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Urban Planning: Land Use, Physical, & Tourism Planning Overview

Land-use - an activity performed on a parcel of land, expressed by
category, through color or black/white hatch pattern.
Land-use planning is basically concerned with location and amount of
various land use areas such as residential, commercial, religious, cultural
and other activities engaged in by the residents of a city in conduct of
their life.
It takes into consideration the economic, social and environmental
conditions while selecting and adopting best option for future land use and
structure to built upon land.
Land-use planning aims to make the best use of land resources by:
• Assessing present and future needs and matching it with supply;
• Identifying and resolving conflicts between competing uses, between
the needs of individuals and those of the community, and between the
needs of the present generation and those of future generations;
• Seeking sustainable options that best meet identified needs and bring
about desired changes;
Location Requirements - Identify three major functional areas in the
urban complex.
1) the work areas,
2) the living areas and
3) the leisure-time areas; and
4) distributing them in space as per their locational attributes.
Planning General Principles Space Requirements – is a basis for
assessing land requirement to accommodate growth in urban areas in
the next 20 years.
Space Requirements – is a basis for assessing land requirement to
accommodate growth in urban areas in the next 20 years. It consists of
three major steps:
• Study of existing land use pattern.
• Derivation of space standards e.g. density standards population in
residential areas and works in industrial and business areas.
• Space requirement for facilities such as school, hospital , parks and play
grounds and others .
Physical planning is a key component of urban development initiatives and
sets the boundaries that any detailed project must adhere to – such as the
legal and technical guidelines that should be followed.
Urban transformation and renewal must be developed as a proactive element
of physical planning as it provides a practical and sustainable means of
preparing for future urbanization.
Objectives of Physical Planning:
• Technical support to local authorities.
• To enhance economic development.
• To plan cities and towns.
• Technical and administrative support to the
Town and Country Planning Board
• To facilitate the provision of infrastructure,
utilities and services
• Review of the legal framework for physical
planning in the country.
• To create order where there is chaos.
• Inspection and monitoring all land based
developments in the country to ensure that they
conform to approve planning schemes, laws and
• Creation of beauty.
• To reduce psychological stress.
• To create a conducive environment for all.
• Conservation of aesthetics.
• Functions of Physical Planning:
• To initiate, formulate and review the National
Land Use Policy.
• National and regional planning.
• Standard setting.
• To monitor the manner of utilization and
development of land by various ministries and
organizations to ensure compliance with national
policies, standards and plans.
• To liaise with local and international
organizations including NGOs that have relevance
to physical planning.
Importance & Benefits of Physical Planning:
• Helpful in the fight against urban and rural poverty.
• Helps to address environmental problems.
• Helps to maximize the use of land and other resources.
• Facilitates orderly development.
• Introduces beauty in our settlements.
• Separates incompatible land uses.
• Eases service provision.
• Plans can be used as a fundraising tool.
• Helps to improve property values.
• Deals with natural selfishness among developers and thus reduces nuisances.
• Helps conserve/preserve important features/areas.
• Sensitization of the public in support of development efforts.
• Protects water catchment areas and protects underground water reserves.
Transport Planning
Is the process of analysis of travel demand in a city or region having regards to socioeconomic, land use, and other factors and formulations of policies, programs, plans, and
project for its efficient management.
The basic components of a human settlement that make it functional and improve its
quality of life and include network of water supply , sewerage, drainage, electricity,
communication, transportation, facilities and services.
• Facility – in urban planning a premises where health-care, educational, socio-cultural and
recreational activities take place.
• Services – include transportation by rail, road, air, waterways, telecommunication, police
protection, fire fighting , postal and etc.
• Utilities – basic services like water supply, sewerage, drainage and electric supply
Environmental planning is the process of facilitating decision making to carry out land
development with the consideration given to the natural environment, social, political,
economic and governance factors and provides a holistic framework to achieve
sustainable outcomes.
A major goal of environmental planning is to create sustainable communities, which
aim to conserve and protect undeveloped land.
• PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT – A city’s environment includes its
location, climate, and its proximity to source of food and water.
• SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT – The environment includes the groups to
which a city’s residents belong. The neighborhoods in which they live
the organization of its workplaces. One of the biggest issues in most
cities is the in equitable distribution of resources.
• ECONIMIC ENVIRONMENT – Primary employers, such as
manufacturing as well as research and development companies, retail,
business, universities, federal labs, local government, cultural
institutions, and departments of tourism all play strong roles in a city’s
Tourism Planning:
1.Objective – what is to be expected, to be achieved in planning for tourism development.
2. Policy – the approach applied to guide and determine decision-making; expressed in
term of a set of statements and relates directly to the development objectives.
3. Plan – refers to an orderly arrangement of parts of an overall system that reflects the
policy; consists of maps, other graphic representations, and explanatory text including
statements on recommendations.
4. Strategy – refers to the means of accomplishing the policy and plan recommendations or
the development of action.
5.Conservation –refers to the planned management of specific sites and places, natural and
cultural resources in general, and not necessarily categorical preservation, which used to
mean no change of the site, place, or resource, and sometimes includes restoration to its
original condition.
Goals of Tourism Planning :
• Enhanced visitor satisfaction – planning should provide a check on interrelationships
of development; the worth of the planned development is judged by the user/visitor.
• Better business and improved economy – strengthens many areas of the economy.
• Sustainable resource use – the trend encourages greater energy conservation and
recycling of waste.
• Community integration - An important goal of tourism planning is to integrate all
tourism development into the social and economic life of a community.
Significance of Tourism Planning :
• To determine the optimum level of tourism
that can result in the achievement of
environmental conservation objectives.
• Tourism is a multi-sectoral, complicated and
fragmented activity such that planning and project
development coordination are necessary.
• To ensure that the natural and cultural
resources are indefinitely maintained in the
process of development.
• Planning provides the rational basis
development staging and project programming.
• There must be careful matching of tourist
markets and products through the planning
process without compromising socio-cultural
and environmental objectives.
• The direct and indirect economic benefits can
best be optimized through the careful and
integrated planning.
• Tourism can generate various socio-cultural
benefits as well as problems.
• To upgrade and revitalize existing outmoded or
badly developed tourism areas and plan for new
tourism areas in the future; and
• To satisfy the manpower skills and capability
requirements of tourism development.
Principles of Preservation Planning
•Important historic properties cannot be replaced if they are destroyed. Preservation
planning provides for conservative use of these properties, preserving them in place and
avoiding harm when possible and altering or destroying properties only when necessary.
• If planning for the preservation of historic properties is to have positive effects, it must
begin before the identification of all significant properties has been completed. To make
responsible decisions about historic properties, existing information must be used to the
maximum extent and new information must be acquired as needed.
• Preservation planning includes public participation. The planning process should
provide a forum for open discussion of preservation issues. Public involvement is most
meaningful when it is used to assist in defining values of properties and preservation
planning issues, rather than when it is limited to review of decisions already made. Early
and continuing public participation is essential to the broad acceptance of preservation
planning decisions.
Preservation goals and priorities are adapted to land units through integration with other planning
concerns. This integration must involve the resolution of conflicts that arise when competing
resources occupy the same land base.
Successful resolution of these conflicts can often be achieved through judicious combination of
inventory, evaluation and treatment activities. Since historic properties are irreplaceable, these
activities should be heavily weighted to discourage the destruction of significant properties and to be
compatible with the primary land use.
It also aims to preserve the historical scenes and story in a certain place.
It is defined as a continuous process which involves decisions or choices about alternate
ways of using available resources with the aim of achieving particular goals. • Planning
helps to identify those deficiencies in the economy and the social structure which demand
largest attention from the standpoint of economic growth.
• Budget is an operational plan, for a definite period usually a year, expressed in financial
terms & based on expected income & expenditure.
• Budget is a concrete precise picture of the total operation of an enterprise in monetary
• Budget supplies the mechanism for translating fiscal objective into projected monthly
spending pattern.
• Budget enhances fiscal planning & decision making.
• Budget clearly recognizes controllable & uncontrollable cost areas.
• It offers a useful format for communicating fiscal objectives.
• It allows feedback for utilization of capital money.
• It helps to identify problem areas & facilitates effective solution.
• It provides means for measuring & recording financial success with the objective of the
• Budget should provide sound financial management by focusing on requirement of the
• Budget should focus on objectives and policies of the organizations.
• Budget should ensure the most effective use of scarce financial and non financial resources.
• Budget requires that a program activities planned in advance.
• Budgeting should include coordinating efforts of various departments establishing a frame
of reference for managerial decisions and providing a criterion for evaluating managerial
• Setting budget target requires an adequate checks and balance against the adoption of too
high or too low estimate.
• Budget is prepared under the direction and supervision of the administrator of financial
• Budget can be classified into the following main three sections:-
1. Manpower budget:- It includes wages & other benefits provided for regular & temporary
2. Capital expenditure budget:- It includes purchases of land, buildings, & major equipment
of considerable expense & life long.
3. Operational budget:- It includes the cost of supplies, major equipment, repairs & overhead