly, outer areas inhabit a total population of 220,953 which is 42.61% of the total population of the city and produce a total of 85.36 tonnes per day which is 42.68% of total waste generated in PMC whereas rural areas of Pokhara metropolitan consist of 69,028 inhabitants which is 13.31% of the total population of the city and produce a total of 22.23 tonnes per day which is 11.11% of total waste generation in PMC. Table 4.2: Waste characterization and composition of PMC S.N Types wastes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Organic Plastic Paper Glass Textile Metal Others Total of Composition by Waste per capita weight(kg/day) per day(gram/capita per day) 66551.7 128.37 19312.7 37.25 4403.8 8.49 1251.3 2.41 2822.7 5.44 1484.1 2.86 1173.7 2.26 97000 187.10 Composition 68.61% 19.91% 4.54% 1.29% 2.91% 1.53% 1.21% 100% Source: Pokhara Metropolitan Office 12 1.29% 1.53% 2.91% 1.21% 4.54% 19.91% 68.61% Composition 1 Organic 2 Plastic 3 Paper 5 Textile 7 Others 6 Metal 4 Glass Figure 4. 1Composition of solid wastes in PMC by weight The table above gives us the detailed composition of waste produced in PMC. Organic wastes are dominant with a total waste of 65,551.7 kg produced in a day. The total organic waste per capita per day is found to be 128.37 grams per capita per day which is 68.61% of total solid waste produced in PMC. After organic waste, plastic waste is in abundance with 19,312.7 kg produced per day which is 19.91% of total waste produced. Similarly, paper waste, glass waste, textile waste, metal waste, and other waste (rubber, chemicals, construction and demolition debris, etc) have a composition of 4.54%, 1.29%, 2.91%, 1.53%, and 1.21% respectively. Compared with similar cities, Kathmandu has an organic waste composition of 71% which is greater than that of PMC. Also, the plastic waste composition of Kathmandu is 12% which is largely smaller than that of PMC. 4.2 Current Practice of Municipal Waste Management 4.2.1 Segregation at source Waste generators are responsible for segregation of waste at the source of its generation as stipulated in the SWM Act. However this provision of law is not implemented in Pokhara. There have been various community or neighborhood-level activities undertaken by various organizations to promote segregation at source. With the discussion held with staffs of sanitation section of PMC and field observation, it was understood that in the rural wards, the generators tend to segregate their wastes. They usually store the recyclables to throw in the garbage collection vehicles, whereas the wet waste is used as fodder for the cattle or to produce manure for the kitchen garden/agricultural fields. 13 4.2.2 Waste Collection System in PMC The collection of the waste is handed by Pokhara metropolitan to six different private organizations. These companies collect the waste generated in the areas under their wings provided by PMC. All of them practice a block collection system. In this system, the trucks are dispatched through a route plan to each community or block wherein stopping points are designated and are made familiar to the community. The collection vehicle then signals the community of their arrival at these stopping points by way of whistle or horn. The vehicle waits within an allocated time for a response from the community. The households and commercial and institutional establishments then bring their generated wastes to the trucks for further sorting. The trucks are then properly covered and proceed to other blocks until full, then proceed to the landfill site for disposal. Reuse and Recoverable materials are separated by independent workers and sold to private recycling centers. 4.2.3 Organizations Involved in Waste Management and Human Resource Six different private organizations are involved under PMC for waste collection and disposal. They work under the contract given by the Pokhara Metropolitan office with their collection areas specified. The six private companies as well as their collection areas are given in table no. 4.3. Table 4.3: Name of private companies involved in wardwise collection of Municipal waste S.N 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the company Batawaraniya Sundar Nepal Pvt Ltd Pragati Sansar Nepal Pvt. Ltd Nepal Public Health Environment for Development Pvt Ltd Pokhara Greenmart Pvt Ltd Pokhara Pohormaila Byawasthapan Pvt Working Wards 3,4,8,9 26,27,28*,29,30,31,32,33,16,19 1,2,5,18,23,24,25 6,11,12,13,20 7,17,22* 14 6 Waste 10,15,14 Management Recycling Pvt Ltd *(Collection not done regularly i.e collection done only when requested by locals) Source: Pokhara Metropolitan Office Almost all of these companies are located in the New Road area, Pokhara where they collect the municipal solid waste in their specified working area. Out of 33 wards, two wards 22 and 28 don’t receive regular collection service due to their remote location however when called for service Pragati Sansar Nepal Pvt. Ltd and Pokhara Pohormaila Byawasthapan Pvt. Ltd provides the collection service to ward 22 and ward 28 respectively. Every private company has provided employment opportunities to many people. The information of each private companies about their human resource is given in the table : Table 4.4: Human resource of private sectors S.N Name of the Company Official staff No. of drivers No of helpers 1 Pokhara Waste Management Pvt. Ltd 3 4 11 12 27 2 Batawaraniya Sundar Nepal Pvt. Ltd 2 6 13 6 27 3 Nepal Public Health and Environment for Development 4 4 10 12 30 4 Waste Management Recycling Pvt. Ltd Pragati Sansar Nepal 3 5 6 7 21 6 8 13 15 36 5 15 Others(Including fees collector) Total 6 Pokhara Greenmart Pvt. Ltd Total 7 5 10 10 32 173 Source: Pokhara Metropolitan Office 4.2.4 Existing Waste Collection Vehicles and Equipment Every private sector working for the waste management has their own vehicles deployed for the waste collection from their respective working areas. Discussion was held between representatives of all the private sectors as well as the Pokhara Municipal office to obtain data related to the vehicle number, vehicle capacity, waste transporting capacity etc. On questioning the helpers and the drivers about the health equipments and sanitation facilities it is found that gloves, gum boot and masks are provided but no PPE is provided. Not any health insurance service was given to any of them. The data provided by the private sectors as well as the PMC gave us the following data of type and number of vehicles used by individual private contractors: Table 4.5: Status of waste collection vehicles and its capacity S.N . Name of Company Vehicle type No. of vehicles Capacity of vehicles to transport waste(Tonnes) No of trips per day Waste transporting capacity(TPD ) 1 Pokhara Waste Management Pvt Ltd Batabaraniya Sundar Nepal Pvt Ltd Nepal Public Health and Enviroment for Developmen t Waste Management Recycling Pvt Ltd Tata 407 4 2 3 24 Tata 407 Tata 409 3 3 2 2 3 36 Tata 407 Tata 409 2 1 2 2 3 18 Tata 407 Swaraj Mazda Compacto r Tata 407 1 1 3 3 2 12 5 2 3 30 Tata 407 4 2 3 30 2 3 4 5 6 Pragati Sansar Nepal Pokhara 16 Greenmart Pvt Ltd Eicher Pro 2049 1 2 3 Source: Pokhara Metropolitan Office 4.2.5 Existing transportation system As discussed in the previous section of our report, there is no proper solid waste management system in Pokhara metropolitan city. There is not any defined transportation route for waste collection vehicles. Near to Transportation Management Office, Prithivi Chowk, there is a garage for the waste collection vehicle. The vehicles leave the garage in the early morning and go to their respective working areas. After collecting the homogeneous waste, the vehicles go straight to the landfill and dump the waste at the landfill site. Drivers and helpers clean the vehicle in a small canal near the landfill site while returning. They return to the same garage after completing their trip for the day. Systematically, the vehicles should go to the transfer station and then to the disposal site only after recovery and compaction, but there is no such facility in PMC. 4.2.6 Existing Landfill of Pokhara The present condition of the Pokhara Sanitary Landfill site is very poor without proper practice of sanitary landfilling. It lies near Pokhara International Airport which violates the criteria of landfill due to which the future of this landfill site is uncertain. There is a total generation of 200 (approximately) TPD of solid waste as per PMC. But only about 97 TPD are being collected by the PMC. Also, no authorized recordings of data are done at the landfill site. Even after repeated visits, no logbook is provided to us by PMC due to no data recording system. Tthe collected solid wastes are taken directly to the landfill site without any segregation via trucks. As per PMC, the landfill site includes an area of a total of 10 hectares where 4 hectares of land are for landfilling and rest are being used by Reedbed treatment. Some of the waste like glass bottles, papers (only in summer), metals, plastic bottles, and other reuseable or recyclable solid wastes are separated by the number of scavenger workers. The separated solid waste is sold to the scrap collectors by weight. The site visit and observation showed that solid waste is dumped at the landfill site without the regular addition of a soil layer above it. The solid waste is just being compressed to a certain depth. Also, there was a leachate treatment plant (Reed bed treatment Technology) but now it is out of operation. So, the leachate is being disposed of in the Seti River without any treatment. According to the survey done by the World Bank about 377,318 cubic meters of leachate are produced. This has become a major hazard of this landfill site. The bio-degradable solid waste is being managed in the residential area in very few quantities by making compost manure or as fodder for cattle like a pig. About sixty to seventy tons of solid waste is being generated as bio-degradable solid waste where the majority is dumped in the landfill which attracts various scavengers like vultures, andeagles including cows. 17 CHAPTER FIVE: DETERMINATION OF THE SIZE OF THE LANDFILL Solid Waste Generation Rate of Pokhara = 0.433kg/person/day Compacted density of Solid Waste = 450kg/m3 (400-500 kg/m3) Possible Maximum Landfill Height = 20 m To forecast the population of Pokhara, we have taken the growth rate of last 4 decades Year Population 2021 2022 2023 439335 461905 485633 Waste Generation (kg/day) Volume ( m3/day) Area ( m2/day) 200000 210279 444 467 491 517 543 571 600 631 664 698 733 771 811 852 896 942 991 1042 1095 1151 1210 1273 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 32 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 50 52 55 58 61 64 Area ( m2/year) 8111 8528 2024 510581 221082 8966 2025 536811 232439 9427 2026 564388 244380 9911 2027 593382 256934 10420 2028 623865 270134 10955 2029 655914 284011 11518 2030 689610 298601 12110 2031 725037 313941 12732 2032 762283 330069 13386 2033 801443 347025 14074 2034 842615 364852 14797 2035 885902 383595 15557 2036 931412 403301 16356 2037 979261 424020 17196 2038 1029567 445803 18080 2039 1082458 468704 19009 2040 1138066 492783 19985 2041 1196531 518098 21012 2042 1257999 544714 22091 2043 1322625 572697 23226 Total 309336 from the census and the average growth rate(r) is calculated using geometric mean. r = 4√(6.74 ∗ 5.37 ∗ 5.16 ∗ 4.28) 18 = 5.3171 % By using Geometric Increase method, 𝑟 Pn = Po (1 +100 ) n Where, Po = last known population Pn = population (predicted) after ‘n’ number of years n = no. of years between Po and Pn r = growth rate From excel, Area required for landfill with design period of 20 years = 309336 m2 Let us assume rectangular section with L: B as 2:1 L = 309336 2B2 = 309336 B = 394 m L = 788 m Hence, the required dimension of the landfill site = (788*394) m Since the area of the landfill site is large, we can divide the landfill site in 4 parts and fill the each part in the interval of 5 years. 19 CHAPTER SIX: LANDFILL SITE SELECTION 6.1 Determination of criteria for alternative landfill sites selection: Reviewing the existing available literature, considering geophysical conditions, and available data on the study area, nine criteria are adopted to locate the suitable landfill site. Following that, a suitability score is assigned to each criterion according to the available existing literature. Criterion maps were prepared using different functions like buffer, density analysis, distance calculated, and reclassified in the GIS environment: The importance of those criteria and the basis of their selection are outlined below: 6.1.1 Elevation Elevation is one of the most crucial factors in selecting landfill sites as elevation determines different environmental attributes like slope, aspect, temperature, and curvature of an area. Elevation (height in meters) is inversely correlated with landfill suitability, i.e., as elevation increases, the probability of an area being selected as a landfill site decreases. Higher elevated areas are not suitable for dumping sites because of increased transportation costs, chances of slope failure, higher risk of pollution, and movement of leachate; on the other hand, lower elevation facilitated easy transportation and increased the stability of wastes. The elevation map has been prepared using GIS with available data. The elevation of Pokhara Metropolitan City ranges from 499m up to 2656m. After preparing the elevation map, the area of the city is divided into five classes as (499-900) m, (900-1300) m, (1300-1700) m, (1700-2100) m, and >2100 m. According to the preference of suitability level, lower elevated land is more suitable while higher elevated land is unsuitable for putting waste. 6.1.2. Distance from the water body A landfill site should not be located near surface water sources (ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams) because it increases the risk of leachate contamination of waste dumped into water bodies and may cause ecological, agricultural, and health problems. While selecting Landfill sites, a safe distance from water sources should be maintained to protect water bodies from contamination. A review of different literature confirmed that a distance ranging from 100 to 300 m has to be maintained from surface water bodies like ponds, streams, rivers, wetlands, and canals while identifying landfill sites. Pokhara Metropolitan city is developed along the Seti Gandaki, Bijayapur, and Phusre rivers. The Seti Gandaki is the main river flowing through the city. People depend on these rivers mainly for irrigation purposes. Not only rivers, PMC is blessed with several big and small lakes out of which Fewa lake located at the heart of the city and Begnas lake in the north-east of PMC are two big lakes whereas other small lakes Deepang, Gunde, Kamal Pokhari, Kasyap, Khaste, Maidi, Niureni, etc are also scattered all over PMC due to which special consideration should be given to water bodies during site 20 selection of PMC. In this study, distance ranging from (0 – 100) m from the water bodies is graded as unsuitable whereas (100 – 250) m, (250 – 400) m, (400 – 550) m, and > 500 m from the water bodies are graded as least suitable, moderately suitable, suitable and highly suitable respectively. 6.1.3. Distance from the existing landfill site A landfill site must be located far enough from the current disposal site to ensure a safe distance between them. If both the landfill sites are located in the same region, it creates menaces to the people for a larger impact of the landfill site. The unsorted and unwanted solid waste dumped over a larger extant area will contaminate the surrounding area and increase the chances of merging both landfill sites. PMC has only one official landfill site located at Khalde Masina near the bank of the Seti River. In this study, the distance ranging from 0 – 500 m, 500 – 1000 m, 1000 – 1500m, 1500 – 2000 m, and > 2000m are graded as unsuitable, least suitable, moderately suitable, suitable, and highly suitable. 6.1.4. Distance from the built-up area "Built-up area" is defined as the presence of buildings (roofed structures). The location of landfill sites near dense urban area induces several environmental issues like air pollution and noise pollution, decreases the land value of that particular place, decrease order and esthetic value, affects the health of residents, increase the chance of fire, and also public opposition about sites. Landfill sites near residential areas also decrease the potential for urban expansion shortly; that is why landfill sites should be located at an appropriate distance away from residential areas. Residential areas of the study area are mapped using GIS and Google Earth. Distance from built-up is also categorized into five groups, 0 – 100 m as unsuitable, 100 – 200 m as least suitable, 200 – 400 as moderately suitable, 400 – 600 m as suitable, and > 600 m as highly suitable. With such grades chances of a suitable landfill site near the built-up area becomes minimal. 6.1.5. Distance from road Landfill sites should not be located far away from the existing road network; otherwise, it increases waste collection & transportation costs. If it is situated at a remote location, construction costs would rise due to establishing a new road. Several studies considering the economic point of view assigned a higher rank to those areas with proximity to the road network for the lesser transportation cost and from an environmental standpoint, some studies assigned a higher rank for far distances from the road network. Considering both transportation cost and environmental impact, a reasonable distance from the existing road would be ideal for future landfill site selection. Considering both an economic point of view and environmental impact, areas under 0 – 100 m distance and > 5000 m from the road are assigned as unsuitable and while the area under 100 – 700 m distance is assigned as highly suitable. Similarly area under distances 700 – 1500 m, 1500 – 3000 m, and 3000 – 5000m are graded as suitable, moderately suitable, and least suitable. 21 6.1.6. Distance from the airport Airport or aircraft area poses a risk of collision between birds (especially eagles and vultures that roam around the landfill and fly high) and aircraft which can cause fatal damage to the plane and its engine. The collision between birds and aircraft has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people. To cancel out these probabilities it is required for a landfill site to be located at least 3km from the airport area. Also, the only official landfill site had to be closed as it was inside the range of 3km from Pokhara International Airport. In this study, the area within the range of distance (0 – 3000) m is graded as restricted whereas the areas within the ranges (3000 – 4000) m, (4000 – 5000) m, and (5000 – 6000) m are graded as the least suitable, moderately suitable and suitable respectively. 6.1.7. Slope The land slope is an important factor when selecting a landfill site. An area with a very steep slope will increase the drainage of pollutants from the landfill site to surrounding areas and will grow the risk of leachate flowing from high slopes to flat and low areas or bodies of water. This may lead to leachate pollution and contaminants moving long distances from their sources. In the context of PMC, the plain area is mostly crowded and not suitable for the selection of a landfill site. The land slope of PMC varies from 0 – 74 degrees. Analyzing the complex landscape of PMC the slope varying from 0 – 10 degrees is graded as suitable whereas the slope varying from 10 – 20 degrees, 20 – 30 degrees, 30 – 40 degrees, and > 40 degrees are graded as suitable, moderately suitable, least suitable, and unsuitable. 6.1.8. Land use/Land cover Land use comprises all the land area and the structures built above the land. It comprises forests, shrubland, cropland, grassland, settlements, bare land, moss and lichen, permanent water bodies, etc. In this study land cover occupied by settlement and permanent water bodies are graded as unsuitable, cropland as least suitable, forest, moss, and lichen as suitable, shrub land, grassland, and bare land as highly suitable. 6.2. Description of Criteria and sub-criteria of the input layer Table 6.1: Description of criteria and sub-criteria Criteria Parameter Ranking Level of Suitability 1. Slope 0 – 10 5 Highly suitable 10 – 20 4 Suitable 20 – 30 3 Moderately suitable 22 2. Built Up 3. Road 4. River/Lake 5. Existing Landfill 30 – 40 2 Least suitable > 40 1 Unsuitable 0 – 100 m 0 Restricted 100 – 200 m 2 Least suitable 200 – 400 m 3 Moderately suitable 400 – 600 m 4 Suitable > 600 m 5 Highly suitable 0 – 100 m 1 Unsuitable 100 – 700 m 5 Highly suitable 700 – 1500 m 4 Suitable 1500 – 3000 m 3 Moderately suitable 3000 – 5000 m 2 Least suitable 0 – 100 m 0 Restricted 100 – 250 m 1 Unsuitable 250 – 400 m 3 Moderately suitable 400 – 550 m 4 Suitable > 500 m 5 Highly suitable 0 – 500 m 1 Unsuitable 500 – 1000 m 2 Least suitable 1000 – 1500 m 3 Moderately suitable 1500 – 2000 4 Suitable 23 m 6. Elevation 7. Airport 8. Land Use > 2000 m 5 Highly suitable 499 – 900 m 5 Highly suitable 900 – 1300 m 4 Suitable 1300 – 1700 m 3 Moderately suitable 1700 – 2100 m 2 Least suitable > 2100 1 Unsuitable 0 – 3000 m 0 Restricted 3000 – 4000 m 2 Least suitable 4000 – 5000 m 3 Moderately suitable > 5000 m 4 Suitable Settlement 0 Restricted Cropland 2 Least suitable Forest 4 Suitable Shrub land 5 Highly suitable Grass land 5 Highly suitable Moss and Lichen 4 Suitable Permanent water bodies 0 Restricted Bare land 5 Highly Suitable 24 6.3. Layer Maps of Criteria After selecting the important criteria, the required maps are obtained to prepare the digital maps of criteria with the help of ArcGIS. The maps are obtained by mapping manually on Google Earth where mapping was easy and possible. For the maps where manual mapping is not possible, it is taken from the National Geo-Portal website. A slope map is prepared from the DEM data using geo-processing tools in ArcGIS. Then the raster map was prepared using various tools within GIS. In this study, all vector maps were converted to raster maps to perform the analysis process in GIS for landfill selection. 6.3.1 According to Elevation Figure 6. 1 Suitability constraint map of elevation 25 6.3.2 According to distance from River Figure 6. 2 Suitability constraint map of river 6.3.3 According to distance from lake Figure 6. 3 Suitability constraint map of lake 26 6.3.4. According to existing landfill site Figure 6. 4 Suitability constraint map of Existing Landfill 6.3.5. According to distance from built-up area Figure 6. 5 Suitability Constraint map of Settlement/Built-up area 27 6.3.6. According to distance from road Figure 6. 6 Suitability constraint map of a road 6.3.7. According to distance from the airport Figure 6. 7 Suitability constrain map of the airport 28 6.3.8. According to the slope Figure 6. 8 Suitability constraint map of slope 6.3.9. According to Land-Use Figure 6. 9 Suitability constraint map of slope 29 6.4. Determination of relative weights of criteria using AHP Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) is an effective and powerful decision-making tool and is widely used in landfill selection. It calculates priority vectors for each selected criterion according to the user’s priorities of those criteria in pair-wise comparisons by the computational matrix. The weights for each criterion were determined after normalizing the matrix value summed up, dividing by several criteria. Since the accuracy of the judgment can be statistically checked, this approach becomes more reliable. Table 6.2: Rating Scale Numerical rating Intensities of importance in AHP Reciprocal 1 Equal importance 1 3 Moderate importance 1/3 5 Importance 1/5 7 Very importance 1/7 9 Extreme importance 1/9 Intensities of 2,4,6,8 can be used to express intermediate value. Pairwise Comparison Matrix Table 6.3: Pairwise comparison matrix Criteria C1 Built-up area C2 Road C3 Existing Landfill C4 Slope C5 Elevation C6 Lake C7 River C8 Landuse C9 Airport C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 1 3 2 3 3 5 5 0.333 1 2 2 2 3 3 0.5 0.5 1 2 2 2 2 0.333 0.5 0.5 1 2 3 3 0.333 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 2 0.2 0.333 0.5 0.333 0.5 1 2 0.2 0.333 0.5 0.333 0.5 0.5 1 0.167 0.25 0.333 0.333 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.167 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.333 0.333 0.333 30 C8 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 0.5 Step 1: Calculate the sum of individual column Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C1 Built-up area 1 3 2 3 3 5 5 6 C2 Road 0.333 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 C3 Existing landfill 0.5 0.5 1 2 2 2 2 3 C4 Slope 0.333 0.5 0.5 1 2 3 3 3 C5 Elevation 0.333 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 2 2 C6 Lake 0.2 0.333 0.5 0.333 0.5 1 2 2 C7 River 0.2 0.333 0.5 0.333 0.5 0.5 1 2 C8 Landuse 0.167 0.25 0.333 0.333 0.5 0.5 1 1 C9 Airport 0.167 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.333 0.333 0 0.5 Sum 3.233 6.666 7.583 9.699 11.83 17.33 19 24 Step 2: Dividing each data by the sum of its column and calculating average value of the individual row criteria weight is determined Table 6.3: Calculation of criteria weights Criteria C1 C1 0.309 C2 0.103 C3 0.155 C4 0.103 C5 0.103 C6 0.062 C7 0.062 C8 0.052 C9 0.052 C2 C3 C4 C5 0.45 0.264 0.309 0.254 0.15 0.264 0.206 0.169 0.075 0.132 0.206 0.169 0.075 0.66 0.103 0.169 0.075 0.66 0.052 0.085 0.499 0.66 0.034 0.042 0.499 0.66 0.034 0.042 0.038 0.44 0.034 0.042 0.038 0.033 0.021 0.028 31 C6 C7 0.288 0.265 0.173 0.159 0.115 0.106 0.173 0.159 0.115 0.106 0.057 0.106 0.029 0.053 0.029 0.026 0.019 0.017 C8 C9 0.255 0.194 0.17 0.129 0.127 0.129 0.127 0.161 0.085 0.097 0.085 0.097 0.085 0.097 0.043 0.065 0.021 0.032 C.W 0.288 0.169 0.135 0.126 0.083 0.066 0.058 0.041 0.029 Step 3: Weight sum value (WSV) = criteria weights * each column of the pairwise comparison matrix Table 6.4: Calculation of weighted sum value CRITERIA C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C1 0.288 0.507 0.27 0.378 C2 0.096 0.169 0.27 0.252 C3 0.144 0.0845 0.135 0.252 C4 0.096 0.0845 0.0675 0.126 C5 0.096 0.0845 0.0675 0.063 C6 0.057 0.0563 0.0675 0.042 C7 0.057 0.0563 0.0675 0.042 C8 0.048 0.0423 0.045 0.042 C9 0.048 0.0423 0.034 0.0252 C6 0.249 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.083 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.025 C7 0.33 0.198 0.132 0.198 0.132 0.066 0.033 0.033 0.022 C8 0.29 0.174 0.116 0.174 0.116 0.116 0.058 0.029 0.0193 C9 0.25 0.166 0.124 0.124 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.041 0.0207 WSV 0.173 2.733 0.115 1.606 0.115 1.268 0.144 1.18 0.086 0.811 0.086 0.62 0.086 0.53 0.057 0.38 0.029 0.27 Step 4: Ratio = WSV/AVG and average of the ratio R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 9.489 9.503 9.396 9.365 9.77 9.29 9.34 9.17 9.057 Average of ratio (λ max) = 9.377 Step 5: Calculation of CI and CR CI = (λ max – n) / (n-1) = 0.0471 RI = 1.45 for n= CR = CI/RI = 0.0325 This is less than 0.1. ok. So the calculated criteria weights are listed below: C1 28.8% C2 16.9% C3 13.5% C4 12.6% C5 8.3% 32 C6 6.6% C7 5.8% C8 4.1% C9 2.9% 6.5. Suitability Map The suitability map is generated using ArcGIS with the help of suitability constraint maps of built-up, roads, existing landfill, slopes, elevations, rivers, lakes, land use, and airport. ArcGIS toolbox consists of spatial analyst tools where the weighted overlay is also included. The raster data of the constraint map of different criteria are added. The criteria weight of the corresponding criteria is input. The result of the weighted overlay for determining the suitability map is shown in the figure below: Figure 6. 10 Suitability map for Landfill site 33 REFERENCE SWMRMC. 2004, Diagnostic report on State of Solid Waste Management in Municipalities of Nepal Government of Nepal, Solid Waste Management and Resoruce Mobilization Center, Kathmandu, Nepal. 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