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L&D Summative Assessments: CIPD Level 3 HR Diploma

Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning &
Development Activities
ICS Learn | Student Community
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Home Course for CIPD Level 3 Foundation Diploma in
Human Resource Practice (R65-HRPOLD03)
Thursday, 16 March 2023, 6:04 AM
Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning &
Development Activities
16/03/2023, 09:04 am
Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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Please read this page - it explains all the summative assessments that need to be completed for this unit.
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Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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Table of contents
1. Learning Outcomes
2. Delivering an L&D Activity
2.1. Delivering an L&D Activity Assessment Brief
2.2. Recording a video of your L&D Activity
2.3. Part 1 - First video clip
2.4. Part 2 - Second Video clip
2.5. How to submit your Delivering an L&D Activity Assessment
3. Delivering L&D Activity Reflective Statement
3.1. How to upload your Delivering L&D Activity Reflective Statement
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Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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1. Learning Outcomes
The assessments in this unit have been designed to assess the following learning outcomes:
1. Be able to prepare for delivery of an L&D activity.
2. Be able to create a positive learning environment.
3. Be able to use a range of training techniques, methods and resources to deliver an inclusive L&D activity, for a group of learners, which
meets identified objectives.
All assessments are detailed in this book, read all the way to the end to see what you must do to complete all assessments for this unit.
Print this book
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2. Delivering an L&D Activity
Delivering an L&D Activity
In order to pass this module, you need to deliver a 30 min (at least but not more than 30 minutes) L&D activity on a subject matter that you
might expect to come across within a place of work.
Common topics often covered are induction, first aid, effective communication and interview skills, but don't be too ambitious as you'd be
surprised at how quickly 30 minutes can pass.
For example, if doing communication, we'd suggest just covering one aspect e.g. listening skills.
Remember, the timing is important, in a business situation you would be expected to keep to time.
You should review the Observation Checklist (available on the Student Community) to check what your tutor will be looking for when they mark
this activity.
Please note:- to allow us to confirm your identity you will need to upload a copy of photographic ID (e.g. driving licence/student
card/passport) along with your video of the Mock Interview. You will see a location in the worksheet to allow you to upload it.
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Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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2.1. Delivering an L&D Activity Assessment Brief
Deliver an L&D activity/learning session, of at least 30 minutes, for a group of learners.
In delivering the session you should demonstrate your skills in relation to all the points below:
• preparing a safe, healthy physical learning environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate for the learning activity,
▪ Assessment Criteria 2.2
• using communication and training techniques to put learners at ease and help them overcome any individual barriers to learning,
▪ Assessment Criteria 2.3
• using appropriate training techniques and methods to open an L&D activity,
▪ Assessment Criteria 3.1
• using a range of training techniques and methods to engage learners and address learning objectives,
▪ Assessment Criteria 3.2
• using training and learning resources to engage learners and address learning objectives,
▪ Assessment Criteria 3.3
• monitoring individual learning and learner engagement in the activity, making adjustments where necessary to ensure that the activity is
inclusive and addresses learning objectives,
▪ Assessment Criteria 3.4
• using appropriate training techniques and methods to close an L&D activity,
▪ Assessment Criteria 3.5
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Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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2.2. Recording a video of your L&D Activity
Preparatory Requirements
You should confirm that you can have access to a suitable location to run your L&D activity.
You should ensure that you have a suitable device to record the L&D activity that will allow your tutor to fully observe your training techniques
and your methods to engage learners etc.
You should practice with your recording equipment so that you are aware of the best position and settings for your video recording device. The
Video Setting Tips document in the Student Community may help you.
Ideally you should have at least 2 but ideally 4-6 delegates for the L&D activity or are at least enough so that if you desire you can arrange
group work. Any group work not easily visible in the main L&D activity area must also be recorded but can be supplied in a separate clip from
the main activity and any handouts used can be uploaded at the same time as the video.
As a responsible professional it is your responsibility to ensure that all participants in the L&D activity are happy for the session to be recorded.
The video recording will not be shared with any external parties to ICS Learn other than for assessment purposes. You should not share it with
any external parties yourself.
Please be aware that the video may take up a large amount of memory. You should follow the Video Setting Tips document in the Student
Community to make the best use of your device during filming.
You are recommended to use the Pebble Pocket app to record and upload your video as this will condense your video as it uploads it to
PebblePad. You should use WiFi, where possible, to upload your video to avoid data charges. Follow the instructions in How to use
Pebblepocket to upload your video to Pebblepad as an asset.
You need to remember your Pebblepad login and password to allow you to upload your video to Pebblepad.
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Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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2.3. Part 1 - First video clip
You should record a video clip of approx. 5 mins video where you describe how you are
• preparing a safe, healthy physical learning environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate for the learning activity
Save this video on your computer.
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Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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2.4. Part 2 - Second Video clip
You should record a video clip of at least, but not more than, 30 minutes where you show
• using communication and training techniques to put learners at ease and help them overcome any individual barriers to learning
• using appropriate training techniques and methods to open an L&D activity
• using a range of training techniques and methods to engage learners and address learning objectives
• using training and learning resources to engage learners and address learning objectives
• monitoring individual learning and learner engagement in the activity, making adjustments where necessary to ensure that the activity is
inclusive and addresses learning objectives
• using appropriate training techniques and methods to close an L&D activity
Save this video and any handouts on your computer.
Please ensure that you upload any handouts/resources with your video so that these can be reviewed by your tutor
After your tutor reviews your work they will upload their completed Observation Checklist to Pebblepad for you to view.
If you have difficulty arranging to record this L&D activity session then please contact Student Services.
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Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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2.5. How to submit your Delivering an L&D Activity Assessment
Go to the Assessment Centre in your Home Course and find the section for the Skills Demonstration Units - Summative Assessments
Click on the Log in to Pebbelpad link -
If you don't see the Login to Pebblepad link this will be because you haven't done the following:
1. Chosen your optional units and
2. Answered the feedback questions - I am now ready to use Pebblepad to upload my first Skills Demonstration Assessment
From the Pebblepad Home Page click on 'Resources'.
You should then click on the worksheet 'Delivering an L&D Activity' and upload your video to this worksheet.
Instructions on how to submit assessments in Pebblepad are available in PDF's in the Student Community, see How to upload an assessment in
After you have received feedback for this assessment you should move on to do the Delivering L&D Activity Reflective Statement.
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Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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3. Delivering L&D Activity Re�ective Statement
Write a reflective statement (of approximately 1,000 words) relating to the delivering L&D activity in which you explain:
• how you ensured your own capability and readiness to deliver the activity
▪ Assessment Criteria 1.1
• how you ensured the availability of space, equipment and resources for the activity
▪ Assessment Criteria 1.2
• the physical and psychological features of a ‘positive learning environment’ and the steps you took to create this
▪ Assessment Criteria 2.1
• your reflections on the effectiveness of your skills in delivering an L&D activity
▪ Learning outcome 3
Write this statement in a word document. Save the word document to your computer.
16/03/2023, 09:04 am
Summative Assessments for Delivering Learning & Development Activities https://community.icslearn.co.uk/mod/book/tool/print/index.php?id=90600
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3.1. How to upload your Delivering L&D Activity Re�ective Statement
Go to the Assessment Centre in your Home Course and find the section for the Skills Demonstration Units - Summative Assessments.
Click on the Log in to Pebbelpadlink -
From the Pebblepad Home Page click on 'Resources'.
You should then click on the worksheet 'Delivering L&D Activity Reflective Statement' and upload your word document to this worksheet.
Instructions on how to submit assessments in Pebblepad are available in PDF's in the Student Community, see How to upload an assessment in
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