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FANUC Robot Functions & Software: Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Robots............................................................................................................................................... 010
Functions............................................................................................................................................................ 011
Basic Functions.....................................................................................................................................................................................012
R-30iB Basic Software.................................................................................................................................................................... 013
R-30iB Mate Basic Software.......................................................................................................................................................... 014
Digital Servo Function.....................................................................................................................................................................015
Motion Functions...................................................................................................................................................................................016
ADV-CP Path Control Package...................................................................................................................................................... 017
ADV-CP Speed Control Package.................................................................................................................................................... 018
Anti-Deflection................................................................................................................................................................................. 019
Basic Positioner...............................................................................................................................................................................020
Basic Remote Tool Center Point (TCP)......................................................................................................................................... 021
Remote Tool Center Point (TCP)....................................................................................................................................................022
CD Dynamic U-Frame.....................................................................................................................................................................023
Constant Path.................................................................................................................................................................................. 024
Continuous Turn.............................................................................................................................................................................. 025
CPRUT.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 026
Cycle Time Priority.......................................................................................................................................................................... 027
Dual Drive........................................................................................................................................................................................ 028
Enhanced Mirror Image.................................................................................................................................................................. 029
Ethernet Encoder............................................................................................................................................................................ 030
Extended Axis Control.....................................................................................................................................................................031
General Positioner...........................................................................................................................................................................032
Gravity Compensation..................................................................................................................................................................... 033
HDI for Line Tracking (High-speed Digital Input)......................................................................................................................... 034
Independent Auxiliary Axes.............................................................................................................................................................035
Line Tracking................................................................................................................................................................................... 036
Servo Conveyor Line Tracking........................................................................................................................................................037
Learning Vibration Control (LVC)................................................................................................................................................... 038
M-1iA - 1 kg Option........................................................................................................................................................................ 039
M-2000iA - 1.350 kg Option............................................................................................................................................................040
M-3iA/6S - High Inertia Option (HiOpt).......................................................................................................................................... 041
M-900iA - 700 kg Option.................................................................................................................................................................042
M900iA/400L - High Inertia Option (HiOpt).................................................................................................................................... 043
Motion Interface.............................................................................................................................................................................. 044
Motion Package............................................................................................................................................................................... 045
Minimum Rotation (MROT) Instruction.......................................................................................................................................... 046
Multi-Arm Package (Legacy).......................................................................................................................................................... 047
Multi-Group Motion......................................................................................................................................................................... 048
Path Adjust Function.......................................................................................................................................................................049
Payload Confirm.............................................................................................................................................................................. 050
Payload Identification...................................................................................................................................................................... 051
Position Bump Box..........................................................................................................................................................................052
Rail Unit........................................................................................................................................................................................... 053
Robot Link (Simultaneous Motion).................................................................................................................................................054
Small Circle Accuracy.....................................................................................................................................................................055
Soft Float..........................................................................................................................................................................................056
Torque Limit.................................................................................................................................................................................... 057
Touch Skip....................................................................................................................................................................................... 058
Wash Teaching................................................................................................................................................................................ 059
Handling Functions............................................................................................................................................................................... 060
Handling Tool...................................................................................................................................................................................061
LR Tool............................................................................................................................................................................................. 062
LR Handling Tool.............................................................................................................................................................................063
Singularity Avoidance...................................................................................................................................................................... 065
Spot Welding Functions........................................................................................................................................................................066
IWDG (Integrated Welding Controller for Dengensha)................................................................................................................. 067
Nadex DeviceNet Welding Controller............................................................................................................................................ 068
Pressure Profile Control.................................................................................................................................................................069
Servo Gun Axes............................................................................................................................................................................... 070
Servo Gun Change...........................................................................................................................................................................071
Servo Gun Option.............................................................................................................................................................................072
Servo Gun Setup Package.............................................................................................................................................................. 073
Servo Tip Dresser............................................................................................................................................................................074
Servo Gun Diagnosis....................................................................................................................................................................... 075
Spot Program Touch-up Function................................................................................................................................................. 076
Welding Tip Inspection....................................................................................................................................................................078
WTC/Medar Integrated Spot Welding Controller.......................................................................................................................... 079
R-2000iB/200R Stud........................................................................................................................................................................ 080
R-2000iB/210F Stud........................................................................................................................................................................ 081
Arc Welding Functions..........................................................................................................................................................................082
ArcTool............................................................................................................................................................................................. 083
Positioner (Arc Positioner, 1-Axis Positioner, ...)..........................................................................................................................084
TAST (Through Arc Seam Tracking).............................................................................................................................................. 085
TAST Multi-Path Pack.....................................................................................................................................................................086
AVC (Automatic Voltage Control)....................................................................................................................................................087
RPMP (Root-Pass Memorization and Multi-Pass Welding)..........................................................................................................088
Weaving............................................................................................................................................................................................ 089
Custom Weaving..............................................................................................................................................................................090
Wrist Axes Weaving.........................................................................................................................................................................091
Touch Sensing................................................................................................................................................................................. 092
Arc Start Height Adjust...................................................................................................................................................................093
Torch Angle......................................................................................................................................................................................094
Torch Guard..................................................................................................................................................................................... 095
Arc Torch Mate................................................................................................................................................................................096
ServoTorch for Steel....................................................................................................................................................................... 097
ServoTorch for Aluminium..............................................................................................................................................................098
Improved Touch Retract................................................................................................................................................................. 099
Multi-Equipment Control................................................................................................................................................................ 100
Welding Speed Output.....................................................................................................................................................................101
Low-Frequency Pulse Welding.......................................................................................................................................................102
Coordinated Motion Package..........................................................................................................................................................103
Arc Override Control....................................................................................................................................................................... 104
Servo Robot......................................................................................................................................................................................105
Servo Robot ROBOCOM Lite...........................................................................................................................................................106
Lincoln Ethernet Default (Arclink-XT)............................................................................................................................................107
Lincoln Electric control parameters for Japan.............................................................................................................................108
Lincoln Electric control parameters for North America.............................................................................................................. 109
Lincoln Electric Welding Equipment Library.................................................................................................................................110
Fronius Welding Equipment Library.............................................................................................................................................. 111
Miller Welding Equipment Library................................................................................................................................................. 112
Arc Abnormal Monitor.................................................................................................................................................................... 113
Arc Production Monitor...................................................................................................................................................................114
Arc Welding Analogue Meter..........................................................................................................................................................115
Universal Sensor Interface............................................................................................................................................................. 116
Heat Wave Synchronization............................................................................................................................................................ 117
Tracking Jog.................................................................................................................................................................................... 118
Dispensing Functions............................................................................................................................................................................119
Default Dispense............................................................................................................................................................................. 120
Dispense Tool Application 2nd Analogue Port.............................................................................................................................. 121
Integrated Servo Dispenser (ISD) Gear Meter...............................................................................................................................122
Integrated Servo Dispenser (ISD) Single Acting Meter.................................................................................................................123
NEMO Pump Function.................................................................................................................................................................... 124
Pump Only Motion...........................................................................................................................................................................125
Stitch Function.................................................................................................................................................................................126
Safety Functions....................................................................................................................................................................................127
Enhanced Stopping..........................................................................................................................................................................128
Safety Functions for CE Compliance (CE Mark)........................................................................................................................... 129
Controlled Stop by E-Stop.............................................................................................................................................................. 130
Dual Check Safety (DCS) Position / Speed Check........................................................................................................................ 131
Dual Check Safety (DCS) Safe I/O Connection Function.............................................................................................................. 132
External Mode Select...................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Local Stop........................................................................................................................................................................................ 134
Safety Functions for NRTL Compliance........................................................................................................................................ 135
Vision Functions.................................................................................................................................................................................... 136
iRCalibration Package.....................................................................................................................................................................137
iRCalibration Vision Axis (VAxis).....................................................................................................................................................138
iRCalibration Vision Frame (VFrame)............................................................................................................................................ 139
iRCalibration Vision Mastering (VMaster)...................................................................................................................................... 140
iRCalibration Vision Multi-Group Calibration (VMCal).................................................................................................................. 141
iRCalibration Vision Shift (VShift)................................................................................................................................................... 142
iRCalibration Vision Tool Center Point (VTCP).............................................................................................................................. 143
iRVision 2D (2-Dimensional Vision Bundle)...................................................................................................................................144
iRVision 3D Tri-View........................................................................................................................................................................145
iRVision 3DL (3-Dimentional Laser Vision Bundle).......................................................................................................................146
iRVision AntiDefect.......................................................................................................................................................................... 147
iRVision 3D Area Sensor.................................................................................................................................................................148
iRVision Barcode Reader (BarcodeRead)...................................................................................................................................... 149
iRVision Bin Picking........................................................................................................................................................................ 150
iRVision Slave...................................................................................................................................................................................151
iRVision Core................................................................................................................................................................................... 152
iRVision Image to Points.................................................................................................................................................................153
iRVision Part Queue........................................................................................................................................................................ 154
iRVision TorchMate..........................................................................................................................................................................155
iRVision UIF Control (User Interface Function).............................................................................................................................156
iRVision Visual Line Tracking......................................................................................................................................................... 157
Vision Support Tools....................................................................................................................................................................... 158
Force Sensing Functions......................................................................................................................................................................159
Force Control Basic 3-Axis.............................................................................................................................................................160
Fixed Force Sensor......................................................................................................................................................................... 161
Force Control Basic........................................................................................................................................................................ 162
Force Control Fitting.......................................................................................................................................................................163
Force Control Contouring............................................................................................................................................................... 164
Force Control Deburring Path Generation.................................................................................................................................... 165
Up-Time Functions............................................................................................................................................................................... 166
Automatic Error Recovery.............................................................................................................................................................. 167
Basic Interference Check............................................................................................................................................................... 168
High Sensitivity Collision Detection Package................................................................................................................................ 169
Automatic Collision Recovery......................................................................................................................................................... 170
Data Monitor.................................................................................................................................................................................... 171
Diagnostics Interface...................................................................................................................................................................... 172
Error Code Output...........................................................................................................................................................................173
Fault and Incident Reporting..........................................................................................................................................................174
Filtered Memory Device.................................................................................................................................................................. 175
Intelligent Interference Check........................................................................................................................................................176
iRDiagnostics................................................................................................................................................................................... 177
Operation Logbook.......................................................................................................................................................................... 178
Password Protection....................................................................................................................................................................... 179
Process Logger (for Spot Tool and Arc Tool)................................................................................................................................180
Customization Functions...................................................................................................................................................................... 181
Dynamic Path Modification............................................................................................................................................................. 182
Integrated PMC................................................................................................................................................................................183
Integrated PMC Package................................................................................................................................................................ 184
Multi-Path PMC............................................................................................................................................................................... 185
PMC Change Mode..........................................................................................................................................................................186
Internet Connection / Customization............................................................................................................................................. 187
KAREL.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 188
KAREL Translator / Compressor................................................................................................................................................... 189
KAREL Use Support Function (Use Sprt FCTN)............................................................................................................................190
System Design Tool.........................................................................................................................................................................191
Mathematical (Math) Functions......................................................................................................................................................192
Trigonometric Functions.................................................................................................................................................................193
Menu Utility......................................................................................................................................................................................194
Panel Wizard....................................................................................................................................................................................195
PC Interface..................................................................................................................................................................................... 196
User Socket Messaging (Msg)........................................................................................................................................................197
Miscellaneous Functions...................................................................................................................................................................... 198
4D Graphics..................................................................................................................................................................................... 199
Cycle Time Logging.........................................................................................................................................................................200
DRAM File Storage..........................................................................................................................................................................201
Easy Teach Suite............................................................................................................................................................................. 202
High-Speed Shift............................................................................................................................................................................. 203
Initial Setting Load.......................................................................................................................................................................... 204
Multi User Operator's Panel (UOP) for Dual Arm.........................................................................................................................205
Multi User Operator's Panel (UOP) Interface................................................................................................................................206
No Shift Jog..................................................................................................................................................................................... 207
No Shift Operation...........................................................................................................................................................................208
Path Switching Function................................................................................................................................................................. 209
Position Representation (Pos. Rep.) Conversion...........................................................................................................................210
Product Display Improve.................................................................................................................................................................211
Robot Isolation.................................................................................................................................................................................212
Robot Setup Assist.......................................................................................................................................................................... 213
Servo Tool Change.......................................................................................................................................................................... 214
Special FWD / BWD (Forward / Backward Key)............................................................................................................................215
Tool Center Point (TCP) Speed Output.......................................................................................................................................... 216
Programming Functions.......................................................................................................................................................................217
Shape Generation 3.........................................................................................................................................................................218
ASCII Program Loader....................................................................................................................................................................219
Program Toolbox............................................................................................................................................................................. 220
Communication.................................................................................................................................................. 221
CC-Link Slave (for Mitsubishi PLC)..................................................................................................................................................... 222
Data Transfer between Robot and PC (Serial)....................................................................................................................................223
Data Transfer between Robots (Ethernet).......................................................................................................................................... 224
DeviceNet Scanner (Master) / Adapter (Slave)................................................................................................................................... 225
DeviceNet Adapter (Slave).................................................................................................................................................................... 226
DeviceNet Safety Adapter (Slave).........................................................................................................................................................227
Ethernet Global Data (EGD I/O for GE Fanuc / GE PLC)....................................................................................................................228
EtherNet/IP Adapter (Slave)................................................................................................................................................................. 229
EtherNet/IP - DeviceNet Router.......................................................................................................................................................... 230
EtherNet/IP Scanner (Master)..............................................................................................................................................................231
EtherNet/IP Safety Adapter (Slave)......................................................................................................................................................232
FIPIO (Factory Implementation Protocol I/O Slave)............................................................................................................................233
FL-net.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 234
InterBus PxC Master / Slave (Phoenix Contact)................................................................................................................................. 235
InterBus PxC Slave (Phoenix Contact)................................................................................................................................................ 236
Machine Tool Connection..................................................................................................................................................................... 237
Machine Tool Easy Setup..................................................................................................................................................................... 238
Machine Tool Easy Setup and Connection.......................................................................................................................................... 239
Modbus/TCP Server.............................................................................................................................................................................. 240
PMC and Internet Package.................................................................................................................................................................. 241
PROFIBUS-DP Master / Slave............................................................................................................................................................. 242
PROFIBUS-DP Master.......................................................................................................................................................................... 243
PROFIBUS-DP Slave............................................................................................................................................................................. 244
PROFINET I/O Controller (Master) / Device (Slave)............................................................................................................................245
PROFINET Safety Device (Slave).......................................................................................................................................................... 246
ROBOMachine JOG Function................................................................................................................................................................247
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) Client....................................................................................................................................248
FANUC ROBOGUIDE............................................................................................................................................................................. 250
Standard package............................................................................................................................................................................251
4D Edit..............................................................................................................................................................................................252
WeldPRO.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 253
PaintPRO.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 254
ASCII translator package................................................................................................................................................................ 255
ChamferingPRO............................................................................................................................................................................... 256
SpotPRO........................................................................................................................................................................................... 257
FANUC ROBOGUIDE options................................................................................................................................................................259
Auto place........................................................................................................................................................................................ 260
CAM connection...............................................................................................................................................................................261
Duty estimation................................................................................................................................................................................263
Line tracking....................................................................................................................................................................................264
Power consumption estimation......................................................................................................................................................265
Robot integration setup.................................................................................................................................................................. 266
Servo gun integration setup........................................................................................................................................................... 267
System monitoring.......................................................................................................................................................................... 269
Vision................................................................................................................................................................................................ 270
FANUC PC FTP NETWORK.................................................................................................................................................................. 271
FANUC Robot Interface (developer).................................................................................................................................................... 272
FANUC Robot Interface (runtime)........................................................................................................................................................273
FANUC Robot PC Developer's Kit....................................................................................................................................................... 274
FANUC Robot PC Developer's Kit Runtime Library........................................................................................................................... 275
FANUC LADDER III for robot............................................................................................................................................................... 276
You will find in this catalog an extensive selection of essential product information about FANUC components, functions
and software.
There are many FANUC products available to help you build the most competitive machine or automated system. This
catalog contains a lot of information but cannot cover all subjects extensively; use it as a guide and do not hesitate to call
your local FANUC representative for further information and assistance.
About controller functions
The descriptions of each function provided in this catalogue may contain information, descriptions, technical data as
well as performance data which may not always apply as described. Certain functions may require additional hardware,
different CPU type or additional memory capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions.
The functions described are options and may not be installed on a given configuration. It is however mostly possible to
purchase additional functions and hardware to retrofit an existing system to increase its productivity.
In case of doubt or if you need additional information on functions, compatibility and retrofit, contact your FANUC
Export control
The products listed in this catalogue may be subject to export control laws and regulations of Japan, the United States of
America, the European Union, its Member States and any amendments thereof. Contact your FANUC representative for
further information.
The illustrations, charts, sample programs and layout examples shown in this catalogue are intended solely for purposes
of example.
Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks referenced herein are either owned by FANUC or are used solely for purposes of identifying compatibility
with the products of FANUC and are owned by their respective companies.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Copyright © 2013 FANUC Europe Corporation, Zone Industrielle, L-6468 Echternach, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
All rights reserved.
FANUC Robot i series offers the world's widest range of robots for diverse applications and industries. Highly reliable and
proven with over 250000 units installed worldwide the robots are a key component for totally flexible application, quick
and straight-forward integration - the colour of choice for Your automation solutions.
The advanced compact and energy saving controller R-30iB with the latest intelligent FANUC technologies, provides a
wealth of intelligent and networking functions, fully integrated vision and force sensors for versatile and efficient factory
All FANUC robots are certified for conforming with European safety standards.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
• 100% FANUC: FANUC is the only company in this sector which develops and manufactures all major components hardware and software -in-house - with the highest degree of automation and ISO quality management
• The results are superior reliability and performance and fully safisfied customers worldwide in all regions and
FANUC Robot series features latest intelligent FANUC technologies for flexible and efficient factory automation.
For the Robotisation of all industries FANUC provide a wide range of intelligent software and networking functions,
integrated machine vision and force sensors and intelligent accessories.
Intelligent FANUC Robots provide the best tools and top performance for versatile process solutions, superior
performance with human-like skills, energy, space and cost saving solutions.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
• 100% FANUC: FANUC develops and manufacture not only robot and controller hardware but also robot and servo
software, vision, force sensors, positioners and other accessories
• Seamless integration of machine vision and latest technologies provides for competitive costs, top reliability and
easy and safe system integration
• Fully safisfied customers in all parts of the world and all industries appreciate the superior reliability and
performance of FANUC products
Basic Functions
This section of the catalogue contains the basic functions of the robot.
Some of the functions detailed in the catalogue:
• R-30iB Basic Software
• R-30iB Mate Basic Software
• Etc.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Basic Functions
R-30iB Basic Software
The basic software for R-30iB includes the following functions:
Angle Entry Shift (J614)
Sub Program Special Viewer (J697)
USB Port on iPendant (J957)
iRCalibration VMRecov (J995)
Data recording for maintenance (J958)
Style Select (R645)
Analog I/O
Online Touchup
I/O Interconnect2
Mixed Logic
KAREL Executor
TCP auto set
Position Register
Tool/User Offset
User Frame setting
Program Shift
Mirror image shift
Background edit
High speed skip
Condition monitor
Time Before/Distance before
Automatic backup
iPendant display
FTP connection.
Simple and powerful TPE programming functions are included for motion, branching, sub program call, condition
monitor, background logic, position shift, processing of integer, real, position and string values and much more.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
• High speed motion, high performance, high flexibility
• Easy and safe operation, easy and fast programming
• Highly reliable and easy to maintain
Basic Functions
R-30iB Mate Basic Software
The basic software for R-30iB includes the following functions:
Angle Entry Shift (J614)
Sub Program Special Viewer (J697)
USB Port on iPendant (J957)
iRCalibration VMRecov (J995)
Data recording for maintenance (J958)
Style Select (R645)
Analog I/O
Online Touchup
I/O Interconnect2
Mixed Logic
KAREL Executor
TCP auto set
Position Register
Tool/User Offset
User Frame setting
Program Shift
Mirror image shift
Background edit
High speed skip
Condition monitor
Time Before/Distance before
Automatic backup
iPendant display
FTP connection
Simple and powerful TPE programming functions are also included for motion, branching, sub program call, condition
monitor, background logic, position shift, processing of integer, real, position and string values and much more.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
• High speed motion, high performance, high flexibliity, easy and safe operation, easy and fast programming, highly
reliable and easy to maintain
Basic Functions
Digital Servo Function
Standard servo control software for FANUC robots
• Fast cycle times
• Stable and reliable operation
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Motion Functions
ADV-CP Path Control Package
The software package ADV-CP Path Ctrl includes the following functions:
• Linear Distance motion option (AP_LD*** for approach to the target position, and RT_LD*** for retract motion from
the current position, where *** defines the linear distance to/from the position in mm)
• Corner Region motion option (CR***, where *** defines the distance before the target position, where the corner
rounding is going to start) in order to speed up and improve the motion path for pick and place operations as well as
for constant path processing tasks.
• Corner Distance (CD***, where *** defines the distance from the corner position in mm)
• Speed and improve motion programming
• Improve motion path
• Speed up cycle times and product quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
ADV-CP Speed Control Package
The software package ADV-CP Speed Ctrl includes the functions Max_Speed and Process_Speed to speed up robot
motion and improve process quality.
The instructions JOINT_MAX_SPEED[axis] and LINEAR_MAX_SPEED=n help to quickly optimize the robot speed for large
sections of a robot program. The Process Speed motion option PSPD allows to adjust the robot speed in each program
line with PSPD, while precisely maintaining the same robot path.
In applications such as arc or laser welding, seam sealing or paint spraying, the PSPD motion option allows to fine-tune
the robot speed. PSPD 95 will reduce the speed to 95% of the programmed value.
• Simplify speed optimization in programming
• Improve cycle times and process quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
The Anti-Deflection option improves the Tool Center Point (TCP) positioning accuracy of a FANUC robot in applications
such as aerospace drilling, by compensating the arm bending due to external forces.
This function is only available for the M-900iB/700 robot.
• Improves the position accuracy
• Improves product and processing quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Basic Positioner
Control software for auxiliary axes which can move in coordinated motion with the robot arm (but also independently)...
A typical example is an arc welding positioner. The positioner axes must be at 90 degrees to oneanother - otherwise use
"General Positioner".
• Faster programming and better quality than conventional solutions
• Speeds up system startup
• Provides for reliable high welding quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Basic Remote Tool Center Point (TCP)
The Remote Tool Center Point (Remote TCP) function enables the robot to move relative to a remotely mounted tool (a
glueing gun, a welding torch, etc.) and execute program motion with the correct speed relative to the Remote TCP.
Motion relative to the Remote TCP allows to speed up programming, teach fewer points, teach the exact (relative) process
speed and achieve better results.
Please also check the "Remote TCP" function (J624) described further in this document.
• Supports cost efficient, high performance solutions for glueing, sealing, arc welding with a stationary gun
• Precise path and speed control provide for fast teaching and high processing quality
• Saves floor space and costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Remote Tool Center Point (TCP)
The Remote Tool Center Point (Remote TCP) function enables the robot to move relatively to a remotely mounted tool (a
gleuing gun, a welding torch, etc.) and execute program motion with the correct speed relative to the Remote TCP.
Motion relative to the Remote TCP allows to speed up program, teach fewer points, teach the exact (relative) process
speed and achieve better results and faster programming times. In coordinated motion system the CD Dynamic Uframe
function is included and simplifies the programming e.g. of exhaust pipe welding and similar tasks.
Note: this function includes the features of Basic Remote TCP and variable / dynamic Remote TCP.
• Speed up programming
• Improve processing and product quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
CD Dynamic U-Frame
In coordinated motion system the CD Dynamic Uframe function simplifies the programming e.g. of exhaust pipe welding
and similar tasks.
The reference frame of the positioner (leader frame) is dynamically copied to the robot as follower (user frame) in such a
way that the robot is moved and programmed relatively to the moving work piece which is mounted on the positioner.
This also allows to use iRVision to locate the work piece on the positioner and adjust the robot's motion and welding path.
• Simplified programming for coordinated arc welding e.g. for exhaust pipe welding
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Constant Path
The Constant Path function maintains the programmed robot path, when the speed override is changed, even when the
robot waits for an input. It also includes that the robot TCP returns to the taught path, when the robot was jogged away
after the program interruption.
This function is standard in all robots supplied in Europe.
• Speed up programming and program optimization, avoid collisions and downtime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Continuous Turn
The Continuous Turn function allows to program endless rotation of robot faceplate (e.g. J6 axis) and auxiliary axes.
• Support special applications e.g. in metal casting and glass production
• Enable endless axis rotation where required
• Speed up cycle times for arc welding positioners
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
CPRUT is a special variation of Remote TCP robot motion relative to a stationary tool. The representation of taught
robot positions is different to that of the normal Remote TCP and simplifies the use of robot programs created by offline
• Simplifies the use of robot programs created by offline programming
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Cycle Time Priority
High speed motion control with dynamic acceleration in order to achieve fastest cycle times.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Fastest motion speeds and stopping without vibration for reliable handling and spot welding operations
Fastest cycle times
Reliable process operations
Reduce mechanical wear and vibrations
Motion Functions
Dual Drive
The Dual Drive functions allows to drive two FANUC servo axes as a master-slave pair, where the slave moves with the
master motor.
This function helps to move large and heavy structures using FANUC servo motors, where otherwise heavy, long shafts or
drive systems would cause high cost and difficult installation work.
• Save cost
• Simplify system design and installation
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Enhanced Mirror Image
The enhanced mirror image option allows you to translate an entire teach pendant program or portion of a teach pendant
program to mirror-image the original programmed points.
The enhanced mirror image option provides additional functionality so that existing frames such as user frames can be
used directly with any specified XY, YZ, or XZ plane. Also, additional orientation shifting is provided for different application
• Speed up programming and system start-up
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Ethernet Encoder
The Ethernet Encoder software option (R762) has been developped for line tracking systems with multiple robots working
on the same conveyor.
The Ethernet Encoder consists of both master and slave controllers where the master is the controller with the
encoder(s) connected. The master controller transmits the encoder information to other slave controller/controllers over
the Ethernet Network connection.
This function supports up to two encoders distributed amongst up to 4 robot controllers.
• Reduce system cost and speed up installation, when multiple robots work at a conveyor
• Only one (master) robot needs to monitor the conveyor progress by a line tracking encoder, while the other robots
share the information via ethernet
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Extended Axis Control
Control software for auxiliary axes which move and are programmed together with the robot arm. A typical example is a
rail unit carrying the robot arm, where each programmed position defines also, where the rail axis must be.
• Fast cycle times
• Stable and reliable operation
• Extend robot reach for large work pieces
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
General Positioner
Control software for auxiliary axes which can move in coordinated motion with the robot arm (but also independently). A
typical example is an arc welding positioner. The positioner axes may be at any angle to oneanother.
• Easier and faster programming
• Better welding quality than conventional solutions
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Gravity Compensation
The function Gravity Compensation compensates for bending of the robot arm due to load and gravity. It improves robot
path accuracy and requires a correct payload setting.
• Improves robot path accuracy
• Improves product quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
HDI for Line Tracking (High-speed Digital Input)
This function enables the usage of High speed Digital Input (TTL level) as trigger input for Line Tracking. This function
improves line tracking accuracy and allows higher conveyor speeds.
• Improve motion accuracy and speed when picking/placing work pieces from/on high speed conveyors
• Faster cycle times
• Improved process and product quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Independent Auxiliary Axes
Control software for auxiliary axes so that robot and axes can move independently (and synchronously). A typical
example of this function is a servo hand; the hand should be able to move with the robot arm but also open and close
Note: this function supports "Servo Tool Change" function.
• Speed up cycle times
• Simplify control system
• Lower system costs compared to conventional solution
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Line Tracking
Line tracking is an optional function that enables a robot to track a moving conveyor and manipulate a work piece which is
moving with the conveyor.
It supports rail tracking, cartesian and circular line tracking.
• Faster cycle times
• Reduced floor space requirement
• Lower system costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Servo Conveyor Line Tracking
The function Servo Conveyor Line Tracking controls a FANUC servo motor driving a conveyor and controls synchronised
line tracking motion of the robot with this conveyor. It includes Multi Motion and Continuous turn. Line Tracking and
Independent aux axis must be selected.
Servo Conveyor Line Tracking function controls up to max. 4 conveyors.
• Faster cycle times
• Improved process stability and uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Learning Vibration Control (LVC)
The software option Learning Vibration Control (LVC) realizes smooth and high speed robot motion measuring and
learning the motion with an acceleration sensor at the robot tool.
Using the learnt data LVC suppresses the robot vibration and can speed up motion (e.g. short distance moves in spot
welding) and cycle times by up to 10%.
• Speed up cycle times in spot welding and handling applications
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
M-1iA - 1 kg Option
The function enables M-1iA to handle 1kg of payload with reduced speed and acceleration.
• Maximize payload capacity and production output
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
M-2000iA - 1.350 kg Option
M-2000iA 1350kg Option for a payload of 1350kg.
• Maximize payload capacity and production output
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
M-3iA/6S - High Inertia Option (HiOpt)
The M-3iA/6S High Inertia option permits to handle larger inertia work pieces with reduced speed and acceleration.
• Maximize payload capacity and production output
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
M-900iA - 700 kg Option
Motion settings for M-900iA/600 to handle 700kg payload and high inertia loads
• Maximize payload capacity and production output
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
M900iA/400L - High Inertia Option (HiOpt)
The M900iA/400L High Inertia Option allows to handle larger inertia workpieces with M-900iA/400L.
• Maximize payload capacity and production output
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Motion Interface
The Motion Interface function is required if the user wants to improve the robot motion performance using a PC and
FANUC ROBOGUIDE MotionPro software (A08B-9410-J609).
FANUC ROBOGUIDE MotionPro helps to improve robot cycle time, improve robot path quality, analyse and improve
reducer life time and power consumption.
Note: this function is standard on a R-30iB controller.
• Improve robot performance and cycle time
• Improve path and product quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Motion Package
This software package contains:
Singularity Avoidance (R792)
ADV-CP Speed CTRL (R805)
ADV-CP Path CTRL (R806)
High Sensitive Collision Detection Package (J684)
It speeds up programming, speeds cycle times, speeds up path and process optimization and avoids collisions for all
• Simplify and speed up programming
• Avoid damages and downtime
• Improve cycle times and process quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Minimum Rotation (MROT) Instruction
The MROT instruction is added to the robot motion instruction and enables the Minimum Rotation motion with
HandlingTool application software.
In FANUC 6-axis robots, the 6th axis often has a range of 2 revolutions=720 degrees. With MROT instruction, the J6 axis
will always move the shortest distance to the target position and can help to speed up cycle times.
• Speed up robot cycle times and teaching in handling and palletising applications
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Multi-Arm Package (Legacy)
The Multi-Arm package supports the synchonous and coordinated motion of multiple robot arms with one controller.
It also allows that each indiviual robot arm is controlled by a supervisory PLC via the digital UOP signals like two separate
robot controllers.
• Easy setup and operation of multi arm robot systems
• Cost efficient and high performance solutions for arc welding
• Complex and collision free cooperation of multiple robots
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Multi-Group Motion
Multi-Group Motion enables the robot to control and program the motion of robot arm and independent auxiliary axes or
• Faster cycle times
• Lower system costs than conventional solutions
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Path Adjust Function
The Path Adjust function allows to modify a robot program by changing tool (to path) and (tool to) work angle over a range
of taught program lines.
Note: for ArcTool ONLY.
• Speed up programming, improve product quality and cycle times
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Payload Confirm
The Payload Confirm function allows to measure the actual payload of the robot by a very small short distance motion and
confirm whether the robot payload setting is correct.
This is useful, when there is not enough space to do Payload Identification. Excessive load is detected and the operator is
• Helps to avoid overload
• Speed up cycle times
• Minimizes vibrations and stress on robot and tooling for improved system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Payload Identification
The Payload Identification function measures and sets the robot payload using an adjustable test motion of the robot axes
J5 and J6.
Note: the Payload Confirm function is included.
• Speed up cycle times
• Minimize vibrations and stress on robot and tooling
• Improve system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Position Bump Box
The Bumpbox function enables to dynamically adjust the robot motion, when for instance a digital input signal is detected.
When the input is detected, the robot motion path can be offset along x,y or z of the following coordinate systems: World
or Userframe, Weld & Tool (x along welding seam, z in torch direction).
This can be used, if the operator wants to shift the robot path by 1 ~ 5 mm (from outside the robot cell) during arc welding,
thermal or laser cutting, where e.g. work piece tolerances need to be compensated and one production cycle can last 30
minutes and more.
• Compensate for tolerances
• Improve process stability
• Improve product quality and robot uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Rail Unit
Control software for FANUC rail unit
• Fast installation
• Top performance
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Robot Link (Simultaneous Motion)
Simultaneous Robot Link: Enables the synchronous motion of up to 10 robots connected by a ethernet network
• Support advanced multi robot applications e.g. in aerospace industry
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Small Circle Accuracy
Small Circle Accuracy function for M-10iA, M-20iA, M-710iC robots doing laser and waterjet cutting in order to achieve
round cuts of the best quality and roundness.
• Improved path accuracy and product quality for cutting application
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Soft Float
The Soft Float function supports soft machine load/unload operation. When using the Softfloat motion instruction the
robot servo control is softened to minimize reactive forces and avoid damages and scratches on the workpiece.
The function High Performance Softfloat is also included for extracting workpieces softly and fast out of injection
moulding or die casting machines.
• Minimize reactive forces during load/unload operations
• Avoid damages of tooling and robot and scratches on the workpiece
• Speed up cycle times for workpiece extraction
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Torque Limit
Torque limit function enables to control the motor torque of auxilary axis motors. This can be useful to control servo
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Allows to control a servo gripper
Speed up cycle times
Handle different work pieces with the same servo gripper
Save costs and improve product quality
Motion Functions
Touch Skip
Touch Skip is a function, which uses internal servo data to detect when and where the robot touches an object. This
function can be used to avoid collisions or detect the work piece location without any external sensor.
Caution: excessive collision may affect robot lifetime and require additional maintenance measures.
• Cost efficient work piece location and checking (without any external sensor or limit switch)
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Motion Functions
Wash Teaching
Wash teaching provides predefined washing motion instructions and motion parameters for teaching the washing of flat
surfaces and holes.
• Easier and faster programming
• Improved product quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Handling Functions
Handling Functions
Handling Tool
Application tool software for handling and general applications. It provides a full control of all types of I/O (analog and
digital) for grippers, cutting and other equipment.
The function allows an easy and safe manual gripper operation using MACROs and user hardkeys on the teach pendant.
• Easy and safe operation and programming
• Easy process optimization for best quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Handling Functions
LR Tool
Application tool software for R-30iB Mate controller and load/unload applications. Includes Palletising (J500) and Style
Select (R645). It provides a full control of all types of I/O (analog & digital) for grippers, cutting and other equipment.
This function allows an easy and safe manual gripper operation using MACROs and user hardkeys on the teach pendant.
• Easy and safe operation and programming
• Easy process optimization for best quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Handling Functions
LR Handling Tool
Application tool software for R-30iB Mate controller and load/unload applications. Includes Palletising (J500) and Style
select (R645). It provides full control of all types of I/O (analog & digital) for grippers, cutting and other equipment.
This function allows an easy and safe manual gripper operation using MACROs and user hardkeys on the teach pendant.
• Easy and safe operation and programming
• Easy process optimization for best quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Handling Functions
Palletising motion instructions and registers for teaching simple palletising applications as needed for machine load/
unload applications
• Fast programming
• Reliable operation
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Handling Functions
Singularity Avoidance
The function enables the robot to automatically move through singularity during jogging and program execution with the
HandlingTool application software.
Without this option the robot positions must be taught in Joint Angles and cartesian motion executed with WristJoint
orientation control in order to move through singularity.
• Speed up programming and system startup
• Allows the robot to move close to singularity
• Allows to minimize the floorspace needed and process large work pieces
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding Functions
Spot Welding
IWDG (Integrated Welding Controller for
Integration of the spot welding controller manufactured by Dengensha for simplified installation and improved welding
Note: the function WTC/Medar cannot be specified at the same time.
• Improve spot welding quality
• Speed up welding time
• Improve robot uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
Nadex DeviceNet Welding Controller
Control software for the integrated Nadex Spot Welding timer with DeviceNet interface for spot welding applications.
Note: this function requires a DeviceNet interface function.
• Easy installation and setup
• Faster welding times
• Improved quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
Pressure Profile Control
Pressure Profile Control for the FANUC servogun. Enables precise control of the welding pressure and duration of 3 or
more phases during the spot welding process.
• Improve spot welding quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
Servo Gun Axes
Control software to tune, setup and control a FANUC Servo Gun including e.g. auto-tuning.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
High speed gun motion
Accurate force control
Fast cycle times
Good welding quality
Spot Welding
Servo Gun Change
The ServoGun Change function allows to disconnect/reconnect FANUC Servoguns during program execution.
• Use e.g. FANUC Servoguns with a tool changer
• Improve flexibility and costs of the robot system
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
Servo Gun Option
Control software for FANUC Servo Gun: this option includes the servo gun basic software and the multi motion control.
This function requires Servo Gun Axes (H869).
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
High speed gun motion
Accurate force control
Fast cycle times
Good welding quality
Spot Welding
Servo Gun Setup Package
Software package for the easy and quick setup of Servo Spot Welding guns with FANUC servo motors. Includes Gun
Touchup function (J963) and Initial Load Setting (J980).
Note: a separate and optional "FANUC Servo Gun integration setup" software for PC is required to setup / startup this
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Easy setup
Fast cycle times
High welding quality
Benefits of FANUC servo motors and seamless integration of robot and servo spot welding gun
Spot Welding
Servo Tip Dresser
Software to drive special FANUC tip dresser for spot welding electrodes (driven by FANUC servo motor). Improves welding
quality, extends lifetime of electrodes, reduces operating costs.
• Improve spot welding quality
• Speed up welding time
• Minimize electrode wear
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
Servo Gun Diagnosis
This function monitors the mechanical performance of the servogun and detects mechanical wear. Servo motor
disturbance torque is monitored e.g. to detect excessive friction.
• Maintain high welding quality
• Improve system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
Spot Program Touch-up Function
Using a FANUC Servogun the spot program touchup function automatically finds the panel using the movable electrode
and touches up the program positions. The changes are listed on a status screen, displayed in a chart and archived in a
log file.
• The automatic touchup speeds up program teaching and optimization
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
Application tool software for spot welding, stud welding, seam sealing and dispensing, material handling as needed in
automotive bodyshops.
The following options are included with this software:
• Program Toolbox (R598), Constant Path (R663) and Corner Region (R654)
• For Spotwelding: ServoGun High Speed (J886) if the ServoGun option (J643) is loaded
• For Dispensing TCP: Speed Prediction (J524) and Dispensing 2nd analog port (R528), if FRL setting (R651) is
Note: for Dispensing with R-30iB controller please use SpotTool+ (H590) and Default Dispense Option (R719) to replace
DispenseTool for R-30iA controller
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
High speed motion, fast cycle times
High flexibility combining e.g. welding and sealing processes
Easy and safe operation and programming
Highly reliability and easy maintenance
Spot Welding
Welding Tip Inspection
This function performs a Weld Tip Inspection for the spot welding (gun) electrodes using FANUC inspection box equipped
with an iRVision camera.
• Improve TCP and path accuracy
• Maintain high spot welding quality
• Improve robot uptime, where e.g. spot welding electrodes are subject to heavy wear and bending
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
WTC/Medar Integrated Spot Welding Controller
Integration of a spot welding controller manufactured by WTC/Medar for simplified installation and improved welding
Note: the IWDG function cannot be specified at the same time.
• Improve spot welding quality
• Faster welding
• Improved robot uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
R-2000iB/200R Stud
The robot motion settings R-2000iB/200R Stud set servo and motion parameter of the robot R-2000iB/200R for single
electrode (stud) spot welding.
• Simplify operation and improve uptime, when using the robot for single electrode welding
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Spot Welding
R-2000iB/210F Stud
The robot motion settings R-2000iB/210F Stud set servo and motion parameter of the robot R-2000iB/210F for single
electrode (stud) spot welding.
• Simplify operation and improve uptime, when using the robot for single electrode welding
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding Functions
Arc Welding
Application tool software for arc welding and control of welding power supplies, arc welding instructions, procedures and
schedules for welding parameters.
Individual welding process schedules including runin, welding, crater fill and burnback provide for best results. On-the-fly
function allows to adjust all welding parameters during test welding.
The options Weaving (J504), Arc Eq. Program select (J676) for digital selection of welding parameters are included in this
• Easy and safe operation and programming
• Easy process optimization for best quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Positioner (Arc Positioner, 1-Axis Positioner, ...)
Control software to setup and control a FANUC servo positioner with 1 or 2 axes and up to 1500kg payload.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
High speed and accurate motion
Fast cycle times
High product quality
Easy setup
Arc Welding
TAST (Through Arc Seam Tracking)
Through Arc Seam Tracking for MIG welding compensates for bending and part tolerances during arc welding. The
current feedback signal and weaving motion are used to track the welding seam.
• Improve quality by path compensation
• Save costs otherwise needed for better fixturing
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
TAST Multi-Path Pack
Through Arc Seam Tracking and Multi Pass / Root pass memorization for MIG welding of heavy welding structures, where
several welding passes are required.
• Improve welding quality and uptime by arc sensor
• Speeds up programming of multi layer welding seams
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
AVC (Automatic Voltage Control)
Automatic Voltage Control: through seam tracking for TIG welding (without weaving) compensates for bending and part
tolerances and keeps the tip-to-work distance and thus the welding voltage constant.
• Improve quality and uptime
• Reduce fixturing costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
RPMP (Root-Pass Memorization and Multi-Pass
Root Pass memorization and Multi Pass Welding for heavy duty welding applications, where the robot first moves along
the (bottom) root path, memorizes the path and then shifts it for the top layers in the welding seam.
• Speed up programming
• Improve quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Weaving motion for arc welding e.g. for welding thin sheet steel.
Note: this function is included as standard in the ArcTool function.
• Precise control of heat input for difficult welding tasks
• Allows to fill large gaps
• Reach an optimum quality in metal cladding applications
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Custom Weaving
The function Custom weaving allows to define 3 user defined weaving patters for arc welding and use them in a robot
• Improve welding quality for difficult welding seams
• Simplify transfer of programming knowhow from non-FANUC robots
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Wrist Axes Weaving
By Wrist Axes Weaving the robot can achieve faster weaving motion (>5Hz) in arc welding applications. The weaving
motion is accomplished by the wrist axes J4 and J5 permitting relatively high speeds.
• Speed up weaving frequency e.g. for arc welding thinner sheet steel
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Touch Sensing
Touch Sensing with electrical touch sensor in order to compensate for shifted and rotated work pieces
• Improve quality by locating the arc start position
• Save costs otherwise needed for better fixturing
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Arc Start Height Adjust
Arc Start Height Adjust function achieves an optimal arc start.
It automatically measures and adjusts the distance between the welding torch and the work piece before the arc starts
using the tip stick circuit or another sensor.
• Spatter free arc start
• Improved quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Torch Angle
Torch Angle Display provides users with a mechanism to grapically display Work Angle and Travel Angle on the Teach
Pendant. These angles are important for the arc welding process and the welding quality.
• Speed up program optimization
• Improves arc welding path and quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Torch Guard
Torch Guard: High sensitivity collision detection for the wrist axes protecting torch and robot against e.g. collisions with
clamps and work piece.
The function also includes the Arc Torch Mate function for checking the arc welding torch.
• Minimize torch bending due to collisions
• improve product quality and system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Arc Torch Mate
The TorchMate function enables the robot to measure and adjust the TCP data of an Arc Welding Torch automatically
using an electrical sensor circuit and a FANUC supplied TorchMate Touch Plate.
• Improve TCP and path accuracy as well as robot uptime, where e.g. welding torch is frequently bent by collisions etc
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
ServoTorch for Steel
Servo Torch for Steel: Control software supporting FANUC Servo Torch for steel welding wire
• Improved product quality
• Savings in welding consumables
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
ServoTorch for Aluminium
Control software for the FANUC Servo Torch for aluminium welding wire. FANUC servo motor is used to feed the wire
with high precision.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
High performance and quality arc welding
Precisely controlled wire feed
Intelligent arc start and advanced process control
Easy installation
Arc Welding
Improved Touch Retract
Improved Touch Retract function for FANUC ServoTorch achieves a spatter free arc start by retracting the welding wire a
little bit during the arc start.
• Minimize welding spatter
• Improve uptime
• Improve welding quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Multi-Equipment Control
Multi Equipment control for arc welding equipment
• Control of multiple arc welding equipments by the robot
• Supports the connection of tandem arc torches for high speed welding
• Supports using multiple arc welding processes in one production cycle
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Welding Speed Output
The Welding Speed Output function outputs the arc welding speed to arc welding equipment during welding by analogue
or group output e.g. to control the welding power as a function of the welding speed.
Note: in coordinated motion systems the relative motion speed at the welding seam is output as welding speed.
• Connect to novel welding equipment with e.g. welding power controlled by robot speed
• Improve welding quality for complex work pieces
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Low-Frequency Pulse Welding
In Arc Welding applications the Low-Frequency Pulse Welding function achieves a precise control of the heat input into
the work piece by switching welding parameters (e.g. voltage and current) with a low frequency with defined intervals.
• Precise control of heat input and welding parameters for difficult welding tasks
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Coordinated Motion Package
Coordinated Motion Package enables the coordinated motion of robot and positioner for arc welding and also of handling
robot and arc welding robot in Multiarm robot systems.
• Faster programming and better quality than conventional solutions
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Arc Override Control
The function Arc Override Control automatically switches the speed override to 100% between ARC START and ARC END,
because arc welding is only possible with 100% override. This way starting of production after breaks or interruption is
accelerated and system production time improved.
• Simplify operation
• Improve production uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Servo Robot
Control software for the connection of the Servo Robot Laser Tracker system used for advanced Arc Welding.
Note: the robot communicates with the servo robot system via RS232 serial port.
• Connect ServoRobot Laser sensor
• Improve welding quality and uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Servo Robot ROBOCOM Lite
ServoRobot ROBOCOM Lite is control software for the Arc Welding Laser Tracking Sensor ServoRobot ROBOCOM Lite as
used in advanced arc welding applications.
• Connect ServoRobot Laser sensor
• Improve welding quality and uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Lincoln Ethernet Default (Arclink-XT)
Control software and Arc welding plug and play function for Lincoln Electric Arc welders with Ethernet interface.
• Speed up installation of Arc welding systems with Lincoln Electric equipment
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Lincoln Electric control parameters for Japan
Control software and Arc welding plug and play function for Lincoln Electric Arc welders for the Japanese market. The
speed units defaults to cm/min.
• Speed up installation and setup of Arc welding systems with Lincoln Electric equipment
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Lincoln Electric control parameters for North
Control software and Arc welding plug and play function for Lincoln Electric Arc welders for the North American market.
• Speed up installation and setup of Arc welding systems with Lincoln Electric equipment
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Lincoln Electric Welding Equipment Library
The function supports the plug and play connection of Lincoln Electric Arc Welding equipment.
Note: supports Lincoln Electric communication protocols ArcLink CAN and ArcLink XT.
• Speed up installation and start-up of arc welding systems with Lincoln Electric equipment
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Fronius Welding Equipment Library
The function supports the plug and play connection of Fronius Arc Welding equipment.
Note: supports Fronius interfaces for EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet and standard process I/O.
• Speed up installation and start-up of arc welding systems with Fronius equipment
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Miller Welding Equipment Library
The function Miller Weld Eq Lib supports the plug and play connection of Miller Arc Welding equipment.
Note: supports Miller Welding euqipment interfaces for EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet and standard process I/O.
• Speed up installation and start-up of arc welding systems with Miller equipment
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Arc Abnormal Monitor
The function monitors, logs and displays abnormal arc welding conditions so that production quality and uptime can be
• Improves welding quality
• Avoids downtime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Arc Production Monitor
The Arc Production Monitor option (R753) is used with the Lincoln Power Wave welding power supplies that support the
Lincoln Production Monitoring™ and CheckPoint™ cloud server based monitoring feature.
• Improve arc welding quality
• Improve uptime with Lincoln Electric equipment
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Arc Welding Analogue Meter
Arc Welding Analogue Meter Option displays the welding control signals by a graphical analog meter display.
• Simplify checking of welding parameters
• Improve welding quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Universal Sensor Interface
Control software for the connection of the 3rd party Laser Tracker systems used for advanced Arc Welding.
Note: requires the function "User Socket Messaging".
• Connects to 3rd parts laser seam tracking devices for improved welding quality and uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Heat Wave Synchronization
HeatWave is an advanced function for arc welding applications. The welding parameter such as current and voltage can
be changed between 3 schedules and synchronized with weaving motion so that the heat input left and right of the welding
seam can be precisely controlled and very difficult welding seams e.g. with a thin and a thick wall can be welded with best
For arc welding without weaving motion the Low Frequency Pulse function allows to switch between welding schedules
with a frequency of 0.1~10hz and a duty cycle of 20%~80%.
• Improve welding quality for difficult materials (e.g. thin sheet)
• Improve quality and good-parts ratio
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Arc Welding
Tracking Jog
The Tracking Jog function simplifies manual operations in arc welding systems with multiple robot arms and coordinated
If the robots are not equipped with the Tacking Jog function, and the user wants to move the robot holding the work piece
(handling robot), then the robot holding the welding torch (welding robot) will lose contact with the work piece. It is then
difficult and time consuming afterwards to jog the welding robot back to the Arc Start position.
Using the Tracking Jog function helps in this case; the welding robot arm will follow the motion of the handling robot and
maintain the relative position of the arc welding torch to the workpiece. This speeds up programming and avoids collision
of the welding torch with clamps, the work piece and the other robot(s).
• Simplify manual jogging and speed up teaching in coordinated welding systems (welding robot + handling robot)
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Dispensing Functions
Dispensing Functions
Default Dispense
This function is useful, if a robot is used for sealing, glueing and other spraying applications. It makes dispense software
(plugin) the default tool setting in SpotTool+ application tool setting.
It includes the option Dispense 2nd Analog Port (R528) allowing to control e.g. air pressure in addition to material flow,
when loaded together with the standard FRL setting (R651).
• Provide full process control, programming and troubleshooting functions
• Fast and efficient programming of sealing, glueing and spraying applications
• High product quality and efficient material use
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Dispensing Functions
Dispense Tool Application 2nd Analogue Port
The DispenseTool application software only controls the material flow of the material (glue, PVC etc.) to be sprayed (by an
analog or group output) as required, for instance, for "airless" spray guns.
The function Dispense 2nd Analog Port allows to control spray guns (e.g. "air assisted"), where pressurized air is used for
instance to shape the spray fan for high speed or high quality applications.
Notes: DispenseTool can control material flow and air pressure according to the robot speed using TCP Speed Prediction.
With TCP Speed Prediction when the robot slows down, for instance in corners, the material flow and air pressure are
then automatically reduced to maintain exactly the same bead width as at normal speed. The option Dispense 2nd Analog
Port is provided as standard for all robots delivered in Europe.
• Support advanced sealing and glueing guns e.g. using air to shape the spraying fan
• High product quality
• Fast cycle times by high speed spraying
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Dispensing Functions
Integrated Servo Dispenser (ISD) Gear Meter
Integrated Servo Dispenser with Gear Meter driven by a FANUC motor for flow control which improves the sealing /
glueing quality and the material consumption.
This option cannot be used with the NEMO Pump function.
A FANUC I/O Unit MODEL A analog input module is needed to connect pressure transducers. A separate brake unit may
be required for the servo motor.
• Precise materal flow control
• High product quality
• Reduce material comsumption
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Dispensing Functions
Integrated Servo Dispenser (ISD) Single Acting
Integrated Servo Dispenser with Single Acting Meter driven by a FANUC motor which improves th sealing / glueing quality
and the material consumption.
This option cannot be used with the NEMO Pump function.
FANUC I/O Unit MODEL A analog input module is needed to connect the pressure transducers. A separate brake unit may
be required for the servo motor.
• Precise materal flow control
• High product quality
• Reduce material comsumption
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Dispensing Functions
NEMO Pump Function
This function controls a NEMO dispensing pump driven by a FANUC servo motor.
• Precise materal flow control
• High product quality
• Reduce material consumption
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Dispensing Functions
Pump Only Motion
Pump Only Motion allows to operate the dispensing pump (driven by a FANUC servo motor) only (without robot motion)
during a sealing program for measuring the volume of dispensed material.
• Improved product quality
• Reduce material consumption
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Dispensing Functions
Stitch Function
The Stitch function creates a user defined stitch pattern for glueing and laser welding applications etc.. The length and
gaps between the stitches are defined in stitch schedule data.
• Improve quality and repeatability
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Safety Functions
Safety Functions
Enhanced Stopping
The Enhanced Stopping function reduces the stopping time of the robot with controlled stop (e.g. when the safety gate
(FENCE-input) is opened) to a minimum.
• Optimize safety design
• Minimze floor space usage
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Safety Functions
Safety Functions for CE Compliance (CE Mark)
CE Mark safety functions for European machine safety regulations.
This function includes safely reduced speed for manual operation and testing, operation mode selection, deadman
checking according to the safety norms ISO 10218 and ISO 13849-1.
Note: this function is mandatory on all robots supplied to the European Market.
• Allows to meet the European safety regulations
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Safety Functions
Controlled Stop by E-Stop
During automatic operation (when the safety fence and gate are closed) this function triggers a soft controlled stop, when
emergency stop is pressed.
When the safety fence is opened, a hard power-off stop is triggered. In manual mode (T1, T2) emergency stop always
triggers a hard power-off stop.
Note: this function shall be used only for specific automotive OEM. When implementing this function, it is important that
safety distances in the different operation modes are managed correctly and safely.
• Reduce stress on robot and tooling, improve uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Safety Functions
Dual Check Safety (DCS) Position / Speed Check
The Dual Check Safety (DCS) Position Speed check software is a TÜV certified electronic safety control system for FANUC
robots. It safely monitors robot speed and position in joint and cartesian coordinates.
It enables operator workstations to be positioned within the robot work envelope and allows to restrict the robot motion
safely within a minimum of floor space.
It allows the creation of safe zones close to the robot center, where this would be difficult to realize using limit switches. It
restricts the robot motion safely, within a minimum of floor space.
Note: the Safety ratings of the robots is in acordance to the ISO 13849-1 Category 3, PL=d (Performance Level).
• Improve operator safety
• Reduce system costs
• Minimizes floor space needs for the robot system
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Safety Functions
Dual Check Safety (DCS) Safe I/O Connection
The Dual Check Safety Safe Input/Output Connection function allows to interconnect safety signals with the Dual check
safety function e.g. in order to interconnect safety devices at the robot and an external safety PLC .
• Improve operator safety
• Reduce system costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Safety Functions
External Mode Select
Control software to force the robot operation mode (T1, T2, AUTO) by an external safety PLC (via EtherNet/IP safety,
DeviceNet safety, PROFINET safety, etc.).
Note: this function shall be used only for specific automotive OEM. When implementing this function, it is important to
note that special hardware (e.g. safety PLC or device) is required. The special hardware is not provided by FANUC.
• Improve operator safety
• Reduce system costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Safety Functions
Local Stop
Control software for the optional FANUC Local Stop unit to improve the safety of arc welding and other auxiliary axes
The local stop unit safely shuts down the positioner motor power e.g. when a human operator loads new workpieces onto
the positioner. It complies to safety requirements of the ISO 13849-1 Cat. 4, PL=e.
• Improve operator safety
• Reduce system costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Safety Functions
Safety Functions for NRTL Compliance
The NRTL (Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory) safety control software shall be used to comply to USA and
Canadian safety regulations requirements.
Note: this function cannot be used together with the CE Mark compliance function.
• Allows to meet the USA and Canadian safety regulations
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
Vision Functions
iRCalibration Package
This software package contains iRCalibration Vision TCP Set (J990), iRCalibration Vision Frame Set (J991) and
iRCalibration Vision Mastering (J992).
It achieves the maximum accuracy of robot, tool center point and motion path using Vision camera and iRCalibration
• Improve position, TCP and path accuracy
• Improve product quality
• Speed up uploading and testing of offline generated programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRCalibration Vision Axis (VAxis)
The function iRCalibration VAxis (=Vision Axis Mastering) measures and corrects the robots mastering (calibration)
data on a axis by axis using iRVision with camera, a target mark on each axis and predefinded robot motion. In case of
mechanical repairs it helps to maintain high path accuracy and high product quality.
Note: requires special mastering targets on the robot arm for each axis, a special fixture and a camera unit. These
accessories are available from FANUC.
• Improve position, TCP and path accuracy
• Improve product quality
• Speed up uploading and testing of offline generated programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRCalibration Vision Frame (VFrame)
The function iRCalibration VFrame (= Vision Frame) measures and adjusts the Reference frame for robot work piece using
iRVision with camera three target marks and predefinded robot motion.
It helps to maintain high path accuracy and high product quality. It can also be used to adapt offline generated robot
programs to the real world and to transfer robot programs from one robot cell to another one.
• Improve position, TCP and path accuracy
• Improve product quality
• Speed up uploading and testing of offline generated programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRCalibration Vision Mastering (VMaster)
The function iRCalibration VMaster (=Vision Mastering) measures and corrects the robots mastering (calibration) data
using iRVision with camera, a target mark and predefinded robot motion. It helps to maintain high path accuracy and high
product quality.
Note: can only master the robot axes J2 through J5. A camera is required to perform robot mastering and can be ordered
from FANUC.
• Improve position, TCP and path accuracy
• Improve product quality
• Speed up uploading and testing of offline generated programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRCalibration Vision Multi-Group Calibration
The function iRCalibration VMCal (Multi Group calibration) measures the relative position of leader (e.g. welding
positioner) and follower (e.g. arc welding robot) in arc welding systems with coordinated motion using iRVision with
camera, a target mark and predefinded robot motion.
It greatly helps to speed up system installation and achieve high path accuracy and high product quality.
• Speed up installation of cordinated motion arc welding systems (robot+positioner, robot+robot)
• Improve position and path accuracy
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRCalibration Vision Shift (VShift)
The function iRCalibration VShift (=Vision Shift) measures and adjusts the Reference and Offset for a robot program using
iRVision using a camera and three target marks and predefinded robot motion.
It helps to speed up programming e.g. in production line and maintain high path accuracy and high product quality.
• Speed up programming, uploading and adjusting of offline created robot programs
• Achieve high path accuracy and product quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRCalibration Vision Tool Center Point (VTCP)
The function iRCalibration VTCP (= Vision Tool Center Point) measures and corrects the robots tool center point using
iRVision with a 2D camera, a target mark and predefinded robot motion.
It helps to maintain high path accuracy and high product quality.
• Improve TCP and path accuracy and product quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision 2D (2-Dimensional Vision Bundle)
Control software for the connection and use of a FANUC iRVision system with a supported 2D vision camera. This
includes 2D compensation (single and multi view, colour), 2.5D depalletising, Bar Code reading (1D and 2D), 3D Tri-View
compensation, Inspection processes (including Surface Flaw Inspection and Bead Inspection).
The seamless integration with the robot provides an easy setup with the robot teach pendant as well as a reliable robot
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Easy setup and operation
Reliable and robust detection and position compensation
Automatic location of work pieces and tooling
Automatic compensation of tolerances
Vision Functions
iRVision 3D Tri-View
Control software for the connection and use of a FANUC iRVision system with one or three 2D vision cameras which
can measure and compensate the 3D-Location e.g. of a car body e.g. for vision guided seam sealing in the automotive
industry. Is included in iRVision 2DV.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Easy setup and operation
Reliable and robust detection and 3D position compensation using 2D cameras
Automatic 3D location of work pieces
Automatic compensation of tolerances
Vision Functions
iRVision 3DL (3-Dimentional Laser Vision Bundle)
Control software for the connection and use of a FANUC iRVision system with the FANUC 3D Laser vision sensor.
This function features 3DL single-view and multi-view, 3DL cross-section, as well as 3DL curved surface processes.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Easy setup and operation
Reliable and robust detection and 3D position compensation
Automatic location of work pieces and tooling
Automatic compensation of tolerances
Vision Functions
iRVision AntiDefect
Control software for FANUC iRVision system (with a 2D camera) to check product quality and identify product defects, for
instance: missing labels, bolts, holes or corner or even scratches on surfaces.
This function is included in iRVision 2DV.
• Easy setup and operation
• Reliable and robust work piece detection
• Quick quality check
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision 3D Area Sensor
Control software for FANUC iRVision system using the new FANUC 3D Area Sensor which speeds up bin picking and
detects, for instance, all visible work pieces inside a container in one vision process.
• Easy setup and operation
• High speed and reliable bin picking and work piece location
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision Barcode Reader (BarcodeRead)
Control software for FANUC iRVision system (with a 2D camera) to read 1D and 2D barcode labels.
Following 1D barcodes are supported by the function:
Interleave 2-of-5
Code 39
Codabar / NW7
EAN-13 / JAN-13
Following 2D barcodes are supported by the function:
• Datamatrix ECC200
• QR-Code
Note: the barcode reader function is included in the iRVision 2D bundle.
• Easy setup and operation
• Reliable and robust bar code detection
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision Bin Picking
Control software for the connection and use of a FANUC iRVision system for a bin picking vision process. It permits to
pickup workpieces randomly placed in a container.
This function includes all functions of iRVision 2D (J901).
• Easy setup and operation
• Reliable and robust work piece location
• Intelligent functions avoiding collisions with the container walls etc
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision Slave
Control software for a robot without a vision camera, which receives Vision data (including offset and target positions)
from another robot with FANUC iRVision system and a camera. The robots need to be connected by Ethernet.
• Cost efficient multi robot systems using vision
• Simplifies integration of products picking from moving conveyors
• Very efficient integration of food and pharmaceutical applications
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision Core
Control software for the connection of a FANUC iRVision system with a supported vision sensor. The seamless integration
with the robot provides for easy setup and reliable operation.
• Easy setup and operation
• Reliable and robust detection and position compensation
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision Image to Points
Control software for FANUC iRVision system (with a 2D camera) to identify and measure point data, for instance on an
edge of the work piece in order to measure coordinates or to automatically create or adapt robot motion paths.
• Easy setup and operation
• Reliable and robust detection of work piece edges, glueing seams etc.
• Supports automatic program generation or glueing seam quality checking
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision Part Queue
iRVision Part Queue manages a parts queue so that several work pieces can be detected by the iRVision system but picked
up and processed by the robot one after the other.
This function also includes the Line Tracking function (J512).
• Enables picking of multiple work pieces
• Supports visual line tracking for higher throughput and cost saving
• Speeds up cycle times
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision TorchMate
iRVision Torch Mate support a special welding torch inspection box designed by FANUC, which uses iRVision camera to
inspect the welding torch tip.
The software automatically measures the Tool Center Point (TCP) at the welding wire tip and compensates any changes
automatically, for instance after a collision occurred. This maximizes the path accuracy and a high system uptime can be
achieved and maintained.
• Improve robot uptime on systems where, for instance, the welding torch is frequently bent by collisions
• Improvement of TCP and path accuracy
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision UIF Control (User Interface Function)
iRVision User Interface Controls provide user interface functions for easy setup and operation of the FANUC iRVision
system with an external PC.
• Supports iRVision setup and operation using and external PC e.g. with larger high definition display etc.
• Eases setup, operation and troubleshooting of iRVision
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
iRVision Visual Line Tracking
Control software for the connection and use of a FANUC iRVision system with a supported 2D vision camera and a FANUC
line tracking encoder for visual line tracking at a moving conveyor.
This function includes IRVision part queue, line tracking and IRVision core.
• Easy setup and operation
• Reliable and robust detection and position compensation
• Automatic location of work pieces on moving conveyors for high speed picking and packaging operations
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Vision Functions
Vision Support Tools
Vision support tools for enhanced vision applications includes KAREL programs to convert and use position data provided
by iRVision.
KAREL programs for offset calculation, adjustment and checking, save and restore of position registers, sorting of found
results and vision logging are included.
• Simplifies customization of iRVision programs for higher system performance and special processing
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Force Sensing Functions
Force Sensing
Force Control Basic 3-Axis
Control software for a new type of 3-axis force sensor provided by FANUC.
Note: only the FANUC force sensor FS-15iAe for maximum 15kg load is currently available.
• Precise force and torque control
• Easy use and setup
• Reliable and safe operation
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Force Sensing
Fixed Force Sensor
The Fixed Force Sensor function supports robot motion with force control, when the FANUC force sensor is mounted
remotely (stationary) from the robot; this is the case, for instance, when a M-1iA needs to do force controlled operations.
• Use force control for assembly and processing of small components
• Improve product quality and cycle time
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Force Sensing
Force Control Basic
Force Control Basic provides the basic control function to be able to use the robot with an integrated 6-axes FANUC force
sensor. Seamless integration of force sensor and robot enables most demanding mechanical assembly and material
removal operations.
This function includes Constant Push, Face Matching and Mass measurement functions.
Different 6 axes force sensors are available from FANUC for forces from 15kg to 250kg.
• Precise force and torque control
• Easy use and setup
• Reliable and safe operation
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Force Sensing
Force Control Fitting
Force Control Fitting provides the motion control functions so that the robot with a FANUC force sensor can execute force
guided fitting operations such as shaft, square, bearing and clutch insertion, spline matching and gear assembly.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Precise force and torque control
Easy motion teaching
Easy use and setup
Reliable and safe operation
Easy programming of fitting and assembly tasks
Force Sensing
Force Control Contouring
The function Force Control Contouring supports many applications such as polishing or deburring. It connects to a
FANUC force sensor (3 dimensions, 3 orientations) and controls the robot motion to follow and push against the work
piece surface with a defined force.
Seamless integration of sensor and robot provide for constant force, contouring schedules provide for a flexible and
repeatable process quality.
• Precise force control
• High processing quality
• Easy setup and programming
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Force Sensing
Force Control Deburring Path Generation
The function Force Deburring supports deburring operations using a FANUC force sensor. In combination with iRVision
Image to Points (J912) it automatically generates robot programs for deburring.
• Precise force control
• High processing quality adapted to deburring process
• Highly flexible operation thanks to iRVision edge detection
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Up-Time Functions
Automatic Error Recovery
The Auto Error Recovery function allows the programming of complex error recovery operation like, for instance in arc
welding applications. Example of application: after a specified arc welding alarm indicates that the arc welding torch need
to be automatically replaced.
• Improve system uptime and product quality
• Automatic problem and recovery
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Basic Interference Check
This function checks for an interference between the robot and a fixture. High sensitivity collision detection is included in
this function as well.
Note: Interference Check shall ensure a smooth production without stopping and downtime. When hazards for humans
shall be eliminated, we strongly recommend to use the Dual Check Safety (DCS) Position/Speed Check option. Models
from the DCS position speed check setup can be imported into Interference Check.
• Improve uptime and avoid damages
• Prevent interference and collisions Robot and Equipment, Workpiece and Tooling
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
High Sensitivity Collision Detection Package
Same as Collision Guard Package: Combines high sensitivity collision detection, collision detetcion for aux axes and tip
stick detection for spot welding.
• Minimize damages to tooling, workpiece and robot due to collisions
• Improve product quality and system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Automatic Collision Recovery
The function Auto Collision Recovery automatically recovers a robot collision alarm and continues the current robot
program. This function is useful in case of bin picking applications, where collisions with undetected work pieces and the
container walls can occur.
• Improve robot uptime, when many minor collisions occur
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Data Monitor
The Data Monitor function records and monitors robot I/O, data and system variables during program execution and
stores them in a log file. The program can be stopped and warnings signalled, when a parameter gets out of range.
This can be used to monitor and document process quality in arc welding or dispensing applications.
• Improve and document product quality
• Automatic monitoring and logging of any types of process parameters
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Diagnostics Interface
Interface for collecting diagnostic data in the robot for problem investigation. This diagnostic function is included in the
standard settings (R651).
• Simplify troubleshooting and improve uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Error Code Output
Communicates robot alarm codes to a supervisory PLC or controller via digital group outputs.
• Improve system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Fault and Incident Reporting
The function Fault & Incident Reporting logs faults and events causing robot downtime. The statistical data are
graphically displayed and help to quickly identify and resolve problems, which cause robot downtime and production
• Analyse and eliminate production problems and downtime
• Improve system uptime and performance
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Filtered Memory Device
The function Filtered Memory Device filters the access to robot data files in order to protect the robot against
unauthorized changes.
The Filtered Memory Device option automatically generates text versions of all backup files of user programs and
variables that have been changed manually in a dedicated robot directory "FMD:".
Included are system and KAREL variables, position and data registers, teach pendant programs, and I/O configuration
data. These FMD: backup files can be accessed and checked via Ethernet FTP.
• Protect the robot against unauthorized file access
• Improve robot uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Intelligent Interference Check
Intelligent Interference Check (R759) is a function to check and prevent an interference between Robots.
The user can program the robot to wait before entering an interference space, until the space is clear and no collision
possible. Intelligent Interference Check creates realistic models of the robot arm and tooling and safely prevents their
interference with other objects and robots.
Intelligent Interference Check works for multiarm robots (for example 2 arm controller by one R-30iB controller) as well
as for robots with separate controller connected by an Ethernet link.
Note: Interference Check shall ensure a smooth production without stopping and downtime. When hazards for operators
may occur, we strongly recommend to use Dual Check Safety (DCS) Position / Speed Check option. Models from the DCS
position speed check setup can be imported into Interference Check.
• Prevent interference, collisions between Robot and Robot as well as Robot and Equipment, Workpiece and Tooling
• Improve uptime in multi-robot cells
• Reduce external wiring and system costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
The option iRDiagnostics provides diagnosic functions to monitor and troubleshoot robot reducers, motors, motion and
alarm conditions.
It warns the user, when reducer abnormalities are detected. It monitors and displays motor parameters and power
consumption for each robot program.
This function is currently only available on the following robots: R-2000iB series and R-1000iA series.
• Simplify troubleshooting
• Improve uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Operation Logbook
The Operation logbook function automatically logs operator actions, alarm messages and warnings. The logged events,
warnings and alarms can be configured as required.
• Improve system uptime
• Improve process quality and reliability
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Password Protection
Password protection for robot programs, robot data and manual user operations.
• Improve uptime
• Avoid misoperations
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Up-Time Functions
Process Logger (for Spot Tool and Arc Tool)
The Process Logger function records process (Spot, Arc, Dispense) status information automatically. The user can check
the process log not only at the teach pendant but also using a PC connected to the robot controller via ethernet.
• Automatically monitor and maintain optimum process parameters
• Improve process and product quality for Spot, Arc Welding and Dispensing
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Customization Functions
Dynamic Path Modification
The Dynamic path modifier (DPM) software option shifts the robot path dynamical according to data provided by a third
party sensor interface.
2 types of DPM are available:
• Modal DPM enables real-time correction and tracking
• Inline DPM allows to apply a measured offset
• Improve robot accuracy by external position sensors
• Support advanced processing solutions
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Integrated PMC
Optional control software for the integrated Programmable Machine Controller (PMC). The PMC in other words is a PLC
integrated in the robot controller.
No additional hardware is required for this function, as it is integrated in the R-30iB controller.
The PMC hardware allows to use 4ms execution time for level 1 programs.
• The PMC replaces an external PLC and its associated costs
• Reduce system complexity and eliminate external wiring and cables
• Improve system uptime and reduce costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Integrated PMC Package
This software package contains the Integrated PMC (J760) function as well as the PMC Change Mode (R652) function. It
improves the ease of use, saves cost and maximizes performance when customizing control of the periphery and robot.
• The PMC replaces an external PLC and its associated costs
• Reduced system complexity and elimination of external wiring and cables
• Improvement of system uptime and reduction of system costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Multi-Path PMC
Enhanced software functions for the integrated Programmable Machine Controller (PMC). The PMC is the equivalent of a
PLC integrated in the robot controller.
In multipath mode, it executes in parallel several PMC programs. The step sequence supports the sequential execution of
PMC programs. The function blocks feature allows to bundle and re-use PMC program code with parameter passing.
The PMC features an execution time of 4ms for level 1 programs.
• The PMC replaces an external PLC and its associated costs
• Execution of several programs in parallel
• Function blocks with parameters
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
PMC Change Mode
The function PMC Change Mode permits to change the programs of the integrated PMC directly with the robot iPendant.
Note: changes are restricted so that only the signal addresses can be modified and the signal logic inverted. The original
PMC program needs to be created offline on a PC using the "FANUC Ladder III" software.
• Speed up testing and adjusting PMC programs
• Speed up system start-up
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Internet Connection / Customization
The function Internet Connection / Customization supports the design of special Teach Pendant Screens for simple colour
graphic User Interfaces (HMI type) using the FANUC iPendant controls, HTML pages and Javascript.
This customisation function simplifies the creation of specific robot operation processes to reduce downtime and operator
Internet Connection / Customization provides advanced customization functions such as duplication of the iPendant
screen on a remote PC (Remote Echo), remote operation using a duplicate iPendant screen (Remote Operation), iPendant
controls for customized HTML pages on the remote PC.
This function includes DNS (J755) for host name management, DHCP (R526) for automatic IP number assignement and
SNTP client (R610) for centralized time server connection
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Create Custom User interfaces for display at the robot iPendant or external PC
Simple and reliable design using HTML pages
Simplify system operation by colour graphic Operation Panels
Save cost for an external HMI device or an external PLC
The KAREL function allows to load and execute KAREL high level language programs in order to design custom user
interfaces, custom monitoring, process, communication, file and documentation functions.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
KAREL high level programs permit to customize robot user interface, communication, system functions
Such customizations simplify robot operation and improve uptime
Advanced and specialized communication solutions are supported
Special process control solutions are possible
KAREL Translator / Compressor
The function KAREL Translator/Compressor allows to translate KAREL high level language source programs into
executable P-code on the robot controller and to compress KAREL forms into displayable dictionary files for custom
designed user interfaces. These customisation can simplify the process specific robot operations eliminate downtime and
operator faults.
• Support special customisations, where KAREL source code needs to be translated on the robot (e.g. during run time)
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
KAREL Use Support Function (Use Sprt FCTN)
The function KAREL Use Sprt FCTN enables testing, debugging, selection and automatic operation of KAREL high level
language programs on the robot.
• Speed up programming and system installation, when using KAREL programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
System Design Tool
System Design Tool (J738) is a software package including KAREL programs executing Trigonometric Function (J736) and
Robot Setup Assist (J737).
• Simplifies robot installation and setup
• Enhances programming flexibility
• Improves uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Mathematical (Math) Functions
Mathematical Functions (such as ABS, ROUND, SQRT, SIN, COS etc. ) are added to the teach pendant program
• Enhanced program performance and flexibility
• May replace external PC with mathematical processing
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Trigonometric Functions
Mathematical Functions (such as SINE, COSINE) are added to the teach pendant program instructions.
• Enhanced program performance and flexibility
• May replace external PC with mathematical processing
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Menu Utility
The function Menu Utility enables the creation of custom user menus, data input screens and prompt screens for a
customized user interface without needing the KAREL high level programming.
These customisation can simplify the process specific robot operations eliminate downtime and operator faults.
• Simplify system operation by configurable menu, data and prompt screens at the teach pendant or and external PC
• Save cost for an external HMI device or an external PLC
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Panel Wizard
The Panel Wizard option enables the creation of 4 colour graphic (operator panel) screens on the iPendant with plug and
play buttons, LEDs and labels.
With this function, simple customized user interfaces can be created at the iPendant quickly and safely without any need
for an external PC and additional PC software.
• Simplify system operation by colour graphic Operation Panels on the teach pendant or and external PC
• Save cost and wiring for an external HMI device or an external PLC
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
PC Interface
The PC Interface function supports the remote control and monitoring of the robot by a PC, via Ethernet.
It includes macro programs to communicate with PCDK or RobotServer PC software modules loaded into the PC and
custom made Visual Basic or C++ programs.
• Customize the robot for the connection to a PC using Visual Basic, C++ or other application programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
User Socket Messaging (Msg)
The function User Socket Messaging supports the TCP/IP Socket Messaging protocol for Ethernet.
It allows the development of custom communication solutions using KAREL high level programs in the robot and high
level programs in an external PC, for instance C++.
• Customize the robot for a TCP/IP Socket Messaging protocol to connect to application programs in a PC
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Miscellaneous Functions
4D Graphics
4D Graphics screen displays a realistic 3D graphic model of the robot system on the screen of the iPendant: Robot arm,
program positions, internal data, cell components, tooling or peripheral devices can be displayed.
The graphical display of manual operations such as jogging, the physical display of programmed positions as node map
and the display of coordinate systems can avoid damages and downtime due to misoperations.
• Simplifies and speeds up robot operation and programming
• Avoids operator errors and downtime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Cycle Time Logging
This function logs and displays the robot cycle times graphically on the iPendant. By analysing cycle times during motion,
processing, waiting, faults etc. the production times can be improved and extended.
• Improve cyletime and productivity
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
DRAM File Storage
TP DRAM/FILE Storage allows to buffer robot programs in the large Dynamic RAM (DRAM) and in external file memory
(for instance a PCMCIA Memory Card mounted in the slot at the main board).
It allows to create more and bigger robot programs than with the standard CMOS-RAM memory.
• Extends the number of programs and positions, which can be stored in the robot
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Easy Teach Suite
The Easy Teach Suite is a set of functions that make it simpler for you to teach a program. You can touch up points at
any time and run the Easy Teach Suite functions again to verify results without affecting production. It includes Auto Path
Smoothing for Tool Orientation and Positions (Rubberbanding).
• Simplify program optimization
• Improve motion and quality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
High-Speed Shift
This function switches the speed override to a preset speed value, when a special operation using the SHIFT-key is
executed. This helps to speed up manual jogging. The override preset is defined by a system variable.
• Convenience for operators, who quickly want to set override e.g. to 100% for arc welding
• Speed up programming and testing
• Improve uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Initial Setting Load
The Initial Setting Load function enables the robot to load initial settings created offline on a personal computer. The
FANUC ROBOGUIDE Robot integration setup tool (A08B-9410-J804) and FANUC ROBOGUIDE Servo gun integration setup
tool (A08B-9410-J805) allow to prepare the robot setup offline, which helps to speed up robot system installation.
Note: the use of the iPendant is required for this function.
• Easy and safe robot setup
• Easy transfer of setting data between robots
• Speed up robot installation and reduce costs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Multi User Operator's Panel (UOP) for Dual Arm
Multi UOP (Dual Arm) enables a Dual Arm robots system with one controller to be controlled by a supervisory PLC via the
digital UOP signals like two separate robot controllers.
Note: provides 2 sets of UOP I/O for remote control.
• Faster cycle times
• Lower system costs than conventional solution
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Multi User Operator's Panel (UOP) Interface
The Multi UOP Interface enables in multi arm robot systems with one common robot controller to control each robot
arm directly from a PLC via the User Operator Panel (UOP) interface, as if each robot arm would have a separate robot
Note: provides up to 5 sets of UOP I/O for remote control.
• Simplify setup and programming in multi arm robot systems
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
No Shift Jog
No Shift Jog allows the robot to be manually jogged without holding the SHIFT key.
Normally the deadman and the SHIFT key need to be pressed and held to jog the robot.
• Convenience for operators not used to the standard FANUC robot functionality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
No Shift Operation
This function permits that the robot user can trigger for instance a program testrun and similar operation at the teach
pendant without holding the SHIFT-key.
Normally any operation at the tach pendant, which could initiate motion, requires holding the SHIFT-key.
• Convenience for operators not used to the standard FANUC robot functionality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Path Switching Function
The Path Switching function provides an additional logic instruction to trigger outputs (digital, group, analogue) between
taught positions.
• Improve cycle times and process reliability e.g. by opening gripper before arriving at a target position
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Position Representation (Pos. Rep.) Conversion
The Position Representation Conversion function converts position data representation of a program at once, from Joint
to Cartesian, or from Cartesian to Joint.
Normally program positions are represented by Cartesian coordinates but can be individually converted in Joint
coordinates. Sometime is can be useful to convert to Joint coordinates e.g. to avoid the robot stopping due to Singularity.
• Help to move through singularity positions
• Speed up programming
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Product Display Improve
This function informs the Robot Ready status to a supervisory Cell control PLC via the Cell I/O interface (in addition to the
normal UOP I/O signals).
• Simplify robot system setup
• Improve uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Robot Isolation
Control software for multi arm robot systems, where each robot arm can be enabled/disabled by a dedicated keyswitch at
the robot operator panel.
• Speed up operation and programming
• Improve safety
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Robot Setup Assist
With this function, it is possible to export comments, registers content and robot settings to a *.CSV file. This file can then
be stored and edited on a PC and loaded into another robot.
• Simplifies multiple robot installation and setup
• Improves uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Servo Tool Change
The Servo Tool Change function allows to disconnect/reconnect robot tools driven by FANUC servo motors during
program execution
• Use e.g. servo gripper with a tool changer
• Improve flexibility and costs of the robot system
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Special FWD / BWD (Forward / Backward Key)
Special program test function where, at the enabled Teach Pendant, the FWD key needs to be pressed and held to testrun
the robot program.
Normally the FWD and BWD key need to be pressed and released again to testrun the program.
• Convenience for operators not used to the standard FANUC robot functionality
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Tool Center Point (TCP) Speed Output
The Tool Center Point Speed Output function outputs the TCP speed value so that it can be used on external equipments.
The TCP Speed can be output to analogue outputs, group outputs or numeric registers.
Example of applications: spraying or dispensing devices to control the material flow as a function of the TCP speed or on
welding systems to modulate the welding power as function of the TCP speed of the robot.
• Connect to process equipment controlling e.g. welding power by robot speed
• improve product quality for complex work pieces and processes
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Programming Functions
Shape Generation 3
For cutting applications (waterjet, laser etc.) the shape generation offers predefined shapes (circle, slot, hexagon,
pommel etc.), which are taught by teaching the center position and entering the shape dimensions in a shape schedule.
This way teaching is speed up and clean and repeatable shapes can be cut.
• Speed up programming for cutting processes
• Achieve clean and high quality cuts
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
ASCII Program Loader
The function Ascii Upload enables the robot to directly load ASCII program listing (*.LS) files as they are created by many
PC based offline programming systems.
• Upload offline created robot programs
• Speed up programming and system start-up
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Program Toolbox
The Program Toolbox combines program conversion utilities helping to speed up programming by copying and reusing
programs: Cross car mirror shift, Flip knuckle (rotates robot wrist but keeping the TCP position), Soft limit setting (allows
to teach the software limits of the robot by jogging)
• Speed up programming and system start-up
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
FANUC Robot series features latest intelligent FANUC technologies for flexible and efficient factory automation.
Ethernet connection ports, software for file backup/restore and a webserver for remote diagnostics are supplied as
standard. A wide range of fieldbus interfaces e.g. for DeviceNet, PROFIBUS, Interbus as well as for Ethernet field busses
as PROFINET, EtherNet/IP are available as options.
It is easy to connect the robot to all types of automation equipment, various HMI and control devices. Fast and safe system
installations, reliable operation, easy product change over and remote monitoring improve uptime and profitability.
• 100% FANUC: FANUC develops and manufactures robot and controller HW and SW as well as matching PC software
• Seamless integration of PC tools with the robot system provides for competitive costs, top reliability, easy and safe
system integration
• Fully safisfied customers in all parts of the world and all industries appreciate the superior reliability and
performance of FANUC products
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
CC-Link Slave (for Mitsubishi PLC)
Control software for the optional CC-Link boards used to connect to the CC-Link fieldbus of Mitsubishi Electric.
• Connect to PLCs and equipment using CC-Link network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improve system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Data Transfer between Robot and PC (Serial)
Serial communication between robot and PC using RS232 to transfer and control programs, data of the robots and
remotely monitor the robot status
• Cost efficient integration with PC based control and sensor solutions
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Data Transfer between Robots (Ethernet)
Ethernet communication between FANUC robots which transfers values of I/O, numerical, position and string registers by
TPE and KAREL programs from one robot to the other.
• Enhances performance in multi robot installations
• Reduces system cost
• Speeds up robot installation
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
DeviceNet Scanner (Master) / Adapter (Slave)
Control software for the optional DeviceNet master (scanner) and slave (adaptor) boards. This interface board and
function provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment using
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by DeviceNet network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
DeviceNet Adapter (Slave)
Control software for the optional DeviceNet slave (=adaptor) boards. This interface board and function provides an easy
way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment using DeviceNet.
• Connect to PLCs and machines by DeviceNet network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
DeviceNet Safety Adapter (Slave)
Safety control software for connecting the robot as DeviceNet Safety Slave to a cell PLC as DeviceNet Safety master.
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by DeviceNet Safety network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Ethernet Global Data (EGD I/O for GE Fanuc / GE
Ethernet Global Data (EGB) enables the connection to GE PLC controllers and equipment via Ethernet. This function
provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment using EGB.
EGB uses the standard Ethernet port located on the main board of the robot controller.
• Connection to PLCs and external machinery using Ethernet and EGB protocol
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
EtherNet/IP Adapter (Slave)
Control software which provides connectivity as EtherNet/IP Adapter (Slave) to connect the Robot in an EtherNet/IP
environment. This function provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and
equipment using EtherNet/IP.
EtherNet/IP Adapter uses the standard Ethernet port located on the main board of the robot controller.
• Connect to PLCs and machines by EtherNet/IP network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
EtherNet/IP - DeviceNet Router
The EtherNet/IP to DeviceNet Router connects the robot equipped with EtherNet/IP to equipment with a DeviceNet
This function provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment
using both EtherNet/IP and DeviceNet.
This function requires an optional DeviceNet interface board and uses the standard Ethernet port located on the main
board of the robot controller.
• Connect to PLC by EtherNet/IP and to equipment by DeviceNet network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
EtherNet/IP Scanner (Master)
Control software which provides connectivity as EtherNet/IP Scanner (Master) to connect the Robot in an EtherNet/IP
environment. This function provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and
devices using EtherNet/IP.
EtherNet/IP Scanner uses the standard Ethernet port located on the main board of the robot controller.
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by EtherNet/IP network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
EtherNet/IP Safety Adapter (Slave)
Safety control software which provides connectivity as EtherNet/IP Safety Adapter (Slave) to connect the Robot in a
EtherNet/IP environment featuring the CIP Safety protocol. This function provides an easy way to setup the system
installation and the connection to popular PLCs and devices using Safety on EtherNet/IP.
EtherNet/IP Safety Adapter uses the standard Ethernet port located on the main board of the robot controller.
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by EtherNet/IP Safety network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
FIPIO (Factory Implementation Protocol I/O Slave)
Control software for the optional FIP IO slave boards. This interface board and function provides an easy way to setup
the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment using FIP I/O, for instance from Schneider
• Easy connection to PLCs and machines by FIP I/O network
• Speeds up system installation and system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Control software for the optional FL-net network based on Ethernet, also known as JEMA Open PLC network - 2
(OPCN-2). This interface board and function provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to
popular PLCs and equipment using FL-net.
• Easy connection to PLCs and equipment by FL-net network
• Speeds up system installation and system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
InterBus PxC Master / Slave (Phoenix Contact)
Control software for the optional InterBus-S communication boards of Phoenix Contact with master and slave function.
This interface board and function provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular
PLCs and equipment using InterBus-S.
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by Interbus-S network
• Speeds up system installation and system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
InterBus PxC Slave (Phoenix Contact)
Control software for the optional Interbus-S Slave communication board of Phoenix Contact. This interface board and
function provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment using
• Connection to PLCs and machines by Interbus-S network
• Speeds up system installation and system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Machine Tool Connection
The Machine Tool Connection functions supports the connection of a FANUC robot to a machine tool equipped with a
FANUC CNC using FANUC I/O-Link and FL-Net networks.
It provides a close integration of the FANUC robot and the FANUC CNC on controlling the machine tool. Features such as
I/O interface monitoring, screen sharing, etc. are provided on both robot and CNC.
• Simple and fast installation between the FANUC Robot and CNC
• Easy operation and troubleshooting
• Improved uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Machine Tool Easy Setup
The function Machine Tool Easy Setup supports the connection between FANUC robot and FANUC CNC and simplifies
setup and programming. Machine Tool Easy Setup uses the iPendant and with graphics based screens and wizards will
guide the user through simple step-by-step procedures to create custom robot programs for the desired machine load/
unload process.
• Simplifies the connection and operation of the robot with FANUC CNC machine
• Reduction of downtime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Machine Tool Easy Setup and Connection
This software package contains Machine tool connection function (J984) and Machine Tool Easy Setup (R727). It improves
the ease of use, saves cost and maximizes performance integrating FANUC robot with FANUC machine tool.
• Simplifies and speeds up the connection and operation of the robot with a machine equipped with a FANUC CNC
• Improvement of the uptime and efficiency of the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Modbus/TCP Server
Modbus/TCP enables the connection to PLCs and equipment via the Modbus/TCP protocol over Ethernet. This function
provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to many PLCs, supervision systems and
equipment using Modbus/TCP.
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by ModBus/TCP network over Ethernet
• Speeds up system installation and system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
PMC and Internet Package
This software package contains Itegrated PMC (J760), PMC Change Mode (R652) and INTERNET CONN/CUSTO options.
It improves the ease of use, saves cost and maximizes performance by customizing (PLC type) control of periphery and
robot. This function can be used to control bulk supply systems, fixed automation that is part of the robot workcell, or
other devices that would normally require basic PLC controls.
• Replace external PLC and associated cost by integrated FANUC PMC
• Provide simple HMI functions at the teach Pendant saving cost for a separate HMI system
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
PROFIBUS-DP Master / Slave
Control software for the optional PROFIBUS-DP master and slave boards. This interface board and function provides an
easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment using PROFIBUS-DP.
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by PROFIBUS-DP network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Control software for the optional PROFIBUS-DP master boards. This interface board and function provides an easy way to
setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment using PROFIBUS-DP.
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by PROFIBUS-DP network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Control software for the optional PROFIBUS-DP slave boards. This interface board and function provides an easy way to
setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment using PROFIBUS-DP.
• Connect to PLCs and machines by PROFIBUS-DP network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
PROFINET I/O Controller (Master) / Device (Slave)
Control software for the optional PROFINET-IO Controller (Master) and Device (slave) board. This interface board and
function provides an easy way to setup the system installation and the connection to popular PLCs and equipment using
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by PROFINET-IO network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
PROFINET Safety Device (Slave)
Safety control software for connecting the robots as ProfiNet Safety Device to a cell PLC as ProfiNet Safety Controller.
• Connect to PLCs and equipment by Profinet Safety network
• Speeds up system installation
• Improves system uptime and efficiency
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
ROBOMachine JOG Function
The ROBOMachine JOG option enables a FANUC Robodrill (as master) to command robot (jog) motion via a FANUC-IOLink connection. This is useful, if robot needs to be moved e.g. to safe position.
• Simplify the operation of the robot with FANUC Robodrill
• Improve system uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) Client
The function "SNTP Client" enables the robot to connect via an Ethernet TCP/IP network to a central time server using the
Simple Network Time Protocol.
• Connection to a remote (factory) Time Server via Ethernet SNTP
• Snychronize the robot and other device' time with within the factory
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
FANUC Robot series features latest intelligent FANUC technologies for flexible and efficient factory automation. For the
Robotisation of all industries FANUC provide a wide range of intelligent software and networking functions.
A wide range of PC software support the Offline programming and simulation of robots, tools for remote maintenance,
data backup and management for fast and safe system installations, versatile and cost saving process solutions,
improving uptime and profitability.
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
• 100% FANUC: FANUC develops and manufactures matching PC software for FANUC robots.
• Seamless integration of PC tools and the robot system provides for competitive costs, top reliability and easy and
safe system integration.
• Fully safisfied customers in all parts of the world and all industries appreciate the superior reliability and
performance of FANUC products
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Standard package
ROBOGUIDE Offline Programming software for PC allowing development and simulation of robot programs in TPE and
KAREL programming languages.
Simulates robot and work cell with a 3D display and animation of robot, tooling and equipment.
Import of CAD data in 3D-IGES, STL, Collada, OBJ and VRML formats
CAD to Path program generation is supported (deburring operation, CNC G-Code conversion, etc.)
Simulation of objects using simple shapes generated in ROBOGUIDE
Simplification of the teaching and testing of the programs with the virtual Teach Pendant (same Teach Pendant look
and functions as on the real robot)
Graphical collision display
Online Ethernet connection to the robot
Highly accurate cycle time simulation and analysis
And many helpful features...
For program optimization and troubleshooting ROBOGUIDE can upload robot backups reproducing the real robot in less
than a minute.
• Allows to program and simulate FANUC robot systems without having the machine hardware
• Simplifies troubleshooting of FANUC robots without stopping the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
4D Edit
FANUC ROBOGUIDE 4D Edit allows to display a realistic robot work cell on the R-30iB Touch Pendant.
The robot work cell and 3D objects for the 4D-Graphics display on the teach pendant can be developed and downloaded to
the robot.
• Easier and safer operation of FANUC robot with R-30iB controller and 4D-Graphics (option)
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
ROBOGUIDE WeldPro Offline Programming software for PC supports the development and simulation of robot programs
for FANUC ArcTool Robot Application software.
It simulates robot and work cell with a 3D display and animation of robot, tooling and equipment. A graphic simulation of
the arc, several virtual arc welding torches adapt ROBOGUIDE to arc welding applications.
Welding programs can be automatically generated from CAD data of the work piece.
All features of the ROBOGUIDE (Standard) package are supported.
• Allows to program and troubleshoot FANUC robots in Arc Welding Applications without stopping the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
ROBOGUIDE PaintPro Offline Programming software for PC supports the development and simulation of robot programs
for FANUC PaintTool Robot Application software.
It simulates robot and work cell with a 3D display and animation of robot, tooling and equipment. A graphic simulation of
the paint fan, various paint spray guns and advanced path copy and processing features adapt ROBOGUIDE to paint spray
All features of the ROBOGUIDE (Standard) package are supported.
• Allows to program and troubleshoot FANUC robots in Paint Spraying Applications without stopping the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
ASCII translator package
Offline Programming software for PC for the development of robot programs in TPE and KAREL programming languages.
In comparison to the ROBOGUIDE (Standard) package, the ASCII Translator does not display and animate robot arm and
robot cell.
• Allows to program and troubleshoot FANUC robots without stopping the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
ROBOGUIDE ChamferingPRO Offline Programming software for PC supports the development and simulation of robot
programs for deburring and chamfering.
It simulates robot and work cell with a 3D display and animation of robot, tooling and equipment. Robot paths can be
generated from CAD-Data of the work piece. Ready to use *.TP programs are created which can be downloaded to a
FANUC robot with HandlingTool Application Software.
Can be used together iRVision to capture and process the image of the workpiece and create the chamfering line
All features of the ROBOGUIDE (Standard) package are supported.
• Fast setup and programming of deburring and chamfering applications
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
ROBOGUIDE SpotPRO Offline Programming software for PC supports the development and simulation of robot programs
for FANUC SpotTool+ Robot Application software.
It simulates robot and work cell with a 3D display and animation of robot, tooling and equipment. Weld Point Data in
Cartesian coordinates can be used to create a working spot welding robot program.
Automatic program generation can create optimal servo gun postures, optimized cycle times (selection of workpoints for
different job programs) and optimized robot interlocking.
All features of the ROBOGUIDE (Standard) package are supported.
• Allows to program and troubleshoot FANUC robots in Spot Welding Applications without stopping the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
ROBOGUIDE PickPRO Offline Programming software for PC supports the development and simulation of robot programs
for FANUC PickTool robot application software.
PickPRO can simulate one or multiple robots picking food and other products from a moving conveyor.
iRVision and Visual Line Tracking functions can be simulated.
All features of the ROBOGUIDE (Standard) package are supported.
• Fast setup and programming of picking and packaging applications
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Auto place
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE Auto Place PC option automatically places the robot arm at an optimum location relative to work
pieces and fixtures.
• Speed up programming and improve cycle times
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
CAM connection
CAM connection PC option provides simulation functions and allows ROBOGUIDE to be used as a server for the FANUC
CAM software. It supports accurate simulation of the robot by FANUC CAM software for machine tools using FANUC CNC.
• Simplifies the integration and simulation of systems featuring FANUC Robots and Machine Tools using FANUC CNC
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE Coordinate PC option simulates coordinated motion of multiple robots arms (arc welding robot
as follower and handling robot with workpiece as leader).
In addition to the simulation, this option also generates:
• the optimized position for coordinated arc welding
• robot positions with the arc welding torch always pointing downwards
• coordinated programs avoiding collisions with fixtures
• Allows to program and troubleshoot coordinate motion robot systems without stopping the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Duty estimation
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE Duty Estimation PC option simulates and measures the robot power dissipation and duty cycle.
Using this option, overheating of the robot motors for extremely hard robot motion can be avoided and a stable operation
to reach the best cycle times will be achieved.
• Improve robot cycle times and robot uptime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Line tracking
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE Line tracking PC option simulates line tracking operation including a conveyor, trigger switch,
arbitrarily placed work pieces on the conveyor and more.
• Allow to program and troubleshoot line tracking robots without stopping the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Power consumption estimation
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE Power consumption estimation PC option simulates and measures the robot power
Using this option, robot programs can be optimized for lowest power consumption.
• Allows to optimize power consumption of FANUC robots without stopping the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Robot integration setup
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE Robot Integration Setup PC option is a PC based software to configure and setup FANUC robots,
use standardized robot settings in installations with many robots, etc.
The function creates the robot setup file on the PC and downloads the file to the robot controller.
• Speeds up robot installation and setup
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
Servo gun integration setup
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE Servo Gun Integration Setup PC option is a PC based software to configure and setup FANUC
robots with FANUC Servo Guns.
• Speeds up robot installation and setup
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE Spray PC option simulates spraying applications. It simulates and measures e.g. the spray
intensity on the work piece surface.
Using this option, robot programs can be optimized for best surface coverage and lowest material consumption
• Optimize surface quality and minimize material consumption
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
System monitoring
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE System monitoring PC option is a tool to investigate difficult and sporadic production problems.
Up to 8 USB-cameras observing critical operations can be connected to the PC with the Monitoring Software. Robot
signals, alarms and events can be monitored to detect the problem.
In case of a problem, the camera film sequence(s) leading to the problem are automatically stored and registered.
• Eliminate failures and downtime
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
The FANUC ROBOGUIDE Vision PC option is a plugin for simulation of camera(s) and vision detection in ROBOGUIDE.
Virtual cameras can be located in the work cell or held by the robot, work pieces can be located even at arbitrary locations
to simulate a vision process from image snapping to work piece location.
• Allows to program and troubleshoot FANUC robots using the fully integrated FANUC iRVision machine vision system
without stopping the production
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
PC software for quick backup and restore of robot programs and data via Ethernet FTP.
• Improve uptime and speed up problem recovery
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
FANUC Robot Interface (developer)
PC software for connection to a FANUC Robot using Active-X function with Visual Basic, C++ etc. and for Ethernet
connection to the robot. Robot data and I/O can be displayed and changed, programs and files controlled and managed.
The Developer license entitles of develop an new application solution in the PC.
• Supports remote control and monitoring of the robot using a Windows PC and Windows application programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
FANUC Robot Interface (runtime)
PC software for connection to a FANUC Robot using Active-X function with Visual Basic, C++ etc. and for Ethernet
connection to the robot. Robot data and I/O can be displayed and changed, programs and files controlled and managed.
The Runtime license entitles the use of compiled programs and setup.
• Supports remote control and monitoring of the robot using a Windows PC and Windows application programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
FANUC Robot PC Developer's Kit
PC software for connection to a FANUC Robot using Active-X function with Visual Basic, C++ etc. and for Ethernet
connection to the robot. Robot data and I/O can be displayed and changed, programs and files controlled and managed.
The Developer license entitles of develop an new application solution in the PC.
• Supports remote control and monitoring of the robot using a Windows PC and Windows application programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
FANUC Robot PC Developer's Kit Runtime Library
PC software for connection to a FANUC Robot using Active-X function with Visual Basic, C++ etc. and for Ethernet
connection to the robot. Robot data and I/O can be displayed and changed, programs and files controlled and managed.
The Runtime license entitles the use of compiled programs and setup.
• Supports remote control and monitoring of the robot using a Windows PC and Windows application programs
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
FANUC LADDER is the development tool required to create, edit and diagnose Ladder programs for the Programmable
Machine Controller (PMC) integrated in the robot controllers. Online editing on the PMC via serial line or Ethernet is
possible as well as offline PMC programming.
FANUC LADDER supports the multi-ladder environment of the PMC of the R-30iB controllers, as well as the single ladder
environment of the R-30i-A and legacy controllers such as R-J3 and R-J3iB.
Features of FANUC LADDER development tool
Inputting, displaying, editing, and outputting sequence programs
Monitoring and debugging sequence programs
Setting and displaying PMC parameters
Executing and stopping sequence programs
Transfer to and from the PMC (RAM)
Writing to flash ROM
• Creation, edition and diagnostic of PMC programs
• Customization of ladder to match requirements of the automated system
• Optimization of the interface between the robots and the peripherals
Certain functions may require additional hardware, different CPU type or additional memory
capacity or may cause compatibility issue with other functions. In case of doubt, contact your
FANUC sales representative for additional information and support.
The information given in the FANUC manuals or original manufacturer documentation shall
prevail. Technical data is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved.  FANUC 2013
CD Dynamic U-Frame.................................................................................................................... 023
4D Edit............................................................................................................................................. 252
4D Graphics.....................................................................................................................................199
Communication............................................................................................................................... 221
Constant Path................................................................................................................................. 024
ADV-CP Path Control Package...................................................................................................... 017
Continuous Turn............................................................................................................................. 025
ADV-CP Speed Control Package................................................................................................... 018
Controlled Stop by E-Stop..............................................................................................................130
ASCII Program Loader................................................................................................................... 219
Coordinate....................................................................................................................................... 262
ASCII translator package............................................................................................................... 255
Coordinated Motion Package......................................................................................................... 103
AVC (Automatic Voltage Control)................................................................................................... 087
Custom Weaving............................................................................................................................. 090
Anti-Deflection................................................................................................................................ 019
Customization Functions................................................................................................................ 181
Arc Abnormal Monitor.................................................................................................................... 113
Cycle Time Logging........................................................................................................................ 200
Arc Override Control.......................................................................................................................104
Cycle Time Priority......................................................................................................................... 027
Arc Production Monitor.................................................................................................................. 114
Arc Start Height Adjust.................................................................................................................. 093
Arc Torch Mate............................................................................................................................... 096
DRAM File Storage......................................................................................................................... 201
Arc Welding Analogue Meter......................................................................................................... 115
Data Monitor................................................................................................................................... 171
Arc Welding Functions................................................................................................................... 082
Data Transfer between Robot and PC (Serial)..............................................................................223
Data Transfer between Robots (Ethernet).................................................................................... 224
Auto place........................................................................................................................................260
Default Dispense.............................................................................................................................120
Automatic Collision Recovery........................................................................................................ 170
DeviceNet Adapter (Slave)..............................................................................................................226
Automatic Error Recovery.............................................................................................................. 167
DeviceNet Safety Adapter (Slave).................................................................................................. 227
DeviceNet Scanner (Master) / Adapter (Slave)............................................................................. 225
Diagnostics Interface...................................................................................................................... 172
Basic Functions...............................................................................................................................012
Digital Servo Function.................................................................................................................... 015
Basic Interference Check...............................................................................................................168
Dispense Tool Application 2nd Analogue Port..............................................................................121
Basic Positioner.............................................................................................................................. 020
Dispensing Functions..................................................................................................................... 119
Basic Remote Tool Center Point (TCP)......................................................................................... 021
Dual Check Safety (DCS) Position / Speed Check........................................................................ 131
CAM connection.............................................................................................................................. 261
CC-Link Slave (for Mitsubishi PLC)............................................................................................... 222
Dual Check Safety (DCS) Safe I/O Connection Function.............................................................. 132
Dual Drive........................................................................................................................................028
Duty estimation............................................................................................................................... 263
Dynamic Path Modification.............................................................................................................182
Fronius Welding Equipment Library..............................................................................................111
Easy Teach Suite.............................................................................................................................202
Functions......................................................................................................................................... 011
Enhanced Mirror Image................................................................................................................. 029
Enhanced Stopping......................................................................................................................... 128
Error Code Output.......................................................................................................................... 173
EtherNet/IP - DeviceNet Router.................................................................................................... 230
General Positioner.......................................................................................................................... 032
Gravity Compensation.....................................................................................................................033
EtherNet/IP Adapter (Slave)........................................................................................................... 229
EtherNet/IP Safety Adapter (Slave)................................................................................................232
HDI for Line Tracking (High-speed Digital Input)......................................................................... 034
EtherNet/IP Scanner (Master)....................................................................................................... 231
Handling Functions.........................................................................................................................060
Ethernet Encoder............................................................................................................................ 030
Handling Tool.................................................................................................................................. 061
Ethernet Global Data (EGD I/O for GE Fanuc / GE PLC).............................................................. 228
Heat Wave Synchronization............................................................................................................117
Extended Axis Control.................................................................................................................... 031
High Sensitivity Collision Detection Package................................................................................169
External Mode Select..................................................................................................................... 133
High-Speed Shift............................................................................................................................. 203
FANUC LADDER III for robot......................................................................................................... 276
IWDG (Integrated Welding Controller for Dengensha)................................................................. 067
FANUC PC FTP NETWORK............................................................................................................ 271
Improved Touch Retract.................................................................................................................099
FANUC ROBOGUIDE....................................................................................................................... 250
Independent Auxiliary Axes............................................................................................................ 035
FANUC ROBOGUIDE options..........................................................................................................259
Initial Setting Load..........................................................................................................................204
FANUC Robot Interface (developer).............................................................................................. 272
Integrated PMC............................................................................................................................... 183
FANUC Robot Interface (runtime)................................................................................................. 273
Integrated PMC Package................................................................................................................184
FANUC Robot PC Developer's Kit................................................................................................. 274
Integrated Servo Dispenser (ISD) Gear Meter.............................................................................. 122
FANUC Robot PC Developer's Kit Runtime Library..................................................................... 275
Integrated Servo Dispenser (ISD) Single Acting Meter................................................................ 123
FIPIO (Factory Implementation Protocol I/O Slave)......................................................................233
Intelligent Interference Check....................................................................................................... 176
FL-net.............................................................................................................................................. 234
InterBus PxC Master / Slave (Phoenix Contact)........................................................................... 235
Fault and Incident Reporting......................................................................................................... 174
InterBus PxC Slave (Phoenix Contact).......................................................................................... 236
Filtered Memory Device................................................................................................................. 175
Internet Connection / Customization.............................................................................................187
Fixed Force Sensor.........................................................................................................................161
Force Control Basic........................................................................................................................162
Force Control Basic 3-Axis............................................................................................................ 160
KAREL.............................................................................................................................................. 188
Force Control Contouring.............................................................................................................. 164
KAREL Translator / Compressor...................................................................................................189
Force Control Deburring Path Generation....................................................................................165
KAREL Use Support Function (Use Sprt FCTN)........................................................................... 190
Force Control Fitting...................................................................................................................... 163
Force Sensing Functions................................................................................................................159
LR Handling Tool............................................................................................................................ 063
LR Tool............................................................................................................................................ 062
Learning Vibration Control (LVC)...................................................................................................038
NEMO Pump Function....................................................................................................................124
Lincoln Electric Welding Equipment Library................................................................................ 110
Nadex DeviceNet Welding Controller............................................................................................068
Lincoln Electric control parameters for Japan............................................................................ 108
No Shift Jog.................................................................................................................................... 207
Lincoln Electric control parameters for North America.............................................................. 109
No Shift Operation.......................................................................................................................... 208
Lincoln Ethernet Default (Arclink-XT)........................................................................................... 107
Line Tracking.................................................................................................................................. 036
Line tracking................................................................................................................................... 264
Operation Logbook..........................................................................................................................178
Local Stop........................................................................................................................................134
Low-Frequency Pulse Welding...................................................................................................... 102
PC Interface.................................................................................................................................... 196
PMC Change Mode......................................................................................................................... 186
M-1iA - 1 kg Option........................................................................................................................ 039
PMC and Internet Package............................................................................................................ 241
M-2000iA - 1.350 kg Option........................................................................................................... 040
PROFIBUS-DP Master.................................................................................................................... 243
M-3iA/6S - High Inertia Option (HiOpt)..........................................................................................041
PROFIBUS-DP Master / Slave....................................................................................................... 242
M-900iA - 700 kg Option................................................................................................................ 042
PROFIBUS-DP Slave.......................................................................................................................244
M900iA/400L - High Inertia Option (HiOpt)....................................................................................043
PROFINET I/O Controller (Master) / Device (Slave)......................................................................245
Machine Tool Connection............................................................................................................... 237
PROFINET Safety Device (Slave)....................................................................................................246
Machine Tool Easy Setup............................................................................................................... 238
Machine Tool Easy Setup and Connection.................................................................................... 239
Palletizing........................................................................................................................................ 064
Mathematical (Math) Functions..................................................................................................... 192
Panel Wizard................................................................................................................................... 195
Menu Utility..................................................................................................................................... 194
Password Protection.......................................................................................................................179
Miller Welding Equipment Library.................................................................................................112
Path Adjust Function...................................................................................................................... 049
Minimum Rotation (MROT) Instruction..........................................................................................046
Path Switching Function................................................................................................................ 209
Miscellaneous Functions................................................................................................................198
Payload Confirm..............................................................................................................................050
Modbus/TCP Server........................................................................................................................ 240
Payload Identification......................................................................................................................051
Motion Functions............................................................................................................................ 016
PickPRO........................................................................................................................................... 258
Motion Interface.............................................................................................................................. 044
Position Bump Box......................................................................................................................... 052
Motion Package...............................................................................................................................045
Position Representation (Pos. Rep.) Conversion.......................................................................... 210
Multi User Operator's Panel (UOP) Interface............................................................................... 206
Positioner (Arc Positioner, 1-Axis Positioner, ...)......................................................................... 084
Multi User Operator's Panel (UOP) for Dual Arm........................................................................ 205
Power consumption estimation..................................................................................................... 265
Multi-Arm Package (Legacy)..........................................................................................................047
Pressure Profile Control................................................................................................................ 069
Multi-Equipment Control................................................................................................................100
Process Logger (for Spot Tool and Arc Tool)............................................................................... 180
Multi-Group Motion.........................................................................................................................048
Product Display Improve................................................................................................................ 211
Multi-Path PMC.............................................................................................................................. 185
Program Toolbox............................................................................................................................ 220
Programming Functions.................................................................................................................217
Shape Generation 3........................................................................................................................ 218
Pump Only Motion.......................................................................................................................... 125
Singularity Avoidance......................................................................................................................065
Small Circle Accuracy.................................................................................................................... 055
Soft Float......................................................................................................................................... 056
R-2000iB/200R Stud........................................................................................................................080
R-2000iB/210F Stud........................................................................................................................ 081
Special FWD / BWD (Forward / Backward Key)........................................................................... 215
R-30iB Basic Software................................................................................................................... 013
Spot Program Touch-up Function................................................................................................. 076
R-30iB Mate Basic Software.......................................................................................................... 014
Spot Welding Functions..................................................................................................................066
ROBOMachine JOG Function..........................................................................................................247
RPMP (Root-Pass Memorization and Multi-Pass Welding)......................................................... 088
SpotTool+......................................................................................................................................... 077
Rail Unit...........................................................................................................................................053
Spray................................................................................................................................................ 268
Remote Tool Center Point (TCP)................................................................................................... 022
Standard package........................................................................................................................... 251
Robot Isolation................................................................................................................................ 212
Stitch Function................................................................................................................................ 126
Robot Link (Simultaneous Motion)................................................................................................ 054
System Design Tool........................................................................................................................ 191
Robot Setup Assist......................................................................................................................... 213
System monitoring..........................................................................................................................269
Robot integration setup..................................................................................................................266
Robots.............................................................................................................................................. 010
TAST (Through Arc Seam Tracking).............................................................................................. 085
TAST Multi-Path Pack.................................................................................................................... 086
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) Client.............................................................................. 248
Tool Center Point (TCP) Speed Output..........................................................................................216
Safety Functions..............................................................................................................................127
Torch Angle..................................................................................................................................... 094
Safety Functions for CE Compliance (CE Mark)........................................................................... 129
Torch Guard.................................................................................................................................... 095
Safety Functions for NRTL Compliance........................................................................................ 135
Torque Limit....................................................................................................................................057
Servo Conveyor Line Tracking....................................................................................................... 037
Touch Sensing.................................................................................................................................092
Servo Gun Axes............................................................................................................................... 070
Touch Skip.......................................................................................................................................058
Servo Gun Change.......................................................................................................................... 071
Tracking Jog....................................................................................................................................118
Servo Gun Diagnosis.......................................................................................................................075
Trigonometric Functions................................................................................................................ 193
Servo Gun Option............................................................................................................................ 072
Servo Gun Setup Package..............................................................................................................073
Servo Robot..................................................................................................................................... 105
Universal Sensor Interface.............................................................................................................116
Servo Robot ROBOCOM Lite.......................................................................................................... 106
Up-Time Functions......................................................................................................................... 166
Servo Tip Dresser........................................................................................................................... 074
User Socket Messaging (Msg)....................................................................................................... 197
Servo Tool Change..........................................................................................................................214
Servo gun integration setup...........................................................................................................267
ServoTorch for Aluminium............................................................................................................. 098
ServoTorch for Steel.......................................................................................................................097
Vision Functions.............................................................................................................................. 136
Vision Support Tools.......................................................................................................................158
iRCalibration Vision Shift (VShift)...................................................................................................142
iRCalibration Vision Tool Center Point (VTCP)..............................................................................143
WTC/Medar Integrated Spot Welding Controller.......................................................................... 079
iRVision 2D (2-Dimensional Vision Bundle)...................................................................................144
Wash Teaching................................................................................................................................ 059
iRVision 3D Area Sensor................................................................................................................ 148
iRVision 3D Tri-View....................................................................................................................... 145
iRVision 3DL (3-Dimentional Laser Vision Bundle)...................................................................... 146
Welding Speed Output.................................................................................................................... 101
iRVision AntiDefect..........................................................................................................................147
Welding Tip Inspection................................................................................................................... 078
iRVision Barcode Reader (BarcodeRead)...................................................................................... 149
Wrist Axes Weaving........................................................................................................................ 091
iRVision Bin Picking........................................................................................................................150
iRVision Core................................................................................................................................... 152
iRCalibration Package.................................................................................................................... 137
iRCalibration Vision Axis (VAxis).................................................................................................... 138
iRCalibration Vision Frame (VFrame)............................................................................................ 139
iRCalibration Vision Mastering (VMaster)......................................................................................140
iRCalibration Vision Multi-Group Calibration (VMCal).................................................................. 141
iRVision Image to Points................................................................................................................ 153
iRVision Part Queue........................................................................................................................154
iRVision Slave.................................................................................................................................. 151
iRVision TorchMate......................................................................................................................... 155
iRVision UIF Control (User Interface Function)............................................................................ 156
iRVision Visual Line Tracking.........................................................................................................157
MBR-00179-EN Version 1.0