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Volunteer Handbook- Scarborough- Spring 2022

Toronto History Museums
Youth Volunteer Program Handbook
[Scarborough Museum]
Spring/Summer 2022
1007 Brimley Road East
21 Brimley at Dorcot (TTC)
Table of Contents
Welcome to the Team!
Program Benefits
Contact Information
Site Team
Volunteer Opportunities
Breaks & Lunches
Policies & Rules
Code of Conduct
Privacy and Use of Social Media
Prohibited Behaviours
Absences/Late Shifts
Health & Safety
First Aid Kit Locations
Fire Safety
Food Handling and Safety
Sun Safety
Moving firewood
Introduction to Volunteer Impact
Reports/Service Hours
eLearning Training Modules
Guest Service
Four Steps for Engaging with Guests
Five Keys of Guest Service
Tips for volunteering with the public:
Strategies for Success
Additional Resources
Welcome to the Team!
Toronto History Museums consists of 10 museums throughout the City that come
together to tell the many stories of our communities. The Toronto History Museums
Youth Program creates a safe, accessible, and inclusive space that offers meaningful
volunteer and development opportunities for Toronto’s diverse youth.
Scarborough Historical Museum, consisting of four settler buildings, is located in
Thomson Memorial Park. It opened in 1962 with the help of the Scarborough Historical
Society. It works closely with local communities and arts and cultural organizations.
Program Benefits
The volunteer program is a partnership that benefits both the museum and you. As part
of the Toronto History Museum volunteer team, you will have the opportunity to gain
volunteer hours and work experience in a fun, supportive environment. As a youth
volunteer you will:
Gain leadership and experience working in a customer service environment
Receive clear and consistent training, direction, support, and mentorship
Develop new skills
Have the opportunity to provide feedback to the museum and contribute directly
to the community
● Receive Community Service Hours for your school
Contact Information
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can reach us through My
Impact, under the Contact tab or directly by email at thmyouth@toronto.ca.
Please specify your museum site in the subject line.
To report an absence or lateness, please also call the museum at 416-338-8807
Site Team
YVP Staff: Varchaya T
Curator: Elaine Kemp
Site Coordinator: Meredyth Miller
Program Officer: Acting Madalen Tojicic
Your role as a volunteer is to assist staff with programming, behind-the-scenes prep,
event and activity set-up and clean-up, and to creating positive engaging moments with
the public and visitors
Volunteer Opportunities
Special Events
Event volunteers generally greet visitors, lead activities, games or crafts, and
assist staff with stations. Volunteers may also assist with set-up and clean-up of
events. Specific duties will vary depending on the event and site’s needs.
Weekly Opportunities (coming Fall 2022)
This programming focuses on engaging with heritage and culture, connecting
them with the community, and providing skill-building opportunities. These
opportunities will be hands-on activities that also allow volunteers to engage with
the public. More information to be provided.
Camps (coming 2023)
Camp volunteers engage with campers and assist staff with activities, set-up, and
clean-up. They may also be able to lead games during breaks. Volunteers must
have a VSS check and complete an additional camp-specific training.
Special Projects
Additional activities and volunteer opportunities may also be offered both in-person or
independently online.
Virtual Volunteering
Volunteers are able to meet for one-hour meets virtually on Sunday afternoon, or
participate in additional online workshops. Volunteers must have completed the
Virtual Orientation.
Breaks & Lunches
● Breaks will always be scheduled and provided
○ 3 hours = 0 breaks
○ 4 hours = 15 minutes break
○ 5 hours = 30 minute lunch + 15 minute break
○ 8 hours = 30 minute lunch + two 15 minute breaks
● You may bring your own lunch and snacks, use staff kitchen and break rooms
● We ask that you refrain from bringing peanut products on-site
During your shifts, you will have opportunities to assist staff with set-up, clean-up,
leading activities, and engaging with the public. You will never be left alone at a station,
and we will always provide specific training and information at the top of your shift.
Volunteer tasks may include:
● assisting with set-up and clean-up
● helping prepare activity materials
● greeting guests and providing
● leading games and crafts for
● Assisting with garden work
● Demoing handicrafts and activities
● Moving firewood (with gloves)
● Washing dishes (with training)
As a volunteer you will not:
Be left alone without staff
Handle cash
Be given museum security keys
Provide tours
Engage with the media
Take campers into a bathroom
Use cleaning chemicals (with the
exception of bleach)
● Use ladders
● Shovel snow
As a volunteer, you are expected to:
● participate in required training, follow directions, and respond to feedback
● be punctual and ready to start at your scheduled location and time
● work as a team with and be respectful to staff and volunteers
● maintain a positive attitude and friendly demeanor
● keep cell phones silent and out of sight while on shift
You can expect Toronto History Museums to:
● recognize you as a valuable and responsible member of the team
● provide a safe work environment
● communicate regularly with volunteers
● provide training, encouragement, feedback, and ongoing mentorship
● provide opportunities to co-create program activities that benefit the museum and
● provide you with community service hours forms, and/or letter of reference
Policies & Rules
Code of Conduct
The site staff and volunteers, as front line workers, determine how the public perceives
the museum. Therefore they must:
● Treat all visitors and staff with fairness and respect
● Ensure their behaviour reflects the philosophy of the museum
● Follow directions as provided by their supervisor
The City of Toronto will not tolerate, ignore, or condone discrimination or harassment of
any kind. All members of the Toronto Public Service are responsible for respecting the
dignity and rights of their co-workers and the public they serve… You are responsible for
supporting an environment free from harassment and discrimnation. You will need to
understand how your behavior affects those around you and treat all others with respect
and sensitivity to their rights, diversity, and aspirations.
Staff and volunteer behaviours and attitudes towards participants, parents, and
colleagues make lasting impressions on the public. Staff and volunteers are expected to
arrive on time, ready for work, and to dress and behave in a manner that reflects their
responsible positions
If you have any issues or concerns, please speak with your Youth Volunteer Lead or
Site Coordinator.
Privacy and Use of Social Media
Employees and volunteers are required to protect personal information collected by the
City of Toronto. This means that you may not comment on visitors or campers (even if
you don’t use their names), or post photos of visitors on your personal social media
Prohibited Behaviours
Use of personal cell phone or other communication and entertainment device
Use of personal reading materials (books, magazines, newspapers)
Smoking, use of e-cigarettes, consumption of alcohol or drugs
Chewing gum in museum or while on shift
Using abusive language or behaviour, swearing, physical force
○ This includes: yelling, screaming, put-downs, humiliation, ridicule, threats
○ Verbal and/or sexual abuse or harassment
If you are found roughhousing, physically or verbally abusing or hurting a guest,
volunteer or staff, you will be removed from the volunteer program immediately.
Absences/Late Shifts
● Punctuality and responsibility is a priority and important. Notice is required if you
will be absent from any scheduled activity or shift.
● You can remove yourself from any shift on Volunteer Impact up to 48 hours in
advance. This allows us to plan ahead or find another volunteer to replace you.
● Emergencies happen! If you wake up sick or have to cancel, and are unable to
remove yourself from a shift on Volunteer Impact, you need to email and call the
museum as soon as possible.
○ Site email: shm@toronto.ca AND cc thmyouth@toronto.ca
○ Site phone number: 416-338-8807
○ Tell the staff person your name, that you are a volunteer, and that you are
not able to make it in for your shift today
● If you are going to be late, please call the museum to let us know.
● If you don’t show up for a scheduled shift, and we don’t hear from you, staff will
give you a call to check-in.
● More than two unreported and unexplained absences (“no shows”) may result in
removal from the volunteer program cycle.
Treat your volunteer experiences like you would a job; volunteering is a great way to
gain experience, and develop skills. We are here to support you, so please reach out to
us if there is an issue that prevents you for completing your commitment
● Wear closed-toe and closed-heel shoes
● Wear your provided volunteer t-shirt or badge while on shift
● Be ready to start volunteering at your scheduled time- plan to arrive a few
minutes early to put your stuff away
● No cell phones while on duty
● Do not touch artifacts without permission from staff
If you have any difficulties or problems with your assignment or volunteer experience,
please speak to the staff supervisor immediately.
Health & Safety
As a volunteer, you have the right to refuse work that you feel is unsafe. Never hesitate
to ask for help, instructions or clarifications whenever you are unsure or are doing
something you haven't done before.
To stay safe while volunteering:
● If you are feeling sick, please stay home.
● Wash hands before and after handling food, touching your face or sneezing
● Perform all tasks with caution
● Follow safety standards to minimize risk
● Wear closed-toe, closed heel shoes
● If you injure yourself, even if you think it’s minor, let staff know right away
● If you notice something that might be a hazard, report it to a staff immediately
○ Report trip hazards, spills, ice or snow, unwanted pests (wasps, racoons,
skunks), etc.
● As always, if you have any questions or concerts, please talk to a staff person
First Aid Kit Locations
Fire Safety
In case of fire, evacuate the buildings and site immediately, and head to the emergency
meeting location. You are only responsible for yourself.
Food Handling and Safety
When volunteering in the kitchen or around food, staff and volunteers should:
● Wear long hair tied back
● Wash hands properly and regularly
● Follow staff instructions
Sun Safety
Volunteers often perform outside duties during events, working in gardens, or assisting
with camps. Some reminders for staying safe in the sun and heat:
● Stay hydrated! Volunteers are encouraged to bring a reusable water bottle
● Wear sunscreen and a hat
● Find shade, when possible
● Take breaks as needed. If you feel overheated, let a staff person know so that
you can take a break for some water in the shade or a cooler location
Moving firewood
Volunteers may be asked to move firewood from a woodpile to a kitchen or woodbox.
Volunteers should not do this until they have been shown how to do this safely by staff,
● Using gloves and hand washing procedures
● Proper lifting techniques
● How to take wood from the pile
Introduction to Volunteer Impact
Volunteer Impact is where you are able to sign up for shifts, check your schedule, track
your hours, and more!
It is important that your information is up to date and accurate. Under “My Profile” and
“Additional Info”, please check that information is updated regularly.
Opportunities & Scheduling
● Some shifts automatically assign you to the shift while others require a staff
member to approve your shift.
○ You will see one of these options pop-up at the top-right corner of the
page when you sign-up for a shift.
● There are two ways to view upcoming opportunities, by calendar or by list
○ Calendar only shows shifts that are scheduled on a specific date (ie.
weekly meetings)
○ List shows all shifts, including independent opportunities that are not tied
to a specific date
● Click on the opportunity you would like to sign up for.
● ALWAYS read the full shift description before signing up.
● Click the
button at the bottom right corner of the box/screen.
Reports/Service Hours
You can review how many hours to date you have volunteered for on MyImpact either
on the Home page or in the Reports tab. Please note that hours logged may not be
approved immediately, so don’t worry if they show as pending for a few hours.
Community Service Hour forms for your school will be filled and given to you quarterly,
at the end of each season (March, June, September, December). The next date is
always posted on the home page of Volunteer Impact. If you need your hours before
this date, just let us know
eLearning Training Modules
Some opportunities require volunteers to take specific training in order to sign up for
certain activities (ie. camp or virtual opportunities).You can find these modules under My
Profile > Training.
Guest Service
Four Steps for Engaging with Guests
Be proactive to engage with visitors with this four step process: greet, ask, tell, invite
1. Greet the guest with a friendly "Hello!" or “Welcome!”
2. Ask a question to engage with them. This might be "How are you doing today?"
or "Is this your first time here?"
3. Tell them what you're doing! "I'm churning ice cream today" or "I am playing with
historic toys"
4. Invite them to participate, when acceptable. "Would you like to try?"
Five Keys of Guest Service
● Safety (Practice safe behaviors to ensure the safety of myself and others)
● Inclusion (Contribute to community spaces that are inclusive to all)
● Courtesy (Be courteous and respectful to all guests, and project a positive
image and energy)
● Show (Ensure my location is show-ready)
● Efficiency (Use my time and resources wisely)
Tips for volunteering with the public:
Try to maintain a positive body and verbal language!
Avoid closed-off clumping or grouping with other volunteers; be approachable
Be proactive to engage with visitors with this four step process: greet, ask, tell, invite
Remember- not all guests will want to stop or chat, and that's okay.
Be ready with “soundbytes” of information to share with visitors about the activity you are
leading, or events happening on site
○ Staff will provide you with this information at the start of your shift. This will also
become easier with more experience!
Always strive to find solutions. If you don’t know an answer to a question, try to find
someone who does. You will never be alone, so check-in with a nearby staff or mentor
volunteer. You won’t know everything- and that is okay! Just don’t make up an answer.
When greeting, remember that every day is the best day to visit!
○ If it’s cold out “You’ve picked a great day to visit, we’ve got a cozy fire and warm
goodies to warm up with!”
○ If it’s hot out “You’ve picked a great day to visit, we have some cool treats to
enjoy today!”
Important! If a visitor ever makes inappropriate comments, begins harassing you, or
otherwise makes you feel uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation
immediately and let a staff member know. You have permission to just walk away and
find a staff person.
Strategies for Success
Tip #1: Use a calendar, planner, or scheduling system
● There is no one “right” way to do this- you may prefer paper (agenda, planner,
wall calendar) or digital (phone, Google calendar), but regardless of the material,
make sure you make note of scheduled shifts and any important information
● When you have lots of different events or tasks happening, your calendar can get
crowded. Colour-coding different types of tasks (school, volunteer, appointments,
etc.) makes it easier for your brain to sort your schedule.
Tip #2: Set reminders
● If you tend to “set and forget” things in calendars, set yourself a reminder
notification in your phone or email.
● We will usually send out reminder emails for shifts, but it’s always a good idea to
set your own reminders if you find that you need them
Tip #3: Ask for help!
● Don’t be afraid to ask for support if and when you need it
● Volunteers are asked to bring a reusable water bottle with for hydration
● To minimize paper waste, documents, schedules, and handbooks will be
provided digitally when possible. If you require a physical copy, please let a staff
person know.
Can I volunteer with my friend?
Absolutely! Your friend can apply at bttr.im/ljith and you are welcome to sign up for shifts
as long as you are able to stay focused on your work.
I want to volunteer for camp, is there anything else I need to know?
Camp volunteering is on hold for 2022. In the future, Camp Volunteers will receive
additional training and a camp-specific handbook.
Can I volunteer at more than one Toronto History Museum location?
Great question! At this time (Spring/Summer 2022), we are only able to accommodate
volunteers at one museum. We will be providing opportunities to train and volunteer at
secondary sites in the future, so stay tuned!
Please note that Gibson House Museum also operates Zion Schoolhouse, so Gibson
House Volunteers will occasionally have the opportunity to volunteer at Zion
How long is the volunteer placement?
The length of your volunteer placement is flexible and depends on your availability and
opportunities available at each site.
I am graduating this year/moving/no longer have time to volunteer and am ready
to retire from the program. How do I do this?
You can do this on My Impact under “My Profile” > “Organizations” >
“Resign from Toronto History Museums.” You can also just let a staff person know, and
they will make sure you have all of your updated hours on a service form before retiring
your account. If you would like to become a part of our Alumni Network, for youth 18+
who have aged out of our volunteer program, let us know! We will also email all youth
with an invite in August following their graduation.
Additional Resources
Canada's covid-19 website and updates:
Mental Health Resources:
Toronto Crisis Hotlines:
LGBT Youthline: https://www/youthline.ca
Media Literacy: https://www.apathyisboring.com/disinfo
Self-Care: https://kidshelpphone.ca/get-info/how-practice-self-care
Youth Employment Services: https://www.yes.on.ca/resources/
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