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Date ______________
How the Eye Works Webquest
A. Begin to learn the parts of the eye with the Movie: Eyes. Match the eye part with its job
description as you watch the movie. https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/eyes-movie.html?ref=search
1. _____cornea
A. muscles that change the shape of the lens
2. _____iris
B. carries messages to the brain
3. _____pupil
C. colorful part of the eye
4. _____lens
D. black and white detecting nerve cells
5. _____ciliary muscles
E. opening in the iris that allows light into the eye
6. _____retina
F. translates the nerve messages into pictures
7. _____rods
G. dome of clear tissue that focuses light
8. _____cones
H. color detecting nerve cells
9. _____optic nerve
10. _____brain
J. focuses the light onto the back of the eye
back wall of the eye
B. Read the Your Eyes article to learn more about how the eye works.
1. What is the purpose of blinking? _______________________________________________________
2. What is the purpose of eyelashes? _____________________________________________________
3. What is the name of the tough white material covering most of the eye? _______________
4. Which is the colorful part of the eye, the cornea or iris? _______________
5. Why does the iris have muscles attached to it?
6. In bright light the pupil, or _______________in the eye, becomes smaller or larger? ______________
Fill in the blanks with the following words: nerve, focuses, retina, brain, cells, millions
7. The back of the eye, called the ________________, holds ________________ of light sensitive
________________. The lens ________________ light rays on the retina. The cells along the retina
changes light into ________________ signals that are sent to the ________________ so you can
understand what you are seeing.
8. Why does the lens change shape? ______________________________________________________
9. What do we call the material inside the eyeball? _____________________________
©Elevation Science
Read “Rods and Cones Process Light. In front of each statement, write “rod” or “cone”:
10. _________ 120 million found on the retina
11. _________ Sense color
12. _________ Sense shape and form
13. _________ Need more light to work well
14. _________ See in black, white, and shades of gray
C. Scroll down to the Diagram of the Eye to complete the diagram by doing the following:
1. Draw in the lens and optic nerve.
2. Label the pupil, iris, cornea, lens, retina, and optic nerve.
3. Color the iris the same color of your iris.
4. Label the pupil, iris, and sclera of the front view of the eye
shown below. Color the iris the same as the color of your own
D. Let’s Go to Experiments to Try: Are Two Eyes Better than One?
What is depth perception? _______________________________________________________________
Follow the steps under “What to Do” and then answer the following:
On your first try with one eye closed, were you able to touch the erasers together? __________
Go to Experiments to Try: The Red, White, and Blue
Follow the directions – try not to blink! - and then answer, what do you see in the white space?
How do your eyes feel after doing this experiment? ___________________________________________
E. Let’s learn more about Eye Health.
What are two things that tears do for your eyes? _____________________________________________
Which eye part produces tears – tear ducts or tear glands? _____________
©Elevation Science
Go to Pinkeye and then answer:
1. What is the scientific name of the common disease called pinkeye? ____________________________
2. List three symptoms of pinkeye: 1. ___________________, 2. ___________________,
3. __________________________________________
3. Infectious conjunctivitis is caused by what two things? ______________________________________
4. What’s the best way to avoid getting pinkeye? _____________________________________________
5. If your pinkeye is caused by allergies can you pass it on to other people? _______
6. Go to Caring for Your Eyes and answer, how can you protect your eyes from UV light?
F. What are some common vision problems for which people wear glasses or contacts?
Read about Myopia and Hyperopia. On the lines provided below each eye drawing, write either “normal”,
“hyperopia” or “myopia”. Also, write whether the light is focused “on the retina”, “behind the retina” or
“in front of the retina”.
©Elevation Science
Fill in the blanks with the following words: far, behind, farsighted, nearsighted, front
If you have myopia you are ________________ because you have problems with focusing on things
_____________ away. Light focuses in ________________ of the retina instead of on it. However, if you
have hyperopia, you are ________________ because your lens focuses ________________ the retina
instead of on it.
G. Practice what you learned with the Eyes Quiz. Write the correct letter for each question in the
space provided. https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/eyequiz.html?ref=search
In the next section you will learn about how some other animals’ vision compares to human
H. Go to Animal Eyes and scroll down until you find the heading “Bumblebees”.
1. What kind of light can bumblebees see that we cannot? ________________________
2. While bees are flying about, what objects are they looking for that have colorful patterns within this
range of light? ________________________
Scroll down until you find the heading “Dogs”.
3. Based on the reading, are dogs totally colorblind? ____________
4. Which type of cone do dogs NOT have? ____________
©Elevation Science
Answer Key
1. G
2. C
3. E
4. J
5. A
6. I
7. D
8. H
9. B
10. F
1. To keep the eye clean and moist
2. To keep dirt and unwanted stuff out of the eye
3. Sclera
4. Iris
5. To control how much light passes through the pupil
6. In bright light the pupil, or opening in the eye, becomes smaller or larger? Smaller
7. The back of the eye, called the retina, holds millions of light sensitive cells. The lens focuses light rays
on the retina. The cells along the retina changes light into nerve signals that are sent to the brain so
you can understand what you are seeing.
8. that you can focus on things that are close up and far away
9. Vitreous humor
10. Rod 120 million found on the retina
11. Cone Sense color
12. Rod Sense shape and form
13. Cone Need more light to work well
14. Rod See in black, white and shades of gray
1. Draw in the lens and optic nerve
2. Label the pupil, iris, cornea, lens, retina and optic nerve
3. Color the iris the same color of your iris.
Label the pupil, iris and sclera of the front view of the eye.
Color the iris the same as the color of your own eyes.
©Elevation Science
Ability to judge the distance of objects
On your first try with one eye closed, were you able to touch the erasers together? Most students should
say no
When done correctly (and with a little luck) the student will see the US flag in red, white and blue
Students may say that their eyes feel dry from not blinking and/or tired
Keep them moist and wash away dust
1. Conjunctivitis
2. Redness; itching, clear or white, yellow, or greenish gooey liquid
3. Bacteria and viruses
4. Washing hands
5. No
6. Wear sunglasses
1. myopia; light focuses in front of the retina
2. Hyperopia; light focuses behind the retina
3. normal; light focuses on the retina
If you have myopia you are nearsighted because you have problems with focusing on things far away.
Light focuses in front of the retina instead of on it. However, if you have hyperopia, you are farsighted
because your lens focuses behind the retina instead of on it.
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C
1. ultraviolet
2. flowers
3. no
4. red
©Elevation Science