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CRK Revision Questions: Term 2 JS 3

1. The Head Quarters of Gentile Mission in the early church was.....
A. Antioch in Pisidia
B. Antioch in Syria
C. Jerusalem
D. Tarsus
2. Where did Jesus ascend to heaven?
A. Mount Sinai
B. Mount Hermon
C. Mount Olivet
D. Mount Nebo
3. Paul and Barnabas shook the dust of their feet against persecutors at......
A. Lystra
B. Philippi
C. Antioch in Pisidia
D. Derbe
4. The names of God in African Traditional Religion include all these except
A. Chukwu
B. Olodumare
C. Yahweh
D. Ubangiji
5. In whose house did Peter stay in Joppa? (9:43)
A. Ananias
B. Cornelius
C. Paul
D. Simon the tanner
6. What was the name of the city where
Lydia was converted to Christianity?
A. Troas
B. Thyatira
C. Neapolis
D. Philippi
7. .group complained in the early church that their widows were neglected in daily distribution of food
A. Hellenists
B. Gentiles
C. Proselytes
D. Hebrews
8. Golgotha means
A. place of skull
B. place of sports
C. Recreational center
9. What was the name of the Sorcerer
Paul met at Paphos?
A. Lucius
B. Elymas /Bar Jesus
C. Annanias
D. Eutycus
10. Who was the ruler converted into Christianity by Paul and Barnabas at Paphos?..........
A. Bar Jesus
B. Sergius Paulus
C. Simon the sorcerer
D. Augustus Caesar
11. 1.
Who ministered healing to Paul after his encounter at Damascus road?
A. Ananias
B. Cornelius
C. Peter
D. Philip
1 2. What was Phillip’s introductory
comment to the Ethiopian?
A. Do you know who we are?
B. Do you know Jesus?
C. Would you like to be baptized?
D. Do you understand what you are reading?
13. What was the reaction of the disciples when they heard that Saul (Paul) was searching for them?
A. Incredulous
B. Fearful
C. Overjoyed
D. Shocked
14. ...was the man who prophesied famine in the church at Antioch
A. Silas
B. Agrippa
C. Agabus
D. Barnabas
15. What was the vision of Cornelius?
A. A direction to approach the disciples
to learn more of Jesus.
B. A direction to send a message to Peter
to come to his house.
C. A direction to arrest the disciples who
are preaching in Joppa.
D. A direction to leave his position as a Roman Centurion and join the disciples of Jesus.
16. What was Peter’s trance?
A. An angel told him to go to Cornelius.
B. A sheet came down from heaven covered with wild beasts and creeping things.
C. An angel told him to minister to the
D. A sheet came down from heaven covered with images of crucified Gentiles.
17. After Herod had James beheaded, he arrested Peter. The arrest of James and Peter were connected.
How so?
A. Herod had noticed that the Jews were pleased by the beheading of James.
B. Herod’s plan was to kill each of the disciples one be one.
C. Herod believed if he killed Peter and James the Christian movement would be scattered.
D. The number one disciple that Herod wanted dead was John.
18. What was going on outside the prison during Peter’s imprisonment?
A. Unceasing prayer by the church.
B. A conspiracy to break the jail and get Peter out of the prison.
C. Judean police continued to hunt down the disciples.
D. Rebellious crowds gathered outside the prison.
19. During Paul’s second missionary journey Who was Paul’s number one associate?
A. Simeon
B. Silas
C. Barnabas
D. Timothy
20. Paul, Barnabas, and the others preached the Word of God successfully on his mission until he met
A group who chased them out of town to Lystra. What group ran them out of town.
A. The elite women and leading Jews of the city.
B. The Roman officials
C. All the Gentiles of the city.
D. None of the above.
21. The people in Lystra observed Paul and Barnabas healed a man born cripple reacted to the miracles
A. They called Paul and Barnabas, Hermes and Zeus, mythical Greek gods.
B. They believed it was a performance, acts of magic.
C. All fell prostrate on the ground.
D. They all ran in fear.
22. Paul and Barnabas argued and separated over which of the companions?
A. James
B. Mark
C. Silas
D. Timothy
23. Why was Paul upset with John Mark?
A. He had deserted them when they preached at Perga in Pamphylia.
B. He had objected to preaching the message to the Gentiles.
C. No reason, Paul was just exhausted and something Mark said set him off.
D. Paul and Mark disagreed over the interpretation of Moses’ 8th commandment.
24. These are causes of CONFLICT in the society EXCEPT……
A. Embezzlement of public funds
B. Cheating
C. Uprightness
D. Denial of one’s right
25. Who told Paul and Timothy to not preach in Asia?
A. Holy Spirit
B. The elders of the church in
C. A mystic highly regarded by the
citizens of Derbe.
D. His mind
26. Who did Paul circumcise at Lystra and made him his disciple?
A. John Mark
B. Timothy
C. Silas
D. Apollos
27. Where were the missionaries when they were jailed?
A. Thessalonica
B. Lydia
C. Philippi
D. Beria
28. How did they get out of prison?
A. They broke out on their own.
B. An earthquake caused the jail building to crumble.
C. Their Christian supporters formed a mob and released them.
D. They converted the jailor who released them.
29. Before Paul led the jailor to Christ, the jailor was going to do what?
A. Kill Paul and Silas.
B. Run.
C. Kill himself.
D. Die from his injuries in the earthquake. Kill himself
30. Why was the jailor planning to commit suicide?
A. He had been responsible for the prisoners and he had failed.
B. The other guards were going to kill him anyway.
C. Satan had entered his heart.
D. The Holy Spirit had entered his heart.
31 . Tabitha was a generous philanthropist who lived at……….
A. Corinth
B. Joppa
C. Lydda
D. Samaria
32. The apostles chose Stephen and how many others for the task of serving tables as a charitable
A. He was the only one chosen.
B. One other.
C. Five others.
D. Six others
33. Where was the lame beggar when Peter and John healed him?
A. On the road to Jerusalem.
B. At the beautiful gate of the temple.
C. In the upper room.
D. On the main road leading to the temple.
34. What was Peter’s challenge to Ananias?
A. Why would you withhold sustenance to the hungry?
B. Why would you lie to me and the other apostles?
C. You will bring to us the funds that you have withheld.
D. Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy ghost?
35. “What God has cleansed you must not call common”. This means that
A. Peter should not call anything common or unclean
B. There should be discrimination between Jews and gentiles
C. Nothing is common before God.
D. God created all things perfect
36. The home town of Paul was ……….. in Cilicia.
A. Macedonia
B. Paphos
C. Philippi
D. Tarsus
37. Paul and his father belonged to the party of the ………
A. Sadducees
B. Scribes
C. Pharisees
D. Herodians
38 . The believers were first called Christians at
A. Antioch in Syria
B. Cyprus
C. Paphos
D. Derbe
39. The intelligent proconsul of Cyprus was
A. Sergius Paulus
B. Lysanias
C. Felix
D. Festus
40. Who presided over Jerusalem church Council meeting?
A. John
B. Peter
C. James- the Lord’s brother
D. The elders
41. Jesus’ going up to heaven after his resurrection is known as …….
A. assumption
B. aspiration
C. redemption
D. ascension
42. Who among the following were early church martyrs?
A. Philip and Peter
B. Stephen and James
C. Luke and Mark
D. Andrew and John
43. The Athenian town hall where Paul addressed the academicians is called……
A. Acropoli
B. Gymnasium
C. Synagogue
D. Areopagus
44. The assignment given to the disciples by Jesus is known as……………
A. the Great Commission
B. mission accomplished
C. the great supper
D. the Rubicon
45. The common link between Judaism, Christianity and Islam is…………
A. Melchizedech
B. Abraham
C. Methuselah
D. Mohammed
46. The process of changing from one religion to another is called………….
A. convulsion
B. reformation
C. conversion
D. proselytization
47. Religion is concerned with…………
A. Man alone
B. Man and God
C. Man and man
D. God and nation.
48. The purpose of Jesus’ coming into the world is to………
A. change ideas
B. save people from sin
C. Settle disputes
D. Inspect people
49. . The coming of God the son to a human being by name Jesus Christ is called……….
A. Transfiguration
B. Incarnation
C. regeneration
D. reformation
50. Akeldama is a Hebrew word meaning…….
A. place of skull
B. field of blood
C. tombstone
D. field of sapphire
Describe the four points communique of the Jerusalem church council meeting and four
major effects of the meeting.
Identify places visited during Paul’s first missionary Journey
Analyse how Paul handled the case of Bar Jesus/ Elymas at Paphos
Describe Paul’s ministry at Lystra and people’s reactions to the miracle performed there.
5. List the twelve Apostles of Jesus according to Acts chapter one
Describe the gory way King Herod Agrippa died in Acts and lessons you can draw from the
Jerusalem Church Council Resolution and Effects
The Council agreed that Gentiles who turned to Jesus should not:
*Not eating meat sacrificed to idols
*Abstain from blood or murder
* Not eating meat of strangled animal that has blood in it
* Abstain from unchastity or immoral sexual union” (Acts 15:29).
The Council of Jerusalem thus demonstrated the willingness of apostolic leaders to make compromises
on certain secondary issues in order to maintain peace
Effects of the council meeting
The council discussed the issue objectively in friendly manner
*The council arrived at acceptable compromise agreed by all
*The meeting helped to preserve the unity of the church at the verge of distingration
* It reveals that controversies are part of human life either schools, home or church
*Controversy could be resolved in peaceful atmosphere through dialogue not destruction
2. Antioch in Syria 2. Seleucia 3. Cyprus 3. Salamis 3. Paphos 4. Perga in Pamphilia 5. Antioch of Pisidia
6. Iconium 7. Lystra. 8. Derbe 9. Anttalia 10. Antioch (returns to beginning of journey)
3. how Paul handled the case of Bar Jesus/ Elymas at Paphos
They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer
and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The
proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God.
But Elymas the sorcerer opposed to turn the proconsul from the faith.
Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at him and said, “You son of
the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you
never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are
going to be blind for a time, not even able to see the light of the sun.”
Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by
the hand. When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching
about the Lord.
4. The Miracle at Lystra/Mistaken for God at Lystra
At Lystra a certain lame man was sitting, a cripple from his mother's womb, and had never walked.
This man heard Paul speaking and Paul, observed him intently and saw that he had faith to be healed.
He said with a loud voice, "Stand up straight on your feet!" and he leaped and walked.
When the people saw this , they raised their voices in Lycaonian language, "The gods have come down
to us in the likeness of men!" And Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the
chief speaker.
The priest of Zeus, whose temple was at the gate of the city, brought oxen and garlands intending to
sacrifice with the multitudes
But when Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude, crying
out saying, "Men, why are you doing these things? We are men of the same nature like you, and
preach to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living God, who made the heaven,
the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them,
In the time past, He allowed all nations to walk in their own ways. but He did not leave Himself without
witness, by doing good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and
With these sayings they could scarcely restrain the multitudes from sacrificing to them.
Disciples in Acts
Those present were Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew;
James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James., Matthias who replaced Judas