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Document (1)piñero outline 121 ling

Group 13 Outline Report
Marc Ivan C. Piñero
Ling 121 : language Culture and Society
Instructor: Ma’am, Nepthalie Guazo
Title : Historical Development of English from Anglo -Saxon
to Global English.
Anglo -Saxon – Term used historically to describe any
member of Germanic people who from the 15 th century CE to
the time of the Norman conquest 1066 inhabitated and ruled
territories that are today part of England and Wales
According to St.berde the venerable the Anglo-Saxon were the
descendants of three different Germany peoples the AngloSaxon and jutes by bids accounts those people originally
migrated from southern Germany see the island of Britain
and 5th century at the invitation of voltage jam a ruler of
The peoples of each of the various angles saxon kingdoms
spoke distraction dialects which evolved our time and
together became known as old Within that variety of dialects
and exceptionally vernacular literature
The term angle Saxon seems to have been used by
continental writers in the late 18th century to distinguish the
saxon of Britain from those of the European
What is angle Saxon?
Saxon member of Germanic people who in ancient times
live in the area of modern( schlschleswig) and along the Baltic
Described the Germanic invaders of Britain as Angel saxon
and jutes.
For her country Scotland United Kingdom also called
Berwick historic country southeastern Scotland on the
North sea.
Members of the two were dominant cultural and linguistic
groups of modern Belgium
Hengist also called hengest , brother’s and legendary leaders
of the first anglo Saxon .
Member of Germanic speaking people who invaded the
western Roman Empire in the 5th century
A Germany tribe that lived on the South then Baltic coast in
the 1st century AD having migrated there from southern
Sweden some years earlier
Member of Germanic people who with the angles and saxon
Germanic people member of Germanic people who
Maintained of North Africa from 429 to 534.
Members of Germanic people which together with the
jutes, Saxons and probably the Frisians.
Anglo Saxon are quite important in term of English history
because they provided to the land their literature that
consists of christian as well began values,law important in
terms of English has to be became because because they
provide that to the land their literature that consists of
Christians as well begun values, law language and Belgium
Beowulf ,and anglo Saxon ,epic poem
The aim of this conclusion is briefly the history of anglo Saxonism ,that is the study of anglo -saxon and their
literature,and to highlight a few of the ways that each age
after the Norman Conquest has appropriated .Old English
literature for it’s own ideological ends.