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Coronavirus Impact Essay: Global Changes & Adjustments

Jean E. Flores
How coronavirus is changing the world
It was December of the year 2019 when the world was alarmed with shocking
news that had brought intense struggles and hurdles because it is the novel coronavirus
or Covid-19 that originated from Wuhan, China. The outbreak starts at a public market
wherein the transmission of the deadly virus came from animals to humans. Majority of
the countries imposed a global lockdown in order to take precautionary measures and
secure its people from the rapid spread of the virus that up until now there is still no
cure. The pandemic excuses no one from its massive suffering and disturbances it
affects the people. Companies and enterprises had to file for bankruptcy because they
can no longer sustain their companies expenses and capital are tight given that strict
health protocols are being imposed by the authorities and everyone undergoes a
quarantine, thus cannot go outside unless it is necessary and urgent.
According to Sylvie Brand from the World Health Organization, the pandemic
itself is being considered political. Big and powerful countries are putting a large
investment to different companies that develop and test vaccines in order to purchase
and allot more priorities for their countrymen. The vaccine roll out started early from the
month of April 2021 and frontliners and medical health workers are the first one to be
prioritized to get vaccinated and also people with comorbidity. Governments all over the
world highly encourage everyone to get vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity.
Being the new normal of what we have today is quite difficult and different from what we
had experienced before the pandemic, but we have to adjust and adapt to the kind of
new normal setup to deal with. Even face to face classes are halted and online class
learning and modular distance learning are being established in order for the learners to
still acquire the quality education we deserved despite the threat of the deadly virus.
Numerous schools and teachers are also doing a good job in terms of providing the best
effort for the education for all amidst the pandemic and the widespread of virus.
Hospitals and health quarantine facilities across the world are seeking immediate
attention because of full capacity in terms of accepting patients and bed spaces are not
enough to accommodate patients that some are just being admitted at the entrance of
the hospital and being treated there. Reliefs and donations are also prevalent in different
places to help fellow citizens especially those in marginalized communities who are
being affected greatly by the pandemic due to lockdown, loss of livelihood and suffrage
due to hunger. Various organizations, be it profit or non -profit organizations come up
with a call for donations drive in order to help frontline workers and making of their PPEs
that are essential and vital for their daily routine of treating patients.The impact of novel
coronavirus left the world unsteady and uncertain. There are new changes and
adjustments needed in order for the world to recuperate and everyone to feel safe and
secure once again and together, we will fight and survive this virus.