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Who and what is truth

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Living life without God is like living life without light. All you know are
shadows of how things really are. Only when God gives us light can we see
Him and ourselves in clearity.
God is the only one who can reveal to us:
- The Way
- The Truth
- The Life
1) Jesus Christ came to reveal God to us. He is God made flesh. Without Him we are
living an empty life, seeking vain things. Even our so-called good deeds are as filthy
rags. We fill our lives with superficial things to silence the void and guilt screaming
within us, yearning for purpose and meaning. There are two ways set before each
human being: the Way that leads unto Everlasting Life found in Jesus Christ alone,
and the way unto death and the lake of fire.
2) What is Truth? Gods Word is Truth. And Jesus is the Word of God. Everything that
God has done and says is truth. How God has organized the world, the mechanisms
of it, the laws and His nature.
Every human being yearns for truth. And it is unnatural for us to lie and to listen to
lies. We are born with the knowledge of God within ourselves, and His commands
are bound to our hearts. Yet, there is a desire within us to rebel against God and to
do our own evil will. So then we start lying and it pricks our hearts. God has given us
a conscience telling us when we do wrong, and that we should stop. But as we
continue to ignore it, and to do evil, we silence that voice, and eventually stop
hearing it. We do continually more evil, and our heart grows darker and darker. We
are filled with hate and pride. We start hating God and loving evil. Not only do we
defend evil, we promote it and start hating those who call us out and remind us of
our evil. We not only want to ignore them, we want to shout them down, silence and
in the worst of cases, end them any way possible. We are clearly seeing that in these
Truth is more important now than ever, as lies are being not only promoted, but
mandated, by almost every media, government and educational facility. Debate is
being shut down, and free speech is soon a forgotten value. To be truly open to
truth, reveal it unto the world and expose the lies is now vital for the surivival of the
west and civilization as we know it.
3) When we admit to ourselves that God is right, we humble ourselves and start
seeking Truth instead of selfish gains and pride. At that point we become children of
God, made a new creation with a new heart and new good desires. As we approach
all things in life in purity, we will gain wisdom power to live a better life for
ourselves and the world.
Living life without God, is like living life without light. All you know are shadows of
how things really are. Only when God gives us light, we can see Him, the world and
even ourselves as we truly are.