Treatment Milder cases: Treated with lifestyle changes (not smoking, losing weight and also medicines for other medical conditions such as allergies. Moderate to severe cases: Therapy and surgery. Some examples of therapy are continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), oral appliances, and airway pressure devices. Some examples of surgery include tissue removal and shrinkage, jay repositioning, and nerve stimulation Illustration of a blocked airway. A chronic disease CAUSES SYMPTOMS Central Sleep Apnea: Brain fails to transmit signals to breathing muscles There are many common Obstructive Sleep Apnea: When muscles in the back of the throat relax Lifestyle factors, medical conditions and biological makeup also affect Sleep Apnea. PREVENTION symptoms of Sleep Apnea, for all three types. Some examples include: Episodes where you stop breathing, daytime sleepiness, lack of attentiveness, and loud snoring. Lifestyle factors play a big role in prevention. Losing excess weight, not smoking, avoiding alcohol and sleeping on your side are examples.