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Writing Worksheet: Text Patterns & Composition

Name: _________________________________________
Strand & Sec: ______________
Worksheet No.1
Direction: Write a paragraph using the different patterns of written text. Among the three (3) topics with
certain patterns given below, choose only one (1) that interests you and makes you comfortable. After
you have chosen, write your output on the given space below.
Topic 1: Travel Blog
You are a travel blogger. You want to share the best travel that you had. Using the patterns Narration,
Description and Definition, write a 10-sentence paragraph narrating your travel experience, describing the
beauty of the place and a defining a certain tradition or practice that you observed on that place.
Topic 2: Film Critic
Choose two (2) movies that you had already watched before or during the Community Quarantine. Using
the patterns Comparison and Contrast, Persuasion and Exemplification, write a 10-sentence review stating
the similarities and differences of the two (2) movies. Then, explain which movie is better and prove with
concrete examples.
Topic 3: Environment Advocacy
Global Warming is still one of the world’s problems. Experts are still working on how to solve this. If you
were given a chance to speak in front of 200 young learners, how are you going to discuss Global Warming
to them in a brief speech? Using the patterns Classification, Cause and Effect, and Problem-Solution, write
a 10- sentence paragraph classifying some of the existing problems, discussing the reasons why these
problems exist, explaining the effect of it and stating solutions to these.
Worksheet No.2
The selection that you are about to read is very relatable to you since in the Philippines, we experienced
different kinds of quarantine like Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), General Community
Quarantine (GCQ), Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ), and the like. You need also to
follow the guide questions in evaluating if a text is well-written after the selection.
The Face of Quarantine
By: E.R.D. Vins
March 13, 2020 marked the last day that students and teachers alike reported to school for the
school year 2019-2020. They were struck dumb with the declaration that they were not allowed anymore
to go back to school. This was because Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte announced that the whole country
would be put in a lockdown due to the threat of CoViD-19 (Corona Virus Disease). Since a great number
of people died from other countries because of this virus, lockdown was implemented as a preventive
measure. Thus, everyone was advised to stay at home as this was the best way to beat the spread of the
virus. Quarantine protocols became the best remedy of this health crisis.
Due to this global health crisis, everything became different and economy was on its lowest.
Travels, businesses, leisure, and schooling were suddenly stopped because of this global problem.
However, there were sectors and establishments which were considered essentials such as food
industries, pharmacy, hospitals, banks, and grocery stores.
At the grocery stores or banks, one could see that the guard is holding a thermal scanner. Next to
him was another personnel holding an alcohol or sanitizer. Outside the building, others put a disinfectant
spray for the whole body before entering the establishments. In front also of the building, a signage of
“NO HOME QUARANTINE PASS, NO ENTRY” was being posted and below that note is another sign “NO
FACE MASK, NO ENTRY.” Before people could enter an establishment, they had to make a queue one
meter away from each other to observe physical or social distancing. Inside the establishments, one could
see transparent plastic sheets. Above their tables were bottles of alcohol or sanitizer for disinfection.
Senior citizens and people below 20 years old were advised to stay at home as they were not allowed to
go outside since they might be easily infected with the virus. Inside the malls and drugstores, the shelves
for disinfectants such as alcohol, sanitizers, and vitamin C were empty. People were in panic buying storing
for their foods. This is the visage of lockdown, the face of quarantine that this generation cannot forget.
It is as if imprinted to the hearts and deep thoughts of every person around the world.
Quarantine protocols have been the practice, the new normal, or the lifestyle of this generation
because the enemy is unseen. Even if people are like birds in their cages staying at home, they must obey
these protocols. Who would have thought that this would happen to the whole humanity? But if this is
the best way to stop the spread of CoViD-19, then one has to follow these measures.
Guide Questions:
a. What is the dominant paragraph organization that is being used in the text? Is it sequential order,
spatial order, complexity order, or listing order?
b. Is the text coherent? (Is there a topic sentence? Are the major ideas placed in a separate
c. Are the sentences cohesive? What transitional devices are being used?
d. What can you say about the language use? What is the style of writing: formal or informal, written
or spoken? Are there some denotative or connotative language, figures of speech, or idiomatic
e. Does it follow the rules of mechanics in writing (spelling, punctuation marks, abbreviation,
indention, and capitalization)?
Read the text below entitled “When Staying Home Means Saving Lives” and follow the guide questions
after the selection.
“When Staying Home Means Saving Lives”
By: E.R.D. Vins
“Stay Home! Save Lives!”
This is the thunderous sound of 2020; the plea of the frontliners to escape the threat of the unseen
enemy, the CoViD-19 (Corona Virus Disease). President Duterte, the government officials, the personnel
from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Department of Health (DOH), the policemen are
shouting to stay home so that the rising number of positive cases of CoViD-19 will not increase which can
lead to death.
Staying home is being advised in the meantime that vaccine for the virus is still on the process of
producing. However, it resulted both positively and negatively in all aspects of the people’s lives. Since
they stay in their homes, they have enough time to sleep and rest, and develop new skills or use the
talents and skills that were not practiced anymore. They have also quality time with the members of the
family to chit-chat as a result of home quarantine. Hence, parents are able to monitor their children,
teaching them household chores and other skills. Furthermore, less carbon dioxide is being emitted
thereby making the air and the sea clean. It seems that the seas and the sky have relaxed from pollution.
Consequently, people have the time to take care of their plants at home, and plant vegetables in their
backyard. Thus, they have also the time to meditate, reflect, and pray to God that He will protect them
from this pandemic.
On the other hand, it also yielded disadvantages physically, mentally, socially, economically, and
spiritually. Due to not allowing people to go out of their houses except for very important reasons, they
became sedentary and less active physically. That is why, others really see to it that they can have physical
exercise even if at home. In as much as they wanted to go out, they could not go the places where they
want to go like churches, malls, beaches, and other places. Drastically, it also affected the livelihood of
many of the people as they were not allowed to work and that they just relied on the government subsidy.
Thus, it can be realized that there is a great anxiety the CoViD-19 pandemic brought that even if they
wanted to look for a living, they were not allowed because their safety should be prioritized. It became
the waterloo of people around the globe.
Even if there are pros and cons of staying at home caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, indeed the
situation is telling that everything has changed, and that humanity is experiencing uncertainties and
vulnerabilities. Therefore, by staying home one could not be infected by the virus, and it is a great help
for the frontliners who battle to save the lives of those infected by the virus.
Guide Questions:
a. What is the dominant paragraph organization that is being used in the text? Is it sequential order,
spatial order, complexity order, or listing order?
b. Is the text coherent? (Is there a topic sentence? Are the major ideas placed in a separate
c. Are the sentences cohesive? What transitional devices are being used?
d. What can you say about the language use? What is the style of writing: formal or informal, written
or spoken? Are there some denotative or connotative language, figures of speech, or idiomatic
e. Does it follow the rules of mechanics in writing (spelling, punctuation marks, abbreviation,
indention, and capitalization)?
Worksheet No.3
Direction: Look for clippings about COVID-19 and make a collage. Then, write one statement about the
collage, it may be a claim of fact, value or policy.