Uploaded by Thet Htar Wei

Behavior Contract for Student Improvement

Behavior Contract
Student Name: Thet Htar Wei
Background Information/Teacher Observations of Student Behavior
Ivan kept shifting the seat and couldn’t finish his assignment because he was busy with
clowning with his friends. It was disturbing to the teacher and the other students. Teacher
approached Ivan with light-heartedly and agreed to meet with him during lunch to help
Ivan finish his assignment.
Desired Behaviors
As part of this contract, Ivan will:
Concentrate on lesson and complete the assignment on time
o For complying with this behavior, Ivan will be rewarded with plus five bonus scores.
o For failing to comply with this behavior, Ivan will be disciplined by completing the work
during the recess without plus five bonus scores.
 Attend the class regularly and preview the lesson before class
o For complying with this behavior, Ivan will be rewarded with homework pass.
o For failing to comply with this behavior, Ivan will be disciplined by calling to his parents.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Teacher Signature
Question Related to the Role-play:
1. You had the option to respond with a threat, a light-hearted reply, or a direct statement of the
appropriateness of Ivan’s behavior when he sat in your chair. All three led to you having a one-onone meeting with him to create this behavior contract. Which of the those three options would have
been the best way to handle the situation? Why? If you would have handled it differently, please
describe how and why.
A lighted-hearted reply was the best way to handle the situation for me. In my eyes,
Ivan was clowning with his friends because they found it boring. Learners at Ivan age
typically find it hard to love learning by sitting especially if they are hyperactive ones.
My objective of the assignment is to check their lesson assessment so I will change
the way I access in flexible assessment style which is the right one for them. I believe
light-hearted reply will allow me to connect with my students and enhance the
honesty and self-confidence of being as they are.